Fox Cribbs Observation

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Danielle Fox

Observation for CBG

Time: 9:25 See
Students at the carpet
respectfully sharing
ideas on how
improves mobility.

You have created a
respectful community
of learners. They are
willing to take risks
with their thinking.

Engagement: one
student had to act like
a robot and you were
giving directions to
him that he did not
see. You wanted him
to turn off the light
but he was unable to
do the task with your

Increased rigor with

the vocabulary
(iteration, program,

Can you work with
Sarah so she can
jump in and be
comfortable with
adding to your class

How is the managing

of people going in this
class? You have 3
additional adults and I
The incorrect direction am wondering if you
for Milo was a hook for find it difficult to
the kids that provided manage that as well
them a problem that
as the students.
they needed to solve.
They found it
Some students were
The students needed
engaging and were
still using the number
to improve the steps - able to come up with
of steps in order to
used the word
different solutions to
program their bots.
this problem.
What would you do
differently next time?
Students working in
The scratch website
two stations one was was really engaging
an example of the
for the students! I
people bot directions
even tried it out with
activity and the other them!
was a computer
There was built in
differentiation with
M.G. got upset but
both stations.
you were able to jump Students on the
in quickly and
computers were able
respectfully to get him to add additional
back on track.
programing once they
got the feel for the
I saw differentiation
website. The octopus
with W and B. They
eating scratch and the
were so successful
breakdancing cat

with your directions

that they were able to
create their own
person bot set of
Students were really
enjoying their station
and you had to gain
their attention in
order to have them
switch. You were able
to appropriately use
strategies to get them
back on task.
You pulled the
students back
together at the end of
class to tie the activity
back to your essential
question (How did this
relate to mobility?
How did this relate to
being able to move
freely and easily?).

were great to see!

This could have been
a difficult activity to
capture assessment
on, however you
found a way for the
students to engage in
writing a task that you
could use as proof of
their classwork for the

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