Asian Recipes

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Thai Meatballs with Green Curry Sauce For this recipe we created dramatic contrasts of flavor, color, and texture ‘that intensify appetites for subse quent courses. The meatball ingredi- ents include pork, which is used because of its rich flavor and fat content; cilantro, grated orange zest, and chile sauce, which con- tribute high floral notes; and oyster ‘sauce, which rounds out, accents, and intensifies the flavors of all the other ingredients, The tender meat bolls are dusted with cornstarch and, panfried until golden, then placed ina brilliantly colored, spicy Thai green curry sauce. + Easy + Serves 6 to 10 as an appetizer. Ye pound ground beet Ya pound ground pork 2 whole green onions, finely minced ‘Ye cup chopped fresh dlantro, plus ilantro sprigs for garnish 4 cloves gat, finely minced ‘Ya teaspoon grated or finely minced ‘orange zest (colored part of skin) 2 tablespoons oyster sauce ‘tablespoon Asian chile sauce "% teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 199 Ya cup cooking oll ‘Ye cup Thai Green Curry Paste (page 100) Ya cup coconut mile Ya cup cornstarch Ina large bowl, combine the beet, pork, green onions, cilantro, garlic, orange zest, oyster sauce, sauce, nutmeg, and egg. Mix thor- ‘oughly to combine evenly. Rub a little cooking oil on your hands, then, using your hands, form the ‘mixture into 20 small meatballs, Place on a lightly olled plate and refrigerate. Prepare the Thai Green Curry Paste: Combine Ya cup curry paste with the coconut milk and set aside. The recipe to this point can be com- pleted up to 8 hours in advance of serving. + lasteminute cooking Spread the cornstarch in an even layer on a baking sheet. Add the ‘meatballs and jiggle the baking sheet so that the meatballs turn lover and become evenly coated with the cornstarch; then gently shake off all excess cornstarch from each ‘meatball. Place 9 12-inch sauté pan ‘over medium-high heat. When the pan becomes hot, add the cooking oil. When the oil just begins to give off a wisp of smoke, add the meat- balls. Panfry the meatballs, turning them over in the oil, until they become golden on the outside and are no longer pink in the center, about 4 minutes, ‘Meanwhile, place the curry paste- ‘coconut milk mixture in a small saucepan and bring to a low simmer. Taste and adjust the seasonings, ‘especially for salt. Pour the sauce into 2 flat serving dish, Place the meat- balls on top of the sauce. Garni with cilantro sprigs. Serve at once, For the Fun of It: Appetizers 10 + many ideas {As part of a holiday appetizer party: ‘Thai Meatballs with Green Curry Sauce, Spicy Graviax with Mango Salsa, Magical Chicken Wings, and Five-Cheese Pizza with Grilled Peppers. note: For variation, in place of this recipe's meatball mixture, try one of the dumpling fillings from Chapter 2, such as the scallop-ground chicken filing on page 38. Or, for @ more radical departure, mix 1 cup bread crumbs into a quadrupled Portion of the meat fling, place in 2 loaf pan, brush on a gbrerous amount of Secret Asian Barbecue Sauce, and bake in 2 400°F oven for ‘approximately 30 minutes. Finish by broling the mest loaf for 2 minutes in order to caramelize the sauce. What was once a spicy meatball appetizer metamorphoses into a memorable fusion meat loaf fease the Palate P shop down thf feed tube, o few a: x time, the garlic, shallots, and chiles Remove processor top, add the basiFand salt, then mince very fine ‘Ada all of the optional ingredients ing the shrimp paste, and ‘mince again. With the machine ru ning, slowly pour Y2 cup cooking 0 2 Kloet sme fe ibe ana proces es bla Deepens ar Until a Pigste is formed. Set aside 13 {Sfesbeons coriander seeds tape cup areeryeuipaste for this recipe 1 Ssesp00n caraway seed options) Pack the in a glass jar, with shim of cooking oi, seat u and refrigerate for up to a fn. alteratively store indef- nitely in Ye cup quantities inthe Cueaitathvooms into quart, teens hough ne mene ne ‘im the green onions, then cutie a flavorwill vadually deterionate diagonal into. tinch pieces. Shel, ‘deveip, and split each shrimp fr halt arate pieces i. ine thi#oconut milk, sherry, fish sauce, and cornstarch, into a powder using a pestle or an electric spige grinder Set aside the shrimp paste. Place the chopping blade in the food Processor. With the mdthine on, 10 dare caylee Zz real) dndz SexTare danies We cope Preein loce\\ \eaue> PORK AND GINGER— FUJI APPLE CHUTNEY POT STICKERS ve probably eaten more Chinese dumplings than anything else in my life, The fason's not hard to grasp for anyone whos enjoyed their taste and texture, Here's a true East-West pot sticker: The technique fs traditional, but the sweet-tart fill Ing is definitely and deliciously Western. with Ginger-Fuji Apple Chutney and store-bought wrappers on hand, all you have to do is fill and Form the dumplings. ‘The recipe is detailed, but once you make it, its lke riding a bike—it becomes second nature, Just keep in mind that the seal (s the most important aspect of dumpling ‘making; it realy doesn't matter how many folds you use to exclose the filling, or hhow gorgeous the result. AS a kid, it was my job to form the dumplings, so you know it can't be too hard to master. Makes 16 to 20 pot stickers 1 pound ground pork | FILLING | 2ablespoone soy sauce ‘/cupscalions white and geen pats, siced Ya inch thick | rep Ginger-Fut Ape Chutney age’) | Kosher stand feshly ground black pepper to taste | ees ‘package (50 count) round dumpling wrappers 2 tablespoons grapeseed or canola oll | Dim Sum Dipper (recipe follows) 1, To make the filling fil a large bow with ice. Set'a medium bowl into the ice- filled bowl, n the smaller bowl combine the pork and soy sauce and mix, Fold in the scallions and chutney and season with salt and pepper 2. To form the pot stickers, in a small bow! mix the egg with 2 tablespoons of water Lay 5 wrappers on a work surface. Place 1s tablespoon of the filling in the Center of each wrapper. Avoid getting any filling on the edges of the wrapper, which would prevent them from sealing properly. With a finger or pastry brush Paint the ccumference ofthe wrappers with the egg mixture. Fold each wrapper in half to form a half-moon shape. Seal by pressing between the fingers and, start ing atthe center, make 3 pleats, working toward the bottom-right comer. Repeat. working toward the bottom-left comer, Press the folded edges of the dumplings gently on the work surface to flatten the bottoms and help them stand. BEVERAGE TI Geape ype Character -opley melon and lenon est rates. dry Recommenditions | rimbach lace Fee Chalom Reserve Wiarete Valley Oreton Mine's Ties Dumping wrappers are sully avaiable in "pound packages sold fresh or Ften ates sualyindate he bind of hing tsi, boiled pling a0 ‘on-for wich he kins rename | comer apers out Be ung witha dnp | oto revert tem | fom dying out. eer use rappers that have | ed en portal theyie lable tack aed cause aks hen the dumping ave ‘ook 16 | siwoty win | 3. Heat large, nonstick lidded sauté pan over high heat: Add the oil and swirl to ‘coat the pan. When the oil is hot, add the pot stickers, flattened bottoms down, in barches of two or three rows of five, and cook without disturbing until brown, 3 tod minutes. Add about /2 cup of water and immediately cover the pan to avoid splattering Lift the cover and make sure about 1s inch of water remains in the pan: adda little more if not, Steam until the pot stickers are puffy yet firm and the water has evaporated, 8 to 10 minutes. if the water evaporates before the pot stickers are done, add more in a-cup increments. If the pot stickers seem done, but water remains in the pan, dain it and return the pan to the stovetop to evap ‘orate any remaining liquid, 4. Continue to cook over high heat to allow the pot stickers :o recrisp on the bottom, 2 to 3 minutes. Be careful not to burn them. Transfer the pot stickers to a platter and serve with the dipping sauce in individual small ramekins, DIM SUM DIPPER This is a great dipping sauce for all dim sum—pot stickers, shu mal, spring rolls, scallion pancakes, to name a few—but it’ also excellent with any fried goodie, lke chicken fingers. You can and should adjust the heat to suit your palate. Though the dip lasts about a week in the fridge, it’s so easily prepared that | recommend you make just as much as you need when you need it. In any case, always give diners their own servings in little bowls for individual dipping. That keeps everything sanitary and cuts down on the possibilty of spoilage. Makes about 1 cup { tablespoons Traditional Spicy Sambal (page 56) or store-bought sambal Ya cup rice wine vinegar Ya cup soy sauce 1 teaspoon sesame oil Ina small bow! combine the sambal, vinegar, soy sauce, and sesame oil, Mix and use orstore as cee Peet rere eee See eer errs ee] Cen eee eae eet eer Coens cen LSU a el ag y GINGER-FUJI APPLE CHUTNEY Gee Csr a ree eee ra This tart-sweet chutney, spiked with ginger, takes advantage of the far c the taste ante by csing fragrant Fuji apples. This wonderful apple provides subtly Daa ea ree a eee Pr ar an eo Ue me are mre even taney ere rt ‘reat, versatile condiments to have on hand, and this is one of the best cea i a ean ee eet Lasts 1 week, refrigerated 4 cups Fuji or other non-mealy red apples (8 to 10 apples), peeted. cored, and res ee alco) | tablespoon grapeseed or canola oil ae eee es 2 tablespoons peeled and minced fresh ginger Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste ere eae 1 a Soe ces ea a ee oer St ene eh ey ae ae eer Per Quarters, about 30 minutes, Correct the seasoning and cool before lading into 2 tightly sealed jar eR cee e ect ae eT ene | Wrapped Shrimp with Asian ‘Barbecue Sauce T He riveapece and coconut add a definite Southeast Astan flavor to this recipe. The coconut also adds a wonderful crunch and makes the skewers look even more enticing. 1 Ib fresh trimmed pineapple 430 medium shrimp, peeled and deveined vesp sale % tsp ground black pepper 1s bacon slices, partially cooked and cut in half 1 Tsp olive off, 1 cup diced onion: Yecup diced celery ‘garlic clove, chopped, cup plum sauce 2 Tbsp rice vinegar 2 Thsp soy sauce tsp Worcestershire sauce ‘cup thinly sliced green onions % cup toasted coconut +. Soak thirty 6-in bamboo skewers in water to prevent burning. Cut thirty %-in chunks of pineapple and {inely chop whatever remains. [AT LE#T: Weapped Shrimp with Asian Borbeque Sauce 2 Season the shrimp with salt and pepper. Placea chunk of pincapplt On eaci shrimp and wrap with # piece of bacon. 3. Places serve, (Do not hold for too long or the pncyple will dena- ture the shrimp.) - Heat the oil in a lage skillet over medium heat and sweat the c:jions, celery, and garlic until softened but not brown, 3 {0-4 minutes 5: Add the reserved chopped pineapple, ketchup, chili sauce, plum sauce, vineysr, soy sauce, and Worcestershire sauce to the onion mixture. Bring to a simmer and cook ‘until the sauce is glossy and thickened, 15 minutes. Adjust «skewer through each shvimp unit and re- the consistency with water, if necessary, and season with salt and pepper. Keep the sauce warm, 6 To cook the shrimp, spoon o: brush a small amount of sauce (about tsp each) over each skewer and place ina pre- heated 4o0°F oven until the meat just turns white, about 10 roinutes. 7. Remove the skewers from oven and neatly arrange on serving platters. Sprinkle with the green onions and coco nut, Serve immediately with the remaining sauce on the side for dipping. Recipe Story The making of the pickled tea is abit complicated. In Myanmar, the steamed leaves are heaped together in a pulp mass and thrown into basket and left until the next day. The baskets are then put into pits in the ground and covered with heavy weights placed on top of each. Inspection is often made to see how fermentation is progressing and sometimes there is re-steaming . There are pickled tea leaves brands such as Pin Pyo Ywat Nu, Yuzana, A Yee Taung, etc. There are also different sorts of la-phet. There's one type of laphet called "shuu-shel” which is a descriptive word of the condition of your mouth when you eat that extra-spicy la-phet. Another type is chin-set, which means spicy and sour. In this recipe, you gotta have some fermented (or pickled) tea leaves. | don't know how to make one myself, and | just buy ready-made fermented tea leaves. Ingredients 5 teaspoons laphet (fermented tea leaves) 2 teaspoons crispy fried garlic 2 teaspoons crispy fried yellow beans 2 teaspoons roasted peanuts 1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds Extra Ingredients (add to your liking) - Chopped Tomato - Chopped Cabbage - Dried Prawns - Peeled Garlic - Green chili Dressing: 1/2 teaspoon limejuice 3 teaspoons peanut oil How to make La Phet Thote (Fermented Tea Salad) First, put laphet (fermented tea leaves) into a bowl. If you want your laphet to be spicy, pound la-phet and green chili together in a mortar. It'll became a paste. Pour 3 teaspoons of peanut oil. Leave it for awhile so that laphet can soak up the oil. Put in crispy fried garlic, crispy fried yellow beans, roasted peanuts and sesame seeds in the bowl. Mix them together. You can also add chopped tomato, chopped cabbage, dried prawns, peeled garlic and green chili as you like. Put 1/2 teaspoon of limejuice, and some soysauce to your liking. (Another way) Some people don't like mixed laphet thote. So what you can do is put crispy fried garlic, fried yellow beans, roasted peanuts and salad separately in a flat dish. Mix laphet and oil together (adding lime juice and salt as seasoning) and put them in the plate. The eater can take a little bit of each with his spoon and leave out the parts that he doesn't like. Brands of tea leafs: Pin Pyo Ywat Nu, Yuzana, A Yee Taung Chicken Noodle Satay ‘THE CREAMY PEANUT-COCONUT MILK SAUCE traditionally served with satay is a superb dressing for fresh vegetables and seared meats. It takes only minutes to prepare in the food processor. I keep a vat in my refrigerator (it will last for two weeks) for instant use. The delicate rice stick vermicelli noodles ‘Satay Marinade a cup Gh sauce 2 tablespoons minced fresh lemongraes | tablespoon minced garlic 1'h pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut Into e-inch-thick slices 1s pound thin ree stick noodles (vermiceli), softened in hot water, cooked until ust tender, insed under cold water, and drained 5 carrots, peeled and finely shredded or grated 21h cups ehinly sliced Boston lettuce leaves 1'h cups bean sprouts, rinsed and drained ‘About | tablespoon saMlower or corn oil 3 tablespoons minced fresh cllantro ‘Saeay Sauce (page 117) give the dish substance yet keep it appealingly light. um bowl, combine the satay mari nts. Add the chicken and toss ligktly to coat. Cover with plastic wrap and let ‘marinate for at least 2 hours or overnight in the 2. Arrange the noodles on a serving platter and top with the carrots, lettuce, and bean sprouts, arranging them randomly or in separate concen- es and reserving room in the center for the chicken 3. Heat a heavy skillet over high heat. Add 1 tea spoon oil and heat until almost smoking hot. Ade the chicken in batches and sear for about 1/2 minutes, until firm to the touch and golden brown on both sides, adding more oil to the panas needed. Arrange the chicken over the noodles and sprinkle the cilantro on top. Pass the satay sauce separately. 6 senvincs| Satay Sauce SATAY IS A THEME THAT RECURS ALL OVER ASIA and it varies depending on the country. My version most closely resembles the Thai rendition; it’s creamy and highly spiced. Serve it with grilled chicken, beef, or seafood, Ina food processor fitted with the metal blade or in a blender, combine all the ingredients and Process until smooth, Refrigerated, in a covered container, the sauce will keep for atleast § days. Maxes ABOUT 242 cups 1 cup coconut mil, stirred to blend 1 cap smooth peanut butter 3 tablespoon sh euce | tablespoon soy sauce 2 tableapoana minced fresh ginger 2 eblespetins ight brown sugar | teaspoon crushed red pepper n pear asplum up {would be remiss to exclude this traditional caramel dessert from a book onthe subject. Normally layered with pineapple, the gooey. caramelized brown sugar bottom becomes the top ofthe cake when it's lipped upside-down anto a plate. Instead of the traditional butter cake, a moist ‘arzipan-flavored cake supports the fui inthis recipe Slices of peor and a scattering of cranberries serve as the seasonal fruit topping in winter. For summer baking, sub- stitute plums. Cool slightly before serving to allow time for the caramel topping and fruit juices to seep down into the le-down cake Marzipan Cake One 7-ounce tut id paste (not mar Ya cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, sof Preheat the oven to 3g0'F. ‘To make the t ing: In a small saucepan, melt the butter over low heat. Using a wooden spatula, stir in the brown sugar and the ginger, if using. Boil for 1 ‘minute, stirring. Pour the caramel into an ungreased g-inch eake pan. Tilt and shake the pan to coat the bottom with the earamel. (Ifthe sugar exystallizes, don't worry. Pour the mass into the pan and spread it as best you can, When it cools, erumble it evenly over the pan bottom—the sugar will melt in the oven.) Overlap the pear slices, pointy ends toward the center, around the cake pan. Seatter the cranberries, if using, {in the center and in the gaps between the pears. If using plums, overlap the slices in 2 concertrie circles. Set aside. To make the cake: In the how! of an electric mixer, cream the almond paste, butter, and sugar on medium: high epecd until light and fluffy, 4 t0 § minutes, Using ‘a nibber spatula, scrape down the sides of the bowl ae needed. Don't skimp on the time—a well-ereamed mixture makes a lighter cake. Add the eggs. one at time, beating a minute or so after each is added. Add the almond and vanilla extracts. Serape down the sides of the bow. Sift the flour, baking powder, salt, and Singer onto a piece of waxed paper. On low speed, add the dry ingredients, alternating with the milk, just wwatil incorporated. Don't overmix at this stage: use the ‘spatula to stir in the last bit by hand. Spread the batter evenly over the fruit. Bake for about 50 minutes, oF until the top springs back when lightly touched. Let cool on a wire rack for exactly § minutes. Run a small knife around the edge of the cake to release it, Place a round, flat serving plate or eake stand over the cake pan and invert. Slowly lift off the cake pan. Let cool for 10 minutes. Serve imme~ diately, with whipped eream, double-dense The double here refers tothe proportion of sugar to heavy cream. There is twice as much os in Classic Garamel Dessert Sauce (page 21). resulting in a thicker liguid, It's especially ‘good over ice ream because it doesn’t run down the sides of the scoop so quickly—it drips luzuriously. Like all caramel, this sauce thickens considerably as it cools, Itcan be made ahead and refrigerated. For a warm sauce to serve over ice eream, reheat it fora few seconds in the microwave or on the stove over low heat. Cook the caramel a shade lighter than you ultimately want Once the cream is stirred in, it will darken in color. caramel sauce “Maker | cup Leup Ye cup water on fresh lemon juice To make the caramel: In 2 small, heavy saucepan, atir the sugar, water, and lemon juice together. Using ‘a wet pastry brush, wash down the sides of the pan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and cook undisturbed until the sugar starts to color around the edges. Cently swirl the pot to even out the color and ‘continue to cook until the mixture turns a light amber. Immediately remove the pan from the heat. At arm’s length, gradually stir in the heavy eream; it will bubble up. Stir until the caramel is smooth, When the bubbles su ide, stir in the vanilla extract Te do ahead: Caramel sauce can be covered and refrigerated for at least 4 days or until the sell-by date stamped on the cream carton, Gently reheat it in the microwave or over low heat on the stove, stirring occa sionally. The sauce vill be quite stiff when cold and will thin as it warms, Chinese Five-Spice Ice Cream Makes 1 quart, oF 16 To 18 SERVINGS Chinese five-spce powder isa combination of ground aniseed, fennel seed, clove, cinnamon, and Szechuan pepper that is frequently used in Asian cooking. You can find it inthe spice or bulk sections of moat natural food stores or Asian specialty stores. When sweetened, the spices make a unique and surprisingly delicous ice cream that ‘matches especially well with fruit tarts, cakes, and compots, 112 cups milk: 2 cups heavy cream 1 tablespoon Chinese five-spice powder (or 12 teaspoon each of ground aniseed, ground fennel seed, ground clove, ‘ground cinnamon, and finely ground Szechuan pepper) 2 cup sugar 6 ogg yolks ‘Combine the milk, ream, and five-spice powder in a sause- ‘pan and place over medium heat. Bring to a simmer, about 12 to 14 minutes, then remove from the heat. While the milk smixture is heating, whisk the sugar into the yolks in a bow! until lightened. Pour one-third of the simmered milk mixture into the yolks while stirring with the whisk. Return this mix- ture to the saucepan, stirring to combine, and stir the custard constantly over medium heat until it thickens to the point ‘where it coats the back of a spoon. Do not allow the custard to boil. Remove from heat, pss the mixture through a fine strainer, and place in the reftigerator to cool for 30 minus, ‘When it has cooled, spin in an ice cream machine according to manufacturer’ instructions. Store covered in the freezer.

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