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APPLICATION SERIES INFORMATION ON CENTRIFUGAL PumPs by John H. Horwath Mgr: of Engineering Ampco Pumps Company Fall 2002 Proper selection of a centrifugal pump handling sea water begins with initially limiting material selections to reasonably priced metal alloys that can be manufactured to the requirements of a good pump design. A centrif- gal pump properly designed will impose substantial yet tolerable demands on it’ material of construction. How- ever, a less efficient compromised design dictated by ‘manufacturing limitations of another, sometimes more expensive, alloy having “superior” physical character- istics might not stand up nearly as well due to the highly destructive energy losses (wasted HP) that are being in- curred. Below, Figure 1 of a closed impeller in bronze construction compared to an open impeller in Alloy 20 provides an actual ease of this comparison. gue 1 — Compare dhe opm imple ae 3 mots, and he sed eign ar 3 fa dea opamp the same hry esta ped caps and bend Op et aly ‘torn onan es, od est se mh capac I halo Be ped To increase the life expectancy of a pump, a good design must not only include streamlined flow patterns, but also sound mechanical features such as closed i pellers, wear rings, splash plates, large radii (eliminates sharp crevices), and thru tapping, along with of course a suitable material of construction for the specific apy cation, The basic topic in this article will be practical pump ‘materials of construction for sea and brackish waters. It is vital that one also be aware of the inter-relationship within the pumps mechanical and hydraulic designs in selecting a proper material. ‘copper with its ability to withstand the corro- sive effects of salt and brackish water is well known, specific identification, physical properties and applica- areas are not nearly as readily available as that of the ferrous materials. In many quarters, confusion appears to hhave arisen from the rather loose terminology which is used in referring to copper alloys. ‘There is an accepted alloy designation for wrought and cast copper and copper alloy products administered by the Copper Development Association Inc. Within the ‘wo categories, the compositions are grouped into the fol- lowing families of copper and copper alloys. (In thisarticle, ‘we will primarily cover castings as provided in centrifugal pumps). 1. Copper ~ Metal which has a designated ‘minimum copper content of 99.3% or higher. (Used primarily for electrical and electronic services). 2, Hic Correr Attoys (cast) ~ Metal with a ‘minimum copper content of 94% to which silver may be added for special properties. (Used in corrosion services where high strength is not required), 3. Brasses (cast) —These copper alloys contain Zine with or without other designated ele- ‘ments such as iron, aluminum, nickel and @ silicon. Also invchaded eategary isa family of alloys know as “Manganese Bronze” because zine is the ing element, (Limited use on w applications due to esinetifieation ~a type of corrosion which selectively removes vine, leaving a wiih limited physical properties for today’s ‘fluid machinery, A, Browze ~ est alloys have four main families: AL Try Browres B, Learn Tis Brows Nike, Tis Browzes Do Anoomnvor Bronze, weak, porous copper shell Within the Ahamvinan Heonze Frily is included a Nickel Aluminum-Bronze know as CDA (Copper De- velopment Association) Copper Alloy C9S800. ‘The Ampco designation for this aloy is Ampoo 483. Other specifications meet this eriteria ineliale: ASTM Be LHS. B-2 71, COSROH Federil QO-C SMS Alloy 2B, B-2448), B-21230 A toy 1. Alley 958: and SAH M2618 C9SKON, The adidas of suainunn wo copper wud ies al ip relatively recent aeconpl culy 190% Ahura originally seas adled t0 rive strength fo the copper. while maintaining the co rosion resistance af the base metal Th witio found that sluminim bronzes were mere resistant 10 direet chemical sitack because of alumimim aside plus Copper oside tired on the metal surface thereby aiv= ig the alloy superior cerrusion resistiveness As the speeds and size of marine mtating cqqrip= ment suek as ship propellers and punip hopetiess increased during the 1950'S a moto durable copper mae the it was terial was required The limited phiysieal propeities of ae tin bronzes {Gun Metal) coupled with their eastability problem relative w sound pressure right boundary parts wer c Ab the reqtiest of tis US. Navy @ new copper alloy sas developed for enilical sea water service with the ahifity to withstand higher stresses {white miintaining its resistance to the currosion = ery sion effects of rapially moving sea wate’, This alloy is {he nickel aluminum = bronze known a3 CDA 9S8iK0 (Ampco 483). Other desi phi wicket - sitominum and “propeller bronze", Vhis a fey combines ations aie ‘igh strenyth, corrosion resistance and fGigue strengths with good eastability and cepairability Features, The ions of blade to be uscd igh strength enables thin se so improving the propeller and impeller efficiencies. The compesition of Ampeo 483 is 79.0% min, Ca, (05% Pb, 3.5 4.5% Fe, 4.0- 50% Ni8.S- 9.5% ALS - .5% Ma, .10% $i, 10% Sn. The niierosieuctare as cast nerally consists of eontingens equiaxed alpha erystals wath simall areas of metasteble Bcta pliase. Kappa plaase precipitates are found in the Alpha phase, im grain bound= «vies and in the Beta areas. «quench and temper thermal treatment results in refinenicrt antl redistribution of the Kanpa phase throughout a msitis of wempered Bota sar fensite and Alpha Kappa eatectoid. Ampeo 483 castings ate all given this thermal hextment to enbawce corrosion ate Uae poten ofthis non-magnetic mnatetial Deaulleying of aluminuns bronzes eommonty known as de-aluminifieation yearsago caused sere concern bis uo longer isa significant pmlers. beewuse of today’s hear Ireatment standard. De-aluminifieation ean be likened lo the familiar dezineificacion of Cu-Zn (Brass) alloys The attack leaves a porous copper structure in phir af the phase attacked. White tie nickel addition helps, itis the fast rote of cooling given the bvonize amet frvam a specific 1) that insures: the ices straeture for this ao. The (15, Navy has been using the néekel - ahuminum, = brunze alloy MIL-B-24640 (CDA 958) for more than 40 years and excep for a brie period oF tinse, shore has resistance and ofin of any de-alloying ast nicko}atlueninann lemperanare (1259) always been a maudalory temper anneal given the ven 16 all Ampen Pumps bronze commercial pressure boundary pats, stich cast ‘This sume treat nent is as the easing. aind caver. Tot ns now Jook int soine depth at some comparable pertinent points against other materials heiny utilized iw pumping, sea water including: AL Paysivst Provenrs BL Corrostoy RESIStANCE Lvrons Connasion Pur 65 Conneston Caavice Corrnsion 2. DinALRoNING Saneys Crachane :ROSION 2 3. A. Gausme Cowan rty 5, 6. BL Poumine AL Pinsical, Prorexiirs Contrary io common belief, Ni-AI-Br com favorably aginst orher ial per Table | shown en page 4; pasticuburly in terms of sett and hasdness noteworthy: eormosion resistant n TABLE | Physical Properties 16 staintess sreeL_| aLLov 29 | 7090 COPPER NICKEL. GUN METAL, Tonsie psi 0 e a 8 Yield (08) 22 22 a ea ah (2000 Ko) 10-170 30 a 0 cant. of Fanewaion poxink Anya ensty 20 ar Theta) Cove. 998 05 Sp. Gr Modulos of Bas. Flong, 2 Sp Heat Asa point of interest for design engincers, note thal the effect of erass-scetional Uniskness. on mechanical properties is minimal on the alunimim bronzer while ether copper alleys such as the tia bronzes im thicknesses frum 3K 10 2 inches cam expect over a 50% hess yield tensile strengths over this range. as the thickness increases. B. Tyre or Conkosto Meinls can be attacked in a cxrrosive manner i several ways ranging fFom a uniform dissolution to highly localized pitting or cracking. The Hocus here will he un the resistance of alumtusns browses ane competing nauetial sea water applications to the different forms af attgek 1. Uniform Corrosion General overall suxfaee penetation by chemical r swall thickness, Ihe amount of metal remaved By 8 cient to case significant damage during operation 19 components in any of the non f or austenitic stainless steels 1 normal eonimercial use, Rete to table 2 below. TABLE? rsistanen of Cast Compe Alloys t Impingement Alteck ard Gevetil Contagion Sea Warar Son eauses a uniform recuction af the pump cast neral_ corrosion in sea witer or fiesh water is insullT= loys ros metals 3 Depth of General Corson Impingernent Attsck Weight Lass glen om perasy Alloy Conposition Ye (Bal Cus 28-dhy a-day torn | Water Saeed Jet impingement] Blowngdot & | Slow Mien | 10 pre a wyotin | 20 Adrningm Bronze se tir} f - | pas oie bas oir Neral Akwninum Banze 22 [29 | aa | 2a] — ou oe now 549 etal Annmom Bronce — [ea oa fas | aa] 2 9.00 028 oon 015. Manganese Aumnomsrocze! 76 | 28 | a1 | sow | — oor 026 oot an igh Tonle bans oa | aa | o2 | os | a7 a a sr | zn | Pe Gunmen ar [a | os Gurr si | so | a3 “The data in Table 2 are taken from a paver “The Resistance of Copper Aioys to Ditrent Types ot Coraxion in Ses Water” ‘by Sigmund Bog of hy Shup Rasoaton Mistuo of Noma, prosuntod athe Th Scandinavian Corroskor Congress, rendheim, 1975, Bio aware that seu water's corrosiveness varies about the earth being particular higher in warmer climates and specific lncal areas stich as the Dead Seu, FIGURE 2 nomorsed in Taken font “Guster fn Selon zal attack whieh often develops during stagnation periods {alown time). ‘This fype of eorrosion can be devastating ot the immersion line whore deep cavities can rapidly develop in an ieregular pattern, 90/49 Copper-Nicket Deepest Pt~ 8 mil A Pit Deth — 4 mts pany Tipe 384 Stainless Steet Deepest Pit 250 mils arforated) PITTING yuiet seawater — fess duan 2 fs Face Mater NCO, 128 Pitting conosion is importa hecause it can pump custing oF other vessel ing rela: tively short period, ALI common metals wilt in pertorating a wall of a and alloys are subject to pitting corre. ler oF less extent under sion to a ur certain conditions. Austenite siainles steels including CN7M (alloy 20) are subject to crevice attack as well as pite ling, Pitting in copper normally be significant in sea water service. alleys will not Crevice Corrosion Intense localized vorrosion which occurs within ereviees and other shislded areas is eateporized as erevice cormesion. It is associated with oxygen shivlding or star- vation in porkers, under Under bolt heads, ete. Stagnant salt ware ler promotes such aiticks. This is ene are whele 3) good pump eesigt eliminate 2 good portion of the problem, ean 4, Practically all metals and alloys develop seeelerated loca corrosion either within for just ouside crevices or “shiekied ar cas in close vontaet with one another hut where a thin film of quel ean penetrate between and cause a reaction, where two segments of the patt are Crevice corrosinn wf stainless steels us ally takes the form of pitting a described previously. Creviee eoriosion of aluminum bronzes tends to be limited only: Nane of the ali minum bronzes js seriously affected by crevice corrosinn in the way that stsine less steels may he since the attuck does not produce pitting or serious roughing of the surface. Galvanic Corrosion xtreme care muist be wsed in making ump component selection ora sea ws ter application to prevent or reduce galvanic corrosion Galvanic eorcesion osewrs when feo dif ferent niet ate exposed to a conductive solution (sich as sea water), The is an increased corcusinn tate af wie incial and decreased corrosion rate of the second metal. Ty avoid shis action. select combinations 0° metals in clase prowioe fry inthe galvanic series. Ihe application engineer can (uth galvanic effects 10 od vantage by making cerlain that snvaller components ike sleeves, wear rings anid shaft are more noble and protected by the larger, heavier walled casing, Yours ago, we Were surprised when stainless steel sculs substituted for special Ampco tnonze scals in ant Ampeo Woy puinyp ww thstood the rigors of petwoleuun field sali waters. Later studies by others verified the success as being a kind of valvanie (cathodic) protection, The stainless type 316 sioel must be of area less than that of the wumingmn bronze components, ‘Corrosion poicrtials in lowing, sea wae ter are shown in igure 3 on the futlowing page CORROSION — POTENTIALS IN FLOWING SEA WATER (8 TO 13 FT/SEC.) TEMP RANGE 50° ~ 80°F VOLTS: SATURATED CALOMEL HALF-CELL REFERENCE ELECTRODE sssrtssssssssg2re22zeen SS a <7 — rp 1 ] i} dispresu] 1 24 L | | a | =) minum Beate | —| wn tel ne, od Bie | ) er ! tire | arb sngoisr coco | arly as. nan Brass rvtoinea ame] || U]sestoeeee | [i inbroes 80) | PL | BM Stotess Stet — Bows 10,416 | [ip nickel Sixer pote te IF copa | 4 - ‘aes Stet — Type sn t cigs | a 7 c0crpetea Wty tee || | FS} starsrze arts | [| tei i | | Liter | | q| | ones in ps. os, 98,38 | 3 cer anes at 00.04 | | | Taya} sunt ca eau | | \ 1 ted Bes Teri | a Nie yc ST asi | Alloys aig isiod in ho otc ofthe potental they exhib loving se viner Certs slays indica hy the Symco! HI bs velocty et pooty actor wre. ait at sheldod eras, may Beeane ete ais exit a potent near 05 voks FIGURE3 (Token tom “Guidelines er Selection of Marine Maral", INC. 12-63) Dealloying A form of corrosion that alfets some capper allay results in the specie re inovall oF the major alloyinge element fecvim lure of low sirengtl. cowmnen example of deallosing occurs fragife porous copper struc- The most in some brasses where the attack takes the forms oF dezineifieation with Fe- moval of the zine leaving te formation of a seuk copper structure. 8 similar type of eorvesion known a8 en occurs whea the alu- minum clement is removed i some of the aluininom bronzes usualy boeause ‘of no oF improper hical treaimant of the alfected casting. In scvere services nickel (4%) - alumiauns bronze east- ings properly cat tweated sould be more than adiegnnte dcaluminities 6. Stress Corrosion Stress corrosion is a highly localized atioek occurring under the simulta neous chon of tensile s0ss and an anprupriate environment. The total de spree of corrosion is ight but tacking occurs in w direction perpencicular that of the applied stress em cause sapiet failure, The environmen scandue cary For different types of alloy, Stoiiless sivels suller stess corrosion eraeking tive to stress cortusion ersehi in hot chloride solutions. Several eop- por alloys are subject «9 crack ag when stressed in certain corsosive masta, The vary however in theie degree of ceptibility the bra susceptible and copper-nickst alleys the loast. Aluminam broncesulse have a low susceptibility, espeeally the aigkel-aluminunt bronzes Co Caurstine Erosion In the late 19th century. the development of signi cant rotating speeds as a means of transmitting enerey resnlted in a new phenonionon ~ Cavtrariin. In a cen {rifugal pump. the suction entry area of the impeller innmediately beyond the vane tips is most susceptible to thistype atiaek Physical damaye will vary depending on the ma- being attacked and the stage of esvitation exposure, As eavitation exposure continues, actual metal removal hegins to uccur, Pieting. is caused soely fy the mechanics! action of collapsing bubbles. Effect varies with impelicr mera andl degree of cavitation. The in- stunt stress developed ut the precise point of collapse has ‘been theoretically determined to be as high as 100,000psi, Selected observations of certain types of cavitation has shows forming and cotfapsing rates of nearly 2,000,000 per second in one-inch diameter area, FIGURE 4 Here is what cavitation did to... Cast fron Bronze {on from food Coie Damaeetheingans Mater i Desi Pag" 9-55 ‘Material selection as 4 means of minimizing cavita- fon damage has becn done int) empirical nianer based ance in the on experience, fab testing and acival perlo Held, Results have shown buth nickelalwninus bronze and 316 stainless sleel to have good resiskanee to eavi= ie 4, Both are far superior aly sueh as gray iron, ca {ating erosion as shown in foother common pump mask | brass and 70-30 copper nickel bon ste ‘TABLE3 A eae cca el ‘AVITATION EROSION (Typical Hydraulic Equipment Materials) Weight Loss After Alloy 2H, Mg Rolled Stale 08 B. Wated hamioum Bronze aa © Cast Aluminum Bronae 5a Walded Stainiess Steel {2 layers, 17 Gr-7%% Ny 60 Hot rolad Sisiness Steel {25 Cr-19% N) a0 Tempered, Rolled Stainess Steel (12%G 8.0 Gast Siiless Stoe! (18 Cr-8"% Ni) 130 Gast Stainless Steel (12% G1) 200 Gast Manganese Bronze 800 Welded ld Sieel ar9 Plate Stet 980 Gast Stee 105.0 ‘Alun 1240 Brass 1500 Cast ton 2280 4 Despie Ihe high mesiqnce of thie materia 6 envtation dasage, net sul able for cinary use because of ts comparajzeyy Nigh cast adv the eiliculy ercourtered in macteoing and ephing Annan Tin 200, 09 Cun 120 At 9.8 Fe fannpes 0 9G 1G “124 APF (Taken fam “Avoud Caviation Darnage’, ty Wiliam J. bing, Mgr Fydone (Dept, Als-chalmarstaterials x Design Enginanting 9-59 arco, Materials having high resistance cam be atlibuted to you are referred to Pure 5. This data published by Tough homogeneous structure, high corrosion fatigue Westinghonse Llvcuie compares narmahized erosien limi. high tensile strength and good hardness, vesistanee ol several muterials to austenitic nless ‘The soundness of the casting has a very significant steels. Note than nickel alwminun bronze in (his test is Dearing on resisiance to cavitation erosion and impmigs fated as being siperiorte the harder staal alloys tes ment attack, Maxima resistance cannot be expected €¥phciving why’ this miteria is se nflen used in pump trom a casting produced by bad foundry pructive. Cavis impellers, tation pitting is aiso accentuated in cracks, scratches and py. s .aratyd ssien tele fais te 8.8 ninco 1199 0P). Mew 1e¢ Haws. essa Hie News can substantially reduce oreven climinutethe cavitation factor tlie sur Proner pum selection based on hy Ibi pwenns in Baral cr srs ers be D. Wean-Enosion Erosion is defined as diminishing or destroying by serve. In the design and applica.ion of Centrifugal plimps converting nrechanieal encrey into hysraplie en- ergy through centrifugal aetion the throughout the pump where ezostve actions may wcctr While no common denominator has yet evolved as ai egatel measurement of erosion resistanee based on in dividual properties such as hardness, grain size, muttris characteristics, work hardening, etc there are other f toss that muy outdo then afl and that is the pamp’s de: (efficieney) and the actual point of eperition, To provide a general indicator of erosion & re several areas Sokon fru evi Ry Lea" F.1Feynp. Lone fut Divisio esha Elvin Machine si 12 40-9 ated Even developers of special austenitic stainless steels have written in their literature (hat Nickel Alu june Bronze has given excellent servies in pronp ng - “The Stainless Steel alboys have somesslial beticr resistince to the mast severe velocity impellers conditions. but in many designs niekel alumissm bronze can approach the dusability of stainless steel aed is resistant to pling daving dawn periods, B. Iytei-Ren ation oF Coneoston ap Focus oF MEtats 1s Sea Water Touling of motals can affect performance and Tif expeetaney. Sea organisins attached to metal particu larly in Slow moving or “down” conditions can iastivally alfeet.a pump sysems effickaney and pro- ote severe erevice corrosion, FIGURE 6 60 Months Fouling on 99-19 Cu-NT1CA-TD6) ba 0 wa Hoke ou he ryt Cann Fl Sonar INC Heute in Metai alloys can be divided into three categories relative to their folerance for crevice efleets be it caused by design features wf the pump or fouling (maine or bed to amectal § e). te Metals ~ 5 sihicl will begin to cnrvode inmuediatel a8 carton sie swilitout having any suifice proter iva, 2. Passive Metals - piaterials swel a stainless steels, titaniemy, une ome alveninus sind members oF nickel hase ways Oved™ renee of ory acceicrate lneallizedl corrosion atucks on alloys that are highly susceptible to oxy= sen concentration calls m aevichorent can Protective Filn Formers - materials such as copper, copper alloys and other metals. ‘The copper-base alloys renwin For ling r= sistant heeause of the Ieaviness of tho build up fiver whieh is quite removable off Iho ini- tial fim. Film forming metals such as Doric and fead are nov auti-fouling when jnumersed in sea water. Years igo the leaebing theory for amti- fouling resistanee of copper-based alloys in sei water supposelly regeised s minimen 0.7 mpy Joss rate te. prevent fouling. Move recently collected dak: following a $ year ex- posure of copper and two copper-baseel alloys provided rates om 0.3 10 0 apy as being adequate, Toshy’s consensus holds that the toxic propenies are not duc to. r= lease of poisonous iens into the seawitter but to the toxic surface kiyer on the metal SUMMARY Great strides have been mode ia the twentioth cone tury relative to effective materials of construction for handling salt water. In pumps. metal toehnolosy hus wone from brass fitted cast iron urits in the [ist half of this century to extremely costly tania (oday. In this over- all view you cun be assured backed by empirical data and 40 yours of sea seater applieations that the moderaiely prived Nickel Aluminum Bronze alloy (Ampeo 483} purnp units properly employed should be suiccesstial in. this state-of-the art field, Note that proper pump design and application t= ser with the excellent properties a Anypeo AR’ ate y Ho provide the ideal pump der handling se: wae ter, The costs oF a puinp unit in Ampeo 483 constuction will ran less in initial cost and require less maintenance than an austenitic stainless staet pomp properiy desigaed requiring, Hesh water Mishing and complete draining: daring extended down tines eo reduce ienmiersion fine pil- tiny. That today there is a bronze aitoy that provides not only the excellent eorrosian resistivencss propertics of oper but by alloying with esher elements prinatily ahi mimom, nickel and iron results in a rater! that resists the irimerse sitoss caused fy eavitatiou, wear due € the high velocities developed by the rotating impeller and a sound pressure boundary having a high yield stress lina. For additional information, cll or write 10: Ampco Pumps COMPANY 14228 Wes Pichell St, Mates, WI S824 14843.1852 Fors) UB 10445) ‘wor ampsopumas vom

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