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1. A bottle holds 1 litre of lemonade.

Rachel fills 5 glasses with lemonade.

She puts 150 millilitres in each glass.
How much lemonade is left in the bottle?

y o u r m e th o d .
You m ay get
a m a rk .
m l

2. Katies glass holds a quarter of a litre when it is full.

She nearly fills it to the top with juice.

Tick ( ) the approximate amount of juice she puts in the glass.
4 millilitres

20 millilitres

120 millilitres

220 millilitres

420 millilitres

3. Two of these sentences could be true.

Tick ( ) the two sentences that could be true.
Adams pencil is 12 centimetres long.

Leah is 12 metres tall.

Jakes glass holds 12 litres of milk.

Kates younger sister weighs 12 kilograms.

4. Circle one amount each time to make this sentence correct.

One has been done for you.
A tea cup is likely to hold about


Sarah is cooking.
Tick (

) the most likely capacity of the pan.

2 . 5 m illilitr e s

2 5 m illilit r e s

2 5 0 m illilit r e s

2 . 5 litr e s

2 5 lit r e s

2 5 0 li tr e s

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