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English Language Arts

Grades 6-8
Mr. G
Room: 107


Supply List
1 composition notebook
1 1inch binder (For any worksheets/reading given out during class)
1 packet of dividers for binder
Lined Paper
Folder with pockets (for homework/ and extra storage)
4 different colored highlighters


Class Rules
1. Follow all directions the first time they are given
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
3. Use appropriate language (no put downs, swearing, teasing)
4. Keep phones in book bags
5. Be respectful of yourself, the teacher, and classmates
6. The teacher dismisses you, not the bell


Classroom Behavior Expectations:

Students are expected to be:

Properly Dressed

Students are also expected to follow all class rules and expectations, and
each time they do not they will lose a letter grade on their conduct grade
for the day.
Bullying, name calling, or any action that makes any student feel unsafe or
unwelcome in my classroom is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. This year is
going to be very difficult, and in order for you to succeed it is important
that class time is not wasted with behavioral problems.


Grades will be broken down into the following weights*:
Assessments/Quizzes- 25%
Homework- 25%
Classwork- 25%
Vocabulary Assessments- 15%
Participation 10%
The following letter grading system will be used:
A: 90%-100%
B: 80%-89.99%
C: 70%-79.99%

D: 60%-69.99%
F: <60%
*Note that with consistent participation (i.e. not distracting others, and
trying your hardest), homework, and classwork (largely graded on effort)
you can receive a passing grade in my classroom.


Every week you will be expected to turn in:
Reading Log
Any work not completed in class


Major Projects
A variety of projects will be assigned throughout the school year, including
independent reading projects, thematic unit projects. Time will be given to
work on these during class. If there is an issue in completing an
assignment due to technical difficulties (i.e. not having a computer)
arrangements can be made with Mr.G to complete the assignment in
school. It is the students responsibility to make these arrangements prior
to the due date of the assignment.


Students will be assessed on their knowledge of the Florida Standards,
and any other content covered in class on a weekly basis. Additionally,
there will be unit assessments that will be given on a more variable basis,
but the student should expect at least 3 a grading period. Additionally, this
year marks the introduction of the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA),
which will be administered for Reading.


Make-up Policy
It is your responsibility to get make-up work when you are absent.
A student absent for any reason should promptly make up specific
assignments missed.
A student will be responsible to pick up make-up work from Mr. G
An excused student will have 48 hours from the day missed to
complete the make-up work without penalty.
Homework Ten points will be taken off for each day late.
I do not accept late class work when you are present.


Parent Conference
If a parent conference is desired, parents can reach me at 786-264-2276
from 7am-8:20am and 3:15pm-5pm Monday through Friday. I am also
available via email 24/7 at All emails will be
returned within 2 business days.
Parent Signature________________________________________

Student Signature_______________________________________

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