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We decided to take inspiration from the film poster of '

Annabelle' as we felt that it had an ominous feel, which
is something we had in mind to create. Similarly to our
poster, it positioned the doll so that only half the face
was shown and the rest of the poster is darkness. This c
reates a sense of the unknown as the audience are vie
wing something uncomfortable looking and they can se
e no further that the close up of the doll.
We will make sure to position the mask face on our pos
ter so that only half of it will be shown, moreover we wil
l make the rest of the poster black. We will conduct this
technique on photoshop, using the paint brush tool to
colour the background of the image so that it will be co
mplete darkness. The reason being, we feel that it will a
llow the audience to perceive that the genre of our film
is horror, moreover it will cast a feeling of fear as an im
age so frightening is so up close. By not showing the ful
l face we feel that it will heighten the feelings of fear cr

Another technique we want to carry out is to make the image of t

he mask on our poster appear animated and cartoon looking. Th
is idea is also inspired by the poster of Annabelle as we feel it i
s incredibly effective looking due to it making the doll look as thr
eatening it does. This will be done on photoshop using the paint
brush tool and enhancing the colours on the mask so that it alm
ost came across as if a person had drawn it. We feel this would b
e powerful to do as it will produce a more sinister film poster.
We have also took note on the text on the Annabelle film poste
r as the title is in red, connoting ideas of danger and warning. M
oreover, it is the biggest text on the poster which places emphasi
s on it and makes it stand out. However, to develop this idea we
want to have our title more in the middle of our poster as this is
what we brings the poster and film together and sets the feel of t
he dark horror genre. We also feel that it will be more eye catchi
ng for our viewers. Moreover, we want to have our text white as
we feel it will create a distinct background to our black backgrou
nd, further making it stand out. However, another idea we liked a
bout the Annabelle poster is that the tagline is placed above th
e title, which creates a good link. We also want to do this.

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