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Certificate of Professional Learning

Workshop Participation: Teacher Education

Autism Spectrum Disorders

October 2, 2014


Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, Director of Teacher Education

Certificate of Professional Learning

Workshop Participation: Teacher Education

Centre for Community and Global Engagement:
Opportunities for Community Service Learning

September 11, 2014

Nicholas Ng-A-Fook
Director of Teacher Education

Certificate of Professional Learning

Workshop Participation: Teacher Education

Learning Disabilities Association of Ottawa/Carleton:
Walk a Mile in My Shoes

September 18, 2014

Nicholas Ng-A-Fook
Director of Teacher Education

I n Re co g n i t i o n o f Pa rt i cipat ion i n


A D a y o f L e a r n i n g & R e s o u r c e s f o r T e ac h e r C a n d i dat e s

Certificate of Participation

Francis Laurin

Certificate of Attendance
SMART Board Essentials Workshop
October 24, 2014


Nathalie Par, Supervisor, Educational Centre of the Faculty of Education

The SMART Board Essentials Workshop is a two-part, 90-minute training session reserved for Faculty of Education students. The
first part of this workshop explains how the technology works, how to set up a SMART Board, and some of the ways it can be used
in the classroom. The second part of the workshop introduces the features of SMART Notebook, the presentation software
specially designed for interactive whiteboards.

Part I SMART Board Basics (20 min.)

Part II Smart Notebook (60 -70 min.)

Students have been shown how to:

Students have been shown how to:

Connect a computer to a SMART Board

Connect other equipment as needed (e.g. projector,
Use a computer and projector to display an image on a
Orient a SMART Board

Add and delete pages

Navigate through a Notebook file
Move the toolbars and use the floating toolbar
Write on a SMART Board (using pens, shapes, lines, etc.)
Erase, insert or delete writing on a Notebook page
Add or remove a screen shade
Change the screen view
Use the screen capture tool
Convert handwriting to text
Insert and manipulate objects on a Notebook page
Insert links and sounds and attach them to objects
Create and launch a question using SMART Response
Locate the Math Toolbar and Measurement Tools
Find lessons using the Gallery or SMART Exchange
Locate the SMART Notebook tutorial and other aids and

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