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Mercury Aspect

Mercury signifies languages, communicator, advisors, logical thinking. marketing,

siblings, friends, curious about signs in Pisces curios in imagination, in Scorpio
curious about occult, hidden stuffs.
Mercury, if happens to be lord of 7 th house when aspects other planets in 8 th house,
may get married during the time period of 8th house.
Brings curiosity about the house which mercury aspects. mercury wants to engage
in communication with the other house.
In 5th house creative self-expression, astrologers from mercury in 5 th house.
For Gemini ascendant, mercury in 5 th house aspects 11th house >>> 1st & 4th
house quality in 5th house.
Want to find friends/network circles/people from large organization who are actually
interested in creative writings, astrology, history, ancient texts. To find Similar
friends to build his self esteem
Mercury in 9th house for cancer ascendant, in the sign of Pisces, mercury rules 3 rd
and 12th house.
Ability to communicate collect information. Hidden talents, imagination through
writing, travel to long distance places. No mathematical calculations. Travel
bolggers. Engage in communication with different ethnic groups.
Aspects 3rd house >> mercury whatever has learned from different ethnic groups,
experiencing different culture, chemicals/chemistry(mercury is in water sign) will be
curious to teach his learnings. In creative way the teachings will be delivered.
Mercury looking his own house>> love to communicate with siblings. Will find
teachers/counsellors in foreign places. Mercury mathematics teacher, Jupiter
Spiritual Guru

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