Business of Film Notes

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Business of film Development


Film business is said to be the matter of life and death due to the
high risks and important decisions that need to be made when
making a film.
American movies aim at a global audience rather than a niche
audience, big industrial films are also in touch with TV shows
and many popular brands.
There is a big issue about ownership of British films England.
Actors and directors in the film industry come and go depending
on the audiences needs at the time.
Black list often caused a problem for the scriptwriters blocking
the films to go through.
There was great pressure to raise the finance as financial
decisions play a key role in casting. However not every
famous actor is suitable for a set role.
There is a critical Uk film called under the skin. This film had
changed script couple of times and at last Jonathan finalised
the script budged to be 40 million dollars.
Mathew produced an independent film called kick ass however
the seniors in the film industries and the production companies
in higher ends would not pass the film even after viewing it.
The film was distributed because of the record deals. A very
turn around point for this film was Tom cruise turning up at the
film premier and giving it a very positive feedback which
automatically changed the senior companies opinion about the
film and they wanted to buy the film due to the high status of
tom cruise in the hierarchy. The film was made by 35 million

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