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Summative Painting Assignment: Lichtenstein Pop

Art Painting

Big Idea: Reflecting on current popular culture to make a statement
about society using a mechanical painting process emulating the style
of pop artist Roy Lichtenstein.

Materials: Acrylic paint, palette, brushes, canvas board, water

container, sketchbook, pencils, Ben-day dot stencil, erasers, ink (for

Learning Goal:
1.Students will develop technical expertise in creating precise lines
with acrylic paint using a mechanical process.
2. Students will become familiar with the creative process and the
preliminary and brainstorming process.
3. Students will become familiar with using the elements and principles
of design in artwork to achieve a particular style (i.e. pattern, line,
contrast) as well as using the terminology to describe their artwork.

Curriculum Expectations: A1. The Creative Process: apply the

creative process to create a variety of art works, individually and/ or
A2. The Elements and Principles of Design: apply elements and
principles of design to create art works for the purpose of selfexpression and to communicate ideas, information, and/or messages.

Objectives: Create a Pop Art painting using Ben-day dot technique

and to create a Roy Lichtenstein inspired pop art painting that can be a
portrait of a media personality (image they appropriate) or character
that they will reproduce from a comic book, advertisement or
magazine. The image will be accompanied with a speech bubble or
onomatopoeia that makes a statement about popular culture. The idea
is to create a juxtaposition by replacing the actual comic book text with
a popular culture statement about popular culture images in the world

Assessment and Evaluation:

Preliminary and creative process evaluated as formative assessment.
Anecdotal feedback will be provided throughout painting procedure
(the different stages). The final assignment will be evaluated as a
summative according to criteria created previously.

Learning experience and Instruction


Minds On: What do you think of when you think of popular culture?
Prompt students feedback
Teachable Methods:
Class 1: Open: Minds on brainstorming on what is popular culture.
(20 min) Introduce pop art with PowerPoint and explain assignment
basics of the movement while students take notes. Body: Students will
fill out a graphic organizer that allows them to brainstorm popular
culture expressions.(20 min) Begin thumbnails (25 min). Close:
Clean up (10 min).
Class 2: Open: Point of view different angles and viewpoints lesson.
Visual examples will be shown and students will be encouraged to

explore different perspectives/ angles of their popular culture images

that can be used in their preliminary process in developing a
composition (10 min). Body: The rest of the class will be for finishing
thumbnails. Close: Thumbnails will be handed in at the end of class.
Class 3: Open: Hand back thumbnails with feedback. Body: Discuss
success criteria and provide checklist to students of criteria. Show
exemplars and get students to categorize exemplars in groups
according to checklist. Discuss the results as a class and get students
to explain the category. Put these categories together and then
develop criteria terminology on anchor charts. Prompt students on how
each piece could have achieved a higher level (40 min).
Demonstration with example on how to transfer preliminary drawing to
canvas board (5 min). Close: Get students to start preliminary
drawing based on thumbnail feedback (30 min).
Class 4: Open: Students will begin transferring images to canvas
board. Body: Preliminaries must be completed and transferred by the
end of class (60 min). Close: Clean up (15 min).
Class 5: Open: Demonstration on using masking tape and exacto
knife to create a mask/ stencil to create clean shapes (10 min). Body:
Get students to start masking their flat areas of colour (50 min).
Close: Clean up (15 min).
Class 6: Open: Go over painting setup/clean up expectations (10
min). Body: Continue with masking images and begin painting flat
areas of colour (60 min). Close: Clean up (15 min).
Class 7: Open: Demonstration on how to apply Ben-day dots with
template stickers and pencil eraser technique that students can choose
from (5 min). Body: Students will continue their painting (55 min).
Close: Clean up (15 min).
Class 8: Open: Discuss project deadline (2 min). Body: Students will
finish their flat areas of colour and start planning their Ben-day dots
using template or the eraser method (60 min). Clean up (15 min).
Class 9: Open: Demonstration on how to apply graphic outline (5
min). Student will continue with Ben-day dots and start graphic outline
after flat colour and Ben-day are complete (55 min). Clean up (15

Class 10: Open: Encourage students to begin their speech bubble this
period (2 min). Body: Get students to develop their speech bubble
and start refining their painting and cleaning up lines (55 min). Clean
up (15 min).
Class 11: Open: Reiterate deadline before beginning work period (1
min). Body: Get students to finish outline and hand out reflection.
Students will continue putting finishing touches on their painting (60
min). Clean up (15 min).
Class 12: Painting due with reflection. Open: Have students write
reflection if it has not been completed/ handed in (10 min). Body:
Give students the rest of the period to hand in painting and make sure
they have touched it up to the best of their ability (50 min). Clean up
(15 min).

Differentiation: Different subject matter, extra time/ help provided during

lunch. Students will be given different options for applying the Ben-day dots
and different sizes of erasers for the stamp method.
Student Groupings: Students will work in pairs/ groups during criteria
building exercise and brainstorming graphic organizer sharing their ideas.
Students will work independently on painting as well as in groups during
Consolidation: Written reflection on pop art and their painting.

Lesson Reflection

Lesson Notes for future development:

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