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Child soldiers

Children have no choice

but to become soldiers:
Imagine youre a child and youre
forced to become a solider for a
rebel army and you have witnessed
your family dying at the age 12.

The children that have been
fighting are being physical effected
(josh). People should never be
physically punished especially
The thousand of kids that have
already fought in wars have
already been physically effected
(return of child soldiers alarms war
scarred central African republic).
Theres tons of people in the USA
that have no idea that there are
child soldiers and there are
thousands of them all over the
He says I was branded because I
ran away and know I cant even run
away from myself. This person has
been physically and mentally
affected because he was branded
and has to look at the scar that
they branded on him and he has to
think about what happened to him
every day (Danna). This is horrible
its bad enough he was forced to be
a solider but know that they
branded him and he has to be
reminded of being a soldier his
entire life because of the scar.

Who is responsible?
Rename forces regularly
kidnapped children from their
homes (Antonio). What kind of
people would kidnap innocent
children and make them into
soldiers. Someone needs to stop
Children have been used in battles
in Europe, the middle East Asia,
and South America as well (early
Thomas Lubanga the leader of a
rebel army he is recruiting boys
and girls at age 15 and using them
in wars (Kron). He is recruiting
children when he could easily be
recruiting adults thats just wrong.
Some countries are working with
the government to put an end to
child soldiers (Howard). They
should have all the countries try to
put an end to child soldiers,
children should not be a soldier.

The children:

Child soldiers
The boys are aging from 12 to 20
years old (academic search
premier). There are 12 year old kids
in a war there are not words that can
describe how bad this is.

In Somalia the boys that are fighting

for them age from 12 to 15 (academic
search premier). All the kids that are
fighting for Somalia are 12 to 15 years
old, thats just wrong.

81 percent of kids under 15 are used

for wars (early Tynes). That is way too
many kids that are used for war.
Someone needs to stop these rebel
armies from recruiting child soldiers.
RUF the initials of the revolutionary
united front or other groups, onto the
chests, arms, and even foreheads of the
children some as young as 9 to
make sure they wouldnt
escape(Danna). They are branding the
children just to keep them from
escaping. That just shows you that the
children are being abused so that
means we need to do something about

There are 300,000 children under the

age 8 that are participating in armed
forces all over the world (Becker).
There are 300,000 kids that are
around the age of eight years old
fighting around the world. Can you
imagine an 8 year old kid holding a
gun thats bigger than him?

Child soldiers
In the end if everyone works together
we can put a stop to child soldiers and
give them the care they need. We can
give them a home in American and a
correct environment for the children.

Allen, Josh. Pernille ironside goes to war zones to free

child soldiers Christian Science monitor 13 June 2011:
N.PAG.academic search premier. Web. 29 Jan. 2015
Return of child soldiers alarms war-scarred central African
republic. New York Amsterdam news 16 may 2013: 2.
Academic search premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.
Harman Danna. Aid agencies help to rid child soldiers of
wars scars. Christian monitor 30 Oct. 2001: 7. Academic
search premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.
Gumende, Antonio. Rescuing Africans child soldiers.
New York Amsterdam news 09 sept. 1999: 2 academic
search premier. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
Early, Bryan, and Robert tynes. Beyond kony 2012, child
soldiers are used in most civil wars. Christian Science
monitor 20 Apr. 2012: N.PAG. Academic search premier.
Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

Simons, marlise, and josh kroon. Congolese convicted of

using child soldiers. New York Times 15 mar. 2012: 12.
Academic search premier. Web. 29 Jan. 2015
Lafranchi, Howard. Obama waives sanctions for
countries that use child soldiers. Christian Science
monitor29 Oct. 2010: N.PAG. Academic search premier.
Web. 25 Jan. 2015
Robinson, Martin. "And First Prize Kids Is ... an AK-47!
Somali Islamic Radio's Offer to Child Winners of General
Knowledge Quiz." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers,
n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015
"Child Soldiers." - Internasjonal Engelsk. N.p., n.d. Web.
10 Feb. 2015.

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