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Brooksville mom arrested, accused of killing infant daughter

A Brooksville mother is charged with first degree murder for the death of her infant child.
Hernando County Sheriff's deputies say April Nichol Brooklynn Weber called 911 on Sunday
afternoon to report that she accidentally dropped her 6-week-old baby, Aubrie.
The injuries to the baby were severe, she was rushed to St. Joseph's Children's Hospital where she
Doctors told detectives that the baby had bi-lateral skull fractures on the left and right sides of her
head and bleeding within her skull. Doctors also told investigators that they resuscitated the infant
three times.
Deputies say Weber later admitted she lifted Aubrie by the legs and threw the infant on the bed. The
child bounced off the bed and onto the floor. Deputies say Weber went on to admit she picked the
child up and threw her again, striking the dresser.
On Facebook, Weber had posted several photos of Aubrie. Her husband, Harry Weber posted this
today:" It has come to light that April has lost her temper at Aubrie... I knew she had problems at
times with Aubrie, but never in my life did I imagine it would come to this."
Weber is being held without bond in the Hernando County Jail. She is charged with felony first
degree murder and child abuse.
Copyright 2014 WFLA. All rights reserved.

Janry-Mae E. Tumaneng, BSN-4

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