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Survey about Apples Products

1. What is your opinion about Apples products?

2. How often do you buy Apples products?
3. For you, Is it necessary buy the last Apples products?
4. For you, What is the most important Apples products?
A) Mac
D) iPad
B) Iphone
E) iPod
C) Watch
5. What is your opinion about post sale service of Apple?
A) Excellent
D) Bad
B) Good
E) Wrong
C) Normal
6. What is your opinion about the price of Apples products?
A) Expensive
B) Normal
C) Cheap
7. Is the price accessible to buy?
8. Is the price proportional to the Apples products?
9. Do you think that the price reflects the quality of the product?
10.Do you agree with the methods of payment when you buy Apples
11.What brands do you remember about electronic products?
12.For you, what is the direct competence of Apple?
D) Other: ______________
B) Samsung
C) Sony
13.If you dont buy Apples products, so what other brand do you prefer?
14.For you, what is the best electronic brand in the world?
15.If you could buy a product that offers you the same service at a lower
price, would you buy it?
A) Yes
B) No
16.Do you like the the brands image?
A) Yes
B) No
17.Is it easy or difficult the pronunciation of Apple?
18.Do you remember the tagline? Can you tell me the tagline?
19.What is your perception of Apple brand?
A) Excellent
D) Bad
B) Good
E) Wrong
C) Normal

20.Have you ever found a defect in the product?


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