Evaluation Question 2 - Review Questions and Answers (Draft)

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Review Questions

How does my review inform my audience about my film?

My film review references my film and its key issues and themes, through a
critical analytic point of view from a film critic assigned to international film
magazine, "Sight & Sound". In each paragraph, critic Michael Brooks offers his
opinions on certain aspects of my short film, Solitude, breaking down certain
topics and disputing them realistically. The review openly compliments my film,
whilst also lambasting it in an honest manner, in order to provide constructive
criticism to help me improve as a film director. Directly quoting the critic, Brooks
says his arsenal of cinematography angles and shots must vastly improve, and
then going on to say credit to the young man and good luck to him, showing
both positive and negative viewpoints.

How does the way that the review attracts an audience to my film differ
from the way that my poster does?

A film review and a film poster both have different and respective functions and
purposes. An audience that enjoy an intellectual film magazine discussing
complex issues in particular films, and prefer to read analytical reviews of films,
rather than judge with their eyes on a poster, would be the more attracted
audience. The poster can attract anybody, and is usually advertised freely,
whereas review readers of magazines such as Sight & Sound are willing to pay
money from their salary to explore in-depth analysis of films. I believe that the
audiences for both may differentiate, with a smaller minority of the overall
audience willing to read the review, which takes much more time and effort than
analysing a poster.

Is my review in any way biased and what might the impact of this be?

I do not believe my review is biased, as I have openly criticised myself

constructively, analysing both positive and negative aspects of the film.
Admittedly, some audience members could view my review as a biased work, as
I have positively complimented myself, and this may detrimentally affect the
number of people who read my review, and ultimately the number who want to
view my film, because they feel it is being over sold and is just going to be a
disappointing contrast from what the review has promised.

From reading the review what do we learn/understand about the genre

of/audience for/directors rationale behind the film?

The genre of the film is actually referenced to in the text, allowing the audience
to obtain a complete understanding of the genre used in my film. I know from my
own research that a niche audience is my primary target, and likely the ones
reading my review. Niche audiences are very informed members of the
unconventional film industry, and are often more openly technical and critical of
certain micro elements used within films. Coming to the director himself
(myself), the audience are enabled to see the comparisons between his first
feature film, and his current short, as both protagonists display signs of isolation
and a lack and lust for human contact.

How effectively does my Film Review break down the themes and issues
that are the chief concern of my film?
My review communicates the themes and issues of my short film in an indistinct
manner, with the issues of drug and alcohol abuse briefly touched upon, whilst
key themes such as appearance versus reality are briefly touched upon. I believe
I referenced to certain key themes and issues, without mentioning them directly.
My indiscrete manner may negatively backfire as I do not explore each issue or
theme in-depth, instead preferring to focus on the behind-the-scenes effects on
my film. However, I have in some cases attempted to explore certain themes and
issues; Solitude sees a young man attempt to establish a connection between
himself and a young woman, in his path to manhood, but without actually
referencing the issue/theme directly in wording.

Poster Questions

From looking at the poster what do we learn/understand about the style

of/genre of/audience for the film?

How effectively does the poster reflect/represent the themes and issues
of the film?

How far and how effectively does the poster reflect the style of the

How does my poster inform my audience about my film?

How effectively does my poster promote my short film?

What preconceptions does the poster develop in the mind of the viewer
about the film?

Short Film Questions

What key thematic elements are common to both the main and ancillary
tasks? How are these explored/represented differently in each?

Do the review and poster convey/communicate the same

message/meaning as the film or do they mediate
narrative/characterisation elements?

How do my ancillary tasks impact on my main product?

Are my ancillary tasks a clear reflection of my main product?

How do the review and poster reference one another to

promote/deepen our understanding/introduce extra layers of meaning
into the film?

What stylistic elements are common to both the main and ancillary

What narrative elements are common to both the main and ancillary

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