Daily Interventions

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Patient (10a)

Visual Motor Skills & Postural Control:

- Visual Motor & FM:
Visual Closure-Provide patient theract to
connect dots with HOH A
Visual Motor & FM: rubber band on
cupcake tin, hair band on cylinder
Trace name with pom poms (grade up
with tweezers)
- Postural Control:
Provide patient scapular retraction while
coloring to increase postural stability and
increase opposition with dynamic tripod
Prone propped on elbows while
participating coloring activity or FM
activity (frogs, pegs) object manipulation
(stacking cones, legos)
- Postural Control & Visual Motor Skills:
Position patient seated on dynamic
surface (peanut ball) with cones
positioned at right side.
Demonstrate theract- grasp cone
from right side, reposition to
midline, utilize B integration to
grasp cone with left hand, place
cone gently to left side
Grade down: place cone at each
side and demo reciprocal lateral
trunk flexion to knock over cone
Place cone at each side and demo
reciprocal lateral trunk flexion
placing cone in therapists hand in
all directions ( grade down-in front
of patient)
Grade up: grasp colored pegs from
right side, reposition to seated
position at midline, utilize B
integration to grasp peg with left
hand, place peg gently to left side
Reverse direction beginning at
midline and transitioning to lateral
Quadraped position
stacking legos or blocks within

separating pegs by colors

obstacle course to touch light
Patient (24)

Neuromuscular retraining:
- Facilitate//Inhibit Response
Position bed in semi reclined position with table
top placed in front patient
Stimulate a sensory response using
modalities to facilitate a stereognosis
assessment [(temperature, pain,
vibration) (tactile-shapes, objects)]
Provide patient a wash cloth in left hand
with HOH A to facilitate a response and
participate in BADL
Position ball at table top & provide UE
HOH A to facilitate B integration
Facilitate auditory response by playing
music or turning on TV
HOH A to draw shapes, letters on white
board to trigger visual motor response
- Splinting
Right resting hand splint

Patient (5)

Visual Motor Task with vestibular movement

Provide patient a visual motor task given
vestibular and proprioceptive input while seated
on a dynamic surface to increase attention to
o Rocking horse, while popping bubbles
o Scooter board to knock over cones
o Therapy peanut ball while placing frogs
laterally on blue/yellow static surface
o Therapy peanut ball while reaching for
o Quadraped position on therapy mat with
simplified obstacle course to touch 1 light
Provide patient with oral motor tactile input
while participating in UBD/LBD
o Chewy toy

Patient (11)

Bed Mobility
Utilize sheet technique to facilitate leg lift with

Educate client on utilizing UE tricep extension
while semi reclined and supine in bed to assist
with bed mobility

Dressing techniques
(Positioned at EOB)
Bring left leg up Don/Doff sock
Educate and train patient with sock aid to don
right sock
Train patient to utilize dorsal side of L foot to
elevate R LE, thread R LE in clothing utilizing
compensatory techniques (hemi dressing)
Grooming Activities EOB
Wash face
Brush teeth
Comb hair
Patient (7)


Patient (2)

sidelying, sidelying propped on elbow, EOB if
vitals are stable
Seated EOB, lateral weight bearing activities provided
visual stimuli to initiate visual motor response and
increase UE development
Position table top to participate in activity and
increase postural control//head control

Patient (1a)

& Dysmetria (overshoot and undershoot)

Finger Twister
Connect 4 while positioned at different angles or
on dynamic surface
Functional Mobility with appropriate
cognitive response
Obstacle Course
Red Light Green Light

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