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Financial Ratio Analysis

Liquidity Ratio (Monetary Assets/Monthly Expenses)

Asset-to-Debt Ratio (Total Assets/Total Debt)
Debt-to-Income Ratio ((Annual debt repayments/gross income)x100)
Debt Payments to Disposable Income Ratio
Investment Assets-to-Total Assets Ratio (Investment Assets/Total Assets)

Ratio Analysis
1. My liquidity ratio is below average, I only have enough for just below 2 months
when 3-6 is preferred .
2. My asset-to-debt ratio is pretty good being 2 to 1.
3. My debt-to-income ratio is zero because I am not obligated to pay my student
loans back until I graduate
4. My debt payments to disposable income ratio, again, is zero because of the
reason stated above
5. My investment assets-to-total assets ratio is no where near where it should be, I
should be at around 10% or higher for my age.


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