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ALG R— AAR A ABR lo ee Ee APA) TER Se han og a iM 5]: 3h se AaB 1103 AAA TR ARR EFA FTES Ro (1) (12%) Let the signal x(0) = u(t) -u(@—7) being applied to the channel system shown in Fig. 1 (a) () Determine and sketch the oulput signal y(0) for RC = 0,17 Sketch the output signal y(t) for RC = 207°. And state the relation between the time interval 7 and the channel bandwidth, z + + x °F _ dt) x(t) 2 2 wf) Tl, E TY, Fig. (2) (12 %) Let the signal 2(¢ » £20 be given. (@) Is this signal a power signal ot energy signal? (©) Determine its (energy ot power ) spectral density, (©), Determine its energy (or power.) (3) (12%) Consider the bandpass signal $(0) =100sin e(2001) cos(2a¥.1) + 100sin (1001) cos(2f-1 +90"), where Sf, =10°Hz in rx is the carrier frequency. [Note that sin ex = J ™ (a) Represent the signal in the form of (0) = Re{,())-e/%}. Find the equivalent low-pass signal 3,(1) and determine its Fourier transform §,(/). (4) (0) Represent the signal in the form of s(¢) = 5, ()cos(2Af, 1) ~ 50 (t)sin(2af0) Find the quadrature signal sg(f) and determine its Fourier transform Sy (/) (©) Represent the signal in the form of 8) = A(d) cos(27y,1 + 0(0). Find the envelope signal 4(?) and sketch its spectrum, (15 %) The signal x(¢) = 30sin (601) is applicd to the nonlinear modulator system shown in Fig. 2 with a carrier frequency of f, =1kHz, Assume that You = 4 ¥ig + QV), « (@) Sketch the spectrum of x(7) (b) Determine the output signal y, (2) © Give the conditions on the required center frequency fy and the bandwidth of the bandpass filter in relation tof. and the bandwidth ofthe Signal 2(0)_such that this system, will produce a standard DSB signal, (2) Determine the oulput DSB signal Puy (0 (© Determine values of a, and a, such that the maximum value of the amplitude of the output signal Jyop(t)_ is 10 ad) to | —! t v xtt) Yin | Ton tinea | Mow | | | [ i o £ ‘ as By “the hand pase filter device =f | © Ces Inffeye (5) (12 %) An analog signal bandlimited to 10 kHz is converted into a PCM signal that is a binary polar NRZ line code. The signal is transmitted over a channel, Assume that the PCM quantizer has a 64 steps and that the overall equivalent system transfer function is of the raised cosine type with the roll-off rate a=06 (@) Find the maximum bit rate without introducing ISI. (b)_ Find the maximum allowed transmission bandwidth for the analog signal. (6) (12 %) An FM signal is given by Ja/(1) =Scos(2nf1+9()) , where 2nf, four yr, SL, =100, and m(¢) = 2cos(272001). (@) Determine the required transmission bandwidth based on the Carson’s rule. (6) Determine the required transmission bandwidth such that 98% of the message power is contained. (See Table 1 for reference) (©) The FM signal is applied to the input of an ideal bandpass filter with bandwidth 2, 500 Tz centered on the catrier frequency. Sketch the spectrum of the output signal. (See Table 1 for reference) Table “1 Table of Bessel Functions® JA) By 03 4 1 € 8 10 2B Came 8.7082 49 —O.xbo1 989714506 0.1717 Snaae Oma Oz o4401 576789) 0.0660 — 4h O26 00435 —o.es4 Some 2149 ths528 OBL O36] 02129 O10 adBIB aan ORS 0.019 0.1288 O00 ONE OLAB 09911 Bos Unags} 0.0002 0.00% 00310 0.1327 ORBIT 0875 ous) —ast88 —OLteee = o.0002 8.0070 .0480 aL O36 0.1858 ON 078 — Gonz aons kL oatsy 0376 0014s | — 02487 0.0002 0025 Guts 0.32065, ONT 5 0.0008 «,0040 02935 0.8179 .0451 8.0001 6.0009 ome 0.1263 oemD 2304 = 9.0002 0.0070 0.0608 0.3005 = 8.020 0.056 ov oa704 0.0003 0.0096 oa 0.1958 o.oo 0.0083 200.1201, = 0.0010 0.0120 0.0650 @ (15 %) Two baseband signals shown in Fig. 3(a) are used to transmit a binary Sequence. The received signal shown in Fig. 3(b) asr(t)=s, +n), 0<187, No 2 (@) For the coherent reference c(t) = 2u(t—7), determine the threshold such that the receiver has the minimum error probability. can be expressed = 1,2, where n(f) is an AWGN noise with PSD S,(f)= (6) For the coherent reference shown in Fig, 3(€), determine the threshold such that the receiver has the minimum error probability. (©) Based on your results above, state which one is the optimum receiver. Salt) Sith) 5A Le Sit) He Sty threshold value ost OT 8) 0%) (@)_ What is the Nyquist’s First criterion? (b) State the principle of offset QPSK (OQPSK) (©) What is OFDM?

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