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Vas a ser maestro/a de espaol!

You are going to be a Spanish teacher!

If you could be a Spanish teacher for a day what would you do? How would you teach your
students the vocab they needed to know? How would you make it stick?
In your groups you are going to plan a mini Spanish lesson to teach to the class. Your lesson must include
the following:

At least 5 new vocab terms to learn (these terms must all fit one theme. For example, they

could all be food vocab terms, household items, etc.).

2. An engaging activity to practice the new vocab (This is your chance to be creative and show me

how you want to learn and practice your vocab! Do you want to practice by playing a game,
worksheets, something else? On the day of your lesson you will be DOING this activity with the
3. Must be within 5-7 minutes long. I will cut you off at the 7 minute point which could result in you

losing points if I have not seen all of your materials by that time.

Date Due: Presentations will begin on

**Note: If someone in your group is absent, you are still expected to present that day without them.
With that being said, make sure everybody knows the entire lesson.

Lesson plan guide

(Use this guide to help you plan your lesson)

Vocab theme ideas: ______________________________________


Actual chosen vocab theme: _______________________________

Vocab terms to teach:


Vocab Practice ideas: _____________________________________


Actual chosen practice Activity: ____________________________


Things to do: (Check these items off as they are completed)


5. ______________________________

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