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Contents 224 nyo est ee — hh Une Set a ee 111909 0m orc 654321 Inoduion 1. Synergy of Then, Sy and Dish: Ken Mizoguchi {brary of Congr Cataogg-in-Pybion Dats ‘Seton fhe Gin (1938). Mel eto 2 Drea, Song. and Symbol: Akia Kuos's Drank Angel (1958) 3. A Mei Noel for he Screen hi Toyod's Reng» ined cate / Reh Mon a Theis (950 SEL TE 2 Gra pm) 4. Pero iPr cece: Hh gs Som misseeueate nee Loven ve eee Fain ea (95 xia ian ae Purses 6, Bros Pali, and Falk Rein: Kanct Shing 1. The Age-OU Pato of Imnacence and Experience Kiet O's May Rte (19851) 8. Sie op he Family and Education in Pose Jp Yoshie Mort's The Fay Game (1985) 9, Defet Ret: Musi Shinod's Mach Des by neni ef a ise din Sa (Chen (1983) Pedy Fhe Maga ck uate Cro 10, Satire an Contempory Japan: 025 Kans A Ting Moa 1987) 11, Animation Sena an Infenia Hayao Miyazas My Netto Tie (198) 12, Caural Response Siplisy: Akin Kuos's Madaays (93) a %8 136 ro Introduction: tong in rn he eS ‘Seep pig hoe rh onatp Riche fred this engaging aberration in ism work of 197%, pune Come Fl Sole and Nadal Chater Scola nd ce {cs inthe Wor have been teasing out nplications ever sine, not east by laboring to explain how ational chnacer can be een "as the atic [nr ough whic de mana es of unveil signcance ae dt be rprennted cone ‘Natoma churcter cold be a mtr point of ary or any approach 22 Ippanse ute. Jpn hay ing the Wes and reward earn ira every level tre, fm the le 0 them commit Japanese ‘ea unigly well qclled to bridge he oentmes passing de eween Fast and Wes, The vl lla ithe, however ange aad 3 ties ung may cw oie ee ‘Since thi a ook for every hind of viewer, need 0 appre the ove and goby remind od ands of cating et of pase i Cina: tht sme knowlege of hitoy ential to anderen is Chancery, achievmet and place ia the ele of Jan? Reads oner fthe bsesay chonme ob the feng accesarly Bei [Aref History of Japanese Cinema [New Art, Ol Format: 1897-1920 Theft scent Jaane Gln viewed withthe cna showed mou Toyo sights such th seni bridge Nihon ine 1897. The ee a Reading a Japanese Film Sever comme in 198s fever ff cent shots of the gia dnc Cnr ae remained arco ge for est te year Thesrel ni oan wee oon ah ew a coud tote fining convention ec Ths utcn af al ‘one e amaton pce) snc man ven he ontinatyBewee ol a om and ew i aoe mop pn faints aii dependence These tances of pate nen ime magi {eal inpenonton) ot commen), a eas eet eo flowing sit contig! Female tnpentason ominel exer tabulation fom the ey Fl period when in 129, the Tos shoguate banned ween om evry Hind fetal peoroaee, The beni corer cota a g-ld con of eoryeing man in any fon of geornance rt Sunray pope the ae choral commentary an spec marine form chs Ada sore and > The cntr-sont lng hot wat 3 marl onicome of cinemas is wie fies exer ye set of ong cope perme Mot ‘Gnas shnwe wh ter atence a cnt nese one Tong tke owing aco length, Ths ed spac ocr wor seed 3 doing charset apne cigs een ser de long ‘Hoc bong tke wee joe! by ter toe pecan deve Themed Donal Rice eo dive reef ccs ose her achive by aging cane pi eng ewe ong te "ling mpl in he er ln ln comes in Mora Maras Sos ow the Roa Raj no sokon, 191). Two pesos jel ade ‘evy down «cout roa The dowdy sy and he ol pes Torte seme of being ple snd hopel in an kind er. ‘Gnesi epedency abo ed oc dvson of eperie cen nthe gt (dt) of aed te snp (Me Schon acon Spied inde eins or wie ngr ofp comm nd sepa ti stato, ar tock Served om aves of snrquted love in demeric etinge Ces trie dso along sna nes, Pins desing with mates pov 1 168 were le (pod da) toe raed wee eda om tempor der en). very sen ofan pune mat {a he wad date of he Mt retorton, whi rough apn tn modern wes Cine Soin n-mateea was decided exon. Nias Introuction company’s takeover of four competitor ia 1912 created 2 monopoly ‘Show eetive dive went i v0 Seton at once. The company's ld no in Kyo continued to concenzte om “old rama” spec. vStking cine try wah bine cllbortons such a that between TEreeor Shord Makino (1878-1928) aad superstar Masunosake Onoe {1992-1923 A now Tokyo ido dedcted to modern aration on sing (tata made tat rage speciy a ark eader Seale emtimen- ta vores ach Tas Opus The Co (Howoogin, 191) ave Figo ery fr the money. Separated by war om owing hasan, eine of The Cac nin fom a populit novel seer melodeamatic fovea at he hand of her moter ‘Cnc’ pid evluson embraced changes demanded by dhe hinge (ew Theatr} movement A movement foram diner in 1916 ced forthe techni innonatins aes were replace the eh commen tatons Ween misc would epic he radon Japan: acting woud te more ret, and femal ngeronstoswoald give way to thet mats ‘a competion. Among the fist go lm accordingly was Nope Kan= ‘en 1899-160, who in 191) peraded Naka te him det The “Gy fie (Se me haga). Ut thn ews known fn conn ‘eur and author of th sein hook The Cation of Play of the Mer fing Pee Drama (Rat sang’ no sek veo) “rain rand we not o be broken gute 50 easy hanks fo \wellnenched pec ttt groups chs the ri commentato and Spt female ngersonaton. Sel, che prsure for more reat fects tu there so wle Nikka temporada bold new compestor moved {picky i de vig ireton ‘O14 Conventions Swept Away: The 19205 “The Shoch Company nas founded 1920 y pate sya with recive holdings in theater ata acing ope The ame Yar, the Sh ‘hu Kine School of Ar wos eae mh Kaors Ons (1881-1923), ‘leader in the singe movement, a shea? Fen dectors under hs Superson were your about teeny year ol, such a5 Minoru Murata {i897-1957), Some of them were trongy anced to those eing Techniqs sucha cow-cuting aod paalel montage that DW. Ge ployed in nlene (191), Ths ge fr change om inde wa ao {Sted by dove who were tned overs. Among returing dct and fameramen were Hen Koti (1987-1972) and Thomas Kesha (885 1826) Ko vomleed by many the ake of cameramen in Japan, He eee eee Reading a Japanese Film worked on Shichite’s pioneering pure dram” ln, and Homan Shima ho ona, 1820). The heroine it 4 hens daughter whove lovee is poe by another woman, She wa lived by an acre a nesime-eser Innovation tence by Koti we f Areriamale backs and los-ops slg with sb. "Rita Nikka did espond kin ith Sn sch Tie Wes Tama to Tma 122, cited by iad Tanaka (986-1948), A staid Jnr that yore to amas Walkowof nai Nikka tempered pin bet ceplced them al with actrees the lenge, Cle tadion wt ut and innovation wasn at etn cinema, Even the powefl eh were ‘om shaky grow in 1923 and completely out ofthe ne by 1928 The jai period fly was abo reborn ithe 19h, Sar disco Makino let Nikka in 1923 co fun hit own satin Kyoto. His new style of seathbuckng eto broke wi abuki conventions, moving ee sod relaocaly apparently unde the fence of American ls with He orgs om paced, acon-pcked apes. Fil inthis se eee the mame daw, a efeence co the enteranment vale of bean etiod sword. The ete yes eg ap 1 the coming fond in 1930 generaly known the gukden age of let ja, hich pute more gee sled grudge Someshat sn he shade, Makino made emote lan ach 1 Chi Kaas Russ Ch. 1925), derived om the it age play ‘fee same ite nd The Sond f Doom Daibosasa Tope, 1927), edo = popular novel by Kai Nakazato (885-1994) His ane wat tae by fas son Mashio Makino (198-1983), br known fr Stat of Maes ‘Sima (Ring, 198). Nikka’ Dake W5 (998-198) ditinghed il wih Chis Tal Diy (Chi tabi nik, 1927), Seman (Gerd 1927), and Maan, Hr Sting Sword (anhin ran, 129) Bs tas Fatagawa (1899195) deed Spent (Orock, 1725), poner work ‘of cham seam aotable for biking the superbera meld with 9 mate Tes simu loner proton a roe to human ay anyone “The Talkie an the 19305 Soud pled the cor of making fin, bt dncentive to taking chs ‘ns countered by mee preresfvorngexptientaon 2 companies looked ro compete with new erdemark gees nd ld ones profitably mode ‘Shichi ed the way wth Japan's ire accel i, The Naghor’ Wye and Mine Madar wo 2905, 9S), ected by Henonke Geno (192-1961) Like adhe son to flow ve woe to the company’s ple shag (Gems of everyday lowerme-ls fe).Shacke {Eee Yj Oru (1903-196) ested the ti song ashe could ‘pura important contributions digs The sen fn fH Bo, Te (Uazete ws mia kero, 1932) dea witha forte Or theme, the nie of be, Or ogc hrowshout is gly humorous and y= Tniealy sophisticated. The repetition ae paasony ae ations ca eval llth of mataremastey—ae ales lace hee ‘While Shocks weat om plesing ads dain to larmoyanr enter asm, Rikon lowed some detor to explore posit of se-o Iie rea, AeypiclSkictk a hie would be Lover's Va (Aen Sor, 198), disted by Hironaa Norn (1905-1979. Toa Uchida {0898-1970,» wean of prin fins, hoped Nave develop more soci once iin mae seins, nc bis amy Theatr of ie (lies ge, 1936. [ills ao contin prof om i poplar jig Directors such as Sadi Vara (190961938) sod Hirsh Jags (1905-198) Trough + seainseciowiew to period dana, eeing insight ino che Socal mie ofthe lite Tokugyes period. Yamana's nest that vei ‘vcr Hunan Paper Bal ins Kaiven, 1938) apd The Vlae Troe Mw Michi no ema 000, 1935) ‘hed major payer emeryed 183, wh the T&S conglomerate decide vo compete aero the Baud th ils of eer id. It bean 2 force wo be veckoned with, especially in vawdevil-ye comedy at ms talents Toh abo lied age su on jal tonal eis suchas ‘The Os Samer Capaen (Cats 00 fi, 1937), ected by Tino sake King (1596-1902), ‘Soin deo nhs dec sto to prove tht ss-matke appeal cou accommodate highbrow spss well a be-all ptf, They trecame known jn propane of “pare Herta Std rly tho played apart Encourage byte mene pops of Uchi' Te ‘a i, Nikka commision oer works bed on thought row ing novel, Shs naga eae were the movement pioneer Shiro Tyo (1006-1977) and Yasyjino Shinar (1897-195), They engaged vi serous ratte in serous ways an age when ation fc~ thon cold app fininearour eral fons ‘Avvo golden age offence see a aking hap inthe 1930s thanks ciel fo the vane, anentve approaches to ee ere sre by maser sch Kea Mizogachy (1898-1956), Oru, and Shinuz, Reading 4 Japanese Film Mizoguchi made class nto asc and sometimes a: with Ose Elegy (Nana eng 1930 and Sister fhe Gio (Grom no hy, 986), gave gel wipes ending lie on sre. Wer, Occupation, and Ceasorhip: 1940-1951 ‘War wih China i July 1957 gave te Sh indasey 2 fretste of Wold ‘War I hap vary pect of ereton, production, ad dstibuion ws subject ose contr Math were severly rationed. A bostd af en ‘or scrutinise in inate deal le chey promote vlou Bhar ior or Western eos of indivi Reso, ln 1941 the mato en ‘ompanis were ronpnized «wo, becoming, ine, insrumens of ‘evctame policy, Nikki's uses were divided berween Shc ad “Toh In 192, however, Maso Nagae inaged to form se Dai-Nihon i Dae. ‘Even before the rest of the world armed il with cemonbip and propiands, apne aon were nse withthe ines. lm ach The Wise Fanly Works Hara hk, 1939) by Mikio Nance (1905-196) homed ie the home fon imbued withthe regu patie fervor. Theives of nfcary solo at the oot were dpicied in sch Fe Sous (Gonino sokSbe, 1938) and Mid al Sle (Tobi to Beit 190), bah dete by Tonka Tska (1902-1974) and drawing on pop ‘sr dove, Acar afer Peat Husbor, TONS eked The War tS fom vat Maly (Hair oki aie, 1942) pote of appop= acy heroic proporins, deed by Kaj Yamoto (02-1979 generic bse lowed for pei fet prev fr the time Sidior ak plored the pt in hiorcl “pagan sich x The at | Kesinatyin (Rawansaima ge, 194) hy Tein Kinga (1996 1982}! To this category Mizogic abo combed perio fm "with ‘out seathbeklng." hr ewo part venion of the Japanene eee Ching ‘dor he tide Th Lal on Sou Ronn (Geno Chisingur, 1981 Ins of Occupation: 1945-1951 ‘The porwar Occpstion brought every kt of change, though lm en sectip remained an portant wool of ational policy Tae thi te ‘ws co hp rea Japanese society in ined dierenr mal siete bythe Aled Supreme Command. Thineenthenes asacited with the anal” of the pt were banned, The ronal dag gent a fered or, deprived of mvtngchemes of oul loyay and erie selescee Intioduetion -B,en so, the sincra indy et wok, producing 160 Sh in he second year ofthe Occupation, At lent ight of there ee istakble ‘erumens of oficial policy, thogh woe mand ove stoic sit ‘in. Two dea wath wore now roles nscity. Maing of the Oxne Family (Oxoncke noah, 146) by Keisuke Kener 1912-199) showed vo tan-prene women in wartime lering to be asetve. Mizogch's Thao of omen (Jos wo sr, 146) ete «success fee ea Tower: He allowed th with The Love Sina the Aces (Jos Samak on 194) My Loe Be (Wag os wa moe, 1945) compete (tha ome conser oe a fei lg: ‘he young Aki Kernan (910-200) sponded eo esnips sues wth No Ret fr Youd (aga sesbun a ia, 1946), poe 2 parlgm fr bested women seeking el- worth, The Bal wth Ags Hae {make no buds, 197) by KSzabaroYesinaa (191-200) was aoe te fri boly moder cinematic tle and flank approach to dhe ston- ‘hing spectacle of women tikng charge of an arierase S's lng rte. 'No amount of enmhipcoul staunch emand Long yeas of wat le owed by hanks of eovery filled thesten eo overdoing thats ts ‘were in dor spp since more thin five hundred were bombed, Andiences tree looking for eneruinent, no indoctrination 20 sts fished 1 Supply every kind fighter mac and coms drama, Shocks ist var verte at Bara (Soyckae, 1045), 2 smash ic mail ere Ithove “Song of Apples" theme became a pop ate sighing hops fr the nie. Ts competing Soe the So (Uae ad, 1945) was dete by Yaa Abe (1895-1977). Business ws booming but sun seed tei sare f srk, eo= logial dispute and money obs. Ta let af and ned 3 compet tor viheybreaksy dents formed Shi s3N0 Dl, ware reton, Tow important jie prem to another orn na 1949 shed io melodara with hh suc sere of haan othe i) teasers: Mh and Cason Pl Boome (ska kbs), The Mths (sha sans) and Sere of Me (Hal oi boo A Thied Golden Era 1951-1959 earn pital and cola or al joined ores ot emake ale growth in fpuete cinema nthe ely 19505, New consaction soon ese the number of heater he prewar Bit of 2,41, By 1959, hat ‘number al neal pled 0 7.01 The teen 10 national independence with the San Francisco Peace “Treny of 151 to be civ in 1952) had dc ft on the develop ment of both atc and poplar cinema For example, ja pel ‘he swing cml variety retumed 29 epic an acne fy fora gece frien dng the Oecepstion. This decade showed a Enpeesive ary ofthis eae. Sen Sona (Shichnin no smi, 954) by Akira Karo (1910-1998) andthe Maz yams egy (Me ‘hi Miyamoto FH, 1954-1956) by Hl nagak’s (1905-1980 surve examples of aris excellence, ta the rato dea toed ive-prtn Te ed Pex (Be hy, 1954-1955) war the pose of popule aie. tn gordi gone, rekase om ceowonp and idle of che Supreme Commander of the Aled Power aso ofcred Bmmaker new Alexey nthe choice of bec mtr Many discon tne to com semporty themes, some paying to sntivar sentiment, thers othe com Plc of vals in changing ace. Thera Homing of ceatvity in this decade marked what hv boon termed he Golen Age of posit panes einem (ted golden ta eoughowt, For exp, leit Tai- Shi lis mde The Tor Lae (Himeyar no 1983), teaver lan ‘Bout hig-schoa see oced oll hemes daring the ison of Ok twa. The cversensatle Kinct's jr work ined Caren Co Home (Koren kok i kes, 1951) 3 are on p's modernization, in Jones Tee (Nihon no gels, 1982, dy of coniing od nd ew ves regina gl between a fooe mother and her chien, His ime wa cll link with jerk meodama changes with acinar eine Tofu Eps (I sh io, 1980 ‘Ours Jpan, Kyroaro"s Rasa (1950) the Grad Prize winnce a the 1981 Venice lm Tesi, akon the iteration sudince to the ck herae of pane cine Mizoguchi sed wth hit a inter ‘onal rcopmtion a i The Lf of Okan (Sia chido, 1982) Shared he bos deer award the Ser Lio) with John Fords The Quit Man ate 1952 Venice Fm Festival The flowing year Un (1958) ‘ned hin a Sver Lion, Dir Japanese dct won recognition a wel. Tenoske King’s ‘The Gite Ho glakon, 1958) bo wo the Canes aa Festal Grand Prize whe Koosst's Seer Si (1958 and Mizopuch’s Sa te uli Sams Daya, 1958 eccived iver Lins atthe Venice ln Fes ‘al naga al ened che intros leligh with he Oxr-winning Mua Miyonse Pat (1958) ‘On and Gosho contnsed to explore the uiaeseaisy fiir ‘heme of the lives of oraary people. Cosho's ew Chinn le Se (Enc nonin batho, 1953) won an ava atthe 1953 Ben Fil es Seen eestee: Introduction iva Despite he hgh eta Onis enjoyed at ome og hon abou wa athe sow to come. When Gal Tayo Soy (TOES tmonoga 1953) made i way 9 the 1958 London Iteration Fm Festival i wor the Sutherland Asad for Bos peta. IA this new point of depute fur etn Gos (TAB, Shin- ‘ahs, Dai and Shichik ere joined hy ane, the Toky® Eig Com pny, comsonly elle d Tie, TS made valuable contusions to popu ‘es by api ao lige fro and ping them in contact wih {Teme new st of len aod wena. ‘Shock began the decade with ir expan om meade e ‘the shies rama of lrmer-mide-clnsWife."The T3bS exper the “ete clr mathe with comely eis fring company preien The company ao ceed with inventing the Janene messer science fetion fm, the prime example being Gola (Goss, 1954). aii was notably see witht fin he 1950s, producing ier ational pie womens sch Reson and Cia Thee popula sa es however, yin creating Boom ne bear mod foe ther ees tied Se Sis of Toe (Jn ee, 1983-1954), NEA asin 2} ifieuponon hen the company enmed production i 1953, Pros peri came ute by acide 156 ith he oe Son Thibe Tai lm Is subj wa group of younger whose reponse oa mae lic society wi he pat of sex nd wolence™ “Television and Retrenchonent: The 1960s By 1953 elevson was eacng 6 poco Of the nan vcwing ud tence. Tht ame yer the lm aie shank to half of 1958 peak of| 127 on, leah ch ln indy bd to retencs and reform ss prot {sand murkesng tay nine with aon ete (or popu ine) ‘Phgued iy poor munagement and sctes frie, Sabo went Dank rue in 196, Ties hopes eo pic wie ed with pore cmely Contemporary Yakuza gangster an pofentonal gambles gear ln). “Te hgh wax The Str of apase Ybuce (Nao kykak-den) ith lesen Bi produced om 1964 971 “The Tah Company consinsed eo remain suong ins specialise of white cllar comedy and hence Bein. the ater, comtinued to pop- Uke die cen ith God and torterhokeake, Nikka, the ‘not active company nex Toe, reste to sil mangement of et Tse ils casein seri faction comes nthe Moe ir (Wati- hon sere (1959-1925 nie es) ‘Dac profits semaine stant Saks 9 a mamber of tion dams Reading a Japanese Film series wich pope wars Amoog than were dhe Zt and il Man (ahanys) eri, bh eth ato Sin Kas (1981-1997) and ening Shick fred poorly inthe 1960 owing to 2 decine in audience setrest im domestic drama mela, and comedy, Howeves, in 196) 3 Shock comedy cometack began th thes eri that would cone tine for the flown eentyseven yea YO Ys Tigh Bing ‘Mar (Otoko wa uray) commonly Known athe Tos seis, the pa ‘dy of the Yakuz lo Fenaring the vagabond To who ever Quien {5 beak ee ois home es a heats cinem oe, goodly number of ow nas avd the "New Wave abst was ale, cate of element of experimen id orrovenyreninicent of French nw, Notble among bean were [Naga Oshima (0.1952), Mando Sineds (8 193), and Yess (Ki) Yoshida (h 198) al om Shock, Using bold ne echnigus they del wih themes rebted ovolece and ex to explore new problersconont= {ng posewar Japanese soit. Th lr in thie was excite by (Onk’s Cn Soy of Yuh (Sih vonkokss monogata 160, ‘Nikatn's Shahes Imamura (b 192) challenged dese New Wave lector. He dio by pring the soe of wal int in modern “han with focus on women the lwest tt of wit, town in Pie ‘on Basis (eo gunk, 1961) snd The nt Homan (pp hon hl, 1963 In che jd gore, Mass Koya (1916-1999) made morale works haged with i anda sentiments, mos notably Mai Sep pk, 1962) and Reon )Suc 1967) Prodaction Innovation: The 1970 Ina decade of contnsng ene, the nea indy was forced to make snore adjmiments ha ard the chance of me os comely. Dail wen bankrop in 1971, Nika evenly stoped making reps fear lege Bie nd bogan with he inition of new gene rir ing somewhat ower budge, Ewer ta and rice prion tine. Ths ws the so-called man ona be Amerian desgtion would be "ot pon) cod with the delnng commercial wales of sas on 9 deciing cyte, Tt inode 4 sce ew sei, Kini Faso’ ve pat ‘Yak kn, Coa sti Ce ing mas tks, 1973-197), stay venyar ag ofthe and Bl varius Yakuza” ‘Shock’ Yj Yamada (1931) continued o Big romney wie she aly popstar Tasers, ang anther wey iasalmens the 1990s, Che erie 2 major snuce of Shick’ reve, ended 1996 sth the lead see's det) Tak ido do particu wel in poplar ones inthe ely 1970s “Tt comesies bec hackneyed nd aodience aed tay om cei {idol fleings. A profable exception wan the Lowe HY ah ¢ Chit {orate Okan) sre (1972), wth x salle. The Gt de isa ncn were deed by Ween Kent Mim (1921-1975). Theses fe tured & banished shogial captor the originated i come Book. “ats prearous nances were gen abot sn the at by aster in, ipo Ske (Niion indo, 197), adapted om Sakyo Koma’ est sein Book™ Tn 1976 the Kadbkawa Pblsing Company oer se cinema nde ey. ith ls that wood prove ob fr aching, The Kado Fn ‘Company inored double bling in onde to pour ther immerse expt fn sage lage sale populates. Ther in poco was Koa eh Tawa mur mypsey The Inga Fal naepmke no shisoke, 1976) ‘pedo the popular mystery vel Shh Yokomo proved to be tbe hes growing fi othe secnty- some year Kado pablshing fonnetons wet the ver lnng of thst enterpri, eh sive adr ing npnized to promote Betsele, fm veoan, sd soundack second tng amalancouy So Much, So New: The 1980+ Onward ‘The yer 1980 muted the bepaning ofthe decade af the Jopncse ble econo whch bari 1991 Thatspre of “tale” growth had an inter ‘Sting eet on Japanese cine, Asetencanent onthe pr ofthe aor Sto forced tier to catback on prwuction and consent on the nore catve Busine of dtibton,Independen lamer backed by ‘ude soars ed ne the esting void “The Kadekaws Pushing Company consinced oder by mathe ing boks and ln Sots lm progucion dion scely engaged in demain populr ayer nove Fa. Teersion bo proce Nock- basen sc at Koyo Kora’ The Anta Str (NaakyoLU "000 at, 1983) and Kon chk 185 comake of he Hap Bar (Bias tho tego, 1954), dal enrepreneu with o connections tothe {Shen instr abo invested de sae f gees spin pris fr ‘son af at Noein, Genero sponse by Fre sel mil ter Reading Japanese Film cabled Koei Ogu (b 1945) co make his debut Uaek-ant-white Bl, ‘Mui Rive (Doo no Kaw, 1981)-one ofthe best postr Ts abot the fate of chien Aer the bubble economy bunt in May 1991, filmmaking Became sncreninghy iia In 1993, Nikka ankrapery wa towed by Kado was sen den toll ll podction fra while, Even so, suber c€ independent production companies emsined oer, rang them dhe Sonor spomered Argo Project, 3 comortum of independent maken. Thar prodscton: an the gnu Rom love tory to comedy by A young generation of decor: Ap example were Tai’: Ord Sin (Shindemo si 192, nse by James ML. Cain's laste The Patna Als Rigs Tie (148) and 3 mar bow ce, ages Shona Wires (2002), Solivae maker Pony Canyon parsered withthe alee ‘hing gency Hakuhodo to produce youd-orete fs” The 19805 urna on the sea sem rected the ain’ cin- ‘rm by means of ro dint phenomens the emergence af independent ‘eect, mort ofthe young an anew ine ofnes acl pp to Hm aconado, especialy young one with “pombe income." This ‘combination asta erry ures 00 lh nove an eve cartoon, ‘ey oflon scpted withthe elp of the dicta hie. ‘sampling of tho who have pied recognition workwie might begin wit atortamed-dectr Jor lem (1953-1998), howe sta comedis ocade The Fool (Ovi. 14), Tanpop (985), ad the ‘oronpat A Taving Woman (Mana no oa, 1947-198), wh probed the question of "what emeans o be fpusese."* A secondgeaersion Korean, ‘Yoichi Sui(b 194) dee with eres elated o miosis Jpn ll ander he Moo (Tak wa dtc ni St i, 198) an The Cas of the Pig {Bora no mali, 199), The maimed Takeshi Kitano (4 1947) me umber of lenceria calming Ewe Hani, hich ‘vom dhe coveted Glen Lion tthe 1997 Venice Fn Fs Some decor who mae cher mk wt ila ther ene ad thirios benefited fromm the PIA Fl Testa Exablshed in 1977 By the Tole entersinmene weekly magi PLA, the eval recat one of ery few enue pn to 2 ne pneraton a ar hope A = ber of PLA winnen wet on to kes surcenfl canton fom salle Sint mam to commercial vble 8 mm Sms. Among them seze Yoshimitsu Mow (W190), Shiau Yapues (1967), Saya Taka ‘moto (94), and Kiyoni Kururws (1958) wo mates alo wey Tnked wih che PIA fsa were Naomi Kae (196), fe dee tor on the is, and Manip Sa (1986, decor of Shall We Done? mere eee 1990), Kase’ emidsumentary Sia (Moe no Sek), th winner tthe Caméra d'Or (ett Fee fn) athe 1997 Canes Fm Fes Sal Brought» pesonal ouch co ss ofl fy He deeply ced pone sone “Aon the who had works in she mesa wore Stn al (b. 163) os Hise Kono (0, 196) Tas ie etre lng Le Later (995, want romani du abo young ge ho sends Ter to he ‘ecxed lve I nia theme well ervey yh nosing the anteton owt: who fil Toy tester eh sdig-roon-only Csowd fe furtoen wesks Kors pained interainal costo I 1805 with Mab (Mabe oak) date count of widow's cbsesion with Jat, A number of eta ding cour the Bi ete Jeng fl of» promising ew lene ad ene “The unin mimsion din was perp he mst ntl gem 29 fara the intertioml sence was conceae. Kaho Oromo's Ala {1985 adapted rom hi cwn corse Dok, wo phenome acces inthe United Sater, ‘ajan Miyazaki (194) a fi Tas (198) calisborted om s tumber of prjec a Sido GR backed by the Tokums Publishing ‘Company Tice fin spectacular bethvongh came i 1988 with Miya bake My Nighor Teo (Toa no Toor) and Tskabe’s The Gane of fies (Hot no hk). The forme, voted Mo pcre ofthe yearby ce pretgous Hi journal Kino ang, tacked work with re Serio Themes In 197 Miya wrt, deed and proce the asnishingy succes Pies Mono (Mononoke hin, th igh -roting ks of A time: Hayao Miysak' animation Sino Aty (Sento Chiro Teniakud, 202) made ary by caning the alltime highest gos in {pes ena aia wor the and for Best Distr he 2902 er Fm Fess and more recently won 42008 Oscar in he Best Animation tery How does the Japan cinemas fe fom now? That Beyond the sepe of ts book and everybody's es. ‘A ew Notes on Methodology Ths book oe intensive anaes of sec nal las atop, My section ceri ar wide-range oaks ners concerns, The fl? production doer rage fom pre «© the presen ach epesening an imporan: pat f Jpn’ cinema istry. Wats by Soung Eeneiton sacha those of Sub and Mov, ey Blane dace Reading # Japanese film In Jone cinema Some fins represen specif genres For example, The Mie ovale nia, 2 ceensdaptaton of Japanese ray ‘work The Foaly Gane 3 satis eomedy My Nebr Teo an aie ‘ued fm. The Mats Mss elogy 2 wap OF the jst, the ‘aura fl ence, Alo tached i work by Raye, one ofthe leading female deco toy. Rear loking fr extensive anaes of cscs snc = Rashomon (1980), Lin (1958 and Taye Sto (1953) wld dem 3 Inyeacr bok, Cina Eat: Cita Sy Sar apne Fin (983). They ae ako waely deal by oe cla and rt. ‘Ci gee that spines hema vry ech in matrices fet fi, ely tone chiper here sould be devoted ta npeesetatve xampl, een dough very Ew sh ls re rable wih Engh see sin the United Stes Kinugas's A Rae of Maes (Kurt pp, 1926), (Ons 1 War Bi, Bur. «(Ure ws its Keedo, 192), ad Sty of -ionag He (Ukigus monogatai, 934) come to miad. However thse ‘works have heen widely disci by other ad Jono hk ea ely 2 anything conaracive™ I would a that A Pag of Madar more tuted or graduate tens of cinema sui, en de teers opis ‘Stans and acer wl bene the ice tha except or Sze, thas fin are eal avalible om video and/or DVD wth Engh sb "es" (a oping tat Kaas Stl wil oom be made sacle) Since ths ook cls to sere 2 gene radenip each chapter pens ith et induction whose purpose wo lost the Bs tobe deed tds ecto inthe lager conento Jape cinema hstry. Reader mar wih che ne scheme of ings may wish to Bei wit the body fhe ex, whic devoted oa tied reading the ik, Teisimporan to neta iss nota Book on ln theory. The ede ings toffee ate ot ede any abot theorese unce of Heoog mitment My obecsves ae how of ctstoom eee and ably ‘modes. The man text of each cher wll ingore the stent’ grap of to teat of nguryenentil o reang pare cine. The fn ha 0 ‘ko woth cull speony: What doe the ewer med 10 know? fr = ‘mczningalinterpetation of Bln? That quetion lead othe nex ow ‘hes ay particle cecal method work and wha ean ll about = fi IF prose to account for my crt method in this bok 1 would leita cet, carey conse combination of New Cec, eo-orai,and cltua/htove approach, Het It me bil ut Tie anion approach to fl bog by sg eich il Hd See ee product rater thn a2 won in progres: consider ach wok asl sine ent wth i on struct Talo view works fom co perpectives ites and eter. The sonal pespetive suis stare and foneson the makeup of fs a how they work together I wil sow how srctrl unt comes By Way ‘teomple and sometimes puzlng)amengements bse clement chat cen yb, events, sein, and the Hee. And of couse sce Jape {ule an voce are ome no enti in to det expenence reader wil ear to respect he importance of eur spect elated 0 thee clon hiss complex busines equring may hi feiss inh The ln marl aos fin ones t lf 4 cena pb Tem the potgoni’s manner feng hit ot et woe, o 2 the ‘xen wl The prctagonit mks coicesSsues—in reponse othe ental pb that heen work atu font nd center: Some cies that oe seller seem mal exchsive othe, wean ompale Stl oter append "s,” mater of road ken or not ee 0) ‘tent the protege’ Belair of iporan cert he wei Swosk whather io be taken a tg Or emi, a. rman, ot Tin oer popestive—the external one—efen to the statue the rs exis in telition o v adence, Sen Bom ts peste the Work nies uo zl to tin many way. We ae to have els abou to ‘come involved to make jgments boot the good atl the Bad in chat ten chou, and les, Ascent decide Whether we ate Being ‘Sed totale up anand of imple enieition with the spec fee ‘work at an or petapt eee itor maybe o recto some extent, both Wrst once. Can me scope the outcome of he protgoni'stom a Inga! conesuence of fan her ce the work's wore? i shor, thee ies cded here rate to the viewer's point of wew, dere of notion tf god or ba, and asepance or fil ofthe i's woldew Thoogh the foes the nai tet of hs book edt be othe ner ul sue, er aa here Udo comer how the deco eof erin ‘ements declyingsined inthe Jere cll comtert—s0ngs for eam lets eae to maniplt the ewer point of ew. Nees 03 {he vce otra eel race and deze om the 0) ins brought eaetir bythe third baie element of nematic a technique testes Ths ib dscuved separa, when nena. “Though the cal forma i unorm thronghowt, he ase come. ‘went fesch me ay alr conr—wl ary fm li fl, with sis ayn scoring. This ference i eect in subbeads have Reading & Japanese Film created fr the sake of eadabity. Fach chapter however ens with an incensve anal ofthe Sin sequence or scene hac deay demorsicics how the decor esos sues, aay beth eels them as open Notes on Some Practical Matters Long experience nthe coom ha tage me the importance of every= hy Language and a rghtoreard, cmos apo of analy Si I hve writen this Book in he ye 1 ae for arhing—noe the ale 1 ‘would we i adsreing other specali clan Thi mene tat he Hooke ight on ete jgen, even a Tock for ways to ice complex and sophiniced reponse fen sles new fo the a of reding Japenese fie For the ske of redbity,Jpanese names are rine inthe Wester mune, ht to he Gist are flowed by he yen me, Maron are ue for Jpanese lng vowel, The Engh skews tle of f- lowed by she Japanese tein paca. Foe 1 in never tls with Engl sbi, have provided tation ofthe te, Thave alo done say wth 3 glonary of panes ad in ters non to avo en Sin. The fines proved in Rich's A Had Yea of pase Clas nd he later sale of many book or ierodctry ln cae Synergy of Theme, Style, and Dialogue Kenji Mizoguchi’s Sisters of the Gion (1936) ex Mizoctict achive siden, wore fie. Few inthe Wes Ind heard of him in 1952 when hate the Venice Fa Feil ier on wih Jatin Fon, Mirogch's ere Dirctor lm ss The Lief Oh (Soka ich oo; Fos wt The Qui ra 1958 Moga the Saber Lion to hin, Ue (Ugee monogstar edged ot the othe fort, Willan Wer’ Roma Hokey, pd won ee ean Ces Aad ts rell Mizoguchi in 1956, raved by a body of Wark whose endur- appeal hs eae him lace among the mates of Woe nea 1A food of uc ees to Miroguch’s worldwide apes 9 eritcr andl Even a quick look a cerain apt oft shows by {hs and should bes. Dudley Andrew pts ewe spesking ofthe he ni ona Mizoguchi mide so pec his on fom fist st "In hm petods and witan the various ents he practice, Mizu mot prominent and pasomste subject wore, Repesente of clue, of thea impale, of the downtodden, of tory and of le, woRteD| tne adhe center of italy every fi he made "* Te woman at dhe center of + Mizoguc 2 woman in wouble Her victory. ay,comes by ay of defeat 3 world eee men and ‘money sul, Even in vas, she 3 Biter by way of endurance, sine ‘worm le cine be wos area Miogud eine nds er Jin ppanese aioe ae ete eal i wih he erm fot her conc beeween conformity and belo, the til blgaios of [gv and the poral inclinations of mgs. Westen aniences in ned of an Innofaction to thi ancl mor leauma of Japanese cure can go Staight to Mizoguchi. He i bilant forensic exper om he plight of ‘women caught the oe of orl emma, pane ye. Heiko a mater dui ia hit coe ae of moral quay. In Out Fy (Nasser, 1936) his mad erie’ ae allen to pany andthe word of agreive matron dominwed by Osaka tnechans. Tie Sy oe Lat Cheatin (Zang onogtt 39)

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