Task 3-3 Result Pscad

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3/4/15 11:52 AM

MATLAB Command Window

Case 1: Surge inductor is 505.2 ohms.

Case 2: Surge resistor is 105.3 ohms.
Case 1: Surge capacitor is 59.4 ohms.
Case 2: Surge inductor is 1.88 H.
Case 1: The surge impedence is 505.2 ohms in magnitude
and -5.1 degrees in phase.
Case 1: The surge impedence load is 677.6 VA in magnitude
and 5.1 degrees in phase.

Case 2: The surge impedence is 105.3 ohms in magnitude

and 81.5 degrees in phase.
Case 2: The surge impedence load is 72.0 VA in magnitude
and -81.5 degrees in phase.

Case 1: Line resistance is 14.2 ohms.

Case 2: Line resistance is 10.7 ohms.

Case 1: Load inductor is 207.4 mH.

Case 2: Load resistor is 92.6 mH.
ans =
The shunt capacitor value is 191.9 nF.

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