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MARC Minutes 3/2

1)Poster making great job!

2)Dead week planning
a) Sign up for a certain day to help out:
i) Aram is the new RCSA president!
ii) March 8, 12pm -1pm Elm tie dye first 75 get a free shirt
iii) This Saturday at 7pm in McCarty Last casino night before
McCarty comes down!were meeting at 7 in the great room
to walk over together Theme is The Roaring 20sdress
like they did in The Great Gatsby or just dress fancy!
i) March 6th at 7 pm Steven Court SEED event camp in
event smores, hot dogs learn about sustainability
ii) Trash bag challenge if you submit picture #trashatuw
#uwrecycling #sustainableuw
iii) Mercer is losing in recycling and compost pollssort your
i) ASUW President presented about the Time schedule
looking for suggestions to make it more efficient any ideas
you can talk to Ariel, Ian, or email ASUW directly
4)College Dogs are coming Thursday 3/5 at 4:30 in the Great
5)Collect your MARC t-shirts next week, pay at the Lander front
desk before then!
6)End of the quarter celebration next Monday Italian sodas free
blue books
7)MARC bonfire April 10th inviting all of Mercer!
8)Friday April 3rd low key event to kick off the quarter and
promote the bonfire!

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