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Diagnosticspeaking test

About you

Photo description

1 Talk about yourself.

3 Describe the photos.

Who is in your family? Are they older or younger

Photo A

than you?

What time of day is it?

What time do you get up?

Who is in the photo?

How do you get to school?

What meal are they eating?

Whats your best school subject? Whats your

Whats on the table?

worst subject?

Who looks the most tired?

What do you do after school?

Do you and your family eat the same things as

this family?

Role play

Photo B

2 Complete the dialogue with the phrases. Then

practise the dialogue.

What does this family do at the weekend?

What do you think they can see?

are much better are you doing disagree

do you on Friday once or

What are they wearing?

Do they look happy? Describe how they look.
Are there a lot of people at the match?

A Hi, [name].

EXTENSION Answer the questions.

B Hi, [name]. What

(1) ____________________________?

What are you like in the morning?

A Im watching a comedy film. I think that comedy

Whats your favourite meal of the day? Why?

films (2) ____________________________ than

Who is your sporting hero? Why do you like

horror films.
B Really? I (3) ____________________________.

him / her?

I think horror films are more exciting! How often

(4) ____________________________ watch films?
A (5) ____________________________ twice a
week. I often go to the cinema
(6) ____________________________ evenings.

EXTENSION Imagine you see your friend

listening to music.
A Ask your friend what he / she is doing.
B Respond and say what kind of music you are

listening to (for example, pop, rock, heavy

metal). Say why you prefer this kind of music to
another kind of music.
A Disagree and say why. Ask your friend how
often he / she listens to music.
B Reply. Say when you usually listen to music and
how often you go to concerts.

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