Copyofadv Proj Evaluationsheetpeerreview03-05-15

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In-class Evaluation Guideline


Instructional Strategies (Please list the instructional strategies of the development unit and
relevance of the strategies to objectives)

Instructional strategies
Definition presentation using text and audio
Providing examples of See Statements
Provided non-examples of See Statements

Objectives/Sub Objectives
Define SEE statements


Provide examples of observations

Prompt students to
communicate what they see
Identify relevant and irrelevant

Provide examples of teacher-feedback for redirecting


Compare and contrast see vs think statements

Explain importance of distinguishing see and
Drag and drop see and think statements
Description of good open-ended questions
Shows teachers examples of how to encourage
students to discriminate between items

Clarity, Impact and Feasibility*
Clarity: Is the content or what is being
presented, clear to individual target

Distinguish best responses for

relevant and irrelevant
Encourage thoughtful opinions
and comparisons based on their

Some of the objectives on the 2nd

Module are not clearly linked to the
objectives shown.
Objective two is mixed with objective
one. On the Purpose screen, when
Todd says See, he then says
Communicate what they observe. It
sounds like he is defining Objective one
by stating objective 2
Define see statements blends into
prompt students to communicate what
they see. We cant tell where one stops
and the other begins.

Impact: How does the content presented

impact learners achievements? For
example, schema construction?

We feel that the first objective Define

SEE statements could be clarified
significantly. See above with blending
into the next objective.
Good compare and contrast between
module 2 and module 3
Gives clear examples of questions
teachers can use

Feasibility: How feasible is the instruction

given the available resources?

Definitely feasible. Teachers can complete the

training online at their convenience.

* For the functional definition of clarity, impact and feasibility please see the Appendix I

III. Overall Check

Is the content interesting?

Irrelevant is spelled wrong on Objective 2 slide

Strategy is spelled trategy on purpose slide
Yes, especially the glass of water causes
learners to reevaluate their knowledge and

What/which motivational components are

being implemented to motivate learners?

Give teachers tools to help make the most out

of their visit to the museum, which benefits
the students and class as a whole.

Do learners understand what they suppose

to do?

Yes, easy to progress from one slide to the

Table of contents sidebar seems unnecessary
since users cant go forward without
completing the previous slides only.

Are the materials directly related to the

objectives? Please list the objectives and
the content.

Yes, see objectives listed in the table above.

Are sufficient practice exercises included?

Please describe the practice exercises.

Drag and drop, examples. However, the

examples and drag and drop do not provide
feedback at this point.

Are practice exercises relevant? Please

describe how relevant the practice
exercises to the content.

Practice exercises tie directly to the content. If

there was feedback, there would probably be

Do the tests really measure what learners

knowledge of the objectives?

Yes, they are relevant. Just need feedback.

Do the learner receive clear and intelligent

feedback on his/her practice exercises?
Please describe the feedback strategies.

On practice prompt activity, there is no

feedback when you click submit. I dont know
if I did it right or not. Are the prompts in order
(first three are good, last three are poor)? It
seems like it.

Appendix I

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