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Free Form Color- Applying color theory and color mixing with

Big Idea: Students with apply colour theory to a simple painting activity
where they will select a piece of coloured construction paper of their choice
and choose a single hue that compliments it. They will paint different
tints/shades or different saturation of that hue in simple squares that should
take up 75% of the composition. Students will then mix the complimentary of
that hue and paint more squares that should take up 20% of the composition.
Finally students will add an accent colour that will take up 5% of the
composition. Through this students will apply their knowledge of colour
theory, how to mix colours effectively and apply paint evenly using only pure
form without being distracted by subject matter.

Acrylic paint
Water container
Coloured construction paper

Curriculum Expectations:
A2. The Elements and Principles of Design
A2.2. Apply elements and principles of design as well as art making
conventions to create art works that communicate ideas, information or
C2. Conventions and Techniques
C2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of techniques that artists
use to achieve specific effects

Minds On: (15 min)

What is a color wheel? What colors compliment each other in the following
images? (Diagnostic assessment of color theory knowledge)

Teachable Methods (55 min)

PowerPoint on color theory, students will learn the basics of color schemes
while filling out a color theory scavenger handout to find the answers as I go
through the presentation. (15 min)
Introduce free form colour activity and criteria.
Explain the entire process in terms of steps (i.e. step 1. Select your hue and
paint different tints/ shades by adding black/white or different saturation by
mixing it with a small percentage of another color)
Demonstrate each step as students process in order to scaffold. (i.e. wait
until students are almost finished step 1 before demonstrating step 2 (how to
select the complimentary colour of your hue and mix different shades/
saturations of it).
Give students feedback as they progress through steps
Extend assignment an extra day if necessary. Get students to clean up and fill
our exit card.
(15 min)
Assessment and Evaluation:
Formative assessment. I will circulate the tables while they are working.
Colour theory quiz will follow this assignment.

Differentiation: I will give students extra time and give them a colour wheel
to use as reference to where complimentary colors are on the color wheel.
Consolidation: I will get all students to summarize what they have learned
about colour theory after taking up quiz (2 nd day).

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