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Dear UN CASA International Public Authority,

As you may know, the request for comment period closed one week ago with
respect to International Small Arms Control Standard (ISACS) 3.30 version 3.1 draft.
The attached letter of input was provided separately to Dr. Mc Carthy on Monday
this week with respect to the draft 3.30 and the ISACS project as a whole.
We are providing the attached as a courtesy since current internal ISACS documents
indicate your are an official party to the UN ISACS development process and acting
the capacity of an international public authority and are a subject, among other
things, to the UN Charter and UN Staff Rules and Regulations. As such, we wanted
to make sure you have appropriate knowledge and awareness of the contents of the
attached letter.
The original document was sent via email with courtesy copies provided to three
senior policy-making officials in the US Departments of State and the Justice.
Additional UN Member State representatives are being provided copies of the
attached separately. The attached file differs slightly from the email message sent
to Dr. Mc Carty: it has been reformatted to capture the names and offices of the
American officials mentioned above (email addresses removed), and contains minor
grammar changes in addition to one bracketed update inserted into endnote 3. Dr.
Mc Carthy is courtesy copied on this message, for his further knowledge and
This current email sent t you has also be sent to the other 149 CASA representatives
individuals listed in second document attached. If you are no longer or have never
actually been a party to the ISACS MSI development process, please let us know
with a quick reply to this effect no later the end of the day Tuesday 3 March (New
York City). Our intent is to have the most accurate information and we do not
want to publicly associate you with this project if in fact you are not party to it.
Your time and feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

The ISACS Accountability Project

Disclosure: The ISACS Accountability Project was launched earlier this month with
the provisional mission to help close the accountability gap with respect to the
development and implementation of the ISACS. It was launched as a spin-off nonfor-profit public service initiative of TSM Worldwide LLC. Our website is still a work
in progress but you can read the initial press release here:

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