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Group Review Conclusion for me

More historical info in the introduction about why there is a problem- Alicia
Shorten quotes- William
Use of examples is really good and helpful to make args more concrete- Alicia
Dont be afraid for outside sources if you have room- William
Fix formatting of the essay- William

Group Review Conclusion for Alicia

Use year in text cite, not page number David

More real life examples- William
Look to future more in conclusion- William
Use more quotes rather than just your own summarizations, think one quote in
whole paper- David

Brief Report on Peer Review (David, William, Alicia)

I think the Peer Review was pretty constructive. Everyone knew what he or
she were doing, had clearly done the readings and had read the prompts.
Everyone was able to generate specific examples that might better fit a paper
for a body paragraph or a way to cut down on excess words. I dont think
anyone was particularly quiet or dominant. A lot of the feedback was
constructive, not just critical which lent to a positive environment- especially
when it was a bit awkward to start off reading a draft aloud to other people.
A lot of the feedback included phrases like I really liked the way you did this,
but I think you could use this example from Shakespeare instead etc. etc.
Only Alicia and I had papers (William had had a personal conflict) so we
were able to discuss our entire papers in depth and also the paper as a wholethe way the paragraphs transition into each other, the way the conclusion and
introduction interact etc. Also include page number with the year for text cite

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