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Team ECHO Charter

Mission Statement:
Our vision of a team that works is a group of compatible, trustworthy, and
dependable members which perform objectives to the highest standards efficiently
and effectively working towards a common goal.
To help govern our team, we will be implementing a point system, rewarding people
who have the best point totals but also punishing those who have lower totals. The
reward can be anything from an excused absence for a meeting to being exempt
from an assignment that the rest of the group has. Possible punishments will be
extra assignments, more responsibility, or another punishment the team may find
acceptable depending on when the incident occurred. Our point system will be as
follows and all activities will be worth up to one point, but will be weighted with a
multiplier to determine a point value that more aptly weights tasks we deem as
more important. The points are distributed as noted:

Showing up to a group event

Showing up on time to an event
Completing the weekly assignment
Completing any other assignment
Participation in daily activities
*Any bonus points can be issued, by vote of the group, for any member of the
group exemplifying outstanding effort.

If a member of the group is consistently missing out on points, the group members
reserve the right to call a special meeting with the member and discuss their
performance as a member of the group. Failure to cooperate with the group will
result in further negative consequence, such as negative reviews, bonus
assignments or, in extreme circumstance, removal from the team.
Team Goals:
Our team has broken up our goals into two, equally important sections to help
dictate our growth and success.
Our initial, or short-term, goals are to communicate often to build a sense of
comradery among the membership, and ownership of your role as a member of this
team. We will complete small, team building exercises to determine our strengths as
weaknesses in order to move forward effectively.
Our team believes firmly in working together, emphatically, toward a common goal
of excellence. Our long-term goal of excellence can be judged by our overall

efficiency, cohesiveness, communication, and dedication to reach our end goal:

complete satisfaction of each and every client that we will offer our services to.
Without a pleased customer base, our team cannot thrive in the professional world.

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