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3.7 Related Rates Contemporary Caleulus 3.7. RELATED RATE In the next several sections well look at more uses of derivatives. Probably no single application willbe of| interest or use to everyone, uta least some of them should be useful o you. Applications also reinforce ‘what you have been practicing; they requie that you recall what a derivative means and use the techniques, covered in the last several sections, Most people gain deeper understanding and appreciation of «tool 3s they use it, and differentiation is both a powerful concept and a useful tool ‘The Derivative As A Rate of Change In Section 3.2, several interpretations were given for the derivative of a function. Here we will examine how the "rate of change of function” interpretation can be used. If several variables or quantities are related to cach other and some of the variables are changing at a known rate, then we can use derivatives to determine how rapidly the other variables must be changing Example 1: Suppose we know that the radius of a circle is increasing at a rate of 10 fect cach second (Fig. 1) , and we want to know how fast the area of the citee is increasing when the radius is $ feet. What can we do? Solution: We could get an approximate answer by calculating the area of the citcle when the radius is S feet (A= a1? = a(5 feet)” = 78.6 feet” ) and 1 second later ar? = n(15 feet)? = 706.9 feet” ) when the radius is 10 feet larger than before ( : ° 2 2 Fig 1 and then finding AArea/Atime = (706.9 f° — 78.6 f)(1 sec) = 628.3 f7/sec. This approximate answer represents the average change in arca during the 1 second period when the radius increased from $ feet to 15 feet. It is the slope of the secant line through the points P and Q in Fig. 2 ,and itis cleatly not a very good approximation of the instantaneous rate of change of the area, the slope of the tangent line atthe point P. g ‘We could get a better approximation by calculating AA/At over a g was 78.6 f , the new area is A= (6 feet)? = 113.1 feet (Why is - AA/AL = (113.1 1278.6 f2)/(A sec) = 345 fisec. This isthe 5 tangent slope of the secant line through the point P and R in Fig. 3, and it time (seconds) Fi 2 WSBCTC 4 37 Related Rates Contemporary Caleulus ‘We know that the two variables in this problem, the radius r and the area A, are related to each other by the formula A =m" , ira and we know thatboth rand A. are changing over timeso each J of them is funeton of sn alitional variable (=time, We will & 100 continue to write the radius and area variables as x and A,butit is important to remember that each of them is really afunetion of — Bon t, r=r(Q) and A= A(O. The statement that “the radius is increasing at arate of 10 feet each second" can be translated into a t 40.1 3) 5 ‘mathematical statement about the rate of change, the derivative of : time (seconds) cwithreipect one: $f = 10 fuse. The questo bout the red rate of change ofthe area is «question about $f . Collecting all ofthis information, we have Finally, we are ready to find Sf — we just ned to differentiate cach side of the equation A= 70 with respect tothe independent variable t 2 2 SB = SGP = nA = a2r Gf. The ast pie, $F appears in the derivative because Fis « function of t and we must use the differentiation rule fora function to 8 powcr (or the Chain Rule): 4 1 AD SP o-0™ oO Se We know from the problem that $¢ = 10fesec so Sf = m2e 4p —x2s(10 fus) ~20ar fe. This answer tells ws that the rate of nerease ofthe area ofthe circle, Sf , depends on the valve ofthe radius + as wellas on the value of $f. Since 1=5 feet, the area ofthe circle wil be inereasing a a rate of dA 2 St =20nr fs =20n(5 feet ) us = 100 fH? is = 314.2. square fect por second. wsBCTC 2 37 Related Rates Contemporary Caleulus ‘The key steps in finding the exact rate of change of the area of the circle were to ‘+ write the known information in a mathematical form, expressing rates of change as derivatives (r=5 feet and dedt= 10 fUsee ) ‘+ write the question ina mathematical form — (dA/dt=) ‘+ find an equation connecting or relating the variables (A ‘+ differentiate both sides of the equation relating the variables, remembering thatthe variables are funetions oft (dA/dt = 2ar driét) ‘+ putall of the known values into the equation in the previous step and solve for the desired part 14.2 1€isee) in the resulting equation (A/dt = 2a(5 £9(10 1Usee) Example 2: Divers tives depend on understanding situations involving related rates. In water the pressure at a depth of x fect is approximately P(x) = 15( 1 +33 ) pounds per square inch (compared to approximately 15 pounds per square inch at sea level = P(0)). Volume is inversely proportional to the pressure , v= kip , so doubling the pressuce will result in half the original volume, Remember that volume is a function of the pressure: v @) (a) Suppose a diver’ lungs, at a depth of 66 feet, contained 1 cubie foot of air and the diver ascended to the surface without releasing any air, what would happen’? (b) Iadiver started ata depth of 66 feet and ascended at arate of 2 feet per second, how fast ‘would the pressure be changing? (Dives deeper than 50 feet also involve a risk of the "bends” or decompression sickness ifthe ascent is too rapid, Tables are available which show the safe rates of ascent from different depths.) Solution: (a) The diver would risk geting uptured lungs. The 1 cubic foot of ar at a depth of 66 feet would be ata pressure of P66) = 15(1 + $5 ) = 45 pounds per square inch (psi). Since the pressure at sea level ,P(0) = 1S psi is only 1/3 a8 great cach cubic foot of ac would expand to 3 cubic fet, and the divers lungs would be in danger. Divers arc taught to release air as they ascend to avoid tis danger. a (b) The diver is ascending at a ate of 2 feev/second so the rate of change of the diver's depth x(0) is 4 x Is a 15+} x, isa function of x (or xt) so ge P= 3 HF psilty4-2 Woe) =— 35 psisec = 091 psisce Example 3: The height of a cylinder is increasing at 7 meters per second and h the radius is increasing at 3 meters per second. How fast is the volume changing when the cylinder is $ meters high and has a radius of 6 meters? (Fig. 4) WSBCTC 37 Related Rates Contemporary Caleulus Solution: First we need to translate our known information into a mathematical format. The height and = radius = radius are given: h=height =5m and m, Weare also told how fast hand r are changing: dhidt = expect the units of €V/dt to be the same as AV/AL which are m°Vs, m/s and drldt=3 mis. Finally, we are asked to find dVidt, and we should We also need an equation which relates the variables hr and V (all of which are functions of time ) to each other: ‘Then, differentiating cach side of this equation with respect tot (remembering that h,rand V are funetions), we have 2, a 2 BV _ star?) _ any adh ar’ a eal eat? oe } ar a + hae by the Product Rule {$F + nang } by the Power Rule for functions. ‘The rests just substituting values and doing some arithmeti: = 2 (6m)? (7 mis) + (5 m)2(6 m3 mis) ¥ =a 252 m/s + 180m'/s ) =432ami/s = 13572 mis. ‘The volume of the cylinder is increasing at a rate of 1357.2 cubic meters per second. (It is always encouraging when the units of our answer are the ones we expect.) Practice 1: How fast isthe surface area of the cylinder changing in the previous example? (Assume that hy 1, dh/dt, and drfdt have the f 5 ‘same values as in the example and use Fi to help you determine an equation relating the wont een vies and 1. The eylinder has a top and bottom.) (@). © wsecrc 4 3.7 Related Rates Contemporary Caleulus Practice How fast isthe Volume of the eylinder inthe previous example changing ifthe radius is decreasing at arate of 3. meters per second? (The height, radius and rate of change of the height are the same as in the previous example: § m,6m and 7 mis respectively.) ‘Usually, the most difficult part of Related Rate problems is to find an equation which relates or connects all of ‘the variables. In the previous problems, the relating equations required a knowledge of geometry and formulas for areas and volumes (or knowing where to find them). Other Related Rates problems may require other information about similar triangles, the Pythagorean formula, or trigonometry — it depends onthe probe It is a good idea, a very good idea, to draw a picture of the phy'sical situation whenever possible. It is also ® ‘200d idea, particularly if the problem is very important (your next raise depends on getting the right answer), to calculate at least one approximate answer as a check of your exact answer, Example 4: Water is flowing into conical tank ata rate of $'mivs, Ifthe radius of the top of the cone is 2 m (see Fig. 6), the height is 7 m, and the depth of the water is 4 m, then how fast isthe water level rising? Solution: Lets define our variables to be = height (or depth) of the water in the cone and V =the volume of the water in the cone. Both h and V are changing, and both of them are funetions of time 1, We are told inthe problem that h=4m and dV/dt=5 m’is, and we are asked to find dh/dt. We expect that the units of dhidt will be the Same as AN/AL Which are’ meters/second Unfortunately, the equation forthe volume of @ cone, V = 27h , also involves an additional variable +, the radius of the cone at the top of the water . This is a situation in which the picture can be a great help by suggesting that we have a pair of similar triangles so r/h = (top radius)/(total height) = Camitrn)=27 and r=3 b. Then we can cet volume of be sone wate, v= ah, as a function of the single variable h: WSBCTC 5 37 Related Rates Contemporary Caleulus “The rest ofthe solution is straightforward. ion ah? av Sarah) gay sy STE tae ‘i a TaT Gr = Ta7 xh GE remember, his a function of t 4 adh dh aT 234m) gE = 410 m4) Gr av 3 a 2 dh We know that Gp = Sms and Gp = (4.10m%) JP soiitis easy to solve for dh __avidt Sms tom) ~ 410m ~ 1 This example was alittle more difficult than the others because we needed to use similar triangles to get ‘an equation relating V to hand because we eventually needed to do a litte arithmetic to solve For dhidt. Practice 3: A rainbow trout has taken the fly atthe end of a 60 foot line, and the line is being reeled in at arate of 30 feet per minute. Ifthe tip of the rod is 10 feet above the water and the trout is atthe surface of the water, how fast isthe trout being pulled toward the angler? (Suggestion: Draw a picture and use the Pythagorean formula.) Example 5: When rans falling vencally the amount (volume) of 4) rain 1 | | tain collected in a cylinder is proportional to the area of the opening ofthe cylinder. Ifyou place a narrow cylindrical las and a wie cylindrical glass out inthe rain (Fig. 7). (a) which glass will collect water faster, and {b) in which glass will the water level rise faster? Fig. 7 Solution: Let's assume thatthe smaller glass has aradius of r and the larger has a radius of R,R>r , 0 the areas of their openings are a1? and sR? respectively, 1 ,and the larger atthe rate (a) The sma ss wll cleat waeratthe rate = Ks Ww a Ww $Y cart? so SY 8 and erg sae wil collet wale fare the smaller les. (b) The volume of water in each glass is a function of the radius of the glass and the height of the water in the glass: v=217h and V=2R?H where band H are the heights of the water levels in the smaller and larger glasses, respectively. ‘The heights hand H vary with t (are functions of ) so darh adh dh _ dvidt dt aarg and gq = 2 Kx? in part (a)) WSBCTC 3.7 Related Rates Contemporary Caleulus « av _dR?H) pat gH _ dvidt Kar? Similarly, Go = “ZG =r’ G so Ge = Tr = aro K dh oH ‘Then Gp =K= Ge so the water level in each glass is rising atthe same rate, In a one minute period, the larger glass will collect more rain, but the larger glass also requires more rain to raise its ‘water level by each inch, How do you think the volumes and water levels would change if we placed a small glass and a large plastic box side by side in the rain? PROBLEMS 1, An expandable sphere is being filled with liquid at a constant rate from a tap (imagine a water balloon connected to a faucet). When the radius of the sphere is 3 inches, the radius is increasing at 2 inches pet minute. How fast is the liquid coming out of the tap? (V= 3 2°) + 2. The 12 inch base of right rangle is growing a3 inches per hour, andthe 16 » a (@) Is the area increasing or decreasing? inch height is shrinking at 3 inches per hour 0) ths perimeter increasing or deceating? ~ (©) the hypotenuse increasing or decreasing? = Fig. 8 | 2. Onchonr serie tanglin Polen? i 1S isis ong and inch bgh (Fig. 9), andthe bate and height are changing atthe same rate asin Problem 2, b (©) _Isthe are ineeasng or deceasng now? (0) Tsthe hypotenuse increasing o decreasing now’? > (©) _Isthe perimeter increasing or decreasing now? 5 Fig.9 4. A young woman and her boytind plan wo clope, but she must ese him from his mother who has locked him in his room. ‘Te young woman bas placed & 20 foot long lar against his house and is knocking on his window when his smother begins pulling the Dotom of the ladder away fro the house at a ate of 2 fest per second (Fig. 10). How fasts the top ofthe Inder (and he young coupe) falling when the boom of the ladder is (a) 12 feet from the bottom of the wall?” (B) 16 feet from the bottom of the wall? Fig. 10 (©) 19 feet from the bottom of the wall?” WSBCTC 37 Related Rates Contemporary Caleulus 5. ‘The length of a 12foot by 8 foot rectangle is increasing at arateof 32% fc pe scond and he width is decreasing m2 ft pr second ig. 1.—f (a) How fast is the perimeter changing? (b) How fast isthe area changing? 2 3 ts > 6. Accircle of radius 3 inches is inside a square with Fig. 11 12 inch sides (Fig. 12). How fast i the area between the circle and square changing ifthe radius is increasing at 4 inches per minute and the sides are Fig. 12 i increasing at 2 inches per minute? oilspill 7. Anil tanker in Puget Sound has sprung a leak, and a circular il slick is forming (Fig. 13). The ol slick is 4 inches thick everywhere, i 100 feet in diameter, and the

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