Adding Decimals

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Co-Teaching Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction) 8/25/14

Miss Johnson and Mrs. Converse
Adding Decimals
5.NBT.B.7. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or
drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship
between addition and subtraction.
Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT correctly add decimals to the hundredths place by lining up the decimals and adding like
normal with 80% accuracy.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
SWBAT remember to line up their decimals before adding
SWBAT say a number with a decimal correctly
SWBAT explain the difference between a decimal and a whole number.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
Students will be able to show 80% mastery on their exit ticket which will require them to line up
and add five decimal problems.
Key vocabulary:
Decimal: A number that is part of a whole number and
is less than one. They also can be represented as a
Math Notebook
Exit Ticket
Individual White Board
Ex: 2.57 Make sure students know how to say
Teacher White Board
this. Two AND fifty-seventh hundredths
White Board Markers

Instructional Input

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
I want everyone to get open their math notebooks. Like normal, I want you to put the date (8/25) and
put todays what and obj. Our what is adding decimals and our objective or job today is(see
above). Before we began, I am going to set my timer for one minute. Within that minute, I want you to
down one or two ways we use decimals in real life. When we are done, I am going to draw 5 name
cards to share. If you still want to share and your name was not called, you may write it on the back of
your exit ticket.
Teacher Will:
1. Go through the Vocabulary and definitions.
2. Give Steps for adding decimals.
1. Set up your problem.
Step number two is so important, so important,
Im writing it in (insert color of closest different
colored marker).
2. Line up your decimals.

Student Will:
1. Write down the vocabulary words along
with their definitions in their notebook.
2. Write down the steps in their notebook.
They will also sing, Line em up, line em up,
line em up-up-up! whenever asked what
they should do when adding decimals.
3. Students will follow along in their
notebooks as the teacher gives two examples

Today I am going to teach you a song. I

learned this song when I was learning about
decimals and now I am going to pass it on to
you. Whenever I see you, it may even be in the
hallway, when I ask you, what do we do when
we add decimals? You must reply with this
song: Line em up, line em up, line em up-upup! Lets practice. What do we do when we
add decimals?!
3. Bring down the Add the number that is the
farthest to the right
4. Keep adding like normal
5. Bring down your decimal point so it is
lined up with the other decimal points.

on the board.

3. Give Examples.
56.23 + 89.08
Now let us solve this by following our steps.
47.235 + 2.45
Again, follow along in your notebook.

Guided Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Alex and Bruce both have autism and may call out.
Teacher Will:
1. Now I want you to do the next few problems
on our whiteboards. Let solve this one
together. Ask student for a decimal. They must
say it correctly. Ask another student for another
decimal. This will be used as our example
We will go through the steps together. Call on
students to tell me the step I do next as I go
through the problem.
2. Now I want you to try problems on your own.
As you finish up, hold up your whiteboard.
3. Run through a few examples.
4. Help students as they need assistance.

Student Will:
1. One student will volunteer a decimal
number saying it correctly.
2. Be able to tell the teacher which step she
needs to do next.
3. Work through the problems as they are
written up on the board on their white board.
They will hold up their completed problem for

Independent Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Teacher Will:
Before I give you your homework for your
independent practice, I have an exit ticket I
want you to complete. There are five adding
decimal problems. Once you have completed
the exit ticket, you may trade it for your
homework. Make sure you write down your
idea from the beginning of class if you wanted
to share it.
Pass out Exit ticket
Collect Exit Tickets and trade for homework.
Give assistance to those who need it.

Student Will:
Complete an Exit ticket with 80% accuracy.
Trade in their exit ticket for their homework.
Start their homework until it is time to pack

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

Read a few of the ideas if there are any. Ask students what they do when they add decimals and have
them sing the song.

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