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Going for a Picnic

Warm Up

Work with a partner.

What will you do this weekend if the weather is good?


Read the conversation below, and practice with a partner.

Scene: Beth and Tim are university students. They are chatting in a caf.


Do you have any plans for the weekend?


Not really. Why?


Well, if the weathers good, some friends and I will

probably go for a picnic in the park. Would you like to


That sounds great! Yeah, Id love to come. But I heard

it might rain


Thats ok. If it rains, we can all eat at your house!

Comprehension Check
1) Does Tim have any plans for the weekend?
2) What will they do if the weather is good?
3) What will they do if it rains?

Language Work #1

Finish the sentences using the cues in the box.

Ill take it again next year.

Ill have a snack.

Ill go home by taxi.

Ill take an umbrella.

Ill visit Red Square.

Ill retire.

1) If the weather looks bad tomorrow,

2) If I go to Moscow,

3) If I fail the exam,

4) When Im sixty,

5) If I miss the last train,

6) If Im hungry after this lesson,

Language Work #2

Practice with a partner, and then change roles.

Student (A)

Ask What will you do if questions, using the cues in exercise four.

Student (B)

Turn over the sheet. Can you remember the answers from exercise four? Answer your partners





Handouts Online

Making Plans

Look at the information in the table below.

You are going to invite your partner out.

Fill in the two blank rows with your own ideas.


Good Weather

Bad Weather


go shopping

stay at home

this Sunday

go to the zoo

see a movie


Work with a partner. Practice conversations similar to exercise 2.

Change partners regularly. Try to talk to everyone in the room.



Handouts Online

Going for a Picnic (Teaching Notes)

Target Structure:

First Conditional (likely situations)

Lower-intermediate and above
45 minutes

Suggested Teaching Method

This worksheet gives extensive practice of the first conditional. This is used for situations that are likely or certain to


Give one worksheet to each student. Students should ask the opening question to their partner. Elicit a couple of answers
from the group.
Set the scene. Students should read the conversation, and answer the questions in exercise three. They should then
check their answers in pairs.
After going through the answers, go through any vocabulary issues. Students should then practice the conversation in
pairs. When the students read, encourage lots of intonation and eye contact.
Students should work alone, and then check in pairs.
Give the students one minute to study the answers in exercise 4. Then, put students in new pairs, and assign them as A
or B. Student B should turn the worksheet over. Student A asks questions based on the cues in exercise 4. e.g. What will
you do if the weather looks bad tomorrow? Student B needs to give the answer from exercise 4. Students should swap
roles after finishing. Tip: Its a good idea for students to ask the questions in a random order.
Follow the instructions on the second page. This exercise allows students to personalize the conversation from exercise
two. Demonstrate with a confident student first.

Answer Key - Different answers may be possible.

1) No, he doesnt. 2) If the weather is good, they will probably go for a picnic.
3) If it rains, they will eat at Tims house.
1) If the weather looks bad tomorrow, Ill take an umbrella.
3) If I fail the exam, Ill take it again next year
5) If I miss the last train, Ill go home by taxi.

2) If I go to Moscow, Ill visit Red Square.

4) When Im sixty, Ill retire.
6) If Im hungry after the lesson, Ill have a

Additional Ideas

If your students need extra practice of making invitations, Handouts Online has additional worksheets on this.

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