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The Arcana of Light on the Path


Within this book, 1 John Barnwell has
revealed the hidden harmony that exists
between the 22 Major Arcana of the
Tarot and the 22-fold stanza structure of
the epic meditative text Light on the
Path.2 And, by using this esoteric canon
of numbers as a bridge leading from
Anthroposophia ("the wisdom of
becoming human"), to Theosophia ("the
wisdom of God") he has revealed
further light to illuminate the pathway
toward self-initiation. The Arcana of
Light on the Path follows his first
book The Arcana of the Grail Angel;3
and demonstrates a seamless continuity
in his understanding of some of the most
difficult and recondite subjects.
Furthermore, The painstaking care he
has exhibited in his systematic
organization of a coherent and
developmental sequence for a plethora
of esoteric concepts, shows clearly how
such concepts are derived from universal
immutable laws, and is evidence of his
indebtedness to the Masters of "Arcane
Wisdom". Although, in doing this, he
1 Barnwell, John. The Arcana of Light on the
Path: The Star Wisdom of the Tarot and
Light on the Path. Bloomfield Hills:
Verticordia Press, 2000.
2 Collins, Mabel. Light on the Path. London:
George Redway, 1888.
3 Barnwell, John. The Arcana of the Grail

Angel: The Spiritual Science of the Holy

Blood and of the Holy Grail. Bloomfield

does not add to that which has been

given; nor does he subtract from its
profound aphoristic simplicity; but
rather, he does what few students of
esoteric discipline can do he
articulates the implicit hidden structure
of its wisdom content, and then places it
within the context of each aspirants
The linking of the 22 Major Arcana of
the Tarot, to the numerical sequence of
the aphoristic thoughts found within
Light on the Path, is an ingenious
hermetic approach; which enables the
imaginative world of symbolic language
to fuse into the inspirational stream of
the "Masters of Wisdom and of the
Harmony of Sensations and Feelings";
and thereby, sight and hearing may be
enhanced for the student upon the path.
It is, however, not given explicitly. For
the student must endeavor to train their
powers of observation in order to see
the laws working in both the universe,
and the individual human life as they
are concealed within the symbolic
imagery of the Tarot. They must also
learn to hear the inaudible word behind
each word spoken by the Master. To do
this, the student must forego reliance
upon the intellect's capacity to merely
group and fix ideas into categories.
Instead, they must open the "hallway"
between the ear and the heart and
walk through it empty, and full of

Hills: Verticordia Press, 1999.

unknowing until the living word of

conscience seizes every timbre of their
being. If this effort is properly and
consistently applied, then sight and
hearing may be lifted up into the realms
of the supersensible. For thereby, these
senses become transformed into new
faculties of soul. And the mature student
will, no doubt, realize how indispensable
such faculties are for orienting oneself to
the pleroma of Spiritual Beings who are
awaiting one across the threshold. This
orientation is neither spatial nor
temporal; but rather it serves to
anchor one's consciousness in the eternal
mission of humanity.
In Barnwell's "Prologue", this mission
is referred to as the "building of the
Temple of Man", and is symbolically
represented by the 22 Major Arcana of
the Tarot. For within each arcanum,
there is encoded a facet of the archetypal
human being (Adam Kadmon), as
presented by means of the realm of
space the manifest visible world; and
yet, its deeper meaning can only be
found by one symbol's relationship to
another, one card's relationship to
another within the context of both
space and time, beneath the timeless
expanse of the Eternal.
The Tarot, as a "book", can be read as
the ever changing story of the evolution
of humanity. For within this "little
book", the past, present, and future are
mirrored, and set within a deeply
meaningful spatial-pictorial "hologram".
Although it must be the active mind of
the student which animates the image,
and liberates it from a fixed point in
space to a potential journey in time.
Once done, the student is able to identify
his consciousness with that which
Barnwell calls the "Noble Traveler".

The inspirational words found

within Light on the Path are timeless
teachings which can only be
understood by a full immersion within
the present; i.e., into a state of
consciousness which is able to
experience the presence of the Master.
Barnwell cites Rudolf Steiners
identification of Hilarion as the Master
behind this classic initiation text (a fact
first noted by H.P. Blavatsky); and
furthermore, he notes the indications of
Rudolf Steiner as to how this adept
played a leading role in the GraecoRoman Cultural Epoch (747- B.C.-1414
A.D.). Implicit in this reference is that
most significant of events, which
occurred during this period. For the
Christ-Logos, as the Divine "I Am",
incarnated into Jesus of Nazareth at the
Baptism, and entered into Earth
evolution through the Mystery of
Golgotha; and thereby, an individuated
consciousness was brought about within
humanity with the seed-potential to
unfold the "I Am" (Budhi, or LifeSpirit), the "Christ in you", and more
fully participate in the divinity of the
Logos without a loss of one's
individuality. In light of this, might it not
also be said that Hilarion's intimate
relationship to this time, and this deed,
makes his words of guidance
extraordinarily important to anyone who
might seek to evolve beyond the merely
mortal and temporal aspects of their
humanity? And so, what was transmitted
to Mabel Collins in 1884 can be thought
of as a means of preparation for all who
dare to be included amongst the
forerunners of the Age of Light, which
began in 1899.
Although initiatic teachings have a
particular relevance for the time in
which they are given. Their reemergence
throughout the ages, points to the

wisdom of timelessness a universally

spiritual quality which is present within
all stages of development. Light on the
Path is a perennial artistic masterpiece
of philosophia ("love of wisdom");
particularly, as it pertains to the spiritual
science of initiation. Few texts can
compare with its deeply-meditative
thought content. The intrinsic nature of
each thought is seed-like; and so, by
meditating upon an individual seedthought, and nurturing it with warmth of
soul the light concealed within the
seed-thought is revealed and gives
rise to something that is truthful and
prophetic concerning the path that
humanity travels. The inclusion of
Rudolf Steiners "Exegesis to Light on
the Path" emphasizes this point clearly.
Barnwell's good judgment to follow this
"Exegesis" with Rudolf Steiners
"Esoteric Meditations" is sure to be an
asset for the earnest student who seeks to
find "the Way, the Truth, and the Life",
and dedicate themselves thereby to the
path of becoming that is the royal
road of the "Noble Traveler".

Hilarion to Mabel Collins, should not be

underestimated. For meditative
concentration, upon these shards of
timeless wisdom, can activate the sixth
chakra (the "third eye" center; located at
the brow), and allow the seventh chakra
(the "crown" center; located at the
fontanel, or top of the head) to open up
to that which streams from the "Mother
Lodge of Humanity". It is experienced,
in the words of Rudolf Steiner, when
"the pineal gland becomes swathed in
golden threads of light raying from the
pituitary gland". It is then, that the
moment of illumination arrives and
the deep spiritual content of Light on the
Path becomes more than a mere text; but
rather, serves as a vehicle for the journey
"through the gates of gold" to meet the
Masters of the "Mother Lodge of

I can only say, with the utmost

sincerity, that only when the student has
suffered to despair the way of the
intellect will they be able to truly
appreciate the jewels to be found
within Light on the Path. Such a moment
of catharsis may lead the aspirant,
through serious and consistent practice
to an awakening of the fruits of
meditatively acquired knowledge. For
through this quiescent effort, the
regulation and subsequent
transformation of the Astral-Body can
take place; thereby, engendering into
one's aura the radiant light of the SpiritSelf (Manas) as the self-realized
consciousness of our divine "I Am".

Making the words of this Master

accessible to students upon the path, as
we enter a new millennium, is certainly a
deed worthy of sincere
acknowledgement and gratitude.
Barnwell does this, not by merely
republishing the text but by giving us
further clarification which confirms the
validity of the path today, as well as
affirming the possibility for each one of
us to embark upon it. In accomplishing
this challenging task, the virtues of
timelessness and succinctness have been
met by him in quite a unique manner.
His "Prologue" and "Fragmentary
History" can be read and reread for their
rich elucidation. Yet, there is another
facet of this book which must be
commended it is Barnwell's "Grail
Diagrams". For within each one of them
there is a condensation of wisdomknowledge that can easily occupy our
meditations for a lifetime.

The initiatic value of these

formulations, which were given by

Applying the same meditative

discipline to these "Grail Diagrams", that

is recommended for the study of

the Major Arcana, can yield equally
precious insights to the "Noble
Traveler". For the signs upon the
pathway will be made visible; and
thereby, the Grail mystery of the
"building of the Temple of Man", will
also God willing gradually
become realized before the illuminated
gaze of one's spiritual eye. And the
guide upon the path which leads to the
accomplishment of the "Temple of Man"
will be clearly recognized as
Anthroposophia the harmonious
embodiment of human wisdom. This
spiritual path, which ultimately ascends
through the crown chakra to the glory of
the immeasurable, ineffable Divine
Kingdom of the Godhead, is the very
essence of Light on the Path.
To explicate what lies within these
pages, volumes of research and literature
would need to be mentioned. However,
such a task is not only unnecessary
but would undermine the esoterically
crafted diagrams' true value. To the
seeker of merely categorical knowledge,
these diagrams may be mistaken for
absolute truths; but, for the one who
meditatively acquires a love for their
dynamic orchestration of living cosmic
thoughts, they will become an occult
"compass" into virtually all conceivable
pathways into the higher worlds. Such a
treasure "is worth its weight in gold",
and no "Noble Traveler" should set out
upon the path without a genuine respect
for its potential to orient consciousness
in realms transcending space and time.
For these "Grail Diagrams" offer us a
western esoteric formulation, as a
counterpart to the mandalas of the East
to serve as tools for enhancing our
meditative practice, by developing a
capacity for "thinking into" the language
of the Spirit, which will enable one to

find a balanced mood of soul in

preparation for becoming filled by the
light of wisdom. "Attend you to them",
and be ever mindful of the Light on the

COPYRIGHT William Bento

and John Barnwell - 2000

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