Technology Apocalypse - Reading - 02-28

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Technology Apocalypse

By Lucy Clarke
Born 1999, F, from Manchester, United Kingdom

When I woke up things were different. The people I once knew had aged;
fine lines had emerged onto their faces. They were almost unrecognizable. I
awoke to find my wife prodding and poking on a rectangular device as if her
life depended on it, as if the existence of the world depended on that one
object. I heard the sound of loud beats and annoyances coming from the
stereo. However, this was a far cry from the music I remembered. Fun,
upbeat and inspirational songs had now become loud, meaningless rackets.
The world I once knew had been taken over.
So, by now I'm guessing you are wondering who I am. The name's Layton,
Layton Jameson. I also bet you are wondering what happened, what
happened to me. Let's just say I fell asleep for a long time. However when I
say a long time I don't just mean days or months. I mean years, as in ten
years. Can you imagine that? Falling into a deep sleep one day and waking
up ten years later to see the world you once knew gone. I suppose sleeping
beauty would know the feeling but that's beside the point.
I remember the day I came home. I walked through the front door expecting
to see my small children and instead I was greeted by two teenagers. They
also had one of these rectangular devices each and they seemed glued to
them, like it was a magnetic force or something. The sound the device
(which I came to know as 'iPhones') made was awful. It sounded like a
doorbell or bird that constantly went on. It didn't even stop; I mean it went
'ding' for hours. These two toddlers I once knew had become motionless
teens. The world I once knew had disappeared and in its place was a
technology apocalypse.

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