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17 Stages of Joseph Cambells


Call to adventure
Both Gandhi and tank man do not
have the stage of call to adventure .

Refusal of call
Gandhi refused to become a barrister
as his parents wanted him to
Tank man had no such stage.

Crossing First threshold

Gandhi lead to different movements
like the salt march , non cooperation
Tankman was commited to go in front
of the tanks knowing that his life is in
danger .

Belly of the Whale

Tank man was a just like a normal
human being and instead of that he
showed his willingness to complete
his objective.

Road of trials
Gandhi faced a lot of trials along the
way of independence , he went to jail
even when he was ignorant just to
support the peasants and played
mind games with the british.

Meeting with the Goddess

During Gandhi's second year in England, two English
brothers asked him to study the Bhagavad Gita, a part of
the sacred Hindu scriptures, with them. A long poem of
some seven hundred stanzas, written several hundred
years before Christ was born, the Gita is a dialogue
between the Hindu god Krishna and Arjuna, a warrior
about to go into battle.
Gandhi had never before studied the Gita, either in
English, or in its original Sanskrit, or in Gujarati, his own
dialect. It glorifies action, renunciation, and worldly
detachment, and its message seared Gandhi's soul. He
later called the Gita his "dictionary of conduct" and turned
to it for "a ready solution of all my troubles and trials."

Gandhi couldnt pass the temptation
stage as he married 16 women.

Atonement with the father

His father was a prime minister of
the district and was an idol for him .

Gandhi was shot after India got
independence .

The ultimate boon

The different movements lead by
Gandhi was the ultimate boon , so
that India got Independence .
Tankmans major goal was to get

Refusal of return
Gandhi never turned back and
continued to do whatever he wanted

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