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February 27, 2015

Dear Parents, Guardians and Staff:

Re: Measles in Robert Smith School

Laboratory testing has confirmed that there is not a measles case in your school. However, measles cases continue to
occur from time to time in Manitoba and throughout North America.

To protect yourself and your children from illness, and help prevent further spread of this disease please be aware of the

Immunization is the only way to protect yourself and your family. Contact your immunization provider
(physician, nurse practitioner, or local public health office) to make sure you and your family are up to date. If
you are unsure who to call, you can speak with a public health nurse at 204.485.1454

Symptoms of measles:

Fever 38.3 C or higher

Cough, runny nose or red eyes
Red blotchy rash appearing 3-7 days after the fever starts, beginning on the face and spreading down the body


Please stay home from school. Then CALL your primary health care providers office, detail your symptoms, and see
what accommodations can be put in place PRIOR to your visit to minimize contact with other patients.
Call Health Links at 1-888-315-9257 for general information. To reach your local Interlake-Eastern Regional Health
Authority public health nurse, call 485-1454.

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