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Use case name: Grade Homework

Area: Konnect
Actors: Homework Information, Student Information
Description: Allow Teacher to grade homework
Stakeholder: User, Teacher
Triggering Event: User view assignments then grades it
Trigger Type (select one):
Steps Performed
Information for Steps
1. System grades homework
1 System grades homework for teacher
2. System Checks an assignment by
getting it by the Student
3. Each assignment then compares the
questions to the answer key.
Preconditions: Homework must exist
Postconditions: Homework assignment must be graded
Assumptions: If a User does not turn in an assignment then it is a 0
Success Guarantee: System grades every homework assignment
Minimum Guarantee: Assignments are graded.
Objectives Met: Student receives grade. Teacher grades homework.
Outstanding Issues: Make sure homework is turned in on time
Priority (optional):
2 (out of 10)
Risk (optional):
2 (out of 10)

Jeff Cole
Josh Klein

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