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RUNNING HEAD: Unit 2 alterative

James Rutherford
Unit 2 Alternative Assignment

Unit 2 Alterative

Unit 2 Alternative Assignment

There are many different structures that bacteria have that help them become more
infectious. The surface structure, however, plays a very big role in the pathogenicity of the
bacteria. The surface components like the cell membrane, flagella, cilia, cell envelope, and
cytoplasmic region all contribute to the pathogenicity of the bacteria. All of these components
play a biological a role in protecting the cell, moving the cell, or creating more bacteria.
Bacteria surface components have many different jobs in aiding to the pathogenicity of
the bacteria. Permeability barriers help select what comes in and goes out of the cell. Adhesions
help it to stick to certain surfaces. Enzymes are used to create reactions on the surface for
protection. The surface also helps protect against phagocytosis from killing cells. Antigenic
disguises help the bacteria to bypass the hosts immune system. Endotoxins cause inflammation
in the host. Finally, the bacteria surface has sensing proteins that help it sense what its external
environment is like.
Bacteria also have appendages on its surface to help it in many ways. Flagella are made
up of proteins that extend outward and help the cell to move in a swimming motion. They may
also aide in movement toward something helpful or away from something harmful known as
chemotaxis. Pili are shorter than flagella but are also made up of proteins in the form of hair like
structures. Pili help bacteria slightly move and adhere to surfaces. Pili are also more numerous
than flagella. Bacteria also have an outer layer to the membrane called a capsule. There are
different types of capsules like glycocalyx, biofilm, and slime layers. All made up of
polysaccharides, the capsule helps protect the bacteria and also help it adhere to surfaces.

Unit 2 Alterative

The cell wall has different functions as well. The S-layer around the cell wall is made of
proteins and helps protect and also helps it to adhere to surfaces. The cell wall is the most
important part in protecting the bacteria from the external environment. Endospores are also
made to help protect the bacteria. When a bacteria turns into an endospore it is essentially resting
and show no sign of life. However, when given the right opportunity it may become active again.
Endospores are virtually indestructible protecting the bacteria against high temperatures and

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