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Kevin Stunduin G00284143

Classroom management is fundamental to creating an efficient, positive and well disciplined

class. Reflecting back on my TP1 experience I highlighted the key areas that need to be
addressed and what methods or techniques worked for me to establish excellent classroom
One the areas that I have focused on in my first week is, Appropriate levels of dominance,
this is an area of the upmost importance in my opinion as its the key to good Teacher-student
relationship. Most teacher feel they have to be the dominant person in the room from word
go and are often very harsh when establishing this in the classroom, this leads to a negative
climate in the classroom and therefore a bad relationship. In my first week I have managed
this area by providing clear purpose and strong guidance regarding both the students work
and behaviour in all my classes I feel this created a mutual understanding between me as the
teacher and the students and has also highlighted fairness students articulated a clear
preference for strong teacher guidance and control rather than more permissive types of
teacher behaviour (Chiu, 1997).
The next area I focused in on was establishing clear rules and procedures and explaining the
consequences for student behaviour. The main rule that I implemented was no talking or
asking a question without raising your hand and waiting until the teacher can answer your
question. This has worked a treat for me and prevents any speaking out of turn and helps limit
chatting in class. I have trained the students into their set routines and explained the reasons
behind these and what will happen if not followed. These routines helped me save time and
Linda Shalaway states that Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate
teaching and learning. Routines dont just make your life easier, they save valuable
classroom time. And what most important, efficient routines make it easier for students to
learn and achieve more." (, 2007)
Assertive behaviour is the next area that I zoned in on, According to Emmer and colleagues,
assertive behaviour is the ability to stand up for one's legitimate rights in ways that make it
less likely that others will ignore or circumvent them (Emmer, 2003, ). I focused on the use of
assertive body language and when students were talking or misbehaving I faced the offending
student or students and walked closer to them and maintained silent this immediately stopped
the offending students as they knew they were being highlighted once they stopped I
explained to the class the issue or problem and explained the consequences. To do this I used
an appropriate tone and which was deliberately elevated but not pitched too much over
normal. I persisted with this approach during the week and it has been extremely effective
and now the students understand what appropriate behaviour is and what isnt.
Chiu, L. H. &. T. M., 1997. student preferences of teacher discipline styles. Journal of
Instructional Psychology, 24(3),( 24(3), ), p. 168175..

Emmer, E. T. E. C. M. &. W. M. E., 2003, . Classroom MANAGEMENT for secondary

teachers. 6th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon., 2007. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 1 2015].

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