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A very Good Evening to our beloved teachers and my fellow friends.

Before we start our assembly, lets sing Negaraku and our school song
Cemerlang dan Bitara. Everyone, please look at the flag.
All teachers please sit down.
Now, I would like to invite _______________________________
to recite the Doa. Please welcome.
Then, I will invite _______________________________ to read
Ikrar Rukun Negara. Please Welcome.
All Teachers please sit down.
To proceed our assembly, I will invite Cikgu Linggi to give a speech.
Please welcome.
Thank you Cikgu Linggi. Now, I will invite ____________________
to read Ikrar Murid. Please welcome.
Before we end our assembly, lets sing Ibu Pertiwiku song. Everyone
please look at the flag.
Now, our assembly is dismiss. Thank you.

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