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Policies to combat unemployment


Unemployment is the term used in the

absence of paid occupation (job for forces
capable and qualified).
Economic phenomenon caused by
economic crises or recessions, which is that
some of the employees remain unemployed due
to the gap between demand and supply of labor,
the same situation can not hire because of the

impossibility of finding work.

Some of unemployment is due to structural characteristics of both the labor market
and the market of goods and services. Structural characteristics that generate this "natural
unemployment" are market imperfections, random variation in supply and demand, the
costs of obtaining information about available jobs at a time
This phenomenon is characterized by the fact that part of the population is looking
for a job. When this situation the proportions serious economic problems in the region or
State, by increasing social spending to support the unemployed, increasing poverty and
There are several types of unemployment:

Unemployment caused by the economic situation during recession (economic

depression) that usually takes 2 to 3 years following the economic boom by
reducing unemployment.

Seasonal Unemployment usually growing in the months when seasonal work is

not required (eg cooking or serving personnel tourists).

Unemployment is a serious chronic unemployment in periods when no relative

boom not markedly reduce the number of unemployed. It can be divided into
causes namely due to the inappropriate qualifications required, age, health or lack
of desire to work in other regions due to the placement of employment, or
remuneration (wages) low. Another cause of chronic unemployment is the
changing structure of the economy by the
emergence of new technologies that reduce
the need for the existing workforce or not
properly qualified. This automation can
remember in history known actions
weavers who destroyed machines in
manufacturing, although long-term
automation results in increased purchasing
power of the population, reflected in the
increase in the quantity and variety of
goods and services purchased, which
means increasing labor market demand (several jobs).

Voluntary unemployment is the type that describes where able-bodied people do not
want to work in the vast majority of cases, because they have enough material resources.

Involuntary unemployment (forced) describes a situation where able-bodied people

want to engage, but there are jobs available. This type of unemployment is raising social
issues, the only form of payment accepted for unemployment benefits.
Unemployment in Romania is caused largely illiterate population. Unemployed people in
the villages are 60% of them, and their level of training makes it difficult to re-fell in jobs
required in the labor market.
The economic crisis characterized by stagnation or decline in the economy and it
increases the number of unemployed.
Unemployment Rate in Romania increased to 7.30 percent in April of 2013 from 7.20
percent in March of 2013. Unemployment Rate in Romania is reported by the National
Institute of Statistics. Historically, from 2006 until 2013, Romania Unemployment Rate
averaged 6.97 Percent reaching an all time high of 8.10 Percent in March of 2010 and a
record low of 5.40 Percent in September of 2008. In Romania, the unemployment rate
measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour
force. This page includes a chart with historical data for Romania Unemployment Rate.

Policies to combat unemployment:

1. The first solution to combat the rate of unemployment in our country is that

whe have to establish a growing procedure of our industries for exactly our
needs and then to establish the concept of importing products to other
countries for a growing community .

2. Increasing employment opportunities for people looking for a job is primarily prin1:
information and professional advice, labor mediation, counseling and assistance for
starting a self-employed or starting a business, filing employee wages, stimulating force
mobility job.

3. Information and professional counseling created and a set of services provided free of
charge to persons in search of munca2. Services are provided by the suppliers of
specialized centers and public or private sector, with the following purpose:
- providing information on the labor market and the evolution
- self assessment and personality in order

professional orientation;
- development of ability and self-confidence of people in
search a job in order to enable them to decide on their professional career;
- training in methods and techniques of searching for a job

4. Labour Mediation consist of activities through which the linking employers with people
looking for a job in order to establish working relationships and service.
Mediation services for people looking for a job is given free and consist :
- information on vacancies jobs and conditions of their employment by publishing, displaying, organizing
job fairs;
- electronic mediation to allow the correspondence of applications and requests for jobs;
preselection candidates according to job requirements, considering the experience , training, skills, and
interests .

Bibliografie :

Traian Stefanescu Labor rights ,Editura All, Bucuresti

Magazine of the employment law nr 5 , 2002


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