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NASP Professional Standards

(Adopted in 2010)

At the NASP 2010 Delegate Assembly in Chicago, NASP leaders

unanimously approved the 2010 Revision of the NASP Standards. The
NASP 2010 Standards consists of four separate documents: (a) Standards
for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists (formerly Training and
Field Placement Programs in School Psychology), (b) Standards for the
Credentialing of School Psychologists, (c) Principles for Professional
Ethics, and the (d) Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School
Psychological Services (formerly Guidelines for the Provision of School
Psychological Services).
The 2010 Standards were developed within the context of current issues
relevant to education and psychology, with a visionary look ahead to
anticipated future developments and issues in our field.
Over an almost three-year period, the Standards Revision Task Force
members and other NASP leaders worked to assure the process of revising
the NASP Standards was completed with integrity and with input from our
NASP membership, elected and appointed NASP leaders, and other
leaders in the field of school psychology. The adoption of the NASP 2010
Standards was accomplished as a result of the commitment of NASP
leaders and members, and in consultation with other school psychology
The process to revise the four NASP standards (Training, Credentialing,
Ethics, and Practice Guidelines) formally began in September 2007. The
comprehensive revision process integrated an analysis of key issues for
school psychology and needs of school psychologists with a multistage
development and review of draft documents by numerous individuals,
including NASP leaders, NASP members, and representatives of other
school psychology and related organizations. Web-based surveys, focus
groups held at NASP conventions, and other communications were used
throughout the revision process to solicit input about needed revisions for
the standards and to obtain feedback about drafts of the standards from
NASP leaders, members, and other organizations. From an organizational
prospective, the revision process was spearheaded by Writing Teams for
each document, which developed drafts of the standards and reviewed
all comments and suggestions resulting from multiple surveys and focus
groups. Next, Development Groups (representatives from NASP and other
school psychology organization) provided review and feedback in fall
2008, and then Reaction Groups (NASP leadership and membership and
related organizations and stakeholders) provided further review and
feedback in winter 2009. As a result of this process, many revisions were
made. The final versions adopted by the Delegate Assembly in March 2010
represent an integration of the expertise and experience of numerous
school psychologists.
These efforts produced strong policy documents for NASP and all school
psychologists and will strengthen NASP's many efforts to support school
psychologists and promote comprehensive school psychological services.
The NASP 2010 standards are a unified set of national principles that
guide graduate education, credentialing, professional practices, and
ethical behavior of effective school psychologists. These major NASP
policy documents are intended to define contemporary school
psychology; promote comprehensive and integrated services for children,
families and schools; and provide a foundation for the future of school
psychology. These policy documents will be used to communicate NASP's
positions and advocate for qualifications and practices of school
psychologists with stakeholders, policy makers and other professional

groups at the national, state and local levels.

Acknowledgement of NASP Standard Revision Task Force

The members of the Writing Teams who contributed to the revision
process include the following:
Patti Harrison
Joe Prus
Enedina Vasquez
Virginia Harvey-Smith
Michael Curtis
Rhonda Armistead
Sarah Valley-Gray
Joan Bohmann
Sawyer Hunley
Diane Smallwood
Barbara Fischetti
Joe Kovaleski
Leigh Armistead
Susan Jacob
Barbara Bole Williams, Task Force Chair
The members of the Development Group included:
Graduate Preparation
Hee Sook Choi
Carol Robinson-Zanartu
Eric Robinson
Tania Thomas Presswood
Janine Jones
Bonnie Nastasi
Brian Leung
Kathy McNamara
Fred Provenzano
Nichole Dailor
Max McFarland
Phil Bowser
Mark Roth
David Shriberg
Juliette Madigan
Monica Murray
Shirley Pitts
Kelly Humphreys
Brian Bartels
Brent Duncan
Tony Wu
Julie Staresnick
Veronica Gorgueiro
Julie Rabatsky
Jean Ramage
Elvina Charley
Dede Bailer
Practice Model
Alnita Dunn
Amelia Van Name Larson
Chris Willis
Mat Lau
Liliana Isoe
Jeanne Pound
Mary DuHoux
Don Blagg
Sonja Shannon
Rocky Martinez

Additional members of the Development Group and the organizations

they represented:
Elaine Clark Division 16 of the American Psychological Association
Dan Olympia Trainers of School Psychologists
Kathy Bradley Klug Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs
Judith Kaufman American Academy of School Psychology
Clifford Hatt American Board of School Psychology
LeAdelle Phelps Society for the Study of School Psychology

National Association of School Psychologists, 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (301) 657-0270 | Toll Free: (866) 331-NASP | Fax: (301) 657-0275
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