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Lauren Kryfko

Red Oak ISD

Feb 19th- Feb 27th 2015
Art 1:
117.52. Art, Level I(3)(B) describe general characteristics in artworks from a variety of cultures
(2)(C) demonstrate effective use of art media and tools in design, drawing,
painting, printmaking, and sculpture
Art 2:
117.53. Art, Level II(3)(B) analyze specific characteristics of artworks in various cultures
(2)(C) select from a variety of art media and tools to communicate specific
ideas in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, fiberart, jewelry,
photography/filmmaking, and electronic media-generated art
Art 3:
117.54. Art, Level III(2)(B) solve visual problems and develop multiple solutions for designing
ideas, clarifying presentations, and evaluating consumer choices, using
design skills
(3)(A) study a selected period, style, or movement in art
Art 4:
117.55. Art, Level IV
(1)(A) create themes for personal artworks that integrate a broad range of
visual observations, experiences, and imagination
(2)(A) produce an original body of artwork that integrates information from a
variety of sources and demonstrates sustained, self-directed investigations
into specific themes
Art 1Thurs Feb 19-Fri Feb 27: Sketchbook Activities (1 st 10 mins of class)
Thurs Feb 19: Intro to Mandala Project
Thurs Feb 19-Fri Feb 27: Mandala Project (Due Fri, Feb 27 th)
Drawing 2 & 3Thurs Feb 19-Fri Feb 27: Sketchbook Activities (1st 10 mins of class)
Thursday Feb 19- Intro to Zendala Project
Thurs Feb 19-Fri Feb 27: Zendala Project (Due Friday March 6th)
APMonday-Friday Continue to work on Breadth pieces (Breadth due Feb 27 th)

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