TM 9-1825A Electrical Equipment (Delco-Remy) 1944

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ELECTRICAL EQ! 4 (DELCO-REMY WAR DEPARTMENT We JANUARY 1944 WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL *TM 9-1825A ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) WAR DEPARTMENT 12 January 1944 "This manual supersedes TB 1750D-1, 29 March 1943. TM 9-18254 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WAR DEPARTMENT (DELCO-REMY) Washington 25, D. C., 12 January 1944 ‘CONTENTS TM s-1825A, Ordnance Maintenance: Beta! Equipment (Delco: roast Remy), is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. CHAPTER 1, Intropucrion. . 12 $ CHAPTER 2. Gnvenarons 338678 Steriow I Base pancipcsofoperon | “8 ett 7 1 Group T Thirdbewh, Oye on (ho. 3007 (0H foup Y Thirsk, ype one Br Onoxn oP Tie SecReraee ov Was: 11 Group TT Twotras, ype one Soci reenatre ws 3548 OC MARSHALL, TeEneawyauty rete as90 49-50 - V Group IV Two or four brash mt! pews Meaeauey wer wa on-78 omens: CHAPTER 3, Recvtarons 20-86 79-150 ICTAL: Srction I Basic principles of operation 39-46, 19-86 1 Groupl_Stopttgeeontole,| sr-o4 arse A. ULIO, J M: Ge oe . III Group Il—Voltage regulators for fajor General, type one generators 55-62 95-103 The Adjutant General. IV Group 11I—Current and voltage regulators for Se one pee Disrminvtion: 5 and 9 (0); Bas and 9 (2); € Sand 9 (5) a oa79 toss V Gioup 1V-—curent and votage (or explanation of symbols, se FM 21-6) Teatro te te pe = ne ease VE Group ¥—Votage reuters for Tietwo cei 19-86 139-150 CHAPTER 4, Dusrovone sro 517s Seeriow I Basiepindplescfoperation | “87-89 tsi-is3 11 Group, Toile contact st Besant ing 0-96 1sh-164 1 Group. TIDual contact ac Bidar amnting 7-103 165-169 2 3 | IV Group 11I—Special mountings... 104-110 170-178 TM 9-1825A ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) CHAPTER 5. CrankINe morors. ‘SecrION I Basic principles of operation II Group I—Cranking motors less drive mechanism TI Group I1—Cranking motors using Bendix drive IV Group I1I—Cranking motors— heavy-duty type V Group IV—Cranking motors— heavy-duty type with gear reduction VI Group V—Cranking motors using overrunning clutch type drive. VII Group VI—Cranking motors. heavy-duty type, using Dyer drive, VIMI Group VII—Cranking motors— heavy-duty type, for cranking radial engines. CHAPTER 6. MisceLuanzous SECTION I Ignition coils... IL Group I—Switches III Group II—Switches IV Horns........ V Booster coils. VI Relays : VII Filters and shielding VIII Magnetic switches and solenoids CHAPTER 7. SpEciAL Toots. REFERENCES. INDEX, Peragrephs 111-168 uaa 113-120 121-128 129-136 137-144 145-152 153-160 161-168 169-207 = 169-170 171-175 + 176-182 + 183-188 189-193 194-196 197-199 200-207 208 Pages 179 179 180-192 193-198 199-204 205-209 210-218 219-237 238-254 255 255-257 258-274 275-284 285-288 289-292 293-294 298-297 298-309 310 ai 312 TM 9-1825A 12 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Porosroph Scope 1 Contents and arrangement of manual 2 1. SCOPE. The instructions contained in this manual are for the informa- ticn and guidance of personnel charged with the maintenance and repair of Delco-Remy electrical equipment. These instructions are supplementary to field and technical manuals prepared for the using arms. This manual does not contain information which is intended primarily for the using arms, since such information is available to ordnance maintenance personnel in 100-series TM's or FM's, b. This manual contains a description of, and procedure for disassembly, inspection, repair, assembly, and test of Delco-Remy electrical equipment used on ordnance applications. 2. CONTENTS AND ARRANGEMENT OF MANUAL. ‘The chapters in the manual deal with the various electrical units used on ordnance applications. Thus, chapter 2 covers Gener- ators; chapter 3, Regulators, and so on, a listed in the table of con tents. Each chapter is broken down into sections, which deal with various constructions and designs of the electrical unit covered in the chapter. Thus, chapter 2, Generators, is divided into five sections, the first of which is general. Section II covers third-brush standard-duty generators; section III covers Shunt, standard-duty generators; sec- tion IV covers Third-brush, heavy-duty generators, while section V covers Shunt, heavy-duty generators, The specifications for each type of generator are covered in the particular section that deals with that type generator. All other chapters are similarly arranged. TM 9-1825A 3 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) CHAPTER 2 GENERATORS Section I BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Poregroph Construction 3 Function a Wiring circuits 5 Control of output 6 3, CONSTRUCTION. a. ‘The generator is a machine used to convert mechanical energy. into electrical energy. The generator is so mounted as to be driven by the engine, and it uses some of the mechanical energy from the engine to create electrical energy. The generator consists of a field frame with field coils which produce a magnetic field, an armature to support rome TN RUSHES RA PD 312002 Figure 1—Type One Generator—Externally Grounded Field Cireuit 6 TM9-1825A 25 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION aecuiator Points. RESISTANCE COMMUTATOR rushes RA po 22029 Figure 2~Type Two Gonerator—Internally Grounded Field Cireuit conductors in and rotate conductors through the magnetic field, a commutator on the armature and stationary brushes on the commu tator end head to carry away current induced in armature conductors, and bearings to support the armature. 4. FUNCTION, a. The generator has two jobs. It restores to the battery the cur- rent withdrawn during cranking, thus maintaining the battery in a charged condition. Secondly, it carries the connected electrical load Up to the capacity of the generator, when the generator is operating at speeds at which substantial or maximum generator output is avail- able, thus preventing undue or prolonged draining of the battery, WIRING CIRCUITS. Generators are connected internally in two different ways. It '8 necessary to understand the two types of wiring circuits, because each type has its own checking procedure. The checking procedure for type one does not apply to the checking procedure for type two. b. Generator output is controlied by varying the field strength. In third-brush generators the third brush is shifted toward or away from @ main brush to increase or lower the field strength and thus increase or lower generator output. In shunt generators (and on many. 7 TM 9-1825A 5 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) Baus coMMuTATOR RA PD 312034 Figure 3—Third-brush Generator Wiring Circult RecuLaToR {7 Pins (Soe) J Figure 4—Third-brush Generator Using External Regulation 8 TM 9-1825A 5 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION third-brush generators) the field strength is varied by inserting or removing resistance in the generator field circuit. Inserting resistance reduces field strength, cuts down generator output. Removing the resistance increases field strength, permits increased generator output. e. The part of the circuit in which the resistance is inserted deter- mines whether the generator is type one or type two. Figure 1 illus trates a simplified wiring circuit for type one generator. The field circuit is connected inside the generator to the insulated brush. Out- side the generator, the other end of the field circuit is connected to ground (the return circuit) through a resistance, or through a set of points, The resistance and set of points are in the regulator, the operation of which will be detailed in chapter 3. eeguiaror {7 em BRUSH COMMUTATOR Main rushes Figure 5—Type Two Third-brush Generator with External Regulation 4. Figure 2 illustrates a simplified wiring circuit for type two generator. The field circuit is connected inside the generator to the grounded brush. Outside the generator, the other end of the field circait is connected to the insulated brush through a resistance or through a set of points. €. Since the field cicuit of type one generator is normally in. sulated inside the generator (when used with external control or regulator), while the field circuit of type two generator is normally grounded inside the generator, two different checking procedures are required in checking the generators. TM 9-1825A 6 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 6. CONTROL OF OUTPUT. a. While the control of generator output is usually divided into two groups for discussion, third brush and external controls, both, actually operate on the same principle. This principle is that increas. ing the generator field strength increases geqerator output, while lowering ficld strength reduces the output. Higure 3 illustrates. simplified circuit of a third-brush generator of type one. It is classi- fied as type one because, when used with external regulation, the grounded side of the field circuit is brought out of the generator (Fig, 4), The third-brush generator can also be connected so as to be class! 62USH SPRING BRUSH HOLDER Figure 6—Swivel-type Brush Holder fied as a type two generator (fig. 5). In this system, the third brush is positioned near the grounded brush instead of the insulated brush, ‘and consequently has the same polarity as the grounded brush b. The third brush can be used to control generator output by shifting it toward or away from the-adjacent main brush. The main brushes are placed in such a position that full generator voltage is imposed on them. The third brush is back of this position. If the third brush is moved closer to the main brush, it picks up a greater per 10 TM 9-1825A 6 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION centage of the total voltage, thus increasing the generator feld Strength. This causes a higher output. If the third brush is moved away from the main brush, it picks up less of the total voltage, de- creasing generator feld strength and generator output. The extemal regulator operates by inserting resistance into the generator field circuit (figs. I and 2) to reduce field strength and Benerator output. The regulator does not permit the generator to produce a higher output than a generator without a regulator. Tt merely reduces generator output when full output is not required by the electrical system. a8USH SPRING. RA PO 912028 Figure 7—Reaction-type Brush Holder WW TM 9-1825A, TM 9.18254 4 7 ors ORDNANCE MAINTINANGE GROUP I-THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERAT. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) CHAPTER 2 GENERATORS (Cont'd) 5 Section i . 2 : i GROUP I—THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS 5 yi f& e Peragroph Q 8652 g 2 = Description 7 3 3 at i Cleaning, inspection, and test 8 s ge il Disassembly ° | ih Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 10 g NN NS L Repair of parts n | i ‘Assembly of generator 2 Tests and adjustments... 2B Test data and tolerances a 4 a ‘7. DESCRIPTION. 4 | a. The generators in this group are all third-brush type one Senerators, either with or without @ cut-out relay or step-voltage 5 step yoUTAce Bushings in Field Frame, and Step-voltage Control Figure 9—Generator with Reaction-type Brush Holders, Insulating ruse one J 3 i ff eee By: F 7 1 con 2 Be i al “iT z ie 3 Shi “8 ¢ é =. \ EM ae i & same Sonia | Bikn 3 i ‘ARMMATURE pene ° cover sano vy HexD a Figure 8—Generator with Swivel-type Brush Holders, Terminal Studs, and Stop-voltage Control 2 13 TM 9-1825A, 7-8 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) control mounted on the frame. The generator may use either a swivel type brush holder (fig. 6) or a reaction type holder (Bg. 7). All of these generators have a ball bearing in the drive end to support the armature, and some have a ball bearing in the commutator end, Others have a plain bearing in the commutator end. Some generators have insulating bushings in the field frame through which Ieads pase from the brush holders to the step-voltage control or cut-out relay frame acta ther have terminal suds that are attached to the Reld frame with insulating bushings. Lets are soldered to the inside ends of the studs, while the leads from the control or relay are attached to the studs by clips, washers and nuts, Figures 8 through 11 illustrate these variations, one BRUSH -covER BAND FED cow ouee : | has ARMATURE. TERMINAL [esate FIELD TERMINAL SS —— = SSIS anuarue comm, | “commutator oaive eno END HEAD READ Figure 10~Generator with Reaction-type Brush Holders, ‘and Terminal Studs 8. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. a. Cleaning. Wipe off excess grease and dirt with a clean cloth. Do not steam-clean or dip-clean the generator, and avoid getting any Water or cleaner in the generator. Handle generators earclully to avoid battering or bending terminal studs, cover band, relay or control unit (where mounted on generator). hh. Inspection. Inspect the generator for damage. Remove cover band and inspect for sticking or worn brushes, rough, out-of-round, 14 FIELD TERMINAL ~ STEP-VOUTAGE CONTROL ARMATURE TERMINAL Group CCOMMUTATOR END HEAD: TM 9-1825A, ILTHIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS ‘RD BRUSH CLAMP SCREW BALL BEARING rust Aa, 15 DRIVE END HEAD — vowel THRU BOUT ARMATURE ‘COMMUTATOR _ COVER BAND. Figure 11—Generator with Reaction-type Brush Holders, Terminal Studs, Step-voltage Control, and Ball Bearings TM 9-1825A 8 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) dirty or burned commutator, or high mica on commutator. Inspect all visible connections, screws, insulators, terminal studs, leads and Washers. Any apparent defect requires disassembly and correction, as outlined below, fe. Test. Place generator on the test stand. If it does not operate correctly, some idea as to the cause of trouble may be obtained by checking’ further. @)_No Generator Ourpur. If no output can be obtained from the generator, remove cover band and check for. sticking brushes, gummed or burned commutator or other causes of poor contact be. tween the commutator and brushes, Sticking brushes are corrected bby cleaning brush holders and brush arms (replacing bent parts), and F 10 Vour UNE TEST POINTS FLEXIBLE LEADS INSULATED HANDLES \ ry RA PO 13861 Figure 12—Test Points with Test Lamp replacing brushes and brush springs as required. Correct a gummed ‘or burned commutator (par. 11 a (1)). If the trouble is not readily apparent, use test lamp, test points, and check further (fig. 12). Test lamp and test points will detect short circuits, grounds, and open The test points are connected in series with the test lamp and a source of electricity (110-volt cireuit, for example). When the test points are held together, the lamp lights. Thus a short circuit ia fan electrical circuit is indicated by lighting of the test lamp when the Points are placed across the circuit. Likewise, an open circuit is indi. cated by failure of the lamp to light when the points are placed from fone to the other end of the circuit. (a) Test for Grounded Generator. Raise and insulate grounded brush from the commutator, and check with test points from the “A” terminal (or lead) to the frame. Where field circuit is grounded inside Senerator, disconnect ground lead before making test. If test lamp 16 TM 9-1825A ‘ 8 GROUP I-THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS lights, indicating ground, raise third brush from commutator and check the “A” terminal (or lead) and the “F” terminal (or lead) separately to determine whether the armature or field circuit is grounded. (b) Test for Open Field Circuit, Check for open field circuit with test points from the “F” terminal (or lead) to the third brush holder. If lamp does not light, field is open. Leads which have broken or Step vourace CONTROL ASSEMBLY | COVER BAND COMMUTATOR FIELD FRAME END HEAD [ASSEMBLY | uso NDF ae vourace be ConoL Sg 8 So SE ; —————= 0 ‘woboRUFE sea, RETAINER eer wie, % g08 \ \ eo aa BEARING OMAR ARMATURE: RE END HEAb Laatse7e rw | RA PD 312043 Figure 13—Type One Generator Disassembled connections which have come loose to produce this condition may be resoldered, using resin flux. If open circuit is inside a field winding, replace field winding (©) Test for Shorted Field. Connect a battery and an ammeter in series with the field circuit to determine field current draw (par. 14). Proceed with care on this test, since a shorted field will draw a high ‘current which might damage the ammeter or other equipment. If a shorted field is found, replace the field (4) Open Circuited Armature. An open circuited armature is 7 TM 9-18250 TM 9-1825A, 3 8 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE GROUP I-THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) usually readily apparent, since this condition causes burned cominu- 5 tator bars (pars. 10 b (2) and 11 a (2)) : (e) Test Armature for Short Circuits, Check the armature on a e ‘ rover for short circuits (par. 10 b (3)). 8 & (@)_ Excessive GENERATOR OvrPUT. Excessive generator output 5 ‘ may result from a grounded generator field coil, of from an exces- s sively advanced third-brush setting. Under some conditions, even a 3 “normal” third-brush setting and a properly operating step-voltage control or voltage regulator (where used) will still cause excessive generator output and battery overcharge. When battery overcharge is experienced’ (as shown by excessive use of water) checks show the generator third brush is not too far advanced, and the control or BAL BEARING eau RETAINER a BEARING FIED cous me waste uae 9 RETAINER jw RA PD 312084 Figure 14—Drive End Head, Disassembled Figure 15—Field Frame with Insulating Bushings Disassembled POLES SHOES SCREWS regulator is operating correctly, then the third-brush setting should be somewhat further retarded. Care must be used in making this re- adjustment, since an excessively low generator output will cause a run-down battery. The generator output must be such as to just bal- lance the load requirements, and keep the battery in a charged condi- tion, without excessive overcharging. The field may be checked for ground (per. 8 ¢ (1) (a)), and the third-brush setting checked (par. 13) (3) Unsteapy on Low Generator Ourpur. Unsteady of low Senerator output may result from several conditions, as follows: 18 1° FELD FRAME TM 9-1825A 89 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) (a) Loose drive belt. (b) Sticking brushes, low brush spring tension, dirty commu- tator, or other conditions which prevent good contact between brushes and commutator. (c) Commutator which is rough, out-of-round, dirty, or burned. Dirt in the slots or high mica may also cause low or unsteady output. (4) Noisy GENERATOR. A noisy generator may be caused by loose mounting, drive pulley, worn or dirty bearings, improperly eb cou (eH) me - an | To 2 ee © Ltockivasvens, © [Res 206000 | 3 Figure 16—Fleld Frame with Terminal Studs Disassembled seated brushes, or bent brush holder. Tighten mounting, pulley, re place bearings, seat brushes, or replace brush holders as required. 9. DISASSEMBLY. a. Disassembly Into Main Subassemblies (fg. 13) (1) Détach relay or step-voltage control (where present) by dis connecting leads and removing attaching screws and washers. 20 TM 9-1825A 9 GROUP I—THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS (2) Remove cover band by snapping back catch or loosening screw according to attaching arrangement (3) Disconnect insulated brush and third brush leads by removing serews and washers. (@ Detach commutator end head assembly by removing two through bolts and washers. Loosen end head with a soft hammer if necessary, (S) Detach field frame, using soft hammer to loosen if necessary, _ (6) Separate armature and drive end head. Place armature in soft jaws of a vise, and remove pulley or gear nut (where present). Pull Figure 17—Using Pole Shoe Screwdriver to Remove Pole Shoe Screws pulley or gear with a puller, then slip off drive end head. It may be necessary to press the armature out of drive end head in an arbor press. Remove collar from outside of head, and washer from arma- ture shaft. b. Disassembly of Drive End Head (fig. 14), (1) Detach bearing retainer by removing screws and washers. ‘Remove gasket and ball bearing. Press out bearing if necessary with ‘arbor press. Support inner race where possible. ov TM 9-1825A, 9 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) END COVER coMmuraron -COMMUTATOR END HEAD ‘Ro seusH MATE se _/ CP Figure 18—Commutator End Head with Plain Bearing and Swivel-type Brush Holders, Disassembled t= 0 [IE S ‘cai \ =o l seusi LA uf TM 9-18254, 9 GROUP I—THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS (2) Inner retainer and felt washer may be pressed out of end head if necessary. NOTE: Some generators use a sealed type ball bearing which does not require gaskets or felt retainers, ¢. Disassembly of Field Frame. Some field frames have terminal studs held in place by washers and auts (figs, 11 and 16), while others use insulating bushings through which leads pass (figs. 9 and 15). (1) Detach terminal studs (where present) by removing nuts, washers, and insulators. “F” terminal stud has field coil lead soldered to it (ig. 16), (2) Where leads pass through bushings in field frame, unsolder ips to pull leads through frame (fig. 15). (3) Remove field coils by taking out pole shoe screws with pole shoe screwdriver (fig. 17). Some pole shoes have one screw (fig. 8), while others have two (fig. 11). NOTE: Some field coils are varnished rao 5 conmraron 10 WED) g ew cove i: € 7 se fats, oy #6 es (ext ee - 7 a4 ee cane le 2 ca Rane cum MAIN BRUSH Figure 19—Commutator End Head with Plain Bearing and Reaction-type Brush Holders, Disassembled and baked in place in the fleld frame and cannot be removed, If field coils are baked in place, they are not serviceable separately. Defective fisid coils require replacement of field and frame assembly. d. Disassembly of Commutator End Head. Disassembled views of the three types of commutator end heads used in group one gener- ators are shown in figures 18, 19 and 20, (@)_ Disassemble type shown in figure 18 by detaching end cover and gasket, grounded brush lead attaching screw, brush arms and springs, and third brush plate. Remove brush arms, with springs, 23 TM 9-1825A 9 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) e 28 23 SPRING BRUSH BRUSH SPRING PLATE ASSEMBLY Jo at ° MAIN BRUSH BRI rao of oS ° 4 a atust aes f ‘BRUSH ‘THIRD BRUSH PLATE CLAMP PLATE ASSEMBLY ARM, COMMUTATOR END HEAD. THIRD BRUSH BALL BEARING r . CLAMP. SCREW ConMuTato END cover | asker eo =O sO RA PD st2048 ring and Reaction-type Brush Holders, Disassembled Figure 20-Commutator End Head with Ball B TM 9-1825A 9 GROUP I-THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS by lifting ends of springs over stop pins. Detach third brush plate by pushing plate spring attaching pin out with %-inch punch and then loosening third brush clamp by backing out screw. If bearing requires replacement, press out in arbor press. (2) Disassemble type shown in figure 19 by detaching end cover and gasket, grounded brush lead attaching screw, brushes, brush springs and arms, main and third brush plates. Raise brush arms to lift brushes from holders, lift ends of springs over spring stops and slip brush arms, springs and washers off pins, Detach main and STEEL STRIP HELD OVER SLOT IN ARMATURE ROTATE ARMATURE SLOWLY LAMINATED IRON CORE. —— — Wino WIRES CONNECTED TO N1O.VOAT A.C. LINE RA PO 12869 Figure 21—Testing Armature on Growler (17-G-5940) third brush plates by backing out attaching screws. Press out old bearing in arbor press if it requires replacement. () Disassemble type shown in figure 20 by same process outlined for type shown in figure 19, except that ball bearing retainer and felt washer in end head may also be removed, NOTE: Some gener- ators use a sealed type ball bearing which does not require gaskets or felt retainers, 25 TM 9-1825A 10 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 10. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. 4. General, After disassembly, clean and exemine all parts, and replace defective parts. The procedure. of cleaning ond snspecting parts ie given in following subparagraphs b. Armature. Do not clean the armature by any degreasing ‘method, since this would damage the insulation aad ruin the acta ture. Wipe with a clean cloth slightly dampened with dry-cleaning solvent, If commutator is rough, out-of-round, worn, hes high me filled sits, or is burned, if must be turned down in a lathe the, 29 Figure 22—Using Brush Seating Hone (41-H-2387) to ‘Seat Brushes and the undercut (fg. 24), (par. 11 a (1)), Check armature for ground, open or short citcuit as follows: Q) Grounp. Check with test lamp and test points from the commutator to the armature shaft or lamination. If test lamp lights, indicating ground, and if the ground is not readily apparent and repairable, the armature must be replaced, (2)_ OPEN. An open-circuited armature is easily detectable, since this condition produces badly burned commutator bars. The bars connected to the open coils in the armature soon burn, since every 26 TM 9-1825A 10 GROUP I-THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS time they pass under the brushes they interrupt a flow of current so that heavy arcing occurs. If the bars are not too badly burned, the armature may often be saved (par. 11 a (2)). (3) SHorr, A shorted armature may be detected on a growler (17-G-5940) (fig. 21). The growler is a strong clectromagnet con. nected to a source of alternating current. When a shorted armature is placed on the growler, and a hacksaw blade held above the shorted coils in the armature, the blade will be alternately attracted to and repelled from the armature. This causes the blade to buzz against the armature. Before discarding an armature testing shorted, inspect the commutator slots carefully, since copper or brush dust sometimes collects in the slots and shorts adjacent bars. c. Fields. Do not clean fields by any degreasing method, since this would damage the insulation and ruin the coils. Clean by wiping with a clean, dry cloth, Be careful in handling the coil assembly to avoid breaking or weakening the connecting lead between the two coils. Test the field current draw by connecting battery and an ammeter in series with the two field leads. The current draw is given in the specifications table (par, 14). Replace coils if they do not meet specifications. The field insulation must be in good condition. If it is charred or worn away so that the wire is exposed, it is some- times possible to rewrap the coils. All soldered connections must be made with the use of rosin flux. If the terminal stud or clip is dam- aged, replace it d. Brushes, If the brushes are worn down to less than helf their original length, they must be replaced, Make sure that the pigtail leads (where present) are firmly in place in the brushes and that the clips are properly soldered to the leads. Seat new brushes with a brush seating hone (41-H-2387) (fig. 22). The brush seating stone is an abrasive material which, held against a revolving commutator, disintegrates, carries under the brushes, and seats them within one to two seconds e. Brush Springs. The brush springs must have sufficient tension to provide the proper pressure between the brushes and commutator after the unit is assembled. Check this during reassembly after assembling the brushes, brush springs, end arms to the commutator end frame. Place the commutator in position in the end frame, and then check with a spring gage the amount of pull required to raise the brush arms from the brushes. Replace springs if tension is not correct. (See specification table, par. 14.) £. Bearings. Replace plain bearings if worn. If ball bearings appear to roll roughly, or slonpily, replace them. Otherwise, clean the ball bearings (if not of the sealed type) by rotating them in dry-cleaning solvent, drying them with air, and immediately relubri- cating with ball bearing grease. Never attemnt to clean sealed ball bearings, but replace them if they anpear defective. After new plain ‘bearing is installed, it must have oil lead drilled in side for oil wick and must then be machined to size, Remove all cuttings from oil land install new wick. a7 TM 9-1825A 10-11 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) Brush Rings. Ifthe brash sings, trash cm pins, brash holders or spring stop pins’ are damaged (ent, warped, cracked: imeantng bummed ete, replace brush ring. he ings ee oF a lation tion a0 that they must be servings se 1. Miscellaneous. Replace any defective insulator, srew, washer lead, study retainer plate, ce. Cracked. bom bateeeed ne, ae Innuitors and washers aie defecive Sereay 6 eae Geer eed tattered, broken of that have concd of Sa nage ee tetve. Leads that have broken snot beak tee wales, Figure 23—Turning Commutator in Lathe 11, REPAIR OF PARTS. ‘a. Armature, Conditions in the armature requiring repair are. _, (2. ComMUTATOR Worn, Dirty, Rovatt, Erc. If the commutator is worn, out-of-round, has high mica, filled slots, burned spots, or is rough, place the armature in 2 lathe and turn down the com. mutator (fig. 23). Make cut no deeper than necessary. If it is neces. sary to turn the commutator down so much that the ends of the commutator segments are less than Yig inch thick, discard the arma. ture. When the ends of the segments are less then 1, inch thick, the commutator bars are so thin that they will not have sufficient 28 TM 9-1825A, uN THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS strength to retain their shape at high speed. Undercut mica 2 inch, using undercutter (41-U-300) and armature turning kit (41-A-75) (fig. 24). (2) ARMATURE OPEN. Some bars badly burned, with other bars fairly clean, indicates an open-circuited armature, The open circuit will usually be found at the commutator riser bars and is often a result of generator overload. Excessively high generator output re- sulting from a too advanced third brush adjustment will cause gener. ator overload. If the bars are not too badly burned the ermature may sometimes be saved by resoldering the leads in the riser bars, using rosin flux, turning the commutator down, and undercutting GRouP commutator ~ COMMUTATOR START GROOVE IN MICA, WITH 3 CORNERED FILE UNDERCUT MICA WITH PIECE (OF HACKSAW BLADE. Mca SEGMENTS mica RIGHT Way WRONG WAY Mica Must RE CUT AWAY CLEAN BETWEEN SEGHENTS MICA MUST NOT BE LEFT WITH A THIN EDGE NEXT TO SEGMENTS, UNDERCUTTING MICA RA po 40198 Figure 24—Undercutting Mica with Hacksaw Blade the mica, Make sure the third brush is adjusted according to specifications, b. Fields. Conditions in the field coils requiring repair are (1) Fist InsuLation Dersctive. If the field insulation is charred or worn away so the field circuit is, or could become, grounded, it may sometimes be repaired by rewrapping the field coils. This operation must be executed with care and neatness, since excessive bulkiness of the wrappings will prevent reassembling the coils under the pole shoes in the proper manner, Make all soldered connections with the use of rosin flux. @) Connections Derzcrive. If connections between coils to clips or studs are defective, resolder, using rosin flux, CAUTION Never use acid flux on electrical connections. 29 TM 9-18254 2 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 12. ASSEMBLY OF GENERATOR. a. Assembly of Commutator End Head. The three types of coftmatator end heads gu 18 trough 20) requ somes ae ent assembling procedures, eh 20) rea hat a (Q) Assemble type shown in figure 18 9 follows (2) Replace bearing (pu. 10 (©), Attach third brash plate by diving in the spring attach pin wit spring ia place, and then tighten scfew Nahe Seat Figure 25—Using Pole Shoe Spreader (c) Install brush arms with springs. Lift ends of springs up over stop pins. (4) Connect grounded brush lead with screw and washer, (e) Attach end cover and gasket with screws and washers, (2) Assemble type shown in figure 19 as follows: (a) Replace bearing (par. 10 £), () Attach main and third brush plates with screws and washers. Ce) nitall brush arms, washers, and springs. Lift ends of springs over stops. pring rns (d) Attach grounded brush lead to holder. 30 TM 9-1825A 12-13 GROUP I-THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS ((c) Install brushes after end head is attached to field frame. (Attach end cover and gasket. (3). Assembly of type shown in figure 20 is same as for type shown in figure 19 except that ball bearing retainer and felt washer (where used) are installed before ball bearing, ead plate and gasket. b, Assembly of Field Frame Varies Somewhat According to Type (figs. 9, 1, 15 and 16), (1) Attach field coils with pole shoes and screws, using pole shoe screwdriver (Sg. 17) and holding shoes in position in a manner similar to that shown in figure 25, (2) On type with leads passing through bushings in field frame, push leads through and fasten and solder clips to ends (fig. 15) (3) On type with terminal studs, attach with insulators, washers, and nuts. e. Assemble Drive End Head. (1) Install'inner retainer and gasket (where used) (2). Install bearing and secure with gasket and retainer. 4d. Assemble Generator From Component Subassemblies (fig. 13). = (1) Place washer on armature shaft, press drive end head on in azbor press. Install collar. press pulley or gear on. and secure with ‘washer and nut (also cotter pin if used) (2). Place field frame on assembly, alining dowel pin with holes, and then attach commutator end head with through bolts, slining dowel pins and holes, (3) Install brushes if not already in place, and connect insulated brush and thied brush leads with serews and washers. (@)_ Put cover band in place. (3) Attach relay or step-voltage control and connect leads to terminals. fe. Install safety wire through holes in screws and twist ends together, Where safety wire is used inside the generator, on retainer plate screws of similar places, the safety wire must be installed before final assembly. “13. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS. ‘a. Mount generator on test stand, connect to test stand ammeter and veltmeter. Connect ammeter leads to generator “A” terminal and ground generator “F" terminal with a jumper lead if it is not connected to ground inside the generator. Operate generator at speed at which maximum output is obtained (par. 14). If output exceeds rated cutput with generator cold, immediately remove cover band, loosen third brush ring lock screw in commutator end head and move third brush away from main brush to reduce output to rated output. b. Generator output at specified voltage must be checked. If specified voltage cannot be attained, insert Y% ohm variable re- 31 ‘TM 9-1825A 13 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) sistance of sufficient current-carrying capacity into the charging circuit and cut resistance in until the specified voltage is attained. Operate until generator reaches operating temperature (about 30 minutes), At operating temperature, the generator must produce rated hot output at rated voltage at rated revolutions per minute (read speed if an indicator is available). Adjust by moving the third brush toward the main brush to increase output, or move third brush away from main brush to lower output. After adjust ment is complete, tighten the lock screw and replace cover band. NOTE: Always check the generator output at the specified voltage, Never set the output beyond the specified value. Failure to observe these rules causes a high setting which will damage the generator, 32 14, TEST DATA AND TOLERANCES. a. Test Data. GROUP ‘TEST SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUP I GENERATORS Approx wor oureur een Ampt TM 9-1825A 4 -THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE ONE GENERATORS 33 seggunessn 88 segesse PEE gi ttctes |g BEEF aaee 889 9h 82880 198 Sesnsdtediaaklisissse ga ssougggeeg33 2254888 HOM Ua ss2a3a0 ESSSTTIEE ETT SERRE 23-26 © € € € € € © € € € € ec © € € € € € € € € Se € € "Field Current at 12 volts {Field Current at 24 volte Fela Current at 32 volts am 710298 IM 918238, “4 15-16 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE CHAPTER 2 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) GENERATORS (Cont'd) Bits and Tolerances. GROUP I GENERATORS-FITS AND TOLERANCES Section ill Nomenclatare: | GROUP II-TWO-BRUSH, TYPE ONE OR Sonim Beaton End TYPE TWO GENERATORS ‘Comm Diam Commitator Diameter DE—Drive End Bee : reach EScBiPe ieeiton " en aah a) comm wana CIS, inspection, and tet 6 Medel Main Brush Third Brush Diom (inch) CE. pe Disassembly 7 Canis noection and te of past ts oR 1% Ca wR a arn ® 960-C 13% Bq 1.800 a ¢ Assembly of generator 20 968-R 3% Be 1,800 a © | Tests and adjustments a 1100452, ie 3 1.800 a c | Fits, tolerances, and data 22 iooss BE Tan SS as, pescRIPTION, waoisse fy Lsn0 8 Gas The generates in tht foun are all two-rin,shont ni, mors TSE etna tee ei anh es, mira ct, sit noise See tae SS Rte ete Seek et, Mt nee ee hiewez 3 “han © separatly mounted current and voltage regulators. Some use plan, 4 4 a jothers bull beatings in the commutator end. Ball bearings may or 1101675 % 4 1.800 b © | may not be the sealed type. One type uses a terminal box to provide 1101681 Me 4 1.800 c d for tadio interference shielding (fig. 27). Another has a bracket for 1101714 3% BG 1.800 a © | mounting a radio interference filter to the field frame (fig. 26) Tor? eee eR ee ant oe Ho rs Sn eee HGS Be ss, GABANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. 1105377 tg 6 287 g G | a Clean Generator. Refer to paragraph 8 a. 1105380 1% 2g 2.187 © a 1b. Inspect Generator. Refer to paragraph 8 b. 1105381 ae Be 2.187 coe © ec. Tes tiosrss gate? Sy No Ourrun if the generator ie paced on tert stand and dose Hosrss eB Fiey EE aa potty ope see cover ban se ht esac taosres He ye nas eg | Rau, med fumed ummutatoy_ forthe caus of Noss? Ke ate BSS nent ba neds ant Bashan estan f | bent) end replacing brushes and springs as required. Correct gummed -—Ball Bearing or burned commutator (par. 1! a). If trouble is not readily apparent, ane cate test further as below. Testing procedure is different for type one ‘s—Ball Bearing LD. 0.6693, .D. 1.5748, Shaft, 0.6684-0.6690, End Head 1.575-| and type two generators (figs. 1 and 2). 1376. ‘a) Type One, (Uses regulator shown in figure 72.) Test for BAL BEsine ND. O787, OD. 10504, Sof. 0.768-0.7871, End Head, 1850) erSandad generator Oy raising a insulating @reunded brush ost q | st from “A” terminal to ¢—Bali Beating LD, 0.9643, 0.D, 24409, Sh 9841, End Head 244n1-| COmMutator and checking with test points fron 2.4419. + SAE 0836-0 SHAT End Head 28a re TE test lamp lights, indicating ground, raise other brush and *Shaft— 6651-6696 check field circuit (“F” terminal to frame) ‘and commutator sepa- 34 35 PI 563, shaft 0.5605-0.$610. 0.4724, O.D. 1.2598, Shaft 04716-04722, End Head, xog oujw404 pun ‘s19ploH Ysaug UoH>DSy ‘sBujspog 110g poles YsJa soyD49UIH JuNYs YsnIq-OML—Lz O4NBIL ‘sorte ad va 09 aay 38¥8 ONUNNOW 7 / 3045 3104 wommnwwo> > / TM 9-1825A 16 vai an anna = ‘oniivae nive arvas ‘owmavae Wve anvas GROUP II-TWO-BRUSH, TYPE ONE OR TYPE TWO GENERATORS vases 5 ano aN XoR wean /, ‘S49P/OH 4saig WoUs09y pu SBujiDog [jog Po[BEs YIM s0}DI0U0H sunys Ysniq-om]—9z ounb]g ov come mos ‘a [psn \ fh peomanos aang Is E 5 es y \ \aoee§ ney : ° 3 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) < ‘onnyae 18 we sma 2g oaivas Re aT avai ona z iroNe roves avn Evan sotranwinon ‘ONUNTOW aL TM 9-18254, 16 ‘ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) TM 9-18254, 6 GROUP II-TWO-BRUSH, TYPE ONE OR TYPE TWO GENERATORS field is found, replace. An open circuited armature is usually readily ately. Test for open field circuit with test points from “A” to “F" apparent since this condition causes burned commutator bars (pars. terminals. If lamp does not light, circuit is open, Test for shorted field circuit with battery and ammeter connected in series with field Circuit. A shorted field will draw excessive current, so care must be taken to avoid damaging ammeter or other equipment. See specif 10 b (2) and 11 a (2)). Test armature for short circuits on growler (par. 10 b (3)). (2) Excrssive GensRaror OvrPur. All shunt generators will gation table (par. 22) for normal current draw. If shorted field js) Produce excessive output without regulation. If generator produces found, replace it, An open circuited armature is usually readily, apparent since this condition causes burned commutator bars (pars. 10 b (2) and 11 a (2), Test armature for short circuits on growler (par. 10 b (3). conmsratox eto reat coven faohnet an Bao ar semny Dave excessive output with proper regulator properly connected to the generator, check further according to generator type. I commutator 9 = / TERMINAL ED HEAD 7 Tf BOX Cover ‘ASSEMBLY e COVER BAND } - ELD FRAME Bio Hea 7 | scans i reraniee 1 | 09 0s =()% is n ; f \ imu SS) Pr . ate mar | seme! fou | \ feet I evanee e486 Lone eno. Lean ano puuer RA po sin0se Figure 28—Disassembled View of Generator Shown In Figure 26) (8) Type Two. (Uses regulator shown in figure 82.) Test for grounded armature by raising and insulating the grounded brush| from the commutator and checking with test points from “A” termi-| nal to frame. If test lamp lights, raise other brush and check “A terminal and commutator separately. Test for grounded field by dis- connecting field lead from grounded brush or frame and checking from “F" terminal to frame. Check field cireuit for open with ten points from “F” terminal to field lead disconnected in previous text. Test for shorted field with battery and ammeter connected in series} with field circuit. A shorted field will draw excessive current, sof care must be used to avoid damage to ammeter and other equipment See specification tables for normal current draw (par. 22). If shorted 38 HEAD ‘ASSEMBLY RA p> 212055, Figure 29—Disassembled View of Generator Shown in Figure 27 (a) Type One. This generator (fig. 1) will produce excessive output if the generator has an internally grounded field circuit that Prevents regulator from inserting resistance into the generator ficld ireuit in normal manner. Check by raising brushes from commu- tator and placing test points on frame and “F” terminal, If lamp lights, generator field circuit is geounded. (b) Type Two. This generator (fig. 2) may produce excessive ‘output due to an internal short that prevents regulator operation from inserting resistance into generator field circuit (rare). The 39 TM 9-1825A 16-17 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) short would have to be between the insulated brush and “F” terminal ‘end of the field circuit to produce this result. (3) UnsrEapy or Low Output. Refer to paragraph 8 ¢ (3). (4) Noisy Genzraror. Refer to paragraph 8 ¢ (4). 17. DISASSEMBLY. wssembly Into Maiti Subassemblies (figs. 28 and 29), (1) Remove cover band by snapping back catch or loosening screw according to attaching arrangement. (2) Disconnect leads from brush holders. POLE SHOE LOCK CUPS, WASHERS AND NUTS =| FELD cous Fle.o FRane SBR8 re POLE SHOE scRews Goscoeoomen Racker sos0eGGemron STUD AND LEAD ASSY w sto RA PO 312056 Figure 30—Field Frame, Disassembled (3) Detach commutator end head by removing two through bolts and washers. Tap with soft hammer to loosen, if necessary. (4) Detach field frame, using soft hammer if necessary to loosen, (S)_ Separate armature and drive end head by placing armature in soft jaws of vise and removing pulley or gear nut, pulling pulley or gear with puller, and slipping off drive end head, Use arbor press if end head does not come off easily. b. Disassembly of Drive End Head. Disassemble the drive end head with sealed ball bearing (figs. 28 and 29) by removing retainer and screws, and pressing out bearing. Support inner race where pos- sible. Where bearing is not sealed (fig. 14), inner retainer and felt washer may also be removed. 40 TM 9-18254 v7 GROUP II-TWO-BRUSH, TYPE ONE OR TYPE TWO GENERATORS EL FRAME ©, oust ‘commutator HEAD SPACE WASHER a anon sone \, ome me me I rust asm } ALL BEARING by lo sorce wasnt / srust ~/ mare ° sSseey $ RA PD aiz0s7 Figure 32—Commutator End Head with Detachable Brush Plate, Disassembled al TM 9-18254 7 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) CcoMmutaToR END iam RUSH seus ‘ARM OF ence / vise Letitiiitrivs Figure 33—Commutator End Head with Riveted Constructions Disasrombied ¢. Disassembly of Field Frame (figs. 30 and 31). be reassembled in same relationship. (a) Detach cover (fig. 29) by removing two screws. Push studs out of fiber mounting plate. 42 a 4 “ 5) O=2 RA PD 12058 @)_ On frame with terminal box (Bg, 31) disassemble box, notin felationship of box outlet and terminal studs with frame 20 they cag (b) Remove nuts and washers from “A” and “F” terminals, and (c) Remove four screws and washers holding plate and . ling plate and support in place. If fiber plate requires replacement, press it out of support. TM 9-1825A 17-20 GROUP II-TWO-BRUSH, TYPE ONE OR TYPE TWO GENERATORS (2) On other types, detach terminal studs from frame by remov- ing nuts and washers. (@) On all types, remove field coils by taking out pole shoe screws with pole shoe screwdriver (fig. 17). NOTE: Some field coils are varnished and baked in place in the field frame and cannot be removed. If field coils are baked in place, they are not serviceable separately, and defective field coils require replacement of the field and frame assembly. d. Disassemble Commutator End Head. One type of com- mutator end head has a detachable brush ring (fig. 32), while another has the brush holders riveted to, the end head (fig. 33). Ball beating may or may not be of the sealed type. (1) Where brush ring is detachable (fig. 32), remove screws to detach. On all types, remove brush arms and springs by lifting ends of springs over stops. Arms, springs, and washers, will then slide off pins. (2) Remove beating by detaching retainer and gasket. NOTE: Bearing sometimes remains on armature shaft when commutator end head is removed. It may be left on shaft if not defective. 18. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 10. 19. REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 11, 20, ASSEMBLY OF GENERATOR. a. Assemble Commutator End Head (figs. 32 and 33). (2) Install bearing, attach brush ring (where detached), and in- stall brush arms, springs, and washers. Lift ends of springs over stops, Install retainer and gasket (where used), b, Assemble Field Frame (figs. 30 and 31). (1) Install field coils and pole shoes with pole shoe screws, using pole shoe screwdriver (fig. 17) and pole shoe spreader (fig. 25) (2); On type with terminal studs (fig. 30), install terminal studs and secure with insulators, washers, and nuts. (3) On type with terminal box (fig. 31), attach terminal box fiber plate and support to base with four screws and washers, Rela- tionship of terminals to the shield fitting (fig. 34) varies on some units. NOTE: Relationship before disassembly must be noted so terminals can be located correctly on reassembly. Shield fitting must point away from mounting base. ¢. Assemble Drive End Head (figs. 28 and 29). Install bearing and retainer with felt washer (where used). d. Assemble Generator (figs. 28 end 29). 43 TM 9-1825A 20 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) (1) Press the drive end head on the armature shaft, first slipping washer on shaft (if used), * Asst sing } @, Pres on pulley (Gr slipping on col if st), and secure wth wats and nut fcr pun ese al oa ee Sema St hte Hol rst n st ae Se | cing st @) "Aline holes and del and ut Seid fate in place CQ) nstall commutator end head, alining dowel nd olen assembly with bolts and washers, "s les: Secure | TERMINAL SHIELD FIELD TERNAL : z i z [MOUNTING SEACKET RA Pb 312059 Figure 34—Terminal Arrangement in Terminal Box (5) Connect leads to brush holders, | (© _ Attach cover band, €. Installing Safety Wire. Install safety wire through holes in screws (where present), and twist ends together. Where safety wite is used inside generator, on retainer plate screws, or terminal toe mounting screws, the safety wire must be installed before final assembly, 44 TM 9-1825A, 21-22 GROUP II-TWO-BRUSH, TYPE ONE OR TYPE TWO GENERATORS 21. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS. & Mount generator on test stand, connect to test stand ammeter and voltmeter, Connect ammeter lead to generator “A” terminal and ground generator “F” terminal with a jumper lead if generator is type one (fig. 1). If generator is type two (fig. 2), connect jumper lead between “A” and “F” terminals, Increase speed and see’ if output can increase to rated maximum (par. 22). NOTE: A shunt fenerator operated without regulation will produce excessive output at intermediate and high speed. Failure to operate correctly necessi- fates further checking as outlined in paragraph 16 e. 22, FITS, TOLERANCES, AND DATA. a, Test Data, TEST SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUP II GENERATORS $$ Tension cow ourrutt Approx en Ape Vale ra sO Cas aastas* 7a s14.75 1250 sD CCS 2gnSY 7ST 1250 SAF C88 17-20 2 883 1335 oT C85 aLast 17 aS 150 ass C252 3080 1750 u@srs C5 trt'sz 30 BO 1750 maser C5 eta? 300 1150 moms «G52 3080 1750 nas = C5230 BO 1750 asst C28 nrg? 3080 1750 Hass C256 830 1480) mass C8 etek 1460 nasss cc 8H e180 1480 mas? CC STF 80 1480, nusz02 C25 RO 30 nse mass29 C2372. 2% . 80 1400 uass30 C25 1.7-200 2 80 1400 wastes 25 kasdast 17 S475 1250 wuss CC 25 dasa iT 51475 1350 ues7so C25 astas* a7 NaSt478 2250 nasi 2517-19 2% 8b 1150 massso C2519 2580 4150 was6o C25 Laz-d.9h 408 1850, nossel = C259 4D 1850, uoseez C= 2570-19025 BO 1150 meses «C= 89} 480 1850 noses C25 aah 408 1850 hoses C25, 1.701902 1150 nosso? «C= 254] 1850 mosses C25 1.70-190 8B 1180 {Field curent ot 12 volts ‘Hot outpat 11 amps 15.9 volts 1550 rpm, {Output at given speed—not necestarly maximum output. Maximum output con~ Wolled by current regulator as IM 91825 Im 91829 22 22 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE GROUP II-TWO-BRUSH, TYPE ONE OR TYPE TWO GENERATORS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) TEST SPECIFICATIONS (Cont'd) ee b. Fits and Tolerances. GROUP II GENERATORS-FITS AND TOLERANCES oy Nomenclature: Medel Rotation Tension Field Curent COLD OUTPUT? Approx | CE.—Commutator End Ne Vea” “nave Amps Veli war | ‘Semi Diam—Commutator Diameter er DiDrve End mossoz 5a 2% 150 1500 | LD.—Inside Diameter - 1105903 c a5 Lleda* 26 15.0 1500 f 0.D.—Outside Diameter Mowe cs trie ei 1500 | 06403 2 mo 3880 ovo Tesh Comm 1106408 c 25 177-20 35 8.0, 1040, Model Length Diom BEARINGS wostss G5 tadaee te a0 1050 net oy ce be. hows cc 3S tad 1050 an © 3 24a 830 2300 16 4 2387 a < l06tss C25 Laos 5013 2750 Sep at 2187 a € Mow 38 tars SBS 230 eR Bs] hier : é H06501 CS reo 1028 1080 ar We 2187 a d 106502 C= 258-063 © 10260 1200 $34 ae . b 1406503 Cc 25 Se-088} 10280 1200 1102667 “a 1-800 M06s0$ C25 sass} 10280 1200 1102670 i 1.800 p 2 ‘ Moss Cc 28a s8-063} 1020 1200 1302673 6g 1.800 b b u06s0¢ «C4 OsOs] 1) 280 1200 1102674, 4 1'800 > > ‘4 1106507 «CC 25 s8-08t © 10S 260 1200 1102678 A 1.800 b bd nosso C25 oot) 32 a0 1200 1102690, 6g 1.800 a © |) Mo6so | C= 5 sO} §— 15280 1390 1102601 We 1.800 b b |) Wossat Cc as oat ae rizeiaas | HNzGOL 3 1x00 > > \ iowa 25 oas0sse 10380 n7sims | topoes 15 1/800 b b i 25 0.59-0.63. 2 26.0 1200 I eo r e noes Cas, Y 1 1102956 3 1800 2 2 i oro 1080 tooo | 1n0n956 e 1.800 > > || spied current at 12 volts J Hosaoz Hs 3800 g € {Ftd current at 24 volte 1105529 NG 2a87 a e i ‘ried current at 22 volte : [1105530 1 2387 a e || 30usput at given epeed—not necestarily maximum output. Maximum output | 1105734 8% 2.187 8 © "Seated y cure reine 1103778 8G 2187 a € | 1105780 1% 2187 a 4 | b 1105854, 6 1,800 b a F uoses9 We 11800 a © | 1105860 1g 1.800 a a 1105861 i 1.800 2 a 1105862 Se 11800 a a 1105863 56 1.800 a a 1105865 Be 11800 a a 1105866, 6 1800 a a 1108867 56 1800 a a 1105868 146 1.800 a a 41105902 M% 1.800 a a 1105903 Be 1800 a a {Ball Beesing ILD. 0.6698, O.D. 1.5748, Shaft 0.6684-0.6690, Bnd Head 1.576. ‘b=Plain Bearing LD. 0.562-0.563, Shaft 0.5605-0.5610. Ball Bearing LD. 0.7274, O.D. 1.8508, Shaft 0.7865~0.7871, End Head 1.8508 1asis. {4—-Bali Bearing I.D. 0.9843, O.D. 2.4409, Shaft 0.9836-09841, End Head 2.4411— 4819. 46 a7 TM 9-1825A, 22 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) GROUP II GENERATORS-FITS AND TOLERANCES (Cont'd) eae aan ‘ork Comm Modal tenath ‘om BeaRiNGs Geet) (inet) ce be, 1105906" 1% 1,800 a a 1106403 18% 2187 a a 1106408 13 2.187 a d 1106453 1% 2.187 a a 1106454 Be 2187 a a 1106457 Bg 2187 a e 1106458 eg 2.187 a e 1106459 Be 2187 a e 1106501 1g 2187 a a 1106502 18% 2.187 a a 1106503 1% 2187 a a 1106504 1% 2187 a a 1106505 18% 2187 a a 1106506 Be 2187 a a 1106507 Bg 2.187 a a 1106539 i 1.800 a f 1106540 A 21187 a a 1106541 Wg 2.187 a a 1100542 Bie 21187 a a 1106543 Be 2187 a a 1106544 We 2.187 a a i Bearing TD. 0.6698, O.D. 1.5748, Shaft 0.6684~0.6690, End Head 1.576 '—Ball Bearing LD. 0.9843, O.D. 2.4409, Shaft 0.9836-0.9861, nd Head 2.4411— 244) I Beating LD. 0.7874, O.D. 2.0472, Shaft 0.7865-0.7871, End Head 2.0475~ 2.0881 {Bali Bearing LD. 0.9843, O.D. 2.0472, Shaft 0.9836-0.9841, End Head 2.0475- 2.0481 48 | | TM 9-18254 23-25 CHAPTER 2 GENERATORS (Cont'd) Section IV GROUP III-THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE TWO. HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS Poragroph Description 23 Cleaning, inspection, and test. 24 Disassembly 25 Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 26 Repair of parts 27 Assembly of generators 28 Tests and adjustments 29 Fits, tolerances, and data 30 23, DESCRIPTION. a. The generators in this group are all third-brush, type two heavy-duty generators (fig. 2), using ball bearings in both ends with heavy-duty “built-up” reaction type brush holders (figs. 35 through 30), Some generators of this group have chielding connections a>- sembled around the terminals (fig. 41). 24, CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. a. Refer to paragraph 6. 25, DISASSEMBLY. 3. Disassembly Into Main Subassemblies (fig. 36). NOTE: Where tang type lock washers are used to hold screws or nuts tight, discard on removal and install new tang lock washers on reassembly. It is not safe to use this type washer more than once. (1) Loosen cover band screw, and remove cover band, Note rela- tionship of leads and brushes. 2) Disconnect leads to the insulated and third brush holders by removing screws and lock washers. (3) Remove commutator end head by removing attaching screws and lock washers. Loosen the end frame with a soft hammer, if necessary, (4) Detach field frame from drive end frame by removing six attaching screws and lock washers. Use soft hammer to loosen. (5) Remove pulley nut and lock washer by placing armature in soft jaws of vise. (6) With the armature still in soft jaws of vise, use puller to remove pulley from armature shaft. 49 TM 9-1825A, TM 9-1825A 25 25 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE GROUP IIl_THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) (7) Remove drive end head from armature. While it normally slips off easily, press off if necessary. Remove collars from cach side of drive end head. b. Disassembly of Field Frame (fig. 37). (1)_Detach-terminal studs by removing from each terminal stud two each nuts and one each lock washer, plain washer, and insulation washer. The “A” terminal stud may be removed from frame, together with insulating bushing and washer, and main brush lead, ‘The “F" terminal stud is soldered to the field winding lead, aL easing RA PD 312060 ARMATURE p> lta Teint > Antu Tenant 4 RA PD 312061 Figure 36—Disassembled View of Generator Shown in Figure 35 {¢ COMMUTATOR END HEAD Figure 35—Sectionalized Generator of Heavy-duty Type with Build-up Brush Holders (2) Remove ficld windings by removing eight pole shoe screws With pole shoe screwdriver (fig. 17), and lifting out pole shoes and windings. Remove solder and replace stud and clip on field winding leads, if required. Be careful in handling field windings to avoid damaging leads or insulation. NOTE: Some field coils are varnished and baked jn place in the field frame and cannot be removed. If field 50 . 51 25 ‘TM 9-1825A GROUP IIL-THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE * ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 25 4 3 BS E 53 a aniline ‘our4g plots Jo MOIA polquiessosiq—Ze ounBig zoorie ad va 03 O00 me m0 oe, 90000 09 52 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) coils are baked on, they are not serviceable separately. Defective field coils require replacement of field and frame assembly. c. Disassembly of Commutator End Head (fig. 38). (1) Remove screws and washers holding the main brush plate to the commutator end head. The hold down screws and washers must be detached. This frees the third brush plate and main brush plate from the commutator end head, 00 Bw oz o==i Oa oom RA PD 312066 Figure 39—Disassembled View of Drive End Head (@) Remove the screws and lock washers which hold thé ballf bearing retainer plate and gasket in place. The felt washer and felt washer retainer are staked in place in the ball bearing retainer plate (3) Remove ball bearing from end head. (@)_ Disassemble the brush holder assemblies as follows: Remove pigtail lead attaching screw and lock washer from each brush holder and lift out brushes. Detach from each brush holder assembly round head screw and lock washer, brush holder stud, aut, and lock washer. 54 TM 9-1825A 25-28 GROUP IIl—THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS This completely dismantles the brush rigging. Mark the brush holder side of plate for correct reassembly. (5) Remove oiler and pipe plug from opposite ends of oil pas sage. CAUTION: These plugs are physically but not functionally interchangeable. Note of which side oiler was removed so it may be replaced in same position. Wash out passage and oiler and dry with compressed air. 4d. Disassembly of Drive End Head (fg. 39). (1) Detach bearing retainer plate and gasket by removing screws and lock washers. The felt washer and felt washer retainer are staked in place on the bearing retainer. (2) Remove ball bearing from end head. A felt washer and felt washer retainer are staked in place in the drive end frame on the pulley side of the bearing which serves with the other felt washer to seal the bearing and oil passage. (3) Remove oiler and pipe plug from opposite ends of oil pas- sage. CAUTION: These plugs are physically but not functionally interchangeable. Note on which side oiler was installed so it may be replaced in same position. Wash out passage and oiler and dry with compressed air 26. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 10. CAUTION: Reference is made in para: sraph 10 f fo plain bearings which are not used in group IIT gen- srators, 27, REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 11, 28, ASSEMBLY OF GENERATORS.* a. Assembly of Field Frame. () Place field coil assembly with pole shoes in field frame, Insert pole shoe spreader (fig. 25), and tighten shoes against frame. Install and tighten pole shoe screws with pole shoe screwdriver (Gg. 17). Coil with stud soldered to lead must be so placed that stud can be inserted through hole in frame, (Insert stud on coil lead, with insulating washer and bushing, through “F" terminal hole in frame and secure with insulating washer, plain washer, lock washer, and two nuts. Place stud (with Jead attached), insulating washer, and bushing, through “A” terminal hole in frame and secure with insulating washer, plain washer, lock washer, and two nuts, *When assembling generators that employ the use of tang Jock washers, NEW Tock washers anust be used: 58 TM 9-1825A 28 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) Bb. Assembly of Commutator End Head. (1) Reinstall oiler and pipe plug in opposite ends of oil passage. CAUTION: Be sure they are replaced in same position as originally. (2) Assemble the insulated main brush holder assembly to main brush plate, and insulated third brush holder assembly to third brush plate as follows: (a) Slide spring on brush arm sleeve, end hook in notch on arm, (b) Push stud through side of brush holder into space sleeve, ‘through brush arm, and into bushing in other side of holder. (c) Place brush terminal bracket, space washer, and insulating washer on threaded end of stud. (The third brush assembly does not use the space washer.) (4) Insert stud through proper hole in plate, Place one small sulating bushing washer, followed by one insulating washer (2 hole large), one space washer (2 hole-large), lock washer, and nut on stud. Draw nut fingertight. (e) Place small insulating bushing’ washer in the other brush mounting screw-hole of the plate and swing brush terminal bracket, space washers, and insulating washers into position, (£) Line up holes in holder, plate, and washers. Insert and fasten screw with lock washer. (3) Assemble the grounded brush assembly to the main brush plate as follows (a) Slide spring on brush arm sleeve, and hook in noteh on arm, (b) Push stud through side of brush holder into space sleeve, and brush arm into bushing in other side of holder. (c)_ Place brush terminal bracket and two space washers on threaded end of stud, (4) Insert stud through small hole, of a group of two holes, in brush plate. (e) Place space washer, lock washer, and nut, on stud and draw fingertight. (2) Swing brush terminal bracket into place so that holes aline in bracket, washers, and brush plate. (@) Secure with screw and lock washer, (4) Install ball bearing in end head. (S)_ Install the ball bearing retainer plate, including felt washer and its cup retainer, and gasket to the end frame with the five attach- ing screws and lock washers. (6) Attach the main brush plate assembly to the end head with two screws, lock washers, and plain washers. Turn as far as possible in direction counter to normal armature rotation before tightening serews. Attach the third brush plate to the main brush plate and end head with the two hold-down serews, lock washers, and plain washers, (The upper hold-down screw uses'a spring washer instead of lock washer.) . 56 TM 9-1825A 28-29 GROUP III-THIRD-BRUSH, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS (7) Install brushes and attach pigtail leads to brush holders with screw and lock washer (one each), c. Assembly of Drive End Head. (1) Install oiler and pipe plug in opposite ends of oil passage. CAUTION: Be sure they are replaced in same position as originally. (2) _Install ball bearing in drive end head. Use an arbor press, if necessary. (3)° Attach ball bearing retainer (which includes felt washer, and felt washer cup retainer), and gasket, to end frame with the five attaching screws and lock washers. 4. Assembly of Generator, (1) Place the correct collar on the armature shaft, and slip drive tnd head on shaft. Use an arbor press if necessary. (2) Place the collar and pulley on the splined shaft, and with the armature in the soft jaws of a vise, secure in place with pulley nut and Jock washer. (3) Attach field frame assembly to drive end head with six at- taching screws and lock washers. (4)__ Attach commutator end head to field frame with six attaching screws and lock washers, (8) Connect leads to the insulated and third brush holders with one each, screw and lock washer. This connects the “A” terminal to the insulated main brush and the "F” terminal, through the field windings to the insulated third brush. ¢. Installation of Safety Wire. Install safety wire through holes in screws, and twist ends together. Where safety wire is used inside generator, the safety wire must be installed before final assembly 29, TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS. a, Mount generator on test stand, connect to test stand ammeter 1d voltmeter. Connect the ammeter in the charging circuit at the "A” terminal. Connect the volmeter leads from the generator “A” terminal to ground, and bridge the generator "A” and “F” terminals with @ jumper lead. Operate generator at speed at which maximum output is obtained. If output exceeds maximum specified cold gener ator output, immediately remove cover band, loosen third-brush hold- down screw in commutator end head with offset screwdriver. Move third brush away from main brush to obtain specified cold output. Generator must be checked at specified voltage, since the output varies with the voltage. If specified voltage cannot be attained, ¥%4 chm variable resistance, of sufficient current carrying capacity, must be inserted into the charging circuit and resistance cut in until the specified voltage is attained. Operate until generator reaches operating temperature (about 30 minutes), and check hot output. Adjust by ‘moving the third brush toward the main brush to increase output, oF move third brush away from main brush to lower output. Alter adjustment is complete, tighten’ the hold-down screw and replace cover band, 37 30 TM 9-1825A GROUP IIITHIRD-BRUSH, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS Fits and Tolerances. GROUP ITI GENERATORS-FITS AND TOLERANCES ‘Nomenclature: ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) TM 9-18254 30 Comm Diam-—Commutator Diameter CE.—Commutator End DiE.~Drive End LD.—Inside Diameter ©.D—Outside Diameter Comm "Main roth Cnet) 2.990-3.000 2.990-3.000 ce i Ve Ve Be Be 2.990-3.000 417 440 550 555, 2,990-3.000 2,990-3.000 2.990-3.000 2.990-3.000 2.990-3.000 357 We Be a 13% Bg Bq 561 67: 2.990-3.000 2.990-3.000 2.990-3.000 Be 14 1 677 687 695 117002 azo. 17014 417018 1117020 1117036 2.990-3.000 2.990-3.000 2.990-3.000 8g 13g Bg "4410. Ball Bearing 1.D. 1.1811, O.D. 2.4409, Shaft 1.180 3 = a ag ae 30 £6 8 as 38 Fe End Head 2.4411~ 1.1807, 59 489. ooo er or oozt er ster she I-68 2 oe0cttt oo0e er st 0091 er 90-40 s8PT-SET 5 ozouttt 008 er sr 0091 sr 92-42 86 T-SET 3 groctit 008 er or oozt sr ster sch I-6eT 2 $rOUTIT oozt L vet = o00t t oe-8e srees'e 2 mioctit o00¢ et at 091 er 9e-¥e wPI-SET 99 Zooutt 008 er ar oor et ot-be s8FT-SET 2 $69 oot er ar oot et 9n-be s8PT-SeT 2 439 00 er ar 0091 et 9r-4e sleT-68T 99 ua oozt ‘ ett 000r ‘ os-4z SLees'e 3 +19 ° 008 et sr 0091 et 97-42 stbI-6et = 9 9s * o00f et or oozt st ster Le 681 2 uss 008 et at oot er 90-0 +80 T-SET 2 sss. ‘008 st ar oot et 90-40 8PT-Se'T 2 oss. 00 er ar 091 er ore +lp-6eT 90. oFb 008 et at 009 Ea gee 8 T-SeT 2 Lb wawxonidy sen sduy waa wonddy en, veuy wow snaino ‘ion anaino 109 20 s¢—tiowsuay, Buds ysng SYOLVAGNAD IIT dNOND AOA SNOILVOTAIOAdS LSAL veiw soy, 8 “VIEVG ONY ‘SIONVUSIOL ‘SLId “Of ——| TM 9.18254 Im 918298 31-33 33 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE GROUP IV-TWO OR FOUR-BRUSH SHUNT, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS CHAPTER 2 GENERATORS (Cont'd) Section V GROUP IV—TWO OR FOUR-BRUSH SHUNT, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS RA po 12065 Peres Description aL Cleaning, inspection, and test 32 Disassembly 33 Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts... 34 Repair of parts 35 Assemble generator 36 Tests and adjustments 37 Fits, tolerances, and data 38 \. prive END HEAD 7 FIELD COM. \ \ BALL BEARING ARMATURE \ Tru sour ina OF Binsin aac moe ne tei aN Si, ace crat em eae a \ 7 FIELD TERMINAL ARMATURE TERMINAL BRUSH \ COVER BAND BALL BEARING COMM. END HEAD 32, CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. rc co a. Refer to paragraph 16. NOTE: All generators in group IV are type two units (fig. 2). Use testing procedure for type two generators onily, as outlined in paragraph 16. ATS \ 5 coMTaTR \ 33. DISASSEMBLY. a, mbly Into Main Subassemblies* (figs. 43 and 44). (@) Loosen screw or snap back catch, and remove cover band. (2) Disconnect insulation covered lead or leads from insulated brush holder (or holders), by removing screws and washers. (3)_On type generator with through bolts (fig. 43), remove through bolts. On type in figure 44, bend down locking tangs on lock washers, and remove screws and lock washers. Remove commutator end head from field frame. Loosen end head with soft hammer, if necessary. — ADJUSTABLE BRUSH PLATE Figure 40-Sectional View of Heavy-duty, Two-brush, Shunt Generator [ ADwUSTING stor AIR INTAKE swusn rare \ AE, (4)_ On type generator with through bolts, detach field frame. On type shown in figure 44, bend down locking tangs on lock washers, ‘ype lock washers are used to hold secews or nuts tight. They must be discarded on removal, and new tang lock washers installed on reasvembiy. It le fot safe fo use this type Washer more than once. 60 q 61 Im y-102om, 33 TM 9-1825A, 33 GROUP IV-TWO OR FOUR-BRUSH SHUNT, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) xog jouuisos ys1m 10102009 Junys "ysNAq-4NO4 ‘AMP-AADOH JO MOA [DHO!HIOS—Zh 220614 soon ad va WvBH_ONB WWOD asa qvae Ta \ J pwvs snes onwvae twe// fo avau ana sana/ 63 FD aun 9 389 / ‘nas TWN Wa Spreng roujussoy wim s0yDs0U99 junds “Ys0uq-snog “Ainp-AanoH Jo MOLA IDUOLIOS—Iy 21n6I ‘oor ad va ae aane 62 TM 9-1825A 33, 2y xvno0 GROUP IV-TWO OR FOUR-BRUSH SHUNT, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS (Of 21n6}4 Wy) UMoYS 4o1DI9U0D 40 MOIA PO/quIOSsDSIg—Ey 24611 ¢ 3 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 33 < 8 g 2 cS z TM 9-1825A. TM 9-1825A <3 FA ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE OROUP Wv_TWO OR rouR-saUSH sHwNT, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS remove scr en detach Sl sme frm deve end hea, Uo aot Soman sam each fe GG) Remove pulley nut by placing acmatre in sot jaws of vie ¢ _Y setving cote in Chere Pee a a oa ews of ie coer (6) With armature in soft jaws of vise, use puller to remove) pully. Sh seems in sft Jews of vie | | (7)_Remove drive end frame from armature. While it normally| slips off easily, press, if necessary. Slip space collar off shaft. RA pp 32071 a | 3 onease | 2 os ome sno vero G3] ey é i o=—s| 3 / aa sean Baas; 58 3 RETAINER sa cast Gama) 28 2 sca 8= 5 = 5 3 & 3 5 2 5 i 3 8 g z 5 { 6 au, deans 3 asker ‘ nEnaINee 5 5 nus —~B 14.10 20] $ I 2 Figure 45—Drive End Head, Disassombled | 3 b. Disassemble Drive End Head. i 2 (Q)_ Remove screws and lock washers holding bearing retainer 2 plate in place, and remove plates and gaskets (from one or both sides = of bearing according to type). Type unit with sealed bearing hes only | bearing retainer and no gaskets. | (2) Remove bearing from feame. While this may normally be) Femoved easily, press out, if necessary. On type with inner retuing!| and seal (fig. 41), remove retainer if worn. | a €. Disassemble Commutator End Head. | (Q) Remove bearing cover plate and gasket (where present), by’ unscrewing screws and removing lock washers (2) Remove screws, lock shers, brush plate assembly, inner | bearing retainer plate assembly, and gasket or seal. Polquassnsig ‘Ajquiossy o1pjd ysnsg—Bp 940614 s g Eo 58 z GROUP IV-TWO OR FOUR-BRUSH SHUNT, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS 3 yay // ame —— Paquessenig ‘Puy s0;DyNUIMIOD YsRIq-sNOJ—Zp 940b1E eo Game &O © emmy oo © === oO Bom O ome 4axsvo Om : 3 avatana// wSlvinnneo- ano. as¥510— ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) aaA0> ana xOlvinnwoD sn5vO TM 9-1825A 33 TM 9-1825A 5 8g 2 o z 33 33 GROUP IV—TWO OR FOUR-BRUSH. SHUNT, ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS Ly ounBiy uy uMoYs s04D10N09 Jo aUIDLy PjOHY Jo MOIA Pa!quiossDSig—o¢ o4nBI4 z -f] oa cc ANRS OF ounbyy uy UMoYS s01Ds0u90 Jo OuDs4 Play Jo MOIA PolqulartorG—F ‘oan61y ve 000000050, ee We F 60800 c sonnet 20800895 . TM 9-1825A 33, ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE HEcTRICAL EQUIPMENT [DE.CO-REMY) (3) bearing does not come out readily, remove in arbor pres 4) Disassemble brush plate assembly as follows (8g. 48): Re- move grounded brush holders by, detaching Brosh lad’ clipe and Erches (removing screw and lock washer with screwdriver) and Femaving ls screw two lock washer and one fat fvochole wader from the rea side of the brash plate “he brush holder st6a space Sleeve, brush arm, brush spring, Dus, brush holder, bruth ternal INSULATION Fie FRAME AND BRACKET && a ro sire ure 51—Disestembled View of Fold Frame of Generator ries Shown in Figure 42 bracket an te tocol at washers il cme of in der name Tnstlated brush holders are removed n identical mann, except fh onthe rear sige tole mln wesber and wo alatig hinge have ben edd while on the brush holder side, two-hole Iain wah hw era asta for ene of the torte Bt tctalic washers; Daring disassembly. note very carefully which ie tithe pint the holders ae atached to, so that on fessembly, the Holders wil be fastened tothe right side ofthe plate 72 TM 9-1825A 33.36 GROUP IV-TWO OR FOUR-BRUSH SHUNT, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS d. Disassemble Field Frame (figs. 49, 50, and 51), (1) | Where terminal studs are used, either with or without shields (figs. 49 and 50), detach by removing nuts, washers, and insulators. Push studs through field frame. (2) Where condensers are installed in frame, remove for test, if necessary. Follow instructions on tester for testing condensers, (3) Where terminal box is used (fig. 51), disassemble as follows (a) Remove two screws, lock washers, and terminal cover, Note relationship of studs so they may be reassembled in same positions, (b)_ Remove two nuts, lock washers and flat washers, from “A” and “F” terminals, and push terminal studs out of fiber terminal mounting plate, (eo) Remove four screws and lock washers holding terminal box and support in place. Press the fiber terminal support out of the box if it requires replacement, (4) Remove two screws and lock washers holding terminal box base to frame if base requires replacement. (4) _ Remove pole shoe screws, pole shoes, and field coil assembly Unsolder old terminal stud and clip, and solder new stud or clip, if required, using rosin flux. NOTE: Many of these units have field coils that are varnished and baked in place in the field frame, and cannot be removed. If field coils are baked in, they are not serviceable separately so that-when coils are detective, replacemont of Bcld and frame assembly will be required. 34. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 10 which applies to group IV generators with one exception. Some of the armatures used in this group are so connected that they-cannot be tested satisfactorily on the growler for short circuits. On such units, satisfactory operation, as determined by ability of generator to produce rated output at specified speed 18 sufficient evidence that armature is not shorted 35. REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 11 which applies to group IV generators With the exception that some of the generators used in group TV have the armature conductors welded to the commutator riser bars and they canaot be resoldered. 36. ASSEMBLE GENERATOR.* a. Assemble Field Frame, (1) Assemble field coils and pole shoes in field frame. The stuas must be adjacent to the window or openings in field frame through Wwhich the terminals mount. Use pole shoe spreader to bring pole shoes up tightly against field frame (fig. 22), and use pole shoe screwdriver to put pole shoes into place (fig. 17), (2) On type with terminal box (fig. 51) proceed as follows “Use new tang lock washers if generator iz assembled with this type washer Never wee old tang lock washer, 73 TM 9-1825A 36 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) (a) Fasten terminal box base with two screws and lock washers to field frame. (b) Assemble terminal support plate into terminal box and attach to base with four screws and lock washers. Be sure to re~ ‘assemble in original position as noted before disassembly. (c) Push terminal studs through support plate and fasten with flat washer, lock washer, nut, lock washer and nut, in order named. (d) Fasten terminal cover to terminal box with two screws and Jock washers. ~ (3) Where condensers are used in field frame, install them. (4) Where terminal studs are used, push them through field frame with insulators in place and secure with washers and nuts. Include terminal shields if used. See figures 40, 41, 49 and 50 for ‘assembly of parts. b. Assembly of Commutator End Head. (@) Be sure to attach the brush holders to the correct side of the brush plate (par. 33). Attach insulated brush holders by placing bushings in brush plate holes with two-hole insulating washers on each side. Place lock washer and two-hole flat washer on screw, put screw through proper bushing in plate, add two-hole washer, brush terminal bracket, and brush holder. Run screw up tight into tapped hole in brush ‘holder. Start brush holder stud into brush holder, adding space sleeve, brush arm, spring, and stud Lusliivx, in relationship shown in figures 43 or 44. The straight end of spring should lie in the angle of the brush terminal bracket, while the hooked section must be caught with pliers and hooked into the notch on the back of the brush arm, Put lock washer on end of tapped section of stud, and secure with stud nut. Attach the two grounded brush holders in the same manner, with the exception ‘that there are no insulating washers nor bushings. Two two-hole metallic washers are used on brush holder side of plate. Put brushes in holders, and attach lead clips with screws and lock washers. (2) Put ball bearing into end frame, using arbor press if neces- sary. Secure by fastening the gasket and bearing cover plate on the outside, and the retainer plate assembly and gasket on the inside, with screws and lock washers. (3) Fasten brush plate assembly to frame with screws and locke washers. On type generator shown in figures 41 or 42, observe the proper relationship as established by the two dowel pins in the end frame and the two notches in the outer diameter of the brush plate. On the type shown in figure 37, plate will fit into frame in one position only because of difference in radius of attaching screw slots. e. Assemble Drive End Head. (1) While the bearing usually slips into head easily, it may have to be pressed in with arbor press, (2) Install bearing retainer plates and gaskets (if used) on one or both sides of frame head with screws and lock washers. 74 TM 9.18254 36.37 GROUP IV_TWo OR FOUR-BRUSH SHUNT, TYPE TWO HEAVY-DUTY GENERATORS a. Assemble Generator. (Q) Place drive end if necessary. (2) Place space collar on shaft (where used), and press pulle into position on armature shaft in arbor press. Secure With washer and aut, holding armature in soft jaws of vise. Secure nut with cotter pin where used. * ‘ with con (3) Place field frame on armature in proper position so do and hole aline. Secure assembly with screws and lock wachere where enerator is type shown in figures 41 oF 42 (4) Place commutator end head in. position so dowel and hole aline, pressing on if required, Assemble with through bolts where assembly is type shown in figure 40 or where type is ae chown in figures 41 or 42, secure with screws and locie wasters (3) Connect leads to insulated brush holders with screws and head on armature shaft, using arbor press lock washer. torah Cove! band in position, and snap catch or tighten screw €. Install safety wire through holes in sc ant el ty wire through holes in screws (where present), ist ends together. Where safety wire is used inside the gen. erator, o: on retainer plate screws or similar places, the safety wire must be installed before final assembly. 8. TESTS AND ADrUsTENTS. 2. Preliminary Protedure: ets to pargeaph 2 Neutral Point One sdjastmnt thot ede tthe generetor i the Netting for Masta puis Chet ae se ne ene fematre o hen rentenling the aching ae on ea imperative thatthe crrestsclatons Oot hue ae the field col, the arate windings and Ge toute ae Bent is checked by impesing bates cota aa ae by connecting batty leds fo the 2a ee ae aerate noting the tendency for rotation in the armature. Mount generator on test bc with anata ete eat eo eestor fom the Beld terminal The voltege fo ae oats Geman the mim amount whieh yl cease tee phar tech ig tree to tur Tie wolage Bs abteed Bee tetanc the leUc to yl role sed ven foltage higher than sated generates line ge ee eve 3 foun by ahting the brutes into the pesion at wha thei to tendency for th statute fo mae meine die es the brushes, itis frst necessary to loosen the brash late ek cone tthe commutator nd head ithe wi Sneed eae ea fiver according 0 whether they src on See See” pee Sew enough © al mover of eke eae eens Lames formmnce of the gnetter, st brass Say ean er ee This means that with voltage impressed on the armature, the arma. fie should tend to rotate ery only ie de a trator eormal dives rotation, Monge bese ete ee 75 TM 9-1825A 37+ TM 9-1825A 38 crows mane ec SE aes een ME Ba SON anys, in the direction of normal rotation tends to put the machine shead b. Fits and Tok INERATORS of neutral. Moving the brush plates against the direction of normal and Tolerances, brush plate lock screws are tightened securely after adjustment is Nomencoures NOP TY GENERATORS complete. CE.—Commutator End ‘est Dat DiE.—Drive End a Test Data. LD.—Taside Distneter ‘Test SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUP IV GENERATORS OB butae Ser Brush Spring Tension—25 07 ater renee cag oan pee ot ah vanes Medel __Retation ‘Amps Vette ci Linch) ce. be om © a 730 Taso 602 10 a SE f 8 OBS os 3 3 952 € 5 10 11000 952 10 8 a gg HBS is 32 ro 2 i mg SBS ike one 5 : 4 eo BRS iss 1 s 4 Sg 2 BS ies ot i 3 € 55 130 950, 985, 10 a a wg gS Be ss ro : d wg 8 ES ie 93 : 4 we ke BRS ie to ‘ 1106584, c 40 1S 1080 998 10 a ‘esses s 35 2 1400, 999 Lo : a ieee Bg is : 3 nese Se Bo Be ie noses 10 é a Moses a Be 1300 393 10 M4 nase BBS Be Hows: 8 : : nus § Fe ne Hess > 2 1106686 cc 3 330 1300 1106638 Yo b a nies Ho Be Re Hoes é a Hoses 8 130 3300 a7 10 g nue g BBS ike ito: = : a 1117032 € iB 330 800, 1106656 Lo a uu g yo BS SS oess9 3.0 B : 1117040 Cc 4 32.0 1250 1106659 r p & wire Bg 1 B mis fe 8 Bo Hosseo 1 b ‘ 1117205 ¢ 2% 350 900 1117032 1.0 a nu fe BRS ie Mins ag : ‘ uum BRS igs 15 a 1117218, cc 25 35.0 1580 1117042, 1.0 a 1117220 Cc 25 24.0 1300 ‘1117205 10 a a 1117301, c 50 26.0 1670 1117207 1.0 Q s 1117303 ce 50 26.0 1670 1117208, Q ¢ nue ge Bois 1 s nage gue iiat 38 : ‘ nue g g Bo ge ins 19 a ae § BB 72 : : hima ¢ 8 : Bal Sesring 1D. ot Hg § go a Being. 0908, OD. 2408, Sha 05ND 0044, Ea Head 401- nus § gO EE TP one ee oc esenmnrnan | IRENE tom sa so tse tbat Tracrentet12 vot, {ledcurentat vl “idewrenttstvots. | 4 Slving LD. oaut,O3. ‘Output at given speed—Not necessarily maximum output. Maximum output con- 3.1506, 13, O.D. 3.1496, Shaft 0.9836-0.9841, End Head 3.1500- ‘rolled by current regulator. 76 7 TM 9-1825A 3 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) GROUP IV GENERATORS (Cont'd) ork =~ BEARINGS Mosel (na ss. pe eect 1117220 1.0 5. a a 1117301 10 a 4 3117303 Lo a a 1117304 10 a 4 1117305 10 a 4 1117307 10 a é 1117308 10 a ¢ 3117547 10 © € 1117550 10 € © 1117581 10 © ‘a~Ball Bearing LD. 0.9843, O.D. 2.4409, Shaft 0,9836-0.9841, End Head 2.4411~ >. 2.8346, Shaft 1.1805-1.1809, End Head 2.8351~ 4—Bali Bearing I.D. 0.9843, O.D. 3.1496, Shaft 0.9836-0.9841, End Head 3.1500- e—BalBesring LD, 1.4811, OD. 2.5439, Soft 1.1805-1.1609, End Head 3.549% as. 78 CHAPTER 3 REGULATORS Section 1 . BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Perooroph Construction 39 Function 40 Operation of cut-out relay 41 Operation of step-voltage control 2 Operation of voltage regulator 43 Operation of current regulator 44 Operation of current and voltage regulator 45 Regulators for type one and type two generators 46 39. CONSTRUCTION. a. All regulators have a cut-out relay, plus either @ step-voltage control or a vibrating voltage regulator, On three-unit regulators, ‘current regulator is also included with the vibrating voltage regulator and cut-out relay. All units are mounted on the same base and en- closed by the same cover. 40. FUNCTION. a. The cut-out relay opens and closes the circuit between the Benerator and battery. It closes the circuit when the generator operates to charge the battery, and opens the circuit when the generator is not operating to prevent the battery from discharging back through the generator. The step-voltage control, voltage regu lator, and current regulator, control generator output under varying conditions of operation, 41. OPERATION OF CUT-OUT RELAY. a. The cut-out relay (fig. 52) consists of two windings, a shunt winding and a series winding, assembled on a single core, above which is placed an armature. The shunt winding consists of many turns of fine wire, and is connected across the generator. The series winding consists of few turns of heavy wire designed to carry full Kenerator output, and it is connected into the charging circuit. The armature carries a point which is positioned above a stationary matching point. When the generator is not operating, the armature is held away from the winding core by spring tension, and the points sare separated. As soon as the generator begins to operate at a speed. sufficient to produce enough voltage to charge the battery, this voltage, which is impressed on the relay windings, creates enough ‘magnetism to overcome the armature spring tension and close the points. So long as the generator charges the battery, the points are hheld closed, When the generator slows or stops so that current flows 79 TM 9-1825A 41-42 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) from the battery to the generator, the points open. They open Decause the series winding magnetic field reverses as the current in it reverses so that the two windings no longer help each other. The magnetic fields buck, causing a reduction of the total magnetic field to a point where it can no longer hold the armature down and the points closed. The spring tension pulls the armature up and opens the points. 42, OPERATION OF STEP-VOLTAGE CONTROL. ‘a, The step-voltage control (fig. 53) is a magnetic switch that automatically inserts or removes resistance in the generator field CUT-OUT RELAY ARMATURE CONTACT POINTS yy SERIES = WINDING RA Po 312077 HINGE SHUNT WINDING 1 on cosanon Figure 52—Schematic Wiring Circuit of Cut-out Relay circuit. When the battery is low, the step-voltage control keeps the resistance out of the generator field circuit so the generator can produce full output as determined by the third brush setting. When. ‘the battery comes up to charge, the step-voltage control inserts resistance into the generator field circuit, thus causing the generator output to be reduced to a low value, so that battery overcharge and high voltage are avoided, b. The step-voltage control consists of two windings assembled fon two cores, connected in series and, together, shunted across the generator, and an armature with a pair of contact points held closed by spring tension, In this position the generator field circuit is con- ducted directly to ground through the points. Full generator output 80 TM 9-1825A az BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION STEPVOLTAGE CONTROL TO AMMETER GENERATOR RA PD at2078 Figure 53—Schematic Wiring Diagram of Step-voltage Control is thas avilable, As the battery approaches « charged coniton its charging voltage increases, iis increasing voltage, energizing the two windings becomes great enough when the batey ie ule ly sharged, to cause the voltage control unit to operate, At this point the voltage is great enotigh to create sulfcent magnets sfength in the winding cores to overcome the asmature spring ten on, and. pull the armature toivard the core 20 that the contact Points open, With the points open, the generator feld cursent sent fe to ground through a resistance, Generator fed current and outa? are consequentiy reduced, So. long as the battery remains ie a éharged condition and line voltage is high, then the resistance wil ar TM 9-1825A 42-43 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) remain in the generator field circuit, Then the generator continues to operate on low output. When the battery becomes partly dis- charged, or when clectrical accessories are turned on so that the Tine voltage is reduced, the lowered voltage becomes insufficient to hold the points open. The points close, directly grounding the field so that the generator output comes up on the high side. There are, in effect, two generators, a standard output unit when the battery ‘and line voltage is low, and a reduced output generator when the battery is up to charge and less generator output is required. SHUNT WINDING Vourace REGULATOR SERIES SHUNT WINDING. WINDING RESISTANCE SERIES WINDING STORAGE ‘BATTERY Figure 54—Schematie Wiring Circuit of Volta: RA PD 212079 egulator 43. OPERATION OF VOLTAGE REGULATOR. a, The voltage regulator (fig. 54) prevents the line voltage from exceeding a predetermined value, and thus protects the battery and other electrical units in the system from high voltage. One charac- teristic of batteries is that as either the specific gravity or charging rate increases, other conditions being the same, the battery terminal voltage increases. If the terminal voltage is held constant as the battery comes up to charge, the charging rate will gradually taper off. The voltage regulator performs this job of holding the voltage 82 TM 9-1825A ‘3 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 5 8 gf & fs 3s ce sunt ct an ant Aro 3 § SERIES WINDING é SHUNT WINDING: = shed gouce ie elele > GENERATOR tA om Figure 55—Schematie Wiring Diagram of Current and Voltage Regulator constant, The voltage regulator may be used with a third brush generator, or with a current regulator and a shunt generator. 1b. The voltage regulator consists of a pair of points, one positioned on an armature, the other semistationary, and regulator windings assembled on a single core, The magnetic attraction of the windings on the armature increases as the voltage in the system increases, due to increased generator output or to the battery approaching a charged condition. The armature spring tension normally holds the regulator points closed, and the generator field current is closed through these points. With the points closed in this manner, the generator output can increase to a high value, and can cause (under the above mentioned conditions) a high voltage. When the voltage Teaches a predetermined value, the magnetic attraction on the regu. 83 TM 9-1825A, 43 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) curour RELAY fet cuRReNt won WINDING WINDING. Revense WINDING, VoITAGE sens WINDING WINDING ‘SERIES WINDING RESISTANCE UNT yo BATTERY ‘THROUGH AMMETER GENERATOR fa, c#OUND RA PD 312081 Figure 56—Wiring Circult for Voltage Regulator Used with Type Two Third-brush Generator lator armature is sufficient to overcome the armature spring tension, and pull the armature toward the winding core. This opens the points, causing a resistance to be inserted into the generator ficld Circuit, Resistance in the generator field circuit immediately causes a reduction of the generator output, with a consequent reduction of voltage. Reducing the voltage lowers the magnetic pull on the arma- ture. Immediately, the armature is released, and the spring tension closes the regulator points. This permits an increased output and voltage, #0 that the points are again opened. This cycle is repeated very rapidly so that the voltage is held to @ constant value, and 84 TM 9-1825A 43-44 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION the output ie reduced to just what is required by the connect dlectrical load, and condition of charge of the battery. ‘es 44. OPERATION OF CURRENT REGULATOR, 4% Where the generator does not use a third brush to provide a reans of limiting the maximum output of the generate; aoe eae ternal current limiting device is necessary. The cnrent senlocee (Gg. $5) is a current limiting ‘device that prevents the generate output from exceeding a safe maximum value The current renee lator is used with a voltage regulator. e sunt cee curour conten / voutace me sat fio cupeenr WINDING ‘WINDING revise WnBING i ! A vowrace a) RNS Ti Sens WINDING: PN essror GENERATOR RA PO 12082 Figure 57—Wiring Circuit for Current and Voltage Regulator Used with Type Two Shunt Generators se ahi enn on of ings assembled on a single core, As the current out fos ting Se pr anc owes se Cres i il aa a ht le ‘one posi- and regulator wind- put of the generator tor is adjusted (the the magnetic strength ‘as soon as the output regulator ig set, the TM 9-1825A 44-46 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) ‘magnetism becomes insufficient to hold the points open, they close, and permit the generator output to increase again. This cycle is repeated very rapidly, causing a rapid vibration of the contact points, which prevents the generator output from exceeding its specified maximum. 45. OPERATION OF CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATOR. a. When the current and voltage regulators are used together (Gig. 56), either the current regulator or the voltage regulator operate at any one time. Both never operate at the same time. When the battery is low, and the load requirements are high (many acces- sories turned on), the current regulator operates to prevent the gen- erator from exceeding its specified maximum. The voltage regulator does not operate because the voltage does not reach a value suli- cient to cause it to operate. When the battery begins to come up to charge, and electrical accessories are turned off, the voltage begins to increase and reaches a value at which the voltage regulator begins to operate, ‘The generator output consequently begins to taper off so that the output is below a value at which the current regulator would operate. Consequently, only the voltage regulator operates ‘under this condition. 46. REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE AND TYPE TWO GENERATORS. a, Paragraph 5 explained the difference between type one and type two generators. Since their fields are connected in two different ways, they require two different types of regulator circuits. Figures 54 and 55 show the regulator wiring circuits for type one generators, Step-voltage controls are used only on third brush, type one gen- erators, Figures 56 and 57 show the regulator wiring circuits for type two generators. Type two generators usually are of heavier construction and produce higher output. Their fields are thus more highly inductive and additional windings are required in the regu- lator (figs. 56 and 57) to provide adequate control of the output under all operating conditions. Voltage regulators used with type fone generators are all set on closed circuit with several amperes flowing from the generator to the battery. Voltage regulators used with type two generators are all checked and adjusted on open circuit, with the circuit to the battery disconnected. 86 TM 9-1825A 47-49 CHAPTER 3 REGULATORS (Cont'd) Section Il GROUP I-STEP-VOLTAGE CONTROLS Description “— ; inspection, and test 48 Disassembly 0 Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 50 Repair of parts 5 Assembly 82 Tests and adjustments 33 Specifications 54 47. DESCRIPTION, a. The step-voltage control (fig. 58) consists of th . $8) consists of the step-voltage control unit and a cut-out relay, both mounted on the samme tance so enclosed by the same cover as those provided for tse wi ‘type one generators, Pe third brush, 48. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. Guay ng eae Ne os can ws in, 8 PGES SS" A oH et et, De at b. Remove cover and ins . pect for burned contact points, re- sistance, windings, or leads. Points, oe it tt ce Se Laan ae OF 2 9 come wey crease generator speed, and note relay closing voltage. Ses el Stace as mer en Ss Sag tans a OE ge SU li tee ene Newer dataenble the stepwtage contol unter som sacra fh cewalags contol utes some par By ten Rea i ie damage th et ally, only a few parts can be removed (fig. 61). " er 87 ‘TM 9-1825A 49-50 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) STEP-VOUTAGE ‘CONTROL curour RELAY RA PD 312083 Figure 58-Step-voltage Control with Cover Removed ec. Remove resistance. d. Detach voltage control armature by removing spring, two screws, lock washers, and washers. Unsolder lead. fe. Remove cut-out relay armature by removing two screws, lock washers, and flat two-hole washer. 50. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. ‘a. Examine all parts. Dirty, burned, or oxidized contact points must be cleaned (par. 51). The point and fiber bumper on the flat spring on the step-voltage control armature must be tight. Leads insulators, screws, washers must all be in good condition. If the Mindings, stationary cut-out relay contact point, insulators, are TM 9-18254 50 GROUP I-STEP-VOLTAGE CONTROLS voumnere RA PD a12084 Figure 59-Motor Connections to Chee sections fo Check Cut-ovt Rel Closing Voltage "Relay RA pp at2085 Figure 60—Meter Connections to Test Step-voltage Control 89 TM 9-1825A 50 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) cover 0 = asker ie cas rEsIsTOR &o ARMATURE 0 SPRING. RELAY. ‘ARMATURE RA Pp 312129 voltage Control, Disassembled 90 Figure 61—Stey TM 9-1825A 50-53 GROUP I-STEP-VOLTAGE CONTROLS burned or otherwise defective, replace the complete step-voltage control, The voltage ‘control is riveted construction and only the parts shown detached (fig. 61) are serviceable items. 51. REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Clean contact points which are pitted, rough, dirty, or bumed with a stroke or two of a clean, fine-cut contact file. Blow out all dust. Be careful in cleaning the voltage control unit contact points, to avoid bending or distorting the flat armature spring The spring must hold the two points in contact with the proper spring tension CAUTION: Never use emery cloth or sandpaper to clean the points, since smell particles of emery or sand embed in the point surfaces, isan oe ‘ie ox) contac ront orouno RA PO 40266 Figure 62—Cut-out Relay Adjustments (Voltage Control Unit) and prevent good contact. Do not touch the point surfaces after cleaning them, since any trace of oil or grease Causes the points to burn, 52, ASSEMBLY. a. Attach cut-out relay armature (thick two-hole washer goes under relay armature while thin two-hole clip washer goes over armature), voltage control armature, resistance and lead. 53. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS. a. Tests and adjustments are divided into two parts, mechanical and electrical. Refer to paragraph 48 e for explanation of electrical tests, Mechanical tests are outlined in following subparagraphs. b. Cutout Relay. Proceed as follows with unit disconnected: (1) | Measure air gap between armature and center of core with contact points held closed (fig. 62), and adjust by loosening the two screws at back of relay and raising or lowering armature as required (lig. 62). Tighten screws after adjustment. 91 TM 9-1825A 5 3 TM 9-1825A ‘ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE i ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) GROUP 1-STEP-VOLTAGE CONTROLS (2) Measure point opening with points open (fig. 62), and adjust by bending the upper armature stp. . (@). Check closing wotage as aleady described (par. 48 ¢ (1D) dvigat btidet sazenaaneas« ‘and adjust by bending up on the spring post to increase the closing ge) SS 9885 Fog eS gst ss gees yy e Soltage or down to lower the closing voltage (Bg. 62). B/ gon ftageg sen eELTTG ESET TEE follows with unit discon- fe. Step-voltage Control. Proceed nected. (1) Measure the flat contact spring tension at the contacts with, ‘the armature up (fig. 63). Measure the pull required to separate the points. Adjust by bending the flat spring (2) Measure air gap between the center of the core and the armature with the armature held down against the lower armature stop. Adjust by bending the lower armature stop (fg. 63). 70% 190° Ele ae owen ARTE sO a] ek 3 E 8 | ta3 Oo] eRe [itl Goo nose ok GAP (CHECK IT ARMATURE & = Bea ssn alps ee | oa] 8 Figure 63-Step-voltage Control Adjustments (Voltage Control! Unit) @)_ Measure armature travel between the armature and the lower armature stop with the armature moved up against the upper arma- ture stop. Adjust by bending the upper armature stop (fig. 63). (4) Measure point opening with the armature held down against lower armature stop. Adjust by bending contact spring post (fig. 63). (S) Adjust opening voltage by bending the lower spring hanger down to increase the opening voltage, or up to lower the opening voltage (fg. 63). (6) Check closing voltage (par. 48 ¢ (2)) and adjust by increas- ing the air gap to raise the closing voltage and decreasing the sir gap to lower the closing voltage. Only a slight air gap adjustment will normally be required. After this adjustment, readjust the contact point opening to bring it back to the proper limits, if necessary. 92 93 Group I Regulators—Step-voltage Controls. age at 150° F, ‘Sd. SPECIFICATIONS. TM 9-1825A 4 TM 9.18254 58 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) Re CHAPTER 3 CUT-OUT RELAY . GULATORS (Cont'd) Points Open Section It Model ‘i Oop 1 Opening Points Case" tampr (nches) inches) (ole) 70°F _ Reverse Curent) GROUP II—VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR $540 ois 0.020 63-69 30 TYPE ONE GENERATORS Sse O08 0.020 Bosiaa oo | rooeph 530 820 8.020 oso O30 Description oe 5833 Sais 8.020 ; leaning, inspect, See Sos 8.20 Borsa ooo Cleaning, inspection, and test 3 Sea Sos 020 Hosa oto Disasembly se 5839 0.020 8.020 e369 . leaning, inspection, and test o seep sas tt fetins oka {Cleaning inspection, and test of pats 58 5830 bos S.n20 ba69 oto parts 8 ast bois o.n20 §3-09 oa ‘Assembly 5 5859 020 2.030 aesens So imax 2 aret adjustment 5883 ois 0.020 e309 040 Fee and adjustments ot S808 oI Soa0 e308 O40 specifications a 5809 ois 8020 63-09, 40 see {020 0.020 asks S0'max. Sees 00 .020 cores 30 mex Sass Sos 020 Worse re Sete 0 020 Baneo oto sae Sno 030 nats Somax saa Sais 020 isss a4 S889 Onis 8920 e569 9 5800 ois 8020 3 oe 5502 0.015 0.020 63-69 O40 5893 ois 820 63-69 40 5897 ois e000 Rebs 49 OR RA Po 212086 Figure 64—Voltage Regulator for Type One on Third-brush Generator 95 TM 9-1825A, 55-56 ‘ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) JO CAR AMMETER CURRENT & VOLTAGE REGULATOR OR VOLTAGE REGULATOR ‘VourmeTeR GENERATOR RA po 312087 Figure 65~Meter Connections to Check Cut-out Relay Closing Voltage 55, DESCRIPTION. a. The voltage regulators (fig. 64) in this group are for use with third-brush, type one generators. They include a cut-out relay and voltage regulator mounted on the same base, and enclosed by the 56. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. Clean, Refer to paragraph 48 a. Bb, Inspect. Refer to paragraph 48 b. ¢. Test with Unit Connected to Proper Generator and Battery. (1). Test cut-out relay closing voltage (fig. 65) by connecting a voltmeter between the “GEN" terminal and regulator base and slowly increasing generator speed until points close. (Q) Test voltage regulator setting by cither of two methods, the fixed résistance, or the variable resistance method. 96 TM 9-1825A 56 GROUP II_VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE GENERATORS TO CAR AMMETER CURRENT & VOLTAGE REGULATOR ‘OR VOLTAGE REGULATOR FINED RESISTANCE. 3/4 OWM—6 VOLT 11/2 ORM—12 VOUT VOLTMETER GENERATOR RA PD 312088 Figure 66—Fixed Resistance Mothod of Checking Voltage Regulator Setting (a) Fited Resistance Method. Disconnect lead from regulator “BAT” terminal and connect 34 ohm resistance (1¥4 ohims for 12-volt tegulator) between “BAT” fetminal and regulates base Cig. 66) Operate generator at medium speed, and with regulator at operating temperature note voltage setting. Cover must bein place (®) Variable Resistance Method. With the variable resistance nethod (ig. 67), a variable 54 ohim resistance, an ammeter, anda tltmeter mast be used. Connect the ammeter and variable resistance a series with battery ‘and regulator. Connect voltmeter from, the BAT” terminal to base of regulator. Operate generator at mediuns peed with regulator at operating temperature, and cover im place I ess thon 8 amperes is obtained, place small load across battery tosh as alight) and then cut in resistance unt output drops 6 0 1, tmperes. Slow generator, and bring back to speed. Note: voltege nee i back t0 speed. Note: volta 97 TM 9-1825A, 57 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) TO CAR AMMETER ‘CURRENT & VOLTAGE REGULATOR ‘OR VOLTAGE REGULATOR VARIABLE RESISTANCE GENERATOR RA Po a12089 Figure 67—Varlable Resistance Method of Checking Voltage Regulator Setting 57. DISASSEMBLY. a. Never disassemble the regulator unless some part require: replacement. Actually, only a few parts can be removed (fig. 68). Bb, Remove cover. c. Remove relay armature by unsoldering lead and taking out ‘two screws. d. Remove regulator upper contact support by taking out two screws, lock washers, and washer. fe. Remove voltage regulator armature by taking off two spiral springs and drilling out two rivets thet mount the armature spring hinge to regulator frame. Support frame to avoid bending it, center punch rivet heads and use %p drill. Remove only if armature require: replacement. 98 TM 9-1825A 58 GROUP II-VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE GENERATORS (coven case famwone aracnn os el Wo 88 fas fait INSULATOR CONTACT suFFORT ‘SSeNaLY INSIKATION wunne RA FO a120%0 Figure 68—Voltage Regulator, Disassembled 58, CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. a. Examine all parts. Clean dirty, burned, or oxidized contact points (par. 59). Insulators, screws, washers, and leads must all be in good condition, If the windings, stationary cut-out relay contact point, or insulators, are burned or otherwise defective, replace com- 99 TM 9-1825A, 58-60 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) AiR GaP UPPER ARMATURE STOP fonts ose) BEND 70. ADsUST CONTACT ry 8YFOINT OPENING) (S0aN'To Set JCONTACT POINT OPENING AIR GAP) ‘SPRING POST (BEND TO ADJUST. CY CLOSING VOLTAGE) ARMATURE SPRING. RA Po 312091 cur.out RELAY Figure 69—Cut-out Relay Adjustments (Voltage Regulator) plete regulator. NOTE: The regulator is of riveted construction and only the parts shown detached (fig. 68) are serviceable items. 59. REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Clean pitted, rough, dirty, burned, or oxidized contact points with a clean, fine-cut contact file. It js not necessary to file away all pits. Use a riffle or spoon file to clean out any pits which might have formed on the flat point. 60. ASSEMBLY. a. If regulator armature has been removed, install replacement armature with screws, lock washers, and nuts, furnished with replace- ment armature. Assemble screws down so they do not ground against 100 TM 9.18254 60-61 GROUP II-VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE GENERATORS CONTACT MOUNTING SCREWS i} ) rt lt LOWER ARMATURE STOP Figure 70—Voltage Regulator, Cover Removed ». Install regulator upper contact support, Install relay armature and resolder lead to it. @. Install spiral springs. ou. "TS AND ADJUSTMENTS, Tests and adjustments are divided into vided into two parts, mechanieal tod electrical. Hectreal tent are ouined ar outlined in paragraph 56, mechan ‘al tests are outlined below. een 4, Cutout Relay. With unit dsconsested (A With unit disconnected (fg, 69), fellow pro- tsar in paragraph 53. Check closing Voltage we outlined oe pore tuph S66 CD Voltage Regulator. With unit disconnected, proceed as follows: (Measure air gap with points just touching, between the cones ot the winding core and the armatire (fy. 10)" Pash ernmtace at ‘ay down by hand, release untit the points come together and then rasure the air exp. Adjust by loosening the two upper soneen ounting srews, and raising or lowering the upper comect See ene ‘4 required. Tighten screws after adjustment, ne © Check voltage regulator setting as already detuiled (par. 56 @) and adjust (regardless of which method of test fe mech be nding the spring hanger of one spiral spring down to incre We 01 TM 9-18254 6 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) VOLTAGE REGULATOR UNIT LOWER SPRING HANGER BEND DOWN TO INCREASE VOLTAGE SETTING, BEND UP TO DECREASE VOLTAGE MAKE ADJUSTMENT ON ONE SPRING. CHANGE TENSION ON BOTH SPRINGS ONLY WHEN ADJUSTMENT OF ONE SPRING WILE NOT BRING SETTING WITHIN SPECIFICATIONS. RA PD a120%9 Figure 71—Voltage Setting Adjustment voltage setting, or bend up to lower it (fig. 71). After each change Of voltage setting, replace regulator cover, reduce generator speed until relay points open, then bring back to speed again and note voltage setting. In addition, if the voltage is being checked by the variable resistance method, readjust the variable resistance when required to bring the current output back within the 8 to 10 ampere range. NOTE: If spiral springs have been removed, replace one and connect voltmeter from the “GEN” terminal of regulator to base Open the voltage regulator points by hand, and slowly increase speed. until 3 volts (6 volts on 12-volt unit) is obtained. This established the approximate speed at which the first spring is adjusted. Hold generator speed at this value, release points, and adjust setting to ¥ total specified setting. Install second spring, connect meters (pat. 56) (either method) and complete adjustment on this spring alone, as already outlined. 102 TM 9.18254 62 GROUP II-VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE GENERATORS 62. SPECIFICATIONS. a. Group I One Generators. Voltage Regulator Air Gap Regulators—Voltage Regulator Used with Type 0.070 inch Cutout Relay Air Gap 0.020 inch Cut-out Relay Point Opening 0.020 inch ot-out Relay ‘ema at et WSN at ae ‘1118204 P g - 62 67 1118227 P g — ar 1118228 N ¢ - ese 1118243 N ¢ - ines tien gp iat meson y > wows = BE “Operate generator at the speed at which it ‘current to to10 ape tHot—Operating temperature. SCAUTION: Thoue regulators are designed for operation with Polarity svotom. Usinud « regulator which ie designed lor coating ae, ositive grounded systom with a battery which has the cogent drounded will quichiy deatroy the regulator," ** ReGative terminal N—Negative, Positive, Droduce rated output and adjust TM 9-1825A 63 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) CHAPTER 3 REGULATORS (Cont'd) Section IV GROUP III-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE GENERATORS . Paraarert Description 6 Cleaning, inspection, and test 4 Disassembly 6s Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 6 Repair of parts or Assembly 68 ‘Tests and adjustments 0 Specifications 70 4 ccuRsent REGULATOR ~VoLTAce REGULATOR RA pO 312094 Figure 72—Current and Voltage Regulator for Type ‘One Shun? Generator 104 TM 9-1825A 63-64 GROUP III-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE GENERATORS (CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATOR centearon a ro ai20%s Figure 73—Load Method of Checking Curront Reguiator Setting 63. DESCRIPTION. 4. The current and voltage regulators (fig, 72) in this group are fo ase with shunt, ye one generators, They include w cut-out Flay, voltage regulator, and a current regulator, all mounted on the samc base and enclosed by the same cover, “ef ont 64. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. a, Clean, Refer to paragraph 48 a D. Inspect. Refer to paragraph 48 b. 105 TM 9-18254 64 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) To CAR ANMETER BRIDGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR FOINTS ‘WIT SUMPER TEAD CURRENT & VOLTAGE REGULATOR RA Po 312096 Figure 74—Jumper Lead Method of Checking Current Regulator Setting ¢. Test With Unit Connected to Proper Generator and Battery. (2) Teer Cur-our RELAY (par. 56 e (1)). @) Test Vourace Reautaror Settina (par. 56 ¢ (2)). (3) Test current regulator by either of two following methods, cither of which prevents voltage regulator from operating: (a) Load Method. Place a load approximating current regulator setting across battery, connect ammeter into circuit at regulator 106 TM 9.18254, 4 GROUP II—-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE GENERATORS: cover sevew—_____|} cover casket ‘cuRsent REGULATOR 5 Y= VOLTAGE REGULATOR sma ate emigre io nsusoe eee a,% < ioe @ war aan Figure 75—Current and Voltage Regulator, Disassembled “BAT” terminal (fig. 73), operate generator at medium speed, and note current regulator setting (6) Jumper Lead Method. Place a jumper lead across voltage regulator contact points, connect ammeter into circuit at regulator 107 TM 9-1825A 64-65 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) “BAT” terminal (fig. 74), operate generator at medium speed and note current regulator setting, 65. DISASSEMBLY. ‘a. Never disassemble the regulator unless some part requires replacement, This disturbs the electrical and mechanical settings and makes it necessary to completely reset unit. b, Remove cover. ¢. Remove relay armature by unsoldering lead and taking out two screws and lock washers. Remove current regulator upper contact support by unsolder- ing lead and removing two screws, two-hole lock washers, two-hole insulators, two small bushings, upper contact support, and two-hole insulator, The connector strap may be left in place if only one of the upper contact supports is removed. suaross RA PD a12008 Figure 76—Upper Contact Support Arrangement e. Remove voltage regulator upper contact support by removing two screws, two-hole lock washer, two-hole insulator, two small bushings, upper contact support, and two-hole insulator. If the current regulator upper contact support has been removed, the con- nector strap will also come off with voltage regulator upper contact support. 108 TM 9-1825A, GROUP ro MACURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATO TYPE ONE GENERATORS ms FoR RA PD 312099 re 77—Adjusting Cut-out Relay Air Oup cur-our RELAY RA PD 312100 Figure 78—Adjusting Cut-out Relay Point Opening 109 TM 9-18254 65-68 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) curour RA pp 312101 Figure 79—Adjusting Cut-out Relay Closing Voltage f. Remove either the current regulator or voltage regulator arma ture by removing two spiral springs and drilling out the two rivets which mount armature springs hinge to regulator frame, Support frame to avoid bending it, center punch rivet head and use 349 drill. This should be done only if the armature is damaged (bent or cracked spring), or if contact point is badly burned away, pitted, 66. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PAR’ a. Refer to paragraph 58 and figure 75. 67. REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 59. 68. ASSEMBLY. a. If the regulator armatures have been removed, the replace ment armatures can be installed with the screws, lock washers, and ruts which are furnished in the package with the replacement arma- ture. Turn screws down so they will not ground against cover when the cover is replaced. 10 TM 9-1825A, 68-69 GROUP II-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE GENERATORS b. Install voltage regulator upper contact support (fig. 76). A two-hole insulator goes next to the regulator frame, contact support, two small bushings, insulator, then the upper the connector strap, two-hole two-hole lock washer, and two screws. Note that this connects the connector strap to the upper contact support. ¢. Install current regulator upper contact support (fig. 76). A two-hole insulator goes next to the regulator frame, then the upper contact support, two small bushings, two-hole instilator, connector VouTAGE REGULATOR RA po a1zi0z Figure 80—Adjusting Regulator Air Gap (Current and Voltage Regulator Units) strap, two-hole insulator, and two screws. Note that this connects the connector strap through the two screws to the regulator frame, The connector strap is insulated from the upper contact support on the current regulator. Resolder lead to upper contact support. d. Install relay armature with two screws and lock washers, Re- solder lead to armature, € Install four spiral springs on regulator armatures. The unit is now ready for check and adjustment. 69. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS, a. Tests and adjustments are divided into two parts, mechanical and electrical. Electrical tests were outlined in paragraph 64, me- chanical tests are outlined below mw TM 9-1825A 69-70 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) ee x oltage Regulator. With unit disconnected, refer to figures 80 Gp), andl adjust, regardless of method used, by bending the lowe sr ‘he ; n to increase setting, or bend up to IBwerit (hg 81). NOTE! If spiral eprings have been removed, rep ‘CURRENT REGULATOR RA po stni03 Figure 81—Adjustment of Current Regulator Setting and/or Voltage Regulator Setting y current regulator set- one, make adjustment on it fo obtain % total regulator et ting. stall second spring and complete adjustment fon second epring only. This insures that each spring will carry ¥ total ten SPRCIFICATIONS 7 Group It Reguairs—Corrent al Voltage Regulators used wi spp Centre (eee on en pee) Woage Reqlstor ais ep Da nen Current Regulator Air Gap Goan sh tout Rely Ae Go ind Cutout Relay - 0.020 inch Cut-out Relay Point Opening 2 TM 9-1825A 70 CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE ONE GENERATORS GROUP I Curent Regutor Mode! ‘Corvent San 1118201 N ¢ 1118202 P # 1118207 N 1118208 P ¢ 1118209 N ¢ 1118210 P ¢ 1118212 Pg 1118214 P ¢ 1118215 P § 1118217 P ¥ 14.0-14.2 1118218 P ¢ 14.0-14.2 1118219 N # 14.0-14.2, 1118220 P 4 14.0-14.2 1118221 Ng 70-72 1118222 Py 7.0- 7.2 1118224 Ng TA 7.6 Luiszz3 BF 14.0-14.2 1118229 N ¢ 70-72 1118230 P ¢ 710-72 1118232 P # 10- 7.2 1118234 Pg 7.0- 7.2 1118235 P ¢ 14.0-14.2 1118236 + 7.0 7.2 1118237 Ng 1.0~ 7.2 + 1118240 N ¢ 7-73 1118241 P 14.0-14.2 1118244 Pg 68- 6.9 1118245 Pg 13.6-13.8 1118248 P ¢ 14.0-14.2, 118249P ¢ 14.5-15.5, 7.0 7.2 1118252 Ng 24-26 14.0-14.2 1118253 Pf 28-30 70-72 1118254 Ng 13 14.0-14.2 Hamat, Hot —Opersting temperature. Operate generator atthe speed at which i¢ will produce rated output and adjust ‘urrent to 8-10 ampe SCAUTION: Those regulators are designed for operation with a particular polarity aystem. Using a regulator which ts designed for opera oa ositive grounded system with a battery which has the nesacee voc wicat grounded will quickly destroy the regulator. No Negative. Po Peaitve, 13 TM 9-1825A n TM 9.18254 ‘ORDNANCE: MAINTENANCE n GROUP IV ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) COTE THe QOUTAGE REGULATORS FoR CHAPTER 3 REGULATOR REGULATORS (Cont'd) Section V GROUP IV—CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE TWO GENERATORS Poresre Description n Cleaning, inspection, and test n Disassembly B Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 4 Repair of parts : 75 Assembly, 16 ‘Tests and adjustments n Specifications 78 GENERATOR enna sox . VOUMETER RA Po a12104 Figure 83—Cut-out Relay Closing Voltage Chock REGULATOR RA po 312130 GROUND Figure 82—Current and Voltage Regulator for Type Two SCREW ‘Shunt Generator 71. DESCRIPTION. ; ‘a. The current and voltage regulators (fig. 82) in this group are for use with. shunt, type two generators. They include a. cut-out relay, a voltage regulator, and a current regulator, all mounted on the | same’ base and enclosed by the same cover. Some have a terminal shield which encloses the terminals and provides fittings for radio ‘VOLTMETER BAD aizt0s ‘i interference shielding 14 Figure 84—Voltdge Regulator Setting Cheek i 5 GENERATOR TM 9-1825A TM 9-1825A 72 72 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE GROUP IV_CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) TYPE TWO GENERATORS 72, CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. ‘a. Clean by wiping off excess dirt with a clean cloth. Do not wash, steam, or dip-clean, Remove cover and blow out dirt or dust RA Po 312131 with ‘compressed air, being careful to avoid directing air stream . against leads, resistances, windings or other parts that could be & damaged, 3 1b. Inspect for burned contact points, resistances, windings, leads, or insulation, ¢. Test with unit connected to proper generator and battery. (1) Test cut-out relay closing voltage (fig. 83) by connecting voltmeter between the regular armature terminal and the ground return screw. Slowly increase generator speed, and note relay closing voltage. JUMPER LEAD BRIDGING VOLTAGE REGULATOR CONTACT POINTS MOUNTING PLATE ARMATURE over Tema oi 4 (GENERATOR RA PO 212106 Figure 86—Current and Voltage Regulator, Disassemblod ASSEMBLY Figure 85—Checking Current Regulator Setting with Jumper Lead (2) Test voltage regulator setting by disconnecting lead from regulator battery terminal and connecting voltmeter from regulator armature terminal to the ground return screw (fig. 84). Operate generator at medium speed and note voltage setting. Regulator must be at operating temperature (145°). Either heat regulator in oven (avoid excessive baking or heat), or operate regulator about 45 minutes with cover on to obtain this temperature (B)_ Test current regulator setting by referring to figures 85 and 73 and following procedure in parageaph 64 ¢ (3). 116 Nz TM 9-1825A TM 9.18250 72 73 AINTENANCE GROUP IV-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR ORDNANCE M TYPE TWO GENERATORS HLCO-REMY) MECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DE 73. DISASSEMBLY. 4 Disassemble Into Main Subassemblies (figs. 86 and 87), (1) REMOVE Cove. Unscrew two round atits, (2)' Remove Terainat SiieLD Cover (where present). Take out four screws and lock washers. (3) Remove Termunat SHieLD ing out two screws and lock washers @, Disconnect Heavy Reautator Leaps. Unsolder and remove in order named, Iead clamping serew, lock washes, and flat washes Which clamp the two heavy leads together between voltage regulator and current regulator. Unsolder the two heavy leads ftom the clamp and remove washer from bottom of clamp, (8) "Disconnect Heavy Retay AND REGULATOR LEADS, Unsolder and remove in order named, lead clamping screw, lock washer, and Ast washer which clamp the two heavy leads together between current regulator and cut-out relay. Unsolder the two heavy leads from the clamp and remove washer from bottom of clamp, (6) Disconwact Leaps From ReLay Contact BRACKET. Hold: ing Teads with pliers to avoid burning fingers, unsolder cut-out relay series winding lead (heavy, black), cut-out relay shunt winding teed (small, ight), and jumper lead Ceuvtosed in yellow insulation fre the cut-out relay contact bracket. e® (where present). Remove by tak- MOUNTING PLATE ‘ASSEMBLY (2) Remove Jumper LEAD. Disconnect other end of jumper lead from voltage regulator by removing screw and lock washer, (8) Disconnect Vor ip of eae comin regulator fram RESISTOR uragr REGULATOR FRAME LEAD. Disconnect i up through fiber mounting plate fro1 by removing screw and lock washer, (9) Discoxnzcr Vortaar Reavi regulator lead from current regulat removing screw and lock washer, cutout RELAY ASSEMBLY nm voltage LATOR LEAD. Disconnect voltage tor frame (spiral spring side) by JUMPER (10 Disconnect Current REGULATOR SHUNT WinDIN Lead from resistance and lead from eurrent regulator shunt Hq connected together at a tapped collar in fiber mounting plate Remove screw and lock washer to disconnect these two leads, (1) Disconnect Retay FRam® Leap, coming up through fiber mounting plate fr (spiral spring side) by removing screw and lot 10 Leap, winding REGULATOR ‘ASSEMBLY CURRENT Disconnect clip of lead fom cut-out relay frame Figure 87—Relay and Regulater Units Detached from Mounting Plate ck washer. « (12) "Usscrew Tunez Mourina PLATE ScRews. Remove three wd> fer mounting, plate mounting serews, lock washers, and flat washore Bez from terminal side of fiber mounting plate 32 (13) Unscrew Four MouNtING Pate Screws. Remove four 538 fer mounting plate mounting screws, four lock washers and tac dee Sad washers from fiber mounting plate (on side with lettering). This alse disconnects « lead from the cut-out relay, and a lead from the voltage regulator. 118 9 TM 9.18254 T™ 9.18254 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE GROUP IV-CURRENT AND VoLTAGE st nEcU FLECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) TYPE TWO GENERA‘ HATORS FOR RA Po 40204 RAD atatsa Figure 88—Terminal Assombly, Disossembled Figure 89—Voltage Regulator, Disassembled 3 é 120 121 TM 9-1825A 73 TM 9-1825A 5 nrc Sa crown mcimer A Sora geomarons ron (‘urn nr agen ano moma ee. from the regulator base. (15) Lirt Our TERMINAL CONNECTOR INSULATING WASHERS AND Busntnos. Remove three large fiber insulating washers, and three small fiber insulating bushings from the regulator base. te RA po at2is4 tock waste racer Lock nut (16) Lirt Orr Tersinal Assemsty. Remove terminal assembly from the regulator base. (17) Remove VoutAcr Reoutaror (fig. 87). Remove voltage regulator from fiber mounting plate by removing aut and lock ‘washer from stud on under side of plate. (08) Remove CURRENT REGULATOR (fig. 87). Remove current regulator from fiber mounting plate by removing nut, lock washer, ‘and flat washer, from stud on under side of plate. (19) Remove Cut-our Revay (fg. 87). Remove cut-out relay from mounting plate by removing nut and lock washer from stud on under side of plate. (20). ReMove Resistance (fig. 87). Remove resistance assembly from fiber mounting plate by removing screw and lock washer. (21) Disconnect Leap Front Resistance, Disconnect lead from resistance assembly by removing nut and lock washer. (22) Disassentpin Tensentat. Assmamty (fig. 88) Disassemble ‘terminal assembly by removing two nuts, two lock washers, and one flat washer from each terminal stud. Hold terminal stud with one wrench, loosen nuts with other wrench. Avoid bending connector lugs soldered to the terminal studs. b. Disassembly of Voltage Regulator (fg. 89). (1) _ReMove Srinat SPRING. Hold voltage regulator spiral spring with pliers, unsolder from armature and remove. Avoid crushing spring with pliers. (2) Disconwact Leap Fro Contact Bracket. Disconnect lead from contact bracket assembly by removing nut and lock washer. (3) Remove Contact BRACKET Assemsty. Remove contact bracket assembly by removing four screws, four lock washers, and four flat washers. (@) _ Disassenpuz Conzact BRACKET Asssnmtv. Remove contact screw, locking nut, and lock washer, NOTE: Perform this operation ff any time that the contact screw requires cleaning or replacement. Extreme care must be used during this operation to avoid bending the contact screw supporting spring. This flat spring raises up off the fiber bracket when the contact points come together to provide iping action between the points. Distorting the spring will cause severe damage to the regulator and fenerator as well as other elec- trical equipment. The correct procedure for removing the contact ‘screw is illustrated in figare 97 (5) REMOVE ARMATURE. Remove armature by removing two screws, lock washers, and flat washers. 122 123 neacker anwaTuee SCREWS, Lock WASHERS, BRACKET MOUNTING. sunt cow ASsenety Figure 90—Current Regulator, Disassembled InsutaTor seit SPRING rane TM 9-1825A 73 TM 9-1825A ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE 73 secre an TSUIPMENT (DELCO -REMY) GROUP IV-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS F TYPE TWO GENERATORS on (6) Remove Contact BRACKET SuProRt. The contact bracket support was originally held to the frame by the two armature mount ing screws, lock washers, and flat washers, and the two screws and Tock washers on the opposite side of the frame. When these four screws, four lock washers, and two flat washers have been removed, the contact bracket support may be removed. (7) Remove WinDING AsseMpty. Remove winding assembly from frame by removing nut. (8) SERIES Cot, Bend back the 4 turn of heavy wire, which is the series coil, to permit removal of the winding assembly from the frame. Do not unsolder from the frame. (9) Unscrew ApsustMent Lock Screw. If it should ever be- come necessary, the adjustment lock screw, lock washer, and fat washer may be removed from the frame. ¢. Disassembly of Current Regulator (fig. 90). (1) Remove SPIRAL SPRING, Hold current regulator spiral spring with pliers, unsolder from armature and remove. Avoid crushing spring with pliers. @)_ Disconnect Lea FRom Contact BRACKET. Disconnect lead, from contact bracket assembly by removing nut and lock washer. (@) Remove Contact BRACKET ASSEMBLY. Remove contact bracket assembly by removing four screws, four lock washers, and four flat washers (4) Disassentsue Contact Backer Assempty. Remove contact screw, locking nut, and lock washer. NOTE: Perform this operation at sun con assenaty any time that the contact screw requires cleaning or replacement. Extreme care must be used during this operation to avoid bending fj 2. the contact screw supporting spring. This flat spring raises up off Ae 5s the fiber bracket when the contact points come together to provide BS ‘a wiping action between the points, Distorting the spring will cause Severe damage to the regulator and generator as well as other elec- = trical equipment. The correct procedure for removing the contact ‘screw is illustrated in figure 97. (5) REMOVE ARMATURE, Remove armature by removing two screws, two lock washers, and one flat washer. (6) Remove Contact BRACKET SuPpoRT. Remove the two screws , and focke washers, and remove contact bracket support (7) Remove WINDING AssEMBLy. Remove winding assembly from frame by removing nut. (8) Disassemate Winpina Assempiy. The winding assembly may be further disassembled by removing the fiber insulator from the serrations on the winding core, and then removing the heavy series winding. (9) Unscrew Apsustaext Lock Screw. Remove the adjust- 4) ment lock screw, lock washer, and flat washer from the frame, whenever necessary. Figure 91—Cut-out Relay, disassembled INSULATOR, 124 125 TM 9-1825A, 73-74 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 4. Disassembly of Cutout Relay (fig. 91). G)_ReMove SpimaL SPRING. Hold cut-out relay spiral spring with’ pliers, unsolder from armature and remove, Avoid crushing spring with pliers, (2) Remove Contact Bracker, Remove two screws, lock ‘washers, and flat washers, and remove contact bracket. (3) Remove ARMATURE, Remove two screws, lock washers, arma- ture, and remove armature stop bracket. ()_ Remove Winpino Assemmty. Reniove winding assembly from frame by removing nut. (S)_ Disassemeie WINDING ASSEMBLY. The winding assembly may be further disassembled by removing the fiber insulator from ‘the serrations on the winding core, and then removing the heavy series winding. (© Unscrew ApsustMnt Lock Screw. Remove the adjust- ‘ment lock screw, lock washer, and flat washer from the frame, when necessary, 74, CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS, a. After disassembly, examine all parts, clean as necessary, and repair or replace defective parts. Particular attention must be given insulators; any found cracked, burned, or otherwise damaged must be replaced. 1b, Winding assemblies must be handled with care, since they contain very fine wire which would be broken by rough treatment. ‘The leads must not be twisted or pulled for the same reason, Make sure that the lead clips are well soldered to the leads and that the insulating tape on the outside of the windings is in place. €. The cut-out relay armature, voltage regulator armature, and current regulator armature, all have contact points which must be ‘examined for roughness and pits. Care must be taken in handling the armatures, since they have a flat armature spring which must not be bent or distorted. Damaging the fat spring will cause defective operation of the unit after assembly. If the points require cleaning, refer to paragraph 75 for procedure, Avoid touching point surfaces, since any trace of grease or oil may cause points to burn in operation. d. Examine contact point of the contact screws on the voltage regulator and current regulator, for roughness or pits. Points are leaned as outlined in paragraph 75, Avoid touching point surfaces, since any trace of grease or oil may cause the points to burn in oper. ation. €. The flat spring on the contact bracket of the voltage regulator and current regulator must not be distorted, and must have sufficient ‘tension to rest firmly against fiber at free end. This provides a wiping action between the points in operation. Replace if defective, 126 TM 9.18254 75 OROUP IV-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS TYPE TWO GENERATORS For cur our ane St, ite, el Oe) ee a | SCREW GASKET ‘SHIELDING aye wom an ; : © © ©) Wo ssa 15. wheel Figure 92—Tep and Front View of Regulator Showin Relationship of Leads ° REPAIR OF PARTS, oF ERURORY Bo oe |, excessively rough, le, or on a fine emery more contact material TM 9-1825A 75-76 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) than is absolutely necessary. Make sure all traces of emery or fitings fare removed from the point surfaces. Do riot use emery cloth or sandpaper, since particles of emery of sand may embed and cause point burning. Do not touch point surfaces or get any grease oF ol bn them after cleaning, since traces of oil or grease will cause the points to burn in operation. 16. ASSEMBLY. oan, aa am os Pass om noes ins Amur I Pose Pi i ey reat, mone somes Fs mone ° oe soe Sou aa ck me, sk whew sens aes Soe lah mae wpe wah mn Cnr Bec Ras as ane ro Psu Fae mat wih Fam ees Pic wets re an i eon Pe me, a it en osu ie wer a flat spring. . - _ waar, a, Sn, en b. Assembly of Current Regulator (fig. 90). _. wf ns, any We, Pas : Te han one Asn et Fee Re s0 short side is toward operator, the fine lead which passes ‘through sino i oar re ee ea tr flat washer into frame and tighten fingertight. ‘TM 9-1825A 76 GROUP IV-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE TWO GENERATORS (@)_ Fasten ArMAruRE 70 Frame, Place contact bracket support in position. Fasten armature to frame with two screws, two lock washers, and one flat washer. NOTE: Screw to left, where clip fastens, does not have flat washer. Armature must be pushed down tight against frame so there is no air gap between frame and arma- ture. Use care to avoid damaging flat armature spring. Screws £0 through frame and fasten into U-shaped bracket. (3) Ivstatt Contact BRACKET SuPPoRT ScREWS, Install other ‘two screws and lock washers holding contact bracket support. (6) AsseMBLE Contact BRACKET ASSEMBLY. Assemble contact terminal screw with lock washer, through support bracket and secure with lock washer and nut. Place contact screw lock aut on contact screw. Place lock washer under nut, run screw down lightly into place in collar on flat contact spring on contact bracket assembly. (7) Fasten BRACKET AssmMpLy To RecuLator. Fasten contact bracket assembly to regulator with four screws, lock washers, and washers. (8) Fasten Leap 10 Contact BRACKET Assemmty. Fasten lead clip (with two leads) to contact terminal screw with nut and lock washer. (9) INSTALL SPIRAL SPRING. With pliers, put spiral spring in place, hooking ends to armature and lower spring support. ¢. Assembly of Voltage Regulator (fig. 89). (1) Assemoie WinpiNG AssEMBLy Into FRAME, Place winding assembly into frame and secure with aut. With frame held upright © short side is toward operator, the two leads attached to a single clip must be to right of operator (fig. 92). (2) Instat Lock Screw. Install lock serew, lock washer, and flat washer into frame and tighten fingertight. (3) _ Fasten ARMATURE 10 FRAME, Place contact bracket support ‘in positicn. Fasten armature to frame with two screws, lock washers and flat washers. Armature must be pushed down tight against frame so there is no air gap between frame and armature. Use care to avoid damaging flat armature spring. Screws go through frame and fasten into contact bracket support. (@)_IwstaLt Contact Bracket Support SCREWS. Install re- maining two screws and lock washers to secure contact bracket support, (5) Asser Contact Bracket ASSEMBLY. Assemble terminal ferew with lock washer through contact bracket assembly, and ‘eure with lock washer and nut, Place contact serew lock nut on contact screw, Place lock washer under nut, and run screw down lightly into place in collar on flat contact spring on contact bracket assembly, 129 | TM 9-1825A 76 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) (6) Fasten BRACKET ASSEMBLY To REGULATOR. Fasten contact bracket assembly to regulator with four screws, lock washers, and washers. (7) Fasten Leap To Contact BRACKET AsseMBLy. Fasten lead clip (with two leads) to contact terminal screw with nut and lock washer. (8) INSTALL SPIRAL SPRING. With pliers, put spiral spring in place, hooking ends'to armature and lower spring support. d. Assembly of Regulator (figs. 86, 87, and 88), (2) Assentece TERMINAL AssemeLy. Put three terminal studs into terminal plate. Secure each terminal with one flat washer, lock washer, and nut, in that order. Hold terminal stud with one wrench, ‘and tighten nuts with other. Add three lock washers and nuts, and tighten fingertight. (2) Fasten Resistance Leap. Fasten resistance lead to resistance with lock washer and nut, (3) Mount Resistance ox MouNrING PLats. Mount resistance assembly on fiber mounting plate by placing end of resistance through bolt into hole in plate, and fastening resistance bracket to coller in plate with screw wud lock washer (fig. 92). () Fasten Cut-our Retay 70 PLars. Fasten cut-out relay assembly to fiber mounting plate with lock washer and nut (fig. 93) (5) Fasten Current REGULATOR To PLATE. Fasten current regulator assembly to fiber mounting plate with flat washer, lock ‘washer, and nut (fig. 92) (6) FASTEN Vortace Recutator To PLATE. Fasten voltage regulator assembly to fiber mounting plate with lock washer and aut (fig. 92). (7) PLACE TERMINAL AsseMaty Into Recutator Base. Place terminal assembly into position in regulator base. Put three insulat- ing washers under three connector Iugs on terminal screws, and place three fiber bushings through into holes in base. (8) Assempie Finer Mounrine Pars (WiTH REGULATORS AND Retay Unit) IN Position IN REGULATOR Base. Assemble fiber mounting plate with regulators and relay unit into position and secure with three washers, lock washers, and screws placed through holes in fiber mounting plate on terminal side of regulator. Assemble four screws (screwdriver), four lock washers, and two washers on other side of fiber mounting plate. The two flat washers go on screws at two end holes. The other two screws also fasten two Tead clips (fig. 92). One lead is from the relay, the other lead is from the voltage regulator. CAUTION: Care must be taken to connect the proper lead from the voltage regulator, since there are two leads much the same length coming from the voltage regulator. Both leads 130 TM 9-1825A 76 GROUP IV-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOI TYPE TWO GENERATORS. * ass through the upper fiber washer of the voltage regulator winding assembly, but one lead comes through a hole nearer the center of the winding. Connect this lead to the fiber mounting. plate with screw and lock washer. The other lead, passing through the hole further sway ter te cote ofthe wining, somes the cane ee lator frame (fig. 93). ‘re AIR GAP (CHECK WITH POINTS. HELD_ CLOSED) RA PD oat Figure 93—Cut-out Relay Air Gap Check (9) Connect Seconp Leap FRom VoLTAGe REGULATOR. Connect slip of second lead from voltage regulator to current regulator frame (fig. 92). Remove screw and lock washer from current regulator frame to connect clip, replace and tighten, eo CONNBEE Curnuvr ReGULATOR LEAD. Connect clip of lead ftom current regulator and clip of lead ft . from resistance to tapped collar in fiber mounting plate with screw and lock washer. 131 ‘TM 9-1825A 76 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) ject clip on jumper lead 11) Connect JuMPER Leap. Connect clip pete Llc Soutation to. weliage regulator frame by removing aad replacing screw and lock washer. The opposite end of jumper le solders to the relay contact bracket. G2) Connscr Voutacr REGULATOR FRAME Leap. Connect clip of lead coming up through fiber mounting plate to voltage regula! frame by removing and replacing screw and lock washer. sip ot (13) Connzer Cur-our Retay Frame Leap, Connect clip of Jead coming up through fiber mounting plate to voltage regulator frame by removing and replacing screw and lock washer. [AR GAP ADJUSTING SCREWS (Loosen AND Raise OF LoWeR conTacr aracier) f | RA Po 40312 Figure 94—Adjusting Cut-out Relay Air Gap wowect Heavy Reuay axp Reoviston Leaps. Place sel water ile lamp i fiber movating plate between cure fglstor and cuout slay, put two envy Teal place aad wsre cei iitge washes, lock wesher, and sere Solder consetions Screw surly with sldenng ison, NOTE: Do not use acid Mos. (G5) Convecr Hayy Raovtaro® Liane, Place small washer read uamp in ber mounting base between current regulator a 132 TM 9-1825A 76 GROUP IV-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE TWO GENERATORS voltage regulator. Put two heavy leads in place and secure with large washer, lock washer and screw. Solder connections and screw securely with soldering iron, NOTE: Do not use acid flux. (16) _CoNNect Leaps to Retay Contact BRACKET. Place relay heavy series winding lead, relay shunt winding lead, and jumper lead (yellow insulation) in position in relay contact bracket and crimp bracket around leads. Solder securely, using @ non-acid flux UPPER ARMATURE STOP 2% (Beno To aDwust Ms POINT OPENING) RA PD 40213 Figure 95—Cut-out Relay Point Opening Check and Adjustment (7) SoupeR Spreat, SPRINGS TO ARMATURES. Solder spiral springs to armatures of cut-out relay, current regulator, and voltage regulator. This holds springs in place, and prevents them from coming off in operation. (18) Fasten Teruiat Siizip. Fasten terminal shield in place with two screws, lock washers, and washers. (19) ASSEMBLE TERMINAL SHIELD Cover, Assemble terminal shield cover with four serews and lock washers. 133 TM 9-1825A, 7 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 77. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS. ‘a, Tests and adjustments are divided into two parts, mechanical ‘and electrical. Refer to paragraph 72 ¢ for electrical tests, Outline for mechanical tests follows below. Bb. Cutout Relay. Proceed as follows with unit disconnected. (1) Measure air gap (figs. 93 and 94) between the armature and the core (not betwéen the brass pin in the armature and the core) lock screw (LOOSEN TO ADUST) ECCENTRIC (TuRN TO ADJUST) RA PO 40316 Hgure 96—Adjusting Cut-out Relay Closing Voltage with the points just touching, Adjust by loosening the two contact, ‘mounting screws, and raising or lowering the bracket as required, Be sure the points are lined up. Tighten screws after adjustment. (2) Measure point opening (fig. 95) with the points open, and adjust by bending the upper armature stop. If the points do not 134 ™ 9-1825A 7 GROUP IV-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULAT TYPE TWO GENERATORS ‘ORS FOR close at the same instant, the contact bracket e contact bracket must be slightly realined (and ait gap reset i necessary) and the sprin until they all close simultaneously. ™” ‘pring fingers bent (Check closing, volta as explained in paragraph 7 and adjust (fig. 96) by and turning Sra loosening the lock screw and turning the CONTACT SCREW (TURN TO ADJUST) Lock NUT (lOOSEN To ADJUST) POINT OPENING. RA PD aoat4 Figure 97—Adjusting Regulator Point Opening fecentric. Increasing the s After cach adjustment, ‘heck adjustment. © Voltage Regulator. Proceed as follows with unit disconnected, Goll) Messure point opening (fig. 97) with the armature held ‘own egainst the winding core, Adjust by loosening the lock nut 135 spring tension increases the closing voltage, slow generator and bring back to speed, to TM 9-18254, TM 9-1825A 78 7 GROUP IV-CURRENT AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE TWO GENERATORS, 78. SPECIFICATIONS. ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) .d turning the contact screws, Care must be used to avoid distort- lure is to place the screw. 2: Group IY Regulators—Current and Voltage Regulators for ing the contact spring. The correct Proc r teeeectytuhic the | Use ‘Type Two Generator lator when the polnts come vogether, This provides a wiping section Current Regulator Point Opening 00018 in Sat te a pit Nit Eee tae Ree | Garter Ps oan Correct adjusment is made, tighen the lock nut by holding the screw Cut-out Relay Point Opening 0.020 in, Stationary with the screwdriver and using wrench ' Sghten nut Cut-out Relay Points Open with 0-3.0 Amps Reverse Currant onary wi explained in paragray eck, voltage regulator getting as, explained in paragraph n® So and adjust (fig. 98) by loosening the lock VOLTAGE REGULATOR ing Ganerator FM Cutout Reley ura seting Open crcl “Taran Sees ele ‘ment “Tastiasey ‘,ataee Pot ce S55P% 40 15.0 1500 135 5588 Pe as 2000 70 5607 40 40.0 1500 35.0 seu 10 375 1500 330 56I3N¢ 20 1500 135 so15* 50 1500 260 5617* 40 1500 33.0 SOP @ 3s 1500 135 5o2P #5, 1500 330 5023P #49 1500 135 5026P § 40 1500 260 569P #25 1500 135 560P # 25 1500 260 se2P% 17 150 1500 135 5684 P 55 15.0 2000 B5 565N¢ 55 150 2000 185 5O6P # 57 150 1500 135 ectaurnic S67P% 40 15.0 1500 15 (TURN TO ADJUST) 5638 N ¢ 55 15.5, 2000 13.5 SOON 55 150 2000 15 SOP y 35, 7s 2000 6.5-69 Lock SEW SNe 25 150 1500 135 Ls WA ro dents 5642 P ¥ 10 37.5 1500 33.0 SoP¥ 20 40.0 1500 35.0 justing Regulator soar e 25, 400 1500 35.0 Figure 98—Adjusting Regt eases the 5645 Pg 40 40.0 1500 35.0 turning the éccentric. Increasing the spring tension incre #0 se 1500 350 wa Corrent Regulator, Proceed as follows with unit diconnested Ci) ‘Point opening i checked and adjusted a for voltage re: taler (par 77 ©) ee gt eqiaor acting i checked explained in raph 72 © G@) anh adjusted for voltage regulator (par. 77 ©) Ey Tocscning the Tock seen and turing een 136 *—Tulated CAUTION: These resetator polarity system. Using a 10g Bositive grounded system with srounded will quickly destroy the seglanen N=Negative, PPastive re designed for operation with a particular lator Which is designed for operation on a 137 4 Battery which has the negative terminal TM 9-1825A TM 9-1825A 78 71 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. (DELCO-REMY) CHAPTER 3 REGULAT : GROUP IV REGULATORS (Cont'd) jORS (Cont'd) sss Section VI VOLTAGE REGULATOR wen oem GROUP V—VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR ‘impel astass Seine ‘vet TYPE TWO GENERATORS sour P #18 1500 138 sot Poresenh sour | 3 2000 133 Description 79 sep 40 1300 BS Cleaning, inspection, and test 80 eis P¢ 40 2000 70 Disassembly a 11sssN ge 40 1500 135 Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 2 niessPe 15 1500 26.0 Repair of parts 118436 #50 1500 135 Ascembly 83 miss7P¢ 4 1500 26.0 em a4 111845aP #10 1500 26.0 s and adjustiments 85 1a4soP #25 1500 26.0 Specificetions 36 eel P¢ 4 1500 33.0 meen ¢ 50 3000 135 79, DESCRIPTION, mieissPe 2 30.0 1500 26.0 a. The voltage regulators (fig, 99) in this group are for use eee eee Akt 80 tira brash type two generat They include voltoge regulator and iisiesP 180 1500 135 a cutout relay, mounted on the same base and enclosed by the sam iueie7N# 15 30.0 1500 26.0 cover. The voltage regulator unit, alone, is used to provide voltage lites Ng 40 73 2000» 656.9 regulation of the atuiiry engine generator on some applications miei P 2 10 40.0 1500 35.0 (Gigs. 100 and 101) 'pplications 1issoN¢ 50 30.0 2000 26.0 iss P¢ 40 15.0 1500 135 80, CLE. ECTION, 5 men ee 150 1500 135 CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST, iiss N ge 50 15.0 3000 133 Clean, Refer to paragraph 72 a. 1118474 P ¢ 50 30.0 2000 26.0 +b. Inspect. Refer to paragraph 72 b. 1iea7sP #25 15.0 1500 135 c, Test. Refer to paragraph 72 ¢ (1) and (2), and figures 102 a 1iss76P #25 15.0 1500 13.5 108, NOTE! Type nit sown in fgures 10) tnd IOI is tested on isi Pe 25 300 1500 250. I chosed citcuit with 10 amperes Rowing (fg, 104); operate generator at 1118478 N¢ 50 30.0 2000 26.0 1500 rpm end adjust variable resistance to obtain 10 amperes, miewN¢ 50 30.0 2000 26.9 ineiesN¢ 50 15.0 3000 13.8 81. DISASSEMBLY. aiesssP 25 30.0 1500 26.0 s. Disanembly Into Main & 1iBesN¢ 20 15.0 1500 ‘138 108). ly Into Main Subaseemblles (type shown in fg. 111886N# 50 28.0 2000 26.0 . tig? N50 300 1800 26.0 (1) Remove cover by unscrewing the two cover lock nuts, ieeBeN# 55 15.0 2000 135 (2) Remove the screw and lock washer holding the resistance 1118490N% 40 se 2000 65-69. )uit and voltage regulator series winding fad (enclosed in yellow insulation) to base, —inwlated. Negative, P-Postive Fete meat anion are donned tor operation with » particu M,C) Remove the screw and lock washer holding the cut-out celay CAUTION Te ator ie cent Ge dealéned for operation ona (mabunt winding lead (enclosed in yellow insulation) and voltage Bolasty system, Using a rolatet io ch has the negative terminal regulator ‘main winding lead (enclosed in red insulati rounded will quickly destroy the regulator. closed in red insulation) to the Arosenetod will quiakiy deetey 8 sefte® ‘rounded terminal on the base. > 139 TM 9-1825A, TM 9-1825A al a GROUP V—VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE TWO GENERATORS [ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) aguarune ‘1 teint eRMINAL ‘CUT-OUT RELAY (7 VOLTAGE REGULATOR CONTACT cover rows) —\ sPieaL SPRING aseer RA pp 312107 Figure 99—Voltage Regulator Used with Type Two, Third-brush Generators resistors moving ia RA PD 1277 (4) Disconnect heavy relay and regulator leads by re , end] order named, lead clamping screw, lock washer and flat washe then unsoldering the two leads gore 1 i Remove voltage reguletor fiom fiber mounting plate brig 9" }00-Voltage Regulator Unit Used with Auxiliary | removing ut and lock washer from stud on under side of pate ingine Generator 141 TM 9-1825A TM 9-1825A 81 an GROUP V—VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE TWO GENERATORS ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) GENEEATOR VOrTnETER RA PD 312108 Figure 102—Meter Connections to Test Cut-out Relay hel ¥c J fe) Few TERMINAL cover DISCONNECT ‘AMM LEAD SPIRAL ‘SPRING. TERMINAL contact sonra GENERATOR VOUTMETER RA PD at2i09 Figure 103—Meter Connections to Test Voltage Regulator Gasket (6) Remove cut-out relay from fiber mounting plate by removing nut and lock washer from stud on under side of plate. (7) Disconnect lead from resistance assembly by removing nut and lock washer b. Disassembly Into Main Subassemblies (type shown in fig. 106). (1) Remove cover by unscrewing two cover screws. (2) _ Disconnect lead from regulator contact bracket by removing nut and lock washer. (@)_ Take connector strap between two resistors off by removing RAPD 3121708 two nuts and lock washers. This also disconnects leads from one resistor. (a Remove resistors by taking out attaching screw and lock Resistors 1 fo Unit Shown Voltage Regulator Unit Similar in Figure 100 Excopt for Mounting 142 Figure 101 143, TM 9-1825A at ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) (8) Detach fiber mounting plate, with regulator unit, from base by taking out four screws, lock washers, and plain washers. This disconnects lead that goes to regulator winding. (6) Take regulator unit off plate by unscrewing aut and lock washer, ¢. Disassembly Into Main Subassemblies (type shown in fig 107). (1) Remove cover by unscrewing two cover screws. (2) Take connector strap between two resistors off by removing ‘screw connecting lead to it and removing two nuts and lock washers ‘This also disconnects leads from one resistor. aeQULATOR RESISTANCE voutmeree GENERATOR RA po 12179 Figure 104—Meter Connections to Test Voltage Regulator ‘Shown in Figures 100 and 101 (@) Remove resistor by taking out attaching screw and lock washer. (4) Disconnect lead from terminal on mounting plate by re- moving serew and lock washer. (5) Detach mounting plate, with regulator unit, from base by taking out three screws, lock washers, and plain washers. This also disconnects lead thet goes to regulator winding. 144 TM 9-18254, 81 GROUP V-VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE TWO GENERATORS cutout geiay ssseusty youn REGULATOR TeRAINAL eee e000 RESISTOR ASE ASSEMaLY wasnt fecusror MOUNTING te tor —o 1 8 e- @ Figure 105~Discssembled Vie embed View of Regulator Shown in Figure 99 setetor Se 145 RA PD aiaii0 TM 9.18254, GROUP V—VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE TWO GENERATORS wouvinoxs BOVIIOA on NoUvInsN! ——a5va q °° “at 0 00 srr aunyway ONY OTaid oIsisat YOLDANNO: TM 9-1825A, al 001 ounBiy uy UMOYS 4040jNBOY Jo MOXA PEIqWIOSSESIG-—901.94n6 14 onze as va an09 sp6v9 6 =O “3 ry 2 =O ao q agi 60 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) ‘TM 9-1825A “s Ice ORDNANCE MAINTENANG ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) (6) Detach regulator wait fom mounting rate by paren usa eck washer fom to. attaching, sere Aah Srey are soldered to sap on plate, and ur rot be Femoved (Remove insulating paper fom bia of bse and take of cere aod washers, Do aot femove insulators The insulators held in place by Glyptol, No. 1201, red. ooh ‘1. Disassemble Voltage Regulator. Refer to paragraph 73 b €. Disassemble Cutout Relay. Refer to paragraph 73 d. 82. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 74. 83. REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 75. 84, ASSEMBLY. a. Assemble Cutout Relay, Where Used. Refer to paragraph (1) Fasten cut-out relay to fiber mounting plate with nut and wife ot rm rece tee tak ie asec Se Tator main winding lead (red insulation covering) t the grOUn "Connect tedstance unit to clip of lead from the voltage as «ew on ey ig ace " anos IPE te“ Tcashopne (penne an 8) (1) Attach regulator unit to plate with lock washer and nut, TM 9-1825A 84-81 GROUP V—VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR TYPE TWO GENERATORS (2) Attach mounting plate, with regulator unit, to base with four screws, lock washers, and plain washers, Lead from regulator winding connects under one screw, between lock washer and plain washer (fig. 100). (3) Attach resistors with screw and lock washer. Right-hand resistor (fig. 100) must go on first. (4) Attach connector strap between two-resistors with two nuts and lock washers. Two leads connect to right-hand resistor (fig. 100) before strap is put in place. (5) Connect lead to regulator contact bracket with lock washer and nut, (6) All leads must now be connected and located as shown in figure 100. (7) Replace cover with two washers and cover screws, Rubber easket must seat and seal all the way around, ©. Assemble Regulator (type shown in figs. 107 and’ 101), (1) If two small terminal insulators in base have been removed, install new ones along with the terminal screws, inside fiber insu. lator, leads, plain washers, lock washers, and nuts. Paint around insulators with Glyptol No. 1201, red. (2) Place insulating paper in bottom of base. (3) If two screws in mounting plate have been removed, they must be soldered in place after the regulator unit is attached to Plate with screws, lock washers, and nuts, Coat solder with Glyptol No. 1201, red. (4) Attach mounting plate, with regulator unit, to base with three screws, lock washers, and plain washers. This also connects lead from regulator winding (fig. 101). (S) Connect lead to terminal on mounting plate (fig. 101). (6) Attach resistors with screw and lock washer. Right-hand tesistor goes on first (fig. 101). (7) Attach connector strap between two resistors with nuts and lock washers after first connecting two leads to righthand resistor ig. 101), (8) Connect lead to connector strap with screw and lock washer (fg. 101). (9) All leads must now be connected as shown in figure 101. (10) | Attach cover with washers and screws. Rubber gasket must seat and seal all way around. 85. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS, a. Tests and adjustments are divided into two parts, mechanical and electrical. Electrical tests have been outlined (par. 80 ¢). Me- chanical tests are outlined below. Jy, Cut-out relay is checked and adjusted as outlined in paragraph 7b. 149 TM 9-1825A 85-86 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) is checked and adjusted as outlined in par itlustrated in figure 99. If of the type illus- graph 77 figures 100 or 101, test on closed circuit with 10 amperes Heres ae 104); after each voltage adjustment readjust variable resistance to maintain 10 ampere output. e Voltage regulator graph 77 ¢, if of type 86. SPECIFICATIONS. Group V Regulators—Voltage Regulators for Use with Type ‘Two Generators. ‘Voltage Regulator Point Opening. (0.015 inch Cut-out Relay Air Gap. 0,087 inch, Cutout Relay Point Opening 0.020 inch Conout Retoy Model Pein Clove ‘Wvots) 5535 P # 135 5536 P # 135 5538 P ¢ 70 5570 P ¢ 719 5573 N # 13.5 1118479 N # — 1118493 N # — N—Negative. Positive. Tons Regulator unit only. Set on closed ccuit at 14.7 wots with 10 Voltage, Cafent and generator operating at 2,500 7 ACAOTION: These regulators are designed for operation with pas, fioular polarity aystem. Using & 10 Cicer eo eta positive érounuted system with a a CPere erie terminal grounded will quickly dost TM 9-1825A, 87 CHAPTER 4 DISTRIBUTORS Section I BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Construction and function ane Circuits: es Types of distributors 9 % pisrRieuToR Ionmrion, SwiTcH IGNITION CON, ‘STORAGE BATTERY RA PO a1an12 Figure 108—Ignition System Wiring Circuit 87, CONSTRUCTION AND FUNCTION. cats, te distributor contains set of contact points with a breaker cam arranged fo open and close the points, together with a driving -am. closing and opening of the TM 9-1825A 87-88 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) contact points intermittently supplies current from the battery to the ignition coil so that the coil produces high voltage surges. These high voltage surges are delivered to the center terminal of the distributor cap, and from there they flow through the distributor rotor to the various outside cap terminals which are connected to the cylinder spark plugs. The distributor contains a centrifugal advance mechanism which advances the spark with engine speed. Figure 108 illustrates @ typical ignition system which includes the battery, ignition switch, distributor, coil, spark plugs, and wiring. CONDENSER pistRiutor FRING ORDER Tapes IOET-2 RA PD atania Figure 109—Ignition System for 12-Cylinder Engine with One Distributor Containing Two Sets of Contact Points 88. CIRCUITS. ‘a. The distributor contains either one or two sets of contact points. Figure 108 illustrates a system in which.the distributor contains one set of points. Where the distributor uses two sets, they must be connected independently to two ignition coils. The high voltage surges from the coils are taken through two semi-independent cir- cuits in the cap and rotor to two banks of cylinders on the engine 80 that, on a 12-cylinder engine, for example, one set of points and 152 TM 9-1825A 88.89 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION ene ov would fice one bank of bos a09 i @ wor one) ee 07 ake cw some youn A bins HOUSING BREAKER ‘ARM SPRING STRAP 000000 CONDENSER RA PD a12116 f seta INSULATOR TERMINAL i SPRING Figure 112—Standard Type Distributor, Disassembled RA PD 12117 Figure. 113—Distributor Terminal Arrangements 156 157 TM 9.18258 ™ 9-1825A 2 a ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE GROUP I-SINGLE CONTACT SET, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) SET, STANDARD MOUNTING and refer to illustration covering type of distributor being disassem- bled (igs. 111 through 116). ow. b. Detach cap by unsnapping springs. oy €. Lift off rotor. 4. Lift off seal assembly (where present) tL Lift off breaker arm by removing retainer clip (where present, socienid' Sleauet stm oping. attaching serew oF nut, compressing wecer ‘enker em spring and fing arm from hinge post. Detach stationery contact point support by unscrewing Tock ser screw, and lifting ff point support. 6 oy BN, o 9° a 6060608 —-00 SEA. ASSEMBLY reainas racr as WEIGHT cane g | Sake weer | enn NB eo" P sovance PLATE. WEIGHT weer. — QP contact surrost ——> " weet gase = ~ enna, a IND. SHAFT ASSEMBLY a, ‘ one . o =o8 “ / BREAKER ARM BRONZE ; jem I counts Sneed I g Detach condenser by removing attaching screw and lead washer | attaching screw or nut. counun o- i |h, Disassemble distributor terminal (fig. 113). ING PIN oO sem | i. Detach, breaker plate by unscrewing attaching screws and lifting °o t plate from housing. Where a filter is attached to housing, remove the court Remove gear or coupling on drive shaft by driving out pin. i Gascrew tachometer drive connection, where present, frm] igure 115-Standard Type Distributor with Breaker housing (fig. 116). Compartment Seal, Disassembled 138 159 TM 9-1825A, 92 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 2 3 he =>. , ;, <= fre AN St 3 i 160 i isassembled Figure 116—Standard Type Distributor with Tachometer Drive, Dis bl TM 9.18254, 92.94 GROUP I-SINGLE CONTACT SET, STANDARD MOUNTING 1. Separate weight base gnd shaft assembly from housing. Mm. On distributor with tachometer drive, take gear assembly snd oil seal from housing, n. Disassemble centrifugal advance mechanism by taking off the advance springs, weights, and breaker cam assembly. Where the centrifugal advance mechanism is covered by a plate (fig. 113), remove the nuts, lock washers, and plate first. ©. Where housing has replaceable bearing, examine bearing and press out for replacement, if it is worn, 98. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. General. Clean and examine all parts. Do not clean cap, rotor, condenser, and insulators in any degreasing compound. Examine centrifugal advance parts, weights, springs, and plate, for signs of wear, Studs must be tight in weights and weight base. Insulators, screws, washers, nuts, etc, must be in normal condition. Replace } terews which are bent, battered, broken, or which have crossed threads, Replace insulators and washers that are cracked, bent, worn, burned, etc. Replace leads that have broken strands, or badly frayed insulation. Replace seal in seal assembly if it is hard, worn, or dirty. Replace cap or rotor if they are cracked, chipped, or burned, Replace contact points if they are badly burned of pitted, or if the breaker arm rubbing block or bushing is excessively worn or loose, 94, ASSEMBLY, a. The assembly procedure varies according to type of distributor. Follow the general assembly procedure outlined below, and refer to ‘lustrations covering type of distributor being assembled (igs. 111 through 116), 1b. Press in new bearing if old bearing has been removed, ©. Assemble centrifugal advance mechanism, installing plate where present. If lock washers are of type with tangs that are bent down ainst face of nut to lock nut, use new lock washers. On distributor with tachometer drive, place oil seal and gear assembly into housing, 4. Insert weight base and shaft assembly into housing. ‘e. Install gear or coupling, insert pin, and peen ends to secure it in blace, Do not allow any part of pin to project far enough to interfere with the gear or coupling driving arrangement, f. Screw tachometer drive connection, where used, into housing. 8 Attach breaker plate to housing. Install filter, where used. h, Assemble distributor terminal (fig. 113), lea breaker arm spring or condenser lead atta: i, Attach condenser and condenser lead. 161 1g loose where TM 9-1825A 94-96 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) j. Attach stationary contact support with lock screw, leaving loase for adjustment, K. Install breaker arm, and secure with retainer clip (where present) and breaker arm spring attaching screw or nut. 1. Install seal assembly (where present), rotor, and cap after contact points have been adjusted (par. 95). m, Lubricate Distributor. Apply one or two drops of engine oil, SAE 10 on the felt wick in the breaker cam under the rotor. Place a trace of general purpose grease, No. 0 on the breaker cam (using only a trace to avoid getting lubricant on contact points). Fill grease cup with general purpose grease, No. 2 and turn down one turn. Where high pressure fitting, or hinge cap oilers are used, lubricate through means provided. 95. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS. a. Test distributor on distributor tester. Measure contact point pressure with a spring gage hooked on the breaker arm as close to the contact point as possible, Pull on arm in a direction vertical to the contact point face until points separate, Adjust by bending the breaker arm spring, Measure contact point opening, and adjust by toosening the lock screw and turning the eccentric. Tighten locke screw after adjustment is complete. 96. TEST DATA AND TOLERANCES. a. Explanation, The cam angle is the angle of cam rotation through which the points remain closed. This angle is decreased with increased point opening, and increased with decreased point opening. Eccentricity and bearing wear will cause variations in the cam angle. ‘The angle given below is subject to a plus or minus 2-degree variation because of the above conditions. A new breaker arm and rubbing block must be set with 3 degrees less cam angle than shown below, Angle shown below is based on a worn-in rubbing block. Figure 117 shows the proper spring tension for the various types of circuit breaker levers and the positions on the levers where the readings must be taken. NOTE: Point opening is 0.018-0.024 inch unless other- wise indicated. 19-23 o7s. 19-23 O75. 1721 O75, 90° af 7 RA po sina Figure 117—Spring Tensions of Breaker Arms 162 TM 9-1825A 96 GROUP I-SINGLE CONTACT SET, STANDARD MOUNTING TABLE OF TOLERANCES —_ 62D ia: 602 ns 649.¢ oa “156 116008 snic@2s an1cox0 anieost 1110052 1110036 an10339 inioos2 rnionse 1110087 1110059 1110062 mia a10975, ino0ei A186 1110090* 1110005, 110098 1io100 inioies itio108 tono+ anon aon lions ios ions 110120 iio inions into133 ions 110s anon6* ion? 11013 nove ce c cc cc cc cc ce cc ¢ ce cc ce © ce ce com Anate 3s 35 35 35 3 35 37 35 33 38 35 35 38 35 35 35 35 33 33 35 33 3 38 38 33 33 38 3 Steet Inermedione Advance "Aavance RPM Dog RPM Deg Eng Eng Eng 60 20 600 10 1200 80 60 10 60 20 = = 40 > > 600 30 1800 a55 5003.0 600 1.75 400 20 600 20 500 30 500 3.0 800 18.0, 60 200 ooo 200 — L 800 40 1200 110 No Advance 600 ag Nas 00 30 800 140 goo #0 1200 110 400 20 “800 100 No Advance 009 ane 1200 13.0 600 1.0 2000 20.0 600 20 iso) 120 400 20 "ao 140 400 20 $00 100 600 30 1200 113 600 19 1200 130 2000 20.0 1200 130 600 10 2000 20.0 1200 13.0 600 10 4000 20.0 600 2 OO 600 20 . 1600 azo 40020 “goo 80 400 290 FS 400 20 800 100 soo 29 (PM 70 20 1000 80 400 20 ton aso 00 20 4400. 120, 400 20 “00° 10.0 1200 130 600 10 2000 20.0, 4oo 29 NY BE 4 to =F 1200 130 600 1.0 2000 20.0 i200 120 ‘For explanatory footnotes see page 164, ‘Ravonce RPM Deg fg Eo 2200 16.0 2200 170 2000 20.9, 2200 180 1800 275, 2200 170, 3200 34.0 3600 50.0 2200 18s, 2300 260 3200 34.0 3200 34.0 200 220, 2600 20.0 3100 37.0 2200 22.0 3200 34.0 3100 37.0 rou 200 3400 320 2600 200 3450 395 2600 10 1800 28.0, 3400 320, 5000 280 3450 308 3450, 39.5 3450 395 2800 22.0 3600 180 3400 220 2200 18's, 3400 320 2200 170 2600 240 1600 20.0, 3000 140 3400 32.0 3450 20.5 2000 320 1400 220, sso 395 TM 9-1825A % ™ 98258 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) CHAPTER 4 ‘TABLE OF TOLERANCES (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTORS (Cont'd) ee Meximum Section Il ‘ Sea aie GROUP II-DUAL CONTACT SET, STANDARD MOUNTING yoga CC 38600 «4.0:« 2000: 00 «M450 395 regent que S38 Gon no te00 120 4600 180 scription omen 1110151, cc 35 400 «2.0 1000 14.0 1600 20.0 b Deseripti 7 hg = 6 33S orn! Creaning, inspection, and test 98 1110153, ce 35 4002.0 2000 14.0 ¢ Disassembly 99 Tiss G33 S00 48 Soo deo Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 100 iss = 380020 hoo ibs Anembh 1110158, ce 350 (5003.0 3200 34.0 gt v 101, Mins = Ce 35 8D 20 aio no Tests and adjustments m Toes 38 SOD 20 too sof Tat date ad tol Hiner = 3 So0. 8 isco 3b olerances 103 ino: GE 3800 ito. aso Mies GE 38 on too ao oor sone Toes = GE 3s fou doo mo ¢ 8 ae aw inner = Ge? Goa 4.8 goo MO & Tins GE 350030 Sto 340 Hoes GE 3800.3 io Se OTOR span Mie G38 to 3000 30 eo inn 6 36 Sou 28 foo aoe wee GE out ho me @ sea {hos = Ge 3840 ho ao © oeaere sous Hie 3800.20 eno ia ios & 38 go 40 moo 370 \ Mons Gc 32 fo 40 feo iso rena. \ Mots 633 BD 30 noo 2500 vue \ aiiosor, cc aS 80020 2800 1208 Hinogs Ge 31 toao 10 foo a0 Be inasio — Ge—31_— tooo. 19 foo to Be Hise = G35 Sa 38 ie mod WEIGHT BASE AND SHAFT * Point Opening 0.015-0.021 inch, » Bronze Bearing a Housing LD. 04905-04915 Shaft O.D. 0.4895-0.4900 B Housing LD. 0.5000-0.5005 Shaft O.D. 0.4993-0.4997 Housing 1.9. 0908-0.9908 Shaft O.D. 0.4895-0.4900 Housing LD. 04908-04910 Shaft O.D, 0.4895-0.4900 ¢ Housing LD, 04903-04915 Shaft O.D. 0.4895-0.4900 susINs. CONTACT surPOR ~” ADNUSTARLE BREAKER PLATE { Housing 1.D.04905-0.4915 Shaft O.D. 0.4895-0.4898 conomusess Housing 1D. 04905-0.4910 Shaft O.D. 0.4897-0.4900 "enna. f Housing LD, 04903-04908 Shaft O.D. 0.4997-0.4900 . © Clockwise rotation viewing drive end RA pD 12122 CC Countercocioviae sotation viewing drive end Hgure 118—Sectional View of Distributor with Dual Contact : Points and Standard Mounting ‘9. DESCRIPTION. 2 Distributors in this group are similar to Group I distributors sept that they incorporate to sets of contact points (18) for soe in dual ignition systems, or ignition systems using two ignition ths for firing two banks of the engine (Bes: 108 and 110). 164 TM 9-1825A TM 9-1825A 90.99 ° ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE GROUP II-DUAL CONTACT SET, STANDARD MOUNTING FLECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 98. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. ‘a Cleaning. Refer to paragraph 91 a. 4 De Inspection. Refer to paragraph 91 b E fe. Teets Refer to paragraphs 91 ean 102 3 g a> o - re , 88 Bo sree ve 3 seeer nae e000 os ? teeta) . i , 3 7 veces 40 5 i : & & ¢ AY” . i 6 gz 2 ° 33 & } EF 2 3 — ai o8 ‘CONTACT SUPPORT ze Ud @° CONNECTORS #2 = bg ° § & a po aia 2 2 i Figure 119-Stationary Breaker Plate with Two Sets of Contact Points, Disassembled reaxer 99, DISASSEMBLY. ‘The disassembly procedure is extentilly idenial to thet for | group T sistibuters par. 92) extest tat theres adtonal de te plates (figs. 119 and 120). b. Disassemble Ci it Breaker Plate. Remove nuts, washers, ee eee crt Detach conser connettors 2 RUE SN er aae ak Ww bal it off Stationary conse ii. 166 167 contact ‘SUPPORT clan Screw TM 9-1825A 99-102 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) point, Remove two lock screws, and lift off adjustable breaker plate assembly. ¢. Disassemble Adjustable Breaker Plate Assembly. Remove nut and lock washer holding breaker arm spring to stud. Slip off retainer clip, and remove breaker arm and lead from stud. Slip stud with insulators off. Unscrew lock screw, and detach stationary con- tact. 100. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. a. General. Refer to paragraph 93 Bb. Ball Bearings. Where ball bearings are used, clean them if they are not of the sealed type by spinning them in dry-cleaning solvent, Dry with compressed air (do not spin them), and then promptly lubricate them with ball bearing grease. 101. ASSEMBLY. a. The assembly procedure is essentially identical with that for group I distributors (par. 94) except that additional assembly of the stationary and adjustable breaker plates ts required (figs. 119 sad 120). b. Assemble Adjustable Breaker Plate Assembly. Attach sta- tionary contact with lock screw. Place stud in position and attach breaker arm with nut and lock washer. Be sure insulators are in place on stud. Place breaker arm retainer clip in position. ¢. Assemble Circuit Breaker Plate. Attach adjustable breaker plate with lock serews. Attach stationary contact point with lock screw. Place breaker arm on pin and attach breaker arm spring with screw, along with connector. Place retainer clip above breaker arm. Attach condensers and connectors. 102. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS. a, In addition to the tests and adjustments covered in paragraph 95, the two sets of contact points must be synchronized to open and close in the correct relation to each other. With the distributor in the distributor tester, note the synchronism of the two sets of points, and adjust by loosening the lock screws, holding the adjustable plate, and turning the eccentric, This moves the adjustable breaker plate with respect to the stationary contacts. Make this change after adjusting the contact point opening of both sets of points, and then recheck point opening after proper synchronism is obtained. Make further adjustment if necessary. 168 TM 9-1825A 103 GROUP II-DUAL CONTACT SET, STANDARD MOUNTING 103. TEST DATA AND TOLERANCES, = = ee ay oe eS. ee a ee ee Se es es an ee — Sse a ee MS FB hmm eek: we 2 8B ae az ce on 30 9 0 bg 4230 CC 37 400 3.0 900 340 be 441 CC 87 400 3. 900 34.0 be q pe cc 387 400 30 — = 900 38.0 ‘ 4245 CC 39 400 2 1400 12.0 : maiz Gc 37430 0 goo ae = a 7 Bronze bearing. a Lower hou. Bearing, and dive shaft housing LD.—4 : 1 Bessie t soe, OTE So: drive tale OD tse oe = ower housing, besiring, and drive shaft housing I.D.—1 =I 7 ED.“ o.5869-8 90, O.1.3775-1 380: dive she OD eb sods ooo € Upper outing. bearing, ad cam shaft hosing LD." 80604 fen esi 4 P= 0390403986, Clb. Tasor-iS8tt cam abet OD. 05086 0 399 gpa Houle, bearing, end cats shaft howing 0.3934-0.3997, OD. 14807-11811; cam thal OD Daase ose ETO © Housing ID.—0.5000-0 5005; shaft O.D. 0.4993-0.4997 6 Clockwae rotation vowing drive en CC Counterlosteise ruaton viewing dive en 169 ‘TM 9-1825A 104-106 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) CHAPTER 4 DISTRIBUTORS (Cont'd) Section IV GROUP III-SPECIAL MOUNTINGS Description . Cleaning, inspection, and test k Disassembly Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts i Assembly, 108 ‘Tests and adjustments 109 119 Test data and tolerances 104, DESCRIPTION. ‘a. The distributors in this group may have single or dual contact points, but all have some type of special mounting and drive arrange- ment. The distributors fall into two classifications, those which are of standard construction but mounted into a special mounting base (fx. ui), and those of special construction assembled intuu special housing so that a special disassembly and assembly procedure is required (fig. 123). 108. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. Refer to paragraph 91 a. b. Inspection. Refer to paragraph 91 b. ¢. Test. Refer to paragraphs 91 ¢ and 102. 106. DISASSEMBLY. ‘The disassembly procedure on the standard type distributer whitch fr mounted ma speciel mounting base identical sith group Tor group TL distributors Cactording to typo) with the addition (Oi 22) of removing the drive shaft from the mounting bas, along with the bearings, Dy taking out the dive end plate attaching screws, The hart gent ‘and bearhgs areal femoved from the shaft. For the | type distributor sembled into w spec housing with a. special | Rounting and drive arrangement, a special disassembly procedure i | outlined below (fig. 124), b. Detach Distributor Cap. Unsnap two distributor cap springs, and detach distributor cap. ec. Lift Off Rotor. Lift rotor off breaker cam. If rotor is a tight fit, it may be necessary to pry gently under rotor just above breaker cam, with screwdriver fulerumed on edge of distributor housing. Be very careful to avoid damaging rotor or housing. Do not pry on rotor tips. 170 CCAP SPRING TM 9-1825A 106 GROUP III-SPECIAL MOUNTINGS zigg ge38 <3 I ~ contaer _/ Suro TERMINALS CGatase FITTING. weicit Base 8 SHAT BALL BEARINGS Figure 121—Sectional View of Standard Type Distributor with Special Mounting 55282 9 — FGsa = 3 TM 9-1825A ‘TM 9-1825A 106 ‘GROUP 08 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE I-SPECIAL MOUNTINGS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 4. Detach Cireuit Breaker Plate Assembly, Remove terminal ———>1 3 fut, fat washer, insulating washer, insulating bushing, insulating gis washer, flat washer, and lock washer from each terminal assembly. 233 Remove four serews and lock washers, and lft cireuit breaker plate |g ze § assembly out. 5 & 2 ? e. Remove Drive Shaft and Bearing. Cut safety wire, and = & semove four screws and lock washere holding drive shaft oil seal to | ay < the distributor housing, Pull drive shaft with gear, oil seal, and bear- | & g 38 é 3 se 2 6 f 3 : om, 53 Eile 3 8 ; « e g 6 bs nt g = S 86 9 7 =3 2 ge a V9 53 8 0 wooo 3 oO =8 pe ‘SEE eg g 86 Lf coq SSH sae Bz Lf BE vege RA PD a12i26 Figure 122—Special Mounting Base, Disassembled ing from housing. Turn shaft in counterclockwise direction in remov- ing, to demesh gears. Disassemble further, if required, by placing drive shaft in soft jaws of vise, pulling cotter pin, unscrewing shaft Figure 123—Sectional View of Distributor with Special Housing, rnut and removing gear, oil seal, and bearing from shaft. CAUTION: The drive shaft must be carefully gripped in soft jaws of vise on the © Eo Q section just back of the integral gear. The section to be gripped by uy ag GZ se iS SE SE 28 the vise is about 14 inch long and about % inch in diameter. Do not rip bearing on end of shaft, nor the integral gear. Use an arbor press if necessary, to press off the ball bearing. 172 173 TM 9-1825A = NANCE RDNANCE MAINTE LEcTHiCAL EQUIPMENT. (DELCO-REMY) os ssSiur ren oa or sora, ool B= 00008: —— 8. of = O00000 He sca 335 gst \ wae Seem went — Sant weit cine econ — oe ee sunwo cer Hey ow site y caster wousna ASSEMBLY " eau REINER CUP BEARING (WITH GEAR) | RA Po a2 4-2 Shown ure 124-Disessombled View of Distributor Figure 12 in Figure 123 174 TM 9-1825A 106-108 GROUP III-SPECIAL MOUNTINGS £. Remove Main Shaft and Advance Mechanism. Remove two advance springs. Bend down two tangs on hold-down cover nut, lock washers, and unscrew two nuts, Remove and discard lock washers, remove hold-down cover, advance weights and breaker cam, Rotate shaft and weight plate until large hole in weight plate alines with screw. Remove screw and lock washer. Repeat procedure for other two screws which are holding ball bearing retainer plate to housing and remove shaft and weight plate with ball bearing, collar, gear and pin, @s an assembly. NOTE: Insert a screwdriver, into housing through drive shaft opening and pry gently upward on the vertical shaft gear, if necessary. g: Replace Housing Bushings. Press bushings out of housing in arbor press if necessary and install new bushings. h. Disassemble Circuit Breaker Plate (fig. 119). Remove from each condenser terminal, one nut, flat washer, connector, and thick fat washer. Remove two condensers by unscrewing screw and lock washer. Disconnect two connectors and stationary contact breaker lever arm from insulated bracket, which is riveted to breaker plate, by removing screw, flat washer, and nut, Remove clip and lift off breaker lever from stationary set of points, Remove lock screw and lift off stationary point. Remove two lock screws and lift off the adjustable breaker plete assembly. i. Disassemble Adjustable Breaker Plate Assembly (fig. 120), Remove nut and tock washer holding breaker lever spring to stud Slip clip off and remove breaker lever and long lead from stud. Re. move nut, washer, connector, and insulating washer from stud, Slip stud off and remove two small insulating and one large insulating washers from stud. Unscrew lock screw and detach stationary cone tact i. Disassemble Main Shaft and Gear Assembly (fig. 125). Remove pin from shaft, and press gear and bearing off shaft in arbor press 107. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS, a. General. Refer to paragraph 93 a. 1b. Ball Bearings. Refer to paragraph 100 b, 108. ASSEMBLY. a | The assembly procedure on the standard type distributor which 's mounted in @ special mounting base is identical with group T or froup II distributors (according to type) except that the mounting base requires some additional assembly. Attach shaft, with gear and bearings, to mounting base and secure with drive end plate attaching serews. On the type distributor assembled into a special housing with « special mounting and drive arrangement, a special assembly Procedure is outlined below (fig. 124). b, "Assemble Main Shaft and Gear (fig. 125). Put bearing retainer on beering, and press bearing onto shaft, with the shielded side down, 178 TM 9-18254, TM 9-1825A, 108 108-109, ORDNANCE, MAINTENANCE GROUP III-SPECIAL MOUNTINGS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) or away from weight plate. Add spacing collar, shims, and gear. Shims must be just sufficient to prevent any end play of collar. Sccure gear with pin, peening or pressing both ends of pin over so that there will not be any interference with mating gear €. Assemble Adjustable Breaker Plate Assembly (fig. 120), On long end of stud, place one large and two small insulating washers and place stud into bracket hole. Secure with large insulating washer, connector, lock washer and nut. Put stationary contact support in position, and secure with lock screw. On short end of stud, place clip of Tong lead. Compress spring of breaker lever between thumb and forefinger, slip breaker lever down over post, with slot in spring on. short end of stud. Secure with washer and aut, Put clip on post. d. Assemble Circuit Breaker Plate (fig. 119). Attach adjustable breaker plate with two lock screws. Attach stationary point support with lock screw. Install breaker lever on post with spring on inside of insulated bracket, and secure with clip, Place flat washer on screw and slip screw through slot in breaker lever spring and hole in insu. lated bracket. Attach two connectors to opposite side, and secure with nut. Attach two condensers in position with lock washers and screws. Place thick washers on condenser terminals, followed by connectors, flat washers, lock washers, and nuts RA po 40925 MAN, SHAFT ¢, Install Main Shaft and Advanee Mechanism (fig. 124). Install main shaft Working through large hole in advauce’ plate, secure bearing retainer plate with three screws and lock washers. Put ad- vance weights, breaker cam, hold-down cover, and lock washers, in place and secure with two nuts, Use screwdriver to bend up two tangs of lock washers against two faces of nuts. Install advance springs with pliers, being careful to avoid crushing springs. f. Install Drive Shaft and Bearing (fig. 124), Install bearing and oil seal on drive shaft, followed by cotter key, gear, nut, and cotter pin to secure nut. Press bearing in arbor press, and hold shaft in soft jaws of vise while nut is tightened. Grip section of shaft just back of Bear, but not on end bearing. Install assembly in housing, rotating shaft in clockwise direction as it is inserted so gears will mesh, Attach oil seal with four screws and lock washers, thread 0.032 safety wire through holes in screw heads and twist together. RETAINER BALL WASHER sae Figure 125—Disassembled View of Drive Shaft Used in Distributor Shown in Figure 123 COUAR g. Attach Cireuit Breaker Plate Assembly. Attach circuit breaker plate with four screws and lock washers. Circuit breaker can be in Stalled in one way only. Install terminals by placing on them, flat Washer, insulating washer, and bushing. Then install in housing and add insvlating washer, flat washer, connector, lead clip, lock washer, and nut. sHiM (As NEEDED) h, Install rotor and cap. 109. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS. Refer to paragraph 102. W7 176 EAR TM 9-1825A 10 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 110. TEST DATA AND TOLERANCES. a. Data. "Avene “Advance Medel Rotation BPM Deg RPM beg Era Foa Fog Ena En wior——«CC~*«CT:~«SC«COOSC2]S«8D «KO 1800 24.0 lings = GC 35 Goo to at00 20.0 sy GC 37 S00 2102500 two 3000 22.0 HMs2%8 = GC 37. S00 2102500 180 3000 22.0 b. Fits and Tolerances. (2) Distemuror Mopet 1111404. (a) Base, Horizontal Drive Shaft and Bearings. LD. of Base~ 1.3784 to 1.3790 inches, Ball bearing on both ends of horizontal drive shaft I.D.— 0.5903 to 0.5906 inch. O.D.—1.3775 to 1.3780 inches, End plate LD.-1.3782 to 1.3787 inches. Horizontal drive shaft O.D., drive end—0.5896 to 0.5902 inch, gear end—0.5903 to 0.5909 inch. (8) Upper Housing, Bearing, and Cam Shaft. Upper housing LD.--1.1809 to 1.1814 inches. Upper bearing 0.D.1.1807 to 1.1811 inches, LD.-0.3934 to 0.3937 inch, cam shaft O.D.—0.3936 to 0.3939 inch. (2) Disteiputor Monet. 1111405 (a). Base, Horizontal Drive Shaft, and Ball Bearings. L.D. of Base 1.3784 to 13790 inches. Ball bearing, drive end and gear end of hori- zontal drive shaft I.D.—0.5903 to 0.5906 inch, O.D.1.3775 to 1.3780 inches, End plate 1D.—1.3782 to 1.3787 inches. Horizontal drive shaft OD. drive énd—0.5896 to 0.5902 inch, gear end—0.5903 to 0.5909 inch. (3) Disremuror Movers 1111527 anp 1111528. (a) Base, Bearings, and Horizontal Shaft. Base 1.D.—1.6534 to 1.6540 inches and 0.4905 to 0.4910" inch. Ball bearing 1.D.—0.5903, 16 0.5906 inch, O-D.—1.6530 to 1.6535 inches. Horizontal shaft 0.D.— Drive end—0.5890 to 0.5900 inch, gear end—0.4895 to 0.4900 inch. (B) Upper Housing, Bearing, and Vertical Shaft. Upper housing O.D.-1.2509 to. 1.2604 inches. Ball bearing I.D.-0.5115 to 0.5118 inch, O-D.—1.2593 to 1.2598 inches, shaft 0.D.—-0.5117 to 0.5120 inch. Bronze bearing. CC Counterclockwise rotation viewing drive end 178 im 9.18254 CHAPTER 5 CRANKING MOTORS BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. Conerston and funtion 111. CONSTRUCTION AND FUNCTION. Cranking motors are designed to electrically cranie engines ‘They are made up of an armature, a eld frame with feld coll acl feames or heads to support the armature, and a drive arrangement to transmit the cranking effort from the armature to the engine Awe, 112. OPERATION. lix, overrunning clutch, and Dyer. There are several variations of the 179 TM 9-1825A, 13.114 TM 9.18258 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE 4 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) GROUP I-CRANKING MOTORS LESS DRIVE MECHANISM CHAPTER 5 RANKING MOTORS (Cont'd) Section It ¢ 6 . GROUP I-CRANKING MOTORS LESS DRIVE 2 g 8 zz z MECHANISM Zz 6 é 6 2g 5 ~ Porarosh 2 5 g : Description 113 z @ & s Cleaning, inspection and test ng 3 8 Disassembly. us £2 Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 16 z 3 . | Repair of parts 17 & = by Assembly of cranking motor ns 5 | Tests ne § Test data and tolerances : 120 & | 113. DESCRIPTION. jj = Some cranking motors in this group do not have the drive richania earembled ane, Sas Emme ot have the tive Grautioard Woe ate eke ar hte ees eee dive pinion Sve tered the cone nanannones give: The outhoard ype drives smart conmton ean meshing The | / | FIELD com POLE SHOE Cranking Motor without Drive, with Magnetic Switch and Swivel Brush Holders arrangement is reversed so the drive pinion moves out from the cranking motor in meshing. All use the swivel type brush holder. Some have a magnetic switch mounted on the field frame, others have a manual switch or terminal on the field frame. Figures 126 through 132 illustrate these Variations, Z 114. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. 3 E 3 BRUSH SPRING Figure 126~Sectional View of || a Cleaning. Wipe off grease‘and dirt with a clean cloth, Do not steam-clean or dip-clean cranking motor, and avoid getting any water or cleaner into the cranking motor. Handle unit carefully to avoid battering or bending terminal studs, cover band, or magnetic switch (where present). b. Inspection. Inspect the cranking motor for damage. Remove cover band and inspect for sticking or worn brushes, rough, out-of- round, dirty or burned commutator, or high mica on commutator, Inspect all visible connections, screws, insulators, terminal studs, Yeads, and washers. Any apparent defect requires’ disassembly and correction, as outlined below. ¢. Test (par. 120). Place cranking motor on test stand, If it does, not operate according to specifications, some idea as to the cause of trouble can be obtained according to the malfunction observed, 180 CONNECTOR —~. TERMINAL END HEAD —=| BRUSH COVER BAND COMMUTATOR 18 i ‘TM 9-1825A 14 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) ‘Added information can be gained by using a set of test points (fi. 12). The tests, and their interpretation, are given below. (Q) No-toap Test, Connect the cranking motor in series with @ battery of the specified voltage and an ammeter capable of reading several hundred amperes. Ifa revolutions per minute indicator is ‘available, read the armature speed as well as the current draw ‘with the unit running free speed or no load. (2) Torque Tes¥’~Torque testing equipment is required for con- ducting a stall torque test of the cranking motor. The torque de- veloped, current draw, and voltage are checked together. (3) INTERPRETATION oF No-LoAp AND Torque Tests. (a) Rated torque, current draw, and no-load speed indicates normal condition of the cranking motor. (5) Low free speed and high current draw with low developed torque may result from: 1. Tight, dirty, worn bearings, loose field poles which allow armature to drag. 2. Grounded Armature or Field. Check by raising grounded ‘brushes from armature commutator or disconnecting grounded con- nections where ficld is grounded by screws inside cranking motor and testing with test lamp and points [rum trauking motor terminal fo frame and from commutator to frame. If the lamp lights, ground exists. 3. Shorted Armature, Check armature on growler (fg. 21). (6) Failure to operate with high current draw 1. Direct ground in switch, at terminal or brushes. 2. Frozen shaft bearings which prevent armature from turning. (4). Failure to operate with no current draw: 1. Open field circuit. Trace with test lamp and points (Fig. 12). 2. Open armature coils (par. 116 b (2)) 3. Broken or weakened brush springs, wor brushes, high commutator mica, or other conditions which would prevent good contact between brushes and commutator. (e) Low no-load speed with low torque and low current draw tes: 1. Open Field, Trace circuit with test lamp and points. 2. High internal resistance due to worn brushes, dirty commu: tator, weak or worn brush springs, and other causes of poor contact between commutator and brushes. 3. Defective Leads, Connections. (High free speed with low developed torque and high current draw indicates shorted fields. It is difficult to detect shorted fields with ordinary testing instraments, since the field resistance is originally low. If shorted fields are suspected, install new fields and check for improvement in performance. 2 TM 9-1825A ns GROUP I-CRANKING MOTORS LESS DRIVE MECHANISM ‘Swiren | Hoe ! RA PD aoai9 Figure 127—Rolation of Mount on of Mounting Flange to Magnetic Swit ‘of Cranking Motor Shown In Figure 1266 115, DISASSEMBLY, s.,Miescily Ti, Main Subasin 1) Detach mngnetic switch, where preven nector and removing attaching screws. " * (@) Detach commutator end head *® tnd head by removing cover band, un- Drs wcrews ond detache eof Lend cig set thee nen commutator end head attaching screws and lock wh Semmutator ead head and lock washers. If neces. say. th tator end head lightly with @ soft hammer to @)_ Remove field frame washers, Tap dive en Bammer, “ (4) Disassemble Bendix and removing from shaft in (figs. 128 and 131). by disconnecting con by taking out four screws and lock head away from field frame with soft drive (Rg. 132) by paling i illing cotter pin order named, shaft, aut, spacing colle, 193 TM 9-1825A, 115 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) drive spring, spring support, meshing spring, thrust washer, screw sleeve, drive pinion, antidrift spring sleeve, antidrift spring, and cup. Drive end head will now slip off armature shaft. NOTE: On outboard Bendix, reverse order of disassembling Bendix drive parts b, Disassemble Commutator End Head. (fig. 129). (1) Remove four brush attaching screws, lock washers, and brushes. (@) Catch short hooked end of brush arm spring and slip off brush holder stop pin. Slip brush holder and brush spring off brush holder hinge pin. @ connector oy CCOMMUTATOR cover END HEAD BAND ASSEMBLY = wi ee Ed 0 0 ie ou DRIVE END armature "Head RA Po 212197 Figure 128—Disassembled View of Cranking Motor Shown in Figure 126 (3) Detach the two brush grounding leads by removing two screws and lock washers. Press brush holder stop pins and brush holder hinge pins out if they are defective. Press bushing out if it requires replacement. ¢. Disassemble Field Frame (fig. 130). (1) Unsolder field coils from terminal stud. (@) Remove four pole shoe screws with pole shoe screwdriver (fig. 17), and remove four pole shoes and coils from field frame. Be Careful with coils to avoid bending lead connections or damaging insulation. 1384 TM 9.18254 us GROUP I-CRANKING MOTORS LESS DRIVE MECHANISM EAD u cOMMuUTATOR END HEAD AND IN, ASSEMBLY ‘gure 129—Disassembled View of Commutator End Head of Cranking Motor Shown in Figure 126 Fi TM 9-1825A TM 9.18254 m5 us ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE GROUP I-CRANKING MOTORS LESS DRIVE MECHANISM ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) " RA PD a12140 fame of Cranking Motor Shown in Figure 126 © Figure 121—Sectional View of Cranking Motor with Swivel Brush Holders and Inboard Bendix Drive TM’ 9-18254 6 GROUP I-CRANKING MOTORS LESS DRIVE MECHANISM Fnqdttmature. Do not clean the armature by any degreasing TM 9-1825A nene FENANCE enowanict wan nacre aS eS any) sher, washer, and (@)_Remove nut, lock washer, nut, lock washer, inating water frm terminal sh. Remove terminal td from Ald emcee ship to bathing, ialating washer, and washer of Felatonship of parts dorind dcassombly so they can be resembled Serres” Some fatd coll are varnished and baked in en te eld trate and cannot be removed. If feld coils are baked in plac, field frame and cannot be OH Dave exo TATOR ENO FRAME AND ; fea essenety Fo asst MEAD os cover BAND 2 aQPEe, An open citcuited armature is often easy to detect, fas ont. Condition produces badly burned commutatey tart test UR consected to the open armature windings soo Laat an operation of curren? sume they Pass under the brushes they interruge eto Hhaurrent so that heavy arcing occurs, Tf the bare eet badly ‘umed, the armature may be saved (par. 117 # (255 Ger ORT. A shorted armature may be detected on a growler, The mower ita strong electromagnet connected to a source ch alternating hacksaw bine, 4 Shorted armature is placed on the growle mre tacksaw blade held above the shorted coils se tS armature, the {ase Wil, be alternately attracted to, end zepelled erate arma- carding “nine the blade to vibrate against the armatine Bog. ae rfundy armature testing shorted, inspect the commureon cass and shoring Copper oF brusle dust sometimes collects he the Lose tad shorts adjacent bars. SS sult; De,not clean the elds by any degreasing method, since moing td damage the insulation and ruin the windions noe by Saved breaker Gy cloth. Be careful in handling the wiehoo, ied Th the ane OF Weakening the connecting straps betwen Mes Bes If the field insulation is charred or chafe ey heat ‘windings fences! i iometimes possible to rewrap them, ie wandings perenne: ARMATURE L992), ‘cuP PINION wee onve “se “we RA PD 312141 sy Brushes. Tf the brushes are worn down to ¥4 ther original fingth (Par. 120), replace. Make sure that the pati Wey (where ie fasten Gesembly) are tight in the brushes ead thay clips He fastened well to the leads, Sirov'h SPrings. The brush springs must have suficient tension ter the ig BORE Pressure between the brushes andl conten carmen at $8 assembled. ‘Check by placing the wre and Pace the preneg aine fo8ether in their normal operating meee’ sec, brushes in their holders with the springy ia tees that piatension of the brushes against the commucere ern be measured ihe spring gage. Replace springs if the tension not con f., Bearings. Replace plain bearings, if wom, Wear win not be re Bell Cerne ae which sustains the greatest thrust duty oe ee icra earn that roll roughly of sloppily are defect replace. Perse, clean ball bearings, if not of seaked type, ke rotating them 189 Figure 132—Di led View of Cranking Motor Shown IsassembI king Mot: igure 132—Di: the t serviceable separately and defective field coils require -y are not serviceable te acti of felon teen ee con ae v1 pieasemble Drive End Head Assemblyy Pres ot ld bush F ushing can be pressed into place. ing if it s worn s0 a new bushing Ps 116. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS, eral: Alter diamembly, clean and, caine all parts and replace defective parts The procedure of ceaning and. fap is given in the following paragraphs. parts is gi rae TM 9.18254, laa ™ 9.18254, MW ‘ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) in dry-cleaning solvent, drying them with air, and immediately relubricating them with ball bearing grease. Do not attempt to clean sealed ball bearings but replace them if defective, Where plain bear- ing is lubricated by a wick, drill oil lead in side for oil wick after installation of new bearing and before machining to size. Remove all cuttings and install new wick. g. Brush Holders. If the brush holders, stop or hinge pins, are bent, warped, cracked, burned or otherwise damaged, replace, h. Miscellaneous. Replace any defective insulator, screw, washer, lead, stud, plate, ete. Cracked, bent, worn, burned insulators, or washers are defective. Studs or screws which are bent, battered, broken, or which have crossed or damaged threads, are defective. Leads which have broken strands or frayed insulation are defective Group -ERANKING MOTORS LESS DRIVE MECHANISM and with pote shoe screw Face PON hee sewer (17), tihton pote soe screws Place washer, insulating washer, and two bushes on icone ee and inset stid through hole in fed fame Piges on ezine stud, lating washer, flat washer, lock washer, ea aa, Solder coil leads to terminal stud, * iu Teck washers, aut b. Assemble Commutator Ene b. Assemble End Head. &. Assemble Bendix Drive, if U: endix Drive, if Used. Install armature. Install Bendix parts Steve Gagestall Bendix pert as follows: cup, drive end head on antidrift spring ‘and ve screw sleeve, thrust wash spring weve ive pinion . washer, meshing. sprin mee lve sing sring spacing collar, and that net See ae Di. Hold armature in soft jaws of vse during serene 117. REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Armature. Conditions in the armature requiring repair are: (1) Commuraror Wor, Dirty, or Rouox. If the commutator is worn, dirty, rough, out-cf-round, has high mica, filled slots, or bumed ‘spots, place the armature in a lathe and’ turn down ‘the commutator (fig. 23). Make cut no deeper than necessary. If it is necessary to turn commutator down so much that the ends of the eegmenta are Jeon than Vy inch thick, discard armature oince the segments would be too thin to have sufficient strength. Undercut mica Yo inch (fig. 24). @) ARMATURE OPEN. Some bars badly burned, with other bars fairly clean, indicates an open circuited armature. The open will usually be found at the commutator riser bars and is often a result of excessively long cranking periods which overheat the unit and cause the connections to become bad. Thrown solder is evidence of this condition. Repair by resoldering leads in riser bars (using 8 rosin flux) and turning down commutator. NOTE: Some armature! are of a welded construction with leads welded to the riser bars, and they cannot be resoldered. 1b, Fields. Conditions in the field windings requiring repair are: (1). Derecrive INSULATION, If the insulation is charred, or worn away, s0 the field coils are, or could become, grounded, repair may sometimes be made by rewrapping the coils. This operation must be executed with care and neatness, since excessive bulkiness of the tape will prevent reassembling the windings under the pole shoes in the Place field frame in position so magnetic £. Attach magnetic switch, wine netic switch, where used, with screws a hers, Connect connector to cranking motor tenminaeen® ™ J0ek 19. TESTS, Follow testing procedure outlined in paragraph 114 e. Rotation No-toap rest (or)__Amps Volts RPM Amps vets 73 324 36-40 9% 02336800 wl prevent rein th wings und the ol a 3 . wes = c. Plain Beas. Whey now pi bearings ae fstacd, nef te Sey Rey ae ese Bias Deze, en, ites € ROE Ste Soe 5. 000 4003.34. 8 M0685 CC tas 75 a8 pong * Chose snd comnteroceie C Clockwise rotation viewing dri oe CC Counterockwite rotation viewog ate end 191 118. ASSEMBLY OF CRANKING MOTOR. 50 6118 a, Assemble Field Frame (fig. 130). Place field coils in positi in frame with pole shoes, insert pole shoe spreader (fig. 25), tighten! 190 TM 9-1825A TM 9-1825A 121-123 120 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE CHAPTER 5 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) CRANKING MOTORS (Cont'd) 1) fgg Section tl |b + 3135'S GROUP II-CRANKING MOTORS USING BENDIX DRIVE 53 Description iat glia Cleaning nepcction, and text i B)3 Disesseribly 13 gEE Ee Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 124 ere Repl of pons bs gi 22: Assembly of cranking motor D6 Liaii te i ee Trot date and tlroncee is Llids BE 121. DESCRIPTION. a] 5 2 28 3 8. Cranking motors in this group use a Bendix drive with standard Heese! smovnting and drive arrangement, Thete mayor mee net hen 28595 bearing. Some have a magnetic switch mounted on the hela hanes . others have @ manual switeh or terminal on the Bald frame Chige tas H},?.,, ‘through 135), i 3 og 3 122. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. ‘ 8. Cleaning. Refer to paragraph 114 a ¥| 0 zo b. Inspection. Refer to paragraph 114 b. S|! 3 Test. Refer to paragraph 114 e i eke 123. DISASSEI Y. : ile § gee ASSEMBLY. i i Wlee bes 4 Disassembly into Main Subassemblies (fig. 134, a eae a (2) Detach magnetic switch, where present, by disconnecting 3 35 538 connector and removing attaching cerems aoatlale sags @) Detach commutator end head by taking off cover band, g Re dil RlEg 488 disconnecting field coil leads from brushes, and then removing i beakal Hla d bag through bolts. When necessary, tap the commutator end head Tents zB Gl as Bla g $83 With a soft hammer to loosen it Remove thrust water ety i Fe] ii Present, from end of armature shaft. Eg SGhes 22 938 2] Detach fetd frame from drive housing Beakdad aoa sae & |G Detach center bearing, where present, from drive housing by : | eonne g J femoving screws, releasing drive housing from armature and Bendy Z 23 crive assembly. = 223 E 2 |? 2 a08 J" Jf, Place armature in soft jows of vie, Bend down tang of ts BRR: washer and unscrew Bendix drive head attaching sere Site Bene 192 “ 193. nH XIPUOR HIM s010W BupyUDs9 Jo morn polquiossosiq—pe1 o4nb4 evizic aa vr aAlua xiang aunivway TM 9-1825A, 123 , navassy Salta onve ov N08 MHL BADD yStvtNos GROUP II-CRANKING MOTORS USING BENDIX DRIVE ‘Sata xIpuod YIM 40L0W BupjuDsD Jo Mo1A JoUCHIeS—EE1 OmnBIy ‘ova ana “= | auviaawiaint ania ontavas maw Nivid a ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 194 anuvway ios emu ves womunwo> TM 9-1825A, 123 TM 9.18254, 123-126 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) drive off shaft. Remove Woodruff key and slip off center bearing, if present, Disassemble Bendix drive further, if required, by removing other drive spring attaching screw after bending down tang of lock ‘washer. Discard lock washers since the tang lock washer must not be used again, b. Disassemble Commutator End Head. Refer to paragraph 45 b, ~ ¢. Disassemble Field Frame. Refer to paragraph 115 e. HEAD SPRING. 7 SHAFT SPRING ScREW ‘screw Lock ye WASHER = (GEAR AND SHAFT pave ASSEMBLY Figure 135—Bendix Drive, Disassembled d. Disassemble Drive Housing. Press out old bushing if it is worn and press new bushing into place. 124. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 116. 125. REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 117. 126. ASSEMBLY OF CRANKING MOTOR. . Assemble Field Frame. Refer to paragraph 118 a. b. Assemble Commutator End Head. Refer to paragraph 118 h 196 TM 9-1825A 126-128 GROUP II-CRANKING MOTORS USING BENDIX DRIVE & Assemble Bendix Drive, Place armature in soft jaws of vise. Using new tang lock washers, install center bearing, if used, Wood, raf keys, and Bendix drive on armature shaft, Secure with attaching d. “Attach center bearing, where present, to drive housing with ferews and lock washers, after placing armature shaft and. drive assembly into housing, fe. Place field frame into position, followed by commutator end ‘ad. Lift brushes up over commutator as commutator is brought into position. Secure assembly with through bolts, Attach field coil leads to brushes. f. Attach magnetic switch, where present, with screws and con: rect connector. ~ ‘TESTS. a. Refer to paragraph 114 €. 128, TEST DATA AND TOLERANCI a. Test Data, wth ocx rest Model Yention NO-LOAD TEST a (ex)" Amps Volts RPM Ampe—Vetis a BG ts 655.0 gto) 570 sas as FR C228 6S 5.0000 57038 as iT C2428 655.0 6000570 38a mz C428 655.0 60005703584 uorm2 © 228 6s 5.0 S000 525337 a uomsa CC 24-28 6S 5.0 S000 528 37a uo7mo oe 59 6000 S70 318 a5 norms 6 50 60005703455 ors 6 50 600 sro 315 a5 no7s0 oc 6 50 6o00 5703455, noms 6 1135 6000 45075 as noes c 6 1135 6000 450 75s 0795 6 50 6000 600350 ag sss 6 1135 6000 450 73s C Clockwise rotation viewing drive end, CC Counterclockwise rotation viewing drive end, 197 TM 9.18254 Mee aost ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE CHAPTER 5 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) CRANKING MOTORS (Cont'd) SRGLLPTT ERSTE section Iv Hyereisaisaegas cto SESSSESssesess GROUP III-CRANKING MOTORS—HEAVY-DUTY TYPE 23s 3 3333338528 heroeph gguggggeeguses Description 129 S33333 98888883 Cleaning, inspection, and test 130 geegedecaoadas Disassembly 131 abuuebbadiiah) Cleaning inspection, and test of parts ba EeGgggeageaans Repair of parts 133 esceccscose Assembly of cranking motor 134 Tests 135 Test data and tolerances 136 § 88 8888 ts oie 333 129, DESCRIPTION. zy PVVVIB Ee ee ag a, Cranking motors in this group are of the heavy-duty type, used $ 33 3233 aa larger displacement engines. They use heavy-auty wie Beni: hives, ‘ether of the coil spring or spring-loaded clutch type end contain a center bearing to help support the armature shack Sone have a ball bearing in the commutator end. Some use s magene j a ge ag8g sultch mounted on the field frame, while others use a nantal sates Haqp rir zi esi gees . SPECT 5 a'ge'gee8 130, CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. i 3 23 3333 ‘Refer to paragraph 113, 131. DISASSEMBLY. bbebbthhbhent % Disassembly Into Main Subassemblies (fig 136) 238338888 888e8 (1) Detach commutator end head by removing cover band, dis- gegeseegeeeues foamecting field coil leads from brush holders, and removing corn 5 ZPLTLLIGIIIIET tutor end head attaching screws and commutnoon wea oe 7 SeeSSeesseesss necessary, tap commutator end head lightly with a soft hammer to i EEggegegeaghes loosen if. Remove thrust washer, where present, from armature shart, a (2) Remove magnetic switch, where present, 5 (Detach field frame assembly by removing attaching screws eeugeeeeugzeey and slippirg assembly off 2 ot] Fg/SSSSES8S 888888 (@) “Detach drive housing by removing sorews attaching center 3 ‘i 5 SSTTITIFIIITIE bearing to drive housing Hg a BESSRSRERER EES (5) Detach Bendix drive and center beating (par. 128 a (5)) zguas So332222928932 b, Disassembly of Commutator End Head (fg, 137), pital (1) Remove brush attaching screws, lock washers, and brushes, Eg oaeee oh Detach brush springs by catching straight section with pliers bed asaeeee sd lifting ¥ : aguas {i7])88289289983292 {3 Remove ball or plain hearing by removing end cover attach- : SEE[ aaa aa eaaaas ing screws and end cover, and pressing out in arbor prow Rennes é cnseweue bearing space washer. where present, % axcvegeegseege © Disassemble Field Frame (fig. 138). Disassembly procedure a ] JBBERSESSESESES [JP & similar to that outlined in paragraph 115 e, except that eee ee z RERRRRRREE lune six pole shoes, six field coils, and 12 pote shoe cerean 18 199 TM 9-1825A 131 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) 200 Figure 136—Heavy-duty Type TM 9.18254 132-134 I-CRANKING MOTORS—HEAVY-DUTY TYPE \G, INSPECTION, AND TEST OF PARTS, a. Refer to paragraph 116, 133. REPAIR OF PARTS. a. Refer to paragraph 117. 134, ASSEMBLY OF CRANKING MOTOR. a. Assemble Field Frame. Refer to paragraph 118 a b. Assemble Commutator End Head. Install space washer and hearing and secure with cover plate, screws, and lock washee Tana bau, BEARING RETAINER conmuTaToR rus rust RA po 12146 Figure 137—Disassembled View of Commutator End Head Used in Cranking Motor Shown in Figure 136 brushes, secure with ser in place. Assemble Drive Refer to paragraph 126, "ews and lock washers and put brush springs and Center Bearing to Armature Shaft. ing to drive housing with screws and lock fathers. Thread safety wire through holes in serew heads ant rock «ads together. Sinertttch field frame to drive housing with screws and lock washers. F. efount magnetic switch, where used, to field frame and connect connector. & Attach commutator end head fae ers chaft; with screws and lock washers. Connect held coat ads to brust holders and put cover band in place 201 after replacing thrust washer on TM 9-1825A, TM 9.18254, 135-196 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE 136 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (DELCO-REMY) GROUP II-CRANKING MOTORS—HEAVY-DUTY TYPE BE ey & z § Fa 5 a 5 To fgg Zia § gee ° g Be a a8 a i ie Ht Ew WO 5 ro SHE, 38 SW i —_—ore—— er g i | Th 3 a7 NV. 3 0000 EEEEJO0000™ |. et = 3 z 2 1. Ga Ga GED wal a i Pa g 38 fat é ee ee rages roses || Pe i : ST ro ane iS im 3 3 Figure 138-Disassembled View of Feld Frame Used In : Cranking Motor Shown In Figure 136 Whi z 135, TESTS. I i 8 5 Refer to paragraph 114 6 mmeetyN' y § 186, TEST DATA AND TOLERANCES. $ mall & § s 2 | \| ‘a. Test Data, z on } aT PE" | $ Medel “Ratetion No-L0A0 Test a3 _ = ‘Amps Volts RPM Amps Volts ft-lb» ao 1 | : aE ona so asa pt 3 mS fon ie ie fe | : oS S Ho 88 fe os B 3 é Bs 5 bb im Bo 3 ; mg Bou es 2 é g mg 1B he Se i 5 2 § gS nb fae ie 8 2 wi Sco ETS Sm & 83 li) s : wees «= ES ego. Teo a ASo0 G70 2 ° 5 nage § TES Sean Sto é Bee 3 é nme § Sk Moo ato 2 — 2 iss Gee Be Be ge z 3 ie 6 ES 8 GS BS é i i Be a © Clockwise rotation viewing drive end, (CC Counterciockwise rotation viewing drive end. 202 203 TM _9-1825A TM 9-1825A, 137-139 136 CHAPTER 5 NANCE MAINTENANCE . arena Se enn GRANKING MOTORS ‘conta g 228 Section V azigeassiiiss gas i § : deiige? GROUP IV—CRANKING MOTORS—HEAVY-DUTY TYPE geESgeese segs WITH GEAR REDUCTION S282 h288s853 — 38, 88888,5.88 Description 137 Segeheaeeggss Cleaning, inspection, and test 138 BEieeeeiiades Disassembly 139 EES 222 2238228 Cleaning, inspection, and test of parts 140 sasaaneeaa Repair of parts 141 gRERRERERE SSR Assembly of cranking motor 102 | SShhbbeesagas Tests 143 | SESS E5553 855 Test data and tolerances 4 EEEEEREEES EES 137, DESCRIPTION. gieeiziiieg2: Cranking motors inthis group are the same as cranking motors SS55555555555 in group III with the exception that they all have a gear reduction Beeeehennede (figs. 140 and 141). This requires a diferent disassembly and assembly SSEREELERREES Procedure, eeeeerraress' geese hane3 28 138. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TEST. “* . es a. Refer to paragraph 114. U glidrrrrdaaa Ek 139, DISASSEMBLY. / Pl a ae 4 Disassembly Into Main Subassemblies (fig. 140). : * 2} ¢ : — @) Detach commutator end head (par. 131 a (1)) | i |g i EE @) Detach magnetic switch, where present a “ali dd pire (3) Detach drive housing by removing attaching screws and 5 g 55 tapping drive housing away {rom gear housing with a soft herons | 3 Remove drive shaft with gear and Bendix drive from drive beter He stl gleseeegeggegee (A) Detach gear housing by removing screws and lock washers g 8.8) tlegededegeeede and tapping housing away from field frame, Remove armature frare g s{Eee 8 Pike R R288 522 housing. Where gear is detachable from armature, take off two nuts, BE deed] B/SSSULPSES ESSE gear and Woodruff keys before separating armature and housing E fant? 3 Bp St thrust washer off shaft. Celeliiilegeggegzggggg i b. Disassemble Bendix Drive, Refer to paragraph 123 a (5) Zeggeag| MPSS eas as ses i : . eee 8 E0da8s jf Bf, Dissssemble Commutator End Head. Refer to paragraph gi aseeit gp oun. ae i|ssseeeebibiad FJ a. Disassemble Field Frame, Refer to paragraph 131 a genie: 205 204

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