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Comparing ATLAS.ti 7.5 and ATLAS.

ti for Mac
ATLAS.ti 7.5

ATLAS.ti for Mac


Supported Data Types

Text (txt, rtf, doc, docx, odt)

ATLAS.ti for Mac also supports OpenOffice (odt) files.

PDF (text and image)

Coming soon: continuos scroll, page spanning quotations

Full Unicode support


All formats that QuickTime can play


All formats that QuickTime can play, Windows Media files are currently not supported by ATLAS.ti for Mac

Geo data

Coming soon

Survey data

Coming soon

Associated documents (A-Docs)

Coming soon

Creating / importing transcripts

Coming soon

Document area with margin

Improved display of codes, memos and hyperlinks in margin area.


You find a new pane on the right-hand side: the inspector. The inspector displays all information related to a
selected object. Improved search options.

Navigator (fly out window on the left-hand side)

Can also be used to access memos


Optional pane on the right-hand side displaying information about the currently selected object, e.g. code
comment, code group, all linked objects (quotations, code, memos). Comments can be edited, all linked
objects can be accessed.

Multiple document windows

Multiple documents in one window

Memos and networks can also be added side-by-side next to related documents. You can also split the
screen horizontally, or both horizontally and vertically.

Language: english
Language: spanish, german
Working With Documents
Creating transcripts

coming soon

Rich Text editing

coming soon

Print with margin

Working With Audio And Vidoe Files
Zoomable waveform

Very smooth navigation


Millisecond / subframe precision in selecting segments and generating preview images in videos

Quotations of all file formats show handles
Easy resizing by moving start or end position
Full length quotation display in Quotation
Highlighting all text segments that have been
marked as quotation or coded
Codes And Coding
Free codes
Open coding
In-Vivo coding
Quick coding

Coming soon

Coding via drag and drop

Creating, writing, grouping memos

Memos can be displayed next to / above or below a related document or network view.

Miscellaneous feature and output

Families / Groups
Families for documents, codes & memos

Families are called groups in ATLAS.ti for Mac. This will also be the case in future Windows versions.

Family / Group managers

Setting families as local filters
Creating super (smart) families

Only AND and OR queries in managers

Networks & Linking

Linking objects in margin area (code-code and
quotation-quotation links)
Creating hyperlinks within and across
Creating network views / importing or adding
objects via drag & drop
Networks: Create code and memo groups
Networks: import neighbors
Networks: import co-occuring codes
Networks: semantic layout
Networks: Circular and grid layout
Networks: Thumbnail images for PDs
Networks: Individual configurable settings and
display options
Networks: Exporting as graphic file / copy to
Word Cloud
Word Cruncher
Simple Boolean queries

In Quotation Manager and soon in Code Manager as well

Query Tool
Code Co-occurrence Table
Code Co-occurrence Explorer
Codes-PD Table
Setting global filters
Creating super (smart) codes
Project reports for documents, quotations,
codes, memos, links

Equivalent to options provided by the XML Explorer in ATLAS.ti 7.5

Reports based on selected objects

Coming soon

Global search
Project explorer
Preference settings
Team Support
Shared libraries
Merge projects
User management

Creating user accounts possible / will be extended when full team support is implemented.

Projects from ATLAS.ti for Windows usable in

ATLAS.ti for Mac
Projects from ATLAS.ti for Mac usable in
ATLAS.ti for Windows

Will be implemented with ATLAS.ti 8 (June 2015).

Data Exchange
Export project

Mac projects can be exchanged between Macs

Import iPad project

Pending update for iPad app

Import Android project

coming soon

XML export
SPSS export
Other imports/exports
Getting Started Guide
Full manual
Video tutorials
General Features
Undo / Redo
Full Unicode support

Coming soon

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