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Many people dont realize that in foreign countrys people are dying left and
right from leaders that violate human rights. Many innocent citizens have been
harassed, tortured, and even killed by people who violate human rights. In some
cases even their own MILITARY supports these violations and commits them
themselves. These violations should be stopped as soon as possible.
In Africa, Argentina, Chile, Cuba and even the United States peoples natural
human rights are being violated as we speak. The leaders who support these
violations of the people are mostly military leaders, communist leaders, or dictators
but sometimes even a democracy violates human rights.
The leader of the authoritarian state of Cuba is Raul Castro (congressional
digest, 7). He has violated the peoples rights in many ways including government
threats, intimidation, harassment and so on (Congressional Digest, 7). People like
this should be stripped of power and replaced. They are doing more harm than

I bet your asking yourself why would someone ever do these things to
another human being? and there are many answers to that question. Religion plays
a big role in human violations. In Myanmar, their government and people do not
support the Christian and Muslim faith. The women have reportedly been raped
and used as sex slaves by the military and local militias and police have blocked aid
to the destitute (Shaw, 2).
The local militias in this country cause devastation to Muslim and Christian
property and engage in unthinkable acts to their people. Over the past year
attackers have torched villages and killed more than 1000 civilians, while driving
more than 100000 into squalid refugee camps where they are routinely denied
adequate food, medical aid, and shelter from oncoming monsoons (Shaw, 1) .
Luckily our president is working to help these people and fix the economic
instabilities in Myanmar.

Who is responsible?
The leader of an organization is almost always to blame for this wrong doing.
Even though some leaders do not get any punishment what so ever for their crimes
most get what they deserve. A town in Russia recently dealt with an issue dealing
with a spiritual group living in a cave.the sects spiritual leader, Andrei kuznetsov
(who merely spiritually guided the people but never joined them in the cave) was

charged with the crime of creating an organization that violates human rights.
(apocalypse not, 1) these type of people are always cruel to people and sometimes
the victims dont even know their rights are being violated.
It is terrible knowing that many people are being tortured, shot, arrested, etc.
but also know that there are good people out there trying to help. Maybe you could
become one of those people and help prevent human rights violations.

"Cuba And Human Rights." Congressional Digest 92.7 (2013): 7-32. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
Shaw, William, M. Zuhdi Jasser, and Azizah al-Hibri. "Obama must hold Myanmar's
Thein Sein accountable for human rights violations." Christian Science Monitor 20
May 2013: N.PAG. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
"Apocalypse Not." Russian Life 51.3 (2008): 12-13. Academic Search Premier. Web.
27 Jan. 2015.

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