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Curriculum Lesson Plans

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Friday, March 20th: Introduction to Perspective

School: Albert M. Greenfield School
Grade: Kindergarten
Subject: Literacy
Time Frame: 9:00-9:40am
Goals and Objectives
Students will be able to: understand the meaning of seeing an event or
situation from different perspectives.
retell events from a story from the perspective of two different characters.
articulate in writing a previous experience related to a given topic.

CC.1.2.K.A: With prompting and support, identify the main idea and retell key
details of text.
CC.1.4.K.B: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to focus on
one specific topic
CC.1.4.K.W: With guidance and support, recall information from experiences
or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
CC.1.5.K.A: Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in
small and larger groups
CC.1.4.K.C: With prompting and support, generate ideas and details to
convey information that relates to the chosen topic.

Materials and Preparation

Perspective mind map
Its Not Fair by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Student journals
Classroom Arrangement and Management
Arrangement: For parts 1 and 2, students will be on a square rug on
which each student has a pre-determined spot. Students are facing teacher
who has chair and whiteboard in front center of rug. For part 3, students will
be at tables with 5-6 students at each table in their predetermined seats.
Management: Upon sitting reminding students to have pretzel legs,
syrup hands, and peanut butter lips. Student who are not facing
forward/talking/calling out during conversion will be reminded by the

Curriculum Lesson Plans

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mention of their name and asked to check that they are being a good
listener, and/or will be reminded as others who are participating will be
praised. Students not raising hands will not be called on, and when those
raising hands are called on, teacher will remark Thank you for raising you
1) Priming the lesson/activating prior knowledge (10 min)
a. Explain to students that this coming week and the week after we
will be focusing on how to look at things in more than one way.
The way to look at something is called a perspective
b. Stand up and talk with partner about what perspective means
for 2 minutes. Remember, when sharing with someone else, you
need to make sure both of you get a moment to talk. I will let you
know when you have 1 minuet left and should make sure you
switch who is talking. When we finish, I will ask you to share what
your partner said. Does anyone have questions?
i. Answer any questions
c. Give 1 minuet reminder
d. Count down from 5 to bring back
e. Lets hear from some people about what their partner said
about perspective. I will add what we say to our mind map
f. Take about 5 student answers, depending on time
i. Areas to hit: also called point of view, each persons is
different, a way to look at something (closer, far, above,
below, different angles), can be an opinion or feeling (like
or not like, fair or not fair, good or bad)
2) Providing and discussing example (10 min)
a. I have a book that will help us understand perspective. It is
called Its Not Fair! Raise your hand if something has happened
to you that wasnt fair.
i. Take 1-2 examples
b. As we read this book, I want you to think about what the two
people on each page are thinking. Think about their perspective
what they think or how they feel about each situation. When
were done, we will talk about what you think. Lets see if any of
the situations you talked about come up in this book.
c. Read book, pointing out title, author, illustrator, cover, spine
d. Give pause time after each situation, sprinkling in some Imagine
in your mind what does this person feel? What does this other
person feel?
e. At conclusion, go through 2-3 scenarios, taking 2 student
thoughts for each
i. For each ask: who thought this was fair? Who thought it
wasnt fair? Who do you agree with? Why?
ii. Record thoughts on whiteboard as discussed

Curriculum Lesson Plans

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3) Application to student experience (20 min)

a. In our journals today, write about the time you experienced
something that wasnt fair. Write from your perspective. Your
perspective means what you thought and felt. What happened?
How did you feel? Remember, we are writing 2 or more
sentences in our journals, so if I only see one sentence I will have
you go back and add more details.
b. Call helpers to get out markers and pencils
c. Call tables to return to seats to do journals
d. As finished, students bring up journals to teachers desk to
ensure that they were on topic. If so, each gets a start on their
journal. If not, they correct any errors after a short conference
with the teacher.
4) Closing
a. As students finish, they will be able to have choice time until
Show and Tell, which begins at 10am. Choice time options are:
reading books in the library, free drawing/writing, or doing a
Assessment of Goals and Objectives
Formal Assessment: Journal entry speaking to topic, students have 2 or more
sentences and drawing.
Informal Assessment: Ideas about what perspective means, retelling of
characters perspectives
Teacher circulating as students write journal entries
Providing choice: Students are able to choose any situation they deem
appropriate and illustrate, write in any way.
For students who find the work too challenging: Provide support in
pinpointing situation to write about by prompting students to think about the
details of a situation, focusing on senses. What did it sound like? What did
the peoples faces look like? How did you feel?
For students who find the work easy/finish early: Writing additional
sentences to add more detail to the entry (i.e. who else was involved? What
did you do afterwards? What did you say to the person? Where were you
when this happened?), re-writing words spelled incorrectly to reinforce
phonemic awareness

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