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Fantastic Voyage

OGR-1 by Tumo

I have chosen to have my animation geared towards a
global audience and not any one specific age range in the
hope of getting a story that can communicate to both
children and adults alike. Reason I chose to go this route is
because I have noticed that television programs that have
began airing in recent years (adventure time and the like)
have managed to garner a wide audience by being colorful
and entertaining enough for little kids whilst having a deep
enough story for adults.

My Idea
I have always had an interest in the influenza virus and its
conqueror like mentality so upon viewing the options we
were given it was a simple pick for me. My idea for my
short will be the retelling of the trojan horse story, mainly
because of the way the influenza virus enters a cell. During
my short i will have narration over the actions appearing on
screen and carefully place words that give the viewer
knowledge of what they are seeing and how it relates to the

Influence Map


Concepts cont.

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