Flores Cristina Expository Paper

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Expository Paper
Cristina Flores
University of St. Thomas
March 5, 2015

Integrating instruction across content areas would be beneficial when instructing students
in the math classroom. Much like reading, math problem solving is part of our everyday lives.
The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) supports the integration of reading skills in
content areas (Carter & Dean, 2006). The NCTE also believes that No matter what the subject,
the people who read it, write it, and talk it are the one who learn it best (2006, p.128).
Therefore it is crucial that teachers incorporate reading strategies such as: vocabulary instruction,
questioning strategies, read alouds, and discussions to better mathematical reading
comprehension during math problem solving.
Reading requires a variety of components that are difficult to comprehend but necessary
in the development of the reading process. The integration of the diverse components, when
learning how to read, work in a holistic way that allows for students to develop other
components such as fluency and comprehension. Bashir and Hook (2009) believe that in order
for students to comprehend what they are reading, they need to decode, name letters accurately,
and understand orthographic patterns. Fluency includes reading with automaticity, speed, word
recognition rate, and rate at which student process information (2009). This means students are
able to decode automatically and effortlessly (Carter & Dean, 2006). Since fluency is directly
related to comprehension, students who struggle with fluency spend a lot of effort decoding text
and not necessarily understanding the word problem when reading.
Another important component in reading development is vocabulary. The understanding
of math involves many technical terms specific to content (Carter & Dean, 2006). Research has
also concluded that many terms in math textbooks contain more concepts per sentence and
paragraph than other content areas (2006). Findings also suggest that high stakes testing include
a big challenge for students since many of the words may be used in different contexts (Pierce &

Fontaine, 2009). This requires students understanding of multiple meaning words and the use of
context clues in order to determine meaning of words. Vocabulary in math is not only restricted
to words, it also includes symbols and abbreviations. Quinnell and Carter (2013) explain how
the use of symbols and abbreviations can pose a big challenge for students who are expected to
express word problems into mathematical expressions. Mathematical symbols and abbreviations
have multiple meanings depending on the context they are used in.

For example the concept of

zero can also include the symbol for the letter o, and the symbol for degrees (2013). The
content of the question gives information about the actual context of the symbols and use of
language (2013). When students are unable to comprehend the context of the problem students
are unable to relate symbols or apply them correctly. This causes more confusion and frustration
among students when problem solving.
The use of prior-knowledge is used in reading to make inferences and enable students to
make connections between what they know and information within the text. Literacy teachers
often tap into students prior knowledge in order for them to construct meaning before interacting
with text. Students use clues such as the organization of text, pictures, and understanding text
genre to predict what books might be about.

This skill is often used before, during, and after

engaging with text. This skill is especially important in math instruction. Mathematics relies
heavily on conceptual understanding; therefore, an effective reader must have a clear
understanding of mathematical concepts, how they build on one another; and how they are
related (Carter & Dean, 2006, p.129).
Understanding how text is organized is another component that allows students the ability
to comprehend text not only in reading but in writing as well. Reading text may be organized by
using facts and opinions, problem and solution, cause and effect, comparing and contrasting

information or using sequence. Graphic organizers are a tool used to help scaffold information
in order to determine how text is organized.

When comprehending math word problems,

students need to be able to distinguish important information from irrelevant information. In

math directionality of text may be organized in multiple ways. For example, information might
be organized in charts, tables, graphs, and number lines. Halladay and Neumann (2012) believe
that students who can make sense of the organization of this information have a better
understanding of word problems. Prior-knowledge helps students focus on the information that
is crucial in solving the problem without distractions.
Metacognition allows students to think about their own learning. Students who monitor
their comprehension during reading helps students correct their own errors (Halladay &
Neumann, 2012).

Literacy teachers model different reading strategies, such as rereading when

text does not make sense. When teaching math problem solving, incorporating self-monitoring
strategies would benefit students in checking for reasonableness. Math teachers can incorporate
and model different self-monitoring strategies through the use of discussions and scaffolding
questions (Halladay & Neumann, 2012). Swanson, Moran, Lussier, and Fung (2014), have also
conducted several studies and have concluded that verbal and visual strategies can be important
tools in helping students when problem solving. This is especially important with English
Language Learners (ELLs) and students with learning disabilities.
Math problem solving may not be an easy task for all students and an even more difficult
task for students with reading difficulties. The integration of reading comprehension strategies
during math instruction can help deepen students understanding of math and their learning. Not
only will students be able to solve word problems, but will also be provided with opportunities to
discuss their understanding and understand the language of mathematics at a deeper level.

Bashir, A. S., & Hook, P.E. (2009). Fluency: A key link between word identification and
comprehension. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 40, 196-200.
Carter, T., & Dean, E. (2006). Mathematics intervention for grades 511: Teaching mathematics,
reading, or both? Reading Psychology, 27(2), 127-146. doi:10.1080/02702710600640248
Halladay, J. L., & Neumann, M. D. (2012). Connecting reading and mathematical strategies.
Reading Teacher, 65(7), 471-476. doi:10.1002/TRTR.01070
Swanson, H. L., Moran, A., Lussier, C., & Fung, W. (2014). The effect of explicit and direct
generative strategy training and working memory on word problem-solving accuracy in
children at risk for math difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly, 37(2), 111-123.
Swanson, H. L., Orosco, M. J., & Lussier, C. M. (2014). The effects of mathematics strategy
instruction for children with serious problem-solving difficulties. Exceptional Children,
80(2), 149-168. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.stthom.edu:2048/login?
Quinnell, L. & Carter, M. (2013). Gibberish or what? Australian Primary Mathematics
Classroom, 18(1), 8-14.

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