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ADI (alternating direction implicit (method)): mmesh mjodoc enallassmenwn dieujnsewn.

a.e. (almost everywhere): sqedn panto.
AI (articial intelligence): teqnht nohmosnh.
abacus: bakac.
abbreviate: suntmnw, suntomew, sugkptw, braqnw.
abbreviated: suntetmhmnoc, suntomeumnoc.
abbreviated notation: suntetmhmnoc sumbolismc.

abbreviation: sntmhsh, suntmeush, suntomograf a.

abduct: ap gw.
abduction: apagwg.
Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829).

Abel's group: abelian  antimetajetik om da.

Abel's identity: abelian tautthta.
Abel's inequality: abelian anisthta.
Abel's summation method: mjodoc jroishc tou Abel.
Abel's test of convergence: kritrio sugkl sewc tou Abel.

Abelian: abelianc, tou Abel.

Abelian group: abelian  antimetajetik om da.

abelian variety: abelian e doc  abelian pollaplthta.
nite Abelian group: peperasmnh abelian  antimetajetik om da.

aberration: apopl nhsh, ektrop, parkklish.

aberration of light: apopl nhsh tou fwtc.

constant of aberration: stajer apoplansewc.
spherical aberration: sfairik ektrop.

ability: ikanthta.
ab initio: exarqc, ap tic basikc arqc.
abnormal: mh kanonikc, akanonikc, anmaloc.

abnormal curve: akanonik  mh kanonik kamplh  anmalh kamplh.

abnormal dispersion: anmalh diaspor .

abnormality: mh kanonikthta, akanonikthta, anwmal a.

abnormality index:

de kthc akanonikthtac  mh kanonikthtac  anwmal ac.

about: per pou, grw, per .

rotation about the x-axis: peristrof grw ap ton xona twn q.

above: nw.

bounded above: nw fragmnoc.

essentially bounded above: ousiwdc nw fragmnoc.

abridge: suntmnw, suntomew.

abridged: suntetmhmnoc, suntomeumnoc.

abridged division: suntetmhmnh dia resh.

abridged multiplication: suntetmhmnoc pollaplasiasmc.
abridged notation: suntetmhmnoc sumbolismc.

abrupt: aptomoc, xafnikc.

abrupt change: aptomh metabol.

abrupt distribution: aptomh katanom.

abscess: apsthma.
abscissa: tetmhmnh.
absolute: aplutoc.

absolute acceleration: apluth epit qunsh.

absolute angle: apluth gwn a.
absolute change: apluth metabol.
absolute constant: apluth stajer .
absolute continuity: apluth sunqeia.
absolute convergence: apluth sgklish.
absolute deviation: apluth apklish.
absolute error: apluto sf lma.
absolute frequency: apluth suqnthta.
absolute future: apluto mllon.
absolute inequality: apluth anisthta.
absolute magnitude: apluto mgejoc.
absolute maximum: apluto mgisto.
absolute measure: apluto mtro.
absolute minimum: apluto el qisto.
absolute moment: apluth rop.
absolute motion: apluth k nhsh.
absolute number: aplutoc arijmc.
absolute past: apluto pareljn.
absolute pressure: apluth p esh.
absolute scale: apluth kl maka.
absolute stability: apluth eust jeia.
absolute temperature: apluth jermokras a.
absolute tensor: aplutoc tanustc.
absolute units: aplutec mon dec.
absolute value: apluth tim.
absolute zero: apluto mhdn.

absolutely: apoltwc.

absolutely continuous: apoltwc suneqc.

absolutely continuous distribution: apoltwc suneqc katanom.
absolutely convergent: apoltwc sugkl nwn.
absolutely convergent series: apoltwc sugkl nousa seir .
absolutely stable: apoltwc eustajc.
absolutely unbiased: apoltwc amerlhptoc.
absolutely unbiased estimator: apoltwc amerlhpth ektimtria.

absorb: aporrof.
absorbed: aporrofhmnoc.
absorbing: aporrofhtikc, aporrofn.

absorbing boundary: aporrofhtik snoro.

absorbing Markov chain: aporrofhtik alus da Markov.
absorbing barrier: aporrofhtik fr gma.
absorbing region: aporrofhtik perioq.
absorbing set: aporrofon h aporrofhtik snolo.
absorbing state: aporrofhtik kat stash.

absorption: aporrfhsh.

absorption coe cient: suntelestc aporrfhshc.

absorption distribution: katanom aporrfhshc.
absorption spectrum: f sma aporrfhshc.

abstract: afair, afhrhmnoc, per lhyh.

abstract mathematics: afhrhmna majhmatik .

abstract number: afhrhmnoc arijmc.
abstract space: afhrhmnoc qroc.

abstraction: afa resh.

absurd: topoc, par logoc.
absurdity: (to) topo.
abundant: fjonoc, pleon zwn.
accelerate: epitaqnw.
accelerated: epitaqunmenoc.

accelerated motion: epitaqunmenh k nhsh.

accelerated stochastic approximation: epitaqunmenh stoqastik prosggish.
accelerated system of reference: epitaqunmeno ssthma anafor c.
uniformly accelerated motion: omal epitaqunmenh k nhsh.

acceleration: epit qunsh.

acceleration of convergence: epit qunsh sgklishc.

acceleration vector: di nusma (thc) epit qunshc.
absolute acceleration: apluth epit qunsh.
angular acceleration: gwniak epit qunsh.
apparent acceleration: fainmenh epit qunsh.
centrifugal acceleration: fugkentroc epit qunsh.

centripetal acceleration: kentromloc epit qunsh.

gravitational acceleration: epit qunsh thc barthtac.
instantaneous acceleration: stigmia a epit qunsh.
negative acceleration: arnhtik epit qunsh (epibr dunsh).
relative acceleration: sqetik epit qunsh.
proper acceleration: idioepit qunsh, qarakthristik epit qunsh.
tangential acceleration: efaptomenik epit qunsh.
uniform acceleration: omal epit qunsh.
varying acceleration: metaballmenh epit qunsh.

accelerator: epitaquntc.
systolic accelerator:

sustolikc epitaquntc.

accent: tnoc.
accept: dqomai, apodqomai.
acceptable: apodektc, dektc.

acceptable language: dekt  apodekt glssa.

acceptable quality level (AQL): apodekt ep pedo poithtac.

acceptance: apodoq, paradoq.

acceptance boundary: rio  snoro apodoqc.

acceptance control chart: q rthc elgqou apodoqc.
acceptance error: sf lma apodoqc.
acceptance inspection: epijerhsh  legqoc apodoqc.
acceptance line: gramm apodoqc.
acceptance number: arijmc apodoqc.
acceptance region: qwr o  perioq apodoqc.

acceptor: apodkthc, dkthc.

language acceptor:

apodkthc glssac.

access: prsbash, prosplash.

random access: tuqa a prosplash.

random access memory (RAM): mnmh tuqa ac prosplashc.

accessible: prosbatc, prositc.

accompany: sunodew.
accompanying: sunodewn.
accord: sumfwn a.
accordance: sumfwn a.
according to: smfwna me.
accordingly: analgwc, sunepc.
account: logari zw, logariasmc.
accumulated: sunajroistikc.
accumulated deviation:

sunajroistik apklish.

accumulated process:

sunajroistik anlixh.

accumulation: sussreush.

accumulation point: shme o susswresewc  oriak shme o (sunnumo twn rwn limit point kai cluster

accuracy: akr beia.

intrinsic accuracy:

eswterik akr beia.

accurate: akribc.
accurately: akribc.
ace: ssoc.
achromatic: aqrwmatikc.
aclinic: aklinc.

aclinic line: aklinc gramm.

acoustic: akoustikc.
acoustic source:

akoustik phg.

acoustical: akoustikc, hqhtikc.

acoustical wave:

akoustik  hqhtik kma.

acoustics: akoustik.
acoustics equation:

ex swsh thc akoustikc.

acquaintance: gnwrim a.

acquaintance matrix: p nakac gnwrim ac.

acquire: apokt.
across: di msou, kat pl toc.
acre: strmma (43,560 ft2 =4047m2).
act: dr, energ.
acta: pepragmna (lat.).
actinic: aktinikc.
actinium: akt nio.
action: dr sh, enrgeia.

action integral: oloklrwma dr shc.

action variables: metablhtc dr shc.
canonical action: kanonik dr sh.
discontinuous action: asuneqc dr sh.
Galois action: dr sh Galois.
properly discontinuous action: gnsia asuneqc dr sh.

activate: energopoi.
activated: energopoihmnoc.

activation: energopo hsh.

activation energy:

enrgeia energopo hshc.

active: energc.
activity: enrgeia, dr sh, drasthrithta, drastikthta, energthta.
actual: pragmatikc, alhjc.
actual error: pragmatik sf lma.
actual force: pragmatik dnamh.
actual position: pragmatik jsh.
actual track: pragmatik qnoc.

actuary: analogistc.
actuarial: analogistikc.
acute: oxe a (gwn a), oxugnioc.

acute angle: oxe a gwn a.

acute triangle: oxugnio tr gwno.

Adams-Bashforth methods: mjodoi Adams-Bashforth.

adapt: anaprosarmzw.
adapted: anaprosarmosmnoc.
adaptive: anaprosarmostikc.

adaptive nite elements: anaprosarmostik peperasmna stoiqe a.

adaptive inference: anaprosarmostik sumperasmatolog a.
adaptive method: anaprosarmostik mjodoc.
adaptive optimization: anaprosarmostik beltistopo hsh.
hp-adaptive method: hp-anaprosarmostik mjodoc.

adaptively: anaprosarmostik .
adaptively generated mesh:

anaprosarmostik paragmeno plgma.

adaptivity: anaprosarmostikthta.
add: prosjtw, ajro zw.
addable: prosjetc.
addend: prosjetec.
addendum (pl. addenda): prosjkh, sumplrwma.
addition: prsjesh, jroish.

addition formula: tpoc ajro smatoc.

algebraic addition: algebrik prsjesh.
closed under addition: kleistc wc proc thn prsjesh.
vector addition: prsjesh dianusm twn.

additional: prsjetoc, epiprsjetoc.

additive: prosjetikc.

additive function: prosjetik sun rthsh.

additive group: prosjetik om da.

additive inverse: prosjetikc ant strofoc (ant jetoc).

additive model: prosjetik montlo.
additive process: prosjetik anlixh.
additive properties: prosjetikc idithtec.
additive unit: prosjetik mon da.

additivity: prosjetikthta.

additivity of means: prosjetikthta twn mswn.

countable additivity: arijmsimh prosjetikthta.

adequacy: ep rkeia.
adequate: eparkc, arketc.
adherent: prosfumenoc.

adherent probabilities: prosfumenec pijanthtec.

adiabatic: adiabatikc.

adiabatic change: adiabatik metabol  allag.

adiabatic contraction: adiabatik sustol.
adiabatic curve: adiabatik kamplh.
adiabatic expansion: adiabatik diastol.
adiabatic law: adiabatikc nmoc.

adiabatically: adiabatik .
ad innitum: ep peiro (lat.).
adjacent: proske menoc, parake menoc, moroc, geitonikc.
adjacent angle: parake menh gwn a.
adjacent elements: mora stoiqe a.
adjacent side: proske menh pleur (gwn ac).

adjoint: suzugc, prosarthmnoc  akma dukc, sumplhrwmatikc.

adjoint equation: suzugc ex swsh.

adjoint functor: suzugc sunarthtc.
adjoint matrix: prosarthmnoc p nakac, sumplhrwmatikc p nakac.
adjoint pair: suzugc  prosarthmno zegoc.
adjoint problems: suzug problmata.
adjoint transformation: suzugc  prosarthmnh apeiknish  metasqhmatismc.
left adjoint: aristerc suzugc  prosarthmnoc.
right adjoint: dexic suzugc  prosarthmnoc.

adjugate: suzugc, prosarthmnoc  akma dukc, sumplhrwmatikc (sun. adjoint).

adjugate matrix: prosarthmnoc p nakac, sumplhrwmatikc p nakac (sun. adjoint matrix).

adjust: prosarmzw, rujm zw.

adjustable: prosarmsimoc, rujm simoc.
adjustment: prosarmog, rjmish.
admissible: apodektc, epitreptc, paradektc.
admissible hypothesis:

apodekt upjesh.

admissible number: apodektc arijmc.

admissible set: apodekt snolo.
admissible strategy: apodekt strathgik.
admissible test: apodektc legqoc.

admit: epidqomai, epitrpw.

advance: proqwr, prodoc.
advanced: proqwrhmnoc, exeligmnoc.

advanced architecture: exeligmnh arqitektonik (plhroforik).

advanced mathematics: antera majhmatik .

advantage: pleonkthma.
advection: sunagwg.
advective: sunagwgikc.

advective terms: sunagwgiko roi.

aerodynamic: aerodunamikc.
aerodynamics: aerodunamik.
afocal: thleskopikc (optik).
ane: susqetismnoc, omoparallhlikc, suggenc, suggenikc, afinikc, agq grammoc.
a ne approximation: susqetismnh prosggish.
a ne automorphism: susqetismnoc automorfismc.
a ne bundle: susqetismnh dsmh.
a ne connection: susqetismnoc sndesmoc.
a ne coordinate system: omoparallhlik ssthma suntetagmnwn.
a ne equivalence: susqetismnh isodunam a.
a ne equivalent: susqetismnoc isodnamoc.
a ne family: susqetismnh oikogneia.
a ne functional: susqetismno sunarthsiak.
a ne group: susqetismnh om da.
a ne independence: susqetismnh anexarths a.
a ne inequivalence: susqetismnh anisodunam a.
a ne inequivalent: susqetismnoc anisodnamoc.
a ne interpolation: susqetismnh parembol.
a ne line: susqetismnh gramm.
a ne manifold: susqetismnh pollaplthta.
a ne map: susqetismnh apeiknish.
a ne mapping: susqetismnh apeiknish.
a ne plane: susqetismno ep pedo.
a ne product: susqetismno ginmeno.
a ne property: susqetismnh idithta.
a ne resolvability: susqetismnh analusimthta.
a ne space: susqetismnoc qroc.
a ne structure: susqetismnh dom.
a ne transformation: susqetismnoc metasqhmatismc.

anity: susqtish, suggneia.


armative: kat fash, katafatikc, kathgorhmatikc.

aft: met (suntomograf a tou after).

fore-and-aft: prin kai met .

fore-and-aft symmetry: summetr a prin kai met , summetr a arister -dexi , summetr a rtiac sun rthshc ws proc ton xona twn y.

after: met .
age: hlik a.
aggregate: sunolikc, sunajroistikc.
aggregation: sun jroish.
aggregative: sunajroistikc.
agree: sumfwn.
agreement: sumfwn a.
A-innity: A- peiro.
A-innity algebra:

A- peiro lgebra.

air: arac.

air resistance: ant stash tou ara.

air tunnel: aerodunamik sragga.

airfoil: aerotom.
airplane: aeropl no.
Airy, (-).

Airy disk: d skoc tou Airy.

Airy function: sun rthsh Airy.
Airy integral: oloklrwma Airy.
Airy pattern: eikna  per gramma tou Airy.

aleph: lef (ebrak gr mma: @).

algebra: lgebra.

algebra of linear operators: lgebra grammikn telestn.

A-innity algebra: A- peiro lgebra.
anticommutative algebra: anti-antimetajetik lgebra.
commutative algebra: antimetajetik lgebra.
exterior algebra: exwterik lgebra.
fundamental theorem of algebra: jemelidec jerhma thc lgebrac.
graded algebra: bajmwt lgebra.
homological algebra: omologiak lgebra.
Lie algebra: lgebra Lie.
linear algebra: grammik lgebra.
multi-linear algebra: polugrammik  pleiogrammik lgebra.
noncommutative algebra: mh antimetajetik lgebra.
nonlinear algebra: mh grammik lgebra.
numerical linear algebra: arijmhtik grammik lgebra.
relational algebra: sqesiak lgebra.
simple algebra: apl lgebra.

tame algebras: exhmerwmnec lgebrec.

tensor algebra: tanustik lgebra, lgebra tanustn.
universal algebra: kajolik lgebra.
vector algebra: dianusmatik lgebra, lgebra dianusm twn.

algebraic: algebrikc.

algebraic addition: algebrik prsjesh.

algebraic closure: algebrik jkh  kleistthta.
algebraic combinatorics: algebrik sunduastik.
algebraic convergence: algebrik sgklish.
algebraic eigenvalue problem: algebrik prblhma idiotimn.
algebraic equation: algebrik ex swsh.
algebraic expression: algebrik par stash.
algebraic extension: algebrik epktash.
algebraic function: algebrik sun rthsh.
algebraic geometry: algebrik gewmetr a.
algebraic isomorphism: algebrikc isomorfismc.
algebraic multiplicity: algebrik pollaplthta.
algebraic number: algebrikc arijmc.
algebraic polynomial: algebrik polunumo.
algebraic structure: algebrik dom.
algebraic system: algebrik ssthma.
algebraic topology: algebrik topolog a.
algebraic variety: algebrik e doc  algebrik pollaplthta.

algebraically: algebrik .

algebraically convergent: sugkl nwn algebrik .

algebraically isomorphic spaces: algebrik ismorfoi qroi.

algebroid: algebroeidc.
algebroid curve:

algebroeidc kamplh.

algorithm: algrijmoc.

converged algorithm: sugkl nac algrijmoc.

convergent algorithm: sugkl nwn algrijmoc.
decentralized algorithm: apokentrwmnoc algrijmoc.
dierence algorithm: algrijmoc diaforn.
discrete algorithm: diakritc algrijmoc.
diverged algorithm: apokl nac algrijmoc.
divergent algorithm: apokl nwn algrijmoc.
division algorithm: algrijmoc diairsewc.
eective algorithm: apotelesmatikc algrijmoc.
e cient algorithm: apodotikc algrijmoc.
Euclidean algorithm: eukle deioc algrijmoc.
evolutionary algorithm: exeliktikc algrijmoc.
fractional step algorithm: algrijmoc klasmatiko bmatoc.
oblivious algorithm: epilsmwn  tuflc algrijmoc.
QR algorithm: algrijmoc QR.
quotient-dierence algorithm: algrijmoc lgwn-diaforn.

semi-eective algorithm: hmiapotelesmatikc algrijmoc.

stable algorithm: eustajc algrijmoc.
structured algorithm: domhmnoc algrijmoc.
unication algorithm: algrijmoc enopo hshc.
unstable algorithm: astajc algrijmoc.
unstructured algorithm: mh domhmnoc algrijmoc.

alias: parallag.
alienation: apoxnwsh.
align: eujugramm zw, parat ssw, stoiq zw, topojet se euje a gramm.
alignment: eujugr mmish, par taxh, topojthsh kat xona, sto qish.
alike: moioc, parmoioc, dioc, omoeidc, paremferc.
allocation: katamerismc.
random allocation: tuqa oc katamerismc.
random allocation design: sqediasmc tuqa ou katamerismo.

allokurtic: allkurtoc, allokurtwtikc.

allow: epitrpw.
allowable: epitreptc.

allowable change of variable: epitrept allag metablhtc.

almost: sqedn.

almost certain: sqedn bbaioc.

almost certainly: sqedn beba wc.
almost everywhere: sqedn panto.
almost everywhere convergence: sgklish sqedn panto.
almost linear: sqedn grammikc.
almost periodic: sqedn periodikc.
almost sure: sqedn s gouroc.
almost surely: sqedn s goura.

alpha: lfa.
alphabet: alf bhto.

binary alphabet: duadik alf bhto.

Roman alphabet: Latinik alf bhto.

alphanumeric: alfarijmhtikc.
altar: bwmc.
Delian altar problem:

prblhma tou Dliou bwmo  aplc Dlio prblhma (Delian

prblhma tou diplasiasmo tou kbou (doubling the square).

alternate: enall ssomai, enall ssw, enallassmenoc, enall sswn.

alternate angles: enall x gwn ec.

alternating: enallassmenoc, enall sswn.

alternating current:

enallassmeno rema.




alternating direction methods: mjodoi enallassmenwn dieujnsewn.

alternating group: enall ssousa om da.
alternating matrix: enall sswn p nakac.
alternating quantiers: enallassmenoi posode ktec.
alternating series: enall ssousa seir .
alternating tensor: enall sswn tanustc.

alternation: enallag.
alternative: enallaktikc.

alternative hypothesis: enallaktik upjesh.

alternative set theory: enallaktik sunolojewr a, enallaktik jewr a sunlwn.

altitude: yoc, uymetro.

ambient: perib llon.
ambient temperature:

jermokras a perib llontoc.

ambiguous: diforomenoc, amf boloc.

ambiguous case: diforomenh per ptwsh.

ambiguous context-free grammar: diforomenh grammatik qwr c sumfrazmena.

amorphous: morfoc.
amount: pos, posthta.
amplication: en sqush.
amplication factor:

suntelestc en squshc.

amplify: enisqw, aux nw, dieurnw.

amplitude: pl toc (talantsewc), eroc, risma (migadiko arijmo  elleiptikc sunartsewc).
amplitude modulation: diamrfwsh pl touc (optik).
amplitude splitting: dia resh pl touc (optik).

anallagmatic: anallagmatikc.

anallagmatic curve: anallagmatik kamplh.

anallagmatic surface: anallagmatik epif neia.

analog: analogikc, an logo.

analog computer: analogikc upologistc.

analogical: analogikc.
analogically: analogik .
analogous: an logoc.
analogously: an loga.
analogue: an logo, analogikc, sun. analog.
analogy: analog a.
analyser: analutc.

analysis: an lush.

analysis of variance: an lush diaspor c.

asymptotic analysis: asumptwtik an lush.
cluster analysis: an lush sust dwn.
combinatorial analysis: sunduastik an lush.
data analysis: an lush dedomnwn.
dimensional analysis: diastatik an lush.
error analysis: an lush sf lmatoc.
Fourier analysis: an lush Fourier.
fractal analysis: klastik  morfoklasmatik an lush.
fractional analysis: klasmatik an lush.
functional analysis: sunarthsiak an lush.
harmonic analysis: armonik an lush.
mathematical analysis: majhmatik an lush.
matrix analysis: pinakoan lush, an lush pin kwn.
multivariate analysis: polumetablht an lush.
numerical analysis: arijmhtik an lush.
real analysis: pragmatik an lush.
regression analysis: an lush palindromsewc.
sequential analysis: akoloujiak an lush.
sensitivity analysis: an lush euaisjhs ac.
spectral analysis: fasmatik an lush.
survival analysis: an lush epib wshc.
symmetry analysis: an lush summetr ac.
unitary analysis: monadia a an lush.
vector analysis: dianusmatik an lush.

analyst: analutc.
analytic: analutikc.

analytic continuation: analutik sunqish.

analytic extension: analutik epktash.
analytic function: analutik sun rthsh.
analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a.
analytic part: analutik mroc.
analytic semigroup: analutik hmiom da.
analytic spaces: analutiko qroi.
plane analytic geometry: ep pedh analutik gewmetr a.
quasi-analytic: oione analutikc.
solid analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a se treic diast seic.

analytical: analutikc.

analytical solution: analutik lsh.

analytically: analutik .
analyticity: analutikthta.
anamorphic: anamorfikc.
anamorphic lens:

anamorfikc fakc.


Anchor, (bl. torus).

Anchor ring: daktlioc Anchor  troc (torus).

angle: gwn a.

angle of attack: gwn a prosbolc.

angle-preserving transformation: apeiknish diathrosa tic gwn ec.
angle variables: metablhtc gwn ac.
absolute angle: apluth gwn a.
acute angle: oxe a gwn a.
adjacent angle: parake menh gwn a.
alternate angles: enall x gwn ec.
complementary angles: sumplhrwmatikc gwn ec.
corresponding angles: omlogec gwn ec, epi ta aut gwn ec.
critical angle: orik gwn a (optik).
direction angles: gwn ec diejunshc.
double angle: dipl gwn a.
double angle formula: tpoc diplc gwn ac.
eccentric angle: kkentrh gwn a.
explementary angle: paraplhrwmatik gwn a.
exterior angle: exwterik gwn a.
half angle: mis gwn a.
half angle formula: tpoc misc gwn ac.
inscribed angle: eggegrammnh gwn a.
interior angle: eswterik gwn a.
multiple angle: pollapl gwn a.
multiple angle formula: tpoc pollaplc gwn ac.
negative angle: arnhtik gwn a.
obtuse angle: amble a gwn a.
opposite angles: kat koruf gwn ec.
phase angle: fasik gwn a, gwn a f shc.
plane angle: ep pedh gwn a.
polar angle: polik gwn a.
positive angle: jetik gwn a.
right angle: orj gwn a.
round angle: gwn a 360o , plrhc gwn a. Sun. perigon
solid angle: stere gwn a.
spherical angle: sfairik gwn a.
straight angle: orj gwn a.
trisecting the angle: triqotmhsh gwn ac.
wide angle: eure a gwn a.

angular: gwniakc.

angular acceleration: gwniak epit qunsh.

angular deviation: gwniak ektrop (optik).
angular distance: gwniak apstash.
angular distribution: gwniak katanom.
angular frequency: gwniak suqnthta.
angular impulse: gwniak sh.
angular momentum: stroform.
angular region: daktlioc.

angular speed: gwniak taqthta.

angular velocity: gwniak taqthta.
angular width: gwniak noigma.

angularity: gwniakthta, gwnidec.

anharmonicic: anarmonikc.

anharmonic motion: anarmonik k nhsh.

anharmonic oscillator: anarmonikc talantwtc.

anhysteretic: anusterhtikc, mh usterhtikc.

anisotropic: anistropoc, anisotropikc.

anisotropic eld: anistropo ped o.

anisotropic mesh renement: anistroph pknwsh plgmatoc.

annihilate: ekmhden zw.

annihilation: ekmhdenismc, ekmhdnish.
annihilator: ekmhdenistc.
annual: etsioc.
annuity: etsio ep doma.
annular: daktulioeidc.
annuli: bl. annulus.
annulus (pl. annuli): daktlioc.
annum: toc (lat.).
per annum: an toc.

anomalistic: anwmaliakc.
anomalous: anmaloc.
anomaly: anwmal a.
ansatz: dokimastik sun rthsh, dokimastik lsh, arqik upjesh, paradoq (germ.).
antapex: antikrufoc.
antecedence: (to) hgomeno, proghsh.
antecedent: hgomenoc.
anti-: anti-.
anticlastic: antiklastikc.
anticlastic surface:

antiklastik epif neia.

anticommutative: anti-antimetajetikc.

anticommutative algebra: anti-antimetajetik lgebra.

antiderivative: aristo oloklrwma, par gousa, antipar gwgoc.

antilinear: antigrammikc.

antilinear mapping: antigrammik  hmigrammik (semilinear) apeiknish.


antilog: antilog rijmoc (suntomograf a tou antilogarithm).

antilogarithm: antilog rijmoc.
antiperiodic: antiperiodikc.
antipode: ant podac.
antireection: antian klash.
antireection coating: antianaklastik ep strwsh.

antisymmetric(-al): antisummetrikc.

antisymmetric tensor: antisummetrikc tanustc, sun. skew-symmetric tensor.

antisymmetric property: antisummetrik idithta.
antisymmetric relation: antisummetrik sqsh.

antisymmetrical: antisummetrikc (bl. antisymmetric).

antisymmetrical tensor:

antisummetrikc tanustc.

antithesis: ant jesh.

time antithesis:

qronik ant jesh.

antiunitary: antimonadia oc, antiorjomonadia oc.

aperiodic: mh periodikc.
aperiodic state:

mh periodik kat stash.

aperture: noigma (optik).

apex: koruf.

apex angle: diajlastik gwn a pr smatoc.

aphelion: aflio.
apodization: apdush.
apogee: apgeio.
Apollonius: Apollnioc.

Apollonius' problem: prblhma tou Apollniou.

circle of Apollonius: Apollneioc kkloc.

a posteriori: ek twn ustrwn (lat.).

a posteriori approach: a posteriori mjodoc.

a posteriori error estimation: a posteriori ekt mhsh sf lmatoc.

apparent: fainmenoc, fainomenikc.

apparent acceleration: fainmenh epit qunsh.

apparent velocity: fainmenh taqthta.

applicability: efarmosimthta, dunatthta efarmogc.

applicable: efarmsimoc.
applicable surface:

efarmsimh epif neia.


application: efarmog.
apply: efarmzw.
applied: efarmosmnoc.

applied mathematics: efarmosmna majhmatik .

approach: prosggish, mjodoc, jerhsh.

approach velocity: taqthta prosggishc.

alternative approach: enallaktik prosggish.
a posteriori approach: a posteriori mjodoc.
a priori approach: a priori mjodoc.
axiomatic approach: axiwmatik mjodoc.
Eulerian approach: jerhsh kat Euler.
explicit approach: analut  mesh mjodoc.
implicit approach: mh analut  mmesh mjodoc.
Lagrangian approach: jerhsh kat Lagrange  ulik jerhsh (material approach).
material approach: ulik jerhsh  jerhsh kat Lagrange (Lagrangian approach).

appropriate: kat llhloc.

appropriate truth assignment: kat llhlh apdosh timn aljeiac.

narrowly appropriate structure: sten kat llhlh dom.

appropriately: kat llhla.

approximate: prosegg zw, proseggistikc.

approximate formula: proseggistikc tpoc.

approximate solution: proseggistik lsh.

approximation: prosggish.

approximation theory: jewr a prosggishc.

a ne approximation: susqetismnh prosggish.
best approximation: bltisth prosggish.
best approximation theorem: jerhma bltisthc prosggishc.
discrete approximation: diakrit prosggish.
least squares approximation: prosggish elaq stwn tetragnwn.
linear approximation: grammik prosggish.
method of successive approximations: mjodoc twn diadoqikn prosegg sewn.
polynomial approximation: poluwnumik prosggish.
rational approximation: rht prosggish  prosggish me rhtc sunartseic.
stochastic approximation: stoqastik prosggish.
successive approximations: diadoqikc prosegg seic.
symbolic approximation: sumbolik prosggish.
trigonometric approximation: trigwnometrik prosggish.
uniform approximation: omoimorfh prosggish.

a priori: ek twn protrwn (lat.).

a priori approach: a priori mjodoc.

apse: ay da (sun. apsis).


apsidal: ayidoeidc.
apsis: ay da.
arabic: arabikc.

arabic numerals: arabiko arijmo .

arbitrarily: auja reta.

arbitrariness: to auja reto.
arbitrary: auja retoc, tuqn.

arbitrary constant: auja reth stajer , tuqosa stajer .

arbitrary function: auja reth sun rthsh, tuqosa sun rthsh.
method of arbitrary lines: mjodoc twn auja retwn grammn.

arc: txo.

arc length: mkoc txou.

parabolic arc: parabolik txo.
positive arc: jetik txo.
rectiable arc: txo me upolog simo (peperasmno) mkoc.
simple arc: apl txo.

archetype: arqtupo.
Archimedean: arqimdeioc, tou Arqimdh.

Archimedean polyhedra: arqimdeia poledra (bl. polyhedron).

Archimedean property: arqimdeia idithta.
Archimedean solids: arqimdeia smata (sun. Archimedean polyhedra).
Archimedean tiling: arqimdeia  hmikanonik  hmiomal plakstrwsh. Sun. semiregular tiling.
rhombic Archimedean polyhedra: rombik arqimdeia poledra (bl. polyhedron).

Archimedes (287-212 p.Q.): Arqimdhc.

Archimedes' principle: arq tou Arqimdh.

spiral of Archimedes: spe ra tou Arqimdh.

architecture: arqitektonik.

advanced architecture: exeligmnh arqitektonik (plhroforik).

computer architecture: arqitektonik upologistn.

arcwise: kat txo  txa, toxoeidc.

arcwise connected:

kat txo sunektikc.

area: embadn, perioq.

area of coherence: perioq sumfwn ac (optik).

area magnication factor: suntelestc megenjnsewc embado.
area-preserving map: apeiknish diathrosa to embadn.
cross sectional area: embadn diatomc.
tail area (of a distribution): perioq our c (katanomc).


areal: embadikc.
areal velocity:

embadik taqthta.

Argand: .

Argand diagram: di gramma  ep pedo tou Argand, migadik ep pedo.

argument: risma, epiqe rhma.

equally spaced arguments: isapqonta or smata.

heuristic argument: euretik epiqe rhma.
unequally spaced arguments: anisapqonta or smata.

arithmetic: arijmhtikc, arijmhtik.

arithmetic expression: arijmhtik par stash.

arithmetic mean: arijmhtikc msoc (roc).
arithmetic operation: arijmhtik pr xh.
arithmetic progression: arijmhtik prodoc.
arithmetic series: arijmhtik seir .
double precision arithmetic: arijmhtik diplc akr beiac.
eld arithmetic: arijmhtik swm twn.
oating point arithmetic: arijmhtik kinhtc upodiastolc.
fundamental theorem of arithmetic: jemelidec jerhma thc arijmhtikc.
single precision arithmetic: arijmhtik aplc akr beiac.

arm (of an angle): pleur (gwn ac).

arrange: diat ssw, katat ssw.
arrangement: di taxh, kat taxh.
array: sqhmatismc, di taxh, p nakac, di nusma, sustoiq a.
balanced array: isrropoc sqhmatismc.

arrow: bloc.
arrowhead: aiqm blouc.
articial: teqnhtc, mh fusikc.

articial horizon: teqnhtc or zontac.

articial intelligence: teqnht nohmosnh.
articial viscosity: teqnht ixdec.

ascending: anin, aux nwn, axwn, anodikc, anerqomnoc.

ascending order: aniosa t xh.
ascending powers: aniosec dun meic.
ascending sequence: axousa akolouj a.

ascertain: exakribnw, bebainw.

aspect: yh, poyh.
aspherical: asfairikc, mh sfairikc.
aspherical surface:

asfairik epif neia.


assignment: apdosh, ekqrhsh, apostol, entol, an jesh, skhsh.

appropriate truth assignment: kat llhlh apdosh timn aljeiac.
eigenstructure assignment: apdosh idiodomc.

associate: prosetair zw, prosart, sundw, susqet zw.

associated: 1. susqetismnoc, susqetizmenoc. 2. prosarthmnoc.

associated bundle: susqetismnh dsmh.

associated Laguerre polynomials: prosarthmna polunuma Laguerre.
associated Legendre functions: prosarthmnec sunartseic Legendre.
associated tensor: prosarthmnoc tanustc.

association: sndesh, susqtish.

partial association:

merik susqtish  sndesh.

associative: prosetairistikc.

associative law: prosetairistik idithta.

general associative law: genik prosetairistik idithta.

associativity: prosetairistikthta.
assumption: paradoq.
asterisk: aster skoc.
astrometry: astrometr a.
astronomical: astronomikc.

astronomical data: astronomik dedomna.

astronomical horizon: astronomikc or zontac.

astronomy: astronom a.
astrophysics: astrofusik.
asymmetric: asmmetroc, asummetrikc, mh summetrikc.
asymmetrical: asmmetroc, asummetrikc, mh summetrikc.
asymmetry: asummetr a.
asymptote: asmptwth.
horizontal asymptote: orizntia asmptwth.
oblique asymptote: pl gia asmptwth.
vertical asymptote: katakrufh asmptwth.

asymptotic: asumptwtikc.

asymptotic analysis: asumptwtik an lush.

asymptotic behavior: asumptwtik sumperifor .
asymptotic bound: asumptwtik fr gma.
asymptotic convergence: asumptwtik sgklish.
asymptotic distribution: asumptwtik katanom.
asymptotic error: asumptwtik sf lma.
asymptotic expansion: asumptwtik an ptugma.
asymptotic formula: asumptwtikc tpoc.
asymptotic relative e ciency: asumptwtik sqetik apotelesmatikthta  apodotikthta.

asymptotic series: asumptwtik seir .

matched asymptotic expansions: mjodoc sunarmosmnwn asumptwtikn anaptugm twn
idiazousn diataraqn (singular perturbation method).

asymptotically: asumptwtik .

asymptotically stable: asumptwtik eustajc.

asymptotically normal random variable: asumptwtik kanonik tuqa a metablht.

asynchronous: asgqronoc.
atlas: tlantac.
atmosphere: atmsfaira.
atmospheric: atmosfairikc.
atmospheric pressure:

atmosfairik p esh.

atom: tomo.
atomic: atomikc.

atomic formula: atomikc tpoc.

atomic scale: atomik kl maka.
atomic subformula: atomikc upotpoc.

attack: prosbol.

attack rate: rujmc prosbolc.

angle of attack: gwn a prosbolc.

attain: epitugq nw, katorjnw, pragmatopoi.

attainable: epiteximoc, katorjwtc, pragmatopoisimoc.
attenuation: exasjnhsh, apsbesh.
attract: elkw.
attraction: lxh, proslkush.
center of attraction: kntro lxhc.
domain of attraction: qwr o lxhc.
index of attraction: de kthc lxhc.

attractor: elkustc.

regular attractor: kanonikc elkustc.

simple attractor: aplc elkustc.
strange attractor: par xenoc elkustc.

attribute: qarakthristik.
atypical: mh tupikc.
atypical characteristic:

mh tupik qarakthristik.

augment: aux nw, epaux nw.

augmentation: axhsh, epaxhsh.
augmented: epauxhmnoc, epektetamnoc.

augmented matrix: epauxhmnoc p nakac.



augmenting: epaux nwn, prosaux nwn.

augmenting path:

epaux nwn drmoc, monop ti epaxhshc.

auto-: auto-.
autocatalytic: autokatalutikc.
autocorrelation: autosusqtish.

autocorrelation coe cient: suntelestc autosusqtishc.

autocorrelation function: sun rthsh autosusqtishc.
partial autocorrelation: merik autosusqtish.

autocovariance: autosundiaspor  autodiakmansh  autometablhtthta.

automata: autmata, bl. automaton.
automatic: autmatoc.
automatic control:

autmatoc legqoc.

automatically: autmata.
automaton (pl. automata): autmato.

equivalent nite automata: isodnama peperasmna autmata.

minimal deterministic nite automaton: el qisto nteterministik peperasmno autmato.
simple pushdown automaton: apl autmato sto bac.
single-turn pushdown automaton: autmato sto bac miac for c.

automorphic: autmorfoc, automorfikc.

automorphic function: autmorfh sun rthsh.

automorphism: automorfismc.

a ne automorphism: susqetismnoc automorfismc.

automorphy: automorf a.
autonomous: autnomoc.

autonomous equations: autnomec exisseic.

autonomous system: autnomo ssthma.

autoregression: autopalindrmhsh.
autoregressive: autopalindromikc.
autospectrum: autof sma.
auxiliary: bohjhtikc.

auxiliary relation: bohjhtik sqsh.

autospectrum: autof sma.

available: diajsimoc.
available data:

diajsima dedomna  stoiqe a.

average: msoc, msoc roc.

average risk:

msh (anamenmenh) diakindneush.


geometric average: gewmetrikc msoc.

weighted average: stajmikc msoc.

avoid: apofegw.
axes: bl. axis.
axial: axonikc.

axial component: axonik sunistsa.

axial displacement: axonik metatpish.
axial symmetry: axonik summetr a, summetr a wc proc xona.
axial velocity: axonik taqthta.

axially: axonik .

axially symmetric: summetrikc wc proc xona, axonosymmetrikc (axisymmetric).

axiom: ax wma.

axiom of choice: ax wma epilogc.

axiom of global choice: ax wma kajolikc epilogc.
axiom of innity: ax wma apeirthtac.
axiom scheme: ssthma axiwm twn.
cardinal number axiom: ax wma twn plhjar jmwn.
axiom schema: axiwmatik sqma.
impredicative axiom of class formation: mh kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeuc kl sewn.
independent axioms: anex rthta aximata.
non-logical axiom schema: mh logik axiwmatik sqma.
predicative axiom of class formation: kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeuc kl sewn.
prolongation axiom: ax wma epktashc.

axiomatic: axiwmatikc.

axiomatic approach: axiwmatik mjodoc.

axiomatic denition: axiwmatikc orismc.
axiomatic foundation: axiwmatik jemel wsh.
axiomatic theory: axiwmatik jewr a.

axiomatizability: axiwmatikopoihsimthta.
axiomatizable: axiwmatikopoisimoc.
axiomatization: axiwmatikopo hsh.

alternative axiomatization: enallaktik axiwmatikopo hsh.

axis (pl. axes): xonac.

axis of perspective: prooptikc xonac.

axis of projection: xonac probolc.
axis of rotation: xonac peristrofc.
axis of symmetry: xonac summetr ac.
fast axis: taqc xonac.
xed axis: stajerc xonac.
imaginary axis: fantastikc xonac.
instantaneous axis: stigmia oc xonac.

major axis: meg loc xonac.

minor axis: mikrc xonac.
parallel axes theorem: jerhma twn par llhlwn axnwn.
perpendicular axes theorem: jerhma twn kajtwn axnwn.
polar axis: polikc xonac.
principal axes: krioi xonec.
principal axes of inertia: krioi xonec adr neiac.
principal axes theorem: jerhma kur wn axnwn.
radical axis: rizikc xonac.
real axis: pragmatikc xonac.
rectilinear axis: eujgrammoc xonac.
semimajor axis: hmimeg loc xonac.
semiminor axis: hmimikrc xonac.
space axes: qwriko xonec.
translation of axes: metafor axnwn.
transverse axis: egk rsioc xonac.
x-axis: xonac twn .
y-axis: xonac twn .
z-axis: xonac twn z .



axonosummetrikc, o qwn kulindrik summetr a, summetrikc wc proc xona

axonometric: axonometrikc.

axonometric chart: axonometrikc q rthc.

azimuth: azimojio.
azimuthal: azimoujiakc, gwniakc.

azimuthal component: azimoujiak sunistsa.

azimuthal equidistant projection: azimoujiak isapqousa probol.
azimuthal velocity: gwniak taqthta.

BC (boundary condition): sunoriak sunjkh.
BEM (boundary element method): mjodoc sunoriakn stoiqe wn.
BIM (boundary integral method): mjodoc sunoriako oloklhrmatoc.
BVP (boundary value problem): prblhma sunoriakn timn.
back: p sw.
back and forth method: mjodoc mproc-p sw.
back substitution: p sw antikat stash, an dromh antikat stash.

backing: an kroush.
backup: backup.
backward: proc ta p sw, an dromoc, opisjodromikc, an nth (gia peperasmnec diaforc).
backward dierences: proc ta p sw  an dromec  an nth diaforc.
backward dierence operator: telestc thc proc ta p sw  thc an nth diafor c.

background: upbajro, b joc, fnto.

Baire, R. (1874-1932).

Baire condition: sunjkh tou Baire.

Baire category theorem: jerhma kathgorin tou Baire.
Baire function: sun rthsh tou Baire.
Baire property: idithta Baire.
Baire space: qroc Baire.

balance: isorrop a, isozgio, zugc.

energy balance: isozgio enrgeiac.

mass balance: isozgio m zac.
momentum balance: isozgio ormc.
random balance: tuqa a isorrop a.
static balance: statik isorrop a.
supplemented balance: sumplhrwmnh isorrop a.

balanced: isrropoc, isorrophmnoc.

balanced array: isrropoc sqhmatismc.

balanced subset: isrropo uposnolo.
polynomially balanced language: poluwnumik isorrophmnh glssa.

balancing: exisorrphsh.
ball: mp la, sfa ra.

closed ball: kleist mp la.

open ball: anoikt mp la.

ballistic: ballistikc, blhtikc.

ballistic range:


ballistics: ballistik, blhtik.

ballot: k lph.
Banach, S. (1892-1945)

Banach algebra: lgebra Banach.

Banach space: qroc Banach.
decomposable Banach space: diasp simoc qroc Banach.
hereditarily indecomposable Banach space: klhronomik adi spastoc qroc Banach.

band: tain a, znh, lwr da.

band matrix: tainiwtc p nakac  p nakac tain a.

band tail: our tain ac.
band spectrum: tainiwt f sma.

spectrum band: znh f smatoc.

three-band matrix: trizwnikc p nakac.
two-band matrix: dizwnikc p nakac.

bandwidth: eroc  pl toc znhc.

bang: krhxh.
big bang: meg lh krhxh.

bar: r bdoc, mpar (mon da p eshc).

bar chart:


baroclinic: baroklinikc.

baroclinic ow: baroklinik ro.

barograph: barogr foc.

barometer: barmetro.
barometric: barometrikc.
barometric pressure:

barometrik p esh.

barotropic: bartropoc, barotropikc.

barotropic ow:

barotropik ro.

barrier: fr gma.

potential barrier: fr gma dunamiko.

absorbing barrier: aporrofhtik fr gma.
reecting barrier: anaklastik fr gma.

bary-: baru- (prjema).

barycenter: barkentro.
barycentric: barukentrikc.
barycentric coordinates:

barukentrikc suntetagmnec.

barysphere: barsfaira.
basal: basikc, jemelidhc.
base: b sh, bl. basis.
base vector:

di nusma b shc.

based: basismnoc.
bases: bl. base kai basis.
basic: basikc.

basic frame: basik pla sio.

basic framing: basik plais wsh.
basic machine: basik mhqan.
basic principles: basikc arqc, aximata (axioms).
basic research: basik reuna.

basic sequence: basik akolouj a.

unconditional basic sequence: adsmeuth basik akolouj a.

basis (pl. bases): b sh.

basis function: sun rthsh b shc.

basis vector: di nsuma b shc.
bicubic basis functions: dikubikc sunartseic b shc.
bilinear basis functions: digrammikc sunartseic b shc.
biquadratic basis functions: ditetragwnikc sunartseic b shc.
change of basis matrix: p nakac allagc b shc  p nakac met bashc (transition matrix).
cubic basis functions: kubikc sunartseic b shc.
global basis functions: kajolikc sunartseic b shc.
involutive basis: eneliktik b sh.
linear basis functions: grammikc sunartseic b shc.
local basis functions: topikc sunartseic b shc.
minimal basis: elaqistotik b sh.
ordered basis: diatetagmnh b sh.
oriented basis: prosanatolismnh b sh.
orthogonal basis: orjognia b sh.
orthonormal basis: orjokanonik b sh.
quadratic basis functions: tetragwnikc sunartseic b shc.
standard basis: sunjhc b sh, kanonik b sh, kajierwmnh b sh.
transcendence basis: uperbatik b sh.
unconditional basis: adsmeuth b sh.

batch: part da.

battery: sustoiq a.
Bayes, (-)

Bayes' estimation: ekt mhsh Bayes.

Bayes estimator: ektimtria Bayes.
Bayes' postulate: a thma Bayes.
Bayes' risk: diakindneush Bayes.
Bayes' theorem or rule: jerhma  tpoc tou Bayes.

Bayesian: mpezianc, tou Bayes.

Bayesian intervals:

mpezian diastmata.

beam: dokc, r bdoc, dsmh (aktinobol ac).

elastic beam: elastik dokc.
light beam: dsmh fwtc.

beat: diakrthma, sumbol (optik).

beat frequency:

suqnthta diakrotmatoc.

beating: sumbol (optik).

before: prin.
behavior: sumperifor .
asymptotic behavior:

asumptwtik sumperifor .


chaotic behavior: qaotik sumperifor .

inductive behavior: epagwgik sumperifor .
periodic behavior: periodik sumperifor .

behavioral: sumperiforikc.
Bei functions: sunartseic Bei.
bell: kdwnac.


below: k tw.

bounded below: k tw fragmnoc.

essentially bounded below: ousiwdc k tw fragmnoc.

Beltrami-Enneper formula: tpoc twn Beltrami-Enneper.

benchmark: shme o anafor c.
benchmark problem: prblhma anafor c.

bend: k mptw, k myh.

bend point: shme o an kamyhc.

bending: k myh, krtwsh (optik).

bending invariant: anallo wth k myhc.

bending moment: rop k myhc.

Ber functions: sunartseic Ber.

Bergman kernel: purnac Bergman.
Bernoulli, (-)

Bernoulli distribution: katanom tou Bernoulli  diwnumik (binomial) katanom.

Bernoulli's inequality: anisthta tou Bernoulli.
Bernoulli numbers: arijmo tou Bernoulli.
Bernoulli trial: dokim Bernoulli.

Bertrand curve: kamplh tou Berdrand.

Bessel, F.W. (1784-1846).

Bessel functions: sunartseic Bessel.

Bessel's dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Bessel.
Bessel's modied dierential equation: tropopoihmnh diaforik ex swsh tou Bessel.
Bessel's inequality: anisthta tou Bessel.
modied Bessel functions: tropopoihmnec sunartseic Bessel.

best: bltistoc.

best approximation: bltisth prosggish.

best estimator: bltisth ektimtria.

beta: bta.

beta decay:

di spash bta (fusik).


beta distribution: katanom bta.

beta function: sun rthsh bta.
beta radiation: aktinobol a bta.
beta rays: akt nec bta.
beta transitions: metaptseic bta (fusik).
incomplete beta tables: atele c  ellipe c bta p nakec.

Betti, Enrico (1823-1892)

Betti numbers:

arijmo Betti.
dianalutik .
examhnia oc.

bias: merolhy a, plwsh (luqnin).

inherent bias: eggenc merolhy a.

procedural bias: diadikastik merolhy a.
type bias: merolhy a tpou.

biased: merolhptikc, mh amerlhptoc.

biased estimate: mh amerlhpth ekt mhsh.

biased estimator: mh amerlhpth ektimtria.
biased probability: mh amerlhpth pijanthta.

biaxial: diaxonikc.
biaxial crystal:

diaxonikc krstalloc.

biconcave: amf koiloc.

biconcave lens:

amf koiloc fakc.

biconditional: amfepagwg (plhroforik), amfepagwgikc.

biconical: dikwnikc.
bicontinuous: amfisuneqc.
biconvex: amf kurtoc.
biconvex lens: amf kurtoc fakc.

bicubic: dikubikc.

bicubic basis functions: dikubikc sunartseic b shc.

bicubic element: dikubik stoiqe o.

bidiagonal: didiagnioc.

bidiagonal matrix: didiagnioc p nakac.

bidimensional: disdi statoc.

bidimensional model: disdi stato montlo.

bidirectional: amf dromoc, amf pleuroc.

bidirectional pulses:

amf dromoi palmo .


bifactor: dipar gontac, diparagontikc.

bifocal: diestiakc, diplc est ac.
bifurcate: diakladnw, diqalnw.
bifurcation: diakl dwsh, diq lwsh.

bifurcation point: shme o diakl dwshc.

random bifurcation: tuqa a diakl dwsh.

big: meg loc.

big bang: meg lh krhxh.

bigger: megalteroc.
biharmonic: diarmonikc.

biharmonic (dierential) equation: diarmonik (diaforik) ex swsh.

biharmonic operator: diarmonikc telestc.

biholomorphic: diolmorfoc, diolomorfikc.

biholomorphic equivalence: diolmorfh isodunam a.

bijection: amf rriyh (bl. bijective kai one-to-one and onto).

parentheses bijection: amfimonosmanth kai ep suna'rthsh parenjsewn.

bijective: na proc na kai ep (one-to-one and onto)  amfimonosmanth kai ep  amfimontimh kai

ep  amfirriptik. Se merik bibl a, amf esh (bijection)! Prosoq: se k poia bibl a, qrhsimopoie tai
lanjasmna o roc amfimonosmanth (qwr c to ep ). Ep shc, bl. one-to-one and onto.

bi-Laplacian: dilaplasianc, diarmonikc.

bi-Laplacian equation: dilaplasian ex swsh  diarmonik ex swsh (biharmonic equation).

bilateral: d pleuroc, dimerc.

bilateral generating function:

d pleurh genntria sun rthsh.

bilinear: digrammikc.

bilinear basis functions: digrammikc sunartseic b shc.

bilinear element: digrammik stoiqe o.
bilinear form: digrammik morf.
bilinear transformation: digrammikc metasqhmatismc.

bilinearity: digrammikthta.
bilinearly: digrammik .
bill: logariasmc, timolgio.
billion: disekatommrio.
bimodal: dikrufoc.

bimodal distribution: dikrufh katanom.

binary: duadikc, dimelc.

binary alphabet:

duadik alf bhto.


binary digit: duadik yhf o, duf o (bit).

binary equation: duadik ex swsh.
binary notation: duadikc sumbolismc.
binary operation: dimelc pr xh.
binary relation: dimelc  duadik sqsh.
binary scale: duadik kl maka  kl maka tou do.
binary solution: duadik lsh.
binary system: duadik ssthma.

binomial: dinumo, diwnumikc.

binomial coe cient: diwnumikc suntelestc.

binomial distribution: diwnumik katanom.
binomial equation: diwnumik ex swsh.
binomial expansion: diwnumik an ptugma, an ptugma tou diwnmou.
binomial formula: tpoc tou diwnmou.
binomial population: diwnumikc  diwnumik katanemhmnoc plhjusmc.
binomial series: diwnumik seir .
binomial theorem: jerhma tou diwnmou.

binormal: deterh k jeth.

biochemical: bioqhmikc.
biology: biolog a.

molecular biology: moriak biolog a.

biorthogonal: diorjognioc.

biorthogonal polynomials: diorjognia polunuma.

biorthogonal series: diorjognia seir .
biorthogonal sets of functions: diorjognia snola sunartsewn.

bipolar: dipolikc.

bipolar coordinates:

dipolikc suntetagmnec.

biprism: d prisma (sun. double prism).

biproduct: diginmeno.
biquadratic: ditetragwnikc.

biquadratic basis functions: ditetragwnikc sunartseic b shc.

biquadratic element: ditetragwnik stoiqe o.
biquadratic equation: ditetragwnik ex swsh.

birectangular: diorjognioc, ditetragwnikc.

birectangular spherical triangle: ditetragwnik sfairik tr gwno.

birefringence: diplojlastikthta.
birefringent: diplojlastikc.
birthday: genjlia.

birthday problem: prblhma genejl wn.


bisect: diqotom.
bisection: diqotmhsh.

trisection of an angle: triqotmhsh gwn ac.

bisector: diqotmoc.

perpendicular bisector:

mesok jetoc.

bisequence: diakolouj a.
bisequence space: diakoloujiakc qroc.
biserial: diseiriakc.
bispectrum: dif sma.
bistable: dieustajc, o qwn do eustaje c lseic.
bit: duf o, duadik yhf o (binary digit), bit.

bivariate: didi statoc, do metablhtn.

bivariate distribution:

didi stath katanom  katanom do metablhtn.

black: maroc, mlac.

black body: melan sma.

black hole: marh trpa  melan op.

blank: kenc. blank symbol: ken smbolo.

block: tmma, tem qio, komm ti, mplok, om da.

block matrix: snjetoc p nakac (sun. partitioned matrix).

block diagonal matrix: snjetoc diagnioc p nakac, mplok-diagnioc p nakac.
block matrix multiplication: snjetoc pollaplasiasmc pin kwn.
block power method: snjeth mjodoc twn dun mewn.
Jordan block: mplok  upop nakac Jordan.
randomized block: tuqaiopoihmno mplok.

blow up: apeir zomai, ekrhgnomai, apodiomorfopoi, apodiomorfopo hsh.

: eurumtwpoc.
blu body:

eurumtwpo sma.

body: sma.

body axes: xonec smatoc.

body force: swmatik  olswmh  mazik dnamh,  dnamh gkou.
volume force.
black body: melan sma.
celestial body: our nio sma.
deformable body: paramorfsimo sma.
elastic body: elastik sma.
falling body: p pton sma.
rigid body: stere  kampto sma. Sun. solid body.
solid body: stere  kampto sma. Sun. rigid body.

Isodnamoi roi:

mass force,

solid-body motion: k nhsh stereo smatoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh. Sun. rigid-body
solid-body rotation: peristrof stereo smatoc, mh elastik peristrof, kampth peristrof. Sun.
rigid-body rotation.
solid-body translation: metafor  par llhlh metatpish stereo smatoc, mh elastik metafor ,
kampth metafor . Sun. rigid-body translation.



Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem: jerhma twn Bolzano-Weierstrass.



Bonnet's mean value theorem: jerhma mshc timc tou Bonnet.

Boole, G. (1815-1864), bl. epishc Boolean.
Boole's inequality: anisthta tou Boole.

Boolean: tou Boole.

Boolean algebra: lgebra tou Boole.

Boolean data: logik dedomna.
Boolean polynomial: polunumo tou Boole.
Boolean subalgebra: upo lgebra tou Boole.
superatomic Boolean algebra: uperatomik lgebra tou Boole.

bootstrap: .
bootstrapping: .

bootstrapping argument: .

Borel, F.E. (1871-1956).

Borel's covering theorem: jerhma k luyhc tou Borel.

Borel's measurable function: metrsimh sun rthsh tou Borel.
Borel's set: snolo tou Borel.

bottom: b sh, pujmnac.

bottom-up parser:

suntaktikc analutc ap k tw proc ta p nw.

bound: fr gma, prac.

bound vector: prosarmosmno di nusma.

asymptotic bound: asumptwtik fr gma.
computable error bound: upolog simo fr gma sf lmatoc.
error bound: fr gma sf lmatoc.
essential bound: ousidec fr gma.
essential lower bound: ousidec k tw fr gma.
essential upper bound: ousidec nw fr gma.
greatest lower bound: mgisto k tw fr gma  inmum.
lower bound: k tw fr gma  k tw prac.
least upper bound: el qisto nw fr gma  supremum.
sharp bound: ox fr gma.
sharp error bound: ox fr gma sf lmatoc.
tight bound: sten fr gma.

upper bound: nw fr gma  nw prac.

boundary: snoro, rio, sunoriakc, oriakc.

boundary condition: sunoriak sunjkh.

boundary element: sunoriak stoiqe o.
boundary element method (BEM): mjodoc sunoriakn stoiqe wn.
boundary integral: sunoriak oloklrwma.
boundary integral method (BIM): mjodoc sunoriako oloklhrmatoc.
boundary layer: oriak strma.
boundary method: sunoriak mjodoc.
boundary point: sunoriak shme o.
boundary value: sunoriak tim.
boundary value problem: prblhma sunoriakn timn.
absorbing boundary: aporrofhtik snoro.
class boundaries: ria kl sewc.
dual reciprocity boundary elements: sunoriak stoiqe a dukc antistrofc.
essential boundary condition: ousiastik sunoriak sunjkh (sunjkh Dirichlet).
free boundary: elejero snoro.
free boundary problem: prblhma me elejero snoro.
initial boundary value problem: prblhma arqikn sunoriakn timn.
Lipschitz boundary: snoro Lipschitz.
mixed boundary condition: mikt sunoriak sunjkh.
moving boundary: kinomeno snoro.
moving boundary problem: prblhma kinoumnou sunrou.
natural boundary: fusik snoro.
natural boundary condition: fusik sunoriak sunjkh (sunjkh Neumann).
singular boundary value problem: idi zon prblhma sunoriakn timn.

bounded: fragmnoc.

bounded above: nw fragmnoc.

bounded below: k tw fragmnoc.
bounded convergence theorem: jerhma fragmnhc sgklishc.
bounded function: fragmnh sun rthsh.
bounded operator: fragmnoc telestc.
bounded product: fragmno ginmeno.
bounded quantier: fragmnoc posode kthc.
bounded sequence: fragmnh akolouj a.
bounded set: fragmno snolo.
bounded variation: fragmnh metabol.
essentially bounded: ousiwdc fragmnoc.
essentially bounded above: ousiwdc nw fragmnoc.
essentially bounded below: ousiwdc k tw fragmnoc.
totally bounded: olikc fragmnoc.

boundedness: to fragmno.
bounding: fr sswn, perib llwn, perikle wn.
bounding surface:

perikle ousa epif neia.

boundless: mh fragmnoc, o qwr c ria, to peiro.


box: kout .

box product:

mikt ginmeno dianusm twn.

brachistochrone: braqustqronoc, braqqronoc kamplh.

brachistochrone problem: braqustqrono prblhma.

bracket: agklh.

Lie bracket: agklh Lie.

Poisson bracket: agklh Poisson

branch: kl doc, diakl dwsh.

branch cut: tom diakladsewc.

branch line: gramm diakladsewc.
branch point: shme o diakladsewc.
principal branch: prwtewn kl doc.

branched: diakladwmnoc.
branched covering:

diakladwmnh k luyh.

branching: diakl dwsh.

branching process:

diakladwmnh  kladwt anlixh.

breakthrough: tom, apofasistik bma.

breath: pl toc, eroc.
bridge: mpritz, gfura.
Briggsian: tou Briggs.

Briggsian system of logarithms: logarijmik ssthma tou Briggs  dekadik ssthma logar jmwn.

broad: eurc, platc.

broadband: eure a znh.

broadband communication: epikoinwn a eure ac znhc.

Brownian: tou Brown.

Brownian motion: k nhsh Brown.

bubble: fusall da.

bubble function: sun rthsh fusall dac.

bubble function method: mjodoc sun rthshc fusall dac.

buckle: k mptw.
buckling: k myh.
budget: propologismc.
build: kataskeu zw, oikodom.
built in: enswmatwmnoc.

bulk: gkoc, snolo.


bundle: dsmh, dr gma (Topol.).

bundle of circles: dsmh kklwn.

bundle of lines: dsmh grammn.
bundle of planes: dsmh epipdwn.
a ne bundle: susqetismnh dsmh.
associated bundle: susqetismnh dsmh.
ber bundle: nhmatik dsmh.
line bundle: dsmh grammn.
normal bundle: k jeth dsmh.
principal bundle: kria dsmh.
tangent bundle: efaptmenh dsmh.
vector bundle: dianusmatik dsmh, dsmh dianusm twn.

buoyancy: nwsh, ntwsh.

buoyancy force: nwsh.
buoyant: thc nwshc, antwtikc.
byte: dufiosullab, byte.

CFD (computational uid dynamics): upologistik reustodunamik.
CLT (central limit theorem): kentrik oriak jerhma.
cactoid: kaktoeidc.
calculate: upolog zw.
calculation: upologismc.
numerical calculation: arijmhtikc upologismc.

calculator: arijmomhqan, kompiouter ki.

calculus: logismc.

calculus of variations: logismc twn metaboln.

dierential calculus: diaforikc logismc.
fundamental theorem of calculus: jemelidec jerhma tou majhmatiko logismo.
fundamental theorem of integral calculus: jemelidec jerhma tou oloklhrwtiko logismo.
integral calculus: oloklhrwtikc logismc.
predicate calculus: kathgorhmatikc logismc (sun. quantication theory).
propositional calculus: protasiakc logismc (sun. sentential calculus).
sentential calculus: protasiakc logismc (sun. propositional calculus.

caloric: jermikc, jermantikc.

caloric: jermikc, jermognoc.

cancel: akurnw, diagr fw, aplopoi, apale fw, exale fw.

cancellable: diagr yimoc, apale yimoc, akursimoc.
cancellation: diagraf, akrwsh, aplopo hsh, apaloif, mhdenismc.
cancellation law: nmoc thc diagrafc  thc apaloifc.

cancellative: diagrafikc, akurwtikc, thc apaloifc.

cancellative operation: akurwtik pr xh.

canonical: kanonikc.

canonical action: kanonik dr sh.

canonical class: kanonik kl sh.
canonical coordinates: kanonikc suntetagmnec.
canonical correlation: kanonik susqtish.
canonical desingularization: kanonik apodiomorfopo hsh.
canonical equations: kanonikc exisseic.
canonical expression: kanonik par stash.
canonical form: kanonik morf.
canonical moment: kanonik rop.
canonical projection: kanonik probol.
canonical region: kanonikc tpoc.
canonical representation: kanonik anapar stash.
canonical transformation: kanonikc metasqhmatismc.
canonical variable: kanonik metablht.
Jordan's canonical form: kanonik morf tou Jordan.

canonically: kanonikc.
canonically conjugate:

kanonikc suzuge c.

cantilever: prboloc (Mhq.), proexoq.

Cantor, Georg (1845-1918).

Cantor's paradox: par doxo tou Cantor.

Cantor set: snolo Cantor.
triadic Cantor set: triadik snolo Cantor. Sun. Cantor ternary set.

Cantorian: tou Cantor.

cap: to smbolo thc tomc, \.
cap product:

ginmeno tomc (ap to smbolo


capacitance: qwrhtikthta.
capacitor: puknwtc.
capacity: qwrhtikthta.
heat capacity:


capillarity: to triqoeidc.
capillary: triqoeidc, triqoeidc agwgc.
capital: kef laio.

Carath eodory, Constantin (1873-1950).

card: k rta, qart tr poulac.
card reader:

anagnsthc kartn.

Cardano, Jerome (1501-1576).

cardinal: jemelidhc, plhjikc, plhj rijmoc  plhjikc arijmc.
cardinal number: plhj rijmoc  plhjikc arijmc  isqc.
cardinal number axiom: ax wma twn plhjar jmwn.
cardinal representation: jemelidhc anapar stash.
large cardinal: meg loc plhj rijmoc.
regular cardinal: kanonikc plhj rijmoc.
singular cardinal: idi zwn plhj rijmoc.

cardinality: plhjikthta, isqc, plhjikc arijmc.

cardinality of continuum: plhjikthta tou suneqoc.

cardioid: kardioeidc, kardioeidc.

carrier: forac.
carrier wave:

fron kma.

Cartesian: kartesianc.

Cartesian coordinates: kartesianc suntetagmnec (sun. rectangular coordinates).

Cartesian ovoid: kartesian woeidc.
Cartesian plane: kartesian ep pedo.
Cartesian product: kartesian ginmeno.
Cartesian space: kartesianc qroc.
Cartesian system: kartesian ssthma.
Cartesian tensor: kartesianc tanustc.

cartography: qartograf a.
case: per ptwsh.

ambiguous case: diforomenh per ptwsh.

limiting case: oriak per ptwsh.
special case: eidik per ptwsh.
trivial case: tetrimmnh per ptwsh.

cash: metrht , reust qrma.

cash ow:


Cassini, Jean Dominique (1625-1712).

oval of Cassini:

woeidc tou

casting: qteush.
Catalan, (-).

Catalan's constant:


stajer tou


catalysis: kat lush.

catalytic: katalutikc.
catastrophy: katastrof.
catastrophy theory:

jewr a katastrofc.

catastrophic: katastrofikc.
categorical: kathgorikc.

categorical distribution: kathgorik katanom.

category: kathgor a, kl sh.

Baire category theorem: jerhma kathgorin tou Baire.

concrete category: sumpagc kathgor a.
dual category: ant jeth (opposite)  duk kathgor a.
opposite category: ant jeth  duk (dual) kathgor a.
product category: kathgor a ginomnou.

catenary: alusoeidc.
catenary curve:

alusoeidc kamplh.

catenoid: alusoeidc, alusoeidc.

Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (1789-1857).

Cauchy distribution: katanom tou Cauchy.

Cauchy principal value: prwteousa tim tou Cauchy.
Cauchy-Riemann conditions: sunjkec twn Cauchy-Riemann.
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: anisthta twn Cauchy-Schwarz.
Cauchy's inequality: anisthta tou Cauchy.
Cauchy's integral formulae: oloklhrwtiko tpoi tou Cauchy.
Cauchy's problem: prblhma tou Cauchy.
Cauchy's theorem: jerhma tou Cauchy.

causal: aitidhc.
causality: aitiat.
cause: ait a.

cause variable: aitiometablht.

caustic: kaustikc.
caustics method:

mjodoc twn kaustikn.

cavitation: sphla wsh.

cavity: koilthta.
Cayley, Arthur (1821-1895).
cease: paw, stamat.
celestial: our nioc.

celestial body: our nio sma.

celestial horizon: our nioc or zontac.
celestial mechanics: our nia mhqanik.

celestial pole: our nioc ploc.

celestial sphere: our nia sfa ra.

cell: kel , kttaro, kuyel da, stoiqe o, klufoc.

cell frequency: suqnthta kelio.
empty cell: ken kel .
empty cell test: legqoc keno kelio.
spherical cell: sfairik klufoc.

cellular: kuttaroeidc, yhfiakc.

Celsius, (-).
Celsius degree:



censor: perikptw, logokr nw, diagr fw, aisjhtrac.

censored: perikommnoc, logokrimnoc, diagrammnoc.

censored data: perikommna dedomna, logokrimna dedomna.

left-censored data: perikommna arister dedomna.
right-censored data: perikommna dexi dedomna.

censoring: perikop, logokris a, diagraf.

censoring variable: metablht perikopc (dedomnwn).

census: apograf.

incomplete census:

merik apograf.

cent: ekat. ekatost, sent.

per cent:

ep toic ekat, ekatostia oc.

center: kntro.

center of attraction: kntro lxhc.

center of curvature: kntro kampulthtac.
center of gravity: kntro b rouc.
center of mass: kntro m zac.
center of projection: ke'ntro probolc.
radical center: rizik kntro.

centered: kentrikc.

centered dierences: kentrikc diaforc (sun. central dierences).

centered scheme: kentrik mjodoc, mjodoc kentrikn (peperasmnwn) diaforn.

centile: ekatosthmrio.
central: kentrikc.

central dierences: kentrikc diaforc.

central distribution: kentrik katanom.
central eld: kentrik ped o.
central force: kentrik dnamh.
central limit theorem: kentrik oriak jerhma.

central moment: kentrik rop.

central projection: kentrik probol.
central symmetry: ketrik summetr a, summetr a wc proc kntro.
central tendency: kentrik t sh.

centrality: kentrikthta.
centrifugal: fugketroc.

centrifugal acceleration: fugkentroc epit qunsh.

centrifugal force: fugkentrh dnamh.

centripetal: kentromloc.

centripetal acceleration: kentromloc epit qunsh.

centripetal force: kentromloc dnamh.

centro-: kentro- (prjema).

centrode: kentrdec (sun. locus).
space centrode:

kentrdec tou qrou.

centroid: 1. kntro b rouc. 2. barkentro trignou (to shme o tomc twn diamswn tou), sun. median
curvature centroid:

kntro kampulthtac (sun.

center of curvature).

centroskew: kentro-antisummetrikc.

centroskew matrix: kentro-antisummetrikc p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=-RAR, pou R
tetragwnikc p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutereousa diagnio kai 0 allo).

centrosymmetric: kentrosummetrikc.

centrosymmetric matrix: kentrosummetrikc p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=RAR, pou R
tetragwnikc p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutereousa diagnio kai 0 allo).

certain: bbaioc.

certain event: bbaio gegonc  endeqmeno.

almost certain: sqedn bbaioc.

certainly: beba wc.

almost certainly:

sqedn beba wc.

certainty: bebaithta.
certicate: pistopoihtik.
C esaro, (-).

Cesaro summability: ajroisimthta kat Cesaro.

chain: alus da.

chain reaction: alusidwt ant drash.

chain rule: kannac thc alus dac, kannac paragwg sewc snjethc sun rthshc.
Markov chain: alus da Markov.

polygon chain:

polugwnik alus da.

chance: tuqa oc, tqh.

chance variable: tuqa a metablht.

change: allag, metabol.

change of basis matrix: p nakac allagc b shc  p nakac met bashc (transition matrix).
change of parameter: allag paramtrou.
change of variable: allag metablhtc.
absolute change: apluth metabol.
rate of change: rujmc metabolc.
relative change: sqetik metabol.

changeover: enallag.
channel: kan li, lour da.
chaos: q oc.
chaotic: qaotikc.

chaotic behavior: qaotik sumperifor .

chaotic dynamics: qaotik dunamik.
chaotic solution: qaotik lsh.
chaotic system: qaotik ssthma.

character: qaraktrac.
nite character:

peperasmnoc qaraktrac.

characteristic: qarakthristikc, qarakthristik, qarakthristik.

characteristic class: qarakthristik kl sh.

characteristic curve: qarakthristik kamplh.
characteristic determinant: qarakthristik or zousa.
characteristic equation: qarakthristik ex swsh.
characteristic function: qarakthristik sun rthsh, idiosun rthsh (eigenfunction).
characteristic line: qarakthristik gramm.
characteristic of a logarithm: qarakthristik logar jmou.
characteristic polynomial: qarakthristik polunumo.
characteristic surface: qarakthristik epif neia.
characteristic value: qarakthristik tim, idiotim (bl. eigenvalue).
characteristic vector: qarakthristik di nusma, idiodi nusma (bl. eigenvector).
atypical characteristic: mh tupik qarakthristik.
Euler characteristic: qarakthristik tou Euler.
method of characteristics: mjodoc twn qarakthristikn.

characterization: qarakthrismc.
charge: fort o, frtish.

charge distribution: katanom fort ou.

electric charge: hlektrik fort o.
line charge: grammik fort o.
negative charge: arnhtik fort o.

point charge: shmeiak fort o.

positive charge: jetik fort o.
static charge: statik fort o.

chart: di gramma, q rthc.

axonometric chart: axonometrikc q rthc.

bar chart: rabdgramma.
control chart: di gramma elgqou.
ow chart: logik di gramma, di gramma roc, domgramma.
double logarithmic chart: dilogarijmikc q rthc.
isometric chart: isometrikc q rthc.
logarithmic chart: logarijmikc q rthc.
quality control chart: q rthc elgqou poithtac.
range chart: q rthc kmanshc.

Chebyshev, P.L. (1821-1894).

Chebyshev's dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Chebyshev.

Chebyshev's inequality: anisthta tou Chebyshev.
Chebyshev polynomials: polunuma tou Chebyshev.

chemical: qhmikc.
chemistry: qhme a.
chess: sk ki.
chi: qi ().

chi distribution: katanom .

chi-square distribution: katanom 2 .
chi-square test: legqoc 2  2-legqoc.
chi-square test function: elegqosun rthsh 2 , sun rthsh elgqou 2.

Chinese remainder theorem: jerhma upolo pou tou Kinzou (logik).

chirality: strobilismc, strobilthta (sun. vorticity).
choice: epilog.
axiom of choice: ax wma epilogc.
axiom of global choice: ax wma kajolikc epilogc.
global choice: kajolik epilog.

Choleski's method: mjodoc tou Choleski.

chord: qord.
el symbols: smbola tou Christoel.
circa: (lat.) per pou, grw.
circle: kkloc, perifreia.

circle of convergence: kkloc sugkl sewc.

bundle of circles: dsmh kklwn.
circumscribed circle: perigegrammnoc kkloc (sun. circumcircle).
concentric circles: omkentroi kkloi.
director circle: odhgc kkloc.

geodesic circle: gewdaisiakc kkloc.

inscribed circle: eggegrammnoc kkloc (sun. incircle).
limit circle: oriakc kkloc.
osculating circle: eggtatoc kkloc.
segment of a circle: tmma kklou.
squaring of a circle: tetragwnismc tou kklou.
unit circle: monadia oc kkloc.

circuit: kklwma.

closed circuit: kleist kklwma.

electrical circuit: hlektrik kklwma.
short circuit: braqukklwma.

circular: kuklikc, trigonometrikc (sun. trigonometric kai cyclometric).

circular cone: kuklikc knoc.

circular frequency: kuklik suqnthta.
circular functions: kuklikc  trigwnometrikc (trigonometric)  gwniometrikc (cyclometric) sunartseic.

circular light: kuklik polwmno fc.

circular motion: kuklik k nhsh.
circular permutation: kuklik met jesh.
circular relation: kuklik sqsh.
circular triad: kuklik tri da.
right circular cone: orjc kuklikc knoc.

circulate: kuklofor.
circulation: kuklofor a.
circumcenter: per kentro, kntro tou perigegrammnou kklou.
circumcircle: perigegrammnoc kkloc (sun. circumscribed circle).
circumference: perifreia.
circumferential: perifereiakc.
circumradius: akt na perigegrammnou kklou.
circumscribable: perigr yimoc.
circumscribe: perigr fw.
circumscribed: perigegrammnoc.
circumscribed circle: perigegrammnoc kkloc (sun. circumcircle).
circumscribed polygon: perigegrammno polgwno.

cissoid: kissoeidc.
cissoid of Diocles:

kissoeidc tou Diokl.

class: kl sh, t xh.

class boundaries: ria kl sewc.

class formation: kataskeu kl sewc.
class interval: di sthma kl sewc.
class mark: kntro  mso kl sewc.

class theory: jewr a kl sewn.

canonical class: kanonik kl sh.
characteristic class: qarakthristik kl sh.
codable class: kwdikopoisimh kl sh.
equivalence class: kl sh isodunam ac.
equivalency class: kl sh isodunam ac.
nite class: peperasmnh kl sh.
impredicative axiom of class formation: mh kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeuc kl sewn.
innite class: peirh kl sh.
predicative axiom of class formation: kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeuc kl sewn.
proper class: gnsia kl sh.
residue class: kl sh upolo pwn.
residue class ring: daktlioc thc kl shc upolo pwn  daktlioc phl ko (quotient ring).
revealed class: apokalummnh kl sh.

classical: klasikc.

classical approach to probability: klasikc orismc pijanthtac.

classical mechanics: klasik mhqanik.
classical statistics: klasik statistik.

classication: taxinmhsh.

classication table: p nakac taxinmhshc.

crossed classication: staurwt taxinmhsh.
hierarchical classication: ierarqik taxinmhsh.
two-way classication: taxinmhsh kat do par gontec.

clause: sunjkh (plhroforik).

equivalent clause sets: isodnama snola sunjhkn.

variant of a clause: parallag sunjkhc.

climate: kl ma.

climate change:

klimatik allag.

clinometer: klis metro, klin metro.

clique: plrec gr fhma  plrhc gr foc, kl ka.
clock: roli.
clockwise: me th for (peristrofc) twn deiktn tou rologio.

clockwise direction: for  katejunsh peristrofc twn deiktn tou rologio.

clockwise sense: for  katejunsh peristrofc twn deiktn tou rologio.

close: kontinc, eggc, plhs on, kle nw.

su ciently close:

arkontwc kont .

closeness: eggthta.
closed: kleistc, kleismnoc.

closed ball: kleist mp la.

closed curve: kleist kamplh.

closed form: kleist morf.

closed formula: kleistc tpoc.
closed integration formulas: kleisto tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
closed interval: kleist di sthma.
closed loop: kleistc brqoc.
closed neighborhood: kleist perioq.
closed polygon: kleist polgwno.
closed region: kleistc tpoc, kleist qwr o.
closed set: kleist snolo.
closed sphere: kleist sfa ra.
closed surface: kleist epif neia.
closed under: kleistc wc proc.
closed under addition: kleistc wc proc thn prsjesh.
closed under multiplication: kleistc wc proc ton pollaplasiasm.
exterior of a closed curve: exwterik kleistc kamplhc.
interior of a closed curve: eswterik kleistc kamplhc.
multiplicatively closed: pollaplasiastik kleistc.

closedness: kleistthta.
closure: jkh, per blhma, k lumma, kleistthta, kle simo.

closure property: idithta thc kleistthtac.

closure of a set: jkh  kleistthta sunlou.
closure under addition: kleistthta wc proc thn prsjesh.
closure under multiplication: kleistthta wc proc ton pollaplasiasm.
algebraic closure: algebrik jkh  kleistthta.
reexive closure: anaklastik kleistthta.
transcendental closure: uperbatik jkh  kleistthta.
transitive closure: metabatik kleistthta.

club: spaj sta trapoulqarta (|).

cluster: sust da, sussreuma, smnoc, dsmh.

cluster analysis: an lush sust dwn.

cluster of galaxies: smnoc galaxin.
cluster point: shme o susswresewc  oriak shme o (sunnumo twn rwn accumulation point kai
limit point).
cluster sampling: deigmatolhy a kat sust dec.
cluster of stars: smnoc astrwn.
compact cluster: sumpagc sust da.
ultimate cluster: telik sust da.

coalition: sunaspismc.
coaltitude: zen jia apstash.
coarse: traqc.
coarse mesh:

arai plgma.

coarseness: traqthta.
coating: ep strwsh, strsh.

antireection coating: antianaklastik ep strwsh.


coaxial: omoaxonikc, qwn koin xona.

co-category: sugkathgor a.
co-chain: sunalus da.
coconnected: omosunektikc.
cocycle: omkukloc, sgkukloc.
codable: kwdikopoisimoc.
codable class:

kwdikopoisimh kl sh.

code: kdikac, kwdikopoi.

parallel code:

par llhloc kdikac.

codimension: sundi stash.

coding: kwdikopo hsh.

coding method: mjodoc kwdikopo hshc.

co-domain: ped o timn, snolo fixhc.

coecient: suntelestc.

coe cient of contingency: suntelestc sun feiac.

coe cient matrix: p nakac twn suntelestn.
autocorrelation coe cient: suntelestc autosusqtishc.
binomial coe cient: diwnumikc suntelestc.
condence coe cient: suntelestc empistosnhc.
consistence coe cient: suntelestc sunpeiac.
constant coe cients: stajero suntelestc.
correlation coe cient: suntelestc susqtishc.
determination coe cient: suntelestc prosdiorismo.
Fourier coe cients: suntelestc Fourier.
fundamental coe cients: jemelideic suntelestc, jemelidh megjh.
generalized Fourier coe cients: genikeumnoi suntelestc Fourier.
method of undetermined coe cients: mjodoc twn prosdioristwn suntelestn.
path coe cients: diadromiko suntelestc.
regression coe cient: suntelestc palindromsewc.
scalar coe cient: bajmwtc suntelestc.
ultraspherical coe cient: upersfairikc suntelestc.
weighting coe cient: suntelestc st jmishc, suntelestc b rouc.

coenumerable: sunaparijmsimoc, sunarijmsimoc.

coequalizer: sunexiswtc, sumpurnac diaforn (dierence cokernel).
coercive: sunektikc (mhqanik).
coercivity: sunektikthta (mhqanik).
coexist: sunup rqw.
coexistence: sunparxh.
cofactor: suntelestc, algebrik sumplrwma, sumpar gontac.
cofactor of a matrix element:

algebrik sumplrwma stoiqe ou p naka.


cofactor matrix: p nakac twn algebrikn sumplhrwm twn, p nakac twn sumparagntwn.

cobration: sunhmatopo hsh (Topol.).

cobre: sun na (Topol.).
conal: omotelikc.
conal sets:

omotelik snola.

conality: omotelikthta, omoteleithta.

cofunction: sunsun rthsh.
cograduation: sundiab jmish.
coherence: sumbibastthta, sunoq, sun feia, sumfwn a (optik).
area of coherence: perioq sumfwn ac (optik).
degree of coherence: bajmc sumfwn ac (optik).
spatial coherence: qwrik sumfwn a (optik).

coherency: sumfwn a (qronoseirn).

coherent: sumbibastc, sunektikc, sunafc, smfwnoc (optik).
coherent line source:

smfwnh grammik phg.

cohomology: sunomolog a.

Galois cohomology: sunomolog a Galois.

group cohomology: sunomolog a om dwn.

coil: phn o.
coin: nmisma, krma.
fair coin:

kanonik  t mio nmisma.

coincide: sump ptw, taut zomai.

coincidence: smptwsh, tatish.
coincident: tautizmenoc, sump ptwn.

coincident knots: tautizmenoi kmboi.

coincident lines: tautizmenec euje ec.
coincident points: tautizmena shme a.

cokernel: sumpurnac.
dierence cokernel:

sumpurnac diaforn, sunexiswtc (coequalizer).

collapse: katarrw, kat rreush.

gravitational collapse:

barutik kat rreush.

collar: koll ro.

collect: sullgw, sugkentrnw.
collection: sullog.

collective: sullektikc, sullogikc.

collective coordinates:

sullogikc suntetagmnec.

collimate: parallhl zw (optik).

collimated: par llhloc (optik).

collimated light: par llhlh dsmh fwtc.

collimation: eujugr mmish, paralllish.

collinear: suneujeiakc, suggrammikc.

collinear points: suneujeiak shme a.

collinear vectors: sugrramik diansmata.

collinearity: suneujeiakthta, suggramikthta.

collision: krosh, sgkroush.
collision rule: kannac kroshc.
direct collision: kentrik krosh.
elastic collision: elastik krosh.
inelastic collision: plastik krosh.
oblique collision: pl gia krosh.

collocated: taxijethmnoc, taxinomhmnoc.

collocated nite volume method: taxijethmnh mjodoc peperasmnwn gkwn elgqou.

collocated grid: taxijethmno plgma.

collocation: taxijes a, taxinmhsh, smptwsh.

collocation method: mjodoc taxijes ac  smptwshc  taxinmhshc.

collocation points: shme a taxijes ac  taxinmhshc.
collocation polynomial: polunumo taxijes ac  taxinmhshc, sumptwtik polunumo.
iterated collocation: epanalambanmenh taxijes a  taxinmhsh.
point collocation: shmeiak taxijes a  taxinmhsh.
spectral collocation: fasmatik taxijes a  taxinmhsh.
subdomain collocation: taxijes a  taxinmhsh upoqwr wn.

cologarithm: sunlog rijmoc.

color: qrma.

four-color theorem: jerhma tess rwn qrwm twn.

colorable: qrwmat simoc.

colorable graph:

qrwmat simo gr fhma.

coloration: qrwmatismc.
coloring: qrwmatismc.
column: stlh.

column equivalent: sthlosodnamoc.

column equivalent matrices: sthlosodnamoi p nakec.
column exchange: enallag sthln.

column matrix: p nakac stlh, di nusma stlhc.

column operation: pr xh  metasqhmatismc sthln.
column space: (grammikc) qroc sthln.
elementary column operation: stoiqeidhc metasqhmatismc sthln.
reduced column echelon form: anhgmnh klimakwt morf kat stlec.

combination: sunduasmc.

convex combination: kurtc sunduasmc.

linear combination: grammikc sunduasmc.

combinatorial: sunduastikc.

combinatorial analysis: sunduastik an lush.

combinatorial framework: sunduastik pla sio.
combinatorial invariants: sunduastikc anallo wtec.
combinatorial methods: sunduastikc mjodoi.
combinatorial optimization: sunduastik beltistopo hsh.
combinatorial topology: sunduastik topolog a.

combinatorics: sunduastik.

algebraic combinatorics: algebrik sunduastik.

geometric combinatorics: gewmetrik sunduastik.

combined: sunduasmnoc.
combustible: kasimo.
combustion: kash.
comet: komthc.
commensurable: smmetroc.

commensurable numbers: smmetroi arijmo .

comment: sqlio.
commerce: emprio.

electronic commerce: hlektronik emprio.

commercial: emporikc.
common: koinc, sunjhc.

common denominator: koinc paronomastc.

common factor: koinc par gontac.
common divisor: koinc diairthc.
greatest common divisor: mgistoc koinc diairthc.
highest common factor: mgistoc koinc par gontac ( diairthc).
lowest common divisor: el qistoc koinc diairthc.

communication: epikoinwn a.

broadband communication: epikoinwn a eure ac znhc.

data communication networks: d ktua epikoinwn ac dedomnwn.

commutation: antimet jesh.

commutative: antimetajetikc, metajetikc.

commutative algebra: antimetajetik lgebra.

commutative diagram: antimetajetik di gramma.
commutative group: antimetajetik  abelian om da.
commutative law: antimetajetik idithta.
commutative matrices: antimetajetiko  antimetajsimoi p nakec.
commutative module: antimetajetik  metabatik prtupo.
commutative ring: antimetajetikc daktlioc.
general commutative law: genik antimetajetik idithta.

commutativity: antimetajetikthta.
commutator: antimetajthc.
commute: antimetat jemai.
commuting: antimetajetikc, antimetajsimoc.

commuting matrices: antimetajetiko  antimetajsimoi p nakec.

commuting polynomials: antimetajetik  antimetajsima polunuma.

compact: sumpagc.

compact manifold: sumpagc pollaplthta.

compact set: sumpagc snolo.
compact space: sumpagc qroc.
compact subset: sumpagc uposnolo.
compact support: sumpagc forac.
compact surface: sumpagc epif neia.
countably compact: arijmsima sumpagc.
locally compact: topik sumpagc.
sequentially compact: akoloujiak sumpagc.

compactication: sumpagopo hsh.

one-point compactication: sumpagopo hsh enc shme ou.

compactly: sumpagc.

compactly supported function: sun rthsh me sumpag fora.

weakly-compactly generated (wcg): asjenc-sumpagc paragmenoc (gia snola).

compactness: sump geia, to sumpagc, se merik bibl a sumpagthta.

compactness theorem: jerhma sump geiac.

compacta: bl. compactum.

compactum (pl. compacta): sumpagc kai metrikopoisimoc qroc (compact and metrizable).
comparability: sugkrisimthta.
time comparability: qronik sugkrisimthta.

comparable: sugkr simoc.

comparable functions:

sugkr simec sunartseic.


compare: sugkr nw.

comparison: sgkrish.

comparison property: idithta thc sugkr sewc.

comparison test: kritrio thc sugkr sewc.
triple comparisons: triplc sugkr seic.

compass: 1. pux da (mariner's compass). 2. diabthc (pio sunhjismno ston plhjuntik, compasses).
construction with straight-edge and compass: kataskeu me kanna kai diabth.

compatibility: sumbibastthta, sumbatthta (sun. consistency).

compatibility condition: sunjkh sumbibastthtac.
compatibility equations: exisseic sumbibastthtac.

compatible: sumbibastc, sumbatc.

compatible transitions: sumbatc metab seic.

compensate: antistajm zw.

compensator: antistajmistc.
competition: antagwnismc, diagwnismc.
competitive: antagwnistikc.
compiler: metaglwttistc.
complement: sumplrwma.

complement of an angle: sumplrwma gwn ac.

complement of a set: sumplrwma sunlou.
orthogonal complement: orjognio sumplrwma.

complementarity: sumplhrwmatikthta.

linear complementarity: grammik sumplhrwmatikthta.

complementary: sumplhrwmatikc.

complementary angles: sumplhrwmatikc gwn ec.

complementary dierential equation: ant stoiqh omogenc diaforik ex swsh.
complementary error function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh sf lmatoc.
complementary function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh.
complementary modulus: sumplhrwmatik mtro.
complementary trigonometric functions: sumplhrwmatikc trigonometrikc sunartseic.

complete: plrhc, tleioc.

complete quadrilateral: plrec tetr pleuro.

complete randomization: plrhc tuqaiopo hsh.
complete space: plrhc qroc.
complete vector eld: plrec dianusmatik ped o.
essentially complete: ousiwdc plrhc.

completely: plrwc, tele wc, entelc.


completeness: plhrthta.

topological completeness: topologik plhrthta.

completeness theorem: jerhma plhrthtac.
strong completeness: isqur plhrthta.

completion: plrwsh.
complex: migadikc, summigc, polplokoc, snjetoc. Sthn topolog a, smploko  sqma.
complex conjugate: migadikc suzugc.
complex dierentiation: migadik paraggish, paraggish wc proc migadik metablht.
complex function: migadik sun rthsh.
complex integration: migadik oloklrwsh, oloklrwsh wc proc migadik metablht.
complex matrix: migadikc p nakac.
complex number: migadikc arijmc.
complex number system: ssthma twn migadikn arijmn.
complex plane: migadik ep pedo.
complex potential: migadik dunamik.
complex representation: migadik par stash.
complex process: polplokh diadikas a.
complex temperature: migadik jermokras a.
complex valued: migadikc.
complex-valued function: migadik sun rthsh.
complex variable: migadik metablht.
complex velocity: migadik taqthta.
entire complex plane: sumplhrwmno  epektetamno migadik ep pedo.
extended complex plane: sumplhrwmno  epektetamno migadik ep pedo.
modulus of a complex number: mtro  apluth tim migadiko arijmo.
simplicial complex: basik sqma  smploko (Topol.).

complexication: migadikopo hsh.

complexity: poluplokthta.

complexity hierarchy: ierarq a poluplokthtac.

computational complexity: upologistik poluplokthta.
convergence complexity: poluplokthta sgklishc.
inherent complexity: eggenc poluplokthta.
grammatical complexity: grammatik poluplokthta.

component: sunistsa, sustatik, stoiqe o.

components of a vector: sunistsec diansmatoc.

axial component: axonik sunistsa.
azimuthal component: azimoujiak sunistsa.
normal component: k jeth sunistsa.
radial component: aktinik sunistsa.
random component: tuqa a sunistsa.
seasonal component: epoqiak sunistsa.
tangential component: efaptomenik sunistsa.

componentwise: kat tic sunistsec, wc proc tic sunistsec.

compose: sunjtw.

composite: snjetoc.

composite event: snjeto gegonc  endeqmeno.

composite function: snjeth sun rthsh.
composite hypothesis: snjeth upjesh.
composite integration formulas: snjetoi tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
composite number: snjetoc arijmc.
composite Simpson's rule formula: snjetoc tpoc tou Simpson (arijmhtik oloklrwsh).
composite trapezoidal rule formula: snjetoc tpoc tou trapez ou.

composition: snjesh.

composition of functions: snjesh sunartsewn.

composition of relations: snjesh sqsewn.

compositional: sunjetikc.
compositionality: sunjetikthta.
compound: snjetoc, sunjtw.

compound event: snjeto gegonc  endeqmeno.

compound lens: snjetoc fakc.
compound pendulum: snjeto ekkremc.
compound polyhedra: snjeta poledra.
compound solids: snjeta smata  stere (p.q. snjeta poledra).

comprehensive: periektikc, eurc.

compress: sumpizw, sumptssw, jl bw.
compressed: sumpiesmnoc, suneptugmnoc.
compressed limits: suneptugmna ria.

compressible: sumpiestc.

compressible ow: sumpiest ro.

compressible uid: sumpiest reust.

compression: sump esh, smptuxh, jl yh.

computability: upologisimthta.
computable: upolog simoc.

computable error bound: upolog simo fr gma sf lmatoc.

computable function: upolog simh sun rthsh.
computable in time t: upolog simoc se qrno t.
grammatically computable function: grammatik upolog simh sun rthsh.

computation: upologismc.

neural computation: neurwnikc upologismc.

parallel computation: par llhloc upologismc.

computational: upologistikc.

computational complexity: upologistik poluplokthta.

computational error: upologistik sf lma.
computational geometry: upologistik gewmetr a.

computational mathematics: upologistik majhmatik .

computational mechanics: upologistik mhqanik.
computational uid dynamics (CFD): upologistik reustodunamik.

compute: upolog zw.

computer: upologistc.

computer architecture: arqitektonik upologistn.

computer intensive methods: upologistik entatikc mjodoi.
analog computer: analogikc upologistc.
digital computer: yhfiakc upologistc.
parallel computer: par llhloc upologistc.

computerize: .
computerized: .
computing: upologismc, upolog zontac.

high performance computing: upologismc uyhlc ep doshc.

scientic computing: episthmonikc upologismc.

concatenation: par jesh, allhlouq a, suneirmc.

concave: ko loc, mh kurtc.

concave polygon: mh kurt polgwno (sun. non-convex polygon).

concave polyhedron: mh kurt poledro (sun. non-convex polyhedron).
log-concave: logarijmik ko loc.

concavity: to ko lon, koilthta.

concentration: sugkntrwsh.

mass concentration: mazik sugkntrwsh, sugkntrwsh m zac.

stress concentration: sugkntrwsh t sewn.

concentric: omkentroc.

concentric circles: omkentroi kkloi.

concentric conics: omkentrec kwnikc.
concentric pencils: omkentrec dsmec.

concentrically: omokntrwc.
concept: nnoia, ida.
basic concepts:

basikc nnoiec.

conchoid: kogqoeidc.

conchoid of Nicomedes: kogqoeidc tou Nikomdh.

concrete: sumpagc.
concrete category:

sumpagc kathgor a.

concurrence: sgklish (eujein), h tom sugklinousn eujein.


concurrent: sugkl nwn, temnmenoc.

concurrent lines:

sugkl nousec euje ec, temnmenec euje ec.

concyclic: sugkuklikc.
condensation: sumpknwsh.

condensation lemma: lmma sumpknwshc.

static condensation: statik sumpknwsh.

condense: sunpuknnw.
condenser: puknwtc, sumpuknwtc.
condition: sunjkh, roc, kat stash (gia p nakec).

condition index: de kthc kat stashc.

condition number: arijmc kat stashc.
boundary condition: sunoriak sunjkh.
Cauchy-Riemann conditions: sunjkec twn Cauchy-Riemann.
compatibility condition: sunjkh sumbibastthtac.
Dirichlet condition: sunjkh Dirichlet.
end conditions: sunjkec krwn.
essential boundary condition: ousiastik sunoriak sunjkh (sunjkh Dirichlet).
forcing conditions: sunjkec exanagkasmo.
homogeneous (boundary) condition: omogenc (sunoriak) sunjkh.
ill conditioned: kakc kat stashc.
initial condition: arqik sunjkh.
kinematic condition: kinhmatik sunjkh.
mixed boundary condition: mikt sunoriak sunjkh.
natural boundary condition: fusik sunoriak sunjkh (sunjkh Neumann).
necessary condition: anagka a sunjkh.
necessary and su cient condition: anagka a kai ikan sunjkh.
Neumann condition: sunjkh Neumann.
su cient condition: ikan sunjkh.
well conditioned: kalc kat stashc.

conditional: up  kat sunjkh, up rouc, desmeumnoc, sqetikc, upojetikc (logik).
conditional convergence: sqetik sgklish, sgklish up sunjkh.
conditional distribution: desmeumnh katanom  katanom up sunjkh.
conditional equality: up sujnkh isthta.
conditional moment: desmeumnh rop  rop up sunjkh.
conditional probability: desmeumnh pijanthta  pijanthta up sunjkh.
conditional stability: eust jeia up sunjkh.
conditional statement: upojetik prtash (sun. hypothetical statement).

conditionally: sqetikc, up sunjkh, up rouc, desmeumna.

conditionally convergent series: sqetikc sugkl nousa seir , up sunjkh sugkl nousa seir .
conditionally stable: eustajc up sunjkh.

conditioned: .

ill conditioned:

kakc kat stashc.


well conditioned: kalc kat stashc.

conditioning: kat stash, stajeropo hsh.

ill conditioning: kak kat stash.

conducting: aggimoc.

conducting medium: aggimo mso.

conduction: agwg, di dosh.

heat conduction:

agwg jermthtac.

conductivity: agwgimthta.
thermal conductivity:

conductor: agwgc.
perfect conductor:

jermik agwgimthta.

tleioc agwgc.

cone: knoc.

cut cone: klouroc knoc.

circular cone: kuklikc knoc.
director cone: odhgc knoc.
dispersion cone: knoc diaspor c.
frustrum of cone: klouroc knoc.
inscribed cone: eggegrammnoc knoc.
oblique cone: pl gioc knoc.
right circular cone: orjc kuklikc knoc.
right cone: orjc knoc.
slant height of a cone: genteira knou.
spherical cone: sfairikc knoc.
truncated cone: apokommnoc  klouroc knoc.

condence: empistosnh, pepo jhsh.

condence coe cient: suntelestc empistosnhc.

condence interval: di sthma empistosnhc.
condence level: suntelestc empistosnhc.
condence limits: ria empistosnhc.
condence region: qwr o  perioq empistosnhc.
lower condence limit: kattero rio empistosnhc.
shortest condence interval: braqtato di sthma empistosnhc.
upper condence limit: antero rio empistosnhc.

conguration: (gewmetrikc) sqhmatismc, kat stash. Se bibl a plhroforikc, sunolik kat stash.
halted conguration: termatismnh kat stash (plhroforik).
hanging conguration: krem menh kat stash (plhroforik).
space conguration: fasikc qroc.

conuence: sumbol, surro.

conuent: sumb llwn, surrwn.
confocal: omostioc, sunestiakc.
confocal ellipses:

omostiec elle yeic.


confocal conics:

omostiec kwnikc.

conformal: smmorfoc.

conformal group: smmorfh om da.

conformal mapping: smmorfh apeiknish.
conformal transformation: smmorfoc metasqhmatismc.

conformally: smmorfa.

conformally invariant: smmorfa anallo wtoc.

conforming: summorfikc.

conforming nite elements: summorfik peperasmna stoiqe a.

conforming grid: summorfik plgma.

confounded: smmiktoc.
confounding: smmixh.

double confounding: dipl smmixh.

partial confounding: merik smmixh.

congruence: omoithta (orjomonadia a  orjognia gia p nakec), isotim a.

congruence transformation: metasqhmatismc omoithtac.

congruency: omoithta (orjomonadia a  orjognia gia p nakec), isotim a.

congruent: moioc (orjomonadia a  orjognia gia p nakec), istimoc, soc.
congruent integers: isoploipoi akraioi.
congruent matrices: orjomonadia a ( orjognia) moioi p nakec.
congruent polygons: sa polgwna.

congruous: moioc, istimoc, soc (sun. tou congruent).

congruity: omoithta (orjomonadia a  orjognia gia p nakec), isotim a (sun. tou congruency).
conic: kwnikc, kwnik.
conic section: kwnik tom.
concentric conics: omkentrec kwnikc.
confocal conics: omostiec kwnikc.
nondegenerate conic: mh ekfulismnh kwnik.

conical: kwnikc.

conical coordinates: kwnikc suntetagmnec.

conical pendulum: kwnik ekkremc.
conical projection: kwnik probol.
conical surface: kwnik epif neia.

conjecture: eikas a, prtash qwr c apdeixh.

Goldbach's conjecture:

eikas a tou



conjunction: sndesmoc, sndesh, szeuxh.

conjunction sign:

shme o szeuxhc (plhroforik).

conjunctive: sundetikc, suzeuktikc.

conjunctive normal form: suzeuktik kanoniik morf.

conjugacy: suzug a.

conjugacy class: kl sh suzug ac.

conjugacy problem: prblhma suzug ac.

conjugate: suzugc, pa rnw ton suzug enc migadiko, br skw th suzug morf miac par stashc.
conjugate coordinates: suzuge c suntetagmnec.
conjugate direction: suzugc diejunsh.
conjugate functions: suzuge c sunartseic.
conjugate lines: suzuge c grammc.
conjugate momentum: suzugc orm.
conjugate points: suzug shme a.
conjugate symmetric property: suzugc summetrik idithta.
conjugate transpose matrix: anastrofosuzugc p nakac, suzugc an strofoc p nakac.
complex conjugate: migadikc suzugc.
canonically conjugate: kanonikc suzuge c.

conjugated: sunezeugmnoc.
conjugation: eresh tou suzugoc, suzug a.
conjunction: szeuxh.
conjunctive: suzeuktikc.

conjunctive normal form: suzeuktik kanonik morf.

connected: sunektikc  sunafc, sundemenoc, sqetizmenoc.

connected region: sunektikc  sunafc tpoc, sunektik  sunafc qwr o.

connected set: sunektik  sunafc snolo.
arcwise connected: kat txo sunektikc.
doubly connected: dipl sunektikc.
multi-connected: pollapl sunektikc.
multiply connected: pollapl sunektikc.
simply connected: apl sunektikc.
simply connected region: apl sunektik tpoc.
totally connected: olikc sunektikc.

connectedness: sunektikthta  sun feia.

connection: 1. sndesmoc  sunoq (Gewm.). 2. sqsh, sndesh.
connection coe cients: suntelestc sndeshc.
a ne connection: susqetismnoc sndesmoc.
axiom of connection: ax wma sndeshc.
torsion of connection: stryh sundsmou.


connective: sndesmoc, sundetikc.

logical connnective:

logikc sndesmoc.

connectivity: sundetikthta.
conoid: kwnoeidc.

right conoid: orj kwnoeidc.

consecutive: diadoqikc, allep llhloc, suneqc.

consecutive angles: diadoqikc gwn ec.
consecutive intervals: diadoqik diastmata.
consecutive sides: diadoqikc pleurc.

consequence: aprroia, sunpeia, sumprasma.

logical consequence:

logik sumprasma.

consequent: 1. diairthc. 2. sumprasma (Maj. Log.).

conservation: diatrhsh.

angular momentum conservation: diatrhsh thc stroformc.

conservation law: nmoc diatrhshc.
energy conservation: diatrhsh thc enrgeiac.
mass conservation: diatrhsh thc m zac.
momentum conservation: diatrhsh thc ormc.

conservative: sunthrhtikc, diathrhtikc.

conservative eld: sunthrhtik ped o.

conservative force eld: sunthrhtik ped o dun mewn.
conservative system: sunthrhtik ssthma.

conserved: diathrhmnoc.
conserved quantities:

diathrhmnec posthtec, diathrhmna megjh.

consistence: sumbibastthta, sunpeia.

consistence coe cient:

suntelestc sunpeiac.

consistency: sumbibastthta, sumbatthta (sun. compatibility), sunpeia.

consistency error: sf lma sumbibastthtac.
mean square consistency: msh tetragwnik sunpeia.

consistent: sumbibastc, sumbatc, sunepc. Sqlio Sofokl Merkourkh.

consistent method: sumbibast mjodoc.
consistent strings: sumbatc sumboloseirc.
consistent system: sumbibast ssthma.
consistent test: sunepc legqoc.
consistent test function: sunepc elegqosun rthsh  sun rthsh elgqou.
consistent with respect to solvability: sunepc wc proc thn apodeiximthta.
mean square consistent: sunepc wc proc ton tetragwnik mso.
strongly consistent: isqur sunepc.

strongly consistent estimator: isqur sunepc ektimtria.

consonance: sumfwn a.
constancy: to stajer, stajerthta.
constant: stajerc, stajer , stajer.

constant of aberration: stajer apoplansewc.

constant coe cients: stajero suntelestc.
constant function: stajer sun rthsh.
constant functional: stajer sunarthsiak.
constant mapping: stajer apeiknish.
constant matrix: stajerc p nakac.
absolute constant: apluth stajer .
arbitrary constant: auja reth stajer , tuqosa stajer .
critical constant: kr simh stajer .
dielectric constant: dihlektrik stajer .
gravitational constant: (pagksmia) stajer thc barthtac.
integration constant: stajer oloklhrsewc.
piecewise constant: kat tmmata stajerc.
separation constant: stajer qwrismo.
universal constant: pagksmia stajer .

constellation: asterismc.
constitutive: katastatikc, ulikc.

constitutive equation: katastatik ex swsh, ulik ex swsh.

constitutive relation: katastatik sqsh, ulik sqsh.

constrained: desmeumnoc, up sunjkec, periorismnoc, exanagkasmnoc.

constrained minimization problem: desmeumno prblhma elaqistopo hshc.

constrained motion: exanagkasmnh k nhsh.
constrained oscillation: exanagkasmnh tal ntwsh.
constrained problem: desmeumno prblhma, prblhma up sunjkec.

constraint: desmc, periorismc, desmeutik sunjkh, dsmeush.

holonomic constraint: olnomoc desmc  periorismc.
unilateral constraint: monpleuroc periorismc.

construct: kataskeu zw, oikodom.

constructible: 1. kataskeu simoc. 2. kataskeu simoc me kanna kai diabth.
constructible number: kataskeu simoc arijmc.
constructible polygon: kataskeu simo polgwno.
constructible set: kataskeu simo  epagwgik or simo snolo.

construction: kataskeu.

construction with straight-edge and compass: kataskeu me kanna kai diabth.

geometric construction: gewmetrik kataskeu.


constructive: jetikc, kataskeuastikc, epoikodomhtikc.

constructive interference:

jetik sumbol (optik).

contact: epaf.

contact force: dnamh epafc  epifaneiak dnamh (surface force).

contact manifold: pollaplthta epafc.
contact problem: prblhma epafc.

content: perieqmeno.
Jordan's content:

perieqmeno Jordan.

context: sumfrazmena.

context-free grammar: grammatik qwr c sumfrazmena.

context-free language: glssa qwr c sumfrazmena.
context-sensitive grammar: grammatik eua sjhth sta sumfrazmena.
context-sensitive language: glssa eua sjhth sta sumfrazmena.
ambiguous context-free grammar: diforomenh grammatik qwr c sumfrazmena.

contingency: sun feia, taxinmhsh.

contingency tables: p nakec sun feiac.

coe cient of contingency: suntelestc sun feiac.
folded contingency table: summetrikc p nakac sun feias.
partial contingency: merik sun feia.

continua: bl. continuum.

continuation: sunqish.

analytic continuation: analutik sunqish.

continued: suneqizmenoc, suneqc.

continued fraction: suneqc kl sma.

continuity: sunqeia.

continuity equation: ex swsh sunqeiac.

continuity order: t xh sunqeiac.
absolute continuity: apluth sunqeia.
Holder continuity: sunqeia kat Holder.
left-hand continuity: sunqeia ap arister .
Lipschitz continuity: sunqeia kat Lipschitz.
right-hand continuity: sunqeia ap dexi .
uniform continuity: omoimorfh sunqeia.

continuous: suneqc.

continuous dependence: suneqc ex rthsh.

continuous extension: suneqc epktash.
continuous function: suneqc sun rthsh.
continuous operator: suneqc telestc.
continuous spectrum: suneqc f sma.
absolutely continuous: apoltwc suneqc.
absolutely continuous distribution: apoltwc suneqc katanom.

Holder continuous: suneqc kat Holder.

Lipschitz continuous: suneqc kat Lipschitz.
piecewise continuous: tmhmatik  kat tmmata suneqc.
piecewise continuous function: tmhmatik suneqc sun rthsh.
uniformly continuous function: omoimorfa suneqc sun rthsh.

continuously: suneqc.

continuously dierentiable:

suneqc diafor simoc  paraggisimoc.

continuum (pl. continua): suneqc.

continuum hypothesis: upjesh tou suneqoc msou.

continuum mechanics: mhqanik tou suneqoc msou.
cardinality of continuum: plhjikthta tou suneqoc.

contour: per gramma, kleist kamplh, isoyc (kamplh), brqoc.

contour integral: oloklrwma se kleist kamplh.
contour integration: oloklrwsh se kleist kamplh.
contour plot: di gramma isoyn.

contractible: sustaltc.
contracting: sustellmenoc.
contracting universe:

sustellmeno smpan.

contraction: sustol.

contraction mapping: apeiknish sustolc.

contraction theorem: jerhma sustolc.
quantier contraction: sustol posodeiktn.
sudden contraction: aptomh sustol (reustodunamik).
tensor contraction: sustol tanust (n).

contractive: sustolikc, sustaltikc.

contractive operator: sustolikc telestc.

contractive mapping: sustolik apeiknish.

contradict: antif skw, diafwn, antilgw.

contradiction: antinom a, ant fash, diafwn a, antilog a.

proof by contradiction: apdeixh me th mjodo thc apagwgc se topo.

contradictory: antifatikc.
contravariant: antallo wtoc.

contravariant derivative: antallo wth par gwgoc.

contravariant functor: antallo wtoc sunarthtc.
contravariant index: antallo wtoc de kthc.
contravariant tensor: antallo wtoc tanustc.

contribute: suneisfrw, sumb llw.


contribution: suneisfor , sumbol.

element contribution: suneisfor stoiqe ou.

control: legqoc.

control chart: di gramma elgqou.

control group: om da elgqou.
control surface: epif neia elgqou.
control systems: sustmata elgqou.
control volume: gkoc elgqou.
automatic control: autmatoc legqoc.
nite control: peperasmnoc legqoc.
multivariate quality control: polumetablhtc legqoc poithtac.
nonlinear control: mh grammikc legqoc.
optimal control: bltistoc legqoc.
quality control: legqoc poithtac.
statistical control: statistikc legqoc.

controller: rujmistc, elegktc.

analog controller: analogikc rujmistc.

digital controller: yhfiakc rujmistc.

convection: kuklofor a, metafor , sunagwg.

forced convection: bebiasmnh  exanagkasmnh kuklofor a.

natural convection: fusik kuklofor a.
natural convection heat transfer: metafor jermthtac me fusik kuklofor a.

convected: metafermenoc.

convected derivative: metafermenh par gwgoc.

convected momentum tensor: tanustc metafermenhc ormc.
lower-convected derivative: k tw metafermenh par gwgoc.
upper-convected derivative: nw metafermenh par gwgoc.

convective: thc metafor c, metaforikc, sunagwgikc.

convective terms: roi metafor c.

convective derivative: ousiastik  ousidhc  ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantial  substantive 
material derivative).

convention: sunjkh, smbash, sumfwn a.

summation convention:

converge: sugkl nw.

converged: sugkl nac.

sunjkh  smbash ajro sewc.

converged algorithm: sugkl nac algrijmoc.

converged solution: sugkl nasa lsh.

convergence: sgklish.

convergence complexity: poluplokthta sgklishc.

convergence criterion: kritrio sugkl sewc.
convergence interval: di sthma sugkl sewc.

convergence in the mean: msh sgklish.

convergence order: t xh sugklishc.
convergence test: kritrio sgklishc. Se merik bibl a, test sgklishc.
absolute convergence: apluth sgklish.
acceleration of convergence: epit qunsh sgklishc.
algebraic convergence: algebrik sgklish.
almost everywhere convergence: sgklish sqedn panto.
asymptotic convergence: asumptwtik sgklish.
bounded convergence theorem: jerhma fragmnhc sgklishc.
circle of convergence: kkloc sugkl sewc.
conditional convergence: sqetik sgklish, sgklish up sunjkh.
dominated convergence: kuriarqhmnh sgklish.
exponential convergence: ekjetik sgklish.
pointwise convergence: shmeiak sgklish.
quadratic convergence: deuterob jmia sgklish.
quartic convergence: tetartob jmia sgklish.
radius of convergence: akt na sugkl sewc.
rate of convergence: rujmc  taqthta sugkl sewc.
stochastic convergence: stoqastik sgklish.
strong convergence: isqur sgklish.
unconditional convergence: adsmeuth sgklish.
uniform convergence: omoimorfh sgklish.
weak convergence: asjenc sgklish.
weak* convergence: asjenc* sgklish.

convergent: sugkl nwn.

convergent algorithm: sugkl nwn algrijmoc.

convergent sequence: sugkl nousa akolouj a.
convergent series: sugkl nousa seir .
absolutely convergent: apoltwc sugkl nwn.
absolutely convergent series: apoltwc sugkl nousa seir .
algebraically convergent: sugkl nwn algebrik .
conditionally convergent series: sqetikc sugkl nousa seir , up sunjkh sugkl nousa seir .
exponentially convergent: sugkl nwn ekjetik .
pointwise convergent sequence: shmeiakc sugkl nousa akolouj a.
quadratically convergent algorithm: deuterob jmia sugkl nwn algrijmoc.
quartically convergent algorithm: tetartob jmia sugkl nwn algrijmoc.
uniformly convergent sequence: omoimorfa sugkl nousa akolouj a.

converging: sugkl nwn.

converging sequence: sugkl nousa akolouj a.

converging series: sugkl nousa seir .

converse: ant strofoc, ant jetoc.

converse relation: ant strofh sqsh.

converse statement: ant jeth prtash.
converse theorem: ant strofo jerhma.

conversely: ant strofa.


conversion: metatrop.

conversion factor: suntelestc metatropc.

conversion rate: rujmc metatropc.

convert: metatrpw.
converter: metatropac.
convex: kurtc.

convex combination: kurtc sunduasmc.

convex functional: kurt sunarthsiak.
convex hull: kurt per blhma.
convex optimization: kurt beltistopo hsh.
convex polygon: kurt polgwno (bl. polygon).
convex polyhedron: kurt poledro.
convex subset: kurt uposnolo.
convex set: kurt snolo.
convex space: kurtc qroc.
strictly convex: gnsia  austhr kurtc.

convexity: kurtthta.

Liapunov convexity theorem: jerhma kurtthtac tou Liapunov.

convolution: sunlixh, enlixh, d plwsh.

convolution integral: suneliktik oloklrwma.

cooling: yxh.
coordinate: suntetagmnh.

coordinate curve: suntetagmnh kamplh.

coordinate system: ssthma suntetagmnwn.
a ne coordinate system: omoparallhlik ssthma suntetagmnwn.
barycentric coordinates: barukentrikc suntetagmnec.
canonical coordinates: kanonikc suntetagmnec.
Cartesian coordinates: kartesianc suntetagmnec (sun. rectangular coordinates).
collective coordinates: sullogikc suntetagmnec.
conical coordinates: kwnikc suntetagmnec.
conjugate coordinates: suzuge c suntetagmnec.
curvilinear coordinates: kampulgrammec suntetagmnec.
cyclic coordinate: kuklik suntetagmnh.
cylindrical coordinates: kulindrikc suntetagmnec.
ellipsoidal coordinates: elleiyoeide c suntetagmnec.
elliptic cylindrical coordinates: elleiptikc kulindrikc suntetagmnec.
equatorial coordinate: ishmerin suntetagmnh.
generalized coordinates: genikeumnec suntetagmnec.
geodesic coordinates: gewdaisiakc suntetagmnec.
geodesic polar coordinates: gewdaisiakc polikc suntetagmnec.
helical coordinates: elikoeide c suntetagmnec.
hyperbolic coordinates: uperbolikc suntetagmnec.
momentum coordinates: suntetagmnec ormc.
moving coordinate system: kinomeno ssthma suntetagmnwn.

normal coordinates: kanonikc suntetagmnec.

oblate spheroidal coordinates: peplatusmnec  geweide c sfairoeide c suntetagmnec.
oblique coordinates: pl giec suntetagmnec.
orthogonal coordinates: orjogniec suntetagmnec.
orthogonal curvilinear coordinates: orjogniec kampulgrammec suntetagmnec.
parabolic cylindrical coordinates: parabolikc kulindrikc suntetagmnec.
paraboloidal coordinates: paraboloeide c suntetagmnec.
polar coordinates: polikc suntetagmnec.
projective coordinates: probolikc suntetagmnec.
prolate spheroidal coordinates: woeide c sfairoeide c suntetagmnec.
rectangular coordinates: kartesianc  orjogniec suntetagmnec (sun. Cartesian coordinates).
rectangular coordinate system: kartesian  orjognio ssthma suntetagmnwn (sun. Cartesian
coordinate system).
Riemann normal coordinates: kanonikc suntetagmnec tou Riemann.
right-handed coordinate system: dexistrofo ssthma suntetagmnwn.
rotating coordinate system: peristrefmeno ssthma suntetagmnwn.
spherical coordinates: sfairikc suntetagmnec.
spheroidal coordinates: sfairoeide c suntetagmnec.
toroidal coordinates: toroeide c suntetagmnec.

copier: antigrafac.
coplanar: sunep pedoc.

coplanar points: sunep peda shme a.

coplanar vectors: sunep peda diansmata.

coprime: prtoi proc alllouc ( metax touc).

coprime polynomials: prta proc llhla polunuma.

co-processor: sunepexergastc.
copy: antigr fw, ant grafo.
copying: antigraf.

copying machine: mhqan antigrafc.

corecursive: sunanadromikc.
Coriolis, (1792-1894).

Coriolis acceleration: epit qunsh Coriolis.

Coriolis force: dnamh Coriolis.

corner: gwni .

corner singularity: gwniak anwmal a  idiomorf a.

corollary: prisma.
correct: diorjnw, akribc, orjc.
correction: dirjwsh.
corrector: diorjwtc, algrijmoc dirjwshc.

predictor-corrector method: mjodoc problyewc-diorjsewc.


correlate: susqet zw.

correlation: susqtish, susqetismc.

correlation coe cient: suntelestc susqtishc.

correlation dimension: di stash susqtishc.
canonical correlation: kanonik susqtish.
intraclass correlation: endosusqtish.
linear correlation: grammik susqtish.
linear correlation coe cient: suntelestc grammikc susqtishc.
negative correlation: arnhtik susqtish.
non-linear correlation: mh grammik susqtish.
partial correlation: merik susqtish.
positive correlation: jetik susqtish.
rank correlation: susqtish bajmo.
serial correlation: seiriak susqtish.

correspondence: antistoiq a.

correspondence problem: prblhma antistoiq ac.

correspondence system: ssthma antistoiq ac.
isometric correspondence: isometrik antistoiq a.
one-to-one correspondence: antistoiq a na proc na, amfimonosmanth  amfimontimh antistoiq a.

corresponding: ant stoiqoc, omlogoc.

corresponding angles: omlogec gwn ec, epi ta aut gwn ec.

corresponding lines: omlogec grammc.
corresponding points: omloga shme a.

corrigendum (pl. corrigenda): dirjwsh.

corrugation: kum twsh, kmansh (sun. undulation).
corrugated: kumatoeidc (sun. undulated).
cosecant: suntmnousa.
coset: smploko.
left coset: arister smploko.
right coset: dexi smploko.

cosh: uperbolik sunhm tono.

inverse cosh:

txo uperboliko sunhmitnou.

cosine: sunhm tono, sunhmitonikc, sunhmitonoeidc.

cosine integral: sunhmitonik oloklrwma.

cosine series: sunhmitonik seir  seir sunhmitnwn.
cosine transform: sunhmitonoeidc metasqhmatismnh (Fourier).
direction cosines: sunhm tona katejunshc, kateujnonta sunhm tona, sunhm tona diejunshc, dieujnonta sunhm tona.

inverse cosine: txo sunhmitnou.

law of cosines: nmoc twn sunhmitnwn.

cosmic: kosmikc.

cosmological: kosmologikc.
cosmos: ksmoc, smpan.
cost: kstoc.
cotangent: sunefaptomnh.
inverse cotangent:

txo sunefaptomnhc.

coth: uperbolik sunefaptomnh.

inverse coth:

txo uperbolikc sunefaptomnhc.

count: arijm, aparijm, metr.

countability: arijmhsimthta.
countable: arijmsimoc, aparijmsimoc, metrsimoc.
countable additivity: arijmsimh prosjetikthta.
countable set: arijmsimo  metrsimo snolo.
countable topology: arijmsimh topolog a.

countably: arijmsima, metrsima.

countably compact: arijmsima sumpagc.

countably innite set: arijmsima  metrsima peiro snolo.

counter: aparijmhtc, metrhtc, en ntioc, enant on.

counter example: antipar deigma.
counter model: aparijmhtik montlo.
Geiger counter: metrhtc Geiger.

counterclockwise: ant jeta me th for (peristrofc) twn deiktn tou rologio.

counterclockwise direction: for  katejunsh peristrofc ant jeth twn deiktn tou rologio.
counterclockwise sense: for  katejunsh peristrofc ant jeth twn deiktn tou rologio.

counting: apar jmhsh, ar jmhsh, mtrhsh, aparijmhtikc.

counting measure:

aparijmhtik mtro.

couple: zegoc.
coupled: suzeugmnoc.

coupled equations: suzeugmnec exisseic.

coupled oscillator: suzeugmnoc talantwtc.
coupled pendulum: suzeugmno ekkremc.
strongly coupled problems: isqur suzeugmna problmata.
weakly coupled problems: asjenc suzeugmna problmata.

coupling: szeuxh, sndesmoc.

strong coupling: isqur szeuxh.

weak coupling: asjenc szeuxh.

covariance: sundiaspor  sundiakmansh  summetablhtthta.


covariant: sunallo wtoc.

covariant derivation: sunallo wth paraggish.

covariant derivative: sunallo wth par gwgoc.
covariant functor: sunallo wtoc sunarthtc.
covariant index: sunallo wtoc de kthc.
covariant tensor: sunallo wtoc tanustc.

cover: kalptw, k luyh, dianw.

exact cover problem: prblhma akriboc k luyhc.

open cover: anoikt k luyh.

covering: k luyh.

covering transformation: metasqhmatismc k luyhc (sun. deck transformation).

Borel's covering theorem: jerhma k luyhc tou Borel.
branched covering: diakladwmnh k luyh.
open covering: anoikt k luyh.
unbranched covering: apodiakladwmnh k luyh.
universal covering: kajolik k luyh.

crack: rwgm.

crack growth: an ptuxh rwgmc.

crack propagation: di dosh rwgmc.
propagating crack: diadidmenh rwgm.

create: dhmiourg.
creative: dhmiourgikc.
creeping: rpwn.

creeping ow: rpousa ro.

crest: koruf.
Cramer, Gabriel (1704-1752)

Cramer's rule: kannac tou Cramer.

criteria: bl. criterion.
criterion (pl. criteria): kritrio.
convergence criterion: kritrio sgklishc.

critical: kr simoc. Se merik bibl a metafr zetai (kakc) wc kritikc.

critical angle: orik gwn a (optik).
critical constant: kr simh stajer .
critical point: kr simo shme o.
critical region: kr simo qwr o, kr simh perioq.
critical value: kr simh tim.

critically: kr sima.

critically damped motion: k nhsh me kr simh apsbesh.


cross: staurc, to smbolo , diastarwsh, egk rsioc.

cross diagonal: deutereousa diagnioc (p naka).

cross over: diastaurnw, diastarwsh.
cross over point: shme o diastarwshc.
cross product: exwterik  dianusmatik  staurwt ginmeno (sun. outer  vector product).
cross section: egk rsia tom, diatom.
cross sectional area: embadn diatomc.
cross ratio: diplc lgoc.

crossed: staurwtc, diastauromenoc.

crossed classication: staurwt taxinmhsh.

crossed factors: diastauromenoi par gontec.

crossing: diastarwsh, di bash.

boundary crossing:

di bash sunrou, di bash fr gmatoc.

cruciform: stauroeidc.
cruciform curve:

stauroeidc kamplh.

crystal: krstalloc.

crystal structure: krustallik dom.

biaxial crystal: diaxonikc krstalloc.
dichroic crystal: diqrwkc krstalloc.
uniaxial crystal: mon xonac krstalloc.

crystalinity: krustallikthta.
cube: kboc.
doubling the cube:

diplasiasmc tou kbou. To prblhma aut e nai ep shc gnwst wc Delian problem
(Dlio prblhma)  Delian altar problem (prblhma tou Dliou bwmo).
snub cube: kolobc kboc. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqimdeiwn poludrwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna
kai tetr gwna).
truncated cube: apokommnoc  klouroc kboc. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqimdeiwn poludrwn (oi drec tou
e nai kanonik tr gwna kai okt gwna).

cubic: kubikc, tritob jmioc.

cubic curve: kubik kamplh.

cubic element: kubik stoiqe o.
cubic equation: tritob jmia ex swsh.
cubic polynomial: kubik  tritob jmio polunumo.
cubic root: kubik r za.
cubic splines: kubikc (sunartseic) splines.

cubical: kubikc.

cubical parabola: kubik parabol.

cuboctaedron (pl. cuboctahedrons or cuboctahedra):

kubookt edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqimdeiwn

poludrwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai tetr gwna).
truncated cuboctahedron: apokommno  klouro kubookt edro. Rombik arqimdeio poledro (oi


drec tou e nai tetr gwna, kanonik ex gwna ka okt gwna).

cuboid: kuboeidc, kuboeidc  orjognio parallhlep pedo (rectangular parallelepiped).

cuboidal: kuboeidc.
cumulant: ajroistikc.
cumulative: ajroistikc, susswreutikc.
cumulative distribution function: ajroistik sun rthsh katanomc.
cumulative frequency distribution: ajroistik katanom suqnottwn.
cumulative frequency polygon: polgwno ajroistikc suqnthtac.
cumulative hazard function: ajroistik sun rthsh diakindneushc.
cumulative hierarchy: susswreutik ierarq a (logik).

cup: to smbolo thc nwshc, .

cup product:

ginmeno nwshc (ap to smbolo


curl: strobilismc, peristrof.

current: rema.
alternating current:

enallassmeno rema.

curvature: kampulthta.

curvature centroid: kntro kampulthtac (sun. center of curvature).

curvature directions: dieujnseic kampulthtac.
curvature integra: olik kampulthta (sun. integral curvature kai total curvature).
curvature tensor: tanustc kampulthtac.
curvature vector: di nusma kampulthtac.
center of curvature: kntro kampulthtac.
rst curvature: prth kampulthta.
Gaussian curvature: kampulthta tou Gauss.
geodesic curvature: gewdaisiak kampulthta, efaptomenik kampulthta (tangential curvature).
integral curvature: olik kampulthta (sun. total curvature kai curvature integra).
line of curvature: gramm kampulthtac.
mean curvature: msh kampulthta.
normal curvature: k jeth kampulthta.
principal curvature: kria kampulthta.
radius of curvature: akt na kampulthtac.
Riemann curvature tensor: tanustc kampulthtac tou Riemann.
scalar curvature: bajmwt kampulthta.
second curvature: deterh kampulthta.
tangential curvature: efaptomenik kampulthta, gewdaisiak kampulthta (geodesic curvature).
total curvature: olik kampulthta (sun. integral curvature kai curvature integra).

curve: kamplh.

curve tting: prosarmog kamplhc.

abnormal curve: akanonik  mh kanonik kamplh  anmalh kamplh.
anallagmatic curve: anallagmatik kamplh.
catenary curve: alusoeidc kamplh.
characteristic curve: qarakthristik kamplh.
closed curve: kleist kamplh.

coordinate curve: suntetagmnh kamplh.

cruciform curve: stauroeidc kamplh.
cubic curve: kubik kamplh.
epitrochoidal curve: epitroqoeidc kamplh.
equipotential curve: isodunamik kamplh.
exponential curve: ekjetik kamplh.
exterior of a closed curve: exwterik kleistc kamplhc.
ow curve: kamplh roc.
geodesic curves: gewdaisiakc, gewdaisiakc kamplec (sun. geodesics).
graduation curve: kamplh diab jmishc.
guiding curve: dieujetosa kamplh (sun. directrix).
integral curve: oloklhrwtik kamplh.
interior of a closed curve: eswterik kleistc kamplhc.
isochronous curve: isqronh kamplh.
isoclinic curve: isoklinc kamplh. Sun. isocline
isotropic curve: istroph kamplh.
kurtic curve: kurtwtik kamplh, kamplh krtwshc.
meridian curve: meshmbrin kamplh  tom, sun. meridian section. Bl. meridian.
normal curve: kanonik kamplh.
oriented curve: prosanatolismnh kamplh.
parameter curve: parametrik kamplh.
plane curve: ep pedh kamplh.
rectiable curve: kamplh me upolog simo (peperasmno) mkoc.
regression curve: kamplh palindromsewc.
simple (closed) curve: apl (kleist) kamplh.
skew curve: asmmetrh kamplh.
smooth curve: le a kamplh.
solution curve: kamplh lshc.
power curve: kamplh isqoc.
standard normal curve: tupik  tupopoihmnh kanonik kamplh.

curved: kampulwmnoc, kampulgrammoc.

curved quadrilateral: kampulgrammo tetr pleuro.

curvilinear: kampulgrammoc.

curvilinear coordinates: kampulgrammec suntetagmnec.

curvilinear system: kampulgrammo ssthma.
orthogonal curvilinear coordinates: orjogniec kampulgrammec suntetagmnec.

cusp: an kamyh, ox kro, koruf.

cusp point: ox kro, shme o an kamyhc.

maximal cusp: megistik ox kro.

cut: tom.

cut cone: klouroc knoc.

cut o: apokop.
cut o point: shme o apokopc.
branch cut: tom diakladsewc.
Dedekind cut: tom tou Dekekind.

cycle: kkloc.

limit cycle: oriakc kkloc.

proper cycle: gnsioc  swstc kkloc.
trivial cycle: tetrimmnoc kkloc.

cyclic: kuklikc.

cyclic coordinate: kuklik suntetagmnh.

cyclic extension: kuklik epktash.
cyclic group: kuklik om da.
cyclic permutation: kuklik met jesh.

cyclical: kuklikc.
cycloid: kukloeidc.

cycloid pendulum: kukloeidc ekkremc.

evolute of a cycloid: exeiligmnh kukloeidoc.
prolate cycloid: epimkhc kukloeidc.

cyclometric: kuklometrikc, gwniometrikc.

cyclometric functions:

gwniometrikc  trigwnometrikc (trigonometric)  kuklikc (circular) sunar-

cyclone: kuklnac.
cyclotomic: kuklotomikc.
cyclotomic extension:

kuklotomik epktash.

cylinder: klindroc.

elliptic cylinder: elleiptikc klindroc.

hyperbolic cylinder: uperbolikc klindroc.
parabolic cylinder: parabolikc klindroc.
projecting cylinder: prboloc klindroc.

cylindrical: kulindrikc.

cylindrical coordinates: kulindrikc suntetagmnec.

cylindrical projection: kulindrik probol.
elliptic cylindrical coordinates: elleiptikc kulindrikc suntetagmnec.
parabolic cylindrical coordinates: parabolikc kulindrikc suntetagmnec.




D'Alembert's principle:

arq tou


damped: aposbhnmenoc, me apsbesh.

damped harmonic oscillator: armonikc talantwtc me apsbesh, aposbhnmenoc armonikc talantwtc.

damped motion: k nhsh me apsbesh.

critically damped motion: k nhsh me kr simh apsbesh.
oscillatory damped motion: talanteumenh k nhsh me apsbesh.

damping: apsbesh.

damping coe cient: suntelestc apsbeshc.

damping force: dnamh apsbeshc.

dangerous: epik ndunoc.

dangerous mode: epik ndunoc trpoc (tal ntwshc).

data: dedomno, dedomna, stoiqe a.

data analysis: an lush dedomnwn.

data communication networks: d ktua epikoinwn ac dedomnwn.
data le: arqe o dedomnwn.
data tting: prosarmog dedomnwn.
data smoothing: exom lunsh dedomnwn.
data tra c: kuklofor a dedomnwn.
Boolean data: logik dedomna.
censored data: perikommna dedomna, logokrimna dedomna.
logical data: logik dedomna.
numerical data: arijmhtik dedomna.
qualitative data: poiotik dedomna.
quantitative data: posotik dedomna.
raw data: prwtogen dedomna.

database: b sh dedomnwn.

database systems: sustmata b sewn dedomnwn.

deactivation: apenergopo hsh.

dead: nekrc.
dead state:

nekr kat stash. Se merik bibl a plhroforikhc, katabjra.

debug: aposfalmatnw, diorjnw sf lmata se prgramma (Plhrof.).

debugging: aposfalm twsh.
decay: me wsh, exasjnhsh, di spash (fusik).
beta decay:

di spash bta (fusik).

decelerate: epibradnw.
deceleration: epibr dunsh.
decentralize: apokentrnw.

decentralized: apokentrwmnoc.

decentralized algorithm: apokentrwmnoc algrijmoc.

decimal: dekadikc (sun. denary).

decimal notation: dekadikc sumbolismc, dekadik par stash.

decimal place: dekadik jsh.
decimal representation: dekadik morf (pragmatiko arijmo).
decimal system: dekadik ssthma.

decidable: apofas simoc, algorijmikc  apantsimoc (logik).

decidable language: apofas simh glssa.

decidability: anadromikthta (logik).

decide: apofas zw.
decision: apfash.

decision function: sun rthsh apfashc.

decision procedure: diadikas a apfashc.
decision rule: kannac apfashc.
decision theory: jewr a apof sewn.
multi-valued decision: apfash polln epilogn.
randomized decision function: tuqaiopoihmnh sun rthsh apfashc.
statistical decision: statistik apfash.

deck: kat strwma, tr poula.

deck of cards: tr poula.

deck transformation: metasqhmatismc k luyhc (sun. covering transformation).

declination: apklish.

south declination: ntia apklish.

decodable: apokwdikopoisimoc.
decode: apokwdikopoi.
decoding: apokwdikopo hsh.
decomposable: paragontopoisimoc, diasp simoc, diamel simoc.
decomposable Banach space: diasp simoc qroc Banach.
decomposable matrix: paragontopoisimoc p nakac.

decomposition: an lush, paragontopo hsh, merismc, diamerismc, di spash, diamlish.

domain decomposition: diamerismc  diaqwrismc qwr ou.

domain decomposition method: mjodoc diamerismo  diaqwrismo qwr ou.
LU decomposition: an lush LU, paragontopo hsh LU, trigwnik paragontopo hsh.
non-overlapping domain decomposition: diaqwrismc  diamerismc mh epikaluptmenwn qwr wn.
overlapping domain decomposition: diaqwrismc  diamerismc epikaluptmenwn qwr wn.
partial fraction decomposition: an lush se merik  apl kl smata.
predictive decomposition: probleptik an lush.
spectral decomposition: fasmatik paragontopo hsh.

decoupled: aposuzeugmnoc, diazeugmnoc, aszeuktoc.

decoupled equations:

aposuzeugmnec  aszeuktec exisseic.

decoupling: di zeuxh, aposzeuxh, aposndesh.

decoupling problem: prblhma aposzeuxhc.

decrease: meinw, elattnw, me wsh, el ttwsh.

percent decrease:

ekatostia a me wsh.

decreasing: fj nwn.

decreasing function: fj nousa sun rthsh.

decreasing sequence: fj nousa akolouj a.
strictly decreasing function: gnsia  austhr fj nousa sun rthsh.

decrement: me wsh, el ttwsh, zhmi .

logarithmic decrement:

logarijmik me wsh.

decremental: meiwtikc.
Dedekind, (-).
Dedekind cut:

tom tou


dedimensionalization: apodiastatopo hsh.

dedimensionalize: apodiastatopoi.
deduce: sun gw, sumpera nw.
deducible: sunagmenoc.
deduct: afair, ekp ptw, krat (pos).
deductible: afairsimoc, ekp ptwn.
deduction: sumprasma, epagwg, paragwg (logik), afa resh, kptwsh, kr thsh (poso).

deduction theorem: sumperasmatologik jerhma, jerhma paragwgc.

by deduction: sumperasmatik , sumperasmatologik , kat sumperasm.
rule of deduction: sumperasmatologikc kannac, kannac paragwgc (sun. rule of inference).

deductive: sumperasmatikc, epagwgikc, paragwgikc (logik).

deductive method: sumperasmatologik mjodoc.

deep: bajc.
defect: elleiyh, el ttwma.

defect group: ellipc om da.

defective: ellipc (gia p nakec), elattwmatikc.

defective matrix: ellipc p nakac.

defer: anab llw.

deferred: anablhje c.

deferred correction scheme:

mjodoc anaballmenhc dirjwshc.


decit: lleimma. Enallaktikc roc gia th mhdenikthta (nullity).

denability: orisimthta.
denable: or simoc.
denable set:

or simo snolo.

dene: or zw.
dened: orismnoc.

well dened: kalc orismnoc.

uniquely dened: monosmanta orismnoc.

denite: orismnoc, oristikc.

denite integral: orismno oloklrwma.

denite integration: orismnh oloklrwsh.
negative denite: arnhtik orismnoc.
negative denite matrix: arnhtik orismnoc p nakac.
non-negative denite: mh arntik orismnoc.
non-positive denite: mh jetik orismnoc.
positive denite: jetik orismnoc.
positive denite matrix: jetik orismnoc p nakac.
semi-denite: hmiorismnoc.
semi-denite quadratic form: hmiorismnh tetragwnik morf.
semipositive denite: hmijetik orismnoc.

deniteness: to orismno.

positive deniteness: to jetik orismno.

negative deniteness: to arnhtik orismno.

denition: orismc.

domain of denition: ped o orismo.

axiomatic denition: axiwmatikc orismc.

denitive: oristikc.
deform: paramorfnw.
deformable: paramorfsimoc.

deformable body: paramorfsimo sma.

deformation: paramrfwsh. Sun. strain.

elastic deformation: elastik paramrfwsh.

plastic deformation: plastik paramrfwsh.
rate of deformation: rujmc paramrfwshc. Sun. rate of strain.
rate of deformation tensor: tanustc rujmn paramrfwshc. Sun. rate of strain tensor.

deformed: paramorfwmnoc.
deation: me wsh, el ttwsh.
degeneracy: ekfulismc, to ekfulismno.

degenerate: ekfulismnoc, ekful zomai.

degenerate distribution: ekfulismnh katanom.

degenerate system: ekfulismno ssthma.

degree: bajmc, mo ra, d plwma.

degree measure of an angle: mtro gwn ac se mo rec.

degree of coherence: bajmc sumfwn ac (optik).
degrees of freedom: bajmo eleujer ac.
degree of polarization: bajmc polsewc (optik).
degree of a polynomial: bajmc poluwnmou.
Celsius degree: bajmc Celsius.
spherical degree: sfairik mo ra.

del: an delta (telestc), sun. nabla.

delay: ustrhsh, kajustrhsh.
delay dierential equation:

usterodiaforik ex swsh.

delayed: me ustrhsh, me kajustrhsh.

delete: diagr fw, sbnw.

deleted neighborhood: periorismnh perioq.

Delian: Dlioc.

Delian problem: Dlio prblhma  prblhma tou Dliou bwmo (Delian altar problem). To prblhma
tou diplasiasmo tou kbou (doubling the square).

delta: dlta.

delta function: sun rthsh dlta.

delta neighborhood: d-perioq.
Kronecker's delta: dlta tou Kronecker.

demand: a thma, zthsh (oikon.), zht, apit, qrei zomai.

supply and demand: prosfor kai zthsh.

De Moivre,

De Moivre's theorem:

jerhma tou

De Moivre.

De Morgan's laws: nmoi tou De Morgan.

denary: dekadikc (sun. decimal).
denominator: paronomastc.

common denominator: koinc paronomastc.

denote: dhlnw, shma nw, sumbol zw.

dense: puknc.
dense set: pukn snolo.
ultimately dense: telik puk'noc.


density: puknthta.

density function: sun rthsh puknthtac  sun rthsh b rouc.

joint density: ap koino puknthta.
joint density function: sun rthsh ap koino puknthtac.
metric density: metrik puknthta.

dentrite: dentr thc.

denumerable: arijmsimoc (sun. numerable).
denumerable set:

arijmsimo snolo.

dependence: ex rthsh.

continuous dependence: suneqc ex rthsh.

domain of dependence: ped o ex rthshc.
linear dependence: grammik ex rthsh.
sensitive dependence: eua sjhth ex rthsh.

dependent: exarthmnoc, exartmenoc.

dependent events: exarthmna gegonta  endeqmena.

dependent variable: exarthmnh metablht.
linearly dependent: grammik exarthmnoi.
space dependent: qwrik exarthmnoc  metaballmenoc, qwrometaballmenoc.
time dependent: qronik exarthmnoc  metaballmenoc, xronometaballmenoc, metabatikc (transient).

depth: b joc.

penetration depth:

b joc dieisdsewc.

derivation: 1. exagwg. 2. paraggish. 3. paragwg (plhroforik).

covariant derivation: sunallo wth paraggish.
leftmost derivation: aristerterh paragwg (plhroforik).
rightmost derivation: dexiterh paragwg (plhroforik).

derivative: par gwgoc.

derivative operator: telestc paragwg sewc.

contravariant derivative: antallo wth par gwgoc.
convective derivative: ousiastik  ousidhc  ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantial  substantive 
material derivative).
covariant derivative: sunallo wth par gwgoc.
directed derivative: kateujunmenh par gwgoc.
directional derivative: kateujunmenh par gwgoc, par gwgoc kat katejunsh, par gwgoc kat diejunsh.

rst derivative: prth par gwgoc.

higher derivatives: par gwgoi anterhc t xhc.
left-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap arister .
material derivative: ousiastik  ousidhc  ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantial  substantive  convective derivative).
partial derivative: merik par gwgoc.
right-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap dexi .

second derivative: deterh par gwgoc.

spatial derivatives: qwrikc par gwgoi.
substantial derivative: ousiastik  ousidhc  ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantive  material  convective derivative).
substantive derivative: bl. substantial derivative.
time derivative: qronik par gwgoc.
total derivative: olik par gwgoc.

derive: ex gw, par gw.

Descartes, R. (1596-1650)
folium of Descartes:

fllo tou


descending: katin, fj nwn, kajodikc, katerqmenoc.

descending order: katiosa t xh.
descending powers: katiosec dun meic.
descending sequence: fj nousa akolouj a.

descent: k jodoc, kat bash.

innite descent method: mjodoc peirhc kajdou  kl sewc.

steepest descent method: mjodoc meg sthc kajdou  kl sewc.

describe: perigr fw.

description: perigraf.

Lagrangian description: perigraf kat Lagrange  ulik perigraf (material description).

material description: ulik perigraf  perigraf kat Lagrange (Lagrangian description).

descriptive: perigrafikc.

descriptive index: perigrafikc de kthc.

descriptive statistics: perigrafik statistik.

design: sqdio, sqediasmc, kataskeu.

design of experiment: sqediasmc peir matoc.

design matrix: p nakac sqediasmo.
factorial design: paragontikc sqediasmc.
geometric design: gewmetrik kataskeu, gewmetrikc sqediasmc.
hierarchical design: ierarqikc sqediasmc.
random allocation design: sqediasmc tuqa ou katamerismo.
survey design: sqediasmc reunac.
systematic design: susthmatikc sqediasmc.

desingularization: apodiomorfopo hsh.

desingularization strategy: strathgik apodiomorfopo hshc.

canonical desingularization: kanonik apodiomorfopo hsh.

destabilization: apostajeropo hsh.

destabilize: apostajeropoi.
destabilizing: apostajeropoihtikc.
destination: proorismc.

destructive: katastreptikc, arnhtikc (optik).

destructive interference:

arnhtik sumbol (optik).

detachment: apspash.

rule of detachment: kannac apspashc.

detection: an qneush, di gnwsh, anagnrish.

detector: aniqneutc.
determinacy: orismc, to orismno.
domain of determinacy:

ped o orismo. Sunjwc gr fetai apl

determinant: or zousa.

characteristic determinant: qarakthristik or zousa.

expansion of a determinant: an ptugma or zousac.
minor determinant: el ssona or zousa.
secular determinant: qarakthristik or zousa.

determination: prosdiorismc, kajorismc, tautopo hsh.

determination coe cient: suntelestc prosdiorismo.
total determination: olikc prosdiorismc.

determine: prosdior zw, kajor zw, tautopoi.

determined: prosdiorismnoc, kajorismnoc.
determinism: nteterminismc.
deterministic: nteterministikc, prosdioristikc.
deterministic time: nteterministikc qrnoc.

develop: anaptssw.

develop a method: anaptssw mia mjodo.

develop a Taylor series: anaptssw seir Taylor.

developable: anaptximoc, anaptuktc.

developable surface: anaptukt epif neia.

isotropically developable: istropa anaptximoc.

developed: aneptugmnoc.

fully developed ow: plrwc aneptugmnh ro.

development: an ptuxh, an ptugma (gia seirc).

sustainable development: aeifroc an ptuxh.

Taylor development: an ptugma Taylor (sun. Taylor expansion).

deviate: apklish, parkklish, apokl nw, parekkl nw.

equivalent deviate: isodnamh apklish.
Normal deviate: Kanonik apklish.



deviation: apklish, ektrop (optik).

absolute deviation: apluth apklish.

accumulated deviation: sunajroistik apklish.
angular deviation: gwniak ektrop (optik).
mean deviation: msh apluth apklish.
quartile deviation: tetarthmoriak apklish.
standard deviation: tupik apklish.

device: mhqan.
dextral: dexistrofoc.

dextral system (of coordinates):

dexistrofo ssthma (suntetagmnwn), sun.

diagnosis: di gnwsh.
diagnostics: diagnwstik.
diagonal: diagnioc.

diagonal dominance: diagnia uperoq.

diagonal functor: diagnioc sunarthtc.
diagonal matrix: diagnioc p nakac.
diagonal operator: diagnioc telestc.
cross diagonal: deutereousa diagnioc.
main diagonal: kria diagnioc.
principal diagonal: kria diagnioc.

diagonalizable: diagwnopoisimoc.
diagonalization: diagwnopo hsh, diagwniopo hsh.
diagonalization principle:

arq diagwnopo hshc.

diagonalizing: diagwnopoin.

diagonalizing matrix: diagwnopoin p nakac.

diagonally: diagnia.

diagonally dominant: diagnia uperqwn  uprteroc.

diagonally iterated method: diagnia epanalambanmenh mjodoc.

diagram: di gramma.

Argand diagram: di gramma  ep pedo tou Argand, migadik ep pedo.

commutative diagram: antimetajetik di gramma.
phase diagram: fasik di gramma, di gramma f sewn.
state diagram: di'gramma katast sewn, katastatik di gramma.
tree diagram: dentrodi gramma.

diameter: di metroc.

external diameter: exwterik di metroc.

internal diameter: eswterik di metroc.

diamond: diam nti, kar sta trapoulqarta (}).

diamond principle:

arq tou diamantio (logik).


right-handed system.

dice: z ria.

pair of dice:

z ria.

dichotomy: diqotom a, diqotmhsh.

dichotomy principle: arq diqotom ac.

double dichotomy: dipl diqotom a.

dichroic: diqrwkc.
dichroic crystal:

diqrwkc krstalloc.

dichroism: diqrwsmc.
dictate: upagore0uw, upagreush.
dielectric: dihlektrikc.

dielectric constant: dihlektrik stajer .

dielectric lm: dihlektrik umnio.

eomorphic: amfidiafor simoc.

equivariantly dieomorphic: isallo wta amfidiafor simoc.

eomorphism: amfidiafrish.
er: diafrw.
erent: diaforetikc.
erence: diafor .

dierence algorithm: algrijmoc diaforn.

dierence equation: diaforoex swsh, ex swsh diaforn.
dierence table: p nakac diaforn.
backward dierences: proc ta p sw  an dromec  an nth diaforc.
backward dierence operator: telestc thc proc ta p sw  thc an nth diafor c.
central dierences: kentrikc diaforc.
divided dierences: diairemnec diaforc.
nite dierence: peperasmnh diafor .
nite dierence method (FDM): mjodoc peperasmnwn diaforn.
forward dierences: proc ta emprc  prsw  kat nth diaforc.
modied dierences: tropopoihmnec diaforc.
quotient-dierence algorithm: algrijmoc lgwn-diaforn.
reciprocal dierences: ant strofec diaforc.

erentiability: diaforisimthta  paragwgisimthta.
erentiable: diafor simoc  paraggisimoc.

dierentiable function: paraggisimh sun rthsh.

continuously dierentiable: suneqc diafor simoc  paraggisimoc.
innitely dierentiable: ape rwc paragwg simoc.
locally dierentiable: topik paragwg simoc.
piecewise dierentiable: tmhmatik paragwg simoc.
su ciently dierentiable: arkontwc paragwg simoc.

erential: diaforik, diaforikc.

dierential calculus: diaforikc logismc.

dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh.
dierential form: diaforik morf.
dierential geometry: diaforik gewmetr a.
dierential operator: diaforikc telestc.
complementary dierential equation: ant stoiqh omogenc diaforik ex swsh.
delay dierential equation: usterodiaforik ex swsh.
exact dierential: olik  tleio diaforik.
exact dierential equation: tleia  plrhc diaforik ex swsh.
rst-order dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh prthc t xhc.
homogeneous dierential equation: omogenc diaforik ex swsh.
hypergeometric dierential equation: upergewmetrik diaforik ex swsh.
linear dierential equation: grammik diaforik ex swsh.
partial dierential equation (PDE): merik diaforik ex swsh (MDE)  diaforik ex swsh me merikc

partial dierential operator: merikc diaforikc telestc  telestc me merikc paraggouc.

second-order dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh deterhc t xhc.
total dierential: olik  tleio diaforik.

erentiate: paragwg zw, diafor zw.
erentiation: paraggish. diafrish.

complex dierentiation: migadik paraggish, paraggish wc proc migadik metablht.

implicit dierentiation: peplegmnh paraggish.
numerical dierentiation: arijmhtik paraggish.
partial dierentiation: merik paraggish.
substantial dierentiation: ousiastik paraggish.

raction: per jlash.

far-eld diraction: per jlash makrino ped ou.

near-eld diraction: per jlash kontino ped ou.

usion: di qush.
usive: diaqutikc.
usivity: suntelestc di qushc.
digamma: dig mma.
digamma function:

sun rthsh dig mma.

digit: yhf o.

binary digit: duadik yhf o, duf o (bit).

parity digit: yhf o isotim ac.
signicant digits: shmantik yhf a.

digital: yhfiakc.

digital computer: yhfiakc upologistc.

digital typography: yhfiak tupograf a.

digitize: yhfiopoi.

digitizer: yhfiopoihtc.
dihedral: d edroc, diedrikc.
dihedral group:

diedrik om da.

dilatancy: diastaltikthta.
dilatation: diastol. Sun. dilation.
dilatational: diastaltikc. Sun. dilational.
dilatational viscosity: diastaltik ixdec.

dilation: diastol. Sun. dilatation.

regular dilation: kanonik diastol.

dilational: diastaltikc. Sun. dilatational.

dilational viscosity:

diastaltik ixdec.

dilemma: d llhma.
dilute: arainw.
dilution: ara wsh.
dimension: di stash.

correlation dimension: di stash susqtishc.

nite dimension: peperasmnh di stash.
innite dimension: peirh di stash.

dimensional: diastatikc.

dimensional analysis: diastatik an lush.

nite dimensional: peperasmenodi statoc, peperasmnhc di stashc.
four-dimensional: tetradi statoc.
innite dimensional: apeirodi statoc, peirhc di stashc.
low-dimensional: oligodi statoc.
multi-dimensional: poludi statoc.
one-dimensional: monodi statoc.
three-dimensional: tridi statoc.
two-dimensional: disdi statoc.
zero-dimensional: mhdenodi statoc, mhdenikc di stashc.

dimensionality: diastatikthta.
dimensionalization: diastatopo hsh.
dimensionalize: diastatopoi.
dimensionally: diastatik .
dimensionless: adi statoc.
dimensionless number:

adi statoc arijmc.

diminish: meinw, elattnw.

diminution: me wsh, el ttwsh.
Diophantus: Difantoc (250 p.Q).

diophantine: diofantikc.
dioptric: dioptrikc.

dioptric power: dioptrik isqc.

dipole: d polo.
direct: eujc, mesoc.

direct collision: kentrik krosh.

direct method: mesh mjodoc.
direct product: euj ginmeno  ginmeno Kronecker (sun. Kronecker product).
direct proof: mesh apdeixh.
direct sum: euj jroisma.

directed: kateujunmenoc.

directed derivative: kateujunmenh par gwgoc.

direction: katejunsh, diejunsh, for .

direction angles: gwn ec diejunshc.

direction cosines: sunhm tona katejunshc, kateujnonta sunhm tona, sunhm tona diejunshc, dieujnonta sunhm tona.

direction eld: ped o kateujnsewn.

alternating direction methods: mjodoi enallassmenwn dieujnsewn.
clockwise direction: for  katejunsh peristrofc twn deiktn tou rologio.
conjugate direction: suzugc diejunsh.
counterclockwise direction: for  katejunsh peristrofc ant jeth twn deiktn tou rologio.
curvature directions: dieujnseic kampulthtac.
negative direction: arnhtik katejunsh.
positive direction: jetik katejunsh.
principal direction: kria diejunsh.

directional: kateujuntikc, kateujunmenoc, kat katejunsh, kat diejunsh.

directional derivative: kateujunmenh par gwgoc, par gwgoc kat katejunsh, par gwgoc kat diejunsh.

directly: eujwc, amswc.

directly proportional: eujwc an logoc.

director: odhgc.

director circle: odhgc kkloc.

director cone: odhgc knoc.

directrix: dieujetosa (sun. guiding curve).

Dirichlet Peter (1805-1859).

Dirichlet condition: sunjkh Dirichlet.

Dirichlet distribution: katanom tou Dirichlet.
Dirichlet problem: prblhma Dirichlet.

disadvantage: meionkthma.

disagree: diafwn.
disagreement: asumfwn a, diafwn a.
disc: d skoc.
discard: aporr ptw.
disconnected: mh sunektikc.
disconnected set:

mh sunektik snolo.

discontinuity: asunqeia, shme o asunqeiac.

nite discontinuity: peperasmnh asunqeia.

jump discontinuity: asunqeia phdmatoc  lmatoc.
removable discontinuity: airmenh  apale yimh asunqeia.

discontinuous: asuneqc.

discontinuous action: asuneqc dr sh.

discontinuous nite elements: asuneq peperasmna stoiqe a.
discontinuous function: asuneqc sun rthsh.
discontinuous integral: asuneqc oloklrwma.
properly discontinuous action: gnsia asuneqc dr sh.

discourse: omil, omil a, lgoc, pragmate a, di lexh, sunomil a.

universe of discourse:

basik snolo  basikc qroc, (sun.

domain of quantication).

discrepancy: apklish, asumfwn a, diafor .

discrepancy measure: mtro apklishc  asumfwn ac.

discrete: diakritc, diakekrimnoc, diakritikc, aparijmhtc.

discrete algorithm: diakritc algrijmoc.

discrete approximation: diakrit prosggish.
discrete eigenvalues: diakekrimnec idiotimc.
discrete function: diakrit sun rthsh.
discrete geometry: diakrit gewmetr a.
discrete mathematics: diakrit majhmatik .
discrete metric: diakrit metrik (apstash).
discrete model: diakrit montlo.
discrete probability distribution: diakrit katanom pijanthtac.
discrete random variable: diakrit  aparijmht tuqa a metablht.
discrete sample space: diakritc deigmatqwroc  deigmatikc qroc.
discrete set: diakrit snolo.
discrete subspace: diakritc upqwroc.
discrete system: diakrit ssthma.
discrete topology: diakrit topolog a.
discrete variable: diakrit  aparijmht metablht.
time discrete: qronodiakritc.

discretization: diakritopo hsh.

discretization error: sf lma diakritopo hshc.

discretization equations: exisseic diakritopo hshc.

global discretization error: kajolik sf lma diakritopo hshc.

local discretization error: topik sf lma diakritopo hshc.
space discretization: qwrodiakritopo hsh.
time discretization: qronodiakritopo hsh.

discretize: diakritopoi.
discretized: diakritopoihmnoc.
discretized equation:

diakritopoihmnh ex swsh.

discriminant: diakr nousa.

discriminant function:

diakr nousa sun rthsh.

disintegrate: diasp, diaspmai.

disintegration: di spash.
disjoint: asndetoc, xnoc.
disjoint sets:

xna snola.

disjointness: xenthta, asundetthta.

linear disjointness:

grammik xenthta.

disjunction: di zeuxh, diaqwrismc.

disjunction sign: shme o di zeuxhc.

inclusive disjunction: egkleistik di zeuxh.

disjunctive: diazeuktikc.

disjunctive normal form: diazeuktik kanonik morf.

disk: d skoc.

oppy disk: malakc d skoc  disktta (upologistc).

hard disk: sklhrc d skoc (upologistc).
unit disk: monadia oc d skoc.

diskette: diskta.
disorder: atax a.
dispersion: diaspor , skdash  skedasmc  diaskedasmc (optik).
dispersion cone: knoc diaspor c.
dispersion parameters: par metroi diaspor c.
abnormal dispersion: anmalh diaspor .
measure of dispersion: mtro diaspor c.
normal dispersion: kanonik diaspor .
supernormal dispersion: uperkanonik diaspor  skdash.

dispersive: skedastikc, diaskedastikc (optik).

dispersive power:

diaskedastik isqc.


displacement: metatpish.

axial displacement: axonik metatpish.

radial displacement: aktinik metatpish.
virtual displacement: dunat metatpish.

disproportional: dusan logoc.

dissection: diamrish.
dissimilar: anmoioc, eternumoc.

dissimilar fractions: eternuma kl smata.

dissimilar terms: anmoioi roi.

dissimilarity: anomoithta.
dissipation: skedasmc.
dissipative: skedastikc.

dissipative force: skedastik dnamh, dnamh ant stashc  apsbeshc.

dissipative terms: skedastiko roi.

dissipatively: skedastik .
dissipativeness: skedastikthta.
dissociate: diaqwr zw.
dissociation: diaqwrismc.
dissymmetrical: asmmetroc.
dissymmetry: asummetr a.
distance: apstash.

distance matrix: p nakac apost sewn.

angular distance: gwniak apstash.
geodesic distance: gewdaisiak apstash.
polar distance: polik apstash.

distant: makrinc, apomakrusmnoc.

distinct: diakekrimnoc.

distinct eigenvalues: diakekrimnec idiotimc.

distinct knots: diakekrimnoi kmboi.
distinct points: diakekrimna shme a.
distinct zeros: diakekrimnec r zec.

distinguish: diakr nw.

distinguishable: diakritc.
distinguishable states:

diakritc katast seic.

distortion: paramrfwsh.
distribute: katanmw.
distributed: katanemhmnoc.

distributed processing: katanemhmnh epexergas a.

normally distributed: kanonik katanemhmnoc.

normally distributed random variable: kanonik  kanonik katanemhmnh tuqa a metablht.

uniformly distributed random variable: omoimorfa katanemhmnh tuqa a metablht.

distribution: katanom, genikeumnh sun rthsh.

distribution free: elejeroc (thc sunarthsiakc morfc thc) katanomc.

distribution function: sun rthsh katanomc.
absolutely continuous distribution: apoltwc suneqc katanom.
angular distribution: gwniak katanom.
asymptotic distribution: asumptwtik katanom.
Bernoulli distribution: katanom tou Bernoulli  diwnumik (binomial) katanom.
beta distribution: katanom bta.
bimodal distribution: dikrufh katanom.
binomial distribution: diwnumik katanom.
bivariate distribution: didi stath katanom  katanom do metablhtn.
categorical distribution: kathgorik katanom.
Cauchy distribution: katanom tou Cauchy.
central distribution: kentrik katanom.
charge distribution: katanom fort ou.
chi distribution: katanom .
chi-square distribution: katanom 2 .
conditional distribution: desmeumnh katanom  katanom up sunjkh.
cumulative distribution function: ajroistik sun rthsh katanomc.
cumulative frequency distribution: ajroistik katanom suqnottwn.
degenerate distribution: ekfulismnh katanom.
Dirichlet distribution: katanom tou Dirichlet.
double exponential distribution: dipl ekjetik katanom.
extended hypergeometric distribution: dieurumnh upergewmetrik katanom.
exponential distribution: ekjetik katanom.
factorial series distribution: paragontik katanom.
ducial distribution: pisteutik katanom.
folded distribution: anadiplwmnh katanom.
frequency distribution: katanom suqnottwn.
gamma distribution: katanom g mma.
Gaussian distribution: katanom tou Gauss  kanonik (normal) katanom.
geometric distribution: gewmetrik katanom.
half Normal distribution: hmi-Kanonik katanom.
hypergeometric distribution: upergewmetrik katanom.
hyper-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom.
inverse distribution: ant strofh katanom.
inverted distribution: antestrammnh katanom.
isotropic distribution: istroph katanom.
joint distribution: ap koino katanom.
joint distribution function: sun rthsh ap koino katanomc.
J-shaped distribution: katanom morfc J.
leptokurtic distribution: leptkurth katanom, katanom leptokrtwshc.
mesokurtic distribution: meskurth katanom, katanom mesokrtwshc.
multimodal distribution: polukrufh katanom.
multinomial distribution: poluwnumik katanom.
multivariate distribution: polumetablht katanom.

non-central distribution: mh kentrik katanom.

non-singular distribution: mh idi zousa katanom.
normal distribution: kanonik katanom.
percentage distribution: ekatostia a katanom.
platykurtic distribution: platkurth katanom, katanom platukrtwshc.
Poisson distribution: katanom (tou) Poisson
probability distribution: katanom pijanthtac.
proper distribution: gnsia katanom.
quadri-Normal distribution: tetra-Kanonik katanom.
random distribution: tuqa a katanom.
rectangular distribution: orjognia katanom.
response time distribution: katanom qrnou apkrishc.
sampling distribution: deigmatolhptik katanom.
secant distribution: katanom tmnousac.
singular distribution: idi zousa katanom.
skew distribution: asmmetrh katanom.
stationary distribution: st simh katanom.
Student distribution: katanom Student  t-katanom (t-distribution).
sub-Poisson distribution: upo-Poisson katanom.
super-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom.
t-distribution: t-katanom  katanom Student (Student distribution).
tolerance distribution: katanom anoqc.
trimodal distribution: trikrufh katanom.
trinomial distribution: triwnumik katanom.
twinned distributions: d dumec katanomc.
uniform distribution: omoimorfh katanom.
zeta distribution: katanom zta.

distributive: epimeristikc.

distributive law: epimeristik idithta.

general distributive law: genik epimeristik idithta.

distributivity: epimeristikthta.
disturb: diatar ssw.
disturbance: diataraq.
diverge: apokl nw.
diverged: apokl nac.

diverged algorithm: apokl nac algrijmoc.

diverged solution: apokl nasa lsh.

divergence: apklish.
divergence theorem:

jerhma apklishc (jerhma tou

divergent: apokl nwn.

divergent algorithm: apokl nwn algrijmoc.

divergent integral: apokl non oloklrwma.
divergent sequence: apokl nousa akolouj a.

Gauss  twn Gauss-Ostrogradsky).

divergent series:

apokl nousa seir .

diverging: apokl nwn.

diverging sequence: apokl nousa akolouj a.

diverging series: apokl nousa seir .

divide: diair, diaqwr zw.

divided: diairemnoc.
divided dierences:

diairemnec diaforc.

divident: diairthc.
dividing: diairn, diaqwr zwn.

dividing value: diaqwristik tim.

divisibility: diairetthta.

innite divisibility: peirh diairetthta.

divisible: diairetc.

group divisible: diairetc kat om dec.

division: dia resh.

division algorithm: algrijmoc diairsewc.

division transformation: metasqhmatismc dia reshc.
exact division: tleia dia resh.
synthetic division: sunjetik dia resh.

divisor: diairthc.

common divisor: koinc diairthc.

greatest common divisor: mgistoc koinc diairthc.
improper divisor: mhdenodiairthc.
lowest common divisor: el qistoc koinc diairthc.

dodecagon: dwdek gwno.

dodecahedral: dwdek edroc, dwdekaedrikc.
dodecahedron (pl. dodecahedrons or dodecahedra): dwdek edro.

great dodecahedron: meg lo dwdek edro.

great stellated dodecahedron: meg lo astrmorfo dwdek edro  meg lo dwdekaedrik stro.
regular dodecahedron: kanonik  omal dwdek edro.
small stellated dodecahedron: mikr astrmorfo dwdek edro  mikr dwdekaedrik stro.
truncated dodecahedron: apokommno  klouro dwdek edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqimdeiwn poludrwn

(oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai dek gwna).

snub dodecahedron: kolob dwdek edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqimdeiwn poludrwn (oi drec tou e nai
kanonik tr gwna kai pent gwna).

dodecimal: dwdekadikc.
domain: ped o orismo, snolo afethr ac, qwr o, ped o, tpoc, perioq.
domain of attraction:

qwr o lxhc.


domain decomposition: diamerismc  diaqwrismc qwr ou.

domain of denition: ped o orismo.
domain of dependence: ped o ex rthshc.
domain of determinacy: ped o orismo. Sunjwc gr fetai apl domain.
domain of a function: ped o orismo sun rthshc.
domain of quantication: basik snolo  basikc qroc (sun. universe of discourse).
domain of study: perioq melthc.
integral domain: akraia perioq.
Lipschitz domain: qwr o Lipschitz.
unbounded domain: mh fragmno qwr o.

dominance: uperoq, kuriarq a.

diagonal dominance: diagnia uperoq.

dominant: uperqwn, despzwn, uprteroc, kur arqoc.

diagonally dominant: diagnia uperqwn  uprteroc.

dominate: kuriarq, despzw, uperisqw, uperqw.

dominating: kur arqoc, despzwn, uperisqwn, uperqwn.
dominating term: uperisqwn  kur arqoc roc.

domination: uperoq, kuriarq a.

dominated: kuriarqhmnoc.

dominated convergence: kuriarqhmnh sgklish.

dominated convergence theorem: jerhma kuriarqhmnhc sgklishc.
strictly dominated: gnsia  austhr kuriarqhmnoc.

donor: dthc.
dosage: dsh, dosolog a.
dose: dsh.
dot: tele a.

dot product: eswterik  bajmwt  arijmhtik  euj ginmeno  ginmeno tele ac (sun. inner 
scalar product).
double dot product: ginmeno diplc tele ac.

double: 1. diplc. 2. diplasi zw.

double angle formula: tpoc diplc gwn ac.

double confounding: dipl smmixh.
double the cube: diplasi zw ton kbo.
double dichotomy: dipl diqotom a.
double dot product: ginmeno diplc tele ac.
double expectation theorem: jerhma diplc prosdok ac.
double exponential distribution: dipl ekjetik katanom.
double exponential regression: dipl ekjetik palindrmhsh.
double integral: dipl oloklrwma.
double integration: dipl oloklrwsh.
double logarithmic chart: dilogarijmikc q rthc.

double negation: dipl rnhsh.

double pendulum: dipl ekkremc.
double precision: dipl akr beia.
double precision arithmetic: arijmhtik diplc akr beiac.
double prism: d prisma (sun. biprism).
double recursion: dipl anadrom.

doubling: diplasiasmc.
doubling the cube:

diplasiasmc tou kbou. To prblhma aut e nai ep shc gnwst wc Delian problem
(Dlio prblhma)  Delian altar problem (prblhma tou Dliou bwmo).

doubly: dipl .

doubly connected: dipl sunektikc.

doubly linked: dipl sundedemnoc.
doubly periodic (function): dipl periodik (sun rthsh).
doubly stochastic matrix: dipl stoqastikc p nakac.

dovetailing method: mjodoc thc our c tou peristerio.

down: k tw.
downstream: kat nth.
downward: kajodikc.
downward Lovenheim-Skolem theorem:

kajodik jerhma twn


downwards: proc ta k tw.

drag: opisjlkw, opisjlkousa.

drag coe cient: suntelestc opisjlkousac dnamhc.

drag force: opisjlkousa dnamh.

drive: odhg.
driven: .

wind-driven circulation: anemogenc kuklofor a.

drop: stagna.
droplet: stagon dio.
drum: tmpano.
drumhead: membr nh tump nou.
dual: dukc, deuterewn.

dual category: ant jeth (opposite)  duk kathgor a.

dual pair: duk zegoc.
dual polyhedra: duk poledra (p.q. ex edro-okt edro, dwdek edro-eikos edro).
dual reciprocity: duk antistrof.
dual reciprocity method: mjodoc dukc antistrofc.
dual reciprocity boundary elements: sunoriak stoiqe a dukc antistrofc.
dual space: dukc qroc.
primal-dual: prwtewn-deuterewn.

duality: dusmc, dukthta.

principle of duality: arq tou dusmo.

dumbbell: altrac.
dummy: boubc.

dummy index: boubc de kthc.

dummy variable: boub metablht.

duplicate: diplasi zw, antigr fw, dipltupo, ant grafo.

duplication: diplasiasmc.
duplication formula: tpoc diplasiasmo.

dyad: du da, duadikc.

unit dyad:

monadia a du da.

dyadic: duadikc.

dyadic product: duadik ginmeno.

dyadic representation: duadik morf (arijmo).
antisymmetric dyadic: antisummetrikc duadikc.
symmetric dyadic: summetrikc duadikc.
unit dyadic: tautotikc  monadia oc duadikc.

dynamic: dunamikc.

dynamic programming: dunamikc programmatismc.

dynamic similarity: dunamik omoithta.

dynamical: dunamikc.
dynamical system:

dunamik ssthma.

dynamically: dunamik .

dynamically similar: dunamik moioi.

dynamics: dunamik.

chaotic dynamics: qaotik dunamik.

computational uid dynamics (CFD): upologistik reustodunamik.
uid dynamics: reustodunamik.
gas dynamics: dunamik aer wn.
molecular dynamics: dunamik mor wn  moriak dunamik.
non-linear dynamics: mh grammik dunamik.
nuclear dynamics: purhnik dunamik.

dyne: dnh.


ed. (pl. eds.): ekdthc (editor).
e.g.: gia par deigma.
et al.: kai lloi, k.a.. Ap to latinik et alii.
etc.: klp. Ap to latinik (et cetera).
et seq.: kai ti akolouje . Ap to latinik et sequentia.
earth: gh.
eccentric: kkentro, ekkentrikc.
eccentric angle:

kkentrh gwn a.

eccentricity: ekkentrthta.
ecenter: par kentro, kntro paragegrammnou kklou (sun. excenter).
echelon: klimakwtc.

echelon form: klimakwt morf.

echelon matrix: klimakwtc p nakac.
reduced column echelon form: anhgmnh klimakwt morf kat stlec.
reduced echelon form: anhgmnh klimakwt morf.
reduced row echelon form: anhgmnh klimakwt morf kat grammc.
reduced echelon matrix: anhgmnoc klimakwtc p nakac.

ecircle: paragegrammnoc kkloc (sun. escribed circle  excircle).

eclipse: kleiyh.
lunar eclipse: kleiyh selnhc.
solar eclipse: kleiyh hl ou.

ecliptic: ekleiptik.

obliquity of the ecliptic:

lxwsh thc ekleiptikc.

econometrics: oikonometr a.
economics: oikonomik .
economization: exoikonmhsh.
economy: oikonom a.
eddy: d nh, strbiloc.

eddy viscosity: ixdec d nhc.

large-eddy model: montlo meg lwn dinn.
small eddy: mikrod nh.
small-eddy model: montlo mikrodinn.

edge: akm, kro, qe loc.

edge of a polyhedron: akm poludrou.

side edges: par pleurec akmc.

editor: sunt kthc, ekdthc.

ect: apotlesma, ep drash.
random eect:

tuqa a ep drash.

ective: apotelesmatikc, energc, isqwn.

eective algorithm: apotelesmatikc algrijmoc.

eective focal length: olik estiak apstash.
eective power: energc isqc.

ectiveness: apotelesmatikthta, energthta.
ectively: apotelesmatik , algorijmik (logik).

eectively enumerable set: algorijmik arijmsimo snolo (logik).

ecacy: apotelesmatikthta, apodotikthta.

eciency: apotelesmatikthta, apodotikthta, apdosh.
relative e ciency:

sqetik apotelesmatikthta  apodotikthta.

ecient: apotelesmatikc, apodotikc.

e cient algorithm: apodotikc algrijmoc.

eigen-: idio- (prjema), qarakthristikc.

eigeneld: idioped o, qarakthristik ped o.
eigenfunction: idiosun rthsh, qarakthristik sun rthsh (characteristic function).

eigenfunction expansion: an ptugma idiosunartsewn.

eigenfunction expansion method: mjodoc anaptgmatoc idiosunartsewn, mjodoc qwrismo twn metablhtn (separation of variables method).

eigenproblem: qarakthristik prblhma, prblhma idiotimn.

eigensolution: qarakthristik lsh, lsh problmatoc idiotimn.
eigenspace: idiqwroc.
eigenstructure: idiodom, qarakthristik dom.
eigenstructure assignment: apdosh idiodomc.

eigensystem: idiossthma, qarakthristik ssthma.

eigenvalue: idiotim. Qrhsimopoiontai ep shc oi roi characteristic value (qarakthristik tim),
proper value kai latent value.
eigenvalue problem: prblhma idiotimn.
algebraic eigenvalue problem: algebrik prblhma idiotimn.
discrete eigenvalues: diakekrimnec idiotimc.
distinct eigenvalues: diakekrimnec idiotimc.
inverse eigenvalue problem: ant strofo prblhma idiotimn.

di nusma),

idiodi nusma. Qrhsimopoiontai ep shc oi roi

proper vector kai latent vector.

eject: apob llw.

elapse: parrqomai, pern (gia qrno).
elastic: elastikc.

elastic body: elastik sma.

elastic collision: elastik krosh.
elastic constant: elastik stajer .
elastic deformation: elastik paramrfwsh.
elastic string: elastik qord.

elasticity: elastikthta.

nite elasticity: peperasmnh elastikthta.

modulus of elasticity: mtro elastikthtac.

elastodynamics: elastodunamik.
elastoplastic: elastoplastikc.
elastoplasticity: elastoplastikthta.
elastostatics: elastostatik.
elastostatic: elastostatikc.

elastostatic problem: elastostatik prblhma.

election: eklog.
electoral: eklogikc.

electoral system: eklogik ssthma.

electric: hlektrikc.

electric charge: hlektrik fort o.

electric eld: hlektrik ped o.
electric permittivity: hlektrik diaperatthta.
electric potential: hlektrik dunamik.

electrical: hlektrikc.
electrical circuit:

hlektrik kklwma.

electricity: hlektrismc.
static electricity:

statikc hlektrismc.

electromagnetic: hlektromagnhtikc.

electromagnetic eld: hlektromagnhtik ped o.

electromagnetic theory: hlektromagnhtik jewr a.
electromagnetic wave: hlektromagnhtik kma.

electron: hlektrnio.
electronic: hlektronikc.

electronic commerce: hlektronik emprio.


characteristic vector


electronic mail (E-mail): hlektronik taqudrome o.

electrostatic: hlektrostatikc.

electrostatic potential: hlektrostatik dunamik.

electrostatics: hlektrostatik.
element: stoiqe o.

element contribution: suneisfor stoiqe ou.

element-free method: mjodoc qwr c (peperasmna) stoiqe a.
adjacent elements: mora stoiqe a.
bicubic element: dikubik stoiqe o.
bilinear element: digrammik stoiqe o.
biquadratic element: ditetragwnik stoiqe o.
boundary element: sunoriak stoiqe o.
boundary element method (BEM): mjodoc sunoriakn stoiqe wn.
conforming nite elements: summorfik peperasmna stoiqe a.
cubic element: kubik stoiqe o.
discontinuous nite elements: asuneq peperasmna stoiqe a.
dual reciprocity boundary elements: sunoriak stoiqe a dukc antistrofc.
innite elements: peira (peperasmna) stoiqe a.
nite element: peperasmno stoiqe o.
nite element method (FEM): mjodoc peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
higher-order elements: stoiqe a anterou bajmo.
hybrid element: ubridik stoiqe o.
hybrid nite element method: ubridik mjodoc peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
(i,j) element: (i,j) stoiqe o.
innite element: peiro stoiqe o.
leading element: hgetik stoiqe o.
line element: stoiqeidec mkoc.
linear element: grammik stoiqe o.
master element: stoiqe o anafor c, basik  prtupo stoiqe o.
maximal element: mgisto stoiqe o.
minimal element: el qisto  elaqistotik stoiqe o.
mixed element: mikt stoiqe o.
mixed nite elements: mikt peperasmna stoiqe a.
opposite elements: ant jeta stoiqe a.
pivot (element): odhg stoiqe o.
positive element: jetik stoiqe o.
quadratic element: tetragwnik stoiqe o.
quadrilateral element: tetr pleuro stoiqe o.
reference element: stoiqe o anafor c, basik  prtupo stoiqe o.
restricted (nite) element: periorismno (peperasmno) stoiqe o.
serendipity (nite) element: periorismno (peperasmno) stoiqe o.
singular (nite) element: idi zon (peperasmno) stoiqe o.
spectral element: fasmatik stoiqe o.
spectral element method: mjodoc twn fasmatikn stoiqe wn.
standard element: tupik  tupopoihmno stoiqe o.
strain elements: (peperasmna) stoiqe a paramrfwshc.
surface element: stoiqeidhc epif neia.

triangular element: trigwnik stoiqe o.

unconjugated nite element method: mjodoc aposunezeugmnwn peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
unit element: monadia o stoiqe o.
volume element: stoiqeidhc gkoc.

elementarily: stoiqeiwdc, basikc.

elementarily equivalent: stoiqeiwdc isodnamoi.

elementary: stoiqeidhc, basikc.

elementary column operation: stoiqeidhc metasqhmatismc sthln.

elementary embedding: stoiqeidhc emfteush.
elementary event: stoiqeidec gegonc  endeqmeno.
elementary framing: stoiqeidhc plais wsh.
elementary functions: stoiqeideic  basikc sunartseic.
elementary matrix: stoiqeidhc p nakac.
elementary operation: stoiqeidhc pr xh  metasqhmatismc (transformation).
elementary reector: stoiqeidhc anaklastc  metasqhmatismc tou Householder (Householder transformation).
elementary row operation: stoiqeidhc metasqhmatismc grammn.
elementary submodel: stoiqeidec upomontlo.
elementary transformation: stoiqeidhc pr xh (operation)  metasqhmatismc.

elevate: anuynw.
elevation: uymetro, anywsh.

side elevation: pl gia yh, pl gia tom.

sectional elevation: k jeth yh, k jeth tom.

eliminate: apale fw.

elimination: apaloif, ex leiyh.

Gauss elimination: apaloif (kat ) Gauss.

ellipse: lleiyh.

confocal ellipses: omostiec elle yeic.

geodesic ellipse: gewdaisiak lleiyh.

ellipsoid: elleiyoeidc.
ellipsoid of inertia:

elleiyoeidc adr neiac.

ellipsoidal: elleiyoeidc.
ellipsoidal coordinates:

elleiyoeide c suntetagmnec.

elliptic: elleiptikc.

elliptic cylinder: elleiptikc klindroc.

elliptic cylindrical coordinates: elleiptikc kulindrikc suntetagmnec.
elliptic equation: elleiptik ex swsh.
elliptic function: elleiptik sun rthsh.
elliptic geometry: elleiptik gewmetr a.

elliptic integral: elleiptik oloklrwma.

elliptic paraboloid: elleiptik paraboloeidc.
elliptic problem: elleiptik prblhma.
elliptic system: elleiptik ssthma.
inverse elliptic function: ant strofh elleiptik sun rthsh.
Jacobian elliptic functions: elleiptikc sunartseic tou Jacobi.
modulus of elliptic function: mtro elleiptikc sunartsewc.
strongly elliptic: isqur elleiptikc.

elliptical: elleiptikc.

elliptical light: elleiptik polwmno fwc.

ellipticity: elleiptikthta.

strong ellipticity: isqur elleiptikthta.

elongate: epimhknw.
elongation: epimkunsh.
E-mail electronic mail: hlektronik taqudrome o.
emanate: phg zw, prorqomai.
embed: emfutew, embapt zw.
embedded: emfuteumnoc.
embedded method:

emfuteumnh mjodoc.

embedding: emfteush, njesh, egkleismc.

embedding theorem: jerhma egkleismo.

elementary embedding: stoiqeidhc emfteush.
isometric embedding: isometrik emfteush.
natural embedding: fusik emfteush.
self-embedding grammar: kuklik orizmenh grammatik.
Sobolev embedding theorem: jerhma egkleismo tou Sobolev.

emission: ekpomp.
emit: ekpmpw.
empirical: empeirikc.

empirical equation: empeirik ex swsh.

empirical probability: empeirik pijanthta.

emptiness: kenthta.
empty: kenc.

empty cell: ken kel .

empty cell test: legqoc keno kelio.
empty set: ken snolo (null set).
empty string: ken sumboloseir .

end: 1. kro, tloc, prac. 2. lgw, teleinw.

end conditions:

sunjkec krwn.


end point: kro, akra o shme o.

end points of an interval: kra diastmatoc.
sharp end: ox kro.

endless: atrmonac.
endomorphism: endomorfismc.
endothermic: endjermoc.
energy: enrgeia.

energy balance: isozgio enrgeiac.

activation energy: enrgeia energopo hshc.
internal energy: eswterik enrgeia.
kinetic energy: kinhtik enrgeia.
potential energy: dunamik enrgeia.
solar energy: hliak enrgeia.
strain energy: enrgeia paramrfwshc.
thermal energy: jermik enrgeia.

engineering: teqnolog a.
software engineering:

teqnolog a logismiko.

enhance: aux nw, pro gw.

enhancement: axhsh, proagwg.
enlarge: megejnw.
enlargement: megjunsh.
ennea-: enna- (prjema, sun. nona-).
enthalpy: enjalp a.
entire: olklhroc, akraioc.

entire complex plane: sumplhrwmno  epektetamno migadik ep pedo.

entire function: akraia sun rthsh.

entrance: e sodoc.
entropy: entrop a.
entry: e sodoc, stoiqe o.

(i,j) entry: (i,j) stoiqe o.

leading entry: hgetik stoiqe o.

enumerable: arijmsimoc, aparijmsimoc.

eectively enumerable set: algorijmik arijmsimo snolo (logik).

recursively enumerable sets: anadromik arijmsima snola.
enumerable set: arijmsimo snolo.

enumerate: arijm, aparijm.

enumeration: ar jmhsh, apar jmhsh.
envelope: perib llousa, f keloc.
environment: perib llon.

environmental: periballontikc.

environmental model: periballontik montlo.

ephemeris: astronimik efhmer da.

epi-: epi-.
epic: Se merik bibl a, to epic qrhsimopoie tai wc upokoristik tou epimorphism (epimorfismc).
epicenter: ep kentro.
epicycle: ep kukloc, epitrqioc.
epicycle force:

epitrqia dnamh.

epicyclic: epikuklikc.
epicycloid: epikukloeidc, epikukloeidc.
epidemic: epidhm a.
epimorphic: ep morfoc, epimorfikc.
epimorphism: epimorfismc.
epitheory: epijewr a.
epitrochoid: epitroqoeidc (kamplh).
epitrochoidal: epitroqoeidc.
epitrochoidal curve:

epitroqoeidc kamplh.

epoch: epoq.
epsilon: yilon.

eyilontikc orismc.

equal: soc.

equal triangles: sa tr gwna.

equal vectors: sa diansmata.

equality: isthta.

equality relation: sqsh isthtac.

conditional equality: up sujnkh isthta.

equalize: exisnw.
equalizer: exiswtc, purnac diaforn (dierence kernel).
equally: ex sou, sa.
equally spaced: isapqontec.
equally spaced arguments: isapqonta or smata.

equate: exisnw.
equation: ex swsh.

equations of motion: exisseic k nhshc.

equation of state: katastatik ex swsh, ex swsh kat stashc.
acoustics equation: ex swsh thc akoustikc.
adjoint equation: suzugc ex swsh.

algebraic equation: algebrik ex swsh.

autonomous equations: autnomec exisseic.
biharmonic (dierential) equation: diarmonik (diaforik) ex swsh.
binary equation: duadik ex swsh.
binomial equation: diwnumik ex swsh.
biquadratic equation: ditetragwnik ex swsh.
canonical equations: kanonikc exisseic.
characteristic equation: qarakthristik ex swsh.
complementary dierential equation: ant stoiqh omogenc diaforik ex swsh.
constitutive equation: katastatik ex swsh, ulik ex swsh.
continuity equation: ex swsh sunqeiac.
coupled equations: suzeugmnec exisseic.
cubic equation: tritob jmia ex swsh.
decoupled equations: aposuzeugmnec  aszeuktec exisseic.
delay dierential equation: usterodiaforik ex swsh.
dierence equation: diaforoex swsh, ex swsh diaforn.
dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh.
discretization equations: exisseic diakritopo hshc.
discretized equation: diakritopoihmnh ex swsh.
elliptic equation: elleiptik ex swsh.
empirical equation: empeirik ex swsh.
evolution equations: exeliktikc exisseic.
exact dierential equation: tleia  plrhc diaforik ex swsh.
exponential equation: ekjetik ex swsh.
governing equations: dipousec  isqousec exisseic.
heat equation: ex swsh jermthtac.
homogeneous equation: omogenc ex swsh.
homogeneous dierential equation: omogenc diaforik ex swsh.
hyperbolic equation: uperbolik ex swsh.
hypergeometric equation: upergewmetrik ex swsh.
hypergeometric dierential equation: upergewmetrik diaforik ex swsh.
independent equations: anex rthtec exisseic.
indicial equation: qarakthristik ex swsh.
inhomogeneous equation: mh omogenc ex swsh.
integral equation: oloklhrwtik ex swsh.
integrodierential equation: oloklhrwtikodiaforik ex swsh.
Laplace equation: ex swsh Laplace.
linear dierential equation: grammik diaforik ex swsh.
linear equation: grammik ex swsh.
linearized equation: grammikopoihmnh ex swsh.
log-likelihood equation: ex swsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac.
momentum equation: ex swsh (diatrhshc thc) ormc.
natural equations: fusikc exisseic.
non-homogeneous equation: mh omogenc ex swsh.
non-linear equation: mh grammik ex swsh.
normal equations: kanonikc exisseic.
ordinary dierential equation (ODE): sunjhc diaforik ex swsh (SDE).
parabolic equation: parabolik ex swsh.
parametric equation: parametrik ex swsh.

partial dierential equation (PDE): merik diaforik ex swsh (MDE)  diaforik ex swsh me merikc

Poisson equation: ex swsh (tou) Poisson

polar equation: polik ex swsh.
polynomial equation: poluwnumik ex swsh.
potential equation: ex swsh dunamiko.
quadratic equation: deuterob jmia ex swsh  ex swsh deutrou bajmo.
regression equation: ex swsh palindromsewc.
separable equation: diaqwr simh ex swsh.
simultaneous equations: ssthma exissewn.
sti equation: dskampth ex swsh.
structural equation: domik ex swsh.
transcendental equation: uperbatik ex swsh.
trigonometric equations: trigwnometrikc exisseic.
wave equation: kumatik ex swsh, ex swsh kmatoc.

equator: ishmerinc.
celestial equator:

our nioc ishmerinc.

equatorial: ishmerinc.
equatorial coordinate:

ishmerin suntetagmnh.

equi-: iso- (prjema).

equiangular: isognioc.

equiangular polygon: isognio polgwno.

equiangular transformation: isognioc metasqhmatismc.

equiareal: isembadikc.

equiareal map: isembadik apeiknish.

equiaxed: isoaxonikc.
equiaxed zone:

isoaxonik znh.

equicontinuous: isosuneqc.
equiconvergent: isosugkl nwn.
equidissection: isodiamrish, isembadik diamrish.
equidistant: isapqwn, shc apstashc.

equidistant points: isapqonta shme a.

azimuthal equidistant projection: azimoujiak isapqousa probol.

equilateral: ispleuroc.

equilateral hyperbola: ispleurh uperbol.

equilateral polygon: ispleuro polgwno.
equilateral triangle: ispleuro tr gwno.

equilibrate: isorrop.
equilibria: shme a isorrop ac, bl. equilibrium.

equilibrium (pl. equilibria): isorrop a, shme o isorrop ac.

equilibrium optimization: beltistopo hsh isorrop ac.
equilibrium point: shme o isorrop ac.
equilibrium state: kat stash isorrop ac.
forced equilibrium: exanagkasmnh isorrop a.
stable equilibrium: eustajc isorrop a.
static equilibrium: statik isorrop a.
unstable equilibrium: astajc isorrop a.

equimultiple: isopollapl sioc.

equinoctial: ishmerinc.
equinox: ishmer a.
equinumerable: is rijmoc.
equinumerous: isoplhjc, is rijmoc.
equinumerous sets:

isoplhj snola, isodnama snola.

equipartition: isokatanom, isomerismc, isodiamrish.

equipartition principle:

arq thc isodiamrishc.

equipotent: isodnamoc, isosjenc, isodunamikc.

equipotential: isodunamikc.
equipotential curve: isodunamik kamplh.
equipotential line: isodunamik gramm.
equipotential surface: isodunamik epif neia.

equiprojective: isoprobolikc.
equispaced: omoimorfa katanemhmnoc sto qro.
equispaced grid:

omoimorfo plgma (sun.

uniform grid).

equivalence: isodunam a.

equivalence class: kl sh isodunam ac.

equivalence relation: sqsh isodunam ac.
a ne equivalence: susqetismnh isodunam a.
natural equivalence: fusik isodunam a, fusikc isomorfismc.
stable equivalence: eustajc isodunam a.

equivalency: isodunam a.
equivalency class:

kl sh isodunam ac.

equivalent: isodnamoc.

equivalent clause sets: isodnama snola sunjhkn.

equivalent deviate: isodnamh apklish.
equivalent nite automata: isodnama peperasmna autmata.
equivalent formulas: isodnamoi tpoi.
equivalent matrices: isodnamoi p nakec.
equivalent systems: isodnama sustmata.
equivalent norm: isodnamh nrma.

a ne equivalent: susqetismnoc isodnamoc.

column equivalent: sthlosodnamoc.
column equivalent matrices: sthlosodnamoi p nakec.
elementarily equivalent: stoiqeiwdc isodnamoi.
logically equivalent: logik isodnamoi.
row equivalent: grammosodnamoc.
row equivalent matrices: grammosodnamoi p nakec.

equivariant: isallo wtoc, isometablhtc.

equivariant map: isallo wth apeiknish.

equivariantly: isallo wta.

equivariantly dieomorphic: isallo wta amfidiafor simoc.

erase: diagr fw.

erasing: diagraf, sbsimo.

erasing machine: mhqan diagrafc.

erect: rjioc.
ergodic: ergodikc.

multiplicative ergodic theorem:

pollaplasiastik ergodik jerhma.

ergodicity: ergodikthta.
ergodicity theorem:

jerhma ergodikthtac.

errata: bl. erratum.

erratum (pl. errata): parrama, sf lma.
erroneous: esfalmnoc.
erroneously: esfalmna.
erroneousness: to esfalmno, sfalerthta.
error: sf lma, l joc.

error analysis: an lush sf lmatoc.

error bound: fr gma sf lmatoc.
error estimate: ekt mhsh sf lmatoc.
error estimation: ekt mhsh sf lmatoc.
error function: sun rthsh sf lmatoc.
error propagation: met dosh sf lmatoc.
absolute error: apluto sf lma.
acceptance error: sf lma apodoqc.
actual error: pragmatik sf lma.
a posteriori error estimation: a posteriori ekt mhsh sf lmatoc.
asymptotic error: asumptwtik sf lma.
complementary error function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh sf lmatoc.
computable error bound: upolog simo fr gma sf lmatoc.
computational error: upologistik sf lma.
consistency error: sf lma sumbibastthtac.
discretization error: sf lma diakritopo hshc.

global error: kajolik sf lma.

interpolation error: sf lma parembolc.
local error: topik sf lma.
maximum error: mgisto sf lma.
mean error: mso sf lma.
mean square error: mso tetragwnik sf lma.
minimal error method: mjodoc elaq stou sf lmatoc.
non-sampling error: mh deigmatolhptik sf lma.
overow error: sf lma uperqe lishc.
percent error: ekatostia o sf lma.
phase error: fasik sf lma.
probable error: pijan sf lma.
processing error: diadikastik sf lma.
random error: tuqa o sf lma.
random sampling error: tuqa o sf lma deigmatolhy ac.
relative error: sqetik sf lma.
response error: sf lma apkrishc.
root-mean-square error: mso tetragwnik sf lma.
rounding error: sf lma stroggulesewc.
round o error: sf lma stroggulesewc.
sampling error: deigmatolhptik sf lma, sf lma deigmatolhy ac.
sharp error bound: ox fr gma sf lmatoc.
standard error: tupik sf lma.
syntax error: suntaktik l joc.
systematic error: susthmatik sf lma.
trial and error: dokim kai sf lma.
trial and error method: mjodoc dokimc kai sf lmatoc.
truncation error: sf lma apokopc.
type-I error: sf lma tpou I.
type-II error: sf lma tpou II.
unit error: monadia o sf lma.

escape: diafug, diafegw.

escape velocity: taqthta diafugc.

escribable: paragr yimoc.

escribe: paragr fw.
escribed: paragegrammnoc.
escribed circle:

paragegrammnoc kkloc (sun.

essential: ousidhc, ousiastikc, basikc.

excircle  ecircle).

essential bound: ousidec fr gma.

essential boundary condition: ousiastik sunoriak sunjkh (sunjkh Dirichlet).
essential inmum: ousidec inmum.
essential lower bound: ousidec k tw fr gma.
essential singularity: ousidhc anwmal a  ousidec anmalo shme o.
essential supremum: ousidec supremum.
essential upper bound: ousidec nw fr gma.

essentially: ousiwdc, ousiastik .

essentially bounded: ousiwdc fragmnoc.

essentially bounded above: ousiwdc nw fragmnoc.
essentially bounded below: ousiwdc k tw fragmnoc.
essentially complete: ousiwdc plrhc.

estimable: ektimsimoc.
estimate: ekt mhsh, ektim, upolog zw.

biased estimate: mh amerlhpth ekt mhsh.

error estimate: ekt mhsh sf lmatoc.
point estimate: shmeiak ekt mhsh.
rough estimate: prqeirh ekt mhsh.
sharp estimate: oxe a ekt mhsh.
standard error of estimate: tupik sf lma ektimsewc.
unbiased estimate: amerlhpth ekt mhsh.

estimation: ekt mhsh.

estimation theory: ektimhtik  jewr a ektimsewc.

a posteriori error estimation: a posteriori ekt mhsh sf lmatoc.

estimator: ektimtria, ektimhtc.

absolutely unbiased estimator: apoltwc amerlhpth ektimtria.

Bayes estimator: ektimtria Bayes.
best estimator: bltisth ektimtria.
biased estimator: mh amerlhpth ektimtria.
maximum likelihood estimator: ektimtria mgisthc pijanof neiac.
non-regular estimator: mh kanonik ektimtria.
point estimator: shmeiak ektimtria. Se merik bibl a, shmeioektimtria  shmeioektimhtc.
point estimator: shmeiak ektimtria.
quadratic estimator: tetragwnik ektimtria.
ratio estimator: ektimtria lgou.
regular estimator: kanonik ektimtria.
strongly consistent estimator: isqur sunepc ektimtria.
unbiased estimator: amerlhpth ektimtria.

Euclidean: eukle deioc, o tou Eukle dh.

Euclidean algorithm: eukle deioc algrijmoc.

Euclidean geometry: eukle deia gewmetr a.
Euclidean norm: eukle deia nrma.
Euclidean ring: eukle deioc daktlioc.
Euclidean space: eukle deioc qroc.

Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783)

Euler characteristic: qarakthristik tou Euler.

Euler's constant: stajer tou Euler.
Euler equations: exisseic Euler.
Euler's identities: tautthtec tou Euler.
Euler-Maclaurin summation formula: tpoc jroishc twn Euler-Maclaurin.

Euler numbers: arijmo tou Euler.

Euler's theorem: jerhma tou Euler.

Eulerian: tou Euler.

Eulerian approach:

jerhsh kat


evaluate: upolog zw, ektim.

evaluation: upologismc, ekt mhsh.
evaporation: ex tmish.
even: rtioc, zugc.
even extension: rtia epktash.
even function: rtia sun rthsh.
even number: rtioc arijmc.
even parity: rtia isotim a.
even permutation: rtia met jesh.

evenly: omoimorfa, omal , ex sou.

evenly spaced:

omoimorfa topojethmnoi.

event: gegonc, endeqmeno.

certain event: bbaio gegonc  endeqmeno.

composite event: snjeto gegonc  endeqmeno.
compound event: snjeto gegonc  endeqmeno.
dependent events: exarthmna gegonta  endeqmena.
elementary event: stoiqeidec gegonc  endeqmeno.
impossible event: adnato gegonc  endeqmeno.
independent events: anex rthta gegonta  endeqmena.
mutually exclusive events: asumb basta gegonta  endeqmena.
random event: tuqa o endeqmeno.
rare event: sp nio gegonc  endeqmeno.
simple event: apl  stoiqeidec gegonc  endeqmeno.
sure event: bbaio gegonc  endeqmeno.

every: k je.
everywhere: panto.
almost everywhere:

evolute: exeiligmnh.
evolute of a cycloid:

sqedn panto.

exeiligmnh kukloeidoc.

evolution: exlixh, an ptuxh.

evolution equations: exeliktikc exisseic.

index of evolution: de kthc exlixhc.

evolutionary: exeliktikc.

evolutionary algorithm: exeliktikc algrijmoc.

evolutionary operation: exeliktik dr sh.

evolutionary problem: exeliktik prblhma.

evolutionary process: exeliktik anlixh.
evolutionary spectrum: exeliktik f sma.
evolutionary tree: exeliktik dntro.

exact: akribc, tleioc, olikc.

exact cover problem: prblhma akriboc k luyhc.

exact dierential: olik  tleio diaforik.
exact dierential equation: tleia  plrhc diaforik ex swsh.
exact division: tleia dia resh.
exact sequence: tleia akolouj a.
exact solution: akribc lsh.

exam: extash.
examination: extash.
examine: exet zw.
example: par deigma.
excenter: par kentro, kntro paragegrammnou kklou (sun. ecenter).
excess: per sseia, uperbol.
excessive: uperbolikc.
exchange: antallag, enallag, sunallag.
column exchange: enallag sthln.
row exchange: enallag grammn.

exchanger: enall kthc.

heat exchanger:

enall kthc jermthtac.

excircle: paragegrammnoc kkloc (sun. escribed circle  ecircle).

excission: ektom.
exclusion: apokleismc.
exclusion principle:

arq apokleismo.

exclusive: apokleistikc.

mutually exclusive events: asumb basta gegonta  endeqmena.

mutually exclusive sets: xna snola.

execute: ektel.
executable: ektelsimoc.
exhaust: exantl.
exhaustion: ex ntlhsh.
exhaustive: exantlhtikc.
exhibit: epideiknw.
exist: up rqw.
existence: parxh.

existence of solution: parxh lshc.


existence theorem: jerhma parxhc.

existence and uniqueness: parxh kai monadikthta.
global existence: kajolik parxh.
local existence: topik parxh.

existential: uparxiakc.

existential quantication: uparxiak posondeixh.

existential quantier: uparxiakc posode kthc.

exothermic: exjermoc.
expand: anaptssw, diastllw.
expand into a Taylor series:

anaptssw se seir


expanding: diastellmenoc, anaptssontac.

expanding universe:

diastellmeno smpan.

expansion: an ptugma, an ptuxh, diastol, epktash, dierunsh.

expansion coe cient: suntelestc diastolc.

expansion of a determinant: an ptugma or zousac.
expansion in partial fractions: an ptugma se apl kl smata.
asymptotic expansion: asumptwtik an ptugma.
binomial expansion: diwnumik an ptugma, an ptugma tou diwnmou.
Maclaurin expansion: an ptugma Maclaurin.
matched asymptotic expansions: mjodoc sunarmosmnwn asumptwtikn anaptugm twn  mjodoc
idiazousn diataraqn (singular perturbation method). partial fraction expansion: an ptugma se
merik  apl kl smata.
series expansion: an ptugma se seir .
sudden expansion: aptomh diastol (reustodunamik).
Taylor expansion: an ptugma Taylor (sun. Taylor development).
trigonometric expansion: trigwnometrik an ptugma.

expectation: anamon, prosdok a, elp da.

double expectation theorem: jerhma diplc prosdok ac.

mathematical expectation: majhmatik prosdok a  elp da.

expected: anamenmenoc, prosdokmenoc, prosdokhtc, jewrhtikc.

expected frequency: anamenmenh  prosdokmenh  prosdokht  jewrhtik suqnthta.

expected value: anamenmenh  prosdokmenh  prosdokhtc  msh tim  majhmatik elp da.

experiment: pe rama.
random experiment:

pe rama tqhc.

experimental: peiramatikc.
expert: mpeiroc, empeirognmonac.

expert systems: mpeira sustmata.


explained: epexhghmnoc.

explained variation: palindromik  paragontik metabol.

explementary: paraplhrwmatikc.

explementary angle: paraplhrwmatik gwn a.

explicit: se lumnh morf, analutc, mesoc, rhtc.

explicit approach: analut  mesh mjodoc.

explicit method: analut  mesh mjodoc.
explicit function: lelumnh sun rthsh  sun rthsh se lelumnh morf.
explicit algebraic function: lelumnh algebrik sun rthsh.
explicit scheme: analut  mesh mjodoc.
explicit transformation: analutc  mesoc metasqhmatismc.

explicitly: se lelumnh morf, mesa.

explicitness: to lelumno, to meso.
explode: ekrhgnw, ekrhgnomai.
explore: exereun.
explosion: krhxh.
explosive: ekrhktikc.
exponent: ekjthc.

critical exponent: kr simoc ekjthc.

Liapunov exponent: ekjthc Liapunov.
negative exponent: arnhtikc ekjthc.

exponential: ekjetikc.

exponential convergence: ekjetik sgklish.

exponential curve: ekjetik kamplh.
exponential distribution: ekjetik katanom.
exponential equation: ekjetik ex swsh.
exponential function: ekjetik sun rthsh.
exponential functor: ekjetikc sunarthtc.
exponential growth: ekjetik axhsh.
exponential integral: ekjetik oloklrwma.
exponential series: ekjetik seir .

exponentially: ekjetik .

exponentially convergent:

sugkl nwn ekjetik .

expose: ekjtw.
exposure: kjesh.
express: ekfr zw.
expression: par stash, kfrash.

algebraic expression: algebrik par stash.

arithmetic expression: arijmhtik par stash.
canonical expression: kanonik par stash.

numerical expression: arijmhtik par stash.

regular expression: kanonik kfrash (plhroforik).

exradius (pl. exradii): akt na paragegrammnou kklou.

extend: epekte nw, ekte nw, dieurnw.
extendability: epektasimthta.
extendable: epekt simoc.
extended: epektetamnoc, dieurumnoc, ektetamnoc.

extended complex plane: sumplhrwmno  epektetamno migadik ep pedo.

extended decision rule: dieurumnoc kannac apfashc.
extended design: dieurumnoc sqediasmc.
extended group divisible design: dieurumnoc diairetc kat om dec sqediasmc.
extended hypergeometric distribution: dieurumnh upergewmetrik katanom.
extended matrix: epektetamnoc p nakac.

extensible: ektatc.
extension: epktash (Topol.).

algebraic extension: algebrik epktash.

analytic extension: analutik epktash.
continuous extension: suneqc epktash.
cyclic extension: kuklik epktash.
cyclotomic extension: kuklotomik epktash.
even extension: rtia epktash.
nite extension: peperasmnh epktash.
generic extension: genetik epktash (logik).
innite extension: peirh epktash.
normal extension: kanonik epktash.
odd extension: peritt epktash.
proper extension: gnsia epktash.
radical extension: rizik epktash.
simple extension: apl epktash.

extensional: ektatikc.

extensional viscosity: ektatik ixdec.

extensive: ektetamnoc, ektatikc.

extensive magnitudes: posotik megjh.

extensive property: ektatik idithta.
extensive sampling: ektetamnh (qronik  topik ) deigmatolhy a.

extensivity: to ektetamno, to epektetamno.

exterior: exwterik, exwterikc.

exterior algebra: exwterik lgebra.

exterior angle: exwterik gwn a.
exterior of a closed curve: exwterik kleistc kamplhc.
exterior Helmhotz problem: exwterik prblhma Helmhotz.
exterior measure: exwterik mtro.

exterior point: exwterik shme o.

exterior product: exwterik ginmeno 

sfhnoeidc ginmeno (wedge

Qrhsimopoie tai se exwterikc lgebrec (exterior algebras).


ap to smbolo


external: exwterikc.

external diameter: exwterik di metroc.

external operation: exwterik pr xh.
external ratio: exwterikc lgoc.
external variance: exwterik diaspor .

externally: exwterik .
extra: epiplon, exw- (prjema).
extract: ex gw, apspasma.
extractable: exaggimoc.
extraction: exagwg.
nth root extraction:

exagwg niostc r zac.

extraneous: exwterikc, xnoc, sqetoc.

extraordinary: ktaktoc, ekplhktikc, asunjhc.
extrapolant: parekb llousa, sun rthsh parekbolc, epekte nousa, sun rthsh epktashc.
extrapolate: parekb llw, epekte nw, parekte nw, problpw.
extrapolation: parekbol, epktash, parktash, gen keush, prbleyh, extrapolation.

extrapolation method: mjodoc parekbolc.

Richardson's extrapolation: parekbol  prbleyh kat Richardson, mjodoc parekbolc tou Richardson.

extrema: akrtata, bl. extremum.

extremal: akrtatoc, twn akrot twn, akra oc, oriakc.

extremal property: akrtath idithta, idithta akrot twn.

extremal zeros: r zec akrot twn.

extremality: to akrtato.
extreme: akrtatoc, akra oc, oriakc.
extreme value: akrtath tim.

extremeness: akrthta.
extremity: akr, tloc.
extremum (pl. extrema): akrtatoc, akrtato.
extrinsic: exwterikc, xnoc.
extrinsically: exwterik, epousiwdc.
extrudate: kbolo.
extrude: ekb llw, exwj.
extrusion: ekbol, exjhsh.

eye: m ti, ofjalmc.

eye lens:

prosofj lmioc fakc.

FD (nite dierence): peperasmnh diafor .
FDM (nite dierence method): mjodoc peperasmnwn diaforn.
FE (nite element): peperasmno stoiqe o.
FEM (nite element method): mjodoc peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
FFT (fast Fourier transform): taqc metasqhmatismc Fourier.
FS (fundamental solution): jemelidhc lsh.
face: yh, epif neia, (par pleurh) dra.

face of a polyhedron: par pleurh dra poludrou.

side faces: par pleurec drec.

facet: dra, yh  pleur (problmatoc).

factor: par gontac, suntelestc.

amplication factor: suntelestc en squshc.

common factor: koinc par gontac.
conversion factor: suntelestc metatropc.
crossed factors: diastauromenoi par gontec.
growth factor: suntelestc axhshc.
highest common factor: mgistoc koinc par gontac ( diairthc).
integrating factor: oloklhrwtikc par gontac  par gontac oloklhrsewc.
magnication factor: suntelestc megenjnsewc.
scale factor: suntelestc kl makac.
scaling factor: suntelestc allagc kl makac.
shape factor: par gontac morfc.
tolerance factor: par gontac anoqc.
weighting factor: par gontac st jmishc, par gontac b rouc.

factorable: paragontopoisimoc.
factorial: paragontikc, paragontik.

factorial design: paragontikc sqediasmc.

factorial function: paragontik sun rthsh.
factorial polynomial: paragontik polunumo.
factorial series: paragontik seir .
factorial series distribution: paragontik katanom.

factoring: paragontopo hsh.

left factoring: arister paragontopo hsh.

right factoring: dexi paragontopo hsh.

factorization: paragontopo hsh.

iterative factorization: epanalhptik paragontopo hsh.

LU factorization: paragontopo hsh LU.
polar factorization: polik paragonopo hsh.
prime factorization: paragontopo hsh se prtouc.
unique factorization: monosmanth paragontopo hsh.

factorize: paragontopoi.
fail: apotugq nw.
failure: apotuq a, astoq a.

failure analysis: an lush astoq ac.

failure function: sun rthsh astoq ac.

fair: d kaioc, t mioc, d kaioc.

fair coin: kanonik  t mio nmisma.

fair game: t mio  d kaio paiqn di.

faithful: pistc.

faithful representation:

pist anapar stash.

fall: pftw, ptsh.

falling: p ptwn.
falling body:

p pton sma.

false: esfalmnoc, l joc, yeudc, analhjc.

falsify: diayedw.
falsity: to yeudc, to analhjc, anakr beia.
faltung: sunlixh.
familiar: oike oc.
family: oikogneia.

family of curves: oikogneia kampuln.

a ne family: susqetismnh oikogneia.
one-parapeter family: monoparametrik oikogneia.
isometric family: isometrik oikogneia.
orthogonal families: orjogniec oikogneiec.

far: makrinc.

far eld: makrin ped o.

far-eld diraction: per jlash makrino ped ou.

fast: taqc.

fast axis: taqc xonac.


fast convergence: taqe a sgklish.

fast Fourier transform (FFT): taqc metasqhmatismc Fourier.
fast method: taqe a mjodoc.

fatigue: kpwsh.
favorable: eunokc, eunoomenoc.
feasibility: efikt, epiteukt, katorjwt.
feasibility study:

melth skopimthtac.

feasible: efiktc, epiteuktc, katorjwtc, pragmatopoisimoc, epitreptc.

feasible set: efikt snolo.
feasible solution: efikt lsh.

feature: qarakthristik, gnrisma.

feed: trofodot, trofodos a.
feedback: anatrofodthsh.
feet: bl. foot.
Fermat, Pierre (1601-1665).
Fermat's principle:

arq tou


fertility: gonimthta.
few: l goi.
ber: na, nma (Topol.).

ber bundle: nhmatik dsmh.

ber optics: optik twn inwdn agwgn.

Fibonacci, Leonardo (1170-1250)

Fibonacci function: sun rthsh Fibonacci.

Fibonacci numbers: arijmo Fibonacci.

bration: nhmatopo hsh (Topol.).

bre: na, nma (Topol.), bl. ber.
ducial: thc empistosnhs, pisteutikc.

ducial distribution: pisteutik katanom.

ducial inference: pisteutik sumperasmatolog a.
ducial limits: ria empistosnhc, pisteutik ria.
ducial probability: pisteutik pijanthta.

eld: ped o (dianusmatikc logismc), sma (algebrikc domc).

eld arithmetic: arijmhtik swm twn.
eld intensity: ntash ped ou.
eld lens: fakc ped ou.
eld of sets: ped o sunlwn.
anisotropic eld: anistropo ped o.
central eld: kentrik ped o.
complete vector eld: plrec dianusmatik ped o.


conservative eld: sunthrhtik ped o.

direction eld: ped o kateujnsewn.
electric eld: hlektrik ped o.
electromagnetic eld: hlektromagnhtik ped o.
far eld: makrin ped o.
far-eld diraction: per jlash makrino ped ou.
force eld: ped o dun mewn.
gravitational eld: ped o barthtac, barutik ped o.
harmonic eld: armonik ped o.
irrotational eld: astrbilo ped o.
isotropic eld: istropo ped o.
near eld: kontin ped o.
near-eld diraction: per jlash kontino ped ou.
prime eld: prto sma.
quadratic eld: tetragwnik sma.
rotational eld: strobil ped o.
scalar eld: bajmwt ped o.
semicomplete vector eld: hmiplrec dianusmatik ped o.
solenoidal (vector) eld: swlhnoeidc (dianusmatik) ped o.
splitting eld: sma diasp sewc  sma rizn.
tensor eld: tanustik ped o.
vector eld: dianusmatik ped o.
velocity eld: ped o taqthtac.

gure: sqma, stoiqe o, yhf o, arijmc.

homothetic gures: omoiojetik sqmata.

rectilinear gure: eujgrammo sqma.
signicant gure: shmantik yhf o.

le: arqe o.
data le:

arqe o dedomnwn.

lm: film, umnac, umnio.

dielectric lm: dihlektrik umnio.

thin lm: lept umnio.

lter: f ltro.

free lter: elejero f ltro.

principal lter: krio f ltro.
trivial lter: tetrimmno f ltro.

ltering: filtr risma, dijhsh.

ltering technique:

teqnik filtrar smatoc.

nal: telikc.
nal state:

telik kat stash.

nality: telikthta, teleithta.


principle of nality: arq thc teleithtac.

nd: br skw, prosdior zw.

nding: erhma.
ne: leptc.

ne mesh: pukn plgma, plgma leptc diamrishc.

neness: leptthta.

neness of a partition: puknthta diamer sewc.

nite: peperasmnoc.

adaptive nite elements: anaprosarmostik peperasmna stoiqe a.

nite Abelian group: peperasmnh abelian  antimetajetik om da.
nite character: peperasmnoc qaraktrac.
nite class: peperasmnh kl sh.
nite dierence: peperasmnh diafor .
nite dierence method (FDM): mjodoc peperasmnwn diaforn.
nite dimension: peperasmnh di stash.
nite dimensional: peperasmenodi statoc, peperasmnhc di stashc.
nite discontinuity: peperasmnh asunqeia.
nite element: peperasmno stoiqe o.
nite element method (FEM): mjodoc peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
nite extension: peperasmnh epktash.
nite group: peperasmnh om da.
nite integration: peperasmnh oloklrwsh.
nite interval: peperasmno di sthma.
nite jump: peperasmno pdhma.
nite population: peperasmnoc plhjusmc.
nite representation: peperasmnh anapar stash.
nite rotation: peperasmnh strof.
nite sample space: peperasmnoc deigmatqwroc  deigmatikc qroc.
nite sequence: peperasmnh akolouj a.
nite series: peperasmnh seir .
nite set: peperasmno snolo.
nite volume: peperasmnoc gkoc.
nite volume method: mjodoc peperasmnwn gkwn elgqou.
conforming nite elements: summorfik peperasmna stoiqe a.
discontinuous nite elements: asuneq peperasmna stoiqe a.
hybrid nite element method: ubridik mjodoc peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
singular nite element: idi zon peperasmno stoiqe o.
unconjugated nite element method: mjodoc aposunezeugmnwn peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.

niteness: to peperasmno.

niteness theorem: jerhma tou peperasmnou.

nitistic: peperasmnoc.
rst: prtoc, jemelidhc.
rst curvature:

prth kampulthta.


rst derivative: prth par gwgoc.

rst harmonic: prth (jemelidhc) armonik.
rst invariant: prth anallo wth.
rst kind: prto e doc.
rst limit theorem: prto oriak jerhma.
rst order: prth t xh.
rst-order dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh prthc t xhc.
rst-order language: prwtob jmia glssa.
rst-order theory: prwtob jmia jewr a.
rst principle: basik  jemelidhc arq.
rst variation: prth metabol.

t: prosarmzw.

goodness of t: poithta prosarmogc, prosarmostikthta, katallhlthta prosarmogc.

2 -test of goodness of t: 2 -legqoc poithtac prosarmogc, 2 -legqoc kalc prosarmogc.

tting: prosarmog.

curve tting: prosarmog kamplhc.

data tting: prosarmog dedomnwn.

xed: stajerc.

xed axis: stajerc xonac.

xed point: stajer shme o, ak nhth upodiastol.
xed point theorem: jerhma stajero shme ou.
xed-point variable: metablht ak nhthc upodiastolc.

ag: shma a.

ag variety: e doc  pollaplthta shma ac.

at: ep pedoc, sioc.

at plate: ep pedh pl ka.

at section: ep pedh tom.
at surface: ep pedh epif neia.

ight: ptsh.
oating: kinhtc.

oating operation: pr xh kinhtc upodiastolc.

oating point: kinht upodiastol.
oating point arithmetic: arijmhtik kinhtc upodiastolc.
oating-point variable: metablht kinhtc upodiastolc.

oppy: qalarc.
oppy disk:

malakc d skoc  disktta (upologistc).

ow: ro.

ow chart: logik di gramma, di gramma roc, domgramma.

ow curve: kamplh roc.
ow pattern: morf roc.

ow rate: rujmc roc.

baroclinic ow: baroklinik ro.
barotropic ow: barotropik ro.
cash ow: qrhmatoro.
compressible ow: sumpiest ro.
creeping ow: rpousa ro.
uid ow: ro reusto.
fully developed ow: plrwc aneptugmnh ro.
heat ow: ro jermthtac.
incompressible ow: asump esth ro.
inviscid ow: anixdhc  mh ixdhc  tribh ro.
irrotational ow: astrbilh ro.
laminar ow: strwt ro.
mixing ow: ro m xhc  an mixhc.
multi-layer ow: polustrwmatik ro.
Newtonian ow: neutneia ro.
primary ow: prwteousa ro.
reactive ow: ro me (qhmik) ant drash.
radial ow: aktinik ro.
rotational ow: strobil ro.
secondary ow: deutereousa ro.
shear ow: ro di tmhshc.
stagnation ow: ro anakopc.
stationary ow: st simh ro.
steady ow: mnimh ro.
Stokes ow: ro Stokes.
stratied ow: strwmatopoihmnh ro.
subsonic ow: upohqhtik ro.
supersonic ow: uperhqhtik ro.
swirling ow: peristrofik ro (sun. torsional ow).
torsional ow: peristrofik ro (sun. swirling ow).
time dependent ow: xronometaballmenh ro.
transient ow: metabatik ro.
turbulent ow: turbdhc ro.
two-phase ow: difasik ro.
uniaxial ow: monaxonik ro.
uniform ow: omoimorfh ro.
unsteady ow: mh mnimh ro  metabatik ro.
viscoelastic ow: ixwdoelastik ro.
viscometric ow: ixwdometrik ro.
viscoplastic ow: ixwdoplastik ro.
viscous ow: ixdhc ro.

uctuate: auxomeinomai.
uctuation: auxome wsh.
uid: reust.

uid dynamics: reustodunamik.

uid ow: ro reusto.
uid mechanics: reustomhqanik.

uid source: phg reusto.

compressible uid: sumpiest reust.
computational uid dynamics (CFD): upologistik reustodunamik.
generalized Newtonian uid: genikeumno neutneio reust.
ideal uid: idanik reust.
incompressible uid: asump esto reust.
inviscid uid: anixdec  mh ixdec reust.
Newtonian uid: neutneio reust.
non-Newtonian uid: mh neutneio reust.
real uid: pragmatik reust.
viscoelastic uid: ixwdoelastik reust.
viscoplastic uid: ixwdoplastik reust.
viscous uid: ixdec reust.

uidity: reustthta.
ush: ????????.
royal ush:

floc ston sso.

ute: r bdwsh, aulc.

uted spectrum:

tainiwt f sma.

ux: ro (an mon da epifane ac).

ux density: puknthta roc.

heat ux: ro jermthtac (an mon da epifane ac).

foam: afrc.
focal: estiakc, kentrikc.

focal length: estiak apstash.

focal plane: estiak ep pedo.
focal point: estiak shme o.
back focal length: dexi estiak apstash.
eective focal length: olik estiak apstash.
front focal length: arister estiak apstash.

focalization: est ash, sugkntrwsh.

focalize: esti zw, sugkentrnw.
focus: est a, esti zw, sugkentrnw.
in focus: estiasmnoc.
out of focus: mh estiasmnoc.

focusing: est ash, sugkntrwsh, esti zwn, sugkentrnwn.

foil: fllo, lasma.
folded: anadiplwmnoc.

folded contingency table: summetrikc p nakac sun feias.

folded distribution: anadiplwmnh katanom.

folding: anad plwsh.


foliation: fllwsh.
folium: fllo.

folium of Descartes:

fllo tou


follow: akolouj, pomai.

follow up:

parakolouj, parakolojhsh.

following: akloujoc, epmenoc.

foot (pl. feet): pdi.
force: dnamh, exanagk zw.

force eld: ped o dun mewn.

force of mortality: rujmc jnhsimthtac.
body force: swmatik  olswmh  mazik dnamh,  dnamh gkou.
volume force.
buoyancy force: nwsh.
central force: kentrik dnamh.
centrifugal force: fugkentrh dnamh.
centripetal force: kentromloc dnamh.
conservative force eld: sunthrhtik ped o dun mewn.
contact force: dnamh epafc  epifaneiak dnamh (surface force).
dissipative force: skedastik dnamh, dnamh ant stashc  apsbeshc.
drag force: opisjlkousa dnamh.
epicycle force: epitrqia dnamh.
impulsive force: wstik dnamh.
internal force: eswterik dnamh.
lift force: nwsh, dnamh nwshc.
mass force: mazik dnamh. Bl. body force.
polygon of forces: polgwno dun mewn.
restoring force: dnamh epanafor c.
surface force: epifaneiak dnamh  dnamh epafc (contact force).

Isodnamoi roi:

mass force,

forced: exanagkasmnoc, bebiasmnoc.

forced convection: bebiasmnh  exanagkasmnh kuklofor a.

forced equilibrium: exanagkasmnh isorrop a.
forced oscillation: exanagkasmnh tal ntwsh (sun. forced vibration).
forced system: exanagkasmno ssthma.
forced vibration: exanagkasmnh tal ntwsh (sun. forced oscillation).

forcing: exanagkasmc.

forcing conditions: sunjkec exanagkasmo.

notion of forcing: nnoia tou exanagkasmo.

fore: prin (suntomograf a tou before).

fore-and-aft: prin kai met .

fore-and-aft symmetry: summetr a prin kai met , summetr a arister -dexi , summetr a rtiac sun rthshc ws proc ton xona twn y.

forecast: problpw.

forecasting: prbleyh.
forgetful: epilsmwn.

forgetful functor: epilsmwn sunarthtc.

forging: sfurhlas a.
form: morf, sqma, sqhmat zw.

bilinear form: digrammik morf.

canonical form: kanonik morf.
closed form: kleist morf.
dierential form: diaforik morf.
conjunctive normal form: suzeuktik kanonik morf.
disjunctive normal form: diazeuktik kanonik morf.
echelon form: klimakwt morf.
functional form: sunarthsiak morf.
fundamental form: jemelidhc morf.
Hermitian form: ermitian morf.
indenite quadratic form: aristh tetragwnik morf.
indeterminate form: aprosdiristh morf.
integral form: oloklhrwtik morf.
Jordan's canonical form: kanonik morf tou Jordan.
linear form: grammik morf.
matrix form: morf pin kwn, mhtrik morf, pinakomorf.
metric form: metrik morf.
normal form: kanonik morf.
open form: anoikt morf.
polar form (of a complex number): polik morf (migadiko arijmo).
prenex normal form: kanonik morf prenex.
pure quadratic form: kajar tetragwnik morf.
quadratic form: tetragwnik morf.
reduced echelon form: anhgmnh klimakwt morf.
standard form: kanonik  sunjhc  tupik morf.
strong form: isqur morf.
Taylor form: morf Taylor.
trilinear form: trigrammik morf.
variational form: metabolik morf.
weak form: asjenc morf.

formal: tupikc, austhrc.

formal integration: tupik oloklrwsh.

formal language: tupik glssa.
formal series: tupik seir .

formalization: diatpwsh, formalismc.

formalize: diatupnw, tupopoi.
format: di taxh, sqma.
formation: sqhmatismc, morfopo hsh, kataskeu.

class formation: kataskeu kl sewc.

impredicative axiom of class formation: mh kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeuc kl sewn.

predicative axiom of class formation: kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeuc kl sewn.

formula: (pl. formulas, formulae): tpoc.

addition formula: tpoc ajro smatoc.

approximate formula: proseggistikc tpoc.
asymptotic formula: asumptwtikc tpoc.
atomic formula: atomikc tpoc.
binomial formula: tpoc tou diwnmou.
Cauchy's integral formulae: oloklhrwtiko tpoi tou Cauchy.
closed formula: kleistc tpoc.
closed integration formulas: kleisto tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
composite integration formulas: snjetoi tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
composite trapezoidal rule formula: snjetoc tpoc tou trapez ou.
double angle formula: tpoc diplc gwn ac.
duplication formula: tpoc diplasiasmo.
equivalent formulas: isodnamoi tpoi.
Green's formula: tpoc tou Green.
half angle formula: tpoc misc gwn ac.
integral formula: oloklhrwtikc tpoc.
integration formulas: tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
interpolation formula: tpoc parembolc.
inversion formula: tpoc antistrofc.
multinomial formula: poluwnumikc tpoc.
multiple angle formula: tpoc pollaplc gwn ac.
normal formula: omalc tpoc (logik).
open formula: anoiktc tpoc.
open integration formulas: anoikto tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
positive formula: jetikc tpoc.
prenex formula: tpoc se projematik morf.
product-moment formula: tpoc tou ginomnou ropn.
recurrence formula: anadromikc tpoc.
recursion formula: anadromikc tpoc.
recursive formula: anadromikc tpoc.
reduction formula: anagwgikc tpoc.
satisable formula: ikanopoisimoc tpoc.
semi-open formula: hmianoiktc tpoc.
summation formula: tpoc jroishc.
trapezoidal formula: tpoc tou trapez ou.
valid formula: gkuroc tpoc.

formulae: bl. formula.

formulate: diatupnw, jemelinw.
formulation: diatpwsh, jemel wsh, kat strwsh.

mathematical formulation: majhmatik diatpwsh  jemel wsh.

forth: mproc.

back and forth method: mjodoc mproc-p sw.


forward: emprc, proc ta emprc, prsw, kat nth (gia peperasmnec diaforc).
forward dierences: proc ta emprc  prsw  kat nth diaforc.
forward substitution: emprc antikat stash.

Foucault pendulum: ekkremc tou Foucault.

founded: jemeliwmnoc, idruje c.

kalc jemeliwmnoc, kalc orismnoc.

foundation: jemel wsh, jemlio, druma.

axiomatic foundation: axiwmatik jemel wsh.

four: tssera, tsseric.

four-color theorem: jerhma tess rwn qrwm twn.

four-dimensional: tetradi statoc.


Fourier analysis: an lush Fourier.

Fourier coe cients: suntelestc Fourier.
Fourier integral: oloklrwma Fourier.
Fourier series: seir Fourier.
Fourier's integral theorem: oloklhrwtik jerhma tou Fourier.
Fourier transform: metasqhmatismnh Fourier, metasqhmatismc Fourier.
Fourier transformation: metasqhmatismc Fourier.
discrete Fourier transform: diakritc metasqhmatismc Fourier.
fast Fourier transform (FFT): taqc metasqhmatismc Fourier.
generalized Fourier coe cients: genikeumnoi suntelestc Fourier.
inverse Fourier transform: ant strofh metasqhmatismnh Fourier.
inverse Fourier transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatismc Fourier.

fractal: klastik, morfoklasmatik, fr ktal, klastikc, morfoklasmatikc.

fractal analysis: klastik  morfoklasmatik an lush.
fractal surface: klastik  morfoklasmatik epif neia.

fractality: klastikthta, morfoklasmatikthta.

fractile: posostia o shme o.
fraction: kl sma, tmma.

continued fraction: suneqc kl sma.

dissimilar fractions: eternuma kl smata.
improper fraction: mh gnsio  kataqrhstik kl sma.
recurring continuous fraction: epanalhptik suneqc kl sma.
partial fraction: merik  apl kl sma.
partial fraction expansion: an ptugma se merik  apl kl smata.
proper fraction: gnsio kl sma.
similar fractions: omnuma kl smata.
simple fraction: apl kl sma.
terminating fraction: peratomeno kl sma.

fractional: klasmatikc, tmhmatikc.

fractional analysis: klasmatik an lush.


fractional function: klasmatik sun rthsh.

fractional step algorithm: algrijmoc klasmatiko bmatoc.
randomized fractional factorial designs: tuqaiopoihmnoi tmhmatiko paragontiko sqediasmo .

fracture: jrash.

fracture mechanics:

mhqanik jrashc.

frame: pla sio, ssthma.

frame of reference: ssthma anafor c.

basic frame: basik pla sio.
inertial frame of reference: adraneiak ssthma suntetagmnwn.
orthonormal frame: orjokanonik pla sio.

framing: plais wsh.

basic framing: basik plais wsh.

elementary framing: stoiqeidhc plais wsh.

framework: pla sio.

combinatorial framework: sunduastik pla sio.

free: elejeroc, apallagmnoc, qwr c.

free boundary: elejero snoro.

free boundary problem: prblhma me elejero snoro.
free group: elejerh om da.
free index: elejeroc de kthc.
free model: elejero montlo.
free monoid: elejero monoeidc.
free motion: elejerh k nhsh.
free object: elejero antike meno.
free-object functor: sunarthtc elejerwn antikeimnwn.
free occurrence: elejerh emf nish.
free product: elejero ginmeno.
free surface: elejerh epif neia.
free torsion: elejerh stryh.
free universe: elejero smpan.
free variable: elejerh metablht.
free vector: elejero di nusma.
context-free language: glssa qwr c sumfrazmena.
distribution free: elejeroc (thc sunarthsiakc morfc thc) katanomc.
element-free method: mjodoc qwr c (peperasmna) stoiqe a.

freedom: eleujer a.
degrees of freedom:


bajmo eleujer ac.


Frenet equations: exisseic tou Frenet.

Frenet-Serret formulas: tpoi twn Frenet-Serret.

frequency: suqnthta.

frequency distribution: katanom suqnottwn.

frequency polygon: polgwno suqnthtac.
frequency table: p nakac suqnthtac.
absolute frequency: apluth suqnthta.
angular frequency: gwniak suqnthta.
cell frequency: suqnthta kelio.
circular frequency: kuklik suqnthta.
cumulative frequency distribution: ajroistik katanom suqnottwn.
expected frequency: anamenmenh  prosdokmenh  prosdokht  jewrhtik suqnthta.
fundamental frequency: jemelidhc  basik suqnthta.
natural frequency: fusik suqnthta.
normal frequency: kanonik suqnthta.
relative frequency: sqetik suqnthta.
spatial frequency: qwrik suqnthta  suqnthta qrou.


Fresnel integral: oloklrwma tou Fresnel.

Fresnel cosine integral: sunhmitonik oloklrwma tou Fresnel.
Fresnel sine integral: hmitonik oloklrwma tou Fresnel.
Fresnel zone: znh Fresnel.


Fruslani's integral:

friction: trib.

friction coe cient:

oloklrwma tou


suntelestc tribc.

frictional: tribikc.
frictionless: triboc.
fringe: krossc sumbolc (optik).
fringe order:

t xh krosso sumbolc.

front: mtwpo.

front focal length: arister estiak apstash.

frontal: metwpikc.

frontal method: metwpik mjodoc.

frustrum: klouro stere.

frustrum of cone: klouroc knoc.

frustrum of pyramid: klourh puram da.

full: plrhc, gem toc.

full house:

foul (sto pker).

fully: plrwc.

fully developed ow: plrwc aneptugmnh ro.


fully discrete:

plrwc diakritc.

function: sun rthsh, apeiknish (mapping), metasqhmatismc (transformation), leitourg a, leitourg.

function theory: jewr a sunartsewn.

additive function: prosjetik sun rthsh.
Airy function: sun rthsh Airy.
algebraic function: algebrik sun rthsh.
analytic function: analutik sun rthsh.
arbitrary function: auja reth sun rthsh, tuqosa sun rthsh.
autocorrelation function: sun rthsh autosusqtishc.
automorphic function: autmorfh sun rthsh.
basis function: sun rthsh b shc.
Bei functions: sunartseic Bei.
Ber functions: sunartseic Ber.
Bessel functions: sunartseic Bessel.
beta function: sun rthsh bta.
bicubic basis functions: dikubikc sunartseic b shc.
bilinear basis functions: digrammikc sunartseic b shc.
biquadratic basis functions: ditetragwnikc sunartseic b shc.
bounded function: fragmnh sun rthsh.
bubble function: sun rthsh fusall dac.
characteristic function: qarakthristik sun rthsh  idiosun rthsh (eigenfunction).
circular functions: kuklikc  trigwnometrikc (trigonometric)  gwniometrikc (cyclometric) sunartseic.

complementary error function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh sf lmatoc.

complementary function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh.
complex function: migadik sun rthsh.
complex-valued function: migadik sun rthsh.
composite function: snjeth sun rthsh.
computable function: upolog simh sun rthsh.
conjugate functions: suzuge c sunartseic.
constant function: stajer sun rthsh.
continuous function: suneqc sun rthsh.
cubic basis functions: kubikc sunartseic b shc.
cumulative hazard function: ajroistik sun rthsh diakindneushc.
cyclometric functions: gwniometrikc  trigwnometrikc (trigonometric)  kuklikc (circular) sunartseic.

decision function: sun rthsh apfashc.

decreasing function: fj nousa sun rthsh.
delta function: sun rthsh dlta.
density function: sun rthsh puknthtac  sun rthsh b rouc.
dierentiable function: paragwg simh sun rthsh.
digamma function: sun rthsh dig mma.
discontinuous function: asuneqc sun rthsh.
discrete function: diakrit sun rthsh.
discriminant function: diakr nousa sun rthsh.
distribution function: sun rthsh katanomc.
domain of a function: ped o orismo sun rthshc.

elementary functions: stoiqeideic  basikc sunartseic.

elliptic function: elleiptik sun rthsh.
entire function: akraia sun rthsh.
error function: sun rthsh sf lmatoc.
even function: rtia sun rthsh.
explicit algebraic function: lelumnh algebrik sun rthsh.
explicit function: lelumnh sun rthsh  sun rthsh se lelumnh morf.
exponential function: ekjetik sun rthsh.
factorial function: paragontik sun rthsh.
failure function: sun rthsh astoq ac.
fractional function: klasmatik sun rthsh.
gain function: sun rthsh krdouc.
gamma function: sun rthsh g mma.
generalized function: genikeumnh sun rthsh.
generating function: genntria sun rthsh.
global basis functions: kajolikc sunartseic b shc.
Green's function: sun rthsh tou Green.
half rectied function: hmianorjwmnh sun rthsh.
half rectied sine wave function: hmianorjwmnh hmitonoeidc kumatosun rthsh.
Hamiltonian function: sun rthsh tou Hamilton, qamiltonian sun rthsh.
Hankel function: sun rthsh Hankel.
harmonic function: armonik sun rthsh.
Heaviside's unit function: monadia a sun rthsh tou Heaviside.
holomorphic function: olmorfh sun rthsh.
homogeneous function: omogenc sun rthsh.
hyperbolic function: uperbolik sun rthsh.
hyperelliptic function: uperelleiptik sun rthsh.
hypergeometric function: upergewmetrik sun rthsh.
indicator function: de ktria sun rthsh.
implicit algebraic function: peplegmnh algebrik sun rthsh.
implicit function: peplegmnh sun rthsh.
implicit function theorem: jerhma peplegmnhc sun rthshc.
incomplete gamma function: atelc sun rthsh g mma.
increasing function: axousa sun rthsh.
independent functions: anex rthtec sunartseic.
inner function: eswterik sun rthsh.
integrable function: oloklhrsimh sun rthsh.
integral function: oloklhrwtik sun rthsh.
inverse function: ant strofh sun rthsh.
inverse function theorem: jerhma thc ant strofhc sun rthshc.
irrational function: rrhth sun rthsh.
isochoric function: isqwrh sun rthsh.
isotonic regression function: isotonik sun rthsh palindrmhshc.
iterated function: epanalambanmenh sun rthsh.
joint density function: sun rthsh ap koino puknthtac.
joint distribution function: sun rthsh ap koino katanomc.
joint probability function: sun rthsh miktc pijanthtac.
Jacobian elliptic functions: elleiptikc sunartseic tou Jacobi.
Kei functions: sunartseic Kei.

Ker functions: sunartseic Ker.

lacunary function: mh epekt simh (analutik ) sun rthsh, qasmdhc sun rthsh.
likelihood function: sun rthsh pijanof neiac.
linear function: grammik sun rthsh.
linear basis functions: grammikc sunartseic b shc.
Lipschitz function: sun rthsh Lipschitz.
likelihood ratio test function: elegqosun rthsh lgou pijanof neiac.
local basis functions: topikc sunartseic b shc.
logarithmic function: logarijmik sun rthsh.
log-likelihood function: sun rthsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac.
loss function: sun rthsh apleiac.
many-valued function: pleitimh sun rthsh.
mapping function: sun rthsh apeikon sewc.
matrix-valued function: pinakosun rthsh.
maximizing function: megistopoiosa sun rthsh.
maximum likelihood function: sun rthsh mgisthc pijanof neiac.
measurable function: metrsimh sun rthsh.
measure-valued function: metrosun rthsh.
meromorphic function: mermorfh sun rthsh.
minimax test function: elegqosun rthsh elaqistomeg stou, elegqosun rthsh minimax.
minimizing function: elaqistopoiosa sun rthsh.
modied function: tropopoihmnh sun rthsh.
modied Bessel functions: tropopoihmnec sunartseic Bessel.
modular function: metrosun rthsh.
moment generating function: ropogenntria sun rthsh.
monotone function: montonh sun rthsh.
monotonic function: montonh sun rthsh.
morphism function: sun rthsh morfismo.
most powerful test function: isqurtath elegqosun rthsh, isqurtath sun rthsh elgqou.
multi-valued function: pleitimh sun rthsh.
multiple-valued function: pleitimh sun rthsh.
non-analytic function: mh analutik sun rthsh.
normalized function: kanonikopoihmnh sun rthsh.
null function: mhdenik sun rthsh.
object function: sun rthsh antikeimnwn.
objective function: antikeimenik sun rthsh.
odd function: peritt sun rthsh.
one-to-one function: na proc na  amfimonosmanth  amfimontimh  erriptik (bijective) sun rthsh.
one-valued function: montimh sun rthsh.
onto function: sun rthsh ep  epirriptik (surjective) sun rthsh. Se merik bibl a, fesh (surjection)!
open function: anoikt sun rthsh.
orthogonal functions: orjogniec sunartseic.
orthonormal functions: orjokanonikc sunartseic.
outer function: exwterik sun rthsh.
partial recursive functions: merikc anadromikc sunartseic.
pattern function: sun rthsh morfc.
periodic function: periodik sun rthsh.
phase function: fasik sun rthsh.

piecewise continuous function: tmhmatik suneqc sun rthsh.

piecewise function: kat tmmata  tmhmatik orismnh sun rthsh.
piecewise linear function: kat tmmata  tmhmatik grammik sun rthsh.
piecewise smooth function: tmhmatik le a sun rthsh.
plus function: sun rthsh sun.
polygamma function: sun rthsh polug mma.
polyharmonic function: poluarmonik sun rthsh.
polynomial function: poluwnumik sun rthsh.
potential function: sun rthsh dunamiko.
power function: dunamosun rthsh.
primitive recursive functions: basikc anadromikc sunartseic.
probability function: sun rthsh pijanthtac.
probability generating function: pijanogenntria sun rthsh.
projection function: sun rthsh probolc.
pulse function: sun rthsh tetragwniko palmo.
pyramid function: sun rthsh puram da.
quadratic function: tetragwnik sun rthsh.
quadratic basis functions: tetragwnikc sunartseic b shc.
randomized decision function: tuqaiopoihmnh sun rthsh apfashc.
randomized test function: tuqaiopoihmnh elegqosun rthsh, tuqaiopoihmnh sun rthsh elgqou.
rational function: rht sun rthsh.
real function: pragmatik sun rthsh.
real-valued function: pragmatik sun rthsh.
rectied function: anorjwmnh sun rthsh.
recursive function: anadromik sun rthsh.
regression function: sun rthsh palindrmhshc.
regular function: analutik sun rthsh.
restriction of a function: periorismc sun rthshc.
risk function: sun rthsh kindnou, sun rthsh diakindneushc.
roof function: sun rthsh stgh.
saw tooth wave function: prionoeidc kumatosun rthsh.
semicontinuous function: hmisuneqc sun rthsh.
sign test function: elegqosun rthsh prosmou, sun rthsh elgqou prosmou.
sine wave function: hmitonoeidc kumatosun rthsh.
simple function: apl sun rthsh.
single-valued function: montimh sun rthsh.
singular function: idi zousa sun rthsh.
smooth function: le a sun rthsh.
special functions: eidikc sunartseic.
spline functions: sunartseic splines.
square integrable function: tetragwnik oloklhrsimh sun rthsh.
square loss function: tetragwnik sun rthsh apleiac.
staircase function: klimakwt sun rthsh.
step function: klimakwt sun rthsh, sun rthsh bmatoc.
strictly decreasing function: gnsia  austhr fj nousa sun rthsh.
strictly increasing function: gnsia  austhr axousa sun rthsh.
subadditive function: upoprosjetik sun rthsh.
subexponential function: upoekjetik sun rthsh.
superadditive function: uperprosjetik sun rthsh.

superregular function: uperkanonik sun rthsh.

survivor function: sun rthsh epib wshc.
theta function: sun rthsh jta.
transfer function: sun rthsh metafor c.
test function: elegqosun rthsh  sun rthsh elgqou.
trial function: sun rthsh dokimc.
triangular wave function: trigwnik kumatosun rthsh.
trigonometric functions: trigwnometrikc  kuklikc (circular)  gwniometrikc (cyclometric) sunartseic.

unbiased test function: amerlhpth elegqosun rthsh, amerlhpth sun rthsh elgqou.
unbounded function: mh fragmnh sun rthsh.
uniformly continuous function: omoimorfa suneqc sun rthsh.
uniformly most powerful unbiased test function: omoimorfa isqurtath amerlhpth elegqosun rthsh,

omoimorfa isqurtath amerlhpth sun rthsh elgqou.

unit function: monadia a sun rthsh.
unit step function: sun rthsh monadia ou bmatoc.
vector function: dianusmatik sun rthsh.
vector-valued function: dianusmatik sun rthsh.
wave function: kumatosun rthsh  kumatik sun rthsh.
weight function: sun rthsh b rouc.
zero function: mhdenik sun rthsh.
zeta function: sun rthsh zta.

functional: sunarthsiak  sunarthsoeidc, sunarthsiakc, leitourgikc.

functional analysis: sunarthsiak an lush.
functional form: sunarthsiak morf.
a ne functional: susqetismno sunarthsiak.
constant functional: stajer sunarthsiak.
convex functional: kurt sunarthsiak.
linear functional: grammik sunarthsiak.
location functional: sunarthsiak jshc.
quadratic functional: tetragwnik sunarthsiak.

functionally: sunarthsiak .
functionally independent:

sunarthsiak anex rthtoi.

functor: sunarthtc.

adjoint functor: suzugc sunarthtc.

contravariant functor: antallo wtoc sunarthtc.
covariant functor: sunallo wtoc sunarthtc.
diagonal functor: diagnioc sunarthtc.
exponential functor: ekjetikc sunarthtc.
forgetful functor: epilsmwn sunarthtc.
free-object functor: sunarthtc elejerwn antikeimnwn.
hom functor: hom sunarthtc.
identity functor: tautotikc sunarthtc.
representable functor: anaparast simoc sunarthtc.

fundamental: jemelidhc, basikc.


fundamental coe cients: jemelideic suntelestc, jemelidh megjh.

fundamental form: jemelidhc morf.
fundamental frequency: jemelidhc  basik suqnthta.
fundamental group: basik om da.
fundamental mode: jemelidhc tal ntwsh  trpoc (tal ntwshc).
fundamental principle: jemelidhc arq.
fundamental sequence: basik akolouj a.
fundamental solution: jemelidhc lsh.
fundamental theorem: jemelidec jerhma.
fundamental theorem of algebra: jemelidec jerhma thc lgebrac.
fundamental theorem of arithmetic: jemelidec jerhma thc arijmhtikc.
fundamental theorem of calculus: jemelidec jerhma tou majhmatiko logismo.
fundamental theorem of integral calculus: jemelidec jerhma tou oloklhrwtiko logismo.
method of fundamental solutions (MFS): mjodoc jemeliwdn lsewn.

future: mllon.

absolute future:

apluto mllon.

fuzziness: as feia.
fuzzy: asafc.

fuzzy logic: asafc logik.

fuzzy modeling: asafc montelopo hsh.
fuzzy set: asafc snolo.

gain: krdoc.

gain function:

sun rthsh krdouc.

galaxy: galax ac.

galactic: galaxiakc.

galactic absorption: galaxiak aporrfhsh.



Galerkin method: mjodoc Galerkin.

Galerkin weighted residuals: stajmismna uploipa Galerkin.
Petrov-Galerkin method: mjodoc Petrov-Galerkin.

Galilean: galilaianc.

Galilean transformation: galilaianc metasqhmatismc.


Galileo: Galila oc.

Galileo paradox: par doxo tou Galila ou.

Galois, Evariste (1811-1832)

Galois action: dr sh Galois.

Galois cohomology: sunomolog a Galois.
Galois eld: sma Galois.
Galois group: om da Galois.
Galois representations: anaparast seic Galois.
Galois theory: jewr a Galois.

game: pa gnio, paiqn di.

game theory: jewr a paign wn.

zero sum game: paiqn di mhdeniko ajro smatoc.

gamma: g mma.

gamma distribution: katanom g mma.

gamma function: sun rthsh g mma.
gamma rays: akt nec g mma.
incomplete gamma function: atelc sun rthsh g mma.

gap: q sma, noigma.

gap test:

legqoc q smatoc.

gas: ario.

gas dynamics: dunamik aer wn.

gas phase: aria f sh.
ideal gas: idanik ario.

gauge: bajm da.

potential gauge: bajm da dunamiko.

Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855)

Gauss-Bonnet formula: tpoc twn Gauss-Bonnet.

Gauss dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Gauss.
Gauss elimination: apaloif (kat ) Gauss.
Gauss formula: tpoc tou Gauss.
Gauss integration: oloklrwsh (kat ) Gauss.
Gauss-Jordan reduction: anagwg  apaloif (elimination) Gauss-Jordan.
Gauss-Laguerre quadrature: arijmhtik oloklrwsh Gauss-Laguerre.
Gauss-Legendre quadrature: arijmhtik oloklrwsh Gauss-Legendre.
Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem: jerhma twn Gauss-Ostrogradsky, jerhma tou Gauss, jerhma apklishc (divergence theorem).
Gauss plane: ep pedo tou Gauss.
Gauss points: shme a Gauss.
Gauss quadrature: arijmhtik oloklrwsh Gauss.
Gauss-Seidel method: mjodoc twn Gauss-Seidel.
Gauss theorem: jerhma tou Gauss  jerhma thc apklishc (divergence theorem).

Gauss weights:

suntelestc b rouc

Gauss, b rh Gauss.

Gaussian: tou Gauss.

Gaussian curvature: kampulthta tou Gauss.

Gaussian distribution: katanom tou Gauss  kanonik katanom.
Gaussian function: sun rthsh tou Gauss.
Gaussian integers: akraioi tou Gauss.
Gaussian lens formula: ex swsh fakn tou Gauss.
Gaussian plane: ep pedo tou Gauss.

general: genikc.

general associative law: genik prosetairistik idithta.

general commutative law: genik antimetajetik idithta.
general distributive law: genik epimeristik idithta.
general linear group: genik grammik om da.
general solution: genik lsh.
general term: genikc roc.
general topology: genik topolog a.

generality: genikthta.

without loss of generality (wlog): qwr c apleia ( bl bh) thc genikthtac.

generalization: gen keush, epktash.

generalize: genikew.
generalized: genikeumnoc.

generalized coordinates: genikeumnec suntetagmnec.

generalized Fourier coe cients: genikeumnoi suntelestc Fourier.
generalized function: genikeumnh sun rthsh.
generalized method: genikeumnh mjodoc.
generalized Newtonian uid: genikeumno neutneio reust.

generate: par gw, genn.

generated: paragmenoc.

separably generated: diaqwr sima paragmenoc.

weakly-compactly generated (wcg): asjenc-sumpagc paragmenoc (gia snola).

generating: par gwn (par gousa), genntorac (genntria).

generating function: genntria sun rthsh.

bilateral generating function: d pleurh genntria sun rthsh.
moment generating function: ropogenntria sun rthsh.
probability generating function: pijanogenntria sun rthsh.

generation: paragwg, gnnhsh, gene .

grid generation: paragwg plgmatoc.

mesh generation: paragwg plgmatoc.

generator: genntorac, genntria, paragwgc.

language generator:

paragwgc glssac.


mesh generator:

prgramma paragwgc plgmatoc, paragwgc plgmatoc.

generic: genikc, genetikc.

generic extension: genetik epktash (logik).

generic subset: genetik uposnolo (logik).

genetic: genetikc.
genetics: genetik.
genus: gnoc.
geocentric: gewkentrikc.

geocentric latitude: gewkentrik pl toc.

geodesic: gewdaisiakc, gewdaisiak.

geodesic circle: gewdaisiakc kkloc.

geodesic coordinates: gewdaisiakc suntetagmnec.
geodesic curvature: gewdaisiak kampulthta, efaptomenik kampulthta (tangential curvature).
geodesic curves: gewdaisiakc, gewdaisiakc kamplec (sun. geodesics).
geodesic distance: gewdaisiak apstash.
geodesic ellipse: gewdaisiak lleiyh.
geodesic line: gewdaisiak gramm.
geodesic mapping: gewdaisiak apeiknish.
geodesic polar coordinates: gewdaisiakc polikc suntetagmnec.
geodesic polygon: gewdaisiak polgwno.
geodesic torsion: gewdaisiak stryh.
geodesic triangle: gewdaisiak tr gwno.

geodesics: gewdaisiakc, gewdaisiakc grammc  kamplec (sun. geodesic curves).

geodesy: gewdais a.
geographic: gewgrafikc.
geography: gewgraf a.
geometric: gewmetrikc.
geometric average: gewmetrikc msoc.
geometric combinatorics: gewmetrik sunduastik.
geometric construction: gewmetrik kataskeu.
geometric design: gewmetrik kataskeu, gewmetrikc sqediasmc.
geometric distribution: gewmetrik katanom.
geometric integral: gewmetrik  ekjetik oloklrwma.
geometric interpretation: gewmetrik ermhne a.
geometric locus: gewmetrikc tpoc.
geometric mean: gewmetrikc msoc (roc).
geometric multiplicity: gewmetrik pollaplthta.
geometric progression: gewmetrik prodoc.
geometric sequence: gewmetrik akolouj a.
geometric series: gewmetrik seir .
geometric similarity: gewmetrik omoithta.
geometric solid: gewmetrik stere.
geometric solution: gewmetrik lsh.

geometric surface:

gewmetrik epif neia.

geometrical: gewmetrikc, bl. geometric.

geometrical optics: gewmetrik optik.

geometrically: gewmetrik .

geometrically similar: gewmetrik moioi.

geometry: gewmetr a.

algebraic geometry: algebrik gewmetr a.

analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a.
computational geometry: upologistik gewmetr a.
dierential geometry: diaforik gewmetr a.
discrete geometry: diakrit gewmetr a.
elliptic geometry: elleiptik gewmetr a.
Euclidean geometry: eukle deia gewmetr a.
non-Euclidean geometry: mh eukle deia gewmetr a.
perspective geometry: prooptik gewmetr a.
plane analytic geometry: ep pedh analutik gewmetr a.
projective dierential geometry: probolik diaforik gewmetr a.
projective geometry: probolik gewmetr a.
pure geometry: kajar gewmetr a.
solid analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a se treic diast seic.
solid geometry: stereometr a.
symplectic geometry: sumplektik gewmetr a.
synthetic geometry: sunjetik gewmetr a.
topological geometry: topologik gewmetr a.

geosciences: gewepistmec.
germ: sprma (gia sunartseic kai kl seic isodunam ac).
Gibbs, Josian (1839-1903)
Gibbs' notation: sumbolismc Gibbs.
Gibbs oscillations: talantseic Gibbs.
Gibbs phenomenon: fainmeno Gibbs.

girth: perifreia.
give: d nw.
given: dosmnoc, dedomnoc.

given constant: dosmnh stajer .

given that: dojntoc ti.

glass: gial .
glass state:

ualdhc kat stash.

global: kajolikc, olikc, sunolikc.

global basis functions: kajolikc sunartseic b shc.

global choice: kajolik epilog.

global error: kajolik sf lma.

global existence: kajolik parxh.
global interpolation: kajolik parembol.
global method: kajolik mjodoc.
global minimizer: kajolikc elaqistopoihtc.
global numbering: kajolik ar jmhsh.
global optimization: kajolik beltistopo hsh.
global problem: kajolik prblhma.
global property: kajolik idithta.
global solution: kajolik lsh.
global stability: kajolik eust jeia.
axiom of global choice: ax wma kajolikc epilogc.

globally: kajolik , olik .

globally stable:

kajolik eustajc.

globe: sfa ra.

globular: sfairikc, sfairoeidc.
goal: telikc skopc, trma.
G odel, (-)

Godel number: arijmc Godel.

Godel numbering: ar jmhsh Godel.

G odelization: gkaitelopo hsh.

Goldbach, Christian (1690-1764)
Goldbach's conjecture:

eikas a tou


golden: qrusc.

golden section: qrus tom.

golden rectangle: qrus orjognio.

goniometer: gwnimetro.
goodness: poithta.

goodness of t: poithta prosarmogc, prosarmostikthta, katallhlthta prosarmogc.

2 -test of goodness of t: 2 -legqoc poithtac prosarmogc, 2 -legqoc kalc prosarmogc.

govern: dipw, kubern.

governing: dipwn, isqwn, kubernn.
governing equations:

dipousec  isqousec exisseic.

governor: kubernthc, rujmistc.

grade: bajmc, bajm da.
graded: bajmwtc, bajmia oc.

graded algebra: bajmwt lgebra.

graded mesh: bajmia o plgma, plgma bajmia ac puknthtac.

graded module: bajmwt prtupo.

gradient: kl sh, bajm da, an delta.

graduation: diab jmish.
graduation curve:

kamplh diab jmishc.

graeco-latin: ellhnolatinikc.
graeco-latin squares:

ellhnolatinik tetr gwna.

graeco-roman: ellhnorwmakc.
graeco-roman squares:

ellhnorwmak tetr gwna.

Gram Jorgen (1850-1916).

Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process:

gram: gramm rio.

grammar: grammatik.

mjodoc orjokanonikopo hshc twn


ambiguous context-free grammar: diforomenh grammatik qwr c sumfrazmena.

context-free grammar: grammatik qwr c sumfrazmena.
context-sensitive grammar: grammatik eua sjhth sta sumfrazmena.
left-regular grammar: arister kanonik grammatik.
linear context-free grammar: grammik grammatik qwr c sumfrazmena.
regular grammar: kanonik grammatik.
self-embedding grammar: kuklik orizmenh grammatik.
unrestricted grammar: grammatik qwr c periorismoc.
weak precedence grammar: grammatik asjenn proteraiottwn.

grammatical: grammatikc.

grammatical complexity: grammatik poluplokthta.

grammatically: grammatik .

grammatically computable function: grammatik upolog simh sun rthsh.

grand: meg loc.

grand mean: genik msh tim.

graph: grafik par stash, di gramma, gr fhma, gr foc, sqedi zw grafik par stash.
graph theory: jewr a grafhm twn  gr fwn.
linear graph: grammik gr fhma.
random linear graph: tuqa o grammik gr fhma.
undirected graph: mh kateujunmeno gr fhma.

graphical: grafikc.

graphical representation: grafik anapar stash.

graphical solution: grafik lsh.

graphically: grafik .

graphing: sqed ash.

grating: fr gma, kigkl dwma.
gravitation: barthta.

universal law of gravitation: nmoc thc pagksmiac lxhc.

gravitational: barutikc, thc barthtac.

gravitational acceleration: epit qunsh thc barthtac.

gravitational collapse: barutik kat rreush.
gravitational constant: (pagksmia) stajer thc barthtac.
gravitational eld: ped o barthtac, barutik ped o.
gravitational potential: dunamik barthtac  barutik dunamik.
gravitational wave: barutik kma.

gravity: barthta.

center of gravity: kntro b rouc.

specic gravity: eidik barthta.

great: meg loc.

greater: megalteroc.
greatest: mgistoc.

greatest common divisor: mgistoc koinc diairthc.

greatest limit: mgisto rio.
greatest lower bound: mgisto k tw fr gma  inmum.

Green, George (1793-1841)

Green's formula: tpoc tou Green.

Green's function: sun rthsh tou Green.
Green's identity: tautthta tou Green.
Green's theorem: jerhma tou Green.

grid: plgma, esq ra.

grid generation: paragwg plgmatoc.

grid size: pl toc plgmatoc.
collocated grid: taxijethmno plgma.
conforming grid: summorfik plgma.
equispaced grid: omoimorfo plgma (sun. uniform grid).
moving grid algorithm: algrijmoc kinomenou plgmatoc.
orthogonal grid: orjognio plgma.
staggered grid: enallassmeno plgma.
uniform grid: omoimorfo plgma.

gross: qondrikc, olikc, ak jartoc.

ground: dafoc, b sh.
ground clause:

basik sunjkh.

groundless: ab simoc.

group: om da.

group cohomology: sunomolog a om dwn.

group divisible: diairetc kat om dec.
group isomorphism: isomorfismc om dwn.
group representation: anapar stash om dac.
group theory: jewr a om dwn.
group unit: mon da om dac.
Abelian group: abelian  antimetajetik om da.
additive group: prosjetik om da.
a ne group: susqetismnh om da.
alternating group: enall ssousa om da.
commutative group: antimetajetik  abelian om da.
conformal group: smmorfh om da.
control group: om da elgqou.
cyclic group: kuklik om da.
defect group: ellipc om da.
dihedral group: diedrik om da.
nite group: peperasmnh om da.
nite abelian group: peperasmnh abelian  antimetajetik om da.
free group: elejerh om da.
fundamental group: basik om da.
general linear group: genik grammik om da.
holonomy group: olnomh om da.
homology group: omologiak om da.
homotopy group: omotopik om da.
isotropic group: istroph om da.
Lie group: om da Lie.
linear group: grammik om da.
metabelian group: metabelian om da.
metacyclic group: metakuklik om da.
multiplicative group: pollaplasiastik om da.
nilpotent group: mhdenodnamh om da.
normal group: kanonik om da.
paracompact group: par kurth om da.
permutation group: om da met jeshc.
projective group: probolik om da.
semisimple group: hmiapl om da.
solvable group: epilsimh om da.
subnormal group: upokanonik om da.
symmetric group: summetrik om da.
symmetry group: om da summetrin.
topological group: topologik om da.
unitary group: monadia a om da.

growth: axhsh, an ptuxh.

growth factor: suntelestc axhshc.

rate of growth: rujmc axhshc  an ptuxhc.
exponential growth: ekjetik axhsh.
linear growth: grammik axhsh.

polynomial growth:

poluwnumik axhsh.

guarantee: exasfal zw.

guess: ektim, eik zw, upojtw, mantew, ekt mhsh, eikas a, upjesh.
initial guess:

arqik ekt mhsh.

guide: odhgc, odhg, kajodhg.

guiding curve:

dieujetosa kamplh (sun.


gyration: perifor .

radius of gyration: akt na perifor c.

gyrocompass: guroskopik pux da.

gyroscope: guroskpio.

hr. (pl. hrs.): ra (hour).
half: misc.

half angle: mis gwn a.

half angle formula: tpoc misc gwn ac.
half-interval method: mjodoc diqotmhshc.
half invariant: hmianallo wtoc.
half life: qrnoc upodiplasiasmo, qrnoc hmizwc.
half line: hmieuje a.
half Normal distribution: hmi-Kanonik katanom.
half plane: hmiep pedo.
half range: mis ktash.
half range Fourier series: seir Fourier misc ktashc.
half rectied: hmianorjwmnoc.
half rectied function: hmianorjwmnh sun rthsh.
half rectied sine wave function: hmianorjwmnh hmitonoeidc kumatik sun rthsh.
half space: hmiqroc.
half step: hmibma.

half-open: hmianoiktc.

half-open interval: hmianoikt di sthma.

halfspace: hmiqroc.
halfwidth: hmieroc, hmipl toc.

halt: termat zw, stamat.

halt state:

kat stash termatismo.

halted: termatismnoc.
halted conguration:

termatismnh kat stash (plhroforik).

halting: termatismc, stam thma.

halting problem: prblhma termatismo.



Hamilton's equations: exisseic tou Hamilton.

Hamilton-Jacobi equation: ex swsh twn Hamilton-Jacobi.
Hamilton's principle: arq tou Hamilton.

Hamiltonian: qamiltonianc, sun rthsh tou Hamilton.

Hamiltonian function: sun rthsh tou Hamilton, qamiltonian sun rthsh.

Hamiltonian matrix: qamiltonianc p nakac.
Hamiltonian system: qamiltonian ssthma.
discrete Hamiltonian system: diakrit qamiltonian ssthma.

hand: qri.

left-hand continuity: sunqeia ap arister .

left-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap arister .
left-hand limit: rio ap arister .
left-hand side: arister mloc.
left handed: aristerc, aristerstrofoc.
right-hand continuity: sunqeia ap dexi .
right-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap dexi .
right-hand limit: rio ap dexi .
right-hand side: dexi mloc.
right handed: dexic, dexistrofoc.
right-handed coordinate system: dexistrofo ssthma suntetagmnwn, sun. dextral coordinate system.

handle: qeir zomai, qeroli, lab, qeir zomai.

hang: krem w.
hanging: krem menoc.
hanging conguration:



Hankel function:

hard: sklhrc.
hard disk:

krem menh kat stash (plhroforik).

sun rthsh Hankel.

sklhrc d skoc (upologistc).

Hardy, G.H. (1877-1947)

harmonic: armonikc, armonik.

harmonic analysis: armonik an lush.


harmonic eld: armonik ped o.

harmonic function: armonik sun rthsh.
harmonic mean: armonikc msoc (roc).
harmonic motion: armonik k nhsh.
harmonic oscillator: armonikc talantwtc.
harmonic process: armonik anlixh.
harmonic progression: armonik prodoc.
harmonic series: armonik seir .
rst harmonic: prth (jemelidhc) armonik.
linear harmonic oscillator: grammikc armonikc talantwtc.
simple harmonic motion: apl armonik k nhsh.
simple harmonic oscillator: aplc armonikc talantwtc.
spherical harmonic: sfairik armonik.

harmonicity: armonikthta.
harmony: armon a.
harvesting: sugkomid.
hazard: diakindneush, k ndunoc.

cumulative hazard function: ajroistik sun rthsh diakindneushc.

head: kefal, kef li.

reading head: kefal an gnwshc.

read/write head: kefal an gnwshc/eggrafc.
Turing machine with multiple heads: mhqan Turing me pollaplc kefalc.

heart: kardi , kopa sta trapoulqarta (~).

heat: jermthta.

heat capacity: jermoqwrhtikthta.

heat conduction: agwg jermthtac.
heat equation: ex swsh jermthtac.
heat ow: ro jermthtac.
heat ux: ro jermthtac (an mon da epifane ac).
heat kernel: purnac jermthtac.
heat transfer: met dosh  metafor jermthtac.
latent heat: lanj nousa jermthta.
specic heat: eidik jermthta.



Heaviside's unit function: monadia a sun rthsh tou Heaviside.

height: yoc.

slant height: par pleuro yoc.

slant height of a cone: genteira knou.
slant height of a pyramid: apsthma puram dac.

Heine-Borel theorem: jerhma twn Heine-Borel.

helical: elikoeidc.
helical coordinates:

elikoeide c suntetagmnec.


helical wave: elikoeidc kma.

helicoid: elikoeidc.

right helicoid: orj elikoeidc.

helix: lika, likac.

cyclic helix: kuklik lika.



Helmhotz equation: ex swsh Helmhotz.

exterior Helmhotz problem: exwterik prblhma Helmhotz.

hemi-: hmi-.
hemicompact: hmisumpagc.
hemicycle: hmikklio.
hemicyclic: hmikuklikc.
hemigroup: hmiom da.
hemisphere: hmisfa rio.
hemispheric(-al): hmisfairikc.
hemispheroidal: hmisfairoeidc.
hemispheroidal: hmisfairoeidc.
hendecagon: endek gwno.
hendecahedron (pl. hendecahedrons or hendecahedra): endek edro.
heptagon: ept gwno.
heptahedron (pl. heptahedrons or heptahedra): ept edro.
hereditarily: klhronomik .
hereditarily indecomposable Banach space:

klhronomik adi spastoc qroc

hereditary: klhronomikc, genetikc.

heredity: klhronomikthta.
Hermite, (-)

Hermite's polynomials: polunuma Hermite.

Hermite's dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Hermite.

Hermitian: ermitianc, tou Hermite.

Hermitian form: ermitian morf.

Hermitian matrix: ermitianc p nakac.
Hermitian operator: ermitianc telestc.
Hermitian product: ermitian ginmeno (eswterik ginmeno).

herpolhode: erpolod a.
Hesse, (-)
Hessian: tou Hesse, p nakac tou Hesse, or zousa tou p naka tou Hesse.
Hessian matrix: p nakac tou Hesse.



heteroclitic: eteroklitikc.
heterogeneity: eterogneia.
heterogeneous: eterogenc.

heterogeneous medium: eterogenc mso.

hetero-: etero- (prjema).

heterokurtic: eterkurtoc, eterokurtwtikc.
heteroscedastic: eteroskedastikc.
heteroscedasticity: eteroskedastikthta.
heterotypic: etertupoc.
heuristic: aneuretikc, euretikc, diaisjhtikc, prqeiroc, mh austhrc. Se merik bibl a sunant tai
wc eurhstikc.

heuristic argument: euretik epiqe rhma.

heuristic proof: mh austhr  diaisjhtik apdeixh.
heuristic rule: euretikc kannac.

hexagon: ex gwno.

regular hexagon: kanonik ex gwno.

simple hexagon: apl ex gwno.

hexagonal: exagwnikc.

hexagonal prism: exagwnik pr sma.

hexahedral: ex edroc, exaedrikc.

hexahedron (pl. hexahedrons or hexahedra): ex edro.
regular hexahedron:

hidden: krufc.

hidden periodicity:

kanonik  omal ex edro (dhl. kboc).

kruf periodikthta.

hierarchical: ierarqikc.

hierarchical classication: ierarqik taxinmhsh.

hierarchical design: ierarqikc sqediasmc.
hierarchical method: ierarqik mjodoc.
hierarchical process: ierarqik anlixh.

hierarchy: ierarq a.

complexity hierarchy:
cumulative hierarchy:

ierarq a poluplokthtac.
susswreutik ierarq a (logik).

high: uyhlc.

high performance computing: upologismc uyhlc ep doshc.

high performance network: d ktuo uyhlc ep doshc.
high resolution: uyhl eukr neia  diakrisimthta.
high-temperature superconductivity: uperagwgimthta uyhln jermokrasin.

higher: anteroc.

higher derivatives: par gwgoi anterhc t xhc.

higher-order elements: stoiqe a anterou bajmo.
higher order terms: roi anterhc t xhc.

highest: mgistoc.

highest common factor:

mgistoc koinc par gontac ( diairthc).

highly: pol, se meg lo bajm.

Hilbert, David (1862-1943)
Hilbert space:



histogram: istgramma.
hodogram: odgramma.
hodograph: odogr fhma, odograf a.
hodography: odograf a.
H older, Otto (1859-1937)

Holder continuity: sunqeia kat Holder.

Holder continuous: suneqc kat Holder.
Holder's inequality: anisthta tou Holder.

hole: trpa, op.

black hole:

marh trpa  melan op.

hollow: ko loc.
holomorphic: olmorfoc, olomorfikc.

holomorphic function: olmorfh sun rthsh.

holomorphic mapping: olmorfh apeiknish.
holomorphic monster: olmorfo trac.

holonomic: olnomoc.

holonomic constraint: olnomoc desmc  periorismc.

holonomic system: olnomo ssthma.

holonomy: olonom a.

holonomy group: olnomh om da.

hom: hom.

hom functor: hom sunarthtc.

homeo-: omoio- (prjema).

homeomorphic: omoiomorfikc.
homeomorphism: omoiomorfismc.
homo-: omo- (prjema).

homogeneity: omogneia.

degree of homogeneity: bajmc omogneiac.

positive homogeneity: jetik omogneia.

homogeneous: omogenc, omoiogenc.

homogeneous (boundary) condition: omogenc (sunoriak) sunjkh.

homogeneous dierential equation: omogenc diaforik ex swsh.
homogeneous equation: omogenc ex swsh.
homogeneous function: omogenc sun rthsh.
homogeneous medium: omoiogenc mso.
homogeneous property: omogenc idithta.
homogeneous system: omogenc ssthma.
homogeneous transformation: omogenc metasqhmatismc.

homogenization: omogenopo hsh.

homogenized: omogenopoihmnoc.
homographic: omografikc, isembadikc.
homographic projection:

isembadik probol.

homography: omograf a.
homological: omologiakc, omlogoc, omologikc.
homological algebra: omologiak lgebra.
homological invariants: omologiakc anallo wtec.
homological method: omologiak m'jodoc.

homologous: omlogoc.
homology: omolog a.

homology group: omologiak om da.

homomorphic: ommorfoc, omomorfikc.

homomorphism: omomorfismc.

natural homomorphism: fusikc omomorfismc.

homoskedastic: omoskedastikc.
homothetic: omoiojetikc. Se merik bibl a omojetikc.

homothetic gures: omojetik sqmata.

homothetic ratio: omoiojetikc lgoc, lgoc omoiojes ac.
homothetic transformation: omoiojetikc metasqhmatismc.

homothety: omoiojes a. Se merik bibl a omojes a.

homotopic: omotopikc, omoiotopikc.
homotopy: omotop a, omoiotop a.
homotopy group: omotopik om da.

honeycomb: kuylh.

honeycomb structure:

kuyeloeidc dom.


Hooke, Robert (1635-1703)

Hooke's law: nmoc tou Hooke.

hoop: stef nh.

Hopf, Heinz ( - )
horizon: or zontac.

articial horizon: teqnhtc or zontac.

astronomical horizon: astronomikc or zontac.
celestial horizon: our nioc or zontac.
mathematical horizon: majhmatikc or zontac.
visible horizon: oratc or zontac.

horizontal: orizntioc.

horizontal asymptote: orizntia asmptwth.

horizontal projection: orizntia probol.

horocycle: wrokkloc.
hour: ra.
Householder, .

Householder transformation:
tary reector).

metasqhmatismc tou

Householder  stoiqeidhc anaklastc (elemen-

hull: per blhma, klufoc, k lumma.

convex hull: kurt per blhma.

spherical hull: sfairik per blhma.

hundred: ekat.
hybrid: ubridikc, miktc.

hybrid element: ubridik stoiqe o.

hybrid nite element method: ubridik mjodoc peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
hybrid method: ubridik  mikt mjodoc.

hydrodynamic: udrodunamikc.

hydrodynamic stability: udrodunamik eust jeia.

hydrodynamic instability: udrodunamik ast jeia.

hydrodynamics: udrodunamik.
hydrostatic: udrostatikc.
hydrostatic pressure:

udrostatik p esh.

hydrostatics: udrostatik.
hyper-: uper- (prjema).
hyperareal: uperembadikc.
hyperbola: uperbol.
equilateral hyperbola:

ispleurh uperbol.


hyperbolic: uperbolikc.

hyperbolic coordinates: uperbolikc suntetagmnec.

hyperbolic cylinder: uperbolikc klindroc.
hyperbolic equation: uperbolik ex swsh.
hyperbolic function: uperbolik sun rthsh.
hyperbolic paraboloid: uperbolik paraboloeidc.
hyperbolic problem: uperbolik prblhma.
hyperbolic substitution: uperbolik antikat stash.

hyperboloid: uperboloeidc.

hyperboloid of one sheet: monqwno uperboloeidc.

hyperboloid of two sheets: d qwno uperboloeidc.

hypercomplex: upermigadikc.
hypercone: uperknoc.
hypercube: uperkboc.
hypercyclic: uperkuklikc.
hypercylinder: uperklindroc.
hyperedge: uperakm.
hyperelastic: uperelastikc.
hyperelliptic: uperelleiptikc.
hyperelliptic function:

uperelleiptik sun rthsh.

hyperexponential: uperekjetikc.
hyperfocal: uperestiakc.
hypergeometric: upergewmetrikc.

hypergeometric distribution: upergewmetrik katanom.

hypergeometric dierential equation: upergewmetrik diaforik ex swsh.
hypergeometric equation: upergewmetrik ex swsh.
hypergeometric function: upergewmetrik sun rthsh.
hypergeometric polynomials: upergewmetrik polunumo.
hypergeometric series: upergewmetrik seir .
extended hypergeometric distribution: dieurumnh upergewmetrik katanom.

hyper-graeco-latin: uperellhnolatinikc.
hyper-graeco-latin square:

uperellhnolatinik tetr gwno.

hypergroup: uperom da.

hyperharmonic: uperarmonikc.
hyperharmonic series:

uperarmonik seir .

hypermatrix: uperp nakac.

hypermetric: upermetrikc.
hypernormal: uperkanonikc.
hypernormality: uperkanonikthta.
hyperparallel: uperpar llhloc.

hyperplane: uperep pedo.

supporting hyperplane:

fron uperep pedo.

hyper-Poisson: uper-Poisson.

hyper-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom.

hyper-real: uperpragmatikc.
hypersingular: uperidi zwn, uperidimorfoc. hypersingular equations: uperidi zousec exisseic.
hypersingular integral:

uperidi zon oloklrwma.

hyperspace: uperqroc.
hypersphere: upersfa ra.
hyperspherical: upersfairikc.
hypersurface: uperepif neia.
hypervolume: upergkoc.
hypo-: upo-.
hypocycloid: upokukloeidc.
hypoelliptic: upoelleiptikc.

upoelleiptikc telestc.

hypoellipticity: upoelleiptikthta.

analytic hypoellipticity: analutik upoelleiptikthta.

hypotenuse: upote nousa.

hypothesis: upjesh.

hypothesis testing: legqoc upjeshc.

admissible hypothesis: apodekt upjesh.
alternative hypothesis: enallaktik upjesh.
composite hypothesis: snjeth upjesh.
continuum hypothesis: upjesh tou suneqoc msou.
induction hypothesis: epagwgik upjesh.
non-null hypothesis: mh mhdenik upjesh.
null hypothesis: mhdenik upjesh.
one-sided hypothesis: monpleurh upjesh.
simple hypothesis: apl upjesh.
statistical hypothesis: statistik upjesh.
test of hypothesis: legqoc upjeshc.
two-sided hypothesis: amf pleurh upjesh.
working hypothesis: upjesh ergas ac.

hypothesize: upojtw.
hypothetic(-al): upojetikc.

hypothetical statement: upojetik prtash (sun. conditional statement).

hypotrochoid: upotroqoeidc.

hypsometric(-al): uyometrikc.
hypsometry: uyometr a.
hysteretic: usterhtikc.
hysteresis: ustrhsh.

hysteresis loop: brqoc ustersewc.

IBVP (initial boundary value problem): prblhma arqikn sunoriakn timn.
IDE (integrodierential equation): oloklhrwtikodiaforik ex swsh.
i.e.: dhlad, dhl..
I/O (input/output): e sodoc/xodoc (plhroforik).
parallel I/O: par llhlh e sodoc/xodoc.

IVP (initial value problem): prblhma arqikn timn.

icosagon: eikos gwno.
icosahedral: eikos edroc, eikosaedrikc.
icosahedron (pl. icosahedrons or icosahedra): eikos edro.

great icosahedron: meg lo eikos edro.

regular icosahedron: kanonik  omal eikos edro.
truncated icosahedron: apokommno  klouro eikos edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqimdeiwn poludrwn (oi
drec tou e nai kanonik pent gwna kai ex gwna).

icosidodecaedron (pl. icosidodecahedrons or icosidodecahedra):

eikosidwdek edro. 'Ena ek twn 13

arqimdeiwn poludrwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai pent gwna).
truncated icosidodecahedron: apokommno  klouro eikosidwdek edro. Rombik arqimdeio poledro
(oi drec tou e nai tetr gwna kai kanonik ex gwna kai dek gwna).

ideal: idedec, idanikc.

ideal uid: idanik reust.

ideal gas: idanik ario.
left ideal: arister idedec.
maximal ideal: megistotik idedec.
polynomial ideal: poluwnumik idedec.
prime ideal: prto idedec.
principal ideal: krio  prwteon idedec.
proper ideal: gnsio idedec.
right ideal: dexi idedec.
trivial ideal: tetrimmno idedec.

two-sided ideal: amf pleuro  d pleuro idedec.

zero ideal: mhdenik idedec.

idemfactor: idioginmeno, tautotikc par gontac (p.q. p nakac, tanustc).

dyadic idemfactor: tautotikc duadikc (unit dyadic).

idempotent: adnamoc, tautodnamoc.

idempotent matrix: adnamoc  tautodnamoc  ekjetik anallo wtoc p nakac.

identical: tautizmenoc.
identiability: anagnwrisimthta, prosdiorisimthta, tautopoihsimthta.
identiable: anagnwr simoc, prosdior simoc, tautopoisimoc.
identication: anagnrish, prosdiorismc, tautopo hsh.
identify: anagnwr zw, prosdior zw, tautopoi.
identity: tautthta, monadia o  tautotik stoiqe o, monadia oc, tautotikc.

identity functor: tautotikc sunarthtc.

identity mapping: tautotik apeiknish.
identity matrix: tautotikc  monadia oc p nakac.
identity operator: tautotikc telestc.
identity tensor: tautotikc  monadia oc tanustc, tanustc antikat stashc (sun. unit  substitution
identity transformation: tautotikc metasqhmatismc.
Parseval's identity: tautthta tou Parseval.
ring with identity: daktlioc me tautotik ( monadia o) stoiqe o, 1-daktlioc.

idle: anenergc, nekrc.

idle period:

nekr per odoc.

if: an.
: an kai mno an.
ignorable: agnosimoc.
ignorable coordinate:

agnosimh suntetagmnh.

ignore: agno.
ill: asjenc, kakc.

ill conditioned: kakc kat stashc.

ill conditioning: kak kat stash.
ill posed problem: kakc  asjenc topojethmno prblhma.
ill-posedness: to kakc  asjenc topojethmno (problmatoc).

illumination: fwtismc.
illusory: plasmatikc.
image: eikna, ped o timn (range), e dwlo.
image of a function: eikna sun rthshc.
image processing: epexergas a eiknac.


image space:

eikna, qroc eiknac.

imagery: sqhmatismc eidlou.

imaginary: fantastikc, nohtc.

imaginary axis: fantastikc xonac.

imaginary line: noht gramm.
imaginary number: fantastikc arijmc.
imaginary pair: fantastik zegoc.
imaginary part: fantastik mroc.
imaginary unit: fantastik mon da.

imbed: bl. embed.

immeasurable: metroc, mh metrsimoc.
immediate: mesoc.
immediately: amswc.
immersion: emb ptish, emfteush.
immiscible: mh anam ximoc.
impact: krosh, sgkroush, ep drash, epirro, ant ktupoc.
impedance: snjeth ant stash.
impedance matrix: p nakac snjethc ant stashc.

impermeability: adiaperatthta, steganthta.

impermeable: adiapratoc, steganc.
impermeable boundary:

adiaprato snoro.

implement: ektel, efarmzw.

implementation: ektlesh, efarmog.
implication: prokptousa prtash.
implicit: peplegmnoc, se peplegmnh morf, mh analutc, mmesoc, uponoomenoc, mh rhtc.
implicit approach: mh analut  mmesh mjodoc.
implicit dierentiation: peplegmnh paraggish.
implicit algebraic function: peplegmnh algebrik sun rthsh.
implicit function: peplegmnh sun rthsh.
implicit function theorem: jerhma peplegmnhc sun rthshc.
implicit method: mh analut  mmesh  peplegmnh mjodoc.
implicit scheme: mh analut  mmesh  peplegmnh mjodoc.
implicit solution: peplegmnh lsh.

implicitly: peplegmna, se peplegmnh morf, mmesa.

implicitness: to peplegmno, to mmeso, to uponoht.
imply: sunep gomai.
important: spouda oc, shmantikc, axioshme wtoc.
impose: epib llw, efarmzw.
imposing: epibol, efarmog.

impossibility: to adnato.
impossible: adnatoc.
impossible event:

adnato gegonc  endeqmeno.

imprecision: anakr beia.

impredicative: mh kathgorhmatikc.

impredicative axiom of class formation: mh kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeuc kl sewn.

improper: mh gnsioc (gia uposnola), mh kanonikc, genikeumnoc  kataqrhstikc (gia oloklhrmata

kai kl smata).

improper divisor: mhdenodiairthc.

improper fraction: mh gnsio  kataqrhstik kl sma.
improper integral: genikeumno  kataqrhstik oloklrwma.

improperly: akat llhla, antikanonik .

improperly posed problem: antikanonik orismno prblhma.

improve: beltinw.
improved: beltiwmnoc.

improved estimate: beltiwmnh ekt mhsh.

improved method: beltiwmnh mjodoc.

improvement: belt wsh.

impulse: sh, jhsh.

angular impulse: gwniak sh.

random impulse: tuqa a jhsh.

impulsive: wstikc.
impulsive force:

wstik dnamh.

inaccuracy: anakr beia.

inactivation: anenergopo hsh.
inactive: anenergc.
incenter: gkentro, kntro eggegrammnou kklou.
incidence: prsptwsh.
incidence matrix: p nakac prsptwshc.

incident: prosp ptwn.

incidental: sumptwmatikc.
incircle: eggegrammnoc kkloc (sun. inscribed circle).
inclination: kl sh.
incline: kl nw.
inclined: keklimnoc.
inclined line: keklimnh gramm.


inclined plane:

keklimno ep pedo.

include: egkle w, perilamb nw.

inclusion: egkleismc, gkleish, periektikthta.
inclusion map: apeiknish egkleismo.
inclusion principle: arq egkleismo.
inclusion symbols: smbola egkleismo.
inclusion theorem: jerhma egkleismo.

inclusive: egkleistikc.
inclusive disjunction:

egkleistik di zeuxh.

incoherence: mh sumbibastthta, mh sunektikthta, mh sun feia, to asndeto, asumfwn a (optik).

incoherent: mh sumbibastc, mh sunektikc, asndetoc, asmfwnoc (optik).
income: eisdhma.
incoming: eiserqmenoc.
incommensurable: asmmetroc.
incommensurable numbers:

asmmetroi arijmo .

incomparable: mh sugkr simoc, asgkritoc.

incompatibility: asumbibastthta, asumbatthta.
incompatible: asumb bastoc, asmbatoc.
incomplete: mh plrhc, ellipc, atelc, merikc.

incomplete beta function: atelc sun rthsh bta.

incomplete beta tables: atele c  ellipe c bta p nakec.
incomplete census: merik apograf.
incomplete gamma function: atelc sun rthsh g mma.
incomplete space: mh plrhc qroc.

incompletely: atelc, mh plrwc.

incompleteness: mh plhrthta, atleia.
incompressible: asump estoc.

incompressible ow: asump esth ro.

incompressible uid: asump esto reust.

incongruent: anmoioc, anistimoc.

incongruity: anomoithta, anisotim a.
incongruous: topoc, asmfwnoc.
inconsequence: asunpeia.
inconsequent: asunepc.
inconsequential: anakloujoc, asmantoc, logoc.
inconsistency: asumb basto, asunpeia, asumbas a, anakolouj a, atop a.
inconsistent: asumb bastoc, asmbatoc, anakloujoc, mh sumbibastc, asunepc.
inconsistent method: asumb basth  mh sumbibast mjodoc.

inconsistent system:

asumb basto  mh sumbibast  adnato ssthma.

increase: aux nw, axhsh.

percent increase:

ekatostia a axhsh.

increasing: axwn.

increasing function: axousa sun rthsh.

increasing sequence: axousa akolouj a.
strictly increasing function: gnsia  austhr axousa sun rthsh.

increment: axhsh, bma, el qisth metabol.

incremental: auxhtikc.
incremental dierence:

auxhtik diafor .

increscent: aux nwn.

indecomposable: adi spastoc, mh analsimoc. hereditarily indecomposable Banach space:
nomik adi spastoc qroc


indenable: mh or simoc, aprosdiristoc.

indenite: aristoc.

indenite integral: aristo oloklrwma.

indenite integration: aristo oloklrwsh.
indenite quadratic form: aristh tetragwnik morf.

indenitely: arista, eparisto.

indeniteness: aorist a, to aristo.
independence: anexarths a.

a ne independence: susqetismnh anexarths a.

linear independence: grammik anexarths a.
statistical independence: statistik anexarths a.

independent: anex rthtoc.

independent axioms: anex rthta aximata.

independent equations: anex rthtec exisseic.
independent events: anex rthta gegonta  endeqmena.
independent functions: anex rthtec sunartseic.
independent samples: anex rthta de gmata.
independent variable: anex rthth metablht.
functionally independent: sunarthsiak anex rthtoi.
linearly independent: grammik anex rthtoi.
time independent: qronik anex rthtoc, st simoc (steady state).

indeterminate: aprosdiristoc.

indeterminate form: aprosdiristh morf.

index (pl. indexes  indices): de kthc, euretrio.

index of attraction: de kthc lxhc.



index of evolution: de kthc exlixhc.

index notation: sumbolismc deiktn.
index number: arijmode kthc.
index of refraction: de kthc diajl sewc.
index of response: de kthc apkrishc.
abnormality index: de kthc akanonikthtac  mh kanonikthtac  anwmal ac.
condition index: de kthc kat stashc.
contravariant index: antallo wtoc de kthc.
covariant index: sunallo wtoc de kthc.
dummy index: boubc de kthc.
free index: elejeroc de kthc.
precision index: de kthc akr beiac.
price index: de kthc timn.
quantum index: posotikc de kthc.
summation index: de kthc ajro sewc.
surprise index: de kthc aifnidiasmo.

indexed: me de kth  de ktec.

indication: ndeixh.
indicator: de kthc, ende kthc.
indicator function:

de ktria sun rthsh.

indicatrix: de ktria.

Dupin's indicatrix: de ktria tou Dupin.

indicernible: dusdi kritoc.

indices: bl. index.
indicial: qarakthristikc, me de ktec, tou Skolem.

indicial equation: qarakthristik ex swsh.

indicial function sign: smbolo sun rthshc Skolem.
indicial term: roc Skolem.

erence: isoprot mhsh.

indierence index number: arijmode kthc isoprot mhshc.

zone of indierence: znh isoprot mhshc.

indirect: mmesoc.

indirect least squares: mmesa el qista tetr gwna.

indirect method: mmesh mjodoc.
indirect sampling: mmesh deigmatolhy a.

indistinguishable: mh diakritc.
indistinguishable states:

mh diakritc katast seic.

individual: atomikc.
individuality: atomikthta.

coe cient of individuality: suntelestc atomikthtac.


individually: atomik .
induced: epagmenoc.

induced instability: epagmenh ast jeia.

induction: epagwg.

induction hypothesis: epagwgik upjesh.

induction step: epagwgik bma.
magnetic induction: magnhtik epagwg.
mathematical induction: majhmatik epagwg.
proof by induction: apdeixh me th mjodo thc epagwgc.
transnite induction: uperpeperasmnh epagwg.

inductive: epagwgikc.

inductive behavior: epagwgik sumperifor .

inductively: epagwgik .
industrial: biomhqanikc.
industry: biomhqan a.
ineciency: anapotelesmatikthta.
inecient: mh apotelesmatikc, anapotelesmatikc, mh apodotikc.
ine cient statistic:

mh apotelesmatik statistik sun rthsh.

inelastic: plastikc, mh elastikc, anelastikc.

inelastic collision: plastik krosh.

inelasticity: plastikthta, anelastikthta.

inequality: anisthta.

absolute inequality: apluth anisthta.

Bernoulli's inequality: anisthta tou Bernoulli.
Bessel's inequality: anisthta tou Bessel.
Cauchy's inequality: anisthta tou Cauchy.
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: anisthta twn Cauchy-Schwarz.
isoperimetric inequality: isoperimetrik anisthta.
multivariate inequality: polumetablht anisthta.
strict inequality: gnsia anisthta.
triangle inequality: trigwnik anisthta.

inequivalence: anisodunam a.
a ne inequivalence:

susqetismnh anisodunam a.

inequivalency: anisodunam a.
inequivalent: anisodnamoc.

a ne inequivalent: susqetismnoc anisodnamoc.


inertia: adr neia.

ellipsoid of inertia: elleiyoeidc adr neiac.

law of inertia: nmoc thc adr neiac.
moment of inertia: rop adr neiac.
principal axes of inertia: krioi xonec adr neiac.
principal moments of inertia: kriec ropc adr neiac.
product of inertia: ginmeno adr neiac.

inertial: adraneiakc, thc adr neiac.

inertial frame of reference: adraneiak ssthma suntetagmnwn.

inertial system: adraneiak ssthma.
inertial terms: adraneiako roi  roi adr neiac.

inertialess: qwr c adr neia.

inexact: mh akribc, anakribc, esfalmnoc.
inexact method: mh akribc mjodoc.

inexactitude: anakr beia.

infer: sumpera nw, sun gw.
inference: sumprasma, exagwg sumper smatoc, sumperasmatolog a.

adaptive inference: anaprosarmostik sumperasmatolog a.

by inference: sumperasmatik , sumperasmatologik , kat sumperasm.
ducial inference: pisteutik sumperasmatolog a.
rule of inference: sumperasmatologikc kannac, kannac paragwgc (sun. rule of deduction).
statistical inference: statistik sumperasmatolog a.

inferential: sumperasmatikc.
inferior: katteroc.

inferior limit: kattero rio  mgisto k tw rio.

inmum: inmum, mgisto k tw fr gma  prac (greatest lower bound).

essential inmum: ousidec inmum.

innite: peiroc, atrmwn.

innite class: peirh kl sh.

innite dimension: peirh di stash.
innite dimensional: apeirodi statoc, peirhc di stashc.
innite divisibility: peirh diairetthta.
innite elements: peira (peperasmna) stoiqe a.
innite extension: peirh epktash.
innite jump: peiro pdhma.
innite loop: peiroc  atrmonac brqoc.
innite ordinal: peiroc diataktikc (arijmc).
innite population: peiroc plhjusmc.
innite product: peiro ginmeno  apeiroginmeno.
innite quantier: peiroc posode kthc.
innite sequence: peirh akolouj a.

innite series: apeiroseir , peirh seir .

innite set: peiro snolo.
innite sum: peiro jroisma.
countably innite set: arijmsima  metrsima peiro snolo.

innitely: ape rwc.

innitely dierentiable function: ape rwc paragwg simh sun rthsh.

innitely small: ape rwc mikrc.

innitesimal: apeirostc, apeiroel qistoc.

innitesimal transformation: apeirostc metasqhmatismc.

innitesimally: apeirost , apeiroel qista.

innitude: apeir a, to peiro.
innitum: peiro, bl. ad innitum.
innity: peiro.
innity-norm: peiro-nrma.
axiom of innity: ax wma apeirthtac.

inx: njema.

inx notation: njetoc sumbolismc.

ination: plhjwrismc.
inection: kamp.
inection point:

shme o kampc.

inow: eisro.
inuence: epirro.
informal: tupoc, mh tupikc.
informatics: plhroforik.
information: plhrofor a.

information matrix: p nakac plhrofor ac.

information number: plhroforiakc arijmc.
information prior: plhroforiak a priori katanom.
information processing: epexergas a plhroforin.
information society: koinwn a thc plhrofor ac.
information systems: plhroforik sustmata, sustmata plhroforin.
information technology: plhroforik teqnolog a.
supplementary information: sumplhrwmatik plhrofor a.

infra: up, k twji.

infrared: uprujroc.
infrastructure: upodom.
ingoing: eiserqmenoc.
inharmonic: anarmonikc.

inharmonicity: anarmonikthta.
inherent: eggenc.

inherent bias: eggenc merolhy a.

inherent complexity: eggenc poluplokthta.
inherent instability: eggenc ast jeia.

inherently: eggenc.

inherently ambiguous: eggenc diforomenoc.

inhomogeneous: mh omogenc, anomoiogenc.

inhomogeneous equation:

initial: arqikc.

mh omogenc ex swsh.

initial boundary value problem: prblhma arqikn sunoriakn timn.

initial condition: arqik sunjkh.
initial point: arqik shme o, arq (diansmatoc).
initial phase: arqik f sh.
initial state: arqik kat stash.
initial value: arqik tim.
initial value problem: prblhma arqikn timn.

initiate: eis gw, apod dw arqikc timc.

injection: rriyh (bl. injective kai one-to-one).
injective: erriptik  na proc na (one-to-one)  amfimonosmanth  amfimontimh. Se merik bibl a,
nesh (injection)! Ep shc, bl.

inner: eswterikc.


inner function: eswterik sun rthsh.

inner problem: eswterik prblhma.
inner product: eswterik  bajmwt  arijmhtik ginmeno (sun. scalar product.
inner product space: qroc me eswterik ginmeno.

input: e sodoc, eisagwg, eisagmeno, risma.

input statement: entol eisdou.
input symbol: smbolo eisdou.
input tape: tain a eisdou.

inscribable: eggr yimoc.

inscribable quadrilateral: eggr yimo tetr pleuro.

inscribable: eggr yimoc.

inscribe: eggr fw.
inscribed: eggegrammnoc.

inscribed angle: eggegrammnh gwn a.

inscribed circle: eggegrammnoc kkloc (sun. incircle).
inscribed cone: eggegrammnoc knoc.
inscribed polygon: eggegrammno polgwno.

inseparable: adi qwristoc, mh diaqwr simoc.

insertion: njesh.
insensitive: mh eua sjhtoc.
insensitivity: mh euaisjhs a.
in situ: ep tpou (lat.).
in situ measurements: epitpiec metrseic.

insoluble: lutoc.

insoluble problem: luto prblhma.

inspect: epijewr, elgqw.

inspection: epijerhsh, legqoc.
acceptance inspection:

epijerhsh  legqoc apodoqc.

insphere: eggegrammnh sfa ra.

instability: ast jeia.

global instability: kajolik ast jeia.

hydrodynamic instability: udrodunamik ast jeia.
induced instability: epagmenh ast jeia.
inherent instability: eggenc ast jeia.
local instability: topik ast jeia.
numerical instability: arijmhtik ast jeia.

instantaneous: stigmia oc.

instantaneous acceleration: stigmia a epit qunsh.

instantaneous axis: stigmia oc xonac.
instantaneous axis of rotation: stigmia oc xonac peristrofc.
instantaneous center of rotation: stigmia o kntro peristrofc.
instantaneous velocity: stigmia a taqthta.

instantaneously: stigmia a.
insuciency: anep rkeia.
insucient: aneparkc.
insulate: monnw.
insulated: monwmnoc.
insulation: mnwsh.
insulator: monwtc.
instrument: rgano.
intact: anpafoc.
integer: akraioc.

integer lattice: akraio plgma.

integer number: akraioc arijmc.
integer programming: akraioc programmatismc.
algebraic integer: algebrikc akraioc.
congruent integers: isoploipoi akraioi.

positive integer: jetikc akraioc.

quadratic integer: tetragwnikc akraioc.

integra: olik.

curvature integra:

olik kampulthta (sun.

integral curvature kai total curvature).

integrability: oloklhrwsimthta.

Lebesgue integrability: oloklhrwsimthta kat Lebesgue.

Riemann integrability: oloklhrwsimthta kat Riemann.
square integrability: tetragwnik oloklhrwsimthta.
stochastic integrability: stoqastik oloklhrwsimthta.

integrable: oloklhrsimoc.

integrable function: oloklhrsimh sun rthsh.

Lebesgue integrable: oloklhrsimoc kat Lebesgue.
locally integrable: topik oloklhrsimoc.
Riemann integrable: oloklhrsimoc kat Riemann.
square integrable: tetragwnik oloklhrsimoc.
square integrable function: tetragwnik oloklhrsimh sun rthsh.

integral: oloklrwma, oloklhrwtikc, olklhroc, akraioc.

integral calculus: oloklhrwtikc logismc.

integral curvature: olik kampulthta (sun. total curvature kai curvature integra).
integral curve: oloklhrwtik kamplh.
integral domain: akraia perioq.
integral equation: oloklhrwtik ex swsh.
integral form: oloklhrwtik morf.
integral formula: oloklhrwtikc tpoc.
integral function: oloklhrwtik sun rthsh.
integral mean value theorem: jerhma mshc timc gia oloklhrmata.
integral method: oloklhrwtik mjodoc.
integral representation: oloklhrwtik morf  par stash.
integral sign: smbolo oloklhrmatoc.
integral surface: oloklhrwtik epif neia.
integral test: oloklhrwtik kritrio.
action integral: oloklrwma dr shc.
boundary integral: sunoriak oloklrwma.
boundary integral method (BIM): mjodoc sunoriako oloklhrmatoc.
Airy integral: oloklrwma Airy.
contour integral: oloklrwma se kleist kamplh.
convolution integral: suneliktik oloklrwma.
cosine integral: sunhmitonik oloklrwma.
denite integral: orismno oloklrwma.
discontinuous integral: asuneqc oloklrwma.
divergent integral: apokl non oloklrwma.
double integral: dipl oloklrwma.
elliptic integral: elleiptik oloklrwma.
exponential integral: ekjetik oloklrwma.
Fourier integral: oloklrwma Fourier.

Fourier's integral theorem: oloklhrwtik jerhma tou Fourier.

Fresnel integral: oloklrwma tou Fresnel.
Fruslani's integral: oloklrwma tou Fruslani.
geometric integral: gewmetrik  ekjetik oloklrwma.
improper integral: genikeumno  kataqrhstik oloklrwma.
indenite integral: aristo oloklrwma.
iterated integral: pollapl oloklrwma.
Lebesgue integral: oloklrwma kat Lebesgue.
line integral: epikamplio oloklrwma, se merik bibl a grammik oloklrwma.
multiple integral: pollapl oloklrwma.
phase integral: fasik oloklrwma, oloklrwma f shc.
Riemann integral: oloklrwma kat Riemann.
simple integral: apl oloklrwma.
sine integral: hmitonik oloklrwma.
singular integral: idi zon  genikeumno oloklrwma.
surface integral: epifaneiak oloklrwma.
triple integral: tripl oloklrwma.
volume integral: qwrik (tripl) oloklrwma, oloklrwma gkou.

integrand: oloklhrwta  proc oloklrwsh sun rthsh.

integrate: oloklhrnw.
integrate by parts:

oloklhrnw kat mlh  kat par gontec, oloklhrnw paragontik .

integrating: oloklhrwtikc, oloklhrnontac.

integrating factor: oloklhrwtikc par gontac  par gontac oloklhrsewc.

integration: oloklrwsh.

integration constant: stajer oloklhrsewc.

integration formulas: tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
integration limits: ria oloklhrsewc.
integration method: mjodoc oloklrwshc.
integration by parts: oloklrwsh kat mlh  kat par gontec, paragontik oloklrwsh.
integration technique: teqnik oloklrwshc.
closed integration formulas: kleisto tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
complex integration: migadik oloklrwsh, oloklrwsh wc proc migadik metablht.
composite integration formulas: snjetoi tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
contour integration: oloklrwsh se kleist kamplh.
denite integration: orismnh oloklrwsh.
double integration: dipl oloklrwsh.
nite integration: peperasmnh oloklrwsh.
formal integration: tupik oloklrwsh.
Gauss integration: oloklrwsh (kat ) Gauss.
indenite integration: aristo oloklrwsh.
numerical integration: arijmhtik oloklrwsh.
open integration formulas: anoikto tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
range of integration: di sthma oloklrwshc.
Romberg integration: oloklrwsh Romberg.
symplectic integration: sumplektik oloklrwsh.
variable limits of integration: metablht ria oloklrwshc.
variable step size integration: oloklrwsh metablhto bmatoc.

integrator: oloklhrwtc.

geometric integrator: gewmetrikc oloklhrwtc.

numerical integrator: arijmhtikc oloklhrwtc.
symplectic integrator: sumplektikc oloklhrwtc.

erential: oloklhrwtikodiaforikc.
integrodierential equation:

oloklhrwtikodiaforik ex swsh.

intelligence: nohmosnh.
intelligence quotient:
articial intelligence:

de kthc nohmosnhc.
teqnht nohmosnh.

intensify: ente nw.

intensity: ntash.

eld intensity: ntash ped ou.

tra c intensity: ntash kuklofor ac.

intensive: entatikc.

intensive computations: entatiko upologismo .

intensive property: entatik idithta.
computer intensive methods: upologistik entatikc mjodoi.

intent: skopc, prjesh.

inter-: dia-.
interact: allhlepidr.
interaction: allhlep drash.
interaction energy:

enrgeia allhlep drashc.

interactive: diadrastikc.

interactive program: diadrastik prgramma.

intercept: apotmnousa (tom me xona suntetagmnwn).

interchange: enallag, enall ssw.
interchangeable: enall ximoc.
interclass: diaklasikc.
intecorrelation: diasusqtish.
interdeducible: diasunagmenoc.
interdependent: allhloexartmenoc.
interelement: diastoiqeiakc.
interelement continuity: diastoiqeiak sunqeia.

interest: epitkio.
interesting: endiafrwn.

interface: diepif neia.

interfacial: diepifaneiakc.
interfere: sumb llw (optik), paremb llw, paremb llomai.
interference: sumbol (optik), parembol.
constructive interference: jetik sumbol (optik).
destructive interference: arnhtik sumbol (optik).

interferometer: sumbolmetro.
interferometry: sumbolometr a.

stellar interferometry: astrik sumbolometr a (optik).

interior: eswterik, eswterikc.

interior angle: eswterik gwn a.

interior of a closed curve: eswterik kleistc kamplhc.
interior mapping: eswterik apeiknish.
interior measure: eswterik mtro.
interior point: eswterik shme o.

intermediate: endi mesoc.

intermediate value: endi mesh tim.

intermediate value theorem: jerhma endi meshc timc.

intermittency: endiamesthta.
intermittency factor:

suntelestc endiamesthtac.

internal: eswterikc.

internal diameter: eswterik di metroc.

internal energy: eswterik enrgeia.
internal force: eswterik dnamh.
internal operation: eswterik pr xh.
internal ratio: eswterikc lgoc.
internal tangent: eswterik efaptomnh.
end points of an interval: kra diastmatoc.
uncertainty interval: di sthma abebaithtac.

internally: eswterik .
internet: diad ktuo.
interpenetration: allhlodie sdush.
interphase: diafasikc.

interphase coupling: diafasik szeuxh.

interplanetary: diaplanhtikc.
interpolant: paremb llousa, sun rthsh parembolc.
interpolate: paremb llw, paremb llousa (sun rthsh).
linear interpolate:

grammik paremb llousa.


interpolation: parembol.

interpolation error: sf lma parembolc.

interpolation formula: tpoc parembolc.
interpolation operator: telestc parembolc.
interpolation polynomial: polunumo parembolc, parembolik polunumo.
interpolation theory: jewr a parembolc.
a ne interpolation: susqetismnh parembol.
global interpolation: kajolik parembol.
iterative interpolation: epanalhptik parembol.
Lagrange interpolation: parembol (kat ) Lagrange.
linear interpolation: grammik parembol.
local interpolation: topik parembol.
two-point interpolation: parembol do shme wn.
spline interpolation: parembol me sunartseic splines.

interpolatory: parembolikc, thc parembolc.

interpolatory method: parembolik mjodoc, mjodoc parembolc.

interpretation: ermhne a.

geometric interpretation: gewmetrik ermhne a.

physical interpretation: fusik ermhne a.
probabilistic interpretation: pijanojewrhtik ermhne a.
syntactic interpretation: suntaktik ermhne a.
vector interpretation: dianusmatik ermhne a.

intersect: tmnw.
intersecting: tmnwn.
intersection: tom.

intersection of two sets:

tom do sunlwn.

interval: di sthma.

Bayesian intervals: mpezian diastmata.

class interval: di sthma kl sewc.
closed interval: kleist di sthma.
condence interval: di sthma empistosnhc.
consecutive intervals: diadoqik diastmata.
convergence interval: di sthma sugkl sewc.
nite interval: peperasmno di sthma.
half-interval method: mjodoc diqotmhshc.
half-open interval: hmianoikt di sthma.
nested intervals: egkibwtismna diastmata.
open interval: anoikt di sthma.
overlapping intervals: allhlepikaluptmena diastmata.
prediction interval: di sthma prbleyhc, probleptik di sthma.
random interval: tuqa o di sthma.
shortest condence interval: braqtato di sthma empistosnhc.
tolerance interval: di sthma anoqc.
unbounded interval: mh fragmno di sthma.

unit interval: monadia o di sthma.

intraclass: entc kl shc, eswterikc.

intraclass correlation: endosusqtish.

intraclass variance: endodiaspor .

intransitive: amet batoc, mh metabatikc.

intransitive relation: mh metabatik sqsh.

intrinsic: eswterikc.

intrinsic accuracy: eswterik akr beia.

intrinsic angular momentum: eswterik stroform.
intrinsic property: eswterik idithta.

invariable: anallo wtoc, amet blhtoc.

invariable line: anallo wth euje a.
invariable plane: anallo wto ep pedo.

invariance: ametablhtthta, analloiwsimthta, (to) anallo wto.

invariance method: mjodoc tou anallo wtou.
invariance principle: arq tou anallo wtou.

invariant: anallo wtoc, anallo wth, amet blhtoc, amet blhth.

invariant measure: anallo wto mtro.
invariants of a tensor: anallo wtec tanust.
invariant point: anallo wto  amet blhto shme o.
bending invariant: anallo wth k myhc.
combinatorial invariants: sunduastikc anallo wtec.
rst invariant: prth anallo wth.
scalar invariant: bajmwt anallo wth.
second invariant: deterh anallo wth.
third invariant: tr th anallo wth.
topological invariant: topologik anallo wth.

inverse: ant strofoc, txo (gia ant strofec trigwnometrikc kai uperbolikc sunartseic).
inverse cosh: txo uperboliko sunhmitnou.
inverse cosine: txo sunhmitnou.
inverse cotangent: txo sunefaptomnhc.
inverse coth: txo uperbolikc sunefaptomnhc.
inverse distribution: ant strofh katanom.
inverse eigenvalue problem: ant strofo prblhma idiotimn.
inverse elliptic function: ant strofh elleiptik sun rthsh.
inverse function: ant strofh sun rthsh.
inverse function theorem: jerhma thc ant strofhc sun rthshc.
inverse Fourier transform: ant strofh metasqhmatismnh Fourier.
inverse Fourier transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatismc Fourier.
inverse Laplace transform: ant strofh metasqhmatismnh Laplace.
inverse Laplace transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatismc Laplace.

inverse mapping (transformation): ant strofh apeiknish (metasqhmatismc).

inverse matrix: ant strofoc p nakac.
inverse moment: ant strofh rop.
inverse operator: ant strofoc telestc.
inverse order: ant strofh di taxh.
inverse power method: ant strofh mjodoc twn dun mewn.
inverse probability: ant strofh pijanthta.
inverse problem: ant strofo prblhma.
inverse relation: ant strofh sqsh.
inverse sampling: ant strofh deigmatolhy a.
inverse sine: txo hmitnou.
inverse sine transformation: metasqhmatismc txou hmitnou.
inverse sinh: txo uperboliko hmitnou.
inverse tangent: txo efaptomnhc.
inverse tanh: txo uperbolikc efaptomnhc.
inverse tanh transformation: metasqhmatismc txou uperbolikc efaptomnhc.
inverse transform: ant strofh metasqhmatismnh.
inverse transformation (mapping): ant strofoc metasqhmatismc (apeiknish).
inverse trigonometric function: ant strofh trigwnometrik sun rthsh.
additive inverse: prosjetikc ant strofoc (ant jetoc).
multiplicative inverse: pollaplasiastikc ant strofoc.

inversely: antistrfwc.

inversely proportional: antistrfwc an logoc.

inversion: antistrof.

inversion formula: tpoc antistrofc.

inversion transformation: metasqhmatismc antistrofc.
regularized inversion: omalopoihmnh antistrof.

inverted: antestrammnoc, anastrammnoc.

inverted distribution: antestrammnh katanom.

invertible: antistryimoc.
invertibly: antistryima, ant strofa.
investigate: ereun, diereun.
investigation: reuna.
investigator: ereunhtc.
inviscid: anixdhc, mh ixdhc, triboc.

inviscid ow: anixdhc  mh ixdhc  tribh ro.

inviscid uid: anixdec  mh ixdec reust.

invisible: aratoc, mh oratc.

involute: eneiligmnh.
involution: enlixh, ywsh se dnamh (Alg.).

involutive: eneliktikc.
involutive basis:

eneliktik b sh.

involutoric: eneliktikc.

involutoric matrix: eneliktikc p nakac.

involutory: eneliktikc.

involutory transformation: eneliktikc metasqhmatismc.

involve: perilamb nw, uynw se dnamh (Alg.).

ion: in.
irradiance: ntash aktinobol ac.
irrational: rrhtoc, par logoc.
irrational function: rrhth sun rthsh.
irrational number: rrhtoc arijmc.

irreducible: an gwgoc, mh anaggimoc.

irreducible Markov chain: an gwgh alus da Markov.

irreducible polynomial: an gwgo polunumo.

irreducibly: an gwga, mh anaggima.

irreective: mh anaklastikc, mh autopajc. Bl. irreexive.
irreexive: mh anaklastikc, mh autopajc, ananaklastikc..
irreexive relation: mh anaklastik  mh autopajc sqsh.

irregular: anmaloc, mh kanonikc, akannistoc.

irregular kollektiv: rrujmh sullog.

irregular singular point: ousidec idi zon  anmalo shme o.

irregularity: (to) anmalo, anwmal a, mh kanonikthta.

irreversibility: mh antistreyimthta, anantistreyimthta, mh anastreyimthta, to mh antistrept.
irreversible: mh antistryimoc, mh anastryimoc.
irrotational: astrbiloc, mh peristrofikc.
irrotational eld: astrbilo ped o.
irrotational ow: astrbilh ro.

isentropic: isentropikc.
iso-: iso- (prjema).
isochoric: isqwroc.
isochoric function:

isqwrh sun rthsh.

isochronous: isqronoc.

isochronous curve: isqronh kamplh.

isochronous motion: isqronh k nhsh.

isoclinal: isoklinc.
isocline: isoklinc kamplh. Sun. isoclinic curve.
isoclinic: isoklinc.
isoclinic curve:

isoklinc kamplh. Sun.


isodiametric: isodiametrikc.
isodynamic: isodunamikc.
isodynamic points:

isodunamik shme a.

isodyne: isodunamik gramm.

isogon: isgwno, kanonik polgwno.
isogonal: isognioc.

isogonal a ne transformation: isognioc susqetismnoc metasqhmatismc.

isogonal conjugate lines: isogniec suzuge c grammc.
isogonal lines: isogniec grammc.
isogonal mapping: isognia apeiknish.
isogonal transformation: isognioc metasqhmatismc.

isogonic: isognioc. Sun. tou isogonal.

isokurtosis: isokrtwsh.
isolate: apomonnw.
isolated: apomonwmnoc, memonwmnoc.

isolated set: apomonwmno snolo.

isolated singularity: apomonwmno anmalo shme o, apomonwmnh anwmal a.
isolated system: apomonwmno ssthma.

isomeric: isomerc.
isometric: isometrikc.

isometric chart: isometrikc q rthc.

isometric correspondence: isometrik antistoiq a.
isometric embedding: isometrik emfteush.
isometric family: isometrik oikogneia.
isometric isomorphism: isometrikc isomorfismc.
isometric mapping: isometrik apeiknish.
isometric surface: isometrik epif neia.
isometric system: isometrik ssthma.
isometric view: isometrik yh.

isometry: isometr a.
isomorphic: ismorfoc, isomorfikc.

isomorphic spaces: ismorfoi qroi.

algebraically isomorphic spaces: algebrik ismorfoi qroi.
recursively isomorphic sets: anadromik ismorfa snola.

isomorphism: isomorfismc.
isomorphism order:

t xh isomorfismo.


algebraic isomorphism: algebrikc isomorfismc.

group isomorphism: isomorfismc om dwn.
isometric isomorphism: isometrikc isomorfismc.
natural isomorphism: fusikc isomorfismc.
projective isomorphism: probolikc isomorfismc.
recursive isomorphism: anadromikc isomorfismc.
ring isomorphism: isomorfismc daktul wn.

isoparametric: isoparametrikc.

isoparametric mesh: isoparametrik plgma.

isoparametric transformation: isoparametrik apeiknish.

isoperimetric(-al): isoperimetrikc.

isoperimetric inequality: isoperimetrik anisthta.

isoperimetric problem: isoperimetrik prblhma.

isosceles: isoskelc.

isosceles trapezium: isoskelc trapzio (British).

isosceles trapezoid: isoskelc trapezoeidc (USA).
isosceles triangle: isoskelc tr gwno.

isospectral: isofasmatikc.
isospectral ow:

isofasmatik ro.

isostatic: isostatikc.
isostatically: isostatik .
isotherm: isjermh  isojermokrasiak (gramm  kamplh).
isothermal: isjermoc, isojermokrasiakc.
isothermal ow: isjermh ro.
isothermal line: isjermh kamplh.

isothermic: isojermikc.
isotimic: isostajmikc, isotimikc, isoyc, isobarc.
isotone: istonoc.
isotonic: isotonikc, istonoc.
isotonic regression function:

isotonik sun rthsh palindrmhshc.

isotope: istopo.
isotropic: istropoc, isotropikc.

isotropic curve: istroph kamplh.

isotropic distribution: istroph katanom.
isotropic eld: istropo ped o.
isotropic group: istroph om da.
isotropic matter: istroph lh.
isotropic plane: istropo ep pedo.
isotropic tensor: istropoc tanustc.

transversely isotropic: egk rsia istropoc.

isotropically: istropa.

isotropically developable:

istropa anaptximoc.

isotropy: isotrop a.
isotype: istupoc, isotupikc.
isotype method:

istuph mjodoc.

issue: jma, teqoc.

iterated: epanalambanmenoc, pollaplc.

iterated collocation: epanalambanmenh taxijes a  taxinmhsh.

iterated function: epanalambanmenh sun rthsh.
iterated integral: pollapl oloklrwma.
iterated logarithm: epanalambanmenoc log rijmoc.
law of iterated logarithm: nmoc tou epanalambanmenou logar jmou.
iterated product: epanalambanmeno ginmeno.
iterated sum: epanalambanmeno jroisma.
iterated tensor product: pollapl tanustik ginmeno.

iteration: epan lhyh.

iteration operator:

telestc epan lhyhc.

iterative: epanalhptikc.

iterative factorization: epanalhptik paragontopo hsh.

iterative interpolation: epanalhptik parembol.
iterative mesh renement: epanalhptik pknwsh plgmatoc.
iterative method: epanalhptik mjodoc.
iterative solver: epanalhptikc epilutc.

Jacobi, Karl (1804-1851)

Jacobi's elliptic functions: elleiptikc sunartseic tou Jacobi.

Jacobi's method: mjodoc tou Jacobi.
Jacobi OR: uperqal rwsh (overrelaxation) tou Jacobi.
Jacobi's theorem: jerhma tou Jacobi.

Jacobian: Iakwbianc, Iakwbian.

Jacobian determinant: Iakwbian or zousa.


Jacobian elliptic functions: elleiptikc sunartseic tou Jacobi.

Jacobian matrix: Iakwbianc p nakac.

jet: p dakac.
join: ennw, sundw.
joint: ap koino, koinc, miktc, sndesh, armc, rjrwsh.

joint density: ap koino puknthta.

joint density function: sun rthsh ap koino puknthtac.
joint distribution: ap koino katanom.
joint distribution function: sun rthsh ap koino katanomc.
joint moment: mikt rop.
joint prediction intervals: ap koino diastmata prbleyhc, ap koino probleptik diastmata.
joint probability: mikt pijanthta.
joint probability function: sun rthsh miktc pijanthtac.
joint probability table: p nakac miktc pijanthtac.
joint regression: mikt palindrmhsh.
joint su ciency: ap koino ep rkeia.

Jordan, Camille (1838-1922)

Jordan arc: txo tou Jordan.

Jordan block: mplok  upop nakac Jordan.
Jordan's canonical form: kanonik morf tou Jordan.
Jordan chain: alus da Jordan.
Jordan's content: perieqmeno Jordan.
Jordan's curve: kamplh tou Jordan.

Jordan, Wilhelm (1842-1899)

Gauss-Jordan reduction:

J-shaped: morfc J.

J-shaped distribution:

anagwg  apaloif (elimination)

katanom morfc J.

judgement, judgment: kr sh.

junction: sndesh.
jump: pdhma, metapdhsh, lma.

jump discontinuity: asunqeia phdmatoc  lmatoc.

jump size: mgejoc  pl toc phdmatoc.
nite jump: peperasmno pdhma.
innite jump: peiro pdhma.



kappa: k ppa.
kappa curve:

kamplh k ppa.

Kei functions: sunartseic Kei.

Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra: poledra twn Kepler kai Poinsot (bl. polyhedron).
Kepler's laws: nmoi tou Kepler.
Ker functions: sunartseic Ker.
kernel: purnac, mhdenqwroc  mhdenikc qroc (null space).
dierence kernel: purnac diaforn, exiswtc (equalizer).
heat kernel: purnac jermthtac.
Peano kernel: purnac Peano.
Riemann kernel: purnac Riemann.

kilogram: qiligrammo, kil.

kind: e doc, kalc.
rst kind: prto e doc.
second kind: detero e doc.
third kind: tr to e doc.

kinematic(-al): kinhmatikc.

kinematic condition: kinhmatik sunjkh.

kinematic similarity: kinhmatik omoithta.

kinematically: kinhmatik .

kinematically similar: kinhmatik moioi.

kinematics: kinhmatik.
kinetic: kinhtikc.

kinetic energy: kinhtik enrgeia.

kinetic potential: kinhtik dunamik.

kinetics: kinhtik.
knot: kmboc, brqoc.

coincident knots: tautizmenoi kmboi.

distinct knots: diakekrimnoi kmboi.


know: gnwr zw.

know-how: teqnognws a.

known: gnwstc.

known constant: gnwst stajer .

known function: gnwst sun rthsh.

kollektiv: sullog.

irregular kollektiv: rrujmh sullog.


Kronecker's delta: dlta tou Kronecker.

Kronecker product: ginmeno Kronecker  euj ginmeno (sun. direct product).
Kronecker's symbol: smbolo tou Kronecker.

kurtic: kurtwtikc.
kurtic curve:

kurtwtik kamplh, kamplh krtwshc.

kurtosis: krtwsh.

LHS (left-hand side): arister mloc.
label: epigraf, etiktta, epigr fw, shmeinw.
labeled: seshmasmnoc, shmeiwmnoc, me epigraf, me etiktta.
labyrinth: labrinjoc.
labyrinthine: laburinjdhc, per plokoc.
lacuna: q sma, ken.
lacunary: mh epekt simoc, qasmdhc.

lacunary function: mh epekt simh (analutik ) sun rthsh, qasmdhc sun rthsh.
lacunary series: mh epekt simh seir , qasmdhc seir .
lacunary set: mh epekt simo snolo, qasmdec snolo.
lacunary space: mh epekt simoc qroc, qasmdhc qroc.

lag: ustrhsh, kajustrhsh.

phase lag: ustrhsh f sewc.

Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (1736-1813)

Lagrange's equations: exisseic tou Lagrange.

Lagrange interpolation: parembol (kat ) Lagrange.

Lagrange multiplier: pollaplasiastc tou Lagrange.

method of Lagrange multipliers: mjodoc twn pollaplasiastn tou Lagrange.

Lagrangian: tou Lagrange.

Lagrangian approach: jerhsh kat Lagrange  ulik jerhsh (material approach).

Lagrangian description: perigraf kat Lagrange  ulik perigraf (material description).
Lagrangian function: sun rthsh tou Lagrange.



Laguerre polynomials: polunuma Laguerre.

Laguerre's dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Laguerre.
associated Laguerre polynomials: prosarthmna polunuma Laguerre.
Gauss-Laguerre quadrature: arijmhtik oloklrwsh Gauss-Laguerre.

lambdagram: lamdodi gramma.

laminar: strwtc.
laminar ow: strwt ro.



Landen's transformation: metasqhmatismc tou Landen.

language: glssa.

language acceptor: apodkthc glssac.

language generator: paragwgc glssac.
language recognition: anagnrish glssac.
language recognizer: anagnwristc glssac.
acceptable language: dekt  apodekt glssa.
complete language: plrhc glssa.
context-free language: glssa qwr c sumfrazmena.
context-sensitive language: glssa eua sjhth sta sumfrazmena.
decidable language: apofas simh glssa.
rst-order language: prwtob jmia glssa.
formal language: tupik glssa.
natural language: fusik glssa.
output language: glssa exdou.
polynomially balanced language: poluwnumik isorrophmnh glssa.
programming language: glssa programmatismo.
regular language: kanonik glssa.


Laplace equation: ex swsh Laplace.

Laplace operator: telestc tou Laplace, laplasianc telestc, laplasian.
Laplace transform: metasqhmatismnh Laplace.
Laplace transformation: metasqhmatismc Laplace.
inverse Laplace transform: ant strofh metasqhmatismnh Laplace.
inverse Laplace transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatismc Laplace.


Laplacian: Laplasianc, tou Laplace, Laplasian.

Laplacian operator:

telestc tou

Laplace, laplasianc telestc, laplasian.

lapse: el ttwsh, me wsh, p rodoc qrnou.

lapse rate:

rujmc me wshc.

large: meg loc.

large cardinal: meg loc plhj rijmoc.

law of large numbers: nmoc twn meg lwn arijmn.
strong law of large numbers: isqurc nmoc twn meg lwn arijmn.
weak law of large numbers: asjenc nmoc twn meg lwn arijmn.
su ciently large: arkontwc meg loc.

largeness: megalthta, (to) meg lo.

larger: megalteroc.
stochastically larger:

stoqastik megalteroc.

latent: lanj nwn.

latent heat: lanj nousa jermthta.

latent value: idiotim (bl. eigenvalue).
latent vector: idiodi nusma (bl. eigenvector).

lateral: pl gioc, pleurikc.

lateral surface:

pleurik epif neia.

Latin: latinikc.
Latin squares:

latinik tetr gwna.

latitude: gewgrafik pl toc.

geocentric latitude: gewkentrik pl toc.

lattice: plgma, kigkl dwma, sndesmoc (jewr a sunlwn).

lattice square: plegmatik tetr gwno.
integer lattice: akraio plgma.
rectangular lattice: orjognio plgma.
triple lattice: tripl plgma.


Laurent series:



law: nmoc, idithta.

law of cosines: nmoc twn sunhmitnwn.

law of inertia: nmoc thc adr neiac.
law of iterated logarithm: nmoc tou epanalambanmenou logar jmou.
law of large numbers: nmoc twn meg lwn arijmn.
law of sines: nmoc twn hmitnwn.
associative law: prosetairistik idithta.

cancellation law: nmoc thc diagrafc  thc apaloifc.

commutative law: antimetajetik idithta.
conservation law: nmoc diatrhshc.
distributive law: epimeristik idithta.
parallelogram law: nmoc tou parallhlogr mmou.
physical law: fusikc nmoc.
quadratic reciprocity law: tetragwnikc nmoc antistrofc.
reciprocity law: nmoc antistrofc.
strong law: isqurc nmoc.
strong law of large numbers: isqurc nmoc twn meg lwn arijmn.
universal law of gravitation: nmoc thc pagksmiac lxhc.
weak law: asjenc nmoc.
weak law of large numbers: asjenc nmoc twn meg lwn arijmn.
tangent law: nmoc twn efaptomnwn.

layer: strma.

boundary layer: oriak strma.

multi-layer ow: polustrwmatik ro.

layered: strwmatopoihmnoc.
layout: sqdio.
lead: odhg, gw.
leading: hgetikc, proporeumenoc.
leading element: hgetik stoiqe o.
leading entry: hgetik stoiqe o.

leaf: fllo.

leaf of a parse tree:

fllo suntaktiko dntrou.

least: el qistoc.

least limit: el qisto rio.

least number principle: arq elaq stou arijmo.
least squares: el qista tetr gwna.
least squares approximation: prosggish elaq stwn tetragnwn.
least squares method: mjodoc elaq stwn tetragnwn.
least squares principle: arq elaq stwn tetragnwn.
least squares problem: prblhma elaq stwn tetragnwn.
least upper bound: el qisto nw fr gma  supremum.
indirect least squares: mmesa el qista tetr gwna.
principle of least time: arq tou el qistou qrnou.



Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem: jerhma kuriarqhmnhc sgklishc tou Lebesgue.

Lebesgue integrability: oloklhrwsimthta kat Lebesgue.
Lebesgue integrable: oloklhrsimoc kat Lebesgue.
Lebesgue integral: oloklrwma kat Lebesgue.
Lebesgue measure: mtro Lebesgue.

left: aristerc, arister .

left adjoint: aristerc suzugc  prosarthmnoc.

left factoring: arister paragontopo hsh.
left-hand continuity: sunqeia ap arister .
left-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap arister .
left-hand limit: rio ap arister .
left handed: aristerc, aristerstrofoc.
left-handed system: aristerstrofo ssthma.
left ideal: arister idedec.
left recursion: arister anadrom.
left-regular grammar: arister kanonik grammatik.

leftmost: akroaristerc, o aristerteroc.

leftmost derivation: aristerterh paragwg (plhroforik).



Legendre functions: sunartseic Legendre.

Legendre polynomials: polunuma Legendre.
Legendre's dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Legendre.
associated Legendre functions: prosarthmnec sunartseic Legendre.
Gauss-Legendre quadrature: arijmhtik oloklrwsh Gauss-Legendre.

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716)

Leibniz's formula: tpoc tou Leibniz.
Leibniz's rule: kannac tou Leibniz.

lemma: lmma.

condensation lemma: lmma sumpknwshc.

lemniscate: lhmn skoc.

length: mkoc.

length-preserving transformation: apeiknish diathrosa ta mkh.

arc length: mkoc txou.
focal length: estiak apstash.
back focal length: dexi estiak apstash.
eective focal length: olik estiak apstash.
front focal length: arister estiak apstash.
mixing length: mkoc m xhc  an mixhc.

lens: fakc.

lens-shaped: fakoeidc.
lens-shaped region: fakoeidc tpoc, fakoeidc qwr o.
anamorphic lens: anamorfikc fakc.
biconcave lens: amf koiloc fakc.
biconvex lens: amf kurtoc fakc.
compound lens: snjetoc fakc.
eye lens: prosofj lmioc fakc.
eld lens: fakc ped ou.

negative lens: arnhtikc  apokl nwn fakc.

object lens: antikeimenikc fakc.
split lens: hmifakc.
telephoto lens: thlefakc.
thin lens: leptc fakc.

lepto-: lepto- (prjema).

leptokurtosis: leptokrtwsh.
leptokurtic: leptkurtoc, leptokurtwtikc.

leptokurtic distribution: leptkurth katanom, katanom leptokrtwshc.

level: ep pedo, yoc, st jmh.

level of signicance: ep pedo shmantikthtac.

level surface: isostajmik epif neia.
condence level: suntelestc empistosnhc.
quality level: ep pedo poithtac.
reliability level: ep pedo axiopist ac.

lever: moqlc.
side lever:

pleurikc moqlc.

lexicographic: lexikografikc.
lexicographic order:

lexikografik  alfabhtik di taxh.

L' Hospital, Guillaume (1661-1704)

L' Hospital's rule:

kannac tou

L' Hospital.

Liapunov, A.M. (1857-1918). Sunant tai ep shc kai wc Lyapunov.

Liapunov convexity theorem: jerhma kurtthtac tou Liapunov.
Liapunov exponent: ekjthc Liapunov.
Liapunov function: sun rthsh Liapunov.
Liapunov stability: eust jeia kat Liapunov.

lie: ke mai, br skomai.

Lie, Sophus (1842-1899)

Lie algebra: lgebra Lie.

Lie bracket: agklh Lie.
Lie group: om da Lie.
Lie map: apeiknish Lie.
Lie operator: telestc Lie.
local Lie groups: topikc om dec Lie.

lieu: jsh, tpoc.

in lieu of:

life: zw.

life table:

sth jsh tou, ant tou.

p nakac zwc.


half life: qrnoc upodiplasiasmo, qrnoc hmizwc.

lift: nwsh, anuynw.

lift force:

nwsh, dnamh nwshc.

lifting: anywsh (Topol.).

light: fwc, elafrc.

light beam: dsmh fwtc.

light ray: akt na fwtc.
aberration of light: apopl nhsh tou fwtc.
circular light: kuklik polwmno fc.
collimated light: par llhlh dsmh fwtc.
elliptical light: elleiptik polwmno fwc.
left-circular light: aristerstrofo kuklik polwmno fc.
linearly polarized light: grammik polwmno fc.
partially polarized light: merikc polwmno fc.
plane polarized light: epi'peda polwmno fc.
polarized light: polwmno fc.

like: parmoioc, soc.

like powers:

sec dun meic.

likelihood: pijanof neia.

likelihood function: sun rthsh pijanof neiac.

likelihood ratio: lgoc  phl ko pijanof neiac.
likelihood ratio test: legqoc lgou pijanof neiac.
likelihood ratio test function: elegqosun rthsh lgou pijanof neiac.
log-likelihood: logarijmo-pijanof neia.
log-likelihood equation: ex swsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac.
log-likelihood function: sun rthsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac.
maximum likelihood: mgisth pijanof neia.
maximum likelihood estimator: ektimtria mgisthc pijanof neiac.
maximum likelihood function: sun rthsh mgisthc pijanof neiac.
maximum likelihood principle: arq mgisthc pijanof neiac.
sequential likelihood test: akoloujiakc legqoc pijanof neiac.

likeness: omoithta.
limit: rio.

limit circle: oriakc kkloc.

limit cycle: oriakc kkloc.
limit in the mean: rio se msh sgklish.
limit point: oriak shme o  shme o susswresewc (sunnumo twn rwn limit point kai accumulation
limit theorem: oriak jerhma.
central limit theorem: kentrik oriak jerhma.
compressed limits: suneptugmna ria.
condence limits: ria empistosnhc.
ducial limits: ria empistosnhc, pisteutik ria.

greatest limit: mgisto rio.

left-hand limit: rio ap arister .
lower condence limit: kattero rio empistosnhc.
lower limit: kattero rio.
lower tolerance limit: kattero rio anoqc.
inferior limit: kattero rio  mgisto k tw rio.
integration limits: ria oloklhrsewc.
least limit: el qisto rio.
non-parametric tolerance limits: aparametrik ria anoqc.
right-hand limit: rio ap dexi .
superior limit: antero rio  el qisto k tw rio.
tolerance limits: ria anoqc.
upper condence limit: antero rio empistosnhc.
upper limit: antero rio.
upper tolerance limit: antero rio anoqc.
variable limits of integration: metablht ria oloklrwshc.

limitation: periorismc.
limiting: oriakc.

limiting case: oriak per ptwsh.

limiting velocity: oriak taqthta.

line: euje a, gramm, epikamplioc (gia oloklhrmata).

line bundle: dsmh grammn.

line charge: grammik fort o.
line of curvature: gramm kampulthtac.
line element: stoiqeidec mkoc.
line integral: epikamplio oloklrwma, se merik bibl a grammik oloklrwma.
line segment: eujgrammo tmma.
line source: grammik phg.
aclinic line: aklinc gramm.
a ne line: susqetismnh gramm.
branch line: gramm diakladsewc.
characteristic line: qarakthristik gramm.
coincident lines: tautizmenec euje ec.
conjugate lines: suzuge c grammc.
equipotential line: isodunamik gramm.
geodesic line: gewdaisiak gramm.
half line: hmieuje a.
imaginary line: noht gramm.
inclined line: keklimnh gramm.
invariable line: anallo wth euje a.
isothermal line: isojermik kamplh.
normal line: k jeth euje a.
oblique line: pl gia gramm.
pencil of lines: dsmh eujein.
perpendicular lines: k jetec grammc.
polar line: polik gramm.
regression line: euje a palindromsewc.

secondary line: deuterogenc gramm.

skew lines: asmbatec euje ec.
trace of a line: qnoc euje ac.

linear: grammikc, prwtob jmioc.

linear algebra: grammik lgebra.

linear approximation: grammik prosggish.
linear combination: grammikc sunduasmc.
linear correlation: grammik susqtish.
linear dependence: grammik ex rthsh.
linear dierential equation: grammik diaforik ex swsh.
linear disjointness: grammik xenthta.
linear element: grammik stoiqe o.
linear equation: grammik ex swsh.
linear form: grammik morf.
linear function: grammik sun rthsh.
linear functional: grammik sunarthsiak.
linear graph: grammik gr fhma.
linear group: grammik om da.
linear growth: grammik axhsh.
linear harmonic oscillator: grammikc armonikc talantwtc.
linear independence: grammik anexarths a.
linear interpolation: grammik parembol.
linear magnication: grammik megnjnsh.
linear map: grammik apeiknish.
linear mapping: grammik apeiknish.
linear model: grammik montlo.
linear momentum: orm.
linear operator: grammikc telestc.
linear optimization: grammik beltistopo hsh.
linear polynomial: grammik  prwtob jmio polunumo.
linear programming: grammikc programmatismc.
linear property: grammik idithta.
linear regression : grammik palindromsh.
linear relationship: grammik sqsh.
linear set: grammik snolo.
linear (or vector) space: grammikc ( dianusmatikc) qroc.
linear span: grammik jkh  per blhma.
linear structure: grammik dom.
linear system (of equations): grammik ssthma (exissewn).
linear theory: grammik jewr a.
linear transformation: grammikc metasqhmatismc.
almost linear: sqedn grammikc.
piecewise linear function: kat tmmata  tmhmatik grammik sun rthsh.
quasi-linear: oione grammikc.

linearity: grammikthta.
linearizable: grammikopoisimoc, eujugramm simoc.
linearizability: grammikopoihsimthta, eujugrammisimthta.

linearization: grammikopo hsh, eujugr mmish.

linearized: grammikopoihmnoc.
linearized equation:

grammikopoihmnh ex swsh.

linearly: grammik .

linearly dependent: grammik exarthmnoi.

linearly independent: grammik anex rthtoi.
linearly stable: grammik eustajc.

linewidth: fasmatik eroc (optik).

link: sundw.
linked: sundedemnoc.
doubly linked: dipl sundedemnoc.
singly linked: mon sundedemnoc.





Liouville's formula: tpoc tou Liouville.

Liouville surface: epif neia tou Liouville.
Liouville's theorem: jerhma tou Liouville.
Lipschitz boundary: snoro Lipschitz.
Lipschitz continuity: sunqeia kat Lipschitz.
Lipschitz continuous: suneqc kat Lipschitz.
Lipschitz domain: qwr o Lipschitz.
Lipschitz function: sun rthsh Lipschitz.

liquid: ugr, reust.

liquid phase:

ugr f sh.

liquidate: ekkajar zw, exwfl.

liquidation: ekkaj rish.
liquify: reustopoi, tkw, ugropoi.
literal: stoiqe o (plhroforik).
ground literal: basik stoiqe o.

load: fort o.

load vector: di nusma fort ou.

moving load: kinomeno fort o.

Lobachevsky, N.I. (1792-1856)

local: topikc.

local basis functions: topikc sunartseic b shc.

local error: topik sf lma.
local existence: topik parxh.
local interpolation: topik parembol.

local numbering: topik ar jmhsh.

local property: topik idithta.
local solution: topik lsh.
local stability: topik eust jeia.
quasi-local: oione topikc.

locality: topikthta.
locality properties:

idithtec topikthtac.

localization: entopismc.
localize: entop zw.
locally: topik .

locally dierentiable: topik paragwg simoc.

locally integrable: topik oloklhrsimoc.
locally stable: topik eustajc.

locate: topojet, entop zw.

location: jsh, topojes a.

location functional: sunarthsiak jshc.

loci: bl. locus.

locus (pl. loci): gewmetrikc tpoc, tpoc, kentrdec (sun. centrode).
geometric locus: gewmetrikc tpoc.

log: log rijmoc, logarijmikc.

logarithm: log rijmoc.

characteristic of a logarithm: qarakthristik logar jmou.

iterated logarithm: epanalambanmenoc log rijmoc.
law of iterated logarithm: nmoc tou epanalambanmenou logar jmou.
Napierian logarithms: fusiko log rijmoi, nepreioi log rijmoi.
natural logarithm: fusikc log rijmoc.

logarithmic: logarijmikc.

logarithmic decrement: logarijmik me wsh.

logarithmic function: logarijmik sun rthsh.
logarithmic scale: logarijmik kl maka.
logarithmic spiral: logarijmik spe ra  lika.
logarithmic system: logarijmik ssthma.
double logarithmic: dilogarijmikc.
double logarithmic chart: dilogarijmikc q rthc.

log-concave: logarijmik ko loc.

logic: logik.

fuzzy logic: asafc logik.

multi-valued logic: pleitimh logik.
non-monotone logic: mh montonh  ajroistik logik.

logical: logikc.

logical connnective: logikc sndesmoc.

logical consequence: logik sumprasma.
logical data: logik dedomna.
logical symbols: logik smbola.

logically: logik .

logically equivalent: logik isodnamoi.

logistic: logistikc.
log-likelihood: logarijmo-pijanof neia.

log-likelihood equation: ex swsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac.

log-likelihood function: sun rthsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac.

long: makrc, epimkhc, meg loc.

long waves:

makr kmata.

longitudinal: diamkhc.

longitudinal vibration: diamkhc tal ntwsh.

lookahead: prblepw, prbleyh.

loop: brqoc.

loop group: om da brqwn.

closed loop: kleistc brqoc.
hysteresis loop: brqoc ustersewc.
innite loop: peiroc  atrmonac brqoc.
nested loop: fwliasmnoc brqoc.

lotery: laqnc, laqe o.

loss: apleia.

loss coe cient: suntelestc apleiac.

loss function: sun rthsh apleiac.
loss matrix: p nakac apleiac.
square loss function: tetragwnik sun rthsh apleiac.
without loss of generality (wlog): qwr c apleia ( bl bh) thc genikthtac.

low: qamhlc.

low-dimensional: oligodi statoc.

lower: katteroc, qamhlteroc, k tw.

lower bound: k tw fr gma  k tw prac.

lower condence limit: kattero rio empistosnhc.
lower tolerance limit: kattero rio anoqc.
lower limit: kattero rio.
lower-triangular matrix: k tw trigwnikc p nakac.
essential lower bound: ousidec k tw fr gma.
greatest lower bound: mgisto k tw fr gma  inmum.

lowering: upobibasmc.
lowest: el qistoc.

lowest common divisor:

el qistoc koinc diairthc.

loxodrome: loxodrom a.
loxodromic: loxodromikc.

loxodromic spiral: loxodromik spe ra  lika.

luminosity: fwteinthta.
luminous: fwteinc.
lunar: selhniakc, thc selnhc, selhnoeidc.
lunar eclipse:

kleiyh selnhc.

lune: mhn skoc.

spherical lune:

sfairikc mhn skoc.

luniform: mhniskoeidc.
Lyapunov: bl. Liapunov.

MC: Monte Carlo.
MFLOPS (million oating operations per second):

ekatommrio pr xewn kinhtc upodiastolc an

MFS (method of fundamental solutions): mjodoc jemeliwdn lsewn.

MHD (magnetohydrodynamics): magnhtodrodunamik.
m.p.h. (miles per hour): m lia an ra, MAW.
Mach, (-).
Mach number: arijmc Mach.

machine: mhqan.

basic machine: basik mhqan.

state machine: mhqan katast sewn.



Maclaurin expansion: an ptugma Maclaurin.

Maclaurin polynomial: polunumo Maclaurin.
Maclaurin series: seir Maclaurin.
Euler-Maclaurin summation formula: tpoc jroishc twn Euler-Maclaurin.

macro-: makro-.
macro-economics: makrooikonomik .
macro-factor: makropar gontac.
macroscopic: makroskopikc.
macrostructure: makrodom.
magic: magikc.
magic square:

magik tetr gwno.

magnetic: magnhtikc.

magnetic eld: magnhtik ped o.

magnetic induction: magnhtik epagwg.

magnetism: magnhtismc.
magnetohydrodynamics: magnhtodrodunamik (sunt. MHD).
magnication: megnjunsh.
magnication factor: suntelestc megenjnsewc.
linear magnication: grammik megnjnsh.

magnify: megenjnw.
magnitude: mgejoc, mtro.

magnitude of a vector: mtro  mkoc diansmatoc.

absolute magnitude: apluto mgejoc.

mail: taqudrome o, taqudrom.

electronic mail (E-mail): hlektronik taqudrome o.

main: kentrikc, krioc.

main diagonal: kria diagnioc.

Mainardi-Codazzi equations: exisseic twn Mainardi-Codazzi.

major: krioc, meg loc, me zwn.
major axis: meg loc xonac.
major segment: me zon tmma.

majority: pleioyhf a.
manifold: pollaplthta. Sth sgqronh bibliograf a qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc polptuqo.
3-manifold: 3-pollaplthta, trisdi stath pollaplthta.
3-manifold group: (jemelidhc) om da trisdi stathc pollaplthtac.
4-manifold: 4-pollaplthta, tetradi stath pollaplthta.
a ne manifold: susqetismnh pollaplthta.
compact manifold: sumpagc pollaplthta.
contact manifold: pollaplthta epafc.
symplectic manifold: sumplektik pollaplthta.
topological manifold: topologik pollaplthta.

manipulate: qeir zomai, epexerg zomai.


manipulation: qeirismc, epexergas a.

algebraic manipulation: algebrikc qeirismc  epexergas a.

symbolic manipulation: sumbolikc qeirismc  epexergas a.

mantissa: dekadik mroc (logar jmou), klasmatik me'roc.

many: pollo , ple stoi.
many-valued: pleitimoc.
many-valued function: pleitimh sun rthsh.

map: apeikon zw, apeiknish (bl. mapping), q rthc.

a ne map: susqetismnh apeiknish.
equiareal map: isembadik apeiknish.
equivariant map: isallo wth apeiknish.
inclusion map: apeiknish egkleismo.
inverse map: ant strofh apeiknish.
Lie map: apeiknish Lie.
linear map: grammik apeiknish.

mapped: apeikonismnoc.
mapped element:

apeikonismno stoiqe o.

mapping: apeiknish, metasqhmatismc (transformation), sun rthsh (function).

mapping function: sun rthsh apeikon sewc.

mapping theorem: jerhma apeikon sewc.
a ne mapping: susqetismnh apeiknish.
antilinear mapping: antigrammik  hmigrammik (semilinear) apeiknish.
conformal mapping: smmorfh apeiknish.
constant mapping: stajer apeiknish.
contraction mapping: apeiknish sustolc.
contractive mapping: sustolik apeiknish.
geodesic mapping: gewdaisiak apeiknish.
holomorphic mapping: olmorfh apeiknish.
identity mapping: tautotik apeiknish.
interior mapping: eswterik apeiknish.
inverse mapping: ant strofh apeiknish.
isogonal mapping: isognia apeiknish.
isometric mapping: isometrik apeiknish.
linear mapping: grammik apeiknish.
non-singular mapping: mh idi zousa  omal apeiknish.
one-to-one mapping: na proc na  amfimonosmanth  amfimontimh  erriptik (bijective) apeiknish.

open mapping: anoikt apeiknish.

open mapping theorem: jerhma anoiktc apeiknishc.
semilinear mapping: hmigrammik  antigrammik (antilinear) apeiknish.
singular mapping: idi zousa apeiknish.
symplectic mapping: sumplektik apeiknish.
topological mapping: topologik apeiknish.
zero mapping: mhdenik apeiknish  metasqhmatismc (transformation).

march: poremai, bad zw, pore a, b disma.

marching: preush, pore a.

time marching: qronopreush.

time marching scheme: mjodoc qronopreushc.

margin: perijrio.
marginal: perijwriakc, perijrioc, oriakc.

marginal density function: perijria sun rthsh puknthtac.

marginal distribution function: perijria sun rthsh katanomc.
marginal frequency: perijria suqnthta.
marginal probability function: perijria sun rthsh pijanthtac.

mark: shme o, shm di, kntro, mso, shmeinw.

class mark: kntro  mso kl sewc.

marked: shmeiwmnoc, shmademnoc.

Markov, A.A. (1856-1922).

Markov chain: alus da Markov, Markobian alus da.

Markov system: ssthma Markov, Markobian ssthma.
irreducible Markov chain: an gwgh alus da Markov.

martingale: martingale.

martingale approximation: prosggish martingale.

m-ary: miadikc.

m-ary operation: miadik pr xh.

m-ary tree: miadik dntro.

mass: m za.

mass balance: isozgio m zac.

mass conservation: diatrhsh thc m zac.
mass force: mazik dnamh. Bl. body force.
mass matrix: p nakac m zac.
mass transport: metafor m zac.
center of mass: kntro m zac.
probability mass: m za pijanthtac.
rest mass: m za hrem ac.

master: krioc.

master element: stoiqe o anafor c, basik  prtupo stoiqe o.


sunarmzw, tairi zw, antistoiq zw, prosarmzw, zeugarnw, enarmon zw, sunarmog, antisto qish, prosarmog, ta riasma.
weak match: asjenc sunarmog, asjenc ta riasma.


matched: sunarmosmnoc, tairiasmnoc.

matching layer: strma  perioq sunarmogc.

matching: sunarmg, prosarmog, ta riasma, antisto qish, sunarmzwn, prosarmzwn.

matched asymptotic expansions: mjodoc sunarmosmnwn asumptwtikn anaptugm twn

idiazousn diataraqn (singular perturbation method).


material: ulikc, ulik, lh.

material approach: ulik jerhsh  jerhsh kat Lagrange (Lagrangian approach).

material derivative: ousiastik  ousidhc  ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantial  substantive
convective derivative).
material description: ulik perigraf  perigraf kat Lagrange (Lagrangian description).
raw materials: prtec lec.
smart materials: xupna ulik .

strength of materials: antoq twn ulikn.

mathematical: majhmatikc.

mathematical analysis: majhmatik an lush.

mathematical expectation: majhmatik prosdok a  elp da.
mathematical formulation: majhmatik diatpwsh  jemel wsh.
mathematical horizon: majhmatikc or zontac.
mathematical induction: majhmatik epagwg.
mathematical model: majhmatik montlo.
mathematical modeling: majhmatik montelopo hsh.
mathematical physics: majhmatik fusik.

mathematician: majhmatikc.
mathematics: majhmatik .

abstract mathematics: afhrhmna majhmatik .

advanced mathematics: antera majhmatik .
applied mathematics: efarmosmna majhmatik .
computational mathematics: upologistik majhmatik .
discrete mathematics: diakrit majhmatik .
pure mathematics: kajar  jewrhtik majhmatik .

matrices: bl. matrix.

matrix (pl. matrices): p nakac, mtra, mhtro.

matrix analysis: pinakoan lush, an lush pin kwn.

matrix form: morf pin kwn, mhtrik morf, pinakomorf.
matrix of a formula: mtra tpou.
matrix multiplication: pollaplasiasmc pin kwn.
matrix notation: sumbolismc pin kwn.
matrix theory: pinakojewr a, jewr a pin kwn.
acquaintance matrix: p nakac gnwrim ac.
adjoint matrix: prosarthmnoc p nakac, sumplhrwmatikc p nakac.
adjugate matrix: prosarthmnoc p nakac, sumplhrwmatikc p nakac (sun. adjoint matrix).
alternating matrix: enall sswn p nakac.
augmented matrix: epauxhmnoc p nakac.
band matrix: tainiwtc p nakac  p nakac tain a.

bidiagonal matrix: didiagnioc p nakac.

block matrix: snjetoc p nakac (sun. partitioned matrix).
block diagonal matrix: snjetoc diagnioc p nakac, mplok-diagnioc p nakac.
block matrix multiplication: snjetoc pollaplasiasmc pin kwn.
centroskew matrix: kentro-antisummetrikc p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=-RAR, pou R
tetragwnikc p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutereousa diagnio kai 0 allo).
centrosymmetric matrix: kentrosummetrikc p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=RAR, pou
tetragwnikc p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutereousa diagnio kai 0 allo).
change of basis matrix: p nakac allagc b shc  p nakac met bashc (transition matrix).
coe cient matrix: p nakac twn suntelestn.
cofactor matrix: p nakac twn algebrikn sumplhrwm twn, p nakac twn sumparagntwn.
column matrix: p nakac stlh, di nusma stlhc.
column equivalent matrices: sthlosodnamoi p nakec.
commutative matrices: antimetajetiko  antimetajsimoi p nakec.
commuting matrices: antimetajetiko  antimetajsimoi p nakec.
complex matrix: migadikc p nakac.
congruent matrices: orjomonadia a ( orjognia) moioi p nakec.
conjugate transpose matrix: anastrofosuzugc p nakac, suzugc an strofoc p nakac.
constant matrix: stajerc p nakac.
decomposable matrix: paragontopoisimoc p nakac.
defective matrix: ellipc p nakac.
design matrix: p nakac sqediasmo.
diagonal matrix: diagnioc p nakac.
diagonalizing matrix: diagwnopoin p nakac.
distance matrix: p nakac apost sewn.
doubly stochastic matrix: dipl stoqastikc p nakac.
echelon matrix: klimakwtc p nakac.
elementary matrix: stoiqeidhc p nakac.
equivalent matrices: isodnamoi p nakec.
extended matrix: epektetamnoc p nakac.
Hamiltonian matrix: qamiltonianc p nakac.
Hermitian matrix: ermitianc p nakac.
Hessian matrix: p nakac tou Hesse.
idempotent matrix: adnamoc  tautodnamoc  ekjetik anallo wtoc p nakac.
identity matrix: tautotikc  monadia oc p nakac.
information matrix: p nakac plhrofor ac.
involutoric matrix: eneliktikc p nakac.
Jacobian matrix: Iakwbianc p nakac.
loss matrix: p nakac apleiac.
lower-triangular matrix: k tw trigwnikc p nakac.
mobility matrix: p nakac kinhtikthtac.
modal matrix: typikc p nakac.
negative of a matrix: ant jetoc p nakac.
nilpotent matrix: mhdenodnamoc p nakac.
non-centrality matrix: p nakac ekkentrthtac.
non-defective matrix: mh ellipc p nakac.
non-singular matrix: mh idi zwn  omalc p nakac.
nonsymmetric matrix: mh summetrikc p nakac.
orthogonal matrix: orjognioc p nakac.


orthogonally similar matrices: orjognia moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices).

partitioned matrix: snjetoc p nakac (sun. block matrix).
payo matrix: p nakac exflhshc.
permutation matrix: p nakac metajsewn.
persymmetric matrix: perisummetrikc p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=RAT R,

tetragwnikc p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutereousa diagnio kai 0 allo).
positive denite matrix: jetik orismnoc p nakac.
rank of a matrix: bajmc  t xh p naka.
real matrix: pragmatikc p nakac.
reduced echelon matrix: anhgmnoc klimakwtc p nakac.
row matrix: p nakac gramm, di nusma grammc.
row equivalent matrices: grammosodnamoi p nakec.
scalar matrix: bajmwtc p nakac.
secondary matrix: deuterewn p nakac.
similar matrices: moioi p nakec.
singular matrix: idi zwn  mh omalc p nakac.
skew-symmetric matrix: antisummetrikc p nakac.
sparse matrix: araic p nakac.
square matrix: tetragwnikc p nakac.
stiness matrix: p nakac akamy ac.
symmetric matrix: summetrikc p nakac.
three-band matrix: trizwnikc p nakac.
trace of a matrix: qnoc (tetragwniko) p naka.
transition matrix: p nakac met bashc  p nakac allagc b shc (change of basis matrix).
transpose matrix: an strofoc p nakac.
transposed matrix: anestrammnoc p nakac.
triangular matrix: trigwnikc p nakac.
tridiagonal matrix: tridiagnioc p nakac.
two-band matrix: dizwnikc p nakac.
unimodular matrix: p nakac me or zousa mon da.
unit matrix: monadia oc  tautotikc p nakac.
unitarily similar matrices: orjomonadia a moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices).
unitary matrix: orjomonadia oc p nakac, orjokanonikc p nakac.
upper-triangular matrix: nw trigwnikc p nakac.
zero matrix: mhdenikc p nakac.

matrix-valued: me ped o timn qro pin kwn.

matrix-valued function: pinakosun rthsh.

matroid: pinakoeidc, mhtroeidc.

matter: lh.
isotropic matter: istroph lh.

maxima: mgista, bl. maximum.

maximal: megistotikc, megistikc, mgistoc.
maximal element: mgisto stoiqe o.
maximal ideal: megistotik idedec.
maximal set: megistotik snolo.



maximization: megistopo hsh.

maximization problem: prblhma megistopo hshc.

maximize: megistopoi.
maximizer: megistopoihtc.
maximizing: megistopoin.

maximizing function: megistopoiosa sun rthsh.

maximum (pl. maxima): mgistoc, mgisto, mgisth tim.

maximum error: mgisto sf lma.

maximum likelihood: mgisth pijanof neia.
maximum likelihood estimator: ektimtria mgisthc pijanof neiac.
maximum likelihood function: sun rthsh mgisthc pijanof neiac.
maximum likelihood principle: arq mgisthc pijanof neiac.
maximum modulus: mgisto mtro.
maximum modulus theorem: jerhma tou meg stou mtrou.
maximum possible error: mgisto dunat sf lma.
maximum probability: mgisth pijanthta.
absolute maximum: apluto mgisto.
relative maximum: sqetik mgisto.

maxterm: megistroc.
Maxwell, (-).
Maxwell's equations:

exisseic tou

mean: msoc, msh tim, enno.


mean curvature: msh kampulthta.

mean deviation: msh apluth apklish.
mean error: mso sf lma.
mean of a function: msh tim sun rthsewc.
mean square: tetragwnikc msoc.
mean square consistency: msh tetragwnik sunpeia.
mean square consistent: sunepc wc proc ton tetragwnik mso.
mean square error: mso tetragwnik sf lma.
mean value: msh tim.
mean value theorem: jerhma mshc timc.
arithmetic mean: arijmhtikc msoc (roc).
Bonnet's mean value theorem: jerhma mshc timc tou Bonnet.
convergence in the mean: msh sgklish.
geometric mean: gewmetrikc msoc (roc).
grand mean: genik msh tim.
harmonic mean: armonikc msoc (roc).
integral mean value theorem: jerhma mshc timc gia oloklhrmata.
limit in the mean: rio se msh sgklish.
quadratic mean: tetragwnikc msoc.
root-mean-square error: mso tetragwnik sf lma.
sample mean: msh tim de gmatoc  deigmatik msh tim.
true mean: alhjc msoc.

means: mso, msa.

measurable: metrsimoc.

measurable function: metrsimh sun rthsh.

measurable set: metrsimo snolo.
measurable space: metrsimoc qroc.

measure: mtro, metr.

measure of central tendency: mtro kentrikc t sewc.

measure of dispersion: mtro diaspor c.
measure space: qroc mtrou.
measure theory: jewr a mtrou.
absolute measure: apluto mtro.
counting measure: aparijmhtik mtro.
interior measure: eswterik mtro.
invariant measure: anallo wto mtro.
Lebesgue measure: mtro Lebesgue.
spectral measure: fasmatik mtro.
tame measure: exhmerwmno mtro.
tameness of a measure: to exhmerwmno mtrou.
zero measure: mhdenik mtro.

measurement: mtrhsh.

in situ measurements: epitpiec metrseic.

measure-valued: me ped o timn snolo mtrou.

measure-valued function: metrosun rthsh.

mechanical: mhqanikc.
mechanics: mhqanik.

celestial mechanics: our nia mhqanik.

classical mechanics: klasik mhqanik.
computational mechanics: upologistik mhqanik.
continuum mechanics: mhqanik tou suneqoc msou.
uid mechanics: reustomhqanik.
fracture mechanics: mhqanik jrashc.
Newtonian mechanics: neutneia mhqanik.
quantum mechanics: kbantomhqanik, kbantik mhqanik.
relativistic mechanics: sqetikistik mhqanik.
statistical mechanics: statistik mhqanik.
wave mechanics: kumatomhqanik.

mechanism: mhqanismc.
media: msa (bl. medium).

unbounded media: mh fragmna msa.

medial triangle: bl. median triangle.

median: 1. di mesoc, di mesh tim (Stat.).

2. di mesoc trignou. 3. di mesoc ( mesopar llhlh)

trapez ou (to eujgrammo tmma pou ennei ta msa twn mh par llhlwn pleurn), sun. midline.


median point of a triangle: barkentro trignou (sun. centroid).

median triangle: to tr gwno me korufc ta msa twn pleurn trignou (sun. medial triangle).

mediate: mmesoc.
mediator: mesok jetoc eujgrammou tmmatoc, xonac summetr ac.
medium (pl. media): mso, msoc, ulik.
conducting medium: aggimo mso.
heterogeneous medium: eterogenc mso.
homogeneous medium: omoiogenc mso.

meet: 1. sunant, tmnw. 2. tom.

member: 1. mloc (ex swshc). 2. stoiqe o (sunlou).
membership function: sun rthsh stoiqe wn.
membrane: membr nh.
vibrating membrane: pallmenh membr nh.

memory: mnmh.

random access memory (RAM): mnmh tuqa ac prosplashc.

memoryless: amnmwn.
meniscal: mhniskoeidc.
menisciform: mhniskoeidc.
meniscoid: mhniskoeidc.
meniscus (pl. minisci): mhn skoc.
convex meniscus:

kurtc mhn skoc.

mensuration: mtrhsh, katamtrhsh.

Mercator projection: merkatorian probol.
meridian: meshmbrinc.

meridian curve: meshmbrin kamplh  tom, sun. meridian section.

meridian section: meshmbrin tom  kamplh, sun. meridian curve.
peristrofc pou periqei ton xona peristrofc.

Ep pedh tom epif neiac ek

meromoprhic: mermorfoc, meromorfikc.

meromorphic function:

mermorfh sun rthsh.

mesh: plgma.

mesh generation: paragwg plgmatoc.

mesh generator: prgramma paragwgc plgmatoc, paragwgc plgmatoc.
mesh renement: pknwsh plgmatoc.
mesh size: pl toc plgmatoc.
anisotropic mesh renement: anistroph pknwsh plgmatoc.
coarse mesh: arai plgma.
ne mesh: pukn plgma, plgma leptc diamrishc.
graded mesh: bajmia o plgma, plgma bajmia ac puknthtac.

isoparametric mesh: isoparametrik plgma.

iterative mesh renement: epanalhptik pknwsh plgmatoc.
rened mesh: puknwmno plgma.
uniform mesh: omoimorfo plgma.

meshfree: qwr c plgma.

meshfree method: mjodoc qwr c plgma.

meshless: qwr c plgma.

meshless method:

mjodoc qwr c plgma.

meso-: meso- (prjema).

mesokurtosis: mesokrtwsh.
mesokurtic: meskurtoc, mesokurtwtikc.

mesokurtic distribution: meskurth katanom, katanom mesokrtwshc.

mesoscale: mshc kl makac.

mesoscale modeling: montelopo hsh mshc kl makac.

mesoscopic: mesoskopikc.
mesoscopic system:

mesoskopik ssthma.

meta-: meta- (prjema).

metabelian: metabelianc.

metabelian group: metabelian om da.

metabelian product: metabelian ginmeno.

metacenter: met kentro.

metacyclic: metakuklikc.

metacyclic group: metakuklik om da.

metal: mtallo.
metalanguage: metaglssa.
metallic: metallikc.
metamathematical: metamajhmatikc. metamathematical notions: metamajhmatikc nnoiec.
metamathematics: metamajhmatik , sunnumo thc jewr ac apode xewn (proof theory).
meter: mtro.
method: mjodoc.
method of fundamental solutions (MFS): mjodoc jemeliwdn lsewn.
method of Lagrange multipliers: mjodoc twn pollaplasiastn tou Lagrange.
method of successive approximations: mjodoc twn diadoqikn prosegg sewn.
method of undetermined coe cients: mjodoc twn prosdioristwn suntelestn.
method of variation of parameters: mjodoc thc metabolc twn stajerw'n.
adaptive method: anaprosarmostik mjodoc.

alternating direction methods: mjodoi enallassmenwn dieujnsewn.

back and forth method: mjodoc mproc-p sw.
block power method: snjeth mjodoc twn dun mewn.
boundary method: sunoriak mjodoc.
boundary element method (BEM): mjodoc sunoriakn stoiqe wn.
boundary integral method (BIM): mjodoc sunoriako oloklhrmatoc.
coding method: mjodoc kwdikopo hshc.
collocated nite volume method: taxijethmnh mjodoc peperasmnwn gkwn elgqou.
collocation method: mjodoc taxijes ac  smptwshc  taxinmhshc.
combinatorial methods: sunduastikc mjodoi.
consistent method: sumbibast mjodoc.
direct method: mesh mjodoc.
domain decomposition method: mjodoc diamerismo  diaqwrismo qwr ou.
dovetailing method: mjodoc thc our c tou peristerio. dual reciprocity method: mjodoc dukc

explicit method: analut  mesh mjodoc.

extrapolation method: mjodoc parekbolc.
nite dierence method (FDM): mjodoc peperasmnwn diaforn.
nite element method (FEM): mjodoc peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
nite volume method: mjodoc peperasmnwn gkwn elgqou.
frontal method: metwpik mjodoc.
generalized method: genikeumnh mjodoc.
global method: kajolik mjodoc.
half-interval method: mjodoc diqotmhshc.
hierarchical method: ierarqik mjodoc.
hp-adaptive method: hp-anaprosarmostik mjodoc.
hp-method: hp-mjodoc.
hybrid nite element method: ubridik mjodoc peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
implicit method: mh analut  mmesh  peplegmnh mjodoc.
inconsistent method: asumb basth  mh sumbibast mjodoc.
indirect method: mmesh mjodoc.
integral method: oloklhrwtik mjodoc.
integration method: mjodoc oloklrwshc.
invariance method: mjodoc tou anallo wtou.
inverse power method: ant strofh mjodoc twn dun mewn.
isotype method: istuph mjodoc.
iterative method: epanalhptik mjodoc.
least squares method: mjodoc elaq stwn tetragnwn.
meshfree method: mjodoc qwr c plgma.
meshless method: mjodoc qwr c plgma.
minimal error method: mjodoc elaq stou sf lmatoc.
multi-grid method: poluplegmatik mjodoc.
multi-step method: polubhmatik mjodoc.
non-parametric method: aparametrik mjodoc, mjodoc elejerhc katanomc.
numerical method: arijmhtik mjodoc.
one-step method: monobhmatik mjodoc.
overrelaxation method: mjodoc uperqal rwshc.
penalty method: mjodoc poinc.
perturbation method: mjodoc diataraqn.

power method: mjodoc twn dun mewn.

predictor-corrector method: mjodoc problyewc-diorjsewc.
regional method: topik mjodoc.
regula falsi method: mjodoc esfalmnhc jshc, mjodoc regula falsi.
relaxation method: mjodoc qal rwshc.
roster method: mjodoc thc anagrafc.
scaled method: anhgmnh mjodoc.
secant method: mjodoc thc tmnousac.
separation of variables method: mjodoc qwrismo twn metablhtn.
sequential method: akoloujiak mjodoc.
shooting method: mjodoc skpeushc.
simplex method: mjodoc simplex.
singular perturbation method: mjodoc idiazousn diataraqn.
spectral collocation method: mjodoc fasmatikc taxijes ac  taxinmhshc.
spectral method: fasmatik mjodoc.
spectral element method: mjodoc twn fasmatikn stoiqe wn.
steepest descent method: mjodoc meg sthc kajdou  kl sewc.
successive overrelaxation method (SOR): mjodoc diadoqikc uperqal rwshc.
successive substitution method: mjodoc diadoqikn antikatast sewn, genik epanalhptik mjodoc.
summation method: mjodoc jroishc.
superconvergent method: upersugkl nousa mjodoc.
trapezoidal method: mjodoc tou trapez ou.
trial and error method: mjodoc dokimc kai sf lmatoc.
two-step method: dibhmatik mjodoc.
unconjugated nite element method: mjodoc aposunezeugmnwn peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.
underrelaxation method: mjodoc upoqal rwshc.
unity method: mjodoc thc mon dac.
unstructured method: mh domhmnh mjodoc.
variable step size method: mjodoc metablhto bmatoc.

methodology: mejodolog a.
metric: metrikc, metrik (mtro, apstash).

metric density: metrik puknthta.

metric form: metrik morf.
metric space: metrikc qroc.
metric system: metrik ssthma.
metric tensor: metrikc tanustc.
discrete metric: diakrit metrik (apstash).

metrizable: metrikopoisimoc.
metrizable space:

metrikopoisimoc qroc.

metrization: metrikopo hsh.

metrology: metrolog a.
micro-: mikro-.
micro-economics: mikrooikonomik .
microstatistics: mikrostatistik.
micrometer: mikrmetro.

micron: mikr.
microscope: mikroskpio.
microscopic: mikroskopikc.
microstructural: mikrodomikc.
microstructure: mikrodom.
microwaves: mikrokmata.
mid: msoc, sto mson, ketrikc.
mid-latitude: mso pl toc.
middle: msoc, mson.
middle distance:

msh apstash.

midline: di mesoc ( mesopar llhlh) trapez ou, bl. median.

midmean: kentrikc msoc.
midplane: mesoep pedo.
midpplane solution:

lsh mesoepipdou.

midpoint: mson, kentrik shme o.

midpoint of a line segment:

mson eujgrammou tmmatoc.

midrange: mesokmansh.
midrank: msoc bajmc.
mile: m li.

nautical mile: nautik m li.

Minding's theorem: jerhma tou Minding.

minima: el qista, bl. minimum.
minimal: el qistoc, elaqistotikc, elaqistikc.

minimal basis: elaqistotik b sh.

minimal element: el qisto  elaqistotik stoiqe o.
minimal error method: mjodoc elaq stou sf lmatoc.
minimal polynomial: elaqistotik  el qisto polunumo.
minimal su cient statistic: elaqistotik  el qisth eparkc statistik sun rthsh.
minimal surface: elaqistotik epif neia.

minimalization: elaqistopo hsh, elaqistikopo hsh.

bounded minimalization: fragmnh elaqistopo hsh.

unbounded minimalization: mh fragmnh elaqistopo hsh.

minimality: elaqistotikthta, to elaqistotik, to el qisto.

minimax: elaqistomgisto, elaqistomgistoc, minimax.

minimax polynomial: polunumo elaqistomeg stou, polunumo minimax.

minimax principle: arq elaqistomeg stou, arq minimax.
minimax test function: elegqosun rthsh elaqistomeg stou, elegqosun rthsh minimax.
minimax theorem: jerhma elaqistomeg stou, jerhma minimax.

minimization: elaqistopo hsh.

constrained minimization problem: desmeumno prblhma elaqistopo hshc.

minimization problem: prblhma elaqistopo hshc.

minimize: elaqistopoi.
minimizer: elaqistopoihtc, elaqistopoiosa.
global minimizer: kajolikc elaqistopoihtc.

minimizing: elaqistopoin, elaqistopointac.

minimizing function: elaqistopoiosa sun rthsh.

minimum (pl. minima): el qistoc, el qisto, el qisth tim.

minimum polynomial: el qisto polunumo.
minimum modulus: el qisto mtro.
minimum modulus theorem: jerhma tou elaq stou mtrou.
minimum properties: el qistec idithtec.
minimum variance: el qisth diaspor .
absolute minimum: apluto el qisto.
relative minimum: sqetik el qisto.

miniscope: el qisth embleia (p.q. posode kth).

miniscope form: morf el qisthc embleiac.



Minkowski's inequality: anisthta tou Minkowski.

minor: deuterewn, mikrc, el sswn.

minor axis: mikrc xonac.

minor determinant: el ssona or zousa.
minor segment: el sson tmma.

minority: meioyhf a.
minterm: elaqistroc.
minuend: meiwtoc.
minus: me on, plhn.

minus sign: to plhn, smbolo thc afa reshc.

minute: prto lept.

mirror: k toptro.

mirror image: e dwlo.

miscible: anam ximoc.

mixed: miktc.

mixed boundary condition: mikt sunoriak sunjkh.

mixed element: mikt stoiqe o.
mixed nite elements: mikt peperasmna stoiqe a.
mixed integer programming: miktc akraioc programmatismc.

mixed (boundary value) problem: mikt prblhma (sunoriakn timn).

mixed volume: miktc gkoc.

mixing: m xh, anam xh.

mixing ow: ro m xhc  an mixhc.

mixing length: mkoc m xhc  an mixhc.

mixture: m gma.
mnemonic: mnhmonikc.
mobile: kinhtc.
mobility: kinhtikthta.

mobility matrix: p nakac kinhtikthtac.

modal: tupikc.

modal matrix: typikc p nakac.

mode: trpoc (tal ntwshc), tal ntwsh, pijanterh tim.

mode of vibration: trpoc tal ntwshc.

dangerous mode: epik ndunoc trpoc (tal ntwshc).
fundamental mode: jemelidhc tal ntwsh  trpoc (tal ntwshc).
normal mode: kanonikc trpoc.
normal modes of vibration: kanoniko trpoi tal ntwshc.
solenoidal modes: swlhnoeide c trpoi.
spurious mode: plasmatikc trpoc.

model: montlo, updeigma, prtupo.

model theory: jewr a montlwn.

additive model: prosjetik montlo.
countable model: metrsimo montlo.
counter model: aparijmhtik montlo.
discrete model: diakrit montlo.
environmental model: periballontik montlo.
nite model: peperasmno montlo.
free model: elejero montlo.
linear model: grammik montlo.
mathematical model: majhmatik montlo.
multi-temporal model: poluqronik montlo.
prime model: prto montlo.
randomized model: tuqaiopoihmno montlo.
stationary model: st simo montlo.

modeling ( modelling): montelopo hsh.

mathematical modeling: majhmatik montelopo hsh.

mesoscale modeling: montelopo hsh mshc kl makac.

moderate: mtrioc, metriopajc.

modication: tropopo hsh.

modied: tropopoihmnoc.

modied Bessel functions: tropopoihmnec sunartseic Bessel.

modied dierences: tropopoihmnec diaforc.
modied function: tropopoihmnh sun rthsh.
modied moments: tropopoihmnec ropc.

modify: tropopoi.
modular: modular, me mtro.
modular function:

metrosun rthsh.

modulation: diamrfwsh.

amplitude modulation: diamrfwsh pl touc (optik).

module: prtupo.

commutative module: antimetajetik  metabatik prtupo.

graded module: bajmwt prtupo.

modulo: modulo.
modulus: mtro, apluth tim.

modulus of a complex number: mtro  apluth tim migadiko arijmo.

modulus of elliptic function: mtro elleiptikc sunartsewc.
modulus in tension: mtro efelkusmo.
modulus of elasticity: mtro elastikthtac.
complementary modulus: sumplhrwmatik mtro.
maximum modulus: mgisto mtro.
maximum modulus theorem: jerhma tou meg stou mtrou.
minimum modulus: el qisto mtro.
minimum modulus theorem: jerhma tou elaq stou mtrou.



Moebius strip: lwr da tou Moebius.

Moebius transformation: metasqhmatismc Moebius.

molecular: moriakc.

molecular biology: moriak biolog a.

molecular dynamics: dunamik mor wn  moriak dunamik.
molecular simulation: moriak prosomo wsh.

molecularly: moriak .
molecule: mrio.
moment: rop, stigm.

moment of inertia: rop adr neiac.

moment generating function: ropogenntria sun rthsh.
absolute moment: apluth rop.
bending moment: rop k myhc.
canonical moment: kanonik rop.
central moment: kentrik rop.

conditional moment: desmeumnh rop  rop up sunjkh.

inverse moment: ant strofh rop.
joint moment: mikt rop.
modied moments: tropopoihmnec ropc.
multivariate moment: polumetablht  mikt rop.
principal moments of inertia: kriec ropc adr neiac.
probability moment: rop pijanthtac.
product moment: mikt rop.
product-moment formula: tpoc miktc ropc  tou ginomnou ropn.
raw moment: mh kentrik rop.
static moment: statik rop.

momentum: orm.

momentum balance: isozgio ormc.

momentum conservation: diatrhsh thc ormc.
momentum coordinates: suntetagmnec ormc.
momentum equation: ex swsh (diatrhshc thc) ormc.
momentum map: apeiknish ormc.
momentum transport: metafor ormc.
angular momentum: stroform.
conjugate momentum: suzugc orm.
linear momentum: orm.

momentumless: qwr c orm.

Monge patch: tmma tou Monge.
monadic: monomelc, monadia oc (sun. unary kai singulary).
monadic relation: monomelc 
one-place predicate).

monadia a sqsh, kathgrhma miac jshc (sun.

unary relation kai

monic: monikc, enadikc. Se merik bibl a, to monic qrhsimopoie tai wc upokoristik tou monomorphism (monomorfismc).
monic polynomial: monik polunumo.

Se merik bibl a qrhsimopoiontai ep shc oi roi enadik polunumo kai (o atuqc) kanonikopoihmno polunumo.

monochromatic: monoqrwmatikc.
monodromy: monodromikthta.
monodromy theorem:

jerhma monodromikthtac.

monogenic: monogenc.

monogenic analytic function: monogenc analutik sun rthsh.

monograph: monograf a.
monoid: monoeidc.

free monoid: elejero monoeidc.

plactic monoid: plaktik monoeidc.

monoidal: monoeidc.

monomial: monnumo.
monomorphic: monmorfoc, monomorfikc.
monomorphism: monomorfismc.
monopole: monpolo.
monotone: montonoc.

monotone function: montonh sun rthsh.

monotone sequence: montonh akolouj a.
monotone transformation: montonoc metasqhmatismc.

monotonic: montonoc.

monotonic function: montonh sun rthsh.

monotonic sequence: montonh akolouj a.

monotonicity: monoton a, monotonikthta.

monotonicity preserving:

o diathrn th monoton a.

monotony: monoton a.
monster: trac.

holomorphic monster: olmorfo trac.

moon: selnh.
morph: morfopoi, sqhmat zw, kataskeu zw.
morphism: morfismc.
morphism function: sun rthsh morfismo.
zero morphism: mhdenikc morfismc.

morphology: morfolog a.
morphological: morfologikc.
motion: k nhsh.

absolute motion: apluth k nhsh.

accelerated motion: epitaqunmenh k nhsh.
anharmonic motion: anarmonik k nhsh.
Brownian motion: k nhsh Brown.
circular motion: kuklik k nhsh.
constrained motion: exanagkasmnh k nhsh.
critically damped motion: k nhsh me kr simh apsbesh.
damped motion: k nhsh me apsbesh.
equations of motion: exisseic k nhshc.
free motion: elejerh k nhsh.
harmonic motion: armonik k nhsh.
isochronous motion: isqronh k nhsh.
oscillatory damped motion: talanteumenh k nhsh me apsbesh.
overdamped motion: k nhsh me taqe a apsbesh.
perpetual motion: anah k nhsh.
plane motion: ep pedh k nhsh.
retarded motion: epidradunmenh k nhsh.

rigid motion: k nhsh stereo smatoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh.

simple harmonic motion: apl armonik k nhsh.
solid-body motion: k nhsh stereo smatoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh.
undamped motion: k nhsh qwr c apsbesh.
underdamped motion: k nhsh me asjen apsbesh.
uniform circular motion: omal kuklik k nhsh.
uniformly accelerated motion: omal epitaqunmenh k nhsh.

move: kinomai, k nhsh.

moving: kinomenoc.

moving average: kinomenoc msoc.

moving boundary: kinomeno snoro.
moving boundary problem: prblhma kinoumnou sunrou.
moving coordinate system: kinomeno ssthma suntetagmnwn.
moving grid algorithm: algrijmoc kinomenou plgmatoc.
moving load: kinomeno fort o.
moving trihedron: kinomeno tr edro.

multi-: polu-.
multi-binomial: poludiwnumikc.
multi-binomial test:

poludiwnumikc legqoc.

multi-collinearity: polusuggramikthta.
multi-connected: pollapl sunektikc.
multicontraction: polusustol, pollapl sustol.
multicycle: polkukloc.
multidimensional: poludi statoc.
multi-dimensionality: to poludi stato.
multidimensionally: poludi stata.
multifractal: poluklastikc, polumorfoklasmatikc.
multifractality: poluklastikthta, polumorfoklasmatikthta.
multigraph: polugr fhma.
multi-grid: poluplegmatikc, polln plegm twn.
multi-grid method:

poluplegmatik mjodoc.

multi-index: polude kthc.

multi-layer: polustrwmatikc.
multi-layer ow:

polustrwmatik ro.

multi-level: poluep pedoc, polln epipdwn.

multi-level method: poluep pedh mjodoc.

multi-level optimization: mh grammik beltistopo hsh.



multi-linear: polugrammikc, pleiogrammikc.

multi-linear algebra: polugrammik  pleiogrammik lgebra.

multi-linear process: polugrammik anlixh.

multimedia: polumsa.

multimedia information systems:

plhroforik sustmata polumswn.

multimodal: poltropoc, polukrufoc.

multimodal distribution: polukrufh katanom.

multinomial: poluwnumikc.

multinomial formula: poluwnumikc tpoc.

multinomial distribution: poluwnumik katanom.
multinomial population: poluwnumikc plhjusmc.
multinomial sampling: poluwnumik deigmatolhy a.

multipath: pollaplc drmoc, pollapl diadrom, pollapl monop ti.

multi-parameter: polln paramtrwn.
multi-parameter averages:

poluparametriko msoi.

multi-parametric: poluparametrikc.
multi-phase: polufasikc.

multi-phase sampling: polufasik deigmatolhy a.

multiple: pollaplc, pollapl sio.

multiple angle: pollapl gwn a.

multiple angle formula: tpoc pollaplc gwn ac.
multiple equilibrium states: pollaplc katast seic isorrop ac.
multiple integral: pollapl oloklrwma.
multiple recursion: pollapl anadrom.
multiple regression: pollapl palindrmhsh.
multiple solutions: pollaplc lseic.
Turing machine with multiple heads: mhqan Turing me pollaplc kefalc.
scalar multiple: bajmwt pollapl sio.

multiple-valued: pleitimoc.

multiple-valued function: pleitimh sun rthsh.

multiplicand: pollaplasiastoc.
multiplication: pollaplasiasmc.

closed under multiplication: kleistc wc proc ton pollaplasiasm.

matrix multiplication: pollaplasiasmc pin kwn.
scalar multiplication: bajmwtc  arijmhtikc pollaplasiasmc.

multiplicative: pollaplasiastikc.

multiplicative ergodic theorem: pollaplasiastik ergodik jerhma.

multiplicative group: pollaplasiastik om da.

multiplicative inverse:

pollaplasiastikc ant strofoc.

multiplicatively: pollaplasiastik .
multiplicatively closed:

pollaplasiastik kleistc.

multiplicity: pollaplthta.

algebraic multiplicity: algebrik pollaplthta.

geometric multiplicity: gewmetrik pollaplthta.

multiplier: pollaplasiastc.

Lagrange multiplier: pollaplasiastc tou Lagrange.

method of Lagrange multipliers: mjodoc twn pollaplasiastn tou Lagrange.

multiply: 1. pollaplasi zw. 2. pollapl .

multiply connected: pollapl sunektikc.

multiply connected region: pollapl sunektik qwr o  tpoc.

multipolar: polupolikc.
multipole: polpolo.

multipole equation: polupolik ex swsh.

multipole expansion: polupolik an ptugma.
multipole method: polupolik mjodoc.

multiscale: pollapl kl maka.

multiscale analysis: an lush pollaplc kl makac (sun. multiple scale analysis).

multiscale phenomena: fainmena pollaplc kl makac.

multiset: polusnolo.
multi-stage: polustadiakc.

multi-stage integration method: polustadiak mjodoc oloklrwshc.

multi-stage sampling: polustadiak deigmatolhy a.

multi-step: polubhmatikc, polln bhm twn.

multi-step method: polubhmatik mjodoc.

multi-temporal: poluqronikc.

multi-temporal model: poluqronik montlo.

multitude: pljoc.
multivalent: poludnamoc, polusjenc.
multi-valued: pleitimoc.

multi-valued decision: apfash polln epilogn.

multi-valued function: pleitimh sun rthsh.
multi-valued logic: pleitimh logik.


multivariate: polumetablhtc, poludi statoc.

multivariate analysis: polumetablht an lush.

multivariate distribution: polumetablht katanom.
multivariate inequality: polumetablht anisthta.
multivariate moment: polumetablht  mikt rop.
multivariate process: polumetablht anlixh.
multivariate quality control: polumetablhtc legqoc poithtac.

multivector: poludi nusma.

musical: mousikc.
musical note:

mousikc tnoc.

mutable: metablhtc.
mutate: metab llw.
mutatis mutandis: throumnwn twn analogin (lat.).
mute: boubc.
mutual: amoiba oc.
mutually: amoiba a.

mutually exclusive events: asumb basta gegonta  endeqmena.

mutually exclusive sets: xna snola.
mutually perpendicular: metax touc k jetoi.

nabla: an delta (telestc), sun. del.
nadir: nad r.
naive: aplokc.
naked: gumnc.
naked singularity: gumn anwmal a.

Napier, J. (1550-1617).
Napierian: nepreioc, o tou Napier.

Napierian logarithms: fusiko log rijmoi, nepreioi log rijmoi.

Napierian system of logarithms: logarijmik ssthma tou Napier.

narrow: stenc.
narrowly: sten .

narrowly appropriate structure:

sten kat llhlh dom.


natural: fusikc.

natural base of logarithms: fusik b sh twn logar jmwn.

natural boundary: fusik snoro.
natural boundary condition: fusik sunoriak sunjkh (sunjkh Neumann).
natural embedding: fusik emfteush.
natural equations: fusikc exisseic.
natural equivalence: fusik isodunam a, fusikc isomorfismc.
natural frequency: fusik suqnthta.
natural isomorphism: fusikc isomorfismc.
natural language: fusik glssa.
natural logarithm: fusikc log rijmoc.
natural norm: fusik nrma.
natural number: fusikc arijmc.
natural order: fusik di taxh.
natural parameter: fusik par metroc.
natural spline: fusik (sun rthsh) spline.
natural transformation: fusik apeiknish  metasqhmatismc.

nature: fsh.

non-linear nature:

mh grammik fsh, mh grammikc qaraktrac.

naught: mhdn (sun. zero kai nought).

nautical: anutikc.
nautical mile: nautik m li.

near: plhs on, kont , sqedn, kontinc.

near eld: kontin ped o.

near-eld diraction: per jlash kontino ped ou.

nearest: plhsisteroc.

nearest neighbor: plhsisteroc ge tonac.

necessary: anagka oc, apara thtoc.

necessary condition: anagka a sunjkh.

necessary and su cient condition: anagka a kai ikan sunjkh.

necessity: (to) anagka o.

necessity and su ciency: anagka o kai ikan.

needle: belna.
negation: rnhsh.

negation sign: smbolo rnhshc.

double negation: dipl rnhsh.

negative: arnhtikc, ant jetoc.

negative angle: arnhtik gwn a.

negative charge: arnhtik fort o.

negative correlation: arnhtik susqtish.

negative denite: arnhtik orismnoc.
negative deniteness: to arnhtik orismno.
negative denite matrix: arnhtik orismnoc p nakac.
negative direction: arnhtik katejunsh.
negative exponent: arnhtikc ekjthc.
negative number: arnhtikc arijmc.
negative of a matrix: ant jetoc p nakac.
negative orientation: arnhtikc prosanatolismc.
negative part: arnhtik mroc.
negative power: arnhtik dnamh.
negative semidenite: arnhtik hmiorismnoc.
negative semideniteness: to arnhtik hmiorismno.
negative sense: arnhtik for .
negative sign: arnhtik prshmo.
strictly negative number: gnsia  austhr arnhtikc arijmc.

negation: rnhsh.
double negation:

dipl rnhsh.

negativeness: arnhtikthta.
negativity: arnhtikthta.
neglect: amel.
negligible: amelhtoc.
neighbor: ge tonac, geitonikc.

nearest neighbor: plhsisteroc ge tonac.

neighborhood: geitoni , perioq.

closed neighborhood: kleist perioq.

deleted neighborhood: periorismnh perioq.
delta neighborhood: d-perioq.
open neighborhood: anoikt perioq.
rectangular neighborhood: orjognia perioq.

nested: egkibwtismnoc, egklwbismnoc, diktuwmnoc, fwliasmnoc.

nested intervals: egkibwtismna diastmata.
nested loop: fwliasmnoc brqoc.
nested triangles: diktuwmna tr gwna.

net: d ktuo, kajarc, ekkajarismnoc.

network: d ktuo.

data communication networks: d ktua epikoinwn ac dedomnwn.

neural network: neurwnik d ktuo.

Neumann, Gottred (1832-1925).

Neumann condition: sunjkh Neumann.

Neumann's function: sun rthsh tou Neumann.

Neumann's problem: prblhma tou Neumann.

neural: neurwnikc.

neural computation: neurwnikc upologismc.

neural model: neurwnik montlo.
neural network: neurwnik d ktuo.

neuronal: neurwnikc.
neuronal system:

neurwnik ssthma.

neutral: oudteroc, adi foroc.

neutral stability: oudterh  adi forh eust jeia.

Neville's algorithm: algrijmoc tou Neville.

Newton, Isaac (1642-1727).

Newton-Cotes integration formulas: tpoi oloklrwshc Newton-Cotes.

Newton-Cotes methods: mjodoi Newton-Cotes.
Newton's identity: tautthta tou Newton.
Newton's inequality: anisthta tou Newton.
Newton's laws: nmoi tou Newton.
Newton-Raphson method: mjodoc Newton-Raphson.
Newton's method: mjodoc tou Newton.
Newton's potential: dunamik tou Newton.

Newtonian: neutneioc, neutwnikc.

Newtonian ow: neutneia ro.

Newtonian uid: neutneio reust.
Newtonian mechanics: neutneia mhqanik.
generalized Newtonian uid: genikeumno neutneio reust.

nilpotent: mhdenodnamoc.

nilpotent group: mhdenodnamh om da.

nilpotent matrix: mhdenodnamoc p nakac.
nilpotent ring: mhdenodnamoc daktlioc.

nodal: kombikc.

nodal point: kombik shme o.

nodal unknown: kombikc gnwstoc.
nodal variable: kombik metablht.

node: kmboc, desmc.

node theory:

jewr a kmbwn.

noded: me kmbouc.
six-noded element:

stoiqe o me xi kmbouc.

Noether, Emmy: (1882-1935).


noise: jruboc.
white noise:

leukc jruboc.

nominal: onomastikc.

nominal data: onomastik dedomna.

nominally: onomastik .
nomogram: nomgramma.
non-: mh (prjema).
nona-: enna- (prjema, sun. ennea-).
nonagon: enne gwno.
non-analytic: mh analutikc.
non-analytic function:

mh analutik sun rthsh.

non-autonomous: mh autnomoc.
non-autonomous system:

mh autnomo ssthma.

non-axisymmetric: mh axonosummetrikc, o mh qwn kulindrik summetr a.

nonblank: mh kenc. nonblank symbol: mh ken smbolo.
non-central: mh kentrikc.

non-central distribution: mh kentrik katanom.

non-centrality: mh kentrikthta, ekkentrthta.

non-centrality matrix: p nakac ekkentrthtac.

non-centrality parameter: par metroc ekkentrthtac.

non-circular: mh kuklikc.
non-circular statistic:

mh kuklik statistik sun rthsh.

noncommutative: mh antimetajetikc.

noncommutative algebra: mh antimetajetik lgebra.

noncommutative matrices: mh antimetajetiko  mh antimetajsimoi p nakec.

noncommutativity: mh antimetajetikthta.
non-commuting: mh antimetajetikc, mh antimetajsimoc.

non-commuting matrices: mh antimetajetiko  mh antimetajsimoi p nakec.

non-commuting polynomials: mh antimetajetik  mh antimetajsima polunuma.

non-compact: mh sumpagc, asumpagc.

non-compact Riemann surface:

mh sumpagc epif neia


non-compactness: asump geia, to asumpagc, mh sump geia.

non-complete: mh plrhc.

non-completeness: mh plhrthta.

non-completeness theorem: jerhma mh plhrthtac.

nonconforming: mh summorfikc.
nonconforming nite elements:

mh summorfik peperasmna stoiqe a.

non-convex: mh kurtc, ko loc.

non-convex polygon: mh kurt polgwno (sun. concave polygon).

non-convex polyhedron: mh kurt poledro (sun. concave polyhedron).

non-cylindrical: mh kulindrikc.

non-cylindrical domain: mh kulindrik qwr o.

non-decreasing: mh fj nwn.

non-decreasing function: mh fj nousa sun rthsh.

non-decreasing sequence: mh fj nousa akolouj a.

non-defective: mh ellipc.

non-defective matrix: mh ellipc p nakac.

non-degeneracy: mh ekfulismc, to mh ekfulismno.

nondegenerate: mh ekfulismnoc.
nondegenerate conic: mh ekfulismnh kwnik.
nondegenerate system: mh ekfulismno ssthma.

nondense: mh puknc.
nondense set:

mh pukn snolo.

non-determination: mh prosdiorismc.
non-determination coe cient:

suntelestc mh prosdiorismo.

nondeterminism: mh nteterminismc.
nondeterministic: mh nteterministikc, mh prosdioristikc.
nondeterministic time: mh nteterministikc qrnoc.

nondimensionalization: adiastatopo hsh.

nondimensionalize: adiastatopoi.
nonemptiness: mh kenthta.
nonempty: mh kenc.
nonempty set:

mh ken snolo.

nonequilibrium: mh isorrop a, ektc isorrop ac.

non-Euclidean: mh eukle deioc.

non-Euclidean norm: mh eukle deia nrma.

non-Euclidean geometry: mh eukle deia gewmetr a.

non-existence: mh parxh.
nonextensivity: to mh ektetamno.
non-holonomic: mh olnomoc.
non-holonomic constraint:

mh olnomoc desmc.

non-homogeneous: mh omogenc.
non-homogeneous equation:

mh omogenc ex swsh.

non-increasing: mh aux nwn.

non-increasing function: mh aux nousa sun rthsh.

non-increasing sequence: mh axousa akolouj a.

non-inertial: mh adraneiakc.
non-inertial system:

mh adraneiak ssthma.

non-invertible: mh antistryimoc.
non-isolated: mh memonwmnoc, mh apomonwmnoc.

non-isolated singularity: mh memonwmno anmalo shme o, mh memonwmnh anwmal a.

nonisothermal: anisjermoc, mh isjermoc, mh isojermokrasiakc.

nonisothermal ow: mh isjermh ro.

non-linear: mh grammikc.

nonlinear algebra: mh grammik lgebra.

non-linear correlation: mh grammik susqtish.
non-linear dierential equation: mh grammik diaforik ex swsh.
non-linear dynamics: mh grammik dunamik.
non-linear equation: mh grammik ex swsh.
non-linear mapping: mh grammik apeiknish.
non-linear model: mh grammik montlo.
non-linear operator: mh grammikc telestc.
non-linear optimization: mh grammik beltistopo hsh.
non-linear programming: mh grammikc programmatismc.
non-linear regression : mh grammik palindromsh.
non-linear relationship: mh grammik sqsh.
non-linear system (of equations): mh grammik ssthma (exissewn).
non-linear theory: mh grammik jewr a.
non-linear transformation: mh grammikc metasqhmatismc.

non-linearity: mh grammikthta.
nonlocal: mh topikc.
non-logical: mh logikc.

non-logical axiom schema: mh logik axiwmatik sqma.

non-logical symbols: logik smbola.

nonmetrizable: mh metrikopoisimoc.

nonmetrizable topological dynamics: mh metrikopoisimh topologik dunamik.


non-monotone: mh montonoc.

non-monotone logic: mh montonh  ajroistik logik.

non-monotone reasoning: mh montonh  ajroistik sullogistik.

non-monotonic: mh montonoc.
non-monotonic reasoning:

mh montonh  ajroistik sullogistik.

non-monotonicity: mh monoton a.
non-negative: mh arnhtikc.
non-negative denite:

mh arntik orismnoc.

non-negativeness: mh arnhtikthta.
non-Newtonian: mh neutneioc, mh neutwnikc.
non-Newtonian ow: mh neutneia ro.
non-Newtonian uid: mh neutneio reust.

non-Normal: mh Kanonikc.

non-Normal population: mh Kanonikc plhjusmc.

non-null: mh mhdenikc.
non-null hypothesis:

mh mhdenik upjesh.

nonoscillatory: mh talanteumenoc.

nonoscillatory solution: mh talanteumenh lsh.

non-overlapping: mh allhlepikaluptmenoc, mh epikaluptmenoc.

non-overlapping domain decomposition: diaqwrismc  diamerismc mh epikaluptmenwn qwr wn.

non-parametric: aparametrikc, mh parametrikc.

non-parametric method: aparametrik mjodoc, mjodoc elejerhc katanomc.

non-parametric tolerance limits: aparametrik ria anoqc.

non-positive: mh jetikc.
non-positive denite:

mh jetik orismnoc.

non-positiveness: mh jetikthta.
non-random: mh tuqa oc.

non-random sample: mh tuqa o de gma.


mh tuqaiopoihmnoc. Se merik bibl a qrhsimopoie tai o lanjasmnoc roc mh

non-randomized test function:

mh tuqaiopoihmnh elegqosun rthsh.

non-rectangular: mh orjognioc.

non-rectangular coordinate system: mh kartesian  mh orjognio ssthma suntetagmnwn.


non-recursive: mh anadromikc.
non-recursiveness: mh anadromikthta.
non-reecting: mh anaklastikc, mh anakln.
non-reecting boundary:

mh anaklastik snoro.

non-reexive: mh anaklastikc, mh autopajc.

non-regular: mh kanonikc.

non-regular estimator: mh kanonik ektimtria.

non-response: mh apkrish.
non-sampling: mh deigmatolhptikc.
non-sampling error:

mh deigmatolhptik sf lma.

non-selfadjoint: mh autoprosarthmnoc, mh autosuzugc  akma mh dukc.

non-selfadjoint operator:

mh autoprosarthmnoc  mh autosuzugc telestc.

non-singular: mh idi zwn, omalc, m idimorfoc.

non-singular distribution: mh idi zousa katanom.

non-singular mapping: mh idi zousa  omal apeiknish.
non-singular matrix: mh idi zwn  omalc p nakac.
non-singular operator: mh idi zwn  omalc telestc.
non-singular transformation: mh idi zousa  omal apeiknish.

non-solenoidal: mh swlhnoeidc.
nonspatial: mh qwrikc.
nonstationary: mh st simoc.

nonstationary model: mh st simo montlo.

: mh kamptoc, mh dskamptoc.
nonsti equation:

mh dskampth ex swsh.

nonsymmetric: mh summetrikc.

nonsymmetric matrix: mh summetrikc p nakac.

nonterminal: mh termatikc, mh termatik.

productive nonterminal: paragwgik mh termatik.

nontransitive: mh metabatikc.
nontrivial: mh tetrimmnoc.
nonuniform: mh omoimorfoc, anomoimorfoc, mh omalc.
nonuniform grid:

anomoimorfo plgma.

non-unique: mh monadikc.
non-uniqueness: mh monadikthta.
nonvortical: astrbiloc.

non-zero: mh mhdenikc.

non-zero term: mh mhdenikc roc.

norm: nrma, st jmh, mtro, mkoc.

equivalent norm: isodnamh nrma.

Euclidean norm: eukle deia nrma.
innity-norm: peiro-nrma.
natural norm: fusik nrma.
one-norm: na-nrma.
sup-norm: sup-nrma  peiro-nrma.
two-norm: do-nrma.
uniform norm: omoimorfh nrma.

normable: epideqmenoc nrma.

normable space:

qroc epideqmenoc nrma.

normal: k jetoc, kanonikc, k jeth.

normal bundle: k jeth dsmh.

normal component: k jeth sunistsa.
normal coordinates: kanonikc suntetagmnec.
normal curvature: k jeth kampulthta.
normal curve: kanonik kamplh.
normal dispersion: kanonik diaspor .
normal distribution: kanonik katanom.
normal equations: kanonikc exisseic.
normal extension: kanonik epktash.
normal form: kanonik morf.
normal formula: omalc tpoc (logik).
normal frequency: kanonik suqnthta.
normal group: kanonik om da.
normal line: k jeth euje a.
normal mode: kanonikc trpoc.
normal modes of vibration: kanoniko trpoi tal ntwshc.
normal operator: k jetoc telestc.
normal order: kanonik di taxh.
normal population: kanonikc  kanonik katanemhmnoc plhjusmc.
normal plane: k jeto ep pedo.
normal random variable: kanonik tuqa a metablht.
normal representation: kanonik anapar stash.
normal section: k jeth tom.
normal space: kanonikc qroc.
normal stress: k jeth t sh.
normal subgroup: kanonik upoom da.
normal system: kanonik ssthma.
normal vector: k jeto di nusma.
conjunctive normal form: suzeuktik kanonik morf.
disjunctive normal form: diazeuktik kanonik morf.
principal normal: prth k jeth.
Riemann normal coordinates: kanonikc suntetagmnec tou Riemann.

standard normal curve: tupik  tupopoihmnh kanonik kamplh.

unit normal: monadia a k jeth.

Normal: Kanonikc.

Normal deviate: Kanonik apklish.

Normal scores: Kanonik apotelsmata.
half Normal distribution: hmi-Kanonik katanom.
inverse Normal scores: ant strofa Kanonik apotelsmata.
random Normal scores test: legqoc tuqa wn Kanonikn apotelesm twn.

normality: kanonikthta.
normalization: kanonikopo hsh.
normalize: kanonikopoi.
normalized: kanonikopoihmnoc, kanonikc, anhgmnoc, sqetikc.
normalized function: kanonikopoihmnh sun rthsh.
normalized vector: kanonikopoihmno di nusma.

normally: kanonik .

normally distributed: kanonik katanemhmnoc.

normally distributed random variable: kanonik  kanonik katanemhmnh tuqa a metablht.

normed: efodiasmnoc me nrma, nnormoc, stajmhtc (se merik bibl a, norm!).

normed space:

qroc me nrma, nnormoc qroc, stajmhtc qroc.

north: breioc.

north pole: breioc ploc.

notation: sumbolismc, shmeiograf a.

abbreviated notation: suntetmhmnoc sumbolismc.

binary notation: duadikc sumbolismc.
decimal notation: dekadikc sumbolismc, dekadik par stash.
Gibbs' notation: sumbolismc Gibbs.
index notation: sumbolismc deiktn.
matrix notation: sumbolismc pin kwn.
symbolic notation: sumbolik shmeiograf a.
tensor notation: tanustikc sumbolismc.
unary notation: monadia oc sumbolismc.
vector notation: dianusmatikc sumbolismc.

note: shme wsh, shmeinw.

notion: nnoia.

notion of forcing: nnoia tou exanagkasmo.

metamathematical notions: metamajhmatikc nnoiec.

nought: mhdn (sun. zero kai naught).

nova: kainofanc (astrac).

n-trial: n-dkimoc, nidkimoc.

n-trial experiment: n-dkimo pe rama.

n-tuple: ni da, niadikc.

ordered n-tuple:

diatetagmnh ni da.

nuclear: purhnikc.

nuclear dynamics: purhnik dunamik.

nuisance: qlhsh.

nuisance parameter:

oqlhr par metroc.

null: kenc, mhdenikc.

null function: mhdenik sun rthsh.

null hypothesis: mhdenik upjesh.
null set: mhdenik  ken snolo (empty set).
null space: mhdenqwroc, mhdenikc qroc, purnac (kernel).
null vector: mhdenik di nusma.

nullary: mhdenikc.
nullary operation:

mhdenik pr xh.

nullity: mhdenikthta. Se merik bibl a anafretai wc lleimma (decit).

number: arijmc, arijm.
number system: ssthma arijmn.
number theory: arijmojewr a, jewr a arijmn.
absolute number: aplutoc arijmc.
abstract number: afhrhmnoc arijmc.
algebraic number: algebrikc arijmc.
Bernoulli numbers: arijmo tou Bernoulli.
cardinal number: plhj rijmoc  plhjikc arijmc  isqc.
cardinal number axiom: ax wma twn plhjar jmwn.
commensurable numbers: smmetroi arijmo .
complex number: migadikc arijmc.
complex number system: ssthma twn migadikn arijmn.
composite number: snjetoc arijmc.
condition number: arijmc kat stashc.
constructible number: kataskeu simoc arijmc.
dimensionless number: adi statoc arijmc.
Euler numbers: arijmo tou Euler.
even number: rtioc arijmc.
imaginary number: fantastikc arijmc.
incommensurable numbers: asmmetroi arijmo .
index number: arijmode kthc.
information number: plhroforiakc arijmc.
integer number: akraioc arijmc.
irrational number: rrhtoc arijmc.
natural number: fusikc arijmc.

negative number: arnhtikc arijmc.

octal number system: oktadik ssthma arijmn.
odd number: perittc arijmc.
opposite numbers: ant jetoi arijmo .
ordinal number: diataktikc arijmc.
perfect number: tleioc arijmc.
polygonal numbers: polugwniko arijmo .
positive number: jetikc arijmc.
prime number: prtoc arijmc.
prime number theorem: jerhma prtwn arijmn.
random numbers: tuqa oi arijmo .
random sampling numbers: tuqa oi arijmo deigmatolhy ac.
rational number: rhtc arijmc.
real number: pragmatikc arijmc.
real number system: ssthma twn pragmatikn arijmn.
sampling numbers: arijmo deigmatolhy ac.
serial number: axwn arijmc.
square numbers: tetragwniko arijmo .
strictly negative number: gnsia  austhr arnhtikc arijmc.
strictly positive number: gnsia  austhr jetikc arijmc.
wave number: kumatarijmc.

numbering: ar jmhsh.

global numbering: kajolik ar jmhsh.

local numbering: topik ar jmhsh.

numerable: arijmsimoc (sun. denumerable).

numerable set:

arijmsimo snolo.

numeral: arijmc, arijmhtikc, (arijmhtik) yhf o.

arabic numerals: arabiko arijmo .
roman numerals: rwmako arijmo .

numerate: arijm.
numerated: arijmhmnoc.
numerated set:

asjenc perigr yimo snolo (sun.

weakly representable set).

numeration: ar jmhsh.
numerator: arijmhtc.
numeric: arijmhtikc.
numerical: arijmhtikc.

numerical analysis: arijmhtik an lush.

numerical calculation: arijmhtikc upologismc.
numerical data: arijmhtik dedomna.
numerical dierentiation: arijmhtik paraggish.
numerical expression: arijmhtik par stash.
numerical instability: arijmhtik ast jeia.
numerical integration: arijmhtik oloklrwsh.

numerical integrator: arijmhtikc oloklhrwtc.

numerical linear algebra: arijmhtik grammik lgebra.
numerical method: arijmhtik mjodoc.
numerical quantier: arijmhtikc (uparxiakc) posode kthc.
numerical results: arijmhtik apotelsmata.
numerical simulation: arijmhtik prosomo wsh.
numerical solution: arijmhtik lsh.
numerical stability: arijmhtik eust jeia.
numerical value: arijmhtik tim.

numerically: arijmhtik .
numerically stable:

arijmhtik eustajc.

numerics: arijmhtiko upologismo .

ODE (ordinary dierential equation): sunjhc diaforik ex swsh (SDE).
OR (overrelaxation): uperqal rwsh.
Jacobi OR: uperqal rwsh tou Jacobi.

object: antike meno.

object function: sun rthsh antikeimnwn.

object lens: antikeimenikc fakc.
object oriented: antikeimenostrefc.
object-oriented method: antikeimenostrefc mjodoc.
object product: ginmeno antikeimnwn.
free object: elejero antike meno.
free-object functor: sunarthtc elejerwn antikeimnwn.
zero object: mhdenik antike meno.

objective: antikeimenikc.

objective function: antikeimenik sun rthsh.

oblate: geweidc, peplatusmnoc.

oblate spheroid: geweidc  peplatusmno sfairoeidc.

oblate spheroidal coordinates: peplatusmnec  geweide c sfairoeide c suntetagmnec.

oblique: pl gioc, loxc, keklimnoc.

oblique asymptote: pl gia asmptwth.

oblique collision: pl gia krosh.
oblique cone: pl gioc knoc.

oblique coordinates: pl giec suntetagmnec.

oblique line: pl gia gramm.
oblique prism: pl gio pr sma.
oblique section: pl gia tom.
oblique triangle: mh orjognio tr gwno.
oblique view: pl gia yh.

obliquity: loxthta, lxwsh, plagithta, kl sh.

obliquity of the ecliptic: lxwsh thc ekleiptikc.

obliquity factor: par gontac kl shc (optik).

oblivious: epilsmwn.

oblivious algorithm: epilsmwn  tuflc algrijmoc.

oblong: epimkhc, ep mhkec sqma.

observation: paratrhsh.
observatory: asteroskope o, parathrhtrio.
observe: parathr.
observed: parathrhje c, parathromenoc.
observed frequency:

parathromenh suqnthta.

observer: parathrhtc.
obstacle: empdio.
obstruction: mfraxh (Topol.).
obstruction theory:

jewr a emfr xewn.

obtuse: amblc, ambleignioc.

obtuse angle: amble a gwn a.

obtuse triangle: amblugnio tr gwno.

occupied: kateilhmmnoc.
occupy: katalamb!anw.
occupancy: kat lhyh.

sequential occupancy distributions: katanomc akoloujiakc kat lhyhc.

occur: sumba nw, emfan zomai.

occurrence: emf nish.

bounded occurrence: desmeumnh emf nish.

free occurrence: elejerh emf nish.
negative occurrence of a quantier: arnhtik emf nish posode kth.
positive occurrence of a quantier: jetik emf nish posode kth.

octad: okt da.

octagon: okt gwno.
octahedral: okt edroc, oktaedrikc.

octahedron (pl. octahedrons or octahedra): okt edro.

regular octahedron: kanonik  omal okt edro.

truncated octahedron: apokommno  klouro okt edro.
drec tou e nai tetr gwna kai kanonik ex gwna).

'Ena ek twn 13 arqimdeiwn poludrwn (oi

octal: oktadikc. Sun. octonary.

octal number system:

oktadik ssthma arijmn.

octant: okthmrio.
octonary: oktadikc. Sun. octal.
ocular: prosofj lmioc.
odd: perittc. Se merik bibl a, monc.
odd extension: peritt epktash.
odd function: peritt sun rthsh.
odd number: perittc arijmc.
odd permutation: peritt met jesh.
odd quantier: perittc posode kthc.

: ap, makru .
-diagonal: ektc diagwn ou.

odd-diagonal matrix: p nakac tou opo ou ta diagnia stoiqe a e nai mhde'n.

set: antistajm zw.
ogdoad: okt da (sun. octad).
ogival: ayidwtc, qwn thn morf tou grafmatoc thc ajroistikc katanomc suqnottwn (cumulative
frequency distribution).

ogive: ay da, to gr fhma thc ajroistikc katanomc suqnottwn (cumulative frequency distribution).
once: pax, m a for .
one: nac, na (sthn arijmhtik).
one-dimensional: monodi statoc.
one-dimensional space:

monodi statoc qroc.

one-dimensionality: to monodi stato.

one-norm: na-nrma.
one-parameter: monoparametrikc.

one-parapeter family: monoparametrik oikogneia.

one-place: miac jshc.

one-sided: monpleuroc.

one-sided hypothesis: monpleurh upjesh.

one-sided surface: monpleurh epif neia.

one-step: monobhmatikc.

one-step method: monobhmatik mjodoc.


one-tailed: monpleuroc.
one-tailed test:

monpleuroc legqoc.

one-to-one: na proc na  amfimonosmanth  amfimontimh  erriptik (injective). Se merik bibl a,
nesh (injection)!

one-to-one function: na proc na  amfimonosmanth  amfimontimh  erriptik (bijective) sun rthsh.
one-to-one mapping: na proc na  amfimonosmanth  amfimontimh  erriptik (bijective) apeiknish.

one-to-one transformation: na proc na  amfimonosmantoc  amfimontimoc metasqhmatismc.

one-to-one and onto: na proc na kai ep  amfimonosmanth kai ep  amfimontimh kai ep  amfirriptik (bijective). Se merik bibl a, amf esh (bijection)! Prosoq: se k poia bibl a, qrhsimopoie tai
lanjasmna o roc amfimonosmanth (qwr c to ep ).
one-to-one correspondence: antistoiq a na proc na, amfimonosmanth  amfimontimh antistoiq a.

one-way: miac katejunshc, monokateujuntikc, mondromoc.

one-way method: monokateujuntik mjodoc.
one-way wave: monokateujuntik kma.

one-valued: montimoc.
one-valued function:

montimh sun rthsh.

onto: ep .

onto function: sun rthsh ep  epirriptik (surjective) sun rthsh.

one-to-one and onto: bl. one-to-one.

opaque: adiafanc.
open: anoiktc.

Se merik bibl a, fesh (surjec-

open ball: anoikt mp la.

open cover: anoikt k luyh.
open covering: anoikt k luyh.
open curve: anoikt kamplh.
open form: anoikt morf.
open formula: anoiktc tpoc.
open function: anoikt sun rthsh.
open integration formulas: anoikto tpoi (arijmhtikc) oloklrwshc.
open interval: anoikt di sthma.
open mapping: anoikt apeiknish.
open mapping theorem: jerhma anoiktc apeiknishc.
open neighborhood: anoikt perioq.
open region: anoiktc tpoc, anoikt qwr o.
open set: anoikt snolo.
open sphere: anoikt sfa ra.
open surface: anoikt epif neia.

operation: pr xh, metasqhmatismc, dr sh, epiqe rhsh.

arithmetic operation: arijmhtik pr xh.
binary operation: dimelc pr xh.
column operation: pr xh  metasqhmatismc sthln.

elementary operation: stoiqeidhc pr xh  metasqhmatismc (transformation).

elementary column operation: stoiqeidhc metasqhmatismc sthln.
elementary row operation: stoiqeidhc metasqhmatismc grammn.
evolutionary operation: exeliktik dr sh.
external operation: exwterik pr xh.
oating operation: pr xh kinhtc upodiastolc.
internal operation: eswterik pr xh.
nullary operation: mhdenik pr xh.
opposite (binary) operation: ant jeth (dimelc) pr xh.
row operation: pr xh  metasqhmatismc grammn.
ternary operation: trimelc pr xh.
unary operation: monomelc pr xh.

operational: epiqe rhsiakc.

operational research:

epiqeirisiak reuna.

operator: telestc.

backward dierence operator: telestc thc proc ta p sw  thc an nth diafor c.

biharmonic operator: diarmonikc telestc.
bounded operator: fragmnoc telestc.
continuous operator: suneqc telestc.
contractive operator: sustolikc telestc.
del operator: (telestc) an delta.
derivative operator: telestc paragwg sewc.
diagonal operator: diagnioc telestc.
dierential operator: diaforikc telestc.
Hermitian operator: ermitianc telestc.
identity operator: tautotikc telestc.
interpolation operator: telestc parembolc.
inverse operator: ant strofoc telestc.
iteration operator: telestc epan lhyhc.
linear operator: grammikc telestc.
Laplace operator: telestc tou Laplace, laplasianc telestc, laplasian.
non-singular operator: mh idi zwn  omalc telestc.
normal operator: k jetoc telestc.
partial dierential operator: merikc diaforikc telestc  telestc me merikc paraggouc.
positive denite operator: jetik orismnoc telestc.
projection operator: telestc probolc.
pseudoinverse operator: yeudoant strofoc telestc.
self-adjoint operator: autoprosarthmnoc  autosuzugc telestc.
singular operator: idi zwn telestc.
Sturm-Liouville operator: telestc Sturm-Liouville.
symmetric operator: summetrikc telestc.
wave operator: kumatikc telestc.

opposite: ant jetoc, apnanti.

opposite angles: kat koruf gwn ec.

opposite category: ant jeth  duk (dual) kathgor a.
opposite elements: ant jeta stoiqe a.

opposite numbers: ant jetoi arijmo .

opposite (binary) operation: ant jeth (dimelc) pr xh.
opposite ring: ant jetoc daktlioc.
opposite side (to an angle): apnanti pleur (se gwn a trignou).
opposite sides: apnanti pleurc.
opposite vectors: ant jeta diansmata.

opposition: ant jesh, antizug a.

optic: optikc.
optic axis:

optikc xonac.

optical: optikc.

optical eld: optik ped o.

optical path: optikc drmoc.
optical path length: mkoc optiko drmou.

optics: optik.

ber optics: optik twn inwdn agwgn.

geometrical optics: gewmetrik optik.

optima: bl. optimum.

optimal: bltistoc.

optimal control: bltistoc legqoc.

optimal property: bltisth idithta.

optimality: beltistthta.
optimistic: aisidoxoc, optimistikc.
optimization: beltistopo hsh, aristopo hsh.

optimization problem: prblhma beltistopo hshc.

optimization technique: mjodoc beltistopo hshc.
adaptive optimization: anaprosarmostik beltistopo hsh.
combinatorial optimization: sunduastik beltistopo hsh.
convex optimization: kurt beltistopo hsh.
equilibrium optimization: beltistopo hsh isorrop ac.
global optimization: kajolik beltistopo hsh.
linear optimization: grammik beltistopo hsh.
multi-level optimization: mh grammik beltistopo hsh.
non-linear optimization: mh grammik beltistopo hsh.
stochastic optimization: stoqastik beltistopo hsh.
structural optimization: domik beltistopo hsh.

optimize: beltistopoi, aristopoi.

optimizer: beltistopoihtc.
optimum (pl. optima): bltistoc, ristoc, bltisth tim.
option: epilog, proa resh.
optional: proairetikc.

orbit: troqi .
orbital: troqiakc, planhtikc.
order: t xh, di taxh.

ascending order: aniosa t xh.

continuity order: t xh sunqeiac.
convergence order: t xh sugklishc.
descending order: katiosa t xh.
rst order: prth t xh.
rst-order dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh prthc t xhc.
higher order terms: roi anterhc t xhc.
inverse order: ant strofh di taxh.
lexicographic order: lexikografik  alfabhtik di taxh.
natural order: fusik di taxh.
normal order: kanonik di taxh.
isomorphism order: t xh isomorfismo.
partial order: merik di taxh.
random order: tuqa a di taxh.
rank order: di taxh bajmo.
second order: deterh t xh.
second-order dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh deterhc t xhc.
total order: olik di taxh.

ordered: diatetagmnoc.

ordered basis: diatetagmnh b sh.

ordered n-tuple: diatetagmnh ni da.
ordered pair: diatetagmno zegoc.
ordered quadruple: diatetagmnh tetr da.
ordered quintuple: diatetagmnh pent da.
ordered sample: diatetagmno de gma.
ordered sequence: diatetagmnh akolouj a.
ordered sextuple: diatetagmnh ex da.
ordered triple: diatetagmnh tri da.
ordered triplet: diatetagmnh tri da.
simply ordered: apl diatetagmnoc.
well-ordered set: kalc diatetagmno snolo.

ordering: di taxh.

well ordering principle: arq thc kalc di taxhc.

ordinal: diataktikc arijmc, diataktikc.

ordinal number: diataktikc arijmc.

innite ordinal: peiroc diataktikc (arijmc).

ordinary: sunjhc, kanonikc, taktikc.

ordinary dierential equation (ODE): sunjhc diaforik ex swsh (SDE).

ordinary point: omal shme o.

ordinate: tetagmnh.

orient: prosanatol zw.

orientable: prosanatol simoc.
orientable surface:

prosanatol simh epif neia.

orientation: prosanatolismc.

negative orientation: arnhtikc prosanatolismc.

positive orientation: jetikc prosanatolismc.

oriented: prosanatolismnoc.

oriented basis: prosanatolismnh b sh.

oriented curve: prosanatolismnh kamplh.
oriented surface: prosanatolismnh epif neia.
object oriented: antikeimenostrefc.

origin: arq.
orthocenter: orjkentro.
orthogonal: orjognioc, k jetoc.

orthogonal basis: orjognia b sh.

orthogonal complement: orjognio sumplrwma.
orthogonal coordinates: orjogniec suntetagmnec.
orthogonal curvilinear coordinates: orjogniec kampulgrammec suntetagmnec.
orthogonal families: orjogniec oikogneiec.
orthogonal functions: orjogniec sunartseic.
orthogonal matrix: orjognioc p nakac.
orthogonal polynomials: orjognia polunuma.
orthogonal projection: orjognia probol.
orthogonal set: orjognio snolo.
orthogonal similarity: orjognia omoithta.
orthogonal trajectories: orjogniec troqic.
orthogonal transformation: orjognioc metasqhmatismc.
orthogonal vectors: orjognia  k jeta diansmata.

orthogonality: orjogwnithta.

orthogonality-preserving transformation: apeiknish diathrosa thn orjogwnithta.

orthogonally: orjognia.

orthogonally similar: orjognia moioi.

orthogonally similar matrices: orjognia moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices).

orthographic: orjografikc, orjognioc (sun. orthogonal).

orthographic projection:

orjografik  orjognia probol.

orthomorphic: orj'morfoc.
orthomorphic projection:

orjmorfh probol.

orthonormal: orjokanonikc.

orthonormal basis: orjokanonik b sh.


orthonormal frame: orjokanonik pla sio.

orthonormal functions: orjokanonikc sunartseic.
orthonormal set: orjokanonik snolo.
orthonormal vectors: orjokanonik diansmata.

orthonormalization: orjokanonikopo hsh.

Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process:

orthonormalize: orjokanonikopoi.
orthonormalized: orjokanonikopoihmnoc.
orthotropic: orjtropoc, orjotropikc.
oscillating: talanteumenoc.

mjodoc orjokanonikopo hshc twn


oscillating permutation: talanteumenh met jesh.

oscillation: tal ntwsh, kmansh.

constrained oscillation: exanagkasmnh tal ntwsh.

forced oscillation: exanagkasmnh tal ntwsh (sun. forced vibration).
self-sustained oscillations: mmonec  autosunthromenec talantseic.
spurious oscillation: plasmatik tal ntwsh.
stable oscillations: eustaje c talantseic.

oscillator: talantwtc.

anharmonic oscillator: anarmonikc talantwtc.

coupled oscillator: suzeugmnoc talantwtc.
damped harmonic oscillator: armonikc talantwtc me apsbesh, aposbhnmenoc armonikc talantwtc.

harmonic oscillator: armonikc talantwtc.

linear harmonic oscillator: grammikc armonikc talantwtc.
simple harmonic oscillator: aplc armonikc talantwtc.

oscillatory: talanteumenoc.

oscillatory damped motion: talanteumenh k nhsh me apsbesh.

oscillatory solution: talanteumenh lsh.

osculating: eggtatoc, efaptmenoc.

osculating circle: eggtatoc kkloc.

osculating paraboloid: eggtato paraboloeidc.
osculating plane: eggtato ep pedo.
osculating polynomial: efaptmeno polunumo.
osculating sphere: eggtath sfa ra.

Ostrogradsky, M.V. (1801-1862).

Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem:
klishc (divergence theorem).

jerhma twn

Gauss-Ostrogradsky, jerhma tou Gauss, jerhma ap-

out: xw.
outer: exwterikc.
outer function:

exwterik sun rthsh.


outer problem: exwterik prblhma.

outer product: dianusmatik  exwterik ginmeno (sun. cross  vector product).

outow: ekro.
outgoing: exerqmenoc.
outline: per gramma, per metroc, kria shme a, per lhyh.
output: xodoc, exagmeno, ap nthsh, apdosh.
output language: glssa exdou.
output statement: entol exdou.

outward: proc ta xw.

oval: woeidc.
oval of Cassini:

woeidc tou


overall: sunolikc.
overconvergence: upersgklish (seir c).
overdamped: taqwc aposbhnmenoc, me taqe a apsbesh.
overdamped motion: k nhsh me taqe a apsbesh.

overdamping: uperapsbesh.
overdetermined: uperkajorismnoc, uperprosdiorismnoc.
overdetermined system:

uperkajorismno ssthma.

overow: uperqe lish, uperplrwsh.

overow error:

sf lma uperqe lishc.

overlap: allhlepikalptw.
overlapping: allhlepik lupsh, allhlepikaluptmenoc, epikaluptmenoc.

overlapping domain decomposition: diaqwrismc  diamerismc epikaluptmenwn qwr wn.

overlapping intervals: allhlepikaluptmena diastmata.

overloading: uperfrtish.
overrelaxation: uperqal rwsh.

overrelaxation method: mjodoc uperqal rwshc.

successive overrelaxation method: mjodoc diadoqikc uperqal rwshc.

overtones: anterec armonikc, uprtonoi.

ovoid: woeidc.
Cartesian ovoid: kartesian woeidc.


PDE (partial dierential equation): merik diaforik ex swsh (MDE)  diaforik ex swsh me merikc

p.g.f. (probability generating function): pijanogenntria sun rthsh.

pp.: sel dec (pages).
p.p.m. (parts per million): mrh an ekatommrio.
pair: zegoc, du da.
pair of dice: z ria.
adjoint pair: suzugc  prosarthmno zegoc.
dual pair: duk zegoc.
imaginary pair: fantastik zegoc.
ordered pair: diatetagmno zegoc.

pairwise: kata zegh.

pairwise orthogonal: kat zegh orjognioi.



Pappus's theorem: jerhma tou Pappus.

paraanalytic: paraanalutikc.
parabola: parabol.

cubical parabola: kubik parabol.

semicubical parabola: hmikubik parabol.
vertex of a parabola: koruf parabolc.

parabolic(-al): parabolikc.

parabolic arc: parabolik txo.

parabolic cylinder: parabolikc klindroc.
parabolic cylindrical coordinates: parabolikc kulindrikc suntetagmnec.
parabolic equation: parabolik ex swsh.
parabolic point: parabolik shme o.
parabolic problem: parabolik prblhma.
parabolic system: parabolik ssthma.

parabolization: parabolikopo hsh.

parabolize: parabolikopoi.
parabolized: parabolikopoihmnoc.
paraboloid: paraboloeidc.
paraboloid of revolution:

paraboloeidc ek peristrofc.


elliptic paraboloid: elleiptik paraboloeidc.

hyperbolic paraboloid: uperbolik paraboloeidc.
osculating paraboloid: eggtato paraboloeidc.

paraboloidal: paraboloeidc.
paraboloidal coordinates:

paraboloeide c suntetagmnec.

parachute: alex ptwto.

paracompact: parasumpagc.
paracompact space:

parasumpagc qroc.

paraconvex: par kurtoc.

paracompact group: par kurth om da.

paracompact set: par kurto snolo.

paradigm: par deigma.

paradigmatic: paradeigmatikc.
paradox: par doxo.

logical paradox: logik par doxo.

parallactic: parallaktikc.
parallactic angle:

parallaktik gwn a.

parallax: par llaxh.

geodesic parallax: gaiwdesik par llaxh.

parallax in altitude: kajyoc par llaxh.

parallel: par llhloc.

parallel axes theorem: jerhma twn par llhlwn axnwn.

parallel code: par llhloc kdikac.
parallel computation: par llhloc upologismc.
parallel computer: par llhloc upologistc.
parallel processing: par llhlh epexergas a.
parallel solver: par llhloc epilutc.
parallel vectors: par llhla diansmata.

parallelepiped: parallhlep pedo.

rectangular parallelepiped: orjognio parallhlep pedo. Sun.

parallelepipedal: parallhlep pedoc.

parallelism: parallhlismc.
parallelizable: parallhlopoisimoc.

parallelizable method: parallhlopoisimh mjodoc.

parallelize: parallhlopoi (p.q. algrijmo).


kuboeidc (cuboid).

parallelogram: parallhlgrammo.

parallelogram law: nmoc tou parallhlogr mmou.

parallelopiped: parallhlep pedo. Sun. parallelepiped.

parallelotope: parallhltopo.
parameter: par metroc.

parameter curve: parametrik kamplh.

parameter space: parametrikc qroc.
change of parameter: allag paramtrou.
method of variation of parameters: mjodoc thc metabolc twn stajerw'n.
natural parameter: fusik par metroc.
non-centrality parameter: par metroc ekkentrthtac.
structural parameter: domik par metroc.
translation parameter: par metroc metafor c.

parameterization: parametrikopo hsh.

parameterize: parametrikopoi.
parameterized: parametrikopoihmnoc.
parametric: parametrikc.

parametric equation: parametrik ex swsh.

parametric representation: kanonik par stash.

parametrically: parametrik .
parametrize: parametrikopoi.

smoothly parametrized: omal parametrikopoihmnoc.

parametrization: parametrikopo hsh.

paraxial: paraxonikc.
paraxial ray:

paraxonik akt na.

parenthesis pl. parentheses: parnjesh.

parentheses bijection: amfimonosmanth kai ep suna'rthsh parenjsewn.

balanced parentheses: isorrophmnec parenjseic (plhroforik), kanonik
aristerc kai dexic parenjseic.

parity: isotim a, isthta.

parity digit: yhf o isotim ac.

even parity: rtia isotim a.
permutation parity: isotim a metajsewc.

parse: analw  etumolog mia lxh.

parse tree: suntaktik dntro (plhroforik).

height of a parse tree: yoc suntaktiko dntrou (plhroforik).
leaf of a parse tree: fllo suntaktiko dntrou.
node of a parse tree: kmboc suntaktiko dntrou.

antistoiq a an mesa se

parser: suntaktikc analutc (plhroforik).

bottom-up parser: suntaktikc analutc ap k tw proc ta p nw.

top-down parser: suntaktikc analutc ap p nw proc ta k tw.



Parseval's identity:

tautthta tou


parsing: suntaktik an lush (plhroforik).

part: mroc, mloc, tmma.

analytic part: analutik mroc.

imaginary part: fantastik mroc.
integration by parts: oloklrwsh kat mlh  kat par gontec, paragontik oloklrwsh.
negative part: arnhtik mroc.
principal part: prwteon mroc.
proportional parts: an loga mrh.
real part: pragmatik mroc.
secondary part: deutereon mroc.
summation by parts: prsjesh kat mlh  kat par gontec.

partial: merikc.

partial association: merik susqtish  sndesh.

partial autocorrelation: merik autosusqtish.
partial confounding: merik smmixh.
partial contingency: merik sun feia.
partial correlation: merik susqtish.
partial derivative: merik par gwgoc.
partial dierential equation (PDE): merik diaforik ex swsh (MDE)  diaforik ex swsh me merikc

partial dierential operator: merikc diaforikc telestc  telestc me merikc paraggouc.

partial fraction: merik  apl kl sma.
partial fraction decomposition: an lush se merik  apl kl smata.
partial fraction expansion: an ptugma se merik  apl kl smata.
partial order: merik di taxh.
partial pivoting: merik odghsh.
partial recursive functions: merikc anadromikc sunartseic.
partial regression: merik palindromhsh.
partial replacement: merik epan jesh.
partial sum: merik jroisma.
expansion in partial fractions: an ptugma se apl kl smata.

partially: merikc.
particle: swmat dio, swm tio.
particular: merikc, idia teroc, qarakthristikc.
particular solution: merik lsh.

particulate: swmatidiakc.
partition: diamrish, diamerismc, merismc, qwrismc, diamer zw, qwr zw, dikt wsh, katamerismc.
partition principle: arq thc diamrishc.


uniform partition: omoimorfoc diamerismc.

partitionable: diamer simoc.

partitionable set:

diamer simo snolo.

partitioned: diamerismnoc.

partitioned matrix: snjetoc p nakac (sun. block matrix).

partitioning: diamerismc, merismc.

partitive: diameristikc, meristikc, qwristikc.
Pascal, (-)
Pascal's triangle:


tr gwno tou








pass: pern.
passage: di bash.

rst passage time: qrnoc prthc di bashc.

past: pareljn.
absolute past:

apluto pareljn.

patch: tmma.
path: drmoc, diadrom, monop ti.

path coe cients: diadromiko suntelestc.

path of integration: txo oloklrwshc.

pattern: mot o, sqma, sqdio, morf, updeigma, eikna, per gramma.

pattern function: sun rthsh morfc.
ow pattern: morf roc.

patterned: morfopoihmnoc.
: exflhsh, apoplhrwm.

payo matrix: p nakac exflhshc.

peak: koruf.
Peano, .

Peano curve: kamplh tou Peano.

Peano kernel: purnac Peano.

pedal: podikc.
pedal curve:

podik kamplh.


pedal equation: podik ex swsh.

pedal line: podik gramm  gramm Simpson (Simpson's line).

penalty: poin.

penalty method: mjodoc poinc.

pencil: dsmh.

pencil of circles: dsmh kklwn.

pencil of lines: dsmh eujein.
concentric pencils: omkentrec dsmec.

penduli: bl. pendulum.

pendulum (pl. penduli): ekkremc.

double pendulum: dipl ekkremc.

compound pendulum: snjeto ekkremc.
conical pendulum: kwnik ekkremc.
coupled pendulum: suzeugmno ekkremc.
cycloid pendulum: kukloeidc ekkremc.
Foucault pendulum: ekkremc tou Foucault.
simple pendulum: apl ekkremc.

penetration: die sdush.

penetration depth:

b joc dieisdsewc.

pentagon: pent gwno.

pentagonal: pentagwnikc.

pentagonal pyramid: pentagwnik puram da.

pentagram: pent gramma, pent lfa.

pentahedral: pent edroc, pentaedrikc.
pentahedron (pl. pentahedrons or pentahedra): pent edro.
penultimate: paralgwn, paralgousa, proteleuta oc.
per: an , kat , di .
per annum: kat' toc.
per cent: ep toic ekat, ekatostia oc.
per capita: kat' tomo, kat kefal.
per diem: an hmra.
per se: kaj' eaut.

percent: ekatostia oc, ep toic ekat.

percent decrease: ekatostia a me wsh.

percent error: ekatostia o sf lma.
percent increase: ekatostia a axhsh.

percentage: ekatostia oc, analog a (ep toic ekat), ekatostia o posost.

percentage distribution: ekatostia a katanom.


percentage frequency:

sqetik (ep toic ekat) suqnthta.

percentile: ekatostia oc, ep toic ekat.

percentiles or percentile values:

ekatostia ec timc.

perception: ant lhyh.

percolation: dijhsh.
perform: ektel.
performance: ep dosh, ektlesh, apdosh.

high performance computing: upologismc uyhlc ep doshc.

high performance network: d ktuo uyhlc ep doshc.

perfect: tleioc, plrhc.

perfect conductor: tleioc agwgc.

perfect linear correlation: plrhc grammik susqtish.
perfect number: tleioc arijmc.
perfect power: tleia dnamh.
perfect square: tleio tetr gwno.

perfectly: tleia.

perfectly elastic collision: tleia elastik krosh.

perfectly matched layer: tleia sunarmosmno strma.

perigee: per geio.

perigon: gwn a 360o, plrhc gwn a. Sun. tou round angle.
perihelion: perilio.
perimeter: per metroc.
perimetric: perimetrikc.
period: per odoc.
idle period: nekr per odoc.
primitive period: basik per odoc.
sidereal period: astrik per odoc.
spatial period: qwrik per odoc.

periodic: periodikc.

periodic behavior: periodik sumperifor .

periodic function: periodik sun rthsh.
almost periodic: sqedn periodikc.
doubly periodic (function): dipl periodik (sun rthsh).
quasi-periodic: oione periodikc.

periodicity: periodikthta.
periodicity properties:

idithtec periodikthtac.

periodogram: periodgramma.
periphery: perifreia.

permanent: mnimoc, diarkc.

permanent magnet: mnimoc magnthc.

permanent wave: mnimo kma.

permanently: mnima.
permeability: diaperatthta, magnhtik diaperatthta.
permeable: diaperatc.
permissible: epitreptc.
permittivity: diaperatthta, hlektrik diaperatthta.
electric permittivity: hlektrik diaperatthta.

permutation: met jesh, di taxh.

permutation group: om da met jeshc.

permutation matrix: p nakac metajsewn.
permutation parity: isotim a metajsewc.
permutation symbol: smbolo met jeshc.
permutation test: metajtikc legqoc.
cyclic permutation: kuklik met jesh.
circular permutation: kuklik met jesh.
even permutation: rtia met jesh.
odd permutation: peritt met jesh.
oscillating permutation: talanteumenh met jesh.

perpendicular: k jetoc.

perpendicular axes theorem: jerhma twn kajtwn axnwn.

perpendicular bisector: mesok jetoc.
perpendicular lines: k jetec grammc.
perpendicular planes: k jeta ep peda.
perpendicular section: k jeth tom.
perpendicular vectors: k jeta diansmata.
mutually perpendicular: metax touc k jetoi.

perpendicularity: kajetthta.

perpendicularity condition: sunjkh kajetthtac.

perpetual: anaoc, dihnekc.

perpetual motion: anah k nhsh.

perpetuity: dihnekc, aiwnithta.

perpetuum-mobile: aeik nhto.
persistency: emmon.
persistent: mmonoc, ep monoc.
persistent state:

mmonh kat stash.

perspective: prooptik, prooptikc.

perspective geometry: prooptik gewmetr a.


perspective projection: prooptik probol.

axis of perspective: prooptikc xonac.

persymmetric: perisummetrikc.

persymmetric matrix: perisummetrikc p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=RAT R, pou
tetragwnikc p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutereousa diagnio kai 0 allo).

perturbation: diataraq, p relxh planhtn.

perturbation method: mjodoc diataraqn.

regular perturbation: kanonik diataraq.
regular perturbation method: mjodoc kanonikn diataraqn.
singular perturbation: idi zousa diataraq.
singular perturbation method: mjodoc idiazousn diataraqn.

perturbative: diataraktikc.
perturbative theory:

diataraktik jewr a.

perturbed: diataragmnoc.

perturbed solution: diataragmnh lsh.

singularly perturbed: idiazntwc  idimorfa diataragmnoc.



Petrov-Galerkin method: mjodoc Petrov-Galerkin.

phase: f sh.

phase angle: fasik gwn a, gwn a f shc.

phase change: allag f shc.
phase diagram: fasik di gramma, di gramma f sewn.
phase error: fasik sf lma.
phase function: fasik sun rthsh.
phase integral: fasik oloklrwma, oloklrwma f shc.
phase lag: ustrhsh f sewc.
phase portrait: fasik prortrto  di gramma.
phase separation: diaqwrismc f sewn.
phase shift: metatpish f sewc.
phase space: fasikc qroc, qroc f sewn.
phase spectrum: fasik f sma.
phase transition: met bash f shc.
phase velocity: taqthta f sewc.
gas phase: aria f sh.
liquid phase: ugr f sh.
single-phase: monofasikc.
solid phase: stere f sh.
stationary phase: st simh f sh.
two-phase: difasikc.

phasic: fasikc.
phasor: migadik di nusma.

phenomena: fainmena (bl. phenomenon).

phenomenological: fainomenologikc.
phenomenon (pl. phenomena): fainmeno.

transport phenomena: fainmena metafor c.

phi: .

phi coe cient:

suntelestc .

photon: fwtnio.
physical: fusikc.

physical interpretation: fusik ermhne a.

physical law: fusikc nmoc.
physical quantity: fusik mgejoc.

physics: fusik.

mathematical physics:

majhmatik fusik.

pictogram: eikongramma.
pictorial: eikonografikc.
pictorial projection:

eikonografik  stereografik probol.

picture: eikna.
piece: tmma, komm ti.
piecewise: tmhmatik , kat tmmata.

piecewise constant: kat tmmata stajerc.

piecewise continuous: tmhmatik  kat tmmata suneqc.
piecewise continuous function: tmhmatik suneqc sun rthsh.
piecewise dierentiable: tmhmatik paragwg simoc.
piecewise function: kat tmmata  tmhmatik orismnh sun rthsh.
piecewise linear function: kat tmmata  tmhmatik grammik sun rthsh.
piecewise polynomials: kat tmmata polunuma, tmhmatik polunuma, splines.
piecewise regression: tmhmatik palindrmhsh.
piecewise smooth: tmhmatik le oc.
piecewise smooth function: tmhmatik le a sun rthsh.

pie diagram: tomegramma.

pigeon hole: peristernac.

pigeon hole principle: arq tou peristerna.

pilot: piltoc, pilotikc, kajodhghtikc.

pilot survey:

kajodhghtik reuna, prokatarktik dhmoskphshs.

pistimetric: pistometrikc.

pistimetric probability: pistometrik pijanthta.

pitch: bma likoc  koql a.


pivot: odhgc.

pivot (element): odhg stoiqe o.

pivot point: odhg shme o.

pivotal: odhgc.

pivotal column: odhgosa stlh.

pivoting: odghsh.

partial pivoting: merik odghsh.

pixel: yhf da, eikon dio.

place: tpoc, jsh, mroc, jtw, topojet.
decimal place: dekadik jsh.
k-place predicate: kathgrhma k jsewn.

placement: topojthsh.
plactic: plaktikc.

plactic monoid: plaktik monoeidc.

planar: ep pedoc.

planar point: ep pedo shme o.

Planck's constant: stajer tou Planck.

plane: ep pedo.

plane analytic geometry: ep pedh analutik gewmetr a.

plane angle: ep pedh gwn a.
plane curve: ep pedh kamplh.
plane motion: ep pedh k nhsh.
plane of projection: ep pedo probolc.
plane of symmetry: ep pedo summetr ac.
plane triangle: ep pedo tr gwno.
plane wave: ep pedo kma.
a ne plane: susqetismno ep pedo.
Cartesian plane: kartesian ep pedo.
complex plane: migadik ep pedo.
entire complex plane: sumplhrwmno  epektetamno migadik ep pedo.
extended complex plane: sumplhrwmno  epektetamno migadik ep pedo.
focal plane: estiak ep pedo.
half plane: hmiep pedo.
inclined plane: keklimno ep pedo.
invariable plane: anallo wto ep pedo.
isotropic plane: istropo ep pedo.
normal plane: k jeto ep pedo.
osculating plane: eggtato ep pedo.
perpendicular planes: k jeta ep peda.
polar plane: polik ep pedo.
radical plane: rizik ep pedo.
rectifying plane: eujeiopoi ep pedo.

regression plane: ep pedo palindromsewc.

tangent plane: efaptmeno ep pedo.

planet: planthc.
planetary: planhtikc.
planimetric: embadometrikc.
plasma: pl sma.
plastic: plastikc.

plastic deformation: plastik paramrfwsh.

plasticity: plastikthta.
plate: pl ka, plak dio.
at plate:

ep pedh pl ka.

Platonic: platwnikc, tou Pl twna.

Platonic polyhedra: platwnik poledra (bl. polyhedron).

Platonic solids: platwnik smata (sun. Platonic polyhedra).

platy-: platu- (prjema).

platykurtosis: platukrtwsh.
platykurtic: platkurtoc, platukurtwtikc.

platykurtic distribution: platkurth katanom, katanom platukrtwshc.

plausibility: to elogo.
plausible: elogoc.
plot: sqedi zw, kataskeu zw grafik par stash, sqedi gramma, grafik par stash.
contour plot: di gramma isoyn.

plus: sun.

plus function: sun rthsh sun.

plus sign: to sun, smbolo thc prsjeshc.

pocket: tzph.
pocket test:

sntomoc legqoc.

Poincar e, Henri (1854-1922).

Poincare map: di gramma Poincare.

point: shme o, upodiastol.

point collocation: shmeiak taxijes a  taxinmhsh.

point estimate: shmeiak ekt mhsh.
point estimator: shmeiak ektimtria. Se merik bibl a, shmeioektimtria  shmeioektimhtc.
point set: shmeiosnolo.
point singularity: shmeiak anwmal a  idiomorf a.
point source: shmeiak phg.
accumulation point: shme o susswresewc  oriak shme o (sunnumo twn rwn limit point kai cluster

accumulation point: shme o susswresewc  oriak shme o.
bifurcation point: shme o diakl dwshc.
boundary point: sunoriak shme o.
branch point: shme o diakladsewc.
cluster point: shme o susswresewc  oriak shme o (sunnumo twn rwn accumulation point kai
limit point).
coincident points: tautizmena shme a.
collinear points: suneujeiak shme a.
collocation points: shme a taxijes ac  taxinmhshc.
conjugate points: suzug shme a.
coplanar points: sunep peda shme a.
critical point: kr simo shme o.
cusp point: ox kro, shme o an kamyhc.
cut o point: shme o apokopc.
distinct points: diakekrimna shme a.
end point: kro, akra o shme o.
end points of an interval: kra diastmatoc.
equidistant points: isapqonta shme a.
equilibrium point: shme o isorrop ac.
exterior point: exwterik shme o.
xed point: stajer shme o, ak nhth upodiastol.
xed point theorem: jerhma stajero shme ou.
xed-point variable: metablht ak nhthc upodiastolc.
oating point: kinht upodiastol.
oating-point variable: metablht kinhtc upodiastolc.
focal point: estiak shme o.
inection point: shme o kampc.
initial point: arqik shme o, arq (diansmatoc).
interior point: eswterik shme o.
invariant point: anallo wto  amet blhto shme o.
irregular singular point: ousidec idi zon  anmalo shme o.
isodynamic points: isodunamik shme a.
limit point: oriak shme o  shme o susswresewc (sunnumo twn rwn limit point kai accumulation
nodal point: kombik shme o.
ordinary point: omal shme o.
parabolic point: parabolik shme o.
pivot point: odhg shme o.
planar point: ep pedo shme o.
quantile point: posostia o shme o.
reference point: shme o anafor c.
regular singular point: snhjec idi zon  anmalo shme o.
saddle point: sagmatik  sagmoeidc  samaroeidc shme o, shme o slac.
singular point: idi zon  anmalo shme o, anwmal a.
stagnation point: shme o anakopc.
stationary point: st simo shme o.
terminal point: telik shme o, prac (diansmatoc).
triple point: tripl shme o.

turning point:

shme o kampc.

pointed: shmeiakc.

pointed ring: shmeiakc daktlioc.

pointed set: shmeiak snolo.

pointwise: shmeiakc, kat shme a.

pointwise binary operation: shmeiak dimelc pr xh.

pointwise convergence: shmeiak sgklish.
pointwise convergent sequence: shmeiakc sugkl nousa akolouj a.
pointwise product: shmeiak ginmeno.
pointwise sum: shmeiak jroisma.



Poisson bracket: agklh Poisson

Poisson distribution: katanom (tou) Poisson
Poisson equation: ex swsh (tou) Poisson
Poisson integral: oloklrwma (tou) Poisson
Poisson ratio: lgoc (tou) Poisson
Poisson summation formula: tpoc jroishc tou Poisson
hyper-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom.
sub-Poisson distribution: upo-Poisson katanom.
super-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom.

poker: pker.
polar: polikc.

polar angle: polik gwn a.

polar axis: polikc xonac.
polar coordinates: polikc suntetagmnec.
polar distance: polik apstash.
polar equation: polik ex swsh.
polar factorization: polik paragonopo hsh.
polar form (of a complex number): polik morf (migadiko arijmo).
polar line: polik gramm.
polar plane: polik ep pedo.
polar tangent: polik efaptomnh.
polar triangle: polik tr gwno.
geodesic polar coordinates: gewdaisiakc polikc suntetagmnec.

polaris: polikc astr.

polarity: polikthta.
polarization: plwsh.

degree of polarization: bajmc polsewc (optik).

state of polarization: kat stash polsewc (optik).

polarized: polwmnoc.

polarized light: polwmno fc.

linearly polarized light: grammik polwmno fc.

partially polarized light: merikc polwmno fc.

plane polarized light: ep peda polwmno fc.

polarizer: polwtc.
pole: ploc.

celestial pole: our nioc ploc.

north pole: breioc ploc.
positive pole: jetikc ploc.
simple pole: aplc ploc  ploc prthc t xewc.
south pole: ntioc ploc.

polhode: polod a.
polu-: polu- (prjema).
polychromatic: poluqrwmatikc.

polychromatic light: poluqrwmatik fwc.

polyconic: polukwnikc.
polyconic projection:

polukwnik probol.

polydisk: polud skoc.

polygamma: polug mma.

polygamma function: sun rthsh polug mma.

polygon: polgwno.

polygon chain: polugwnik alus da.

polygon of forces: polgwno dun mewn.
polygon of vectors: polgwno dianusm twn.
circumscribed polygon: perigegrammno polgwno.
closed polygon: kleist polgwno.
concave polygon: mh kurt polgwno (sun. non-convex polygon).
congruent polygons: sa polgwna.
constructible polygon: kataskeu simo polgwno.
convex polygon: kurt polgwno.
'Ena polgwno onom zetai kurt (convex), an to
eujgrammo tmma pou sundei do opoiadpote eswterik shme a tou polugnou br sketai olklhro sto
eswterik tou.

cumulative frequency polygon: polgwno ajroistikc suqnthtac.

equiangular polygon: isognio polgwno.
equilateral polygon: ispleuro polgwno.
frequency polygon: polgwno suqnthtac.
geodesic polygon: gewdaisiak polgwno.
inscribed polygon: eggegrammno polgwno.
non-convex polygon: mh kurt polgwno (sun. concave polygon).

Convex polygon

Non-convex polygon

rectilinear polygon: eujgrammo polgwno.

regular polygon: kanonik  omal polgwno.

Polgwno tou opo ou lec oi pleurc qoun to dio

mkoc kai lec oi gwn ec e nai sec metax touc.
similar polygons: moia polgwna.
spherical polygon: sfairik polgwno.
side of a polygon: pleur polugnou.
star polygon: astrmorfo  asteroeidc polgwno.
vertex of a polygon: koruf polugnou.

polygonal: polugwnikc.

polygonal domain: polugwnik qwr o.

polygonal numbers: polugwniko arijmo .

polyharmonic: poluarmonikc.
polyharmonic function:

poluarmonik sun rthsh.

polyhedral: poledroc, poluedrikc.

polyhedral angle: poledrh  poluedrik gwn a.

polyhedral solids: poledra smata ( stere ).

polyhedron (pl. polyhedrons or polyhedra): poledro.

Archimedean polyhedra:

arqimdeia poledra. Kurt hmikanonik poledra. Anafrontai kataqrhstik wc hmikanonik  hmiomal poledra (bl. semiregular polyhedra). Up rqoun sunolik 13
arqimdeia poledra. Ta 5 ex autn e nai kloura platwnik poledra. 'Alla 6 prokptoun me apokop twn klourwn platwnikn poludrwn kai e nai gnwst wc rombik arqimdeia poledra (rhombic
Archimedean polyhedra). Ta uploipa do, to kubookt edro (cuboctahedron) kai to eikosidwdek edro (icosidodecahedron), e nai ep shc kloura platwnik poledra.
compound polyhedra: snjeta poledra.
concave polyhedron: mh kurt poledro (sun. non-convex polyhedron).
convex polyhedron: kurt poledro.
dual polyhedra: duk poledra (p.q. ex edro-okt edro, dwdek edro-eikos edro).
edge of a polyhedron: akm poludrou.
face of a polyhedron: par pleurh dra poludrou.
Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra: poledra twn Kepler kai Poinsot. Mh kurt kanonik poledra (bl. regular polyhedra). Up rqoun sunolik tssera ttoia poledra: tr a astrmorfa dwdek edra kai na
astrmorfo eikos edro (bl. stellated polyhedron). Maz me ta pnte Platwnik poledra e nai ta
mna kanonik poledra.
non-convex polyhedron: mh kurt poledro (sun. concave polyhedron).
Platonic polyhedra: platwnik poledra. Kurt kanonik poledra. Anafrontai kataqrhstik wc
kanonik  omal poledra (bl. regular polyhedra). Up rqoun akribc pnte platwnik poledra:
tetr edro, ex edro (kboc), okt edro, dwdek edro kai eikos edro.
regular polyhedra: kanonik  omal poledra. Poledra twn opo wn oi par pleurec drec e nai kanonik polgwna diou tpou kai diou megjouc. Ta kurt ex autn kalontai platwnik poledra
(Platonic polyhedra) en ta mh kurt e nai gnwst wc poledra twn Kepler kai Poinsot.
rhombic Archimedean polyhedra: rombik arqimdeia poledra. Apokommna apl arqimdeia poledra.
semiregular polyhedra: hmikanonik  hmiomal poledra. Poledra twn opo wn oi akmc e nai sec
metax touc kai oi par pleurec drec e nai kanonik polgwna toul qiston do tpwn. Ta kurt ex
autn e nai gnwst wc arqimdeia poledra (Archimedean polyhedra) en ta mh kurt e nai astr-


morfa ( astermorfa) poledra (bl. stellated polyhedron).

stellated polyhedron: astrmorfo  astermorfo poledro (bl.
truncated polyhedron: apokommno  klouro poledro.
vertex of a polyhedron: koruf poludrou.


polynomial: polunumo, poluwnumikc.

polynomial approximation: poluwnumik prosggish.

polynomial equation: poluwnumik ex swsh.
polynomial function: poluwnumik sun rthsh.
polynomial growth: poluwnumik axhsh.
polynomial ideal: poluwnumik idedec.
polynomial regression: poluwnumik palindrmhsh.
algebraic polynomial: algebrik polunumo.
biorthogonal polynomials: diorjognia polunuma.
characteristic polynomial: qarakthristik polunumo.
collocation polynomial: polunumo taxijes ac  taxinmhshc, sumptwtik polunumo.
commuting polynomials: antimetajetik  antimetajsima polunuma.
coprime polynomials: prta proc llhla polunuma.
cubic polynomial: kubik  tritob jmio polunumo.
degree of a polynomial: bajmc poluwnmou.
factorial polynomial: paragontik polunumo.
hypergeometric polynomials: upergewmetrik polunumo.
interpolation polynomial: polunumo parembolc, parembolik polunumo.
irreducible polynomial: an gwgo polunumo.
Laguerre polynomials: polunuma Laguerre.
Legendre polynomials: polunuma Legendre.
linear polynomial: grammik  prwtob jmio polunumo.
minimal polynomial: elaqistotik  el qisto polunumo.
minimax polynomial: polunumo elaqistomeg stou, polunumo minimax.
minimum polynomial: el qisto polunumo.
monic polynomial: monik polunumo. Se merik bibl a qrhsimopoiontai ep shc oi
polunumo kai (o atuqc) kanonikopoihmno polunumo.
orthogonal polynomials: orjognia polunuma.
osculating polynomial: efaptmeno polunumo.
piecewise polynomials: kat tmmata polunuma, tmhmatik polunuma, splines.
quadratic polynomial: tetragwnik  deuterob jmio polunumo.
stability polynomial: polunumo eust jeiac.
ultraspherical polynomial: upersfairik polunumo.
zero of a polynomial: r za poluwnmou.
zonal polynomial: polunumo kat znec, zwnik polunumo.

polynomially: poluwnumik .

polynomially balanced language: poluwnumik isorrophmnh glssa.

polytomic: polutomikc.
polytomic table:

polutomikc p nakac.

polytope: poltopo.
polytropic: polutropikc.

roi enadik

pop: ex gw (plhroforik).
population: plhjusmc.

population size: mgejoc plhjusmo.

binomial population: diwnumikc  diwnumik katanemhmnoc plhjusmc.
nite population: peperasmnoc plhjusmc.
innite population: peiroc plhjusmc.
multinomial population: poluwnumikc plhjusmc.
non-Normal population: mh Kanonikc plhjusmc.
normal population: kanonikc  kanonik katanemhmnoc plhjusmc.
stationary population: st simoc plhjusmc.

pore: proc.
porosity: pordec.
porous: pordhc.

porous media: pordh msa  ulik .

portrait: portrto, di gramma.

phase portrait:

fasik prortrto  di gramma.

pose: topojet, jtw, or zw.

posed: topojethmnoc, orismnoc.

ill posed problem: kakc  asjenc topojethmno prblhma.

improperly posed problem: antikanonik orismno prblhma.
properly posed problem: kanonik orismno prblhma.
well posed problem: kalc topojethmno prblhma.

posedness: to topojethmno.

ill-posedness: to kakc  asjenc topojethmno (problmatoc).

well-posedness: to kalc topojethmno (problmatoc).

position: jsh, st gma.

position vector: di nusma jsewc  epibatik akt na.

actual position: pragmatik jsh.
standard position: sunjhc jsh.

positioning: topojthsh.

global positioning system:

ssthma kajolikc topojthshc.

positive: jetikc.

positive angle: jetik gwn a.

positive arc: jetik txo.
positive charge: jetik fort o.
positive correlation: jetik susqtish.
positive denite: jetik orismnoc.
positive denite matrix: jetik orismnoc p nakac.
positive denite operator: jetik orismnoc telestc.
positive deniteness: to jetik orismno.

positive direction: jetik katejunsh.

positive element: jetik stoiqe o.
positive homogeneity: jetik omogneia.
positive integer: jetikc akraioc.
positive number: jetikc arijmc.
positive orientation: jetikc prosanatolismc.
positive pole: jetikc ploc.
positive power: jetik dnamh.
positive semidenite: jetik hmiorismnoc.
positive semideniteness: to jetik hmiorismno.
positive sense: jetik for .
positive sign: jetik prshmo.
positive term: jetikc roc.
strictly positive number: gnsia  austhr jetikc arijmc.

positiveness: jetikthta.
positivity: jetikthta.
positron: pozitrnio.
possibility: dunatthta.
possible: dunatc.

possible event: dunat gegonc.

maximum possible error: mgisto dunat sf lma.

posterior: a posteriori, ek twn ustrwn.

posterior probability: a posteriori pijanthta, sterh pijanthta.

posteriori: bl. a posteriori.

postmultiplication: pollaplasismc ap dexi .
postmultiply: pollaplasi zw ap dexi .
postulate: apait, axi, a thma, ax wma. To a thma (postulate) anafretai se eidik jewr a kai den
e nai tso genik so to ax wma (axiom).
Bayes' postulate: a thma Bayes.

postulation: upjesh, d thma, ax wma.

potency: isqc.
potency of a set:

isqc sunlou.

potential: dunamikc, dunamik, dunhtikc, dunatc.

potential barrier: fr gma dunamiko.
potential dierence: diafor dunamiko.
potential energy: dunamik enrgeia.
potential equation: ex swsh dunamiko.
potential function: sun rthsh dunamiko.
potential gradient: kl sh dunamiko.
potential theory: jewr a dunamiko.
complex potential: migadik dunamik.
electric potential: hlektrik dunamik.


electrostatic potential: hlektrostatik dunamik.

gravitational potential: dunamik barthtac  barutik dunamik.
kinetic potential: kinhtik dunamik.
scalar potential: bajmwt dunamik.
vector potential: dianusmatik dunamik.
velocity potential: dunamik (thc) taqthtac.

power: dnamh, isqc.

power curve: kamplh isqoc.

power function: dunamosun rthsh.
power method: mjodoc twn dun mewn.
power residue: dunamoploipo.
power series: dunamoseir .
power series solution: lsh se morf dunamoseir c.
power set: dunamosnolo.
power of a set: isqc sunlou.
power sum: dunamo jroisma.
power of a test: isqc elgqou.
power of a test function: isqc elegqosun rthshc, isqc sun rthshc elgqou.
ascending powers: aniosec dun meic.
block power method: snjeth mjodoc twn dun mewn.
descending powers: katiosec dun meic.
eective power: energc isqc.
inverse power method: ant strofh mjodoc twn dun mewn.
negative power: arnhtik dnamh.
perfect power: tleia dnamh.
positive power: jetik dnamh.

powerful: isqurc.

most powerful test function: isqurtath elegqosun rthsh, isqurtath sun rthsh elgqou.

powering: ywsh se dnamh  ekjth.

practical: praktikc.
precede: prohgomai.
precedence: proteraithta.

precedence relation: sqsh proteraithtac.

weak precedence grammar: grammatik asjenn proteraiottwn.

precedent: prohgommeno.
preceding: prohgommenoc.
precession: met ptwsh, fesh.
precision: akr beia, epakr beia.

precision index: de kthc akr beiac.

double precision: dipl akr beia.
double precision arithmetic: arijmhtik diplc akr beiac.
index of precision: de kthc akr beiac.
quadruple precision: tetrapl akr beia.

single precision: apl akr beia.

single precision arithmetic: arijmhtik aplc akr beiac.
triple precision: tripl akr beia.

pre-conditioning: prostajeropo hsh.

predator: kunhgc.

predator-prey system: ssthma kunhgo-jhr matoc.

predecessor: prok toqoc, prohghje c.

predetermination: prokajorismc.
predetermine: prokajor zw.
predetermined: prokajorismnoc.

predetermined variable: prokajorismnh metablht.

predicate: kathgrhma, kathgoromeno, kathgorhmatikc, dhlnw, bebainw, kajist anagka o.

predicate calculus: kathgorhmatikc logismc (sun. quantication theory).
predicate sign: smbolo kathgormatoc.
k-place predicate: kathgrhma k jsewn.
one-place predicate: kathgrhma miac jshc.
recursive predicate: anadromik kathgrhma.

predicative: kathgorhmatikc.

predicative axiom of class formation: kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeuc kl sewn.

predict: prolgw, problpw.

predictability: probleyimthta.
predictable: problyimoc, anamenmenoc.
prediction: prbleyh, prrrhsh.

prediction interval: di sthma prbleyhc, probleptik di sthma.

joint prediction intervals: ap koino diastmata prbleyhc, ap koino probleptik diastmata.

predictive: probleptikc.

predictive decomposition: probleptik an lush.

predictor: algrijmoc prbleyhc, problpousa.

predictor-corrector method: mjodoc problyewc-diorjsewc.

preference: prot mhsh.

zone of preference:

znh prot mhshc.

prex: prjema.

prex of a formula: prjema tpou.

prex of a string: prjema sumboloseir c.


pre-Hilbert: pro-Hilbert.
pre-Hilbert space:

pro-Hilbert qroc.

preimage: proeikna.
prematch: prosunarmzw, protairi zw, proantistoiq zw, prozeugarnw, prosunarmog, prota riasma,
proantisto qish.

prematching: prosunarmg, prota riasma, proantisto qish, prosunarmzwn.

premultiplication: pollaplasismc ap arister .
premultiply: pollaplasi zw ap arister .
prenex: prenex, prjema. prenex formula: tpoc se projematik morf.
prenex normal form: kanonik morf prenex.

present: parn, parn.

present value: parosa  trqousa tim.

preservation: diatrhsh.
preserve: diathr.
preserving: diathrn, diathrntac.

angle-preserving transformation: apeiknish diathrosa tic gwn ec.

area-preserving map: apeiknish diathrosa to embadn.
length-preserving transformation: apeiknish diathrosa ta mkh.
orthogonality-preserving transformation: apeiknish diathrosa thn orjogwnithta.
shape preserving: o diathrn th morf.

pressure: p esh.

pressure gradient: kl sh p eshc.

atmospheric pressure: atmosfairik p esh.
barometric pressure: barometrik p esh.
hydrostatic pressure: udrostatik p esh.
static pressure: statik p esh.

prevail: epikrat.
prevailing: epikratn, uperisqwn.
prevision: prbleyh.
prewhitening: prolekansh.
prey: jrama.

predator-prey system: ssthma kunhgo-jhr matoc.

price: tim.

price index:

de kthc timn.

primal: prwtewn, arqikc, basikc, prwtogenc.

primal-dual: prwtewn-deuterewn.


primary: prwtewn, krioc, arqikc, prwtogenc.

primary ow: prwteousa ro.

prime: prtoc, prtoc arijmc, tnoc.

prime factorization: paragontopo hsh se prtouc.

prime eld: prto sma.
prime ideal: prto idedec.
prime model: prto montlo.
prime number: prtoc arijmc.
relative prime numbers: prtoi metax touc arijmo .
relatively prime: sqetik prtoi (arijmo ).
twin primes: d dumoi prtoi (arijmo ).

primer: eisagwgik bibl o.

primitive: arqikc, prwtewn, prwtarqikc, basikc, arqgonoc.

primitive period: basik per odoc.

primitive Pythagorean triple basik  prwtarqik pujagreia tri da.
primitive recursion: basik  arqgonh anadrom.
primitive recursive functions: basikc anadromikc sunartseic.
primitive recursive predicate: basik anadromik kathgrhma.
primitive recursive sets: basik anadromik snola.
primitive root: arqik r za.
primitive variable: arqik  arqgonh metablht.

principal: prwtewn, krioc, prtoc.

principal axes: krioi xonec.

principal axes of inertia: krioi xonec adr neiac.
principal axes theorem: jerhma kur wn axnwn.
principal branch: prwtewn kl doc.
principal bundle: kria dsmh.
principal curvature: kria kampulthta.
principal diagonal: kria diagnioc.
principal direction: kria diejunsh.
principal ideal: krio  prwteon idedec.
principal moments of inertia: kriec ropc adr neiac.
principal normal: prth k jeth.
principal part: prwteon mroc.
principal plane: krio ep pedo (optik).
principal point: krio shme o (optik).
principal range: prwteon di sthma.
principal value: prwteousa tim.
Cauchy principal value: prwteousa tim tou Cauchy.

principle: arq.

principle of duality: arq tou dusmo.

principle of nality: arq thc teleithtac.
principle of least time: arq tou el qistou qrnou.
principle of virtual work: arq tou dunato rgou.
basic principles: basikc arqc, aximata (axioms).
diamond principle: arq tou diamantio (logik).

rst principle: basik  jemelidhc arq.

fundamental principle: jemelidhc arq.
equipartition principle: arq thc isodiamrishc.
exclusion principle: arq apokleismo.
inclusion principle: arq egkleismo.
invariance principle: arq tou anallo wtou.
least number principle: arq elaq stou arijmo.
least squares principle: arq elaq stwn tetragnwn.
maximum likelihood principle: arq mgisthc pijanof neiac.
minimax principle: arq elaqistomeg stou, arq minimax.
partition principle: arq thc diamrishc.
pigeon hole principle: arq tou peristerna.
reection principle: arq thc anakl sewc.
superposition principle: arq thc uprjeshc  epallhl ac.
variational principle: metabolik arq.
well ordering principle: arq thc kalc di taxhc.

print: tupnw.
prior: a priori, ek twn protrwn, a priori katanom.

prior probability: a priori pijanthta, prterh pijanthta.

information prior: plhroforiak a priori katanom.

priori: bl. a priori.

priority: proteraithta.

priority queuing: anamon kat proteraithta.

prism: pr sma.

double prism: d prisma (sun. biprism).

hexagonal prism: exagwnik pr sma.
oblique prism: pl gio pr sma.

prismatic: prismatikc.
prismatoid: prismatoeidc.
prismoid: prismoeidc.
prismoidal: prismoeidc.

prismoidal formula: prismoeidc tpoc  tpoc tou Simpson (Simpson's rule).

probabilistic: pijanojewrhtikc, pijanotikc.

probabilistic interpretation:

pijanojewrhtik ermhne a.

probability: pijanthta.

probability distribution: katanom pijanthtac.

probability function: sun rthsh pijanthtac.
probability generating function: pijanogenntria sun rthsh.
probability mass: m za pijanthtac.
probability moment: rop pijanthtac.
probability sequence: akolouj a pijanthtac.

probability surface: epif neia pijanthtac.

biased probability: mh amerlhpth pijanthta.
conditional probability: desmeumnh pijanthta  pijanthta up sunjkh.
empirical probability: empeirik pijanthta.
ducial probability: pisteutik pijanthta.
inverse probability: ant strofh pijanthta.
joint probability: mikt pijanthta.
joint probability function: sun rthsh miktc pijanthtac.
joint probability table: p nakac miktc pijanthtac.
maximum probability: mgisth pijanthta.
pistimetric probability: pistometrik pijanthta.
posterior probability: a posteriori pijanthta, sterh pijanthta.
prior probability: a priori pijanthta, prterh pijanthta.
total probability: olik pijanthta.
transition probability: pijanthta met bashc.

probable: pijanc.

probable error: pijan sf lma.

probable value: pijan tim.

probably: pijanc.
probe: gkos elgqou, perioq elgqou.
problem: prblhma.

adjoint problems: suzug problmata.

algebraic eigenvalue problem: algebrik prblhma idiotimn.
birthday problem: prblhma genejl wn.
boundary value problem: prblhma sunoriakn timn.
constrained problem: desmeumno prblhma, prblhma up sunjkec.
constrained minimization problem: desmeumno prblhma elaqistopo hshc.
Delian problem: Dlio prblhma  prblhma tou Dliou bwmo (Delian altar problem). To prblhma
tou diplasiasmo tou kbou (doubling the square).
Dirichlet problem: prblhma Dirichlet.
eigenvalue problem: prblhma idiotimn.
elliptic problem: elleiptik prblhma.
free boundary problem: prblhma me elejero snoro.
global problem: kajolik prblhma.
hyperbolic problem: uperbolik prblhma.
ill posed problem: kakc  asjenc topojethmno prblhma.
initial boundary value problem: prblhma arqikn sunoriakn timn.
initial value problem: prblhma arqikn timn.
inner problem: eswterik prblhma.
insoluble problem: luto prblhma.
inverse eigenvalue problem: ant strofo prblhma idiotimn.
inverse problem: ant strofo prblhma.
isoperimetric problem: isoperimetrik prblhma.
least squares problem: prblhma elaq stwn tetragnwn.
maximization problem: prblhma megistopo hshc.
minimization problem: prblhma elaqistopo hshc.
mixed (boundary value) problem: mikt prblhma (sunoriakn timn).

moving boundary problem: prblhma kinoumnou sunrou.

optimization problem: prblhma beltistopo hshc.
outer problem: exwterik prblhma.
parabolic problem: parabolik prblhma.
queuing problem: prblhma anamonc.
singular problem: idi zon prblhma.
singular boundary value problem: idi zon prblhma sunoriakn timn.
traveling salesman problem: prblhma periodeontoc pwlht  prblhma emporiko antiprospou.
two-point boundary value problem: prblhma do sunoriakn timn.
weak problem: asjenc prblhma.
well posed problem: kalc topojethmno prblhma.

procedure: diadikas a.
decision procedure:

diadikas a apfashc.

procedural: diadikastikc.
procedural bias:

diadikastik merolhy a.

process: diadikas a, mjodoc, anlixh, trpoc.

accumulated process: sunajroistik anlixh.

additive process: prosjetik anlixh.
complex process: polplokh diadikas a.
evolutionary process: exeliktik anlixh.
Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process: mjodoc orjokanonikopo hshc twn Gram-Schmidt.
harmonic process: armonik anlixh.
hierarchical process: ierarqik anlixh.
multi-linear process: polugrammik anlixh.
multivariate process: polumetablht anlixh.
random impulse process: anlixh tuqa ac jhshc.
random process: tuqa a anlixh.
regenerative process: anagennhtik anlixh.
sequential process: akoloujiak diadikas a.
superposed process: upertejeimnh anlixh.

processing: epexergas a, diadikas a.

processing error: diadikastik sf lma.

distributed processing: katanemhmnh epexergas a.
image processing: epexergas a eiknac.
information processing: epexergas a plhroforin.
parallel processing: par llhlh epexergas a.
signal processing: epexergas a smatoc.
symbol processing: sumbolik epexergas a.
text processing: epexergas a keimnou.

processor: epexergastc.

symbol processor: sumbolikc epexergastc.

text processor: epexergastc keimnou.

produce: par gw, sqhmat zw, pron.

producer: paragwgc.
producer's risk:

k ndunoc tou paragwgo.

product: ginmeno, pollaplasiasmc, pollapl sio, pron.

product category: kathgor a ginomnou.

product of inertia: ginmeno adr neiac.
product measure space: qroc mtrou ginmeno.
product moment: mikt rop.
product-moment formula: tpoc miktc ropc  tou ginomnou ropn.
product set: kartesian ginmeno (Cartesian product).
a ne product: susqetismno ginmeno.
bounded product: fragmno ginmeno.
box product: mikt ginmeno dianusm twn.
Cartesian product: kartesian ginmeno.
cross product: exwterik  dianusmatik  staurwt ginmeno (sun. outer  vector product).
cap product: ginmeno tomc (ap to smbolo \).
cup product: ginmeno nwshc (ap to smbolo ).
direct product: euj ginmeno  ginmeno Kronecker (sun. Kronecker product).
dot product: eswterik  bajmwt  arijmhtik  euj ginmeno  ginmeno tele ac (sun. inner 
scalar product).
double dot product: ginmeno diplc tele ac.
dyadic product: duadik ginmeno.
exterior product: exwterik ginmeno  sfhnoeidc ginmeno (wedge product, ap to smbolo ^).
Qrhsimopoie tai se exwterikc lgebrec (exterior algebras).
free product: elejero ginmeno.
Hermitian product: ermitian ginmeno (eswterik ginmeno).
innite product: peiro ginmeno  apeiroginmeno.
inner product: eswterik  bajmwt  arijmhtik ginmeno (sun. scalar product.
inner product space: qroc me eswterik ginmeno.
iterated product: epanalambanmeno ginmeno.
iterated tensor product: pollapl tanustik ginmeno.
Kronecker product: ginmeno Kronecker  euj ginmeno (sun. direct product).
metabelian product: metabelian ginmeno.
object product: ginmeno antikeimnwn.
outer product: dianusmatik  exwterik ginmeno (sun. cross  vector product).
pointwise product: shmeiak ginmeno.
pseudoscalar product: yeudoarijmhtik ginmeno  mikt ginmeno  arijmhtik tripl ginmeno (scalar
triple product).
scalar product: eswterik  bajmwt  arijmhtik ginmeno  ginmeno tele ac (sun. inner  dot
product), bajmwt pollapl sio, bajmwtc pollaplasiasmc.
scalar triple product: mikt ginmeno (dianusm twn)  yeudoarijmhtik (pseudoscalar) ginmeno 

arijmhtik tripl ginmeno.

smash product: sunjliptik ginmeno (Topol.). Anafretai ep shc kai wc sugkrousmno ginmeno.
tensor product: tanustik ginmeno.
wedge product: exwterik ginmeno (exterior product)  sfhnoeidc ginmeno (ap to smbolo ^).
Qrhsimopoie tai se exwterikc lgebrec (exterior algebras).
vector product: dianusmatik  exwterik ginmeno (sun. cross  outer product).
vector triple product: disexwterik ginmeno  dianusmatik tripl ginmeno.


productive: paragwgikc.

productive nonterminal: paragwgik mh termatik.

prole: prof l, katatom, pl gia yh, katanom, per gramma.

prole analysis:

an lush katatomc.

program: prgramma.

interactive program: diadrastik prgramma.

programming: programmatismc.

programming language: glssa programmatismo.

dynamic programming: dunamikc programmatismc.
integer programming: akraioc programmatismc.
linear programming: grammikc programmatismc.
mixed integer programming: miktc akraioc programmatismc.
non-linear programming: mh grammikc programmatismc.
quadratic programming: tetragwnikc programmatismc.
scientic programming: episthmonikc programmatismc.
semi-denite programming: hmiorismnoc programmatismc.

progress: prodoc.
progression: prodoc.

arithmetic progression: arijmhtik prodoc.

geometric progression: gewmetrik prodoc.
harmonic progression: armonik prodoc.

progressive: proodeutikc.

progressive average: proodeutikc  diadoqikc msoc.

progressive wave: diadidmeno kma.

progressively: proodeutik .
project: 1. prob llw. 2. sqdio.
projectile: blma.
projecting: prboloc, prob llwn.
projecting cylinder:

prboloc klindroc.

projection: probol.

projection function: sun rthsh probolc.

projection operator: telestc probolc.
axis of projection: xonac probolc.
azimuthal equidistant projection: azimoujiak isapqousa probol.
canonical projection: kanonik probol.
center of projection: ke'ntro probolc.
central projection: kentrik probol.
conical projection: kwnik probol.
cylindrical projection: kulindrik probol.

homographic projection: isembadik probol.

horizontal projection: orizntia probol.
Mercator projection: merkatorian probol.
orthogonal projection: orjognia probol.
orthographic projection: orjografik  orjognia probol.
orthomorphic projection: orjmorfh probol.
perspective projection: prooptik probol.
pictorial projection: eikonografik  stereografik probol.
plane of projection: ep pedo probolc.
polyconic projection: polukwnik probol.
sinusoidal projection: hmitonoeidc probol (isembadik).
stereographic projection: stereografik probol.

projective: probolikc.

projective coordinates: probolikc suntetagmnec.

projective dierential geometry: probolik diaforik gewmetr a.
projective geometry: probolik gewmetr a.
projective group: probolik om da.
projective isomorphism: probolikc isomorfismc.
projective relation: probolik sqsh.
projective space: probolikc qroc.
projective transformation: probolikc metasqhmatismc.

projectivity: probolikthta.
prolate: epimkhc, woeidc.

prolate cycloid: epimkhc kukloeidc.

prolate spheroid: ep mhkec sfairoeidc.
prolate spheroidal coordinates: epimkeic  woeide c sfairoeide c suntetagmnec.
prolate trochoid: ep mhkec troqoeidc.

prolong: epimhknw, epekte nw, parate nw, proekte nw.

prolongation: epimkunsh, epktash, par tash, proktash.
prolongation axiom: ax wma epktashc.

prolonged: paratetamnoc, epektetamnoc.

proof: apdeixh.

proof by contradiction: apdeixh me th mjodo thc apagwgc se topo.

proof by induction: apdeixh me th mjodo thc epagwgc.
proof theory: jewr a apode xewn, sun. metamajhmatik (metamathematics).
direct proof: mesh apdeixh.
heuristic proof: mh austhr  diaisjhtik apdeixh.
rigorous proof: austhr apdeixh.

propagate: diad dw.

propagating: diadidmenoc.
propagating crack:

diadidmenh rwgm.


propagation: di dosh, met dosh.

propagation number: kumatikc arijmc.

propagation vector: di nusma diadsewc.
crack propagation: di dosh rwgmc.
error propagation: met dosh sf lmatoc.
speed of propagation: taqthta di doshc.
wave propagation: di dosh kmatoc.

proper: gnsioc, kanonikc, kat llhloc,swstc.

proper class: gnsia kl sh.
proper cycle: gnsioc kkloc.
proper distribution: gnsia katanom.
proper extension: gnsia epktash.
proper fraction: gnsio kl sma.
proper ideal: gnsio idedec.
proper subgroup: gnsia upoom da.
proper subset: gnsio uposnolo.
proper value: idiotim (bl. eigenvalue).
proper vector: idiodi nusma (bl. eigenvector).

properly: kat llhla, kanonik , gnsia.

properly discontinuous action: gnsia asuneqc dr sh.

properly posed problem: kanonik orismno prblhma.

property: idithta.

property method: mjodoc thc perigrafc.

additive properties: prosjetikc idithtec.
a ne property: susqetismnh idithta.
antisymmetric property: antisummetrik idithta.
Archimedean property: arqimdeia idithta.
closure property: idithta thc kleistthtac.
comparison property: idithta thc sugkr sewc.
conjugate symmetric property: suzugc summetrik idithta.
extensive property: ektatik idithta.
extremal property: akrtath idithta, idithta akrot twn.
extremal property: akrtath idithta.
global property: kajolik idithta.
homogeneous property: omogenc idithta.
intensive property: entatik idithta.
intrinsic property: eswterik idithta.
linear property: grammik idithta.
local property: topik idithta.
minimum properties: el qistec idithtec.
optimal property: bltisth idithta.
reective property: anaklastik  autopajc idithta.
shifting property: idithta thc metatpishc. Se merik bibl a, anafretai wc idithta metafor c.
submultiplicative property: upopollaplasiastik idithta.
symmetric property: summetrik idithta.
topological property: topologik idithta.

transitive property: metabatik idithta.

unimodal property: monokrufh idithta.

proportion: analog a.
proportional: an logoc.

proportional frequency: analogik suqnthta.

proportional parts: an loga mrh.
proportional quantities: an logec posthtec.
proportional sampling: analogik deigmatolhy a.
directly proportional: eujwc an logoc.
inversely proportional: antistrfwc an logoc.

proportionality: analog a.
proposition: prtash.
propositional: protasiakc. propositional calculus: protasiakc logismc (sun. sentential calculus).
protocol: prwtkollo.
proton: prwtnio.
protractor: moirognwmnio.
protuberance: exgkwma.
protuberant: exogkwmnoc.
provability: apodeiximthta.
provable: apode ximoc.
prove: apodeiknw.
proved: apodeigmnoc.
proximal: asumptwtik eggc.
proximality: asumptwtik eggthta.
proximity: eggthta.

proximity analysis: an lush eggthtac.

proximity theorem: jerhma eggthtac.

pseudo: (prjema) yeudo-.

pseudocode: yeudokdikac.
pseudofactor: yeudopar gontac.
pseudoinverse: yeudoant strofoc.
pseudoinverse operator:

yeudoant strofoc telestc.

pseudometric: yeudometrikc, yeudometrik.

pseudonode: yeudokmboc.
pseudoscalar: yeudobajmwtc, yeudobajmwt, yeudoarijmhtikc.

pseudoscalar product: yeudoarijmhtik ginmeno  mikt ginmeno  arijmhtik tripl ginmeno (scalar
triple product).

pseudosolution: yeudolsh.

pseudospectral: yeudofasmatikc.

pseudospectral solution: yeudofasmatik lsh.

pseudospectrum: yeudof sma.

pseudosphere: yeudosfa ra.
pseudospherical: yeudosfairikc.
pseudospherical surface:

yeudosfairik epif neia.

pseudotensor: yeudotanustc.
pseudovalue: yeudotim.
pseudovariable: yeudometablht.
pseudovector: yeudodi nusma.
psi: .

psi-square statistic: 2 statistik sun rthsh.

pulley: troqal a.
pulsatance: gwniak suqnthta (sun. angular frequency).
pulsate: p llw, p llomai.
pulsatile: palmikc, sfugmikc.

pulsatile ow: palmik ro, ro se agwg tou opo ou h akt na metab lletai hmitonoeidc sth katejunsh roc.

pulsating: pallmenoc.
pulsation: palmc, sfugmc.
pulse: palmc.

pulse function: sun rthsh tetragwniko palmo.

pump: antl a.
pumping: ntlhsh.
pumping theorem:

jerhma ntlhshc.

pure: kajarc, jewrhtikc, aplc.

pure birth process: apl anlixh gennsewc.

pure geometry: kajar gewmetr a.
pure mathematics: kajar  jewrhtik majhmatik .
pure quadratic form: kajar tetragwnik morf.
pure strategy: apl strathgik.

purpose: skopc.
purposive: skpimoc.

purposive sample: skpima epilegmno de gma.

push: eis gw (plhroforik).

pushdown: stoib zw, sto ba (plhroforik).

deterministic pushdown automaton: nteterministik autmato sto bac.


simple pushdown automaton: apl autmato sto bac.

single-turn pushdown automaton: autmato sto bac miac for c.

pyramid: puram da.

pyramid function: sun rthsh puram da.

frustrum of pyramid: klourh puram da.
pentagonal pyramid: pentagwnik puram da.
regular pyramid: kanonik puram da.
slant height of a pyramid: apsthma puram dac.
spherical pyramid: sfairik puram da.
triangular pyramid: trigwnik puram da.
truncated pyramid: apokommnh  klourh puram da.

Pythagoras: Pujagrac (570-500 p.Q.).

Pythagoras theorem:

pujagreio jerhma.

Pythagorean: Pujagreioc.

primitive Pythagorean triple basik  prwtarqik pujagreia tri da.

QED (Lat. quod erat demonstratum):
de qjhke).

per dei de xai (OED), aut pou prepe na apodeiqje (apo-

QEF (Lat. quod erat faciendum): aut pou prepe na g nei (gine).
QR algorithm: algrijmoc QR.
Q technique: teqnik Q.
quad: tetragwn dio.
quadrangle: tetr gwno, tetr pleuro.
quadrangular: tetragwnikc.
quadrant: tetarthmrio, tetartokklio.
quadrant dependence:

tetartokuklikh  tetarthmoriak ex rthsh.

quadrantal: tetartokuklikc.

quadrantal spherical triangle: tetartokuklik sfairik tr gwno.

quadrat: tetragwnik tmma.

quadratic: tetragwnikc, deuterob jmioc.

quadratic convergence: deuterob jmia sgklish.

quadratic element: tetragwnik stoiqe o.

quadratic equation: deuterob jmia ex swsh  ex swsh deutrou bajmo.

quadratic estimator: tetragwnik ektimtria.
quadratic eld: tetragwnik sma.
quadratic form: tetragwnik morf.
quadratic function: tetragwnik sun rthsh.
quadratic functional: tetragwnik sunarthsiak.
quadratic mean: tetragwnikc msoc.
quadratic polynomial: tetragwnik  deuterob jmio polunumo.
quadratic programming: tetragwnikc programmatismc.
quadratic reciprocity law: tetragwnikc nmoc antistrofc.
quadratic response: tetragwnik apkrish.
quadratic surface: deuterob jmia epif neia.
indenite quadratic form: aristh tetragwnik morf.
pure quadratic form: kajar tetragwnik morf.

quadratically: tetragwnik , deuterob jmia.

quadratically convergent algorithm: deuterob jmia sugkl nwn algrijmoc.

quadrature: tetragwnismc, arijmhtik oloklrwsh.

Gauss-Laguerre quadrature: arijmhtik oloklrwsh Gauss-Laguerre.

Gauss-Legendre quadrature: arijmhtik oloklrwsh Gauss-Legendre.
Gauss quadrature: arijmhtik oloklrwsh Gauss.
quadrature spectrum: tetragwnik f sma.

quadric: deuterob jmioc.

quadric curve: deuterob jmia kamplh.

quadric function: deuterob jmia sun rthsh.
quadric surface: deuterob jmia epif neia.

quadrilateral: tetr pleuro.

quadrilateral element: tetr pleuro stoiqe o.

complete quadrilateral: plrec tetr pleuro.
curved quadrilateral: kampulgrammo tetr pleuro.
inscribable quadrilateral: eggr yimo tetr pleuro.
regular quadrilateral: kanonik tetr pleuro.
simple quadrilateral: apl tetr pleuro.

quadri-Normal: tetra-Kanonikc.

quadri-Normal distribution: tetra-Kanonik katanom.

quadruple: tetr da, tetraplc, tetrapl sioc, tetraplasi zw.

quadruple precision: tetrapl akr beia.
ordered quadruple: diatetagmnh tetr da.

quadruplet: tetr da.

quadruplicate: tetraplasi zw.
quadruplication: tetraplasiasmc.

qualitatively: poiotik .
qualitative: poiotikc.
qualitative data:

poiotik dedomna.

quality: poithta.

quality control: legqoc poithtac.

quality control chart: q rthc elgqou poithtac.
quality level: ep pedo poithtac.
multivariate quality control: polumetablhtc legqoc poithtac.

quanta: bl. quantum.

quantal: posotikopoihmnoc.
quantal response:

posotikopoihmnh apkrish.

quantic: polub jmioc.

quantiable: posotikopoisimoc.
quantication: posondeixh, posotikopo hsh.

quantication theory: kathgorhmatikc logismc (sun. predicate calculus).

domain of quantication: basik snolo  basikc qroc (sun. universe of discourse).
existential quantication: uparxiak posondeixh.
universal quantication: kajolik posondeixh.

quantier: posode kthc.

quantier contraction: sustol posodeiktn.

alternating quantiers: enallassmenoi posode ktec.
bounded quantier: fragmnoc posode kthc.
existential quantier: uparxiakc posode kthc.
innite quantier: peiroc posode kthc.
numerical quantier: arijmhtikc (uparxiakc) posode kthc.
exact numerical quantier: akribc arijmhtikc (uparxiakc) posode kthc.
odd quantier: perittc posode kthc.
universal quantier: kajolikc posode kthc.

quantify: posotikopo hsh.

quantile: posostia oc, posostia o shme o.
quantile point: posostia o shme o.

quantitatively: posotik .
quantitative: posotikc.

quantitative data: posotik dedomna.

quantitative response: posotik apkrish.

quantity: posthta, mgejoc.

physical quantity: fusik mgejoc.

proportional quantities: an logec posthtec.
scalar quantity: bajmwt mgejoc.

quantization: kbantopo hsh.

space quantization: kbantopo hsh qrou.

vector quantization: dianusmatik kbantopo hsh.

quantum (pl. quanta): kb nto.

quantum hypothesis: kbantik upjesh.

quantum index: posotikc de kthc.
quantum mechanics: kbantomhqanik, kbantik mhqanik.
quantum number: kbantikc arijmc.
quantum theory: kbantik jewr a.

quarter: ttarto.
quartic: tetartob jmioc, ttartou bajmo.

quartic convergence: tetartob jmia sgklish.

quartic curve: tetartob jmia kamplh.
quartic equation: tetartob jmia ex swsh.
quartic expression: tetartob jmia par stash.
quartic surface: tetartob jmia epif neia.

quartically: tetartob jmia.

quartically convergent algorithm: tetartob jmia sugkl nwn algrijmoc.

quartile: tetarthmrio tuqa ac metablhtc.

quartile deviation: tetarthmoriak apklish.

quartile measure of skewness: tetarthmoriak mtro loxthtac.
quartile variation: tetarthmoriak metabol.

quartimax: tetragwnik megistopo hsh.

quartimax: tetragwnik elaqistopo hsh.
quasi: oione , sqedn, hmi-, yeudo-.

quasi-analytic: oione analutikc.

quasi-compact cluster: oione sumpagc  hmi-sumpagc sust da.
quasiconformal: oione smmorfoc.
quasiconformal group: oione smmorfh om da.
quasi-convex: oione kurtc.
quasi-convexity: oione kurtthta.
quasi-cube: oione kboc.
quasi-factorial design: oione paragontikc  hmi-paragontikc sqediasmc.
quasi-incompressible: oione asump estoc.
quasi-independence: oione anexarths a, hmi-anexarths a.
quasi-linear: oione grammikc.
quasi-local: oione topikc.
quasi-Markov chain: alus da oione Markov  hmi-Markov.
quasi-maximum likelihood estimator: ektimtria oione mgisthc pijanof neiac.
quasi-median: oione di mesoc  hmi-di mesoc.
quasi-monochromatic: yeudomonoqrwmatikc.
quasi-normal equations: oione kanonikc  hmi-kanonikc exisseic.
quasi-periodic: oione periodikc.

quasi-periodically: oione periodik .

quasi-random sampling: oione tuqa a  hmi-tuqa a deigmatolhy a.
quasi-range: oione kmansh, hmi-kmansh.
quasi-square: oione tetr gwno, oione tetragwnikc.
quasi-steady ow: oione mnimh ro.
quasi-uniform: oione omoimorfoc, oione omalc.

quaternary: tetartogenc.
quaternion: tetr da.

algebra of quaternions: lgebra tetr dwn.

group of quaternions: om da twn tetr dwn.

quaternional: tetradikc, twn tetr dwn.

quatrefoil: tetr fullo.
quatric: tetartob jmioc.
quatric equation:

tetartob jmia ex swsh.

questionnaire: erwthmatolgio.
queue: our .
queuing: anamon, our .

queuing problem: prblhma anamonc.

queuing theory: jewr a anamonc.
priority queuing: anamon kat proteraithta.

quick: grgoroc.
quick test:

grgoroc legqoc.

quindecagon: dekapent gwno.

quintic: pemptob jmioc, pmptou bajmo.

quintic curve: pemptob jmia kamplh.

quintic equation: pemptob jmia ex swsh.
quintic expression: pemptob jmia par stash.
quintic surface: pemptob jmia epif neia.

quintile: pempthmrio.
quintuple: pent da, pentaplc, pentapl sioc, pentaplasi zw.
ordered quintuple: diatetagmnh pent da.

quod erat demonstratum (QED): (Lat.)

(apode qjhke).

per dei de xai (OED), aut pou prepe na apodeiqje

quod erat faciendum (QEF): (Lat.) aut pou prepe na g nei (gine).
quota: posstwsh.
quota sample: posostik de gma.

quotient: lgoc, phl ko, uploipo.

quotient-dierence algorithm: algrijmoc lgwn-diaforn.


quotient regression: palindrmhsh phl kou.

quotient ring: daktlioc phl ko  daktlioc thc kl shc upolo pwn (residue class ring).
quotient test: kritrio sugkr sewc tou lgou.
intelligence quotient: de kthc nohmosnhc.
right quotient: dexi uploipo.

RAM (random access memory): mnmh tuqa ac prosplashc.
RHS (right-hand side): dexi mloc.
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer):
RK (Runge-Kutta):
RK methods:



r.p.m. (revolutions per minute): peristrofc an lept.

R-technique: teqnik R.
rad: suntomeumnh morf tou radian (akt nio) kai tou radix (b sh logar jmou).
radial: aktinikc.
radial component: aktinik sunistsa.
radial displacement: aktinik metatpish.
radial ow: aktinik ro.
radial velocity: aktinik taqthta.

radially: aktinik .
radian: akt nio.

radian measure of an angle:

mtro gwn ac se akt nia.

radiant: aktinobloc.

radiant ux: ro aktinobol ac.

radiation: aktinobol a.

beta radiation: aktinobol a bta.

solar radiation: hliak aktinobol a.

radical: rizikc, rizik.

radical axis: rizikc xonac.

radical center: rizik kntro.
radical extension: rizik epktash.
radical fraction: rizik kl sma.

radical plane: rizik ep pedo.

radical sign: smbolo riziko, smbolo thc tetragwnikc r zac (p).

radicand: uprrizo.
radico-Normal: riziko-Kanonikc.

radico-Normal distribution: riziko-Kanonik katanom.

radii: bl. radius.

radio-frequency waves: radiokmata.
radius (pl. radii): akt na.

radius of convergence: akt na sugkl sewc.

radius of curvature: akt na kampulthtac.
radius of gyration: akt na perifor c.
radius of torsion: akt na stryewc.
spectral radius: fasmatik akt na.

radix: b sh logar jmou (base). Gr fetai ep shc kai sth suntetmhmnh morf rad.
radix fraction: rizik kl sma. Sunnumo tou radical fraction.

raise: aux nw.

raising: aux nontac, axhsh.
raising factor:

par gontac axhshc.

random: tuqa oc. E nai sunnumo tou stochastic (stoqastikc).

random access: tuqa a prosplash.

random access memory (RAM): mnmh tuqa ac prosplashc.
random allocation: tuqa oc katamerismc.
random allocation design: sqediasmc tuqa ou katamerismo.
random balance: tuqa a isorrop a.
random bifurcation: tuqa a diakl dwsh.
random component: tuqa a sunistsa.
random distribution: tuqa a katanom.
random eect: tuqa a ep drash.
random error: tuqa o sf lma.
random event: tuqa o endeqmeno.
random experiment: pe rama tqhc.
random impulse: tuqa a jhsh.
random interval: tuqa o di sthma.
random linear graph: tuqa o grammik gr fhma.
random numbers: tuqa oi arijmo .
random order: tuqa a di taxh.
random orthogonal transformation: tuqa oc orjognioc metasqhmatismc.
random process: tuqa a anlixh.
random sample: tuqa o de gma.
random sampling error: tuqa o sf lma deigmatolhy ac.
random sampling numbers: tuqa oi arijmo deigmatolhy ac.
random selection: tuqa a epilog.
random sequence: tuqa a akolouj a.

random series: tuqa a seir .

random start: tuqa a narxh.
random tesselation: tuqa a yhfidopo hsh.
random variable: tuqa a metablht.
random walk: tuqa oc per patoc  bhmatismc.
normal random variable: kanonik tuqa a metablht.
rank of a random variable: t xh tuqa ac metablhtc.
standardized random variable: tupik  tupopoihmnh tuqa a metablht.
uncorrelated random variables: asusqtistec  orjogniec tuqa ec metablhtc.
uniformly distributed random variable: omoimorfa katanemhmnh tuqa a metablht.

randomization: tuqaiopo hsh, tuqaithta.

randomization test: legqoc tuqaiopo hshc.

complete randomization: plrhc tuqaiopo hsh.
restricted randomization: periorismnh tuqaiopo hsh.

randomized: tuqaiopoihmnoc. Se merik bibl a qrhsimopoie tai o lanjasmnoc roc tuqopoihmnoc.

randomized block: tuqaiopoihmno mplok.
randomized decision function: tuqaiopoihmnh sun rthsh apfashc.
randomized fractional factorial designs: tuqaiopoihmnoi tmhmatiko paragontiko sqediasmo .
randomized model: tuqaiopoihmno montlo.
randomized response: tuqaiopoihmnh apkrish.
randomized test: tuqaiopoihmnoc legqoc.
randomized test function: tuqaiopoihmnh elegqosun rthsh, tuqaiopoihmnh sun rthsh elgqou.

randomness: tuqaithta, to tuqa o.

range: ped o timn, eikna (image), perioq, belhnekc, di sthma, ktash, pl toc (katanomc), kmansh

range of a function: ped o timn sun rthshc.

range of integration: di sthma oloklrwshc.
range chart: q rthc kmanshc.
half range: mis ktash.
half range Fourier series: seir Fourier misc ktashc.
principal range: prwteon di sthma.

rank: bajmc, t xh.

rank correlation: susqtish bajmo.

rank of a matrix: bajmc  t xh p naka.
rank of a random variable: t xh tuqa ac metablhtc.
rank order: di taxh bajmo.
rank sum: jroisma t xhc.

Rao-Blackwellization: efarmog tou jewrmatoc Rao-Blackwell, R o-Mplakgouelopo hsh.

Rao-Blackwellize: efarmzw to jerhma Rao-Blackwell, R o-Mplakgouelopoi.
Rao-Blackwell theorem: jerhma Rao-Blackwell.
rapid: taqc, grgoroc.

rare: sp nioc.
rare event:

sp nio gegonc  endeqmeno.

rate: rujmc, taqthta.

rate of change: rujmc metabolc.

rate of convergence: rujmc  taqthta sugkl sewc.
rate of deformation: rujmc paramrfwshc. Sun. rate of strain.
rate of deformation tensor: tanustc rujmn paramrfwshc. Sun. rate of strain tensor.
rate of growth: rujmc axhshc  an ptuxhc.
rate of strain: rujmc paramrfwshc. Sun. rate of deformation:
rate of strain tensor: tanustc rujmn paramrfwshc. Sun. rate of deformation tensor.
attack rate: rujmc prosbolc.
conversion rate: rujmc metatropc.
exponential rate: ekjetikc rujmc.
ow rate: rujmc roc.

ratio: lgoc.

ratio estimator: ektimtria lgou.

ratio scale: kl maka lgou.
ratio test: kritrio tou lgou.
cross ratio: diplc lgoc.
external ratio: exwterikc lgoc.
homothetic ratio: omoiojetikc lgoc, lgoc omoiojes ac.
internal ratio: eswterikc lgoc.
likelihood ratio: lgoc  phl ko pijanof neiac.
likelihood ratio test: legqoc lgou pijanof neiac.
likelihood ratio test function: elegqosun rthsh lgou pijanof neiac.
similitude ratio: lgoc omoithtac.

rational: rhtc, logikc.

rational approximation: rht prosggish  prosggish me rhtc sunartseic.

rational function: rht sun rthsh.
rational number: rhtc arijmc.
rational transformation: rhtc metasqhmatismc.

rationale: skeptik, basikc arqc, aitiolog a.

rationalism: orjologismc.
rationality: rhtthta, logikthta.
rationalization: rhtopo hsh, logikopo hsh.
rationalize: rhtopoi, logikopoi.

rationalize the denominator: rhtopoi ton paronomast.

raw: prwtogenc, ataxinmhtoc, akatrgastoc.

raw data: prwtogen dedomna.

raw materials: prtec lec.
raw moment: mh kentrik rop.
raw scores: arqik  prwtogen apotelsmata.

ray: akt na, hmieuje a.

beta rays: akt nec bta.

gamma rays: akt nec g mma.
light ray: akt na fwtc.

reachable: prositc.
reaction: ant drash.

reaction time: qrnoc antidr sewc.

chain reaction: alusidwt ant drash.

reactive: antidrastikc, me ant drash.

reactive ow:

ro me (qhmik) ant drash.

read: diab zw.

read statement: entol an gnwshc (plhroforik).

reader: anagnsthc.
card reader:

anagnsthc kartn.

reading: an gnwsh.
real: pragmatikc.

real analysis: pragmatik an lush.

real axis: pragmatikc xonac.
real function: pragmatik sun rthsh.
real matrix: pragmatikc p nakac.
real number: pragmatikc arijmc.
real number system: ssthma twn pragmatikn arijmn.
real part: pragmatik mroc.
real valued: pragmatikc.
real-valued function: pragmatik sun rthsh.
real variable: pragmatik metablht.

reality: pragmatikthta.

virtual reality: eikonik pragmatikthta.

realizable: pragmatopoisimoc.
realization: pragmatopo hsh.
realize: pragmatopoi, enno.
rearrange: anadiat ssw, anakatat ssw.
rearrangement: anadi taxh, anakat taxh.
rearrangement of terms: anadi taxh rwn.

reason: lgoc.
reasonable: logikc.
reasoning: sullogistik.

non-monotone reasoning:

mh montonh  ajroistik sullogistik.


receive: dqomai, upodqomai.

receiver: dkthc.
reception: upodoq.
reciprocal: ant strofoc, amoiba oc.

reciprocal dierences: ant strofec diaforc.

reciprocal tensors: ant strofoi tanustc.

reciprocally: ant strofa, amoiba a.

reciprocity: antistrof, amoibaithta.

dual reciprocity: duk antistrof.

dual reciprocity method: mjodoc dukc antistrofc.
dual reciprocity boundary elements: sunoriak stoiqe a dukc antistrofc.
multiple reciprocity method: mjodoc pollaplc antistrofc.
quadratic reciprocity law: tetragwnikc nmoc antistrofc.
reciprocity law: nmoc antistrofc.

record: katagr fw, rekr.

recognition: anagnrish.
language recognition:

anagnrish glssac.

recognize: anagnwr zw.

recognizer: anagnwristc.
language recognizer:

anagnwristc glssac.

recover: anakt.
recovery: an kthsh, apokat stash.

recovery of information: an kthsh plhrofor ac.

rectangle: orjognio.
golden rectangle:

qrus orjognio.

rectangular: orjognioc.

rectangular coordinates: kartesianc  orjogniec suntetagmnec (sun. Cartesian coordinates).

rectangular coordinate system: kartesian  orjognio ssthma suntetagmnwn (sun. Cartesian
coordinate system).
rectangular distribution: orjognia katanom.
rectangular lattice: orjognio plgma.
rectangular neighborhood: orjognia perioq.
rectangular parallelepiped: orjognio parallhlep pedo. Sun. kuboeidc (cuboid).


anorjwsimthta, diorjwsimthta, h idithta kamplhc  txou na qei upolog simo

(peperasmno) mkoc.

rectiable: anorjsimoc, diorjsimoc, eujugramm simoc, upolog simoc.

rectiable arc: txo me upolog simo (peperasmno) mkoc.
rectiable curve: kamplh me upolog simo (peperasmno) mkoc.

rectied: anorjwmnoc, diorjwmnoc.

rectied formula: diorjwmnoc tpoc.

rectied function: anorjwmnh sun rthsh.
half rectied: hmianorjwmnoc.
half rectied function: hmianorjwmnh sun rthsh.
half rectied sine wave function: hmianorjwmnh hmitonoeidc kumatik sun rthsh.

rectier: anorjwthc, diorjwtc.

rectify: anorjnw, diorjnw, upolog zw, eujugramm zw, eujeiopoi.
rectifying: anorjnwn, eujeiopoin, apokajistn.
rectifying plane:

eujeiopoi ep pedo.

rectilinear: eujgrammoc.

rectilinear axis: eujgrammoc xonac.

rectilinear gure: eujgrammo sqma.
rectilinear polygon: eujgrammo polgwno.

recurrence: anadrom.

recurrence formula: anadromikc tpoc.

recurrence relation: anadromik sqsh.

recurring: anadromikc, epanalhptikc.

recurring continuous fraction:

epanalhptik suneqc kl sma.

recursion: anadrom.

recursion formula: anadromikc tpoc.

recursion theory: jewr a anadromn, jewr a anadromikn sunartsewn.
double recursion: dipl anadrom.
multiple recursion: pollapl anadrom.
primitive recursion: basik  arqgonh anadrom.
transnite recursion: uperpeperasmnh anadrom.

recursive: anadromikc.

recursive formula: anadromikc tpoc.

recursive function: anadromik sun rthsh.
recursive isomorphism: anadromikc isomorfismc.
recursive predicate: anadromik kathgrhma.
recursive set: anadromik snolo.
partial recursive functions: merikc anadromikc sunartseic.
primitive recursive functions: basikc anadromikc sunartseic.
primitive recursive sets: basik anadromik snola.

recursively: anadromik .

recursively enumerable sets: anadromik arijmsima snola.

recursively isomorphic sets: anadromik ismorfa snola.

recursiveness: anadromikthta.

recurvature: anakamplwsh, anakampultha.

redistribution: anakatanom.
mesh redistribution:

anakatanom plgmatoc.

reduce: an gw, elattnw, upobib zw.

reduce a problem to another: an gw na prblhma se llo.

reduced: anhgmnoc, elattwmnoc, upobibasmnoc.

reduced column echelon form: anhgmnh klimakwt morf kat stlec.

reduced echelon form: anhgmnh klimakwt morf.
reduced echelon matrix: anhgmnoc klimakwtc p nakac.
reduced row echelon form: anhgmnh klimakwt morf kat grammc.

reducibility: anagwgimthta.
reducible: anaggimoc.

reducible transformation: anaggimoc metasqhmatismc.

reduct: surr knwsh.

reductio ad absurdum (lat.): mjodoc thc apagwgc se topo (proof by contradiction).
reduction: anagwg, aplopo hsh, upopollaplasiasmc, me wsh.
reduction formula: anagwgikc tpoc.
error reduction: me wsh sf lmatoc.
Gauss-Jordan reduction: anagwg  apaloif (elimination) Gauss-Jordan.
symplectic reduction: sumplektik anagwg.

reference: anafor .

reference element: stoiqe o anafor c, basik  prtupo stoiqe o.

reference level: ep pedo anafor c.
reference point: shme o anafor c.
frame of reference: ssthma anafor c.
system of reference: ssthma anafor c.
accelerated system of reference: epitaqunmeno ssthma anafor c.

rene: exeugen zw, ekleptnw, puknnw (gia plgmata).

rened mesh: puknwmno plgma.

renement: exeugenismc, ekleptusmc, pknwsh (gia plgmata).

mesh renement: pknwsh plgmatoc.
iterative mesh renement: epanalhptik pknwsh plgmatoc.

reect: anakl.
reectance: anaklastikthta.
reecting: anaklastikc, anakln.

reecting boundary: anaklastik snoro.

reecting barrier: anaklastik fr gma.

reection: an klash.

reection principle: arq thc anakl sewc.

internal reection: eswterik an klash.

reective: anaklastikc, autopajc.

reective property:

anaklastik  autopajc idithta.

reector: anaklastc.

elementary reector: stoiqeidhc anaklastc  metasqhmatismc tou Householder (Householder transformation).

reexive: anaklastikc, autopajc.

reexive relation: anaklastik  autopajc sqsh.

reexive closure: anaklastik kleistthta.

reexivity: anaklastikthta, autop jeia.

refracted: diajlasmnoc, diajlmenoc.
refracted wave: diajlmeno kma.

refraction: di jlash.

index of refraction: de kthc diajl sewc.

refractive: diajlastikc.
refractive index:

de kthc diajl sewc.

refusal: aprriyh.
regeneration: anagnnhsh.
regenerative: anagennhtikc.
regenerative process:

anagennhtik anlixh.

region: tpoc, perioq, qwr o.

acceptance region: qwr o  perioq apodoqc.

canonical region: kanonikc tpoc.
closed region: kleistc tpoc, kleist qwr o.
condence region: qwr o  perioq empistosnhc.
connected region: sunektikc  sunafc tpoc, sunektik  sunafc qwr o.
critical region: kr simo qwr o, kr simh perioq.
lens-shaped region: fakoeidc tpoc, fakoeidc qwr o.
multiply connected region: pollapl sunektik qwr o  tpoc.
open region: anoiktc tpoc, anoikt qwr o.
rejection region: qwr o  perioq aprriyhc.
simply connected region: apl sunektik qwr o  tpoc.
wedge-shaped region: sfhnoeidc  aiqmhrc tpoc, sfhnoeidc  aiqmhr qwr o.

regional: topikc.

regional method: topik mjodoc.


regressand: palindromomenh metablht.

regression: palindrmhsh.

regression analysis: an lush palindromsewc.

regression coe cient: suntelestc palindromsewc.
regression curve: kamplh palindromsewc.
regression equation: ex swsh palindromsewc.
regression function: sun rthsh palindrmhshc.
regression line: euje a palindromsewc.
regression plane: ep pedo palindromsewc.
regression surface: epif neia palindromsewc.
double exponential regression: dipl ekjetik palindrmhsh.
exponential regression: ekjetik palindrmhsh.
isotonic regression function: isotonik sun rthsh palindrmhshc.
joint regression: mikt palindrmhsh.
multiple regression: pollapl palindrmhsh.
non-linear regression : mh grammik palindromsh.
partial regression: merik palindromhsh.
piecewise regression: tmhmatik palindrmhsh.
polynomial regression: poluwnumik palindrmhsh.
quotient regression: palindrmhsh phl kou.
true regression: alhjc palindrmhsh.

regressive: palindromikc.
regressor: palindromosa metablht.
regula falsi: esfalmnh jsh (lat.).

regula falsi method: mjodoc esfalmnhc jshc, mjodoc regula falsi.

regular: kanonikc, omalc, sunjhc.

regular cardinal: kanonikc plhj rijmoc.

regular dodecahedron: kanonik  omal dwdek edro.
regular estimator: kanonik ektimtria.
regular expression: kanonik kfrash (plhroforik).
regular function: analutik sun rthsh, kanonik sun rthsh.
regular grammar: kanonik grammatik.
regular hexagon: kanonik ex gwno.
regular hexahedron: kanonik  omal ex edro (dhl. kboc).
regular icosahedron: kanonik  omal eikos edro.
regular language: kanonik glssa.
regular octahedron: kanonik  omal okt edro.
regular polygon: kanonik  omal polgwno.
regular polyhedra: kanonik  omal poledra (bl. polyhedron).
regular pyramid: kanonik puram da.
regular quadrilateral: kanonik tetr pleuro.
regular representation: kanonik par stash.
regular singular point: snhjec idi zon  anmalo shme o.
regular solids: kanonik  omal smata (sun. regular polyhedra).
regular space: kanonikc qroc. Metafr zetai ep shc wc fusiologikc qroc prokeimnou na g nei
di krish ap to normal space.
regular summability: kanonik ajroisimthta.

regular tetrahedron: kanonik  omal tetr edro.

regular tiling: kanonik  omal plakstrwsh.

regularity: kanonikthta, omalthta.

regularization: omalopo hsh, kanonikopo hsh.
regularized: omalopoihmnoc, kanonikopoihmnoc.

regularized inversion: omalopoihmnh antistrof.

regularly: kanonik , omal .

reject: aporr ptw.
rejection: aprriyh.
rejection region:

qwr o  perioq aprriyhc.

relation: sqsh.

antisymmetric relation: antisummetrik sqsh.

auxiliary relation: bohjhtik sqsh.
binary relation: dimelc  duadik sqsh.
circular relation: kuklik sqsh.
constitutive relation: katastatik sqsh, ulik sqsh.
converse relation: ant strofh sqsh.
equality relation: sqsh isthtac.
equivalence relation: sqsh isodunam ac.
intransitive relation: mh metabatik sqsh.
inverse relation: ant strofh sqsh.
monadic relation: monomelc  monadia a sqsh, kathgrhma miac jshc (sun. unary relation kai
one-place predicate).
projective relation: probolik sqsh.
recurrence relation: anadromik sqsh.
reexive relation: anaklastik  autopajc sqsh.
symmetric relation: summetrik sqsh.
ternary relation: trimelc  triadik sqsh.
transition relation: sqsh met bashc.
transitive relation: metabatik sqsh.
unary relation: monomelc  monadia a sqsh, kathgrhma miac jshc (sun. monadic relation kai
one-place predicate).

relational: sqesiakc.
relational algebra:

sqesiak lgebra.

relationship: sqsh.

linear relationship: grammik sqsh.

non-linear relationship: mh grammik sqsh.

relative: sqetikc, suggenc.

relative acceleration: sqetik epit qunsh.

relative change: sqetik metabol.
relative e ciency: sqetik apotelesmatikthta  apodotikthta.

relative error: sqetik sf lma.

relative frequency: sqetik suqnthta.
relative frequency distribution: katanom sqetikc suqnthtac.
relative maximum: sqetik mgisto.
relative minimum: sqetik el qisto.
relative prime numbers: prtoi metax touc arijmo .
relative stability: sqetik eust jeia.
relative topology: sqetik topolog a.
relative velocity: sqetik taqthta.

relatively: sqetik .

relatively prime: sqetik prtoi (arijmo ).

relativistic: sqetikistikc.

relativistic mechanics: sqetikistik mhqanik.

relativity: sqetikthta.

special relativity: eidik sqetikthta.

relaxation: qal rwsh.

relaxation method:

mjodoc qal rwshc.

reliable: axipistoc.
reliability: axiopist a.

reliability level: ep pedo axiopist ac.

remainder: uploipo.

remainder theorem: jerhma tou upolo pou.

Chinese remainder theorem: jerhma upolo pou tou Kinzou (logik).

remeshing: anakataskeu plgmatoc, anaplegm twsh.

removable: apale yimoc, diorjsimoc, afairetc.

removable discontinuity: airmenh  apale yimh asunqeia.

removable singularity: airmenh  epousidhc  diorjsimh  apale yimh anwmal a.

remove: afair, apale fw.

renew: ananenw.
renewal: ananwsh.
renormalization: anakanonikopo hsh.
renormalize: anakanonikopoi.
renumber: anaarijm.
renumbering: anaar jmhsh.
reordering: anadi taxh.
repeat: epanalamb nw.

repeated: epanalambanmenoc.

repeated root: epanalambanmenh r za.

repeated survey: epanalambanmenh reuna.

repetition: epanal lhyh.

replace: epanajtw, epanatopojet, antikajist, anaplhr.
replacement: epan jesh, epanatopojthsh, antikat stash, anaplrwsh.
replacement theorem: jerhma epan jeshc.
partial replacement: merik epan jesh.

replicate: epanalamb nw, epan lhyh.

replication: epan lhyh.
represent: anaparist nw, parist nw.
representable: anaparast simoc, perigr yimoc.

representable functor: anaparast simoc sunarthtc.

representable set: perigr yimo snolo.
weakly representable set: asjenc perigr yimo snolo (sun. numerated set).

representation: par stash, morf, antiprospeush, anapar stash, ekprosphsh.

representation theory: jewr a anaparast sewn.
canonical representation: kanonik anapar stash.
cardinal representation: jemelidhc anapar stash.
complex representation: migadik par stash.
decimal representation: dekadik morf (pragmatiko arijmo).
faithful representation: pist anapar stash.
nite representation: peperasmnh anapar stash.
Galois representations: anaparast seic Galois.
graphical representation: grafik anapar stash.
group representation: anapar stash om dac.
integral representation: oloklhrwtik morf  par stash.
normal representation: kanonik anapar stash.
parametric representation: kanonik par stash.
regular representation: kanonik par stash.
Riesz representation theorem: jerhma anaparast sewc tou Riesz.
seminormal representation: hmikanonik anapar stash.
vector representation: par stash me diansmata.

representative: antiproswpeutikc, antiprswpoc.

repulsion: pwsh.
repunits: arijmo epanalambanmenwn mon dwn (p.x., 1, 11, 111 kok).
resampling: anadeigmatolhy a.
research: reuna.
basic research: basik reuna.
operational research: epiqeirisiak reuna.

researcher: ereunhtc.

reside: paramnw, diamnw, katoik.

residence: paramon, diamon, katoik a.
residence time: qrnoc paramonc.

resident: paramnwn, diamnwn, k toikoc.

residual: uploipo.
Galerkin weighted residuals:

stajmismna uploipa


residue: uploipo, oloklhrwtik uploipo.

residue class: kl sh upolo pwn.

residue class ring: daktlioc thc kl shc upolo pwn  daktlioc phl ko (quotient ring).
residue theorem: jerhma twn oloklhrwtikn upolo pwn.
power residue: dunamoploipo.

resistance: ant stash.

resistor: antist thc.
resolution: ep lush, an lush, eukr neia, diaqwrisimthta, diakrisimthta.
resolution method: mjodoc ep lushc.
resolution rule: kannac ep lushc.
resolution theorem: jerhma ep lushc.
high resolution: uyhl eukr neia  diakrisimthta.

resolvability: epilusimthta, analusimthta.

a ne resolvability: susqetismnh analusimthta.

resolvable: epilsimoc, analsimoc.

resolve: epilw, analw.
resolvent: epilousa, analousa.
resolving: epilontac, analontac, epilwn, analwn.
resolving power:

diakritik ikanthta (opt.).

resonance: suntonismc.
respect: sqsh.

with respect to: wc proc, en sqsei proc, se sqsh me.

derivative with respect to x: par gwgoc wc proc x.

respective: sqetikc, ant stoiqoc.

respectively: ant stoiqa.
response: apkrish, ant drash.

response error: sf lma apkrishc.

response surface: epif neia apkrishc.
response time: qrnoc apkrishc.
response variable: metablht apkrishc.
response time distribution: katanom qrnou apkrishc.
dynamic response: dunamik apkrish.
index of response: de kthc apkrishc.
quadratic response: tetragwnik apkrish.

randomized response: tuqaiopoihmnh apkrish.

seismic response: seismik apkrish.

statement: anadiatpwsh.

restatement of the problem: anadiatpwsh tou problmatoc.

rest: hrem a.
rest mass:

m za hrem ac.

restitution: apokat stash, epanafor .

restore: apokajist.
restoring: apokajistn, apokajistntac.
restoring force:

dnamh epanafor c.

restrict: perior zw.

restricted: periorismnoc, me periorismoc.

restricted (nite) element: periorismno (peperasmno) stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc serendipity (nite) element.
restricted bicubic element: periorismno dikubik stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc bicubic
serendipity element.
restricted biquadratic element: periorismno ditetragwnik stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc
biquadratic serendipity element.
restricted randomization: periorismnh tuqaiopo hsh.
restricted test: periorismnoc legqoc.

restriction: periorismc.

restriction of a function:

periorismc sun rthshc.

result: apotlesma.

numerical results: arijmhtik apotelsmata.

theoretical results: jewrhtik apotelsmata.
valid results: gkura apotelsmata.

resultant: sunistamnh.
resultant of vectors:

sunistamnh dianusm twn.

retard: epibradnw, kajuster.

retardation: epibr dunsh, kajustrhsh.
retarded: kajusterhmnoc, epibradunmenoc.
retarded motion: epidradunmenh k nhsh.

retarder: epibraduntc.
return: epistrfw, epistrof.

return period: per odoc epistrofc.

return states: katast seic epistrofc.
return time: qrnoc epistrofc.

rst passage time: qrnoc prthc di bashc.

reveal: apokalptw.
revealed: apokalummnoc.
revealed class:

apokalummnh kl sh.

revelation: apok luyh.

reversal: anastrof, antistrof.

reversal design: sqediasmc anastrofc.

reversal test: legqoc anastrofc.
time reversal: qronik anastrof.

reverse: ant strofoc, antestrammnoc, an strofoc, ant jetoc, antistrfw, anastrfw.

reverse operation: ant strofh pr xh.
reverse order: ant strofh di taxh.

reversibility: antistreyimthta, to antistrept.

reversibility of Stokes ow: antistreyimthta thc roc Stokes.

reversible: antistryimoc, anastryimoc.

reversible relation:

anastryimh sqsh.

reversion: anastrof, antistrof.

reversion index:

de kthc anastrofc.

revolve: peristrfw, peristrfomai.

revolving: peristrefmenoc.
revolving axis:

peristrefmenoc xonac.

revolution: peristrof, epan stash.

surface of revolution: epif neia ek peristrofc.

volume of revolution: gkoc ek peristrofc.

rewrite: xanagr fw, epaneggr fw.

rewriting: epaneggraf.
Reynolds, (-).

Reynolds number: arijmc Reynolds.

(Reynold's) transport theorem: jerhma metafor c (tou Reynolds).

rheology: reolog a, roolog a.

rheological: reologikc.

rheological measurements: reologikc metrseic.

rheological models: reologik montla.
rheological properties: reologikc idithtec.

rheometer: remetro.

rheonomic: renomoc.
rheonomic system:

renomo ssthma.

rhomb: rmboc.

rhomb line: loxodromik gramm.

rhombic: rombikc.

rhombic Archimedean polyhedra:

rombik arqimdeia poledra (bl.


rhombicosidodecahedron: romboeikosidwdek edro. Rombik arqimdeio poledro (oi drec tou e nai
tetr gwna kai kanonik tr gwna kai pent gwna).

rhombicuboctahedron: rombokubookt edro. Rombik arqimdeio poledro (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai tetr gwna).

rhombohedral: rombedroc, romboedrikc.

rhombohedron (pl. rhombohedrons or rhombohedra): rombedro.
rhomboid: romboeidc, romboeidc.
rhombus (pl. rhombuses or rhombi): rmboc.
rhumb: loxodromik kamplh.
rhumb line:

sfairik lika.

rhythm: rujmc.
Riccati equation: ex swsh tou Riccati.
Richardson's extrapolation: prbleyh kat Richardson, mjodoc extrapolation tou Richardson.
ridge: koruf, korufogramm.
ridge regression:

palindrmhsh korufogrammc.

Riemann, Bernhard (1826-1866).

Riemann curvature tensor: tanustc kampulthtac tou Riemann.

Riemann distribution: katanom Riemann.
Riemann integrability: oloklhrwsimthta kat Riemann.
Riemann integrable: oloklhrsimoc kat Riemann.
Riemann integral: oloklrwma kat Riemann.
Riemann kernel: purnac Riemann.
Riemann normal coordinates: kanonikc suntetagmnec tou Riemann.
Riemann sphere: sfa ra tou Riemann.
Riemann summability: ajroisimthta kat Riemann.
Riemann surface: epif neia tou Riemann.
Riemann zeta function: sun rthsh zta tou Riemann.

Riesz, Frigyes (1880-).

Riesz representation theorem:

jerhma anaparast sewc tou

right: dexic, orjc, swstc, dexi .

right adjoint: dexic suzugc  prosarthmnoc.

right angle: orj gwn a.
right circular cone: orjc kuklikc knoc.


right cone: orjc knoc.

right conoid: orj kwnoeidc.
right factoring: dexi paragontopo hsh.
right-hand continuity: sunqeia ap dexi .
right-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap dexi .
right handed: dexic, dexistrofoc.
right-handed coordinate system: dexistrofo ssthma suntetagmnwn, sun. dextral coordinate system.
right-hand limit: rio ap dexi .
right helicoid: orj elikoeidc.
right ideal: dexi idedec.
right quotient: dexi uploipo.
right triangle: orjognio tr gwno.

rightmost: akrodexic, o dexiteroc.

rightmost derivation: dexiterh paragwg (plhroforik).

rigid: sterec, kamptoc, mh elastikc.

rigid body: stere  kampto sma. Sun. solid body.

rigid-body motion: k nhsh stereo smatoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh. Sun. solid-body
rigid-body rotation: peristrof stereo smatoc, mh elastik peristrof, kampth peristrof. Sun.
solid-body rotation.
rigid-body translation: metafor  par llhlh metatpish stereo smatoc, mh elastik metafor ,
kampth metafor . Sun. solid-body translation.
rigid motion: k nhsh stereo smatoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh.

rigidity: akamy a.
rigorous: austhrc, kamptoc.

rigorous error bound: austhr fr gma sf lmatoc.

rigorous proof: austhr apdeixh.

ring: daktlioc.

ring isomorphism: isomorfismc daktul wn.

ring theory: jewr a daktul wn.
ring with identity: daktlioc me tautotik ( monadia o) stoiqe o, 1-daktlioc.
ring with unity: daktlioc me monadia o ( tautotik) stoiqe o, 1-daktlioc.
Anchor ring: daktlioc Anchor  troc (torus).
commutative ring: antimetajetikc daktlioc.
Euclidean ring: eukle deioc daktlioc.
nilpotent ring: mhdenodnamoc daktlioc.
opposite ring: ant jetoc daktlioc.
pointed ring: shmeiakc daktlioc.
quotient ring: daktlioc phl ko  daktlioc thc kl shc upolo pwn (residue class ring).
residue class ring: daktlioc thc kl shc upolo pwn  daktlioc phl ko (quotient ring).
simple ring: aplc daktlioc.

ringlike: daktulioeidc.

ringshaped: daktulioeidc.
risk: r sko, k ndunoc, diakindneush, risk rw, diakindunew.

risk function: sun rthsh kindnou, sun rthsh diakindneushc.

average risk: msh (anamenmenh) diakindneush.
Bayes' risk: diakindneush Bayes.
producer's risk: k ndunoc tou paragwgo.

risky: epik ndunoc.

robust: anjektikc.
robustness: anjektikthta.
rocket: prauloc.
Rodrigues, Olinde (1794-1851).

Rodrigues' equation: ex swsh tou Rodrigues.

Rodrigues' formula: tpoc tou Rodrigues.

Rolle, Michel (1652-1719).

Rolle's theorem:

jerhma tou


rolling: kulimenoc, peristrefmenoc.

roman: rwmakc.
roman numerals: rwmako arijmo .

Romberg integration: oloklrwsh Romberg.

roof: stgh.
roof function:

sun rthsh stgh.

root: r za.

root-mean-square error: mso tetragwnik sf lma.

root test: kritrio thc r zac.
cubic root: kubik r za.
nth root extraction: exagwg niostc r zac.
primitive root: arqik r za.
repeated root: epanalambanmenh r za.
simple root: apl r za.
square root: tetragwnik r za.
triple root: tripl r za.

roster: kat logoc onom twn.

roster method: mjodoc thc anagrafc.

rotary: peristrofikc.
rotate: peristrfw, peristrfomai.
rotating: peristrefmenoc.
rotating coordinate system:

peristrefmeno ssthma suntetagmnwn.


rotation: strof, peristrof, strobilismc.

axis of rotation: xonac peristrofc.

nite rotation: peperasmnh strof.
instantaneous axis of rotation: stigmia oc xonac peristrofc.
instantaneous center of rotation: stigmia o kntro peristrofc.
solid-body rotation: peristrof stereo smatoc, mh elastik peristrof, kampth peristrof. Sun.
rigid-body rotation.

rotational: strobilc, strobildhc, peristrofikc.

rotational eld: strobil ped o.
rotational ow: strobil ro.
rotational force: peristrofik dnamh.

rotatory: peristrofikc.
rough: traqc, prqeiroc.
rough estimate:

prqeirh ekt mhsh.

roughness: traqthta.
round: stroggulc, kuklikc.
round angle:

gwn a 360o , plrhc gwn a. Sun.


rounding: stroggleush.

rounding error: sf lma stroggulesewc.

global rounding error: kajolik sf lma stroggulesewc.
local rounding error: topik sf lma stroggulesewc.

round o
: stroggulew, stroggleush.
round o error:

sf lma stroggulesewc.

route: diadrom, drmoc.

routing: dromolghsh.
row: gramm, seir .

row equivalent: grammosodnamoc.

row equivalent matrices: grammosodnamoi p nakec.
row exchange: enallag grammn.
row matrix: p nakac gramm, di nusma grammc.
row operation: pr xh  metasqhmatismc grammn.
row space: (grammikc) qroc grammn.
elementary row operation: stoiqeidhc metasqhmatismc grammn.
reduced row echelon form: anhgmnh klimakwt morf kat grammc.

royal: basilikc.
royal ush:

floc ston sso.

rule: kannac.

rule of deduction: sumperasmatologikc kannac, kannac paragwgc (sun. rule of inference).

rule of detachment: kannac apspashc.

rule of dierentiation: kannac paragwg sewc.

rule of inference: sumperasmatologikc kannac, kannac paragwgc (sun. rule of deduction).
rule of thumb: empeirikc kannac.
chain rule: kannac thc alus dac, kannac paragwg sewc snjethc sun rthshc.
decision rule: kannac apfashc.
heuristic rule: euretikc kannac.
L' Hospital's rule: kannac tou L' Hospital.
slide rule: logistikc kannac.
stopping rule: kannac termatismo  diakopc.
trapezoidal rule: kannac tou trapez ou.

ruled: eujeiogenc, eujeiopoihmnoc.

ruled surface:

eujeiogenc epif neia.

ruling: genteira.
run: trqw, ro.
Runge-Kutta methods: mjodoi Runge-Kutta.

stochastic Runge-Kutta method: stoqastik mjodoc Runge-Kutta.

SOR (successive overrelaxation): diadoqik uperqal rwsh.
saddle: sagmatikc  sagmoeidc  samaroeidc, slla, slac.

saddle point: sagmatik  sagmoeidc  samaroeidc shme o, shme o slac.

monkey saddle: slla tou pijkou.

salesman: pwlhtc.

traveling salesman problem: prblhma periodeontoc pwlht  prblhma emporiko antiprospou.

sample: de gma.

sample mean: msh tim de gmatoc  deigmatik msh tim.

sample size: mgejoc de gmatoc.
sample space: deigmatqwroc  deigmatikc qroc.
sample statistic: deigmatik statistik sun rthsh.
sample variance: deigmatik diaspor .
discrete sample space: diakritc deigmatqwroc  deigmatikc qroc.
nite sample space: peperasmnoc deigmatqwroc  deigmatikc qroc.
independent samples: anex rthta de gmata.
non-random sample: mh tuqa o de gma.
ordered sample: diatetagmno de gma.
random sample: tuqa o de gma.

self-weighting sample: autostajmismno de gma.

stratied sample: strwmatopoihmno de gma.
systematic sample: susthmatik de gma.
two-stage sample: de gma do stad wn.

sampling: deigmatolhy a.

sampling distribution: deigmatolhptik katanom.

sampling error: deigmatolhptik sf lma, sf lma deigmatolhy ac.
sampling numbers: arijmo deigmatolhy ac.
sampling technique: teqnik deigmatolhy ac.
sampling theory: jewr a deigmatolhy ac  deigmatolhptik jewr a.
extensive sampling: ektetamnh (qronik  topik ) deigmatolhy a.
indirect sampling: mmesh deigmatolhy a.
inverse sampling: ant strofh deigmatolhy a.
Monte Carlo sampling: deigmatolhy a Monte Carlo.
multinomial sampling: poluwnumik deigmatolhy a.
multi-phase sampling: polufasik deigmatolhy a.
multi-stage sampling: polustadiak deigmatolhy a.
proportional sampling: analogik deigmatolhy a.
random sampling: tuqa a deigmatolhy a.
random sampling error: tuqa o sf lma deigmatolhy ac.
random sampling numbers: tuqa oi arijmo deigmatolhy ac.
zonal sampling: deigmatolhy a kat znec.

sandwich: s ntouitc.
sandwich property:

idithta s ntouitc.

satellite: dorufroc.
satisfactory: ikanopoihtikc.
satisability: ikanopoihsimthta.
satisable: ikanopoisimoc.

satisable formula: ikanopoisimoc tpoc.

satisfy: ikanopoi.
saturated: koresmnoc, kekoresmnoc.

saturated model: kekoresmno montlo.

saturated structure: kekoresmnh dom.

saturation: koresmc.
saw: prini.

sawtooth boundary: prionoeidc snoro.

sawtooth wave function: prionoeidc kumatik sun rthsh.

scalable: epideqmenoc allag kl makac.

scalable algorithm: algrijmoc epideqmenoc allag kl makac.


scalar: bajmwtc, arijmhtikc, bajmwt mgejoc, monmetro mgejoc.

scalar coe cient: bajmwtc suntelestc.

scalar curvature: bajmwt kampulthta.
scalar eld: bajmwt ped o.
scalar invariant: bajmwt anallo wth.
scalar matrix: bajmwtc p nakac.
scalar multiplication: bajmwtc  arijmhtikc pollaplasiasmc.
scalar multiple: bajmwt pollapl sio.
scalar potential: bajmwt dunamik.
scalar product: eswterik  bajmwt  arijmhtik ginmeno  ginmeno tele ac (sun. inner  dot
product), bajmwt pollapl sio, bajmwtc pollaplasiasmc.
scalar quantity: bajmwt mgejoc.
scalar triple product: mikt ginmeno (dianusm twn)  yeudoarijmhtik (pseudoscalar) ginmeno 
arijmhtik tripl ginmeno.
scalar variable: bajmwt metablht.

scale: kl maka.

scale factor: suntelestc kl makac.

scale parameter: par metroc kl makac.
absolute scale: apluth kl maka.
atomic scale: atomik kl maka.
binary scale: duadik kl maka  kl maka tou do.
large-scale simulations: prosomoiseic meg lhc kl makac.
logarithmic scale: logarijmik kl maka.
multiple scale analysis: an lush pollaplc kl makac (sun. multiscale analysis).
ratio scale: kl maka lgou.
uniform scale: omoimorfh kl maka.

scaled: anhgmnoc, up kl maka.

scaled method: anhgmnh mjodoc.

scaling: allag kl makac, anagwg.

scaling factor:

suntelestc allagc kl makac.

scalene: skalhnc.
scalene triangle:

skalhn tr gwno.

scan: sarnw.
scanner: sarwtc.
scanning: s rwsh.
scatter: sked zw, diaskorp zw, diaspor , skdash.
scatter coe cient: suntelestc diaspor c.
scatter diagram: di gramma diaspor c.

scattered: skedasje c, diesparmnoc, diaskorpismnoc.

scattered radiation: skedasje sa aktinobol a.


scattergram: di gramma diaspor c (scatter diagram  scatterplot).

scattering: skdash, diaspor .
scattering angle: gwn a skdashc.
light scattering: skdash tou fwtc.

scatterplot: di gramma diaspor c (scatter diagram  scattergram).

scedastic: skedastikc.
scedastic curve:

skedastik kamplh.

scedasticity: skedastikthta.
schedular: dromologikc, programmatikc.
schedule: kat logoc, prgramma, qronodi gramma, dromolgio, qronodromolgio (plhroforik).
scheduler: upejunoc progr mmatoc, programmatistc, qronodromologhtc (plhroforik).
scheduling: programmatismc, dromolghsh, qronodromolghsh (plhroforik).
scheduling mechanism: mhqanismc qronodromolghshc (plhroforik).

schema (pl. schemata): sqma.

axiom schema: axiwmatik sqma.

machine schema: sqma mhqanc.
non-logical axiom schema: mh logik axiwmatik sqma.

schemata: sqmata, bl. schema.

axiom schemata: axiwmatik sqmata.

schematic: sqhmatikc, diagrammatikc.

schematically: sqhmatik , diagrammatik .
scheme: sqma, mjodoc, ssthma.

alternating-direction implicit scheme: mmesh mjodoc enallassmenwn dieujnsewn.

axiom scheme: ssthma axiwm twn.
explicit scheme: analut  mesh mjodoc.
rst-order scheme: mjodoc prthc t xhc.
implicit scheme: mh analut  mmesh  peplegmnh mjodoc.
second-order scheme: mjodoc deterhc t xhc.
stabilized scheme: stajeropoihmnh mjodoc.
time marching scheme: mjodoc qronopreushc.

Schr odinger,


Schrodinger equation: ex swsh Schrodinger.

Schur's lemma: lmma tou Schur.

Schwarz, (-).

Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: anisthta twn Cauchy-Schwarz.

science: epistmh.

computational sciences:

upologistikc epistmec.


mathematical sciences:

majhmatikc epistmec.

scientic: episthmonikc.

scientic computing: episthmonikc upologismc.

scientic programming: episthmonikc programmatismc.

scleronomic: sklhrnomoc.
scleronomic system:

sklhrnomo ssthma.

scope: embleia (p.q. posode kth), skopc.

score: apotlesma, bajmc.

Normal scores: Kanonik apotelsmata.

inverse Normal scores: ant strofa Kanonik apotelsmata.
raw scores: arqik  prwtogen apotelsmata.
standard score: tupik apotlesma.

screen: ojnh.
screw: koql ac, lika.

screw symmetry: summetr a eliksewc, elikoeidc summetr a.

search: anazht, anazthsh, ereun, reuna.

season: epoq.
seasonal: epoqikc, epoqiakc.
seasonal component: epoqiak sunistsa.
seasonal index: epoqiakc de kthc.
seasonal variation: epoqiak metabol.

secant: tmnousa.

secant distribution: katanom tmnousac.

secant method: mjodoc thc tmnousac.

second: deteroc, deuterlepto.

second curvature: deterh kampulthta.

second derivative: deterh par gwgoc.
second invariant: deterh anallo wth.
second kind: detero e doc.
second moment: rop deterhc t xewc, deterh rop.
second order: deterh t xh.
second-order dierential equation: diaforik ex swsh deterhc t xhc.

secondary: deuterewn, deuterogenc.

secondary ow: deutereousa ro.

secondary line: deuterogenc gramm.
secondary matrix: deuterewn p nakac.
secondary part: deutereon mroc.

section: tom, tomac, tmma, tem qio.

conic section: kwnik tom.

cross section: egk rsia tom, diatom.
at section: ep pedh tom.
golden section: qrus tom.
meridian section: meshmbrin tom  kamplh, sun. meridian curve. Bl. meridian.
normal section: k jeth tom.
oblique section: pl gia tom.
parallel section: par llhlh  egk rsia tom epif neiac ek peristrofc (h tom e nai k jeth ston xona

perpendicular section: k jeth tom.

spherical section: sfairik tmma.
square section: tetragwnik tom.
transverse section: egk rsia tom.

sectional: tmhmatikc, kat tmmata.

sectional elevation: k jeth yh, k jeth tom.

cross sectional area: embadn diatomc.

sectionally: tmhmatik , kat tmmata.

sectionally continuous (function):

sector: tomac.

spherical sector:

tmhmatik  kat tmmata suneqc (sun rthsh).

sfairikc tomac.

sectorial: .

sectorial operator:

secular: qarakthristikc, ainioc, dihnekc, kosmikc.

secular determinant: qarakthristik or zousa.
secular equation: qarakthristik ex swsh.
secular term: qarakthristikc roc.
secular trend: dihnekc t sh.

segment: tmma.

segment of a circle: tmma kklou.

segment of a curve: tmma kamplhc.
line segment: eujgrammo tmma.
major segment: me zon tmma.
minor segment: el sson tmma.
spherical segment: sfairik tmma.

segregate: diaqwr zw, omadopoi.

segregation: diaqwrismc, omadopo hsh.
seismic: seismikc.
seismic response:

seismik apkrish.

seismology: seismolog a.

seldom: sp nia (ep rrhma).

select: epilgw, eklgw.
selected: epilegmnoc.
selected topics:

epilegmna jmata.

selection: epilog, eklog.

random selection: tuqa a epilog.

self-: auto- (prjema).

self-adjoint: autoprosarthmnoc, autosuzugc  akma dukc.
self-adjoint operator:

autoprosarthmnoc  autosuzugc telestc.

self-adjointness: autosuzugc.
self-avoiding: autoapofegwn.

self-avoiding random walk: tuqa oc per patoc autoapofugc.

self-conjugate: autosuzugc.
self-conjugate latin square:

autosuzugc latinik tetr gwno.

self-consistency: autosumbibastthta.
self-consistent: autosumbibastc.
self-contradictory: autoantifatikc.
self-convolution: autosunlixh, autod plwsh.
self-correlation: autosusqtish.
self-correlation coe cient:

suntelestc autosusqtishc.

self-corresponding: autoant st oiqoc.

self-dual: autodukc.
self-duality: autodusmc, autodukthta.
self-embedding: kuklik orizmenoc.

self-embedding grammar: kuklik orizmenh grammatik.

self-intersecting: autotemnomnoc.
self-invariant: autoanallo wtoc.
self-polar: autopolikc.
self-renewing: autoananeomenoc.
self-similar: automoioc.

self-similar solution: lsh omoithtac (sun. similarity solution).

self-similarity: autoomoithta.
self-sustained: autosunthromenoc.

self-sustained oscillations: mmonec  autosunthromenec talantseic.

self-tangency: autoepaf.

self-weighting: autostajmizmenoc, autostajmismnoc.

self-weighting sample: autostajmismno de gma.

semantic: shmasiologikc.
semantics: shmasiolog a.
semi-: hmi-.
semianalytical: hmianalutikc.

semianalytical method: hmianalutik mjodoc.

semi-axis: hmi xonac.

semicircle: hmikklio.
semicircumference: hmiperifreia.
semicomplete: hmiplrhc.
semicomplete vector eld:

hmiplrec dianusmatik ped o.

semicompleteness: hmiplhrthta.
semiconductor: hmiagwgc.
semiconductivity: hmiagwgimthta.
semicontinuous: hmisuneqc.
semicontinuous function:

hmisuneqc sun rthsh.

semiconvergent: hmisugkl nwn.

semiconvergent series:

hmisugkl nousa seir .

semicubical: hmikubikc.

semicubical parabola: hmikubik parabol.

semi-denite: hmiorismnoc.

semi-denite programming: hmiorismnoc programmatismc.

semi-denite quadratic form: hmiorismnh tetragwnik morf.
positive semidenite: jetik hmiorismnoc.
negative semidenite: arnhtik hmiorismnoc.

semideniteness: to hmiorismno.

negative semideniteness: to arnhtik hmiorismno.

positive semideniteness: to jetik hmiorismno.

semidiameter: hmidi metroc.

erence: hmidiafor .
semi-discrete: hmidiakritc.
semi-discrete subspace:

hmidiakritc upqwroc.

semi-discretization: hmidiakritopo hsh.

semi-discretized: hmidiakritopoihmnoc.

ective: hmiapotelesmatikc.

semi-eective algorithm: hmiapotelesmatikc algrijmoc.

semi-explicit: hmi mesoc.

semi-explicit methods: hmi mesec mjodoi.

semigroup: hmiom da.

analytic semigroup: analutik hmiom da.

semi-implicit: hmimmesoc.
semi-implicit methods:

hmimmesec mjodoi.

semi-innite: hmi peiroc.

semi-interquartile: misokentrikc.
semi-interquartile range:

misokentrik pl toc.

semiinvariant: hmianallo wtoc.

semilinear: hmigrammikc.

semilinear mapping: hmigrammik  antigrammik (antilinear) apeiknish.

semilinear set: hmigrammik snolo.

semilunar: hmiselhnoeidc.
semimajor: hmimeg loc.

semimajor axis: hmimeg loc xonac.

semi-martingale: hmi-martingale.
semiminor: hmimikrc.

semiminor axis: hmimikrc xonac.

semi-modular: hmi-modular.
seminorm: hminrma.
seminormal: hmikanonikc.
seminormal representation:

hmikanonik anapar stash.

seminormed: efodiasmnoc me hminrma, hminnormoc, hmistajmhtc.

seminormed space:

qroc me hminrma, hminnormoc qroc, hmistajmhtc qroc.

semi-open: hmianoiktc.

semi-open formula: hmianoiktc tpoc.

semiparabolic: hmiparabolikc.
semiparametric: hmiparametrikc.
semiperimeter: hmiper metroc.
semiperiodic: hmiperiodikc.

semipositive: hmijetikc.
semipositive denite:

hmijetik orismnoc.

semipositiveness: hmijetikthta.
semiregular: hmikanonikc, hmiomalc.

semiregular polyhedra: hmikanonik  hmiomal poledra (bl. polyhedron).

semiregular solids: hmikanonik  hmiomal smata (sun. semiregular polyhedra).
semiregular tiling: hmikanonik  hmiomal plakstrwsh. Anafretai ep shc kai wc arqimdeia plakstrwsh (Archimedean tiling).

semiring: hmidaktlioc.
semiset: hmisnolo.
semisimple: hmiaplc.

semisimple case: hmiapl per ptwsh.

semisimple group: hmiapl om da.

semismooth: hmiomalc, hmile oc.

semistable: hmieustajc.
sense: a sjhsh, nhma, nnoia, for .

sense of an inequality: for an swshc.

clockwise sense: for  katejunsh peristrofc twn deiktn tou rologio.
counterclockwise sense: for  katejunsh peristrofc ant jeth twn deiktn tou rologio.
negative sense: arnhtik for .
positive sense: jetik for .
wide sense: eure a nnoia.

sensible: aisjhtc.
sensitive: eua sjhtoc.

sensitive dependence: eua sjhth ex rthsh.

context-sensitive grammar: grammatik eua sjhth sta sumfrazmena.
context-sensitive language: glssa eua sjhth sta sumfrazmena.

sensitivity: euaisjhs a.

sensitivity analysis: an lush euaisjhs ac.

sentence: prtash.
sentential: protasiakc.
sentential calculus:

protasiakc logismc (sun.

propositional calculus.

separability: diaqwrisimthta.
separable: diaqwr simoc, qwr simoc.

separable equation: diaqwr simh ex swsh.

separable space: diaqwr simoc qroc.

separably: diaqwr sima.

separably generated:

diaqwr sima paragmenoc.


separate: diaqwr zw, qwr zw.

separating: diaqwristikc, diaqwr zwn, diaqwr zontac.
separating pair of substitutions:

diaqwristik zegoc antikatast sewn.

separation: qwrismc, diaqwrismc.

separation constant: stajer qwrismo.

separation of variables: qwrismc twn metablhtn.
separation of variables method: mjodoc qwrismo twn metablhtn.
phase separation: diaqwrismc f sewn.

separative: diaqwristikc.
septenary: eptadikc.
sequence: akolouj a. Se merik bibl a plhroforikc metafr zetai c seir.
basic sequence: basik akolouj a.
bounded sequence: fragmnh akolouj a.
convergent sequence: sugkl nousa akolouj a.
converging sequence: sugkl nousa akolouj a.
decreasing sequence: fj nousa akolouj a.
divergent sequence: apokl nousa akolouj a.
diverging sequence: apokl nousa akolouj a.
exact sequence: tleia akolouj a.
nite sequence: peperasmnh akolouj a.
fundamental sequence: basik akolouj a.
geometric sequence: gewmetrik akolouj a.
increasing sequence: axousa akolouj a.
innite sequence: peirh akolouj a.
monotone sequence: montonh akolouj a.
monotonic sequence: montonh akolouj a.
non-decreasing sequence: mh fj nousa akolouj a.
non-increasing sequence: mh axousa akolouj a.
ordered sequence: diatetagmnh akolouj a.
ordered sequence: diatetagmnh akolouj a.
pointwise convergent sequence: shmeiakc sugkl nousa akolouj a.
probability sequence: akolouj a pijanthtac.
random sequence: tuqa a akolouj a.
stochastic sequence: stoqastik  tuqa a akolouj a (random sequence).
unconditional basic sequence: adsmeuth basik akolouj a.
uniformly convergent sequence: omoimorfa sugkl nousa akolouj a.

sequential: akoloujiakc.

sequential analysis: akoloujiak an lush.

sequential likelihood test: akoloujiakc legqoc pijanof neiac.
sequential method: akoloujiak mjodoc.
sequential occupancy distributions: katanomc akoloujiakc kat lhyhc.
sequential process: akoloujiak diadikas a.
sequential test: akoloujiakc legqoc.

sequentially: akoloujiak .

sequentially compact: akoloujiak sumpagc.

serendipity: bl. restricted nite element.

serendipity (nite) element: periorismno (peperasmno) stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc
restricted (nite) element.
bicubic serendipity element: periorismno dikubik stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc restricted
bicubic element.
biquadratic serendipity element: periorismno ditetragwnik stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc
restricted biquadratic element.

serial: seiriakc, axwn.

serial correlation: seiriak susqtish.

serial number: axwn arijmc.

serially: seiriak , kat seir .

series: seir .

series expansion: an ptugma se seir .

series solution: lsh se morf seir c.
absolutely convergent series: apoltwc sugkl nousa seir .
alternating series: enall ssousa seir .
arithmetic series: arijmhtik seir .
asymptotic series: asumptwtik seir .
binomial series: diwnumik seir .
biorthogonal series: diorjognia seir .
conditionally convergent series: sqetikc sugkl nousa seir , up sunjkh sugkl nousa seir .
convergent series: sugkl nousa seir .
converging series: sugkl nousa seir .
cosine series: sunhmitonik seir  seir sunhmitnwn.
divergent series: apokl nousa seir .
diverging series: apokl nousa seir .
exponential series: ekjetik seir .
factorial series: paragontik seir .
factorial series distribution: paragontik katanom.
nite series: peperasmnh seir .
formal series: tupik seir .
Fourier series: seir Fourier.
geometric series: gewmetrik seir .
harmonic series: armonik seir .
hypergeometric series: upergewmetrik seir .
hyperharmonic series: uperarmonik seir .
innite series: apeiroseir , peirh seir .
lacunary series: mh epekt simh seir , qasmdhc seir .
Laurent series: seir Laurent.
power series: dunamoseir .
power series solution: lsh se morf dunamoseir c.
random series: tuqa a seir .
semiconvergent series: hmisugkl nousa seir .
sine series: hmitonik seir  seir hmitnwn.
Taylor series: seir Taylor.

telescopic series: thleskopik seir .

time series: qronoseir .
truncated series: apokommnh seir , kolob seir .
uniformly convergent series: omoimorfa sugkl nousa seir .

serpentine: 1. ofioeidc sun rthsh. 2. ofioeidc kamplh.

serpentine function: ofioeidc sun rthsh.

serpentine curve: ofioeidc kamplh. H kamplh x2 y + b2 y ; a2 x = 0.

Serret-Frenet equations: exisseic twn Serret-Frenet.

set: snolo.

set-theoretic: sunolojewrhtikc.
set theory: sunolojewr a, jewr a sunlwn.
absorbing set: aporrofon h aporrofhtik snolo.
admissible set: apodekt snolo.
biorthogonal sets of functions: diorjognia snola sunartsewn.
Borel's set: snolo tou Borel.
bounded set: fragmno snolo.
Cantor set: snolo Cantor.
Cantor ternary set: triadik snolo Cantor. Sun. triadic Cantor set.
closed set: kleist snolo.
closure of a set: jkh  kleistthta sunlou.
conal sets: omotelik snola.
compact set: sumpagc snolo.
connected set: sunektik  sunafc snolo.
constructible set: kataskeu simo  epagwgik or simo snolo.
convex set: kurt snolo.
countable set: arijmsimo  metrsimo snolo.
countably innite set: arijmsima  metrsima peiro snolo.
denable set: or simo snolo.
dense set: pukn snolo.
denumerable set: arijmsimo snolo.
disconnected set: mh sunektik snolo.
discrete set: diakrit snolo.
disjoint sets: xna snola.
eectively enumerable set: algorijmik arijmsimo snolo (logik).
empty set: ken snolo.
enumerable set: arijmsimo snolo.
equinumerous sets: isoplhj snola, isodnama snola.
eld of sets: ped o sunlwn.
nite set: peperasmno snolo.
fuzzy set: asafc snolo.
innite set: peiro snolo.
isolated set: apomonwmno snolo.
lacunary set: mh epekt simo snolo, qasmdec snolo.
linear set: grammik snolo.
maximal set: megistotik snolo.
measurable set: metrsimo snolo.
mutually exclusive sets: xna snola.

nonempty set: mh ken snolo.

null set: mhdenik  ken snolo.
numerated set: asjenc perigr yimo snolo (sun. weakly representable set).
orthonormal set: orjokanonik snolo.
open set: anoikt snolo.
orthogonal set: orjognio snolo.
paracompact set: par kurto snolo.
point set: shmeiosnolo.
pointed set: shmeiak snolo.
power set: dunamosnolo.
power of a set: isqc sunlou.
primitive recursive sets: basik anadromik snola.
product set: kartesian ginmeno (Cartesian product).
recursive set: anadromik snolo.
recursively enumerable sets: anadromik arijmsima snola.
recursively isomorphic sets: anadromik ismorfa snola.
representable set: perigr yimo snolo.
semilinear set: hmigrammik snolo.
similar sets: moia snola.
singleton set: monosnolo.
triadic Cantor set: triadik snolo Cantor. Sun. Cantor ternary set.
unbounded set: mh fragmno snolo.
uncountable set: mh arijmsimo  mh metrsimo snolo.
union of sets: nwsh sunlwn.
universal set: basik snolo  basikc qroc.
weakly representable set: asjenc perigr yimo snolo (sun. numerated set).
well-ordered set: kalc diatetagmno snolo.

sextic: ektob jmioc, ktou bajmo.

sextuple: ex da, exaplc, exapl sioc, exaplasi zw.
ordered sextuple:

diatetagmnh ex da.

shade: ski zw, ski .

shaft: xonac, bloc.
shallow: abajc, rhqc.
shallow wave:

rhq kma.

shape: sqma, morf.

shape factor: par gontac morfc.

shape preserving: o diathrn th morf.

shaped: morfopoihmnoc.

bell-shaped: kwdwnoeidc.
J-shaped distribution: katanom morfc J.
lens-shaped: fakoeidc.
lens-shaped region: fakoeidc tpoc, fakoeidc qwr o.
wedge-shaped: sfhnoeidc, aiqmhrc.
wedge-shaped domain: sfhnoeidc  aiqmhr qwr o.

wedge-shaped region: sfhnoeidc  aiqmhrc tpoc, sfhnoeidc  aiqmhr qwr o.

shared: koinc, koinqrhstoc.

shared memory: koinqrhsth mnmh (plhroforik).

sharp: oxc, akribc.

sharp end: ox kro.

sharp error bound: ox fr gma sf lmatoc.
sharp estimate: oxe a ekt mhsh.

sheaf: dsmh.

sheaf of planes: dsmh epipdwn.

shear: 1. di tmhsh. 2. diatmnw.

sheared map: diatetmhmnh apeiknish.

shear ow: ro di tmhshc.
shear force: diatmhtik dnamh.
shear stress: diatmhtik t sh.
shear viscosity: diatmhtik ixdec.

shearing: di tmhsh.

shearing ow: ro di tmhshc, diatmhtik ro.

sheet: fllo, lasma.

hyperboloid of one sheet: monqwno uperboloeidc.

hyperboloid of two sheets: d qwno uperboloeidc.

shell: klufoc, floic. spherical shell: sfairik klufoc.

shift: metatpish, metafor , met jesh, metatop zw, metatop zomai, metafrw, metakin, metakinomai,
metajtw, all zw, metab llomai.
phase shift: metatpish f sewc.

shifted: metatopismnoc.
shifting: metatpish, metatop zontac.

shifting property: idithta thc metatpishc. Se merik bibl a, anafretai wc idithta metafor c.
leftt-shifting machine: mhqan aristerc metatpishc.
right-shifting machine: mhqan dexi c metatpishc.

shock: kroustik kma, kma krosewc.

supercritical shock wave: uperkr simo kroustik kma.

shoemaker's knife: rbhloc tou Arqimdh.

shooting: skpeush, di ttwn.
shooting method: mjodoc skpeushc.
shooting star: di ttwn astrac.
linear shooting: grammik skpeush.


nonlinear shooting: mh grammik skpeush.

short: braqc, sntomoc, kontc.

short cut: sntomoc drmoc.
short waves: braqa kmata.

shortest: braqtatoc.

shortest condence interval:

braqtato di sthma empistosnhc.

show: de qnw.
shrink: sustllomai, surriknnomai.
shrinking: sustol, surr knwsh.
SI system: ssthma SI.
side: pleur , pl gioc.

side of an angle: pleur gwn ac.

side of a polygon: pleur polugnou.
side edges: par pleurec akmc.
side elevation: pl gia yh, pl gia tom.
side faces: par pleurec drec.
side lever: pleurikc moqlc.
side slip: pl gia ol sjhsh.
adjacent side: proske menh pleur (gwn ac).
left-hand side: arister mloc.
opposite side (to an angle): apnanti pleur (se gwn a trignou).
opposite sides: apnanti pleurc.
right-hand side: dexi mloc.

sidelong: loxc, lox .

sidereal: astrikc.

sidereal clock: astrik roli.

sidereal day: astrik hmera.
sidereal hour angle: astrik wria a gwn a.
sidereal period: astrik per odoc.
sidereal time: astrikc qrnoc.
sidereal year: astrik toc.

siderostat: astrost thc.

sideways: pl gia, lox .
siding: parakamptrioc, deuteresousa gramm.
sieve of Eratosthenes: kskino tou Eratosjnh.
sigmoidal: sigmoeidc.

sigmoidal transformation: sigmoeidc metasqhmatismc.

sign: prshmo, shme o, smbolo, sma.

sign test function: elegqosun rthsh prosmou, sun rthsh elgqou prosmou.
algebraic sign: algebrik prshmo.

function sign: smbolo sun rthshc.

integral sign: smbolo oloklhrmatoc.
minus sign: to plhn, smbolo thc afa reshc.
negation sign: smbolo rnhshc.
negative sign: arnhtik prshmo.
plus sign: to sun, smbolo thc prsjeshc.
positive sign: jetik prshmo.
predicate sign: smbolo kathgormatoc.
radical sign: smbolo riziko, smbolo thc tetragwnikc r zac (p).

signal: sma.

signal processing:

epexergas a smatoc.

signature: upograf, qnoc.

signed: proshmasmnoc, me prshmo, upogegrammnoc.
signed numbers: proshmasmnoi arijmo .

signicance: shmantikthta, spoudaithta.

level of signicance: ep pedo shmantikthtac.

statistical signicance: statistik shmantikthta.

signicant: shmantikc, axioshme wtoc, spouda oc.

signicant digits: shmantik yhf a.
signicant gure: shmantik yhf o.

signless: mh proshmasmnoc, qwr c prshmo.

similar: moioc.

similar ellipses: moiec elle yeic.

similar fractions: omnuma kl smata.
similar matrices: moioi p nakec.
similar polygons: moia polgwna.
similar sets: moia snola.
similar solids: moia stere .
similar surfaces: moiec epif neiec.
similar terms: moioi roi.
similar triangles: moia tr gwna.
dynamically similar: dunamik moioi.
geometrically similar: dunamik moioi.
kinematically similar: kinhmatik moioi.
orthogonally similar: orjognia moioi.
orthogonally similar matrices: orjognia moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices).
unitarily similar: orjomonadia a moioi.
unitarily similar matrices: orjomonadia a moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices).

similarity: omoithta.

similarity solution: lsh omoithtac (sun. self-similar solution).

similarity transformation: metasqhmatismc omoithtac.
dynamic similarity: dunamik omoithta.
geometric similarity: gewmetrik omoithta.

kinematic similarity: kinhmatik omoithta.

orthogonal similarity: orjognia omoithta.
unitary similarity: orjomonadia a omoithta.

similitude: omoithta.

similitude ratio: lgoc omoithtac.

similitude transformation: metasqhmatismc omoithtac.
center of similitude: kntro omoithtac.

simple: aplc.

simple algebra: apl lgebra.

simple arc: apl txo.
simple (closed) curve: apl (kleist) kamplh.
simple event: apl  stoiqeidec gegonc  endeqmeno.
simple extension: apl epktash.
simple fraction: apl kl sma.
simple function: apl sun rthsh.
simple harmonic motion: apl armonik k nhsh.
simple harmonic oscillator: aplc armonikc talantwtc.
simple hexagon: apl ex gwno.
simple hypothesis: apl upjesh.
simple integral: apl oloklrwma.
simple pendulum: apl ekkremc.
simple pole: aplc ploc  ploc prthc t xewc.
simple quadrilateral: apl tetr pleuro.
simple ring: aplc daktlioc.
simple root: apl r za.
simple zero: apl r za.

simplex: simplex.

simplex method: mjodoc simplex.

simplice: ploko  basik sqma  basik smploko (Topol.).

simplicial: aplc, plokoc (Topol.).
simplicial complex: basik sqma  smploko (Topol.).

simplicity: aplthta.
simplication: aplopo hsh.
simplied: aplopoihmnoc.
simplify: aplopoi.
simply: apl .

simply connected: apl sunektikc.

simply connected region: apl sunektik qwr o  tpoc.
simply ordered: apl diatetagmnoc.

Simpson, Thomas (1710-1761).

Simpson's line: gramm Simpson  podik gramm (pedal line).


Simpson's rule: kannac tou Simpson (arijmhtik oloklrwsh).

composite Simpson's rule formula: snjetoc tpoc tou Simpson (arijmhtik oloklrwsh).

simulate: prosomoinw, exomoinw.

simulation: prosomo wsh, exomo wsh, montelopo hsh.
Monte Carlo sampling: deigmatolhy a Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo simulation: prosomo wsh Monte Carlo.
numerical simulation: arijmhtik prosomo wsh.

simultaneous: tautqronoc, sgqronoc.

simultaneous equations: ssthma exissewn.

simultaneously: tautqrona, sugqrnwc.

sine: hm tono, hmitonikc, hmitonoeidc.

sine curve: hmitonoeidc kamplh.

sine integral: hmitonik oloklrwma.
sine series: hmitonik seir  seir hmitnwn.
sine transform: hmitonoeidc metasqhmatismnh (Fourier).
sine wave function: hmitonoeidc kumatik sun rthsh.
half rectied sine wave function: hmianorjwmnh hmitonoeidc kumatik sun rthsh.
inverse sine: txo hmitnou.
law of sines: nmoc twn hmitnwn.

single: aplc, monc.

single precision: apl akr beia.

single-turn pushdown automaton: autmato sto bac miac for c.

single-phase: monofasikc.

single-phase system: monofasik ssthma.

singleton: monomelc, monosnolo.

singleton set:


single-valued: montimoc.
single-valued function:

singly: mon .

singly linked:

montimh sun rthsh.

mon sundedemnoc.

singular: idi zwn, anmaloc, mh omalc, idimorfoc.

singular boundary value problem: idi zon prblhma sunoriakn timn.

singular cardinal: idi zwn plhj rijmoc.
singular distribution: idi zousa katanom.
singular function: idi zousa sun rthsh.
singular (nite) element: idi zon (peperasmno) stoiqe o.
singular integral: idi zon  genikeumno oloklrwma.
singular mapping: idi zousa apeiknish.

singular matrix: idi zwn  mh omalc p nakac.

singular operator: idi zwn telestc.
singular perturbation: idi zousa diataraq.
singular perturbation method: mjodoc idiazousn diataraqn.
singular point: idi zon  anmalo shme o, anwmal a.
singular problem: idi zon prblhma.
singular system: idi zon  mh omal  anmalo ssthma.
singular transformation: idi zwn metasqhmatismc.
irregular singular point: ousidec idi zon  anmalo shme o.
non-singular matrix: mh idi zwn  omalc p nakac.
regular singular point: snhjec idi zon  anmalo shme o.
strongly singular: isqur idi zwn  idimorfoc  mh omalc  anmaloc.

singularity: anwmal a, idiomorf a, anmalo shme o.

corner singularity: gwniak anwmal a  idiomorf a.

essential singularity: ousidhc anwmal a  ousidec anmalo shme o.
isolated singularity: apomonwmno anmalo shme o, apomonwmnh anwmal a.
naked singularity: gumn anwmal a.
point singularity: shmeiak anwmal a  idiomorf a.
removable singularity: airmenh  epousidhc  diorjsimh  apale yimh anwmal a.

singularization: idiomorfopo hsh.

singularly: idiazntwc, mh omal , idimorfa.
singularly perturbed:

idiazntwc  idimorfa diataragmnoc.

singulary: monomelc, monadia oc (sun. monadic kai unary).

sinh: uperbolik hm tono.
inverse sinh:

txo uperboliko hmitnou.

sink: katabjra  arnhtik phg.

sinusoid: hmitonoeidc.
sinusoidal: hmitonoeidc.
sinusoidal projection:

hmitonoeidc probol (isembadik).

sinusoidally: hmitonoeidc.
situ: bl. in situ.
size: mgejoc, pl toc.

size of a test function: mgejoc elegqosun rthshc, mgejoc sun rthshc elgqou.
jump size: mgejoc  pl toc phdmatoc.
grid size: pl toc plgmatoc.
mesh size: pl toc plgmatoc.
population size: mgejoc plhjusmo.
step size: bma, pl toc bmatoc.
time step size: qronik bma, pl toc qroniko bmatoc.
variable step size integration: oloklrwsh metablhto bmatoc.

skedastic: skedastikc.

skedasticity: skedastikthta.
sketch: sqedi gramma, sqed asma, skar fhma, sk tso, sqedi zw, skiagraf, skits rw.
skew: loxc, asmmetroc, streblc, asmbatoc.
skew curve: asmmetrh kamplh.
skew distribution: asmmetrh katanom.
skew lines: asmbatec euje ec.
skew symmetric: antisummetrikc.
skew-symmetric matrix: antisummetrikc p nakac.
skew-symmetric tensor: antisummetrikc tanustc, sun. antisymmetric tensor.
skew symmetry: antisummetr a.

skewness: loxthta, asummetr a, streblthta, asumbatthta.

quartile measure of skewness:

tetarthmoriak mtro loxthtac.

skill: dexithta, epidexithta, ikanthta.

sky: ouranc.
slack: qalarc.
slack variable: qalar metablht.

slant: pl gioc, keklimnoc, loxc.

slant height: par pleuro yoc.

slant height of a cone: genteira knou.
slant height of a pyramid: apsthma puram dac.

slender: leptc.
slenderness: leptthta.
slice: tem qio, temaq zw.
slide: sl int, olisja nw, sromai.
slide rule:

logistikc kannac.

sliding: olisja nwn.

sliding vector:

olisja non di nusma.

slip: olisja nw, ol sjhsh.

side slip: pl gia ol sjhsh.

slippage: ol sjhsh.
slit: sqism, sq zw.
slope: kl sh.

slope angle: gwn a kl sewc.

slope of a line: kl sh euje ac.

slow: argc, bradc.

slow convergence: arg sgklish.

slow down: epibradnw, epibr dunsh.

slow method: arg mjodoc.

slowly: bradwc, arg .

slowly varying: bradwc metaballmenoc.

slurry: airhma.
small: mikrc.

innitely small: ape rwc mikrc.

su ciently small: arkontwc mikrc.

smaller: mikrteroc.

stochastically smaller: stoqastik mikrteroc.

smallness: mikrthta, (to) mikr.

innite smallness: asumptwtik mikrthta.

smart: xupnoc.

smart materials: xupna ulik .

smash: sunjl bw.

smash product:

sunjliptik ginmeno (Topol.). Anafretai ep shc kai wc sugkrousmno ginmeno.

smooth: le oc, omalc, exomalnw.

smooth curve: le a kamplh.

smooth function: le a sun rthsh.
smooth surface: le a epif neia.
piecewise smooth: tmhmatik le oc.
piecewise smooth function: tmhmatik le a sun rthsh.

smoothing: exom lunsh, exomalnontac.

data smoothing: exom lunsh dedomnwn.

smoothly: le a, omal .

smoothly parametrized: omal parametrikopoihmnoc.

smoothness: leithta, le o.
snub: 1. kolobnw, apokbw. 2. kolobc, apokommnoc.
snub cube: kolobc kboc.
snub dodecahedron: kolob dwdek edro.



Sobolev embedding theorem: jerhma egkleismo tou Sobolev.

Sobolev space: qroc Sobolev.

software: logismik, logismik progr mmata.

software engineering:

teqnolog a logismiko.


solar: hliakc.

solar constant: hliak stajer .

solar day: hliak mra.
solar eclipse: kleiyh hl ou.
solar energy: hliak enrgeia.
solar radiation: hliak aktinobol a.
solar system: hliak ssthma.
solar tide: hliak pal rroia.

solenoid: swlhnoeidc.
solenoidal: swlhnoeidc.

solenoidal modes: swlhnoeide c trpoi.

solenoidal vector eld: swlhnoeidc dianusmatik ped o.

solid: 1. stere (sma). 2. sterec.

solid analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a se treic diast seic.

solid angle: stere gwn a.
solid body: stere  kampto sma. Sun. rigid body.
solid-body motion: k nhsh stereo smatoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh. Sun. rigid-body
solid-body rotation: peristrof stereo smatoc, mh elastik peristrof, kampth peristrof. Sun.
rigid-body rotation.
solid-body translation: metafor  par llhlh metatpish stereo smatoc, mh elastik metafor ,
kampth metafor . Sun. rigid-body translation.
solid geometry: stereometr a.
solid phase: stere f sh.
solid of revolution: stere ek peristrofc.
Archimedean solids: arqimdeia smata (sun. Archimedean polyhedra).
compound solids: snjeta smata  stere (p.q. snjeta poledra).
geometric solid: gewmetrik stere.
Platonic solids: platwnik smata (sun. Platonic polyhedra).
regular solids: kanonik  omal smata (sun. regular polyhedra).
semiregular solids: hmikanonik  hmiomal smata (sun. semiregular polyhedra).
similar solids: moia stere .
stellated solids: astrmorfa  astermorfa smata (sun. stellated polyhedra).

solitary: monrhc, monaqikc, apomonwmnoc.

solitary wave: monrec kma.

solstice: hliost sio.

solubility: dialutthta.
soluble: dialutc.
solution: lsh.

solution curve: kamplh lshc.

solution surface: epif neia lshc.
analytical solution: analutik lsh.
approximate solution: proseggistik lsh.
binary solution: duadik lsh.
chaotic solution: qaotik lsh.

converged solution: sugkl nasa lsh.

diverged solution: apokl nasa lsh.
exact solution: akribc lsh.
fundamental solution: jemelidhc lsh.
general solution: genik lsh.
geometric solution: gewmetrik lsh.
global solution: kajolik lsh.
graphical solution: grafik lsh.
implicit solution: peplegmnh lsh.
local solution: topik lsh.
multiple solutions: pollaplc lseic.
numerical solution: arijmhtik lsh.
oscillatory solution: talanteumenh lsh.
particular solution: merik lsh.
power series solution: lsh se morf dunamoseir c.
perturbed solution: diataragmnh lsh.
self-similar solution: lsh omoithtac (sun. similarity solution).
series solution: lsh se morf seir c.
similarity solution: lsh omoithtac (sun. self-similar solution).
singular solution: idi zousa  mh omal  anmalh lsh.
stable solution: eustajc lsh.
transient solution: metabatik lsh.
trivial solution: tetrimmnh lsh.
unique solution: monadik lsh.
uniqueness of solution: monadikthta lshc.
unstable solution: astajc lsh.

solvability: epilusimthta.

weak solvability: asjenc epilusimthta.

solvable: epilsimoc.

solvable group: epilsimh om da.

solvable problem: epilsimo prblhma.
well-solvable problem: kalc epilsimo prblhma.

solve: lw, epilw.

solver: epilutc, algrijmoc ep lushc.

iterative solver: epanalhptikc epilutc.

sti solver: dskamptoc epilutc.
parallel solver: par llhloc epilutc.

sonic: hqhtikc.
sophism: sofiste a, sfisma.
sort: taxinom.
sorting: taxinmhsh.
sound: qoc, orjc.

sound wave: akoustik  hqhtik kma.


speed of sound:

taqthta tou qou.

soundness: orjthta.
soundness theorem:

jerhma orjthtac.

source: phg.

source of energy: phg enrgeiac.

source strength: ntash phgc.
uid source: phg reusto.
line source: grammik phg.
point source: shmeiak phg.

south: ntioc.

south declination: ntia apklish.

south pole: ntioc ploc.

space: qroc, di sthma, arainw, topojet sto qro, mnmh (plhroforik).

space axes: qwriko xonec.

space centrode: kentrdec tou qrou.
space conguration: fasikc qroc.
space dependent: qwrik exarthmnoc  metaballmenoc, qwrometaballmenoc.
space dimension: qwrik di stash.
space discretization: qwrodiakritopo hsh.
space-time: qwrqronoc.
1-space: monodi statoc qroc (sun. one-dimensional space).
2-space: disdi statoc qroc (sun. two-dimensional space).
3-space: tridi statoc qroc (sun. three-dimensional space).
abstract space: afhrhmnoc qroc.
a ne space: susqetismnoc qroc.
algebraically isomorphic spaces: algebrik ismorfoi qroi.
analytic spaces: analutiko qroi.
Banach space: qroc Banach.
bisequence space: diakoloujiakc qroc.
Cartesian space: kartesianc qroc.
column space: (grammikc) qroc sthln.
compact space: sumpagc qroc.
complete space: plrhc qroc.
convex space: kurtc qroc.
dual space: dukc qroc.
equally spaced: isapqontec.
equally spaced arguments: isapqonta or smata.
Euclidean space: eukle deioc qroc.
nite sample space: peperasmnoc deigmatqwroc  deigmatikc qroc.
half space: hmiqroc.
Hilbert space: qroc Hilbert.
homogeneous space: omogenc qroc.
image space: eikna, qroc eiknac.
incomplete space: mh plrhc qroc.
inner product space: qroc me eswterik ginmeno.

isomorphic spaces: ismorfoi qroi.

lacunary space: mh epekt simoc qroc, qasmdhc qroc.
linear (or vector) space: grammikc ( dianusmatikc) qroc.
measurable space: metrsimoc qroc.
measure space: qroc mtrou.
product measure space: qroc mtrou ginmeno.
metric space: metrikc qroc.
metrizable space: metrikopoisimoc qroc.
normable space: qroc epideqmenoc nrma.
normal space: kanonikc qroc.
normed space: qroc me nrma, nnormoc qroc, stajmhtc qroc.
null space: mhdenqwroc, mhdenikc qroc, purnac (kernel).
one-dimensional space: monodi statoc qroc.
paracompact space: parasumpagc qroc.
parameter space: parametrikc qroc.
phase space: fasikc qroc, qroc f sewn.
pre-Hilbert space: pro-Hilbert qroc.
projective space: probolikc qroc.
regular space: kanonikc qroc. Metafr zetai ep shc wc fusiologikc qroc prokeimnou na g nei
di krish ap to normal space.
row space: (grammikc) qroc grammn.
sample space: deigmatqwroc  deigmatikc qroc.
seminormed space: qroc me hminrma, hminnormoc qroc, hmistajmhtc qroc.
separable space: diaqwr simoc qroc.
Sobolev space: qroc Sobolev.
symmetric space: summetrikc qroc.
three-dimensional space: tridi statoc qroc.
topological space: topologikc qroc.
two-dimensional space: disdi statoc qroc.
unequally spaced: anisapqontec.
unequally spaced arguments: anisapqonta or smata.
unitary space: monadia oc qroc.
vector (or linear) space: dianusmatikc ( grammikc ) qroc.

spaced: topojethmnoc (sto qro).

evenly spaced:

omoimorfa topojethmnoi.

spacetime: qwrqronoc.
spacewise: qwrikc.

spacewise variation: qwrik metabol.

spacial: bl. spatial.

spade: mpastoni sta trapoulqarta (
span: jkh, per blhma, bma, par gw, genn.
linear span:

grammik jkh  per blhma.

spanned: paragmenoc.
spanned space:

paragmenoc qroc  grammik jkh  grammik per blhma.


sparse: araic.

sparse matrix: araic p nakac.

spatial: qwrikc, o tou qrou, diasthmikc.

spatial coherence: qwrik sumfwn a (optik).

spatial derivatives: qwrikc par gwgoi.
spatial frequency: qwrik suqnthta  suqnthta qrou.
spatial period: qwrik per odoc.

spatially: qwrik .
spatiotemporal: qwroqronikc.
spatiotemporal property:

qwroqronik idithta.

special: eidikc.

special case: eidik per ptwsh.

special functions: eidikc sunartseic.
special relativity: eidik sqetikthta.

species: e doc.
specic: eidikc.

specic gravity: eidik barthta.

specic heat: eidik jermthta.
specic volume: eidikc gkoc.
specic weight: eidik b roc.

spectra: bl. spectrum.

spectral: fasmatikc.

spectral analysis: fasmatik an lush.

spectral collocation: fasmatik taxijes a  taxinmhsh.
spectral collocation method: mjodoc fasmatikc taxijes ac  taxinmhshc.
spectral decomposition: fasmatik paragontopo hsh.
spectral element: fasmatik stoiqe o.
spectral element method: mjodoc twn fasmatikn stoiqe wn.
spectral line: fasmatik gramm.
spectral measure: fasmatik mtro.
spectral method: fasmatik mjodoc.
spectral radius: fasmatik akt na.
spectral theorem: fasmatik jerhma.

spectrum (pl. spectra): f sma.

spectrum band: znh f smatoc.

absorption spectrum: f sma aporrfhshc.
band spectrum: tainiwt f sma.
continuous spectrum: suneqc f sma.
evolutionary spectrum: exeliktik f sma.
uted spectrum: tainiwt f sma.

phase spectrum: fasik f sma.

quadrature spectrum: tetragwnik f sma.

speed: taqthta (mtro).

speed up: epitaqnw, epit qunsh.

angular speed: gwniak taqthta.
constant speed: stajer taqthta.
speed of propagation: taqthta di doshc.
speed of sound: taqthta tou qou.

speedup: epit qunsh.

sphere: sfa ra, mp la.

celestial sphere: our nia sfa ra.

closed sphere: kleist sfa ra.
open sphere: anoikt sfa ra.
osculating sphere: eggtath sfa ra.
unit sphere: monadia a sfa ra ( mp la).

spherical: sfairikc.

spherical aberration: sfairik ektrop.

spherical angle: sfairik gwn a.
spherical cone: sfairikc knoc.
spherical coordinates: sfairikc suntetagmnec.
spherical degree: sfairik mo ra.
spherical harmonic: sfairik armonik.
spherical hull: sfairik per blhma.
spherical lune: sfairikc mhn skoc.
spherical polygon: sfairik polgwno.
spherical pyramid: sfairik puram da.
spherical section: sfairik tmma.
spherical sector: sfairikc tomac.
spherical segment: sfairik tmma.
spherical triangle: sfairik tr gwno.
spherical trigonometry: sfairik trigwnometr a.
spherical wave: sfairik kma.

sphericity: sfairikthta.
spheroid: sfairoeidc.

oblate spheroid: geweidc  peplatusmno sfairoeidc.

prolate spheroid: ep mhkec sfairoeidc.

spheroidal: sfairoeidc.

spheroidal coordinates: sfairoeide c suntetagmnec.

oblate spheroidal coordinates: peplatusmnec  geweide c sfairoeide c suntetagmnec.
prolate spheroidal coordinates: epimkeic  woeide c sfairoeide c suntetagmnec.

spike: ak da.
spin: spin, strobil zw, strobilismc, perid nhsh.

spindle: xonac, traktoc.

spinode: an kamyh, ox kro, koruf (sunnumo tou cusp).
spiral: spe ra, speiroeidc, lika, elikoeidc.
spiral of Archimedes: spe ra tou Arqimdh.
spiral wave: speiroeidc kma.
logarithmic spiral: logarijmik spe ra  lika.
loxodromic spiral: loxodromik spe ra  lika.

splines: kat tmmata polunhma, tmhmatik polunuma, splines.

spline functions: sunartseic splines.
spline interpolation: parembol me sunartseic splines.
cubic splines: kubikc (sunartseic) splines.
natural spline: fusik (sun rthsh) spline.

split: diasp, diaqwr zw, diair.

split lens:


splitting: di spash, diaqwrismc, dia resh.

splitting eld: sma diasp sewc  sma rizn.

amplitude splitting: dia resh pl touc (optik).

splitter: diaqwristc.
sporadic: sporadikc.
sporadically: sporadik .
spot: khl da, st gma, shme o, tpoc.
spread: aplnw, aplnomai, exaplnw, exaplnomai, ex plwsh, diad dw, diad domai, di dosh.
spreading: ex plwsh, di dosh.
spreading model: montlo ex plwshc  di doshc.

spring: elatrio.

spring constant: stajer elathr ou.

vibrating spring: pallmeno elatrio.

spur: qnoc, odontwtc.

spur of a matrix: qnoc p naka (bl. trace).

spur wheel: odontwtc troqc.

spurious: plasmatikc, plastc, k bdhloc, njoc.

spurious mode: plasmatikc trpoc.
spurious oscillation: plasmatik tal ntwsh.

spuriousness: plasmatikthta, plastthta, kibdhlthta.

squarable: tetragwn simoc.
square: tetr gwno, tetragwnikc, tetragwn zw.
square the circle: tetragwn zw ton kklo.
square integrability: tetragwnik oloklhrwsimthta.

square integrable: tetragwnik oloklhrsimoc.

square loss function: tetragwnik sun rthsh apwle ac.
square matrix: tetragwnikc p nakac.
square numbers: tetragwniko arijmo .
square root: tetragwnik r za.
square section: tetragwnik tom.
square wave: tetragwnik kma.
square wave function: tetragwnik kumatik sun rthsh.
graeco-latin squares: ellhnolatinik tetr gwna.
graeco-roman squares: ellhnorwmak tetr gwna.
indirect least squares: mmesa el qista tetr gwna.
Latin squares: latinik tetr gwna.
lattice square: plegmatik tetr gwno.
least squares: el qista tetr gwna.
least squares approximation: prosggish elaq stwn tetragnwn.
least squares method: mjodoc elaq stwn tetragnwn.
magic square: magik tetr gwno.
mean square: tetragwnikc msoc.
mean square consistency: msh tetragwnik sunpeia.
mean square error: mso tetragwnik sf lma.
perfect square: tleio tetr gwno.
quasi square: oione tetr gwno, oione tetragwnikc.
root-mean-square error: mso tetragwnik sf lma.
systematic square: susthmatik tetr gwno.
unit square: monadia o tatr gwno.

squaring: tetragwnismc.

squaring of a circle: tetragwnismc tou kklou.

stability: eust jeia, stajerthta.

stability polynomial: polunumo eust jeiac.

absolute stability: apluth eust jeia.
conditional stability: eust jeia up sunjkh.
global stability: kajolik eust jeia.
hydrodynamic stability: udrodunamik eust jeia.
local stability: topik eust jeia.
Liapunov stability: eust jeia kat Liapunov.
neutral stability: oudterh  adi forh eust jeia.
numerical stability: arijmhtik eust jeia.
relative stability: sqetik eust jeia.
unconditional stability: adsmeuth eust jeia.

stabilization: stajeropo hsh.

stabilize: stajeropoi.
stabilized: stajeropoihmnoc.
stabilized scheme:

stajeropoihmnh mjodoc.

stabilizing: stajeropoihtikc.

stable: eustajc.

stable algorithm: eustajc algrijmoc.

stable equilibrium: eustajc isorrop a.
stable equivalence: eustajc isodunam a.
stable oscillations: eustaje c talantseic.
stable solution: eustajc lsh.
stable system: eustajc ssthma.
absolutely stable: apoltwc eustajc.
asymptotically stable: asumptwtik eustajc.
conditionally stable: eustajc up sunjkh.
globally stable: kajolik eustajc.
linearly stable: grammik eustajc.
locally stable: topik eustajc.
numerically stable: arijmhtik eustajc.
unconditionally stable: adsmeuta eustajc.

stack: sto ba (plhroforik), sussreush.

stack symbol: smbolo sto bac.

stage: st dio.

two-stage sample: de gma do stad wn.

staggered: enallassmenoc, metablhtc.

staggered grid:

enallassmeno plgma.

stagnation: stasimthta, anakop.

stagnation ow: ro anakopc.

stagnation point: shme o anakopc.

stair: skalop ti, bajm da.

staircase: kl maka, sk la.

staircase function: klimakwt sun rthsh.

standard: sunjhc, tupikc, prtupoc, kanonikc, kajierwmnoc.

standard basis: sunjhc b sh, kanonik b sh, kajierwmnh b sh.

standard deviation: tupik apklish.
standard element: tupik  tupopoihmno stoiqe o.
standard error: tupik sf lma.
standard form: kanonik  sunjhc  tupik morf.
standard normal curve: tupik  tupopoihmnh kanonik kamplh.
standard position: sunjhc jsh.
standard score: tupik apotlesma.
standard unit: tupik mon da.

standardization: tupopo hsh, kanonikopo hsh.

standardize: tupopoi, kanonikopoi.

standardized: tupopoihmnoc, tupikc, kanonikc.

standardized random variable: tupik  tupopoihmnh tuqa a metablht.

standing: st simoc.
standing wave:

st simo kma.

star: astrac, stro, aster skoc (to smbolo ).

star polygon: astrmorfo  asteroeidc polgwno.

starred: me aster sko ( ).

starred variables: metablhtc me aster sko ( ).

starlike: astermorfoc, asteroeidc.

starshaped: astermorfoc, asteroeidc.
start: arq zw, narxh.
start symbol: arqik smbolo.
random start: tuqa a narxh.

starting: arqikc, prtoc.

starting value:

arqik tim, tim narxhc.

state: kat stash.

state diagram: di'gramma katast sewn, katastatik di gramma.

state machine: mhqan katast sewn.
dead state: nekr kat stash. Se merik bibl a plhroforikhc, katabjra.
distinguishable states: diakritc katast seic.
equation of state: katastatik ex swsh, ex swsh kat stashc.
equilibrium state: kat stash isorrop ac.
nal state: telik kat stash.
nite state: peperasmnh kat stash.
glass state: ualdhc kat stash.
halt state: kat stash termatismo.
initial state: arqik kat stash.
persistent state: mmonh kat stash.
transient state: metabatik kat stash.
stationary state: st simh kat stash.
steady state: mnimh kat stash.

statement: prtash, entol, dlwsh, diatpwsh.

statement of the problem: diatpwsh tou problmatoc.

conditional statement: upojetik prtash (sun. hypothetical statement).
converse statement: ant jeth prtash.
hypothetical statement: upojetik prtash (sun. conditional statement).
input statement: entol eisdou.
output statement: entol exdou.
vacuously true statement: prtash alhjc me ken trpo, adi fora alhjc prtash.

static: statikc.

static balance: statik isorrop a.

static charge: statik fort o.
static electricity: statikc hlektrismc.
static equilibrium: statik isorrop a.
static moment: statik rop.
static pressure: statik p esh.

statically: statik .
statics: statik.
stationary: st simoc, stajerc, mnimoc.

stationary distribution: st simh katanom.

stationary ow: st simh ro.
stationary model: st simo montlo.
stationary phase: st simh f sh.
stationary point: st simo shme o.
stationary population: st simoc plhjusmc.
stationary state: st simh kat stash.
stationary subset: st simo uposnolo.
stationary wave: st simo kma.

statistic: statistik sun rthsh.

ine cient statistic: mh apotelesmatik statistik sun rthsh.

minimal su cient statistic: elaqistotik  el qisth eparkc statistik sun rthsh.
non-circular statistic: mh kuklik statistik sun rthsh.
psi-square statistic: 2 statistik sun rthsh.
sample statistic: deigmatik statistik sun rthsh.
su cient statistic: eparkc statistik sun rthsh.
systematic statistic: susthmatik statistik sun rthsh.

statistical: statistikc.

statistical control: statistikc legqoc.

statistical decision: statistik apfash.
statistical hypothesis: statistik upjesh.
statistical independence: statistik anexarths a.
statistical inference: statistik sumperasmatolog a.
statistical mechanics: statistik mhqanik.

statistician: statistikc, statistikolgoc.

statistics: Statistik.

descriptive statistics: perigrafik statistik.

Fermi-Dirac statistics: statistik twn Fermi-Dirac.

steadily: mnima, stajer , st sima.

steady: mnimoc, stajerc, st simoc.
steady ow: mnimh ro.
steady state: mnimh kat stash.


steep: aptomoc.

steepest descent method: mjodoc meg sthc kajdou  kl sewc.

stellar: astrikc.
stellated: astrmorfoc, astermorfoc, astropoihmnoc, asteropoihmnoc.
stellated polyhedron:

astrmorfo  astermorfo poledro. Mh kurt poledro pou prokptei epekte nontac tic drec enc llou (mhtriko) poludrou.
stellated solids: astrmorfa  astermorfa smata (sun. stellated polyhedra).
great stellated dodecahedron: meg lo astrmorfo dwdek edro  meg lo dwdekaedrik stro.
small stellated dodecahedron: mikr astrmorfo dwdek edro  mikr dwdekaedrik stro.

stellating: astropo hsh, asteropo hsh (p.q. poludrou).

stellation: stro, astri (p.q. poludrou).
stenosis: stnwsh.
step: bma.

step-counting function: sun rthsh mtrhshc bhm twn.

step function: klimakwt sun rthsh, sun rthsh bmatoc.
step size: bma, pl toc bmatoc.
basis step: basik bma.
fractional step algorithm: algrijmoc klasmatiko bmatoc.
half step: hmibma.
time step: qronik bma.
time step size: qronik bma, pl toc qroniko bmatoc.
unit step: monadia o bma.
unit step function: sun rthsh monadia ou bmatoc.
variable step size integration: oloklrwsh metablhto bmatoc.
variable step size method: mjodoc metablhto bmatoc.

stepping: preush, pore a, bhmatismc.

time stepping method: mjodoc qronopreushc.

stepwise: bhmatik , klimakwt .

steradian: sterakt nio, stere akt nio.
stereogram: stereogr fhma.
stereographic: stereografikc.
stereographic projection:

stereografik probol.

stereography: stereograf a.
stereometry: stereometr a.
: kamptoc, dskamptoc.

sti equation: dskampth ex swsh.

sti solver: dskamptoc epilutc.

ness: akamy a.
stiness factor:

par gontac akamy ac.


stiness matrix: p nakac akamy ac.



Stirling's asymptotic formula: asumptwtikc tpoc tou Stirling.

stochastic: stoqastikc. E nai sunnumo tou random (tuqa oc).

stochastic approximation: stoqastik prosggish.

stochastic convergence: stoqastik sgklish.
stochastic integrability: stoqastik oloklhrwsimthta.
stochastic optimization: stoqastik beltistopo hsh.
stochastic sequence: stoqastik  tuqa a akolouj a (random sequence).
stochastic transitivity: stoqastik metabatikthta.
stochastic variable: stoqastik  tuqa a metablht (random variable).
doubly stochastic matrix: dipl stoqastikc p nakac.

stochastically: stoqastik .

stochastically larger: stoqastik megalteroc.

stochastically smaller: stoqastik mikrteroc.



Stokes equation: ex swsh Stokes (diarmonik ex swsh).

Stokes ow: ro Stokes.
Stokes theorem: jerhma tou Stokes.

Stokesian: tou Stokes.

Stokesian uid: reust Stokes.

Stokesian wave: kma Stokes.

stopping: termatismc, diakop.

stopping rule: kannac termatismo  diakopc.

stopping time: qrnoc termatismo  diakopc.

storage: apojkeush.
store: apojhkew, sto ba (plhroforik).
storing: apojkeush.
straight: eujc, eujgrammoc.
straight angle: orj gwn a.
straight line: euje a gramm.

straight-edge: kannac, q rakac.

construction with straight-edge and compass: kataskeu me kanna kai diabth.

straighten: eujugramm zw.

strain: paramrfwsh. Sun. param'orfwsh.

strain elements: (peperasmna) stoiqe a paramrfwshc.

strain energy: enrgeia paramrfwshc.
rate of strain: rujmc paramrfwshc. Sun. rate of deformation:

rate of strain tensor:

tanustc rujmn paramrfwshc. Sun.

rate of deformation tensor.

strange: par xenoc.

strange attractor:

par xenoc elkustc.

strata: strmata, bl. stratum.

strata chart:

q rthc strwm twn.

strategy: strathgik.

desingularization strategy:

strathgik apodiomorfopo hshc.

stratication: strwm twsh, strwmatopo hsh.

stratied: strwmatopoihmnoc.
stratied sample: strwmatopoihmno de gma.
stratied ow: strwmatopoihmnh ro.

stratify: strwmat zw, strwmatopoi.

stratum (pl. strata): strma.
stream: rema, ro.
stream function:

rok  reumatik sun rthsh.

streamfunction: rok  reumatik sun rthsh.

streamline: rok  reumatik gramm.
streamline nite elements:

rok peperasmna stoiqe a.

streamtube: rokc  reumatikc swlnac.

strength: isqc, ntash, dnamh, antoq.
strength of materials: antoq twn ulikn.
source strength: ntash phgc.

strengthen: enisqw, isquropoi.

stress: t sh, sump esh.

stress concentration: sugkntrwsh t sewn.

stress tensor: tanustc t sewn.
normal stress: k jeth t sh.
shear stress: diatmhtik t sh.
yield stress: t sh roc  diarroc.

stretch: ekte nw, tentnw, efelkw, ktash.

stretching: ktash, tntwma, efelkusmc.
strict: gnsioc, austhrc.
strict inequality: gnsia anisthta.

strictly: gnsia, austhr , apoltwc.

strictly convex: gnsia  austhr kurtc.

strictly decreasing function: gnsia  austhr fj nousa sun rthsh.

strictly dominated: gnsia  austhr kuriarqhmnoc.

strictly increasing function: gnsia  austhr axousa sun rthsh.
strictly negative number: gnsia  austhr arnhtikc arijmc.
strictly positive number: gnsia  austhr jetikc arijmc.

string: qord, sumboloseir (plhroforik).

active string: energ sumboloseir .

consistent strings: sumbatc sumboloseirc.
elastic string: elastik qord.
empty string: ken sumboloseir .
prex of a string: prjema sumboloseir c.
vibrating string: pallmenh qord.

strip: lwr da.

Moebius strip:

lwr da tou


strong: isqurc.

strong completeness: isqur plhrthta.

strong convergence: isqur sgklish.
strong coupling: isqur szeuxh.
strong ellipticity: isqur elleiptikthta.
strong form: isqur morf.
strong law: isqurc nmoc.
strong law of large numbers: isqurc nmoc twn meg lwn arijmn.
strong topology: isqur topolog a.

stronger: isqurteroc.
stronger version:

isqurterh ekdoq.

strongly: isqur .

strongly consistent: isqur sunepc.

strongly consistent estimator: isqur sunepc ektimtria.
strongly coupled problems: isqur suzeugmna problmata.
strongly elliptic: isqur elleiptikc.
strongly singular: isqur idi zwn  idimorfoc  mh omalc  anmaloc.

strophoid: strofoeidc.
structural: domikc.

structural equation: domik ex swsh.

structural optimization: domik beltistopo hsh.
structural parameter: domik par metroc.

structure: dom, kataskeu.

a ne structure: susqetismnh dom.

algebraic structure: algebrik dom.
linear structure: grammik dom.
narrowly appropriate structure: sten kat llhlh dom.

structured: domhmnoc.

structured algorithm: domhmnoc algrijmoc.

student: foithtc, spoudastc.

Student: Yeudnumo tou Brettano statistiko W. Gosset (1876-1937).
Student distribution:


Student  t-katanom (t-distribution).

study: melth.

domain of study: perioq melthc.

feasibility study: melth skopimthtac.



Sturm-Liouville operator: telestc Sturm-Liouville.

Sturm-Liouville problem: prblhma Sturm-Liouville.
Sturm-Liouville system: ssthma Sturm-Liouville.

sub-: upo.
subadditive: upoprosjetikc.
subadditive function:

upoprosjetik sun rthsh.

subadditivity: upoprosjetikthta.
subalgebra: upo lgebra.
subcase: upoper ptwsh.
subcategory: upokathgor a.
subclass: upokl sh.
subcritical: upokr simoc.

subcritical point: upokr simo shme o.

subcritically: upokr sima.

subdiagonal: upodiagnioc.
erential: upodiaforikc.

subdierential mapping: upodiaforik apeiknish.

subdivide: upodiair.
subdivision: upodia resh.
subdomain: upoqwr o.

subdomain collocation: taxijes a  taxinmhsh upoqwr wn.

subelliptic: upoelleiptikc.
subexponential: upoekjetikc.

subexponential function: upoekjetik sun rthsh.

subformula: upotpoc.

atomic subformula: atomikc upotpoc.


subfunctor: uposunarthtc.
subgroup: upoom da.

normal subgroup: kanonik upoom da.

proper subgroup: gnsia upoom da.
trivial subgroup: tetrimmnh upoom da.

subharmonic: upoarmonikc, upoarmonik.

subinterval: upodi sthma.
subject: upoke meno.
subjective: upokeimenikc.
sublattice: upoplgma.
sublinear: upogrammikc.
submultiplicative: upopollaplasiastikc.
submultiplicative property:

upopollaplasiastik idithta.

submanifold: upopollaplthta.

a ne submanifold: susqetismnh upopollaplthta.

submartingale: upo-martingale.
submatrix: upop nakac.
submersion: kat dush, katabjish.
submodel: upomontlo.

elementary submodel: stoiqeidec upomontlo.

submodule: upoprtupo.
submonoid: upomonoeidc.
subnormal: upokanonikc.
subnormal group:

upokanonik om da.

subnormality: upokanonikthta.
sub-Poisson: upo-Poisson.

sub-Poisson distribution: upo-Poisson katanom.

subregion: upoqwr o, upoperioq.

subring: upodaktlioc.
subroutine: uporout na, upoprgramma.
subsample: upode gma.
subsampling: upodeigmatolhy a.
subscript: k tw de kthc.
subsequence: upakolouj a. Se merik bibl a plhroforikc metafr zetai c uposeir.
subset: uposnolo.
balanced subset: isrropo uposnolo.
compact subset: sumpagc uposnolo.


convex subset: kurt uposnolo.

generic subset: genetik uposnolo (logik).
proper subset: gnsio uposnolo.
stationary subset: st simo uposnolo.

subsidiary: sumplhrwmatikc.
subsidiary condition:

sumplhrwmatik sunjkh.

subsonic: upohqhtikc.

subsonic ow: upohqhtik ro.

subspace: upqwroc.

discrete subspace: diakritc upqwroc.

semi-discrete subspace: hmidiakritc upqwroc.
trivial subspace: tetrimmnoc upqwroc.

substantial: ousiastikc, ousidhc.

substantial derivative:
convective derivative).

ousiastik  ousidhc  ulik par gwgoc (sun.



substantive: ousiastikc, ousidhc.

substantive derivative: bl. substantial derivative.

substitute: antikajist.
substitution: antikat stash.

substitution tensor: tautotikc  monadia oc tanustc, tanustc antikat stashc (sun. identity  unit
back substitution: p sw antikat stash, an dromh antikat stash.
forward substitution: emprc antikat stash.
hyperbolic substitution: uperbolik antikat stash.
successive substitution method: mjodoc diadoqikn antikatast sewn, genik epanalhptik mjodoc.
trigonometric substitution: trigwnometrik antikat stash.

substrate: upstrwma.
substring: uposumboloseir (plhroforik).
substructure: upodom.
subsume: perilamb nw.
subsurface: upoepif neia.
subsurface ow: upoepifaneiak ro.

subtract: afair.
subtraction: afa resh.
subtrahend: afairetoc.
subvector: upodi nusma.
success: epituq a.

successive: diadoqikc, ep llhloc, allep llhloc.

successive approximations: diadoqikc prosegg seic.

successive overrelaxation method: mjodoc diadoqikc uperqal rwshc.
successive substitution method: mjodoc diadoqikn antikatast sewn, genik epanalhptik mjodoc.
method of successive approximations: mjodoc twn diadoqikn prosegg sewn.

successor: di doqoc, epmenoc.

successor function: sun rthsh diadoqc.

such: ttoioc.
such that:

ttoioc ste.

sudden: aptomoc, xafnikc.

sudden contraction: aptomh sustol (reustodunamik).

sudden expansion: aptomh diastol (reustodunamik).

suciency: to ikan, ep rkeia.

joint su ciency: ap koino ep rkeia.

necessity and su ciency: anagka o kai ikan.

sucient: ikanc, eparkc, arketc.

su cient condition: ikan sunjkh.

su cient statistic: eparkc statistik sun rthsh.
minimal su cient statistic: elaqistotik  el qisth eparkc statistik sun rthsh.
necessary and su cient condition: anagka a kai ikan sunjkh.

suciently: arkontwc, eparkc.

su ciently close: arkontwc kont .

su ciently dierentiable: arkontwc paragwg simoc.
su ciently small: arkontwc mikrc.
su ciently large: arkontwc meg loc.

sux: prjema.
suit: seir qartin tr poulac.
sum: jroisma.

direct sum: euj jroisma.

innite sum: peiro jroisma.
iterated sum: epanalambanmeno jroisma.
partial sum: merik jroisma.
pointwise sum: shmeiak jroisma.
power sum: dunamo jroisma.
wedge sum: sfhnoeidc jroisma (Topol.).
zero sum: mhdenik jroisma.
zero sum game: paiqn di mhdeniko ajro smatoc.

summability: ajroisimthta.

regular summability: kanonik ajroisimthta.


Cesaro summability: ajroisimthta kat Cesaro.

Riemann summability: ajroisimthta kat Riemann.

summable: ajro simoc.

summation: jroish, prsjesh.

summation by parts: prsjesh kat mlh  kat par gontec.

summation convention: sunjkh  smbash ajro sewc.
summation formula: tpoc jroishc.
summation index: de kthc ajro sewc.
summation method: mjodoc jroishc.

sun: lioc.
super-: uper- (prjema).
superadditivity: uperprosjetikthta.
superadditive: uperprosjetikc.
superadditive function:

uperprosjetik sun rthsh.

superatomic: uperatomikc.

superatomic Boolean algebra: uperatomik lgebra tou Boole.

supercomputer: uperupologistc.
superconducting: uperaggimoc.
superconductivity: uperagwgimthta.
superconvergence: anterh sgklish, upersgklish.
superconvergent: upersugkl nwn.
superconvergent method:

upersugkl nousa mjodoc.

supercritical: uperkr simoc.

supercritical shock wave: uperkr simo kroustik kma.

supercritically: uperkr sima.

superdiagonal: uperdiagnioc.
usion: uperdi qush.
supereciency: uperapotelesmatikthta.
superelement: uperstoiqe o.
superuous: pleon zwn.

superuous variable: pleon zousa metablht.

superharmonic: uperarmonikc, uperarmonik.

superimpose: uperjtw (sun. superpose).
superimposed: upertejeimnoc (sun. superposed).
superior: anteroc.

superior limit: antero rio  el qisto k tw rio.


supermartingale: uper-martingale.
supernormal: uperkanonikc.

supernormal dispersion: uperkanonik diaspor  skdash.

supernova: uperkainofanc (astrac).

superoscillation: upertal ntwsh.
super-Poisson: uper-Poisson.
super-Poisson distribution:

uper-Poisson katanom.

superposable: uperjsimoc.
superpose: uperjtw (sun. superimpose).
superposed: upertejeimnoc (sun. superimposed).
superposed process: upertejeimnh anlixh.
superposed variation: upertejeimnh metabol.

superposition: uprjesh, epallhl a.

superposition principle:

arq thc uprjeshc  epallhl ac.

superregular: uperkanonikc.

superregular function: uperkanonik sun rthsh.

superscript: nw de kthc.
superset: upersnolo.
supersonic: uperhqhtikc.

supersonic ow: uperhqhtik ro.

supersymmetry: upersummetr a.
sup-norm: sup-nrma  peiro-nrma.
supplement: paraplrwma, sumplrwma.
supplemental: paraplhrwmatikc, sumplhrwmatikc.
supplementary: sumplhrwmatikc.

supplementary information: sumplhrwmatik plhrofor a.

supplementary condition: sumplhrwmatik sunjkh.

supplemented: sumplhrwmnoc.

supplemented balance: sumplhrwmnh isorrop a.

supply: promhjew, efodi zw, efodiasmc.

supply and demand: prosfor kai zthsh.

support: forac, upostrigma, strigma, en sqush.

compact support: sumpagc forac.
local support: topikc forac.


supported: me fora, me upostrigma, me strigma, uposthrigmnoc, sthrigmnoc.

compactly supported function:

sun rthsh me sumpag fora.

supporting: frwn, sthr zwn, uposthr zwn.

supporting hyperplane:

fron uperep pedo.

supra: uper nw, upr (prjema).

supraconvergence: antath sgklish, upersgklish.
supremum: supremum, el qisto nw fr gma  prac (least upper bound).
essential supremum: ousidec supremum.

sure: s gouroc, bbaioc.

sure event: bbaio gegonc  endeqmeno.

almost sure: sqedn s gouroc.

surely: s goura.
almost surely:

sqedn s goura.

surface: epif neia, epifaneiakc.

surface element: stoiqeidhc epif neia.

surface force: epifaneiak dnamh  dnamh epafc (contact force).
surface integral: epifaneiak oloklrwma.
surface of revolution: epif neia ek peristrofc.
anallagmatic surface: anallagmatik epif neia.
anticlastic surface: antiklastik epif neia.
applicable surface: efarmsimh epif neia.
aspherical surface: asfairik epif neia.
characteristic surface: qarakthristik epif neia.
closed surface: kleist epif neia.
compact surface: sumpagc epif neia.
conical surface: kwnik epif neia.
control surface: epif neia elgqou.
developable surface: anaptukt epif neia.
equipotential surface: isodunamik epif neia.
at surface: ep pedh epif neia.
fractal surface: klastik  morfoklasmatik epif neia.
free surface: elejerh epif neia.
geometric surface: gewmetrik epif neia.
integral surface: oloklhrwtik epif neia.
isometric surface: isometrik epif neia.
lateral surface: pleurik epif neia.
level surface: isostajmik epif neia.
minimal surface: elaqistotik epif neia.
one-sided surface: monpleurh epif neia.
orientable surface: prosanatol simh epif neia.
oriented surface: prosanatolismnh epif neia.
probability surface: epif neia pijanthtac.
quadratic surface: deuterob jmia epif neia.

quadric surface: deuterob jmia epif neia.

quintic surface: pemptob jmia epif neia.
regression surface: epif neia palindromsewc.
response surface: epif neia apkrishc.
ruled surface: eujeiogenc epif neia.
similar surfaces: moiec epif neiec.
smooth surface: le a epif neia.
solution surface: epif neia lshc.
surface wave: epifaneiak kma.
synclastic surface: sugklastik epif neia.
tangent surface: efaptmenh epif neia.
two-sided surface: d pleurh epif neia.

surfactant: epifaneiak energc, tasienergc.

surjection: ep rriyh (bl. surjective kai onto).
surjective: ep (onto), epirriptik. Se merik bibl a, fesh (surjection)! Ep shc, bl. onto.
surjectivity: erriptikthta.
surmount: uperba nw.
surprise: kplhxh, aifnidiasmc.
surprise index:

de kthc aifnidiasmo.

surround: perib llw.

surrounded (by): peribeblhmnoc (ap).
surrounding: perib llwn.
surroundings: to perib llon.
survey: reuna (statistik), dhmoskphsh.

survey design: sqediasmc reunac.

repeated survey: epanalambanmenh reuna.

survival: epib wsh.

survival analysis:

an lush epib wshc.

survive: epiz, epibinw.

survivor: epibinwn, epibisac.
survivor function:

sun rthsh epib wshc.

susceptibility: epidektikthta, dektikthta.

susceptible: epidektikc, dektikc.
suspend: aiwr, anart, diakptw.
suspension: airhma, an rthsh.
sustain: uposthr zw, upofrw.
sustainable: anektc.

sustainable development: aeifroc an ptuxh.

sustained: mmonoc, sunthromenoc, paratetamnoc.


sweep: 1. s rwsh. 2. sarnw.

swell: diogknomai, diastllomai.
swelling: digkwsh, diastol.
swirl: strbiloc, d nh, strobil zw, strobil zomai, peristrfw, peristrfomai.
swirling: peristrefmenoc.
swirling ow:

peristrofik ro (sun.

torsional ow).

switch: 1. metagwgac. 2. met gw.

switching: 1. metagwg. 2. met gontac.
syllogism: sullogismc.
symbol: smbolo.

symbol processing: sumbolik epexergas a.

symbol processor: sumbolikc epexergastc.
inclusion symbols: smbola egkleismo.
Kronecker's symbol: smbolo tou Kronecker.
logical symbols: logik smbola.
permutation symbol: smbolo met jeshc.

symbolic: sumbolikc.

symbolic approximation: sumbolik prosggish.

symbolic manipulation: sumbolikc qeirismc  epexergas a.
symbolic notation: sumbolik shmeiograf a.

symmedian: summetrodi mesoc.

symmetric(-al): summetrikc.

symmetric group: summetrik om da.

symmetric matrix: summetrikc p nakac.
symmetric operator: summetrikc telestc.
symmetric property: summetrik idithta.
symmetric relation: summetrik sqsh.
symmetric tensor: summetrikc tanustc.
symmetric transformation: summetrikc metasqhmatismc.
conjugate symmetric property: suzugc summetrik idithta.
skew symmetric: antisummetrikc.

symmetrical: summetrikc (bl. symmetric).

symmetrical tensor: summetrikc tanustc.

symmetrical theorem: summetrik jerhma (deterh tautthta tou Green).

symmetry: summetr a.

symmetry analysis: an lush summetr ac.

symmetry group: om da summetrin.
axial symmetry: axonik summetr a, summetr a wc proc xona.
axis of symmetry: xonac summetr ac.
central symmetry: ketrik summetr a, summetr a wc proc kntro.
plane of symmetry: ep pedo summetr ac.
screw symmetry: summetr a eliksewc, elikoeidc summetr a.

skew symmetry: antisummetr a.

symplectic: sumplektikc.

symplectic discretization: sumplektik diakritopo hsh.

symplectic geometry: sumplektik gewmetr a.
symplectic integration: sumplektik oloklrwsh.
symplectic integrator: sumplektikc oloklhrwtc.
symplectic manifold: sumplektik pollaplthta.
symplectic mapping: sumplektik apeiknish.
symplectic reduction: sumplektik anagwg.

synchronization: sugqronismc.
synchronous: sgqronoc.
synchrony: sugqronismc.
synclastic: sugklastikc.
synclastic surface:

sugklastik epif neia.

synergetic: sunerghtikc.
synergy: sunrgeia.
synodic: sunodikc.
synonym: sunnumo.
syntactic: suntaktikc.
syntactic interpretation:

suntaktik ermhne a.

syntax: sntaxh.
syntax error:

suntaktik l joc.

synthesis: snjesh.
synthetic: sunjetikc.

synthetic cut: sunjetik  fantastik tom (gia gkouc elgqou).

synthetic division: sunjetik dia resh.
synthetic geometry: sunjetik gewmetr a.

system: ssthma.

system of reference: ssthma anafor c.

systems theory: jewr a susthm twn.
accelerated system of reference: epitaqunmeno ssthma anafor c.
a ne coordinate system: omoparallhlik ssthma suntetagmnwn.
algebraic system: algebrik ssthma.
autonomous system: autnomo ssthma.
binary system: duadik ssthma.
Cartesian system: kartesian ssthma.
chaotic system: qaotik ssthma.
complex number system: ssthma twn migadikn arijmn.
control system: ssthma elgqou.
conservative system: sunthrhtik ssthma.

consistent system: sumbibast ssthma.

coordinate system: ssthma suntetagmnwn.
correspondence system: ssthma antistoiq ac.
curvilinear system: kampulgrammo ssthma.
database systems: sustmata b sewn dedomnwn.
decimal system: dekadik ssthma.
degenerate system: ekfulismno ssthma.
dextral system (of coordinates): dexistrofo ssthma (suntetagmnwn), sun. right-handed system.
discrete system: diakrit ssthma.
dynamical system: dunamik ssthma.
elliptic system: elleiptik ssthma.
equivalent systems: isodnama sustmata.
forced system: exanagkasmno ssthma.
Hamiltonian system: qamiltonian ssthma.
holonomic system: olnomo ssthma.
homogeneous system: omogenc ssthma.
inconsistent system: asumb basto  mh sumbibast  adnato ssthma.
inertial system: adraneiak ssthma.
information systems: plhroforik sustmata, sustmata plhroforin.
isolated system: apomonwmno ssthma.
isometric system: isometrik ssthma.
left-handed system: aristerstrofo ssthma.
linear system (of equations): grammik ssthma (exissewn).
logarithmic system: logarijmik ssthma.
mesoscopic system: mesoskopik ssthma.
metric system: metrik ssthma.
moving coordinate system: kinomeno ssthma suntetagmnwn.
neuronal system: neurwnik ssthma.
non-autonomous system: mh autnomo ssthma.
nondegenerate system: mh ekfulismno ssthma.
non-linear system: mh grammik ssthma.
normal system: kanonik ssthma.
number system: ssthma arijmn.
octal number system: oktadik ssthma arijmn.
overdetermined system: uperkajorismno ssthma.
parabolic system: parabolik ssthma.
real number system: ssthma twn pragmatikn arijmn.
rectangular coordinate system: kartesian  orjognio ssthma suntetagmnwn (sun. Cartesian coordinate system).
rheonomic system: renomo ssthma.
right-handed coordinate system: dexistrofo ssthma suntetagmnwn, sun. dextral coordinate system.
rotating coordinate system: peristrefmeno ssthma suntetagmnwn.
scleronomic system: sklhrnomo ssthma.
singular system: idi zon  mh omal  anmalo ssthma.
solar system: hliak ssthma.
stable system: eustajc ssthma.
Sturm-Liouville system: ssthma Sturm-Liouville.
underdetermined system: upokajorismno ssthma.

unstable system:

astajc ssthma.

systematic: susthmatikc.

systematic design: susthmatikc sqediasmc.

systematic error: susthmatik sf lma.
systematic sample: susthmatik de gma.
systematic square: susthmatik tetr gwno.
systematic statistic: susthmatik statistik sun rthsh.
systematic variation: susthmatik metabol.

systole: sustol.
systolic: sustolikc.
systolic accelerator:

sustolikc epitaquntc.

syzygy: suzug a.

t-distribution: t-katanom  katanom Student (Student distribution).

table: p nakac, trapzi.

contingency tables: p nakec sun feiac.

dierence table: p nakac diaforn.
frequency table: p nakac suqnthtac.
incomplete beta tables: atele c  ellipe c bta p nakec.
joint probability table: p nakac miktc pijanthtac.
polytomic table: polutomikc p nakac.
truth table: alhjop nakac, p nakac aljeiac, p nakac timn aljeiac.

tableau (pl. tableaux): p nakac.

Young tableaux: p nakec Young.

tabular: up morf p naka, plakoeidc.

tabulation: kataskeu  sqhmatismc p naka.
tacpoint: diakekrimno shme o.
tail: our , gr mmata (pleur nom smatoc).
tail area (of a distribution):
band tail: our tain ac.

perioq our c (katanomc).

tame: exhmernw, exhmrwsh.

tame algebras:

exhmerwmnec lgebrec.


tame measure:

exhmerwmno mtro.

tameness: to exhmerwmno.

tameness of a measure: to exhmerwmno mtrou.

tandem: nac p sw ap ton llo.

in tandem: nac p sw ap ton llo.

tangency: epaf.

point of tangency:

shme o epafc.

tangent: efaptomnh (sthn trigwnometr a), efaptmenoc, efaptomenikc.

tangent bundle: efaptmenh dsmh.
tangent law: nmoc twn efaptomnwn.
tangent plane: efaptmeno ep pedo.
tangent surface: efaptmenh epif neia.
tangent vector: efaptmeno di nusma.
internal tangent: eswterik efaptomnh.
inverse tangent: txo efaptomnhc.
polar tangent: polik efaptomnh.

tangential: efaptomenikc, kat thn efaptomnh.

tangential acceleration: efaptomenik epit qunsh.

tangential component: efaptomenik sunistsa.
tangential curvature: efaptomenik kampulthta, gewdaisiak kampulthta (geodesic curvature).

tanh: uperbolik efaptomnh.

inverse tanh: txo uperbolikc efaptomnhc.

inverse tanh transformation: metasqhmatismc txou uperbolikc efaptomnhc.

tank: dexamen.
tape: tain a (plhroforik).

input tape: tain a eisdou.

two-dimensional tape: disdi stath tain a.
two-way innite tape: peirh tain a do kateujnsewn.

Tarski, Alfred (1902- )

Tarski paradox: par doxo tou Tarski.

Tardaglia, Niccolo (1499-1559  1500-1557)
Tauber, Alfred (1886- )
Tauber theorem: jerhma tou Tauber.

tautochrone: tautqronoc, isqronoc.

tautochrone problem: tautqrono prblhma.

tautological: tautologikc.

tautology: tautolog a.

tautology law: nmoc tautolog ac.

Taylor, Brook (1685-1731)

Taylor development: an ptugma Taylor (sun. Taylor expansion).

Taylor expansion: an ptugma Taylor (sun. Taylor development).
Taylor form: morf Taylor.
Taylor's formula: tpoc tou Taylor.
Taylor polynomial: polunumo Taylor.
Taylor series: seir Taylor.
Taylor's theorem: jerhma tou Taylor.
Taylor's theorem of the mean: jerhma thc mshc timc tou Taylor. universal Taylor series:
seirc Taylor.

technique: teqnik, mjodoc.

integration technique: teqnik oloklrwshc.

optimization technique: mjodoc beltistopo hshc.
sampling technique: teqnik deigmatolhy ac.

technological: teqnologikc.
technology: teqnolog a.
information technology:

plhroforik teqnolog a.

telegraph: thlgrafoc.

telegraph equation: ex swsh thlgrafou.

telephoto lens: thlefakc.

telescope: thleskpio.
telescopic: thleskopikc.

telescopic method: thleskopik mjodoc.

telescopic series: thleskopik seir .

telescoping: thleskpeush.
temperature: jermokras a.

absolute temperature: apluth jermokras a.

complex temperature: migadik jermokras a.
Kelvin temperature: jermokras a Kelvin.

temporal: qronikc.
tend: te nw.

tend to zero: te nw sto mhdn.

tend to innity: te nw sto peiro.

tendency: t sh.

central tendency: kentrik t sh.

measure of central tendency: mtro kentrikc t sewc.


tension: efelkusmc, t sh.

modulus in tension:

mtro efelkusmo.

tensor: tanustc, tanustikc.

tensor algebra: tanustik lgebra, lgebra tanustn.

tensor analysis: tanustik an lush.
tensor contraction: sustol tanust (n).
tensor eld: tanustik ped o.
tensor notation: tanustikc sumbolismc.
tensor product: tanustik ginmeno.
absolute tensor: aplutoc tanustc.
alternating tensor: enall sswn tanustc.
antisymmetric tensor: antisummetrikc tanustc, sun. skew-symmetric tensor.
associated tensor: prosetairistikc tanustc.
Cartesian tensor: kartesianc tanustc.
contravariant tensor: antallo wtoc tanustc.
covariant tensor: sunallo wtoc tanustc.
curvature tensor: tanustc kampulthtac.
identity tensor: tautotikc  monadia oc tanustc, tanustc antikat stashc (sun. unit  substitution
invariants of a tensor: anallo wtec tanust.
isotropic tensor: istropoc tanustc.
iterated tensor product: pollapl tanustik ginmeno.
metric tensor: metrikc tanustc.
rate of deformation tensor: tanustc rujmn paramrfwshc. Sun. rate of strain tensor.
rate of strain tensor: tanustc rujmn paramrfwshc. Sun. rate of deformation tensor.
reciprocal tensors: ant strofoi tanustc.
Riemann curvature tensor: tanustc kampulthtac tou Riemann.
skew-symmetric tensor: antisummetrikc tanustc, sun. antisymmetric tensor.
substitution tensor: tautotikc  monadia oc tanustc, tanustc antikat stashc (sun. identity  unit
symmetric tensor: summetrikc tanustc.
stress tensor: tanustc t sewn.
unit tensor: tautotikc  monadia oc tanustc, tanustc antikat stashc (sun. identity  substitution

tensorial: tanustikc.

tensorial variable: tanustik metablht.

term: roc.

term by term: ro proc ro.

term by term integration: oloklrwsh ro proc ro.
dominating term: uperisqwn  kur arqoc roc.
general term: genikc roc.
higher order terms: roi anterhc t xhc.
inertial terms: adraneiako roi  roi adr neiac.
non-zero term: mh mhdenikc roc.
positive term: jetikc roc.
rearrangement of terms: anadi taxh rwn.

similar terms: moioi roi.

vanishing term: mhdenizmenoc roc.

terminal: telikc, akra oc, termatikc, termatik (plhroforik).

terminal point: telik shme o, prac (diansmatoc).
terminal state: termatik kat stash.
terminal velocity: termatik taqthta.

terminating: peratomenoc.

terminating fraction: peratomeno kl sma.

terminology: orolog a.
terminological: orologikc.
termwise: kat rouc.
ternary: triadikc, trimelc. Sun. triadic.

ternary operation: trimelc pr xh.

ternary relation: trimelc  triadik sqsh.
Cantor ternary set: triadik snolo Cantor. Sun. triadic Cantor set.

terrestrial: ginoc.
tesselation: yhfidopo hsh.

random tesselation: tuqa a yhfidopo hsh.

test: dokim, kritrio, legqoc, extash, test, dokimas a.

test function: elegqosun rthsh  sun rthsh elgqou.

test of hypothesis: legqoc upjeshc.
chi-square test: legqoc 2.
comparison test: kritrio thc sugkr sewc.
consistent test: sunepc legqoc.
consistent test function: sunepc elegqosun rthsh  sun rthsh elgqou.
convergence test: kritrio sgklishc. Se merik bibl a, test sgklishc.
empty cell test: legqoc keno kelio.
gap test: legqoc q smatoc.
integral test: oloklhrwtik kritrio.
likelihood ratio test: legqoc lgou pijanof neiac.
most powerful test function: isqurtath elegqosun rthsh, isqurtath sun rthsh elgqou.
multi-binomial test: poludiwnumikc legqoc.
one-tailed test: monpleuroc legqoc.
permutation test: metajtikc legqoc.
pocket test: sntomoc legqoc.
power of a test function: isqc elegqosun rthshc, isqc sun rthshc elgqou.
quick test: grgoroc legqoc.
quotient test: kritrio sugkr sewc tou lgou.
randomization test: legqoc tuqaiopo hshc.
randomized test: tuqaiopoihmnoc legqoc.
randomized test function: tuqaiopoihmnh elegqosun rthsh, tuqaiopoihmnh sun rthsh elgqou.
ratio test: kritrio tou lgou.
restricted test: periorismnoc legqoc.
root test: kritrio thc r zac.

sequential likelihood test: akoloujiakc legqoc pijanof neiac.

sequential test: akoloujiakc legqoc.
sign test function: elegqosun rthsh prosmou, sun rthsh elgqou prosmou.
size of a test function: mgejoc elegqosun rthshc, mgejoc sun rthshc elgqou.
triangle test: trigwnikc legqoc.
two-sided test: amf pleuroc legqoc.
two-tailed test: d pleuroc legqoc.
unbiased test function: amerlhpth elegqosun rthsh, amerlhpth sun rthsh elgqou.
uniformly most powerful unbiased test function: omoimorfa isqurtath amerlhpth elegqosun rthsh,

omoimorfa isqurtath amerlhpth sun rthsh elgqou.

Weierstrass M test: kritrio tou Weierstrass.

testing: dokim, legqoc, dokimas a.

hypothesis testing:

legqoc upjeshc.

tetrachoric: tetraqwrikc.

tetrachoric correlation: tetraqwrik susqtish.

tetrachoric function: tetraqwrik sun rthsh.

tetrad: tetr da.

tetrad dierence:

tetradik diafor .

tetrahedral: tetr edroc, tetraedrikc.

tetrahedral angle: tetr edrh gwn a.

tetrahedral surface: tetr edrh epif neia.
tetrahedron (pl. tetrahedrons or tetrahedra): tetr edro.
regular tetrahedron: kanonik  omal tetr edro.
truncated tetrahedron: apokommno  klouro tetr edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqimdeiwn poludrwn (oi
drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai ex gwna).

text: ke meno.

text processing: epexergas a keimnou.

text processor: epexergastc keimnou.

theorem: jerhma.

Baire category theorem: jerhma kathgorin tou Baire.

best approximation theorem: jerhma bltisthc prosggishc.
binomial theorem: jerhma tou diwnmou.
Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem: jerhma twn Bolzano-Weierstrass.
Borel's covering theorem: jerhma k luyhc tou Borel.
bounded convergence theorem: jerhma fragmnhc sgklishc.
central limit theorem: kentrik oriak jerhma.
Chinese remainder theorem: jerhma upolo pou tou Kinzou (logik).
compactness theorem: jerhma sump geiac.
completeness theorem: jerhma plhrthtac.
contraction theorem: jerhma sustolc.
converse theorem: ant strofo jerhma.
deduction theorem: sumperasmatologik jerhma, jerhma paragwgc.

divergence theorem: jerhma apklishc (jerhma tou Gauss  twn Gauss-Ostrogradsky).

dominated convergence theorem: jerhma kuriarqhmnhc sgklishc.
double expectation theorem: jerhma diplc prosdok ac.
downward Lovenheim-Skolem theorem: kajodik jerhma twn Lovenheim-Skolem.
embedding theorem: jerhma egkleismo.
existence theorem: jerhma parxhc.
niteness theorem: jerhma tou peperasmnou.
xed point theorem: jerhma stajero shme ou.
four-color theorem: jerhma tess rwn qrwm twn.
Fourier's integral theorem: oloklhrwtik jerhma tou Fourier.
fundamental theorem: jemelidec jerhma.
fundamental theorem of algebra: jemelidec jerhma thc lgebrac.
fundamental theorem of arithmetic: jemelidec jerhma thc arijmhtikc.
fundamental theorem of calculus: jemelidec jerhma tou majhmatiko logismo.
fundamental theorem of integral calculus: jemelidec jerhma tou oloklhrwtiko logismo.
Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem: jerhma twn Gauss-Ostrogradsky, jerhma tou Gauss, jerhma apklishc (divergence theorem).
Gauss theorem: jerhma tou Gauss  jerhma thc apklishc (divergence theorem).
implicit function theorem: jerhma peplegmnhc sun rthshc.
inclusion theorem: jerhma egkleismo.
integral mean value theorem: jerhma mshc timc gia oloklhrmata.
intermediate value theorem: jerhma endi meshc timc.
inverse function theorem: jerhma thc ant strofhc sun rthshc.
Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem: jerhma kuriarqhmnhc sgklishc tou Lebesgue.
limit theorem: oriak jerhma.
mapping theorem: jerhma apeikon sewc.
maximum modulus theorem: jerhma tou meg stou mtrou.
mean value theorem: jerhma mshc timc.
minimax theorem: jerhma elaqistomeg stou, jerhma minimax.
minimum modulus theorem: jerhma tou elaq stou mtrou.
non-completeness theorem: jerhma mh plhrthtac.
open mapping theorem: jerhma anoiktc apeiknishc.
parallel axes theorem: jerhma twn par llhlwn axnwn.
perpendicular axes theorem: jerhma twn kajtwn axnwn.
prime number theorem: jerhma prtwn arijmn.
principal axes theorem: jerhma kur wn axnwn.
Pythagoras theorem: pujagreio jerhma.
remainder theorem: jerhma tou upolo pou.
replacement theorem: jerhma epan jeshc.
residue theorem: jerhma twn oloklhrwtikn upolo pwn.
Riesz representation theorem: jerhma anaparast sewc tou Riesz.
Sobolev embedding theorem: jerhma egkleismo tou Sobolev.
soundness theorem: jerhma orjthtac.
spectral theorem: fasmatik jerhma.
symmetrical theorem: summetrik jerhma (deterh tautthta tou Green).
trace theorem: jerhma qnouc.
transport theorem: jerhma metafor c (tou Reynolds).
unication theorem: jerhma enopo hshc.
uniqueness theorem: jerhma monadikthtac.

upward Lovenheim-Skolem theorem: anodik jerhma twn Lovenheim-Skolem.

theorema Egregium of Gauss: jerhma Egregium tou Gauss.

theoretic: jewrhtikc.


theoretical: jewrhtikc.

theoretical frequencies: jewrhtikc suqnthtec.

theoretical results: jewrhtik apotelsmata.
theoretical variable: jewrhtik metablht.

theory: jewr a.

approximation theory: jewr a prosggishc.

axiomatic theory: axiwmatik jewr a.
catastrophy theory: jewr a katastrofc.
class theory: jewr a kl sewn.
decision theory: jewr a apof sewn.
electromagnetic theory: hlektromagnhtik jewr a.
estimation theory: ektimhtik  jewr a ektimsewc.
function theory: jewr a sunartsewn.
Galois theory: jewr a Galois.
game theory: jewr a paign wn.
graph theory: jewr a grafhm twn  gr fwn.
group theory: jewr a om dwn.
interpolation theory: jewr a parembolc.
linear theory: grammik jewr a.
matrix theory: pinakojewr a, jewr a pin kwn.
measure theory: jewr a mtrou.
model theory: jewr a montlwn.
node theory: jewr a kmbwn.
number theory: arijmojewr a, jewr a arijmn.
potential theory: jewr a dunamiko.
proof theory: jewr a apode xewn, sun. metamajhmatik (metamathematics).
quantication theory: kathgorhmatikc logismc (sun. predicate calculus).
quantum theory: kbantik jewr a.
queuing theory: jewr a anamonc.
recursion theory: jewr a anadromn, jewr a anadromikn sunartsewn.
representation theory: jewr a anaparast sewn.
ring theory: jewr a daktul wn.
sampling theory: jewr a deigmatolhy ac  deigmatolhptik jewr a.
set theory: sunolojewr a, jewr a sunlwn.
systems theory: jewr a susthm twn.

thermal: jermikc.

thermal boundary layer: jermik oriak strma.

thermal conductivity: jermik agwgimthta.
thermal energy: jermik enrgeia.
thermal wave: jermik kma.

thermodynamics: jermodunamik.
thermoelasticity: jermoelastikthta.
thesis: jsh.
Church's thesis:

theta: jta.

theta function:

jsh tou


sun rthsh jta.

thick: paqc.
thin: leptc.

thin lm: lept umnio.

third: tr toc.

third invariant: tr th anallo wth.

third kind: tr to e doc.

thixotropic: jixotropikc.
three: tr a, treic.
three-dimensional: tridi statoc, trisdi statoc.
three-dimensional space:

tridi statoc qroc.

three-dimensionality: to tridi stato.

threshold: katfli.
thumb: ant qeirac.
rule of thumb: empeirikc kannac.

tide: pal rroia.

solar tide:

hliak pal rroia.

tight: sfiktc, stenc.

tight bound: sten fr gma.

tight probability sequence: sfikt akolouj a pijanthtac.

tightness: sfiktthta, stenthta.

tiling: plakstrwsh (Gewm., Plhr.).

tiling problem: prblhma plakstrwshc.

tiling system: ssthma plakstrwshc.
bounded tiling: fragmnh plakstrwsh.
partial tiling: merik plakstrwsh.
semiregular tiling: hmikanonik  hmiomal plakstrwsh.
kstrwsh (Archimedean tiling).
regular tiling: kanonik  omal plakstrwsh.

tilt: kl nw.
tilted: keklimnoc.

Anafretai ep shc kai wc arqimdeia pla-

time: qrnoc.

time antithesis: qronik ant jesh.

time comparability: qronik sugkrisimthta.
time dependent: qronik exarthmnoc  metaballmenoc, xronometaballmenoc, metabatikc (transient).
time derivative: qronik par gwgoc.
time discrete: qronodiakritc.
time discretization: qronodiakritopo hsh.
time independent: qronik anex rthtoc, st simoc (steady state).
time marching: qronopreush.
time marching scheme: mjodoc qronopreushc.
time reversal: qronik anastrof.
time series: qronoseir .
time step: qronik bma.
time step size: qronik bma, pl toc qroniko bmatoc.
deterministic time: nteterministikc qrnoc.
polynomial time: poluwnumikc qrnoc.
reaction time: qrnoc antidr sewc.
residence time: qrnoc paramonc.
response time: qrnoc apkrishc.
response time distribution: katanom qrnou apkrishc.
space-time: qwrqronoc.
stopping time: qrnoc termatismo  diakopc.
waiting time: qrnoc anamonc.

timewise: qronikc.

timewise variation: qronik metabol.

tolerance: anoq. Se merik bibl a, antoq.

tolerance distribution: katanom anoqc.

tolerance factor: par gontac anoqc.
tolerance interval: di sthma anoqc.
tolerance limits: ria anoqc.
lower tolerance limit: kattero rio anoqc.
non-parametric tolerance limits: aparametrik ria anoqc.
upper tolerance limit: antero rio anoqc.

tomography: tomograf a.
top: koruf, strboc, sbora.
top-down parser:

topic: jma.

selected topics:

suntaktikc analutc ap p nw proc ta k tw.

epilegmna jmata.

topological: topologikc.

topological completeness: topologik plhrthta.

topological dynamics: topologik dunamik.
topological geometry: topologik gewmetr a.

topological group: topologik om da.

topological invariant: topologik anallo wth.
topological manifold: topologik pollaplthta.
topological mapping: topologik apeiknish.
topological property: topologik idithta.
topological space: topologikc qroc.
topological transformation: topologikc metasqhmatismc.

topology: topolog a.

algebraic topology: algebrik topolog a.

combinatorial topology: sunduastik topolog a.
countable topology: arijmsimh topolog a.
discrete topology: diakrit topolog a.
general topology: genik topolog a.
relative topology: sqetik topolog a.
strong topology: isqur topolog a.
uniform topology: omal topolog a.
weak topology: asjenc topolog a.

toroidal: toroeidc.

toroidal coordinates:

toroeide c suntetagmnec.

torque: rop.
torsion: stryh.

torsion coe cient: suntelestc stryhc.

free torsion: elejerh stryh.
geodesic torsion: gewdaisiak stryh.
radius of torsion: akt na stryewc.

torsional: streptikc.
torsional ow:

peristrofik ro (sun.

swirling ow).

tori: troi, spe rec, bl. torus.

toric: torikc.
toric variety:

torik e doc  torik pollaplthta.

torus (pl. tori): troc, samprla, spe ra (bl. Anchor ring).

total: olikc, sunolikc, olik (gia jroisma), jroisma.

total curvature: olik kampulthta (sun. integral curvature kai curvature integra).
total derivative: olik par gwgoc.
total determination: olikc prosdiorismc.
total dierential: olik  tleio diaforik.
total order: olik di taxh.
total probability: olik pijanthta.
total variation: olik kmansh (Stat.).

totally: olikc.

totally bounded: olikc fragmnoc.

totally connected: olikc sunektikc.

totient: tosost, tosostik sun rthsh, sun rthsh  tou Euler.

totitive: tosostikc.
tour: diadrom.
trace: qnoc, eggraf (plhroforik).
trace of a line: qnoc euje ac.
trace of a matrix: qnoc (tetragwniko) p naka.
trace theorem: jerhma qnouc.

track: qnoc.

actual track:

pragmatik qnoc.

traction: lxh, efelkusmc.

tractrix: lkousa (kamplh).
trac: kuklofor a, k nhsh.

tra c intensity: ntash kuklofor ac.

data tra c: kuklofor a dedomnwn.

trajectory: troqi .

orthogonal trajectories:

orjogniec troqic.

trans-: uper-, meta- (prjema).

transcend: uperba nw.
transcendence: uprbash, uperbatikthta.
transcendence basis: uperbatik b sh.

transcendency: uprbash, uperbatikthta. Sun. transcendence.

transcendental: uperbatikc, mh algebrikc.
transcendental closure: uperbatik jkh  kleistthta.
transcendental equation: uperbatik ex swsh.
transcendental function: uperbatik (mh algebrik) sun rthsh.
transcendental number: uperbatikc (mh algebrikc) arijmc.

transducer: metasqhmatistc.
nite-state transducer:

metasqhmatistc peperasmnwn katast sewn.

transfer: 1. metafor . 2. metafrw.

transfer function: sun rthsh metafor c.

heat transfer: met dosh  metafor jermthtac.

transference: metafor . Sun. transfer:

transnite: uperpeperasmnoc.

transnite induction: uperpeperasmnh epagwg.

transnite number: uperpeperasmnoc arijmc.
transnite recursion: uperpeperasmnh anadrom.

transform: 1. metasqhmat zw. 2. metasqhmatismnh, metasqhmatismnoc. 3. metasqhmatismc.

cosine transform: sunhmitonoeidc metasqhmatismnh (Fourier).
Fourier transform: metasqhmatismnh Fourier.
inverse Fourier transform: ant strofh metasqhmatismnh Fourier.
inverse Laplace transform: ant strofh metasqhmatismnh Laplace.
inverse transform: ant strofh metasqhmatismnh.
Laplace transform: metasqhmatismnh Laplace.
sine transform: hmitonoeidc metasqhmatismnh (Fourier).

transformation: metasqhmatismc, apeiknish (mapping), sun rthsh (function).

adjoint transformation: suzugc  prosarthmnh apeiknish  metasqhmatismc.

a ne transformation: susqetismnoc metasqhmatismc.
bilinear transformation: digrammikc metasqhmatismc.
canonical transformation: kanonikc metasqhmatismc.
conformal transformation: smmorfoc metasqhmatismc.
congruence transformation: metasqhmatismc omoithtac.
covering transformation: metasqhmatismc k luyhc (sun. deck transformation).
deck transformation: metasqhmatismc k luyhc (sun. covering transformation).
division transformation: metasqhmatismc dia reshc.
elementary transformation: stoiqeidhc pr xh (operation)  metasqhmatismc.
equiangular transformation: isognioc metasqhmatismc.
explicit transformation: analutc  mesoc metasqhmatismc.
Fourier transformation: metasqhmatismc Fourier.
homogeneous transformation: omogenc metasqhmatismc.
homothetic transformation: omoiojetikc metasqhmatismc.
Householder transformation: metasqhmatismc tou Householder  stoiqeidhc anaklastc (elementary reector).
identity transformation: tautotikc metasqhmatismc.
innitesimal transformation: apeirostc metasqhmatismc.
inverse Fourier transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatismc Fourier.
inverse Laplace transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatismc Laplace.
inverse transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatismc.
inverse sine transformation: metasqhmatismc txou hmitnou.
inverse tanh transformation: metasqhmatismc txou uperbolikc efaptomnhc.
inversion transformation: metasqhmatismc antistrofc.
involutory transformation: eneliktikc metasqhmatismc.
isogonal a ne transformation: isognioc susqetismnoc metasqhmatismc.
isogonal transformation: isognioc metasqhmatismc.
isoparametric transformation: isoparametrik apeiknish.
Laplace transformation: metasqhmatismc Laplace.
linear transformation: grammikc metasqhmatismc.
monotone transformation: montonoc metasqhmatismc.
natural transformation: fusik apeiknish  metasqhmatismc.
non-singular transformation: mh idi zousa  omal apeiknish.
one-to-one transformation: na proc na  amfimonosmantoc  amfimontimoc metasqhmatismc.
orthogonal transformation: orjognioc metasqhmatismc.
projective transformation: probolikc metasqhmatismc.
random orthogonal transformation: tuqa oc orjognioc metasqhmatismc.
rational transformation: rhtc metasqhmatismc.

reducible transformation: anaggimoc metasqhmatismc.

sigmoidal transformation: sigmoeidc metasqhmatismc.
similarity transformation: metasqhmatismc omoithtac.
similitude transformation: metasqhmatismc omoithtac.
singular transformation: idi zwn metasqhmatismc.
symmetric transformation: summetrikc metasqhmatismc.
topological transformation: topologikc metasqhmatismc.
unitary transformation: orjomonadia a apeiknish.
zero transformation: mhdenikc metasqhmatismc  apeiknish (mapping).

transformed: metasqhmatismnoc.
transformer: metasqhmatistc.
transient: metabatikc.

transient ow: metabatik ro.

transient solution: metabatik lsh.
transient state: metabatik kat stash.

transit: di bash.
transition: met bash, allag, met ptwsh (fusik).

transition function: sun rthsh met bashc.

transition matrix: p nakac met bashc  p nakac allagc b shc (change of basis matrix).
transition probability: pijanthta met bashc.
transition relation: sqsh met bashc.
beta transitions: metaptseic bta (fusik).
compatible transitions: sumbatc metab seic.
phase transition: met bash f shc.

transitional: metabatikc.
transitive: metabatikc.

transitive closure: metabatik kleistthta.

transitive property: metabatik idithta.
transitive relation: metabatik sqsh.
reexive transitive closure: anaklastik metabatik kleistthta.

transitively: metabatik .
transitivity: metabatikthta.

stochastic transitivity: stoqastik metabatikthta.

translate: 1. metafrw (metatop zw par llhla). 2. metafr zw.

translation: 1. metafor (par llhlh metatpish). 2. met frash.

translation of axes: metafor axnwn.

translation parameter: par metroc metafor c.
solid-body translation: metafor  par llhlh metatpish stereo smatoc, mh elastik metafor ,
kampth metafor .

transmission: met dosh, di dosh, metafor .

transmittance: diaperatthta.

transparency: diaf neia.

transparent: diafanc.
transport: metafor , metafrw.

transport phenomena: fainmena metafor c.

transport theorem: jerhma metafor c (tou Reynolds).
mass transport: metafor m zac.
momentum transport: metafor ormc.

transpose: 1. an strofoc. 2. anastrfw, metatop zw, metajtw.

transpose matrix: an strofoc p nakac.

conjugate transpose matrix: anastrofosuzugc p nakac, suzugc an strofoc p nakac.

transposed: anestrammnoc, metatopismnoc, metatejeimnoc.

transposed matrix: anestrammnoc p nakac.

transposition: anastrof, metafor , met jesh.

transvariation: diametablhtthta.
transversal: egk rsioc, diatmnousa (egk rsia gramm).
transversality: egkarsithta.
transversality condition:

sunjkh egkarsithtac.

transverse: egk rsioc, pl gioc.

transverse axis: egk rsioc xonac.

transverse section: egk rsia tom.
transverse vibration: egk rsia tal ntwsh.
transverse wave: egk rsio kma.

transversely: egk rsia, pl gia.

transversely isotropic: egk rsia istropoc.

trapezium (pl. trapeziums or trapezia): trapezoeidc (USA), trapzio (British).

isosceles trapezium: isoskelc trapzio (British).

trapezoid: trapzio (USA), trapezoeidc (British).

isosceles trapezoid: isoskelc trapezoeidc (USA).

trapezoidal: trapezoeidc, tou trapez ou.

trapezoidal formula: tpoc tou trapez ou.

trapezoidal method: mjodoc tou trapez ou.
trapezoidal rule: kannac tou trapez ou.
composite trapezoidal rule formula: snjetoc tpoc tou trapez ou.

traveling: odewn, periodewn.

traveling salesman problem: prblhma periodeontoc pwlht  prblhma emporiko antiprospou.

traveling wave: odeon kma.

treatment: spoud, melth, agwg, metaqe rish.

tree: dntro.
tree diagram: dentrodi gramma.
evolutionary tree: exeliktik dntro.
parse tree: suntaktik dntro (plhroforik).

trefoil: tr fullo. Sun. trifolium.

trend: t sh, rop.

trend tting: prosarmog t shc.

rational trend: rht t sh.
secular trend: dihnekc t sh.

tri-: tri(s)- (prjema).

triad: tri da.

circular triad: kuklik tri da.

triadic: triadikc. Sun. ternary.

triadic Cantor set:

triadik snolo

Cantor. Sun. Cantor ternary set.

trial: dokim, prosp jeia, dokimastikc.

trial and error: dokim kai sf lma.

trial and error method: mjodoc dokimc kai sf lmatoc.
trial function: sun rthsh dokimc.
Bernoulli trial: dokim Bernoulli.
independent trials: anex rthtec dokimc.

triangle: tr gwno.

triangle inequality: trigwnik anisthta.

triangle test: trigwnikc legqoc.
acute triangle: oxugnio tr gwno.
birectangular spherical triangle: ditetragwnik sfairik tr gwno.
equilateral triangle: ispleuro tr gwno.
geodesic triangle: gewdaisiak tr gwno.
isosceles triangle: isoskelc tr gwno.
medial triangle: bl. median triangle.
median triangle: to tr gwno me korufc ta msa twn pleurn trignou, sun. medial triangle.
nested triangles: diktuwmna tr gwna.
oblique triangle: mh orjognio tr gwno.
obtuse triangle: ambleignio tr gwno.
plane triangle: ep pedo tr gwno.
polar triangle: polik tr gwno.
quadrantal spherical triangle: tetartokuklik sfairik tr gwno.
scalene triangle: skalhn tr gwno.
similar triangles: moia tr gwna.
spherical triangle: sfairik tr gwno.

triangulable: trigwn simoc, trigwnopoisimoc.


triangulability: trigwnisimthta, trigwnopoihsimthta.

triangular: trigwnikc, tr gwnoc.

triangular element: trigwnik stoiqe o.

triangular matrix: trigwnikc p nakac.
triangular pyramid: trigwnik puram da.
triangular wave function: trigwnik kumatik sun rthsh.
lower-triangular matrix: k tw trigwnikc p nakac.
upper-triangular matrix: nw trigwnikc p nakac.

triangularity: trigwnikthta.
triangulate: trigwnopoi, trigwn zw.
triangulation: trigwnopo hsh, trigwnismc.
triaxial: triaxonikc.
tribological: tribologikc.
tribology: tribolog a.
trichotomy: triqotom a.
trick: tqnasma.
trifolium: tr fullo. Sun. trefoil.
trigon: tr gwno (arq., des triangle).
trigonal: trigwnikc.
trigonometric: trigwnometrikc (sun. circular kai cyclometric).

trigonometric approximation: trigwnometrik prosggish.

trigonometric equations: trigwnometrikc exisseic.
trigonometric expansion: trigwnometrik an ptugma.
trigonometric functions: trigwnometrikc  kuklikc (circular)  gwniometrikc (cyclometric) sunartseic.

trigonometric substitution: trigwnometrik antikat stash.

inverse trigonometric function: ant strofh trigwnometrik sun rthsh.

trigonometrical: trigwnometrikc.
trigonometrically: trigwnometrik .
trigonometry: trigwnometr a.

spherical trigonometry: sfairik trigwnometr a.

tridiagonal: tridiagnioc.

tridiagonal matrix: tridiagnioc p nakac.

trihedral: tr edroc, triedrikc.

trihedron (pl. trihedrons or trihedra): tr edro.
moving trihedron:

kinomeno tr edro.

trilateral: tr pleuroc.
trilinear: trigrammikc.

trilinear form: trigrammik morf.


trimmed: xakrismnoc.

trimmed mean: xakrismnoc msoc.

trimming: x krisma.
trimodal: trikrufoc.

trimodal distribution:

trikrufh katanom.

trinodal: tr komboc.
trinomial: trinumo, triwnumikc.
trinomial distribution:

triwnumik katanom.

triple: tri da, triplc, tripl sioc, triplasi zw.

triple comparisons: triplc sugkr seic.

triple integral: tripl oloklrwma.
triple lattice: tripl plgma.
triple lattice: tripl kigkl dwma.
triple point: tripl shme o.
triple precision: tripl akr beia.
triple root: tripl r za.
ordered triple: diatetagmnh tri da.
primitive Pythagorean triple basik  prwtarqik pujagreia tri da.
scalar triple product: mikt ginmeno (dianusm twn)  yeudoarijmhtik (pseudoscalar)
arijmhtik tripl ginmeno.
vector triple product: disexwterik ginmeno  dianusmatik tripl ginmeno.

triplet: tri da.

ordered triplet:

diatetagmnh tri da.

triplicate: triplc, triplasi zw.

triplication: triplasiasmc.
triplicity: triplthta.
triply: tripl .
trirectangular: trisorjognioc.
trisect: triqotom, diair eic tr a (sunjwc sa) mrh.
trisecting: triqotmhsh.
trisecting the angle: triqotmhsh gwn ac.

trisection: triqotmhsh.
trisector: triqotmoc.
trisectrix: triqotomosa (kamplh).
trivial: tetrimmnoc.

trivial case: tetrimmnh per ptwsh.

trivial cycle: tetrimmnoc kkloc.
trivial ideal: tetrimmno idedec.
trivial solution: tetrimmnh lsh.
trivial subgroup: tetrimmnh upoom da.


trivial subspace:

tetrimmnoc upqwroc.

triviality: (to) tetrimmno.

trochoid: troqoeidc.

prolate trochoid: ep mhkec troqoeidc.

trough: ko lwma, koil da.

true: alhjc.

true mean: alhjc msoc.

true regression: alhjc palindrmhsh.
vacuously true statement: prtash alhjc me ken trpo, adi fora alhjc prtash.

truth: aljeia.

truth table: alhjop nakac, p nakac aljeiac, p nakac timn aljeiac.

truth value: tim aljeiac, alh0otim.
appropriate truth assignment: kat llhlh apdosh timn aljeiac.

truncate: apokbw, kolobnw.

truncated: klouroc, apokommnoc, kolobc.

truncated cone: apokommnoc  klouroc knoc.

truncated cube: apokommnoc  klouroc kboc.
truncated cuboctahedron: apokommno  klouro kubookt edro.
truncated dodecahedron: apokommno  klouro dwdek edro.
truncated icosahedron: apokommno  klouro eikos edro.
truncated icosidodecahedron: apokommno  klouro eikosidwdek edro.
truncated octahedron: apokommno  klouro okt edro.
truncated polyhedron: apokommno  klouro poledro.
truncated pyramid: apokommnh  klourh puram da.
truncated series: apokommnh seir , kolob seir .
truncated tetrahedron: apokommno  klouro tetr edro.

truncation: apokop, perikop.

truncation error: sf lma apokopc.

global truncation error: kajolik sf lma apokopc.
local truncation error: topik sf lma apokopc.

Tschirnhausen, (1651-1708)
tunnel: tonel, sragga.
air tunnel:

aerodunamik sragga.

turbulence: trbh.
turbulent: turbdhc.
turbulent ow:

turbdhc ro.

Turing, A.M. (1912-1954)

Turing-computable function: Turing upolog simh sun rthsh.

Turing-decidable language: apofas simh glssa kat Turing, Turing apofas simh glssa.

Turing machine: mhqan Turing.

Turing machine with multiple heads: mhqan Turing me pollaplc kefalc.
Turing-undecidable language: mh apofas simh glssa kat Turing, Turing mh apofas simh glssa.
nondeterministic Turing machine: mh nteterministik mhqan Turing.
universal Turing machine: pagksmia mhqan Turing.

turning: .

turning point:

shme o kampc.

twice: d c, do forc.

twin: d dumoc.

twin primes: d dumoi prtoi (arijmo ).

twinned: d dumoc.

twinned distributions:

d dumec katanomc.

twist: sustrof, sustrfw.

twisted: sunestrammnoc.
two: do.
two-dimensional: didi statoc, disdi statoc.
two-dimensional space:

didi statoc qroc.

two-dimensionality: to didi stato.

two-norm: do-nrma.
two-parameter: diparametrikc, do paramtrwn.

two-parameter approximation: diparametrik prosggish.

two-phase: difasikc, do f sewn.

two-phase ow: difasik ro.

two-phase sampling: deigmatolhy a do f sewn.

two-point: do shme wn.

two-point boundary value problem: prblhma do sunoriakn timn.

two-point interpolation: parembol do shme wn.

two-sided: amf pleuroc  d pleuroc.

two-sided hypothesis: amf pleurh upjesh.

two-sided ideal: amf pleuro  d pleuro idedec.
two-sided surface: d pleurh epif neia.
two-sided test: amf pleuroc legqoc.

two-step: dibhmatikc.

two-step method: dibhmatik mjodoc.

two-tailed: d pleuroc.
two-tailed test:

d pleuroc legqoc.


two-way: do kateujnsewn, amf dromoc.

two-way classication: taxinmhsh kat do par gontec.

two-way innite tape: peirh tain a do kateujnsewn.

type: tpoc, e doc.

type bias: merolhy a tpou.

type-I error: sf lma tpou I.
type-II error: sf lma tpou II.

typical: tupikc.
typo: tupografik l joc.
typography: tupograf a.

digital typography: yhfiak tupograf a.

ulterior: metagensteroc, apteroc.
ultimate: telikc, sqatoc, teleuta oc, jemelidhc.
ultimate cluster:

telik sust da.

ultimately: telik , jemeliwdc.

ultimately dense:

telik puk'noc.

ultra-: uper-.
ultralter: uperf ltro.
ultrapower: uperdnamh.
ultraproduct: uperginmeno.
ultrathin: uprleptoc.

ultrathin lm: uprlepto umnio.

ultraspherical: upersfairikc.

ultraspherical coe cient: upersfairikc suntelestc.

ultraspherical polynomial: upersfairik polunumo.

ultraviolet: uperidhc.
umbilic: omfalik shme o (sun. umbilical point).
umbilical: omfalikc.
umbilical point:

omfalik shme o.


umbra: ski (planth).

unambiguous: mh diforomenoc.

unambiguous context-free grammar: diforomenh grammatik qwr c sumfrazmena.

unary: monomelc, monadia oc (sun. monadic kai singulary).

unary notation: monadia oc sumbolismc.
unary operation: monomelc pr xh.
unary relation: monomelc  monadia a sqsh,
one-place predicate).

kathgrhma miac jshc (sun.

monadic relation

unbiased: amerlhptoc.

unbiased estimate: amerlhpth ekt mhsh.

unbiased estimator: amerlhpth ektimtria.
absolutely unbiased: apoltwc amerlhptoc.
absolutely unbiased estimator: apoltwc amerlhpth ektimtria.

unbiasedness: amerolhy a.
unbounded: mh fragmnoc.

unbounded domain: mh fragmno qwr o.

unbounded function: mh fragmnh sun rthsh.
unbounded interval: mh fragmno di sthma.
unbounded set: mh fragmno snolo.

unbranched: apodiakladwmnoc.
unbranched covering:

apodiakladwmnh k luyh.

uncertainty: abebaithta.

uncertainty interval: di sthma abebaithtac.

uncomputability: mh upologisimthta.
uncomputable: mh upolog simoc.
unconditional: adsmeutoc, qwr c sunjkec  rouc.

unconditional basic sequence: adsmeuth basik akolouj a.

unconditional basis: adsmeuth b sh.
unconditional convergence: adsmeuth sgklish.
unconditional stability: adsmeuth eust jeia.

unconditionally: adsmeuta, qwr c sunjkec  rouc.

unconditionally stable:

adsmeuta eustajc.

unconjugated: aposunezeugmnoc.

unconjugated nite element method: mjodoc aposunezeugmnwn peperasmnwn stoiqe wn.

uncorrelated: asusqtistoc.

uncorrelated random variables: asusqtistec  orjogniec tuqa ec metablhtc.



uncountable: mh arijmsimoc, mh metrsimoc.

uncountable set:

mh arijmsimo  mh metrsimo snolo.

uncountably: mh arijmsima, mh metrsima.

undamped: qwr c apsbesh.

undamped motion: k nhsh qwr c apsbesh.

undecidability: mh anadromikthta (logik).

undecidable: mh apofas simoc, mh algorijmikc  mh apantsimoc (logik).

undecidable language: mh apofas simh glssa.

Turing-undecidable language: mh apofas simh glssa kat Turing, Turing mh apofas simh glssa.

underdamped: arg aposbhnmenoc, me asjen apsbesh.

underdamped motion: k nhsh me asjen apsbesh.

underdamping: upoapsbesh.
underdetermined: upokajorismnoc, upoprosdiorismnoc.
underdetermined system:

upokajorismno ssthma.

underow: upoqe lish. underow error: sf lma upoqe lishc.

underrelaxation: upoqal rwsh.
underrelaxation method:

mjodoc upoqal rwshc.

underwater: upobrqioc.
underwater acoustics:

upobrqia akoustik.

undetermined: aprosdiristoc, prosdioristoc.

method of undetermined coe cients:

mjodoc twn prosdioristwn suntelestn.

undirected: mh kateujunmenoc.
undirected graph:

mh kateujunmeno gr fhma.

undulation: kum twsh, kmansh (sun. corrugation).

undulated: kumatoeidc (sun. corrugated).
unequal: nisoc.
unequally: nisa.

unequally spaced: anisapqontec.

unequally spaced arguments: anisapqonta or smata.

unexplained: mh epexhghmnoc.

unexplained variation: uploiph metabol.

uniaxial: monoaxonikc, mon xonac.

uniaxial crystal:

mon xonac krstalloc.


uniaxial ow:

monaxonik ro.

unidirectional: miac katejunshc, monokateujuntikc.

unication: enopo hsh.
unication algorithm: algrijmoc enopo hshc.
unication theorem: jerhma enopo hshc.

unied: enopoihmnoc.
unier: enopoihtc.
uniform: omoimorfoc, omalc.

uniform acceleration: omal epit qunsh.

uniform approximation: omoimorfh prosggish.
uniform circular motion: omal kuklik k nhsh.
uniform continuity: omoimorfh sunqeia.
uniform convergence: omoimorfh sgklish.
uniform distribution: omoimorfh katanom.
uniform ow: omoimorfh ro.
uniform norm: omoimorfh nrma.
uniform scale: omoimorfh kl maka.
uniform topology: omal topolog a.
quasi-uniform: oione omoimorfoc, oione omalc.

uniformity: omoiomorf a, omalthta.

uniformly: omoimorfa, omal .

uniformly accelerated motion: omal epitaqunmenh k nhsh.

uniformly continuous function: omoimorfa suneqc sun rthsh.
uniformly convergent sequence: omoimorfa sugkl nousa akolouj a.
uniformly distributed random variable: omoimorfa katanemhmnh tuqa a metablht.

unify: enopoi.

unied theory:

enopoihmnh jewr a.

unilateral: monpleuroc, monomerc.

unilateral constraint:

monpleuroc periorismc.

unimodal: monokrufoc.
unimodal property:

monokrufh idithta.

unimodality: to monokrufo.
unimodular: me mtro th monada.

unimodular coe cient: suntelestc me mtro mon da.

unimodular matrix: p nakac me or zousa mon da.

uninteresting: mh endiafrwn.
uninteresting numbers:

mh endiafrontec arijmo .


union: nwsh.

union of sets:

nwsh sunlwn.

unique: monadikc, monosmantoc.

unique factorization: monosmanth paragontopo hsh.

unique solution: monadik lsh.

uniquely: monadik , kat trpo monadik, monosmanta.

uniquely dened:

monosmanta orismnoc.

uniqueness: monadikthta, (to) monosmanto.

existence and uniqueness: parxh kai monadikthta.

uniqueness of solution: monadikthta lshc.
uniqueness theorem: jerhma monadikthtac.

unit: mon da, monadia oc, tautotikc.

unit circle: monadia oc kkloc.

unit disk: monadia oc d skoc.
unit dyad: monadia a du da.
unit element: monadia o stoiqe o.
unit error: monadia o sf lma.
unit function: monadia a sun rthsh.
unit interval: monadia o di sthma.
unit matrix: monadia oc  tautotikc p nakac.
unit normal: monadia a k jeth.
unit sphere: monadia a sfa ra ( mp la).
unit square: monadia o tatr gwno.
unit step: monadia o bma.
unit step function: sun rthsh monadia ou bmatoc.
unit tensor: tautotikc  monadia oc tanustc, tanustc antikat stashc (sun. identity  substitution
unit vector: monadia o  kanonik di nusma.
absolute units: aplutec mon dec.
additive unit: prosjetik mon da.
group unit: mon da om dac.
imaginary unit: fantastik mon da.
standard unit: tupik mon da.

unitarily: orjomonadia a.

unitarily similar: orjomonadia a moioi.

unitarily similar matrices: orjomonadia a moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices).

unitary: monadia oc, orjomonadia oc, orjokanonikc.

unitary analysis: monadia a an lush.

unitary group: monadia a om da.
unitary matrix: orjomonadia oc p nakac, orjokanonikc p nakac.
unitary similarity: orjomonadia a omoithta.
unitary space: monadia oc qroc.

unitary transformation: orjomonadia a apeiknish.

unitemporal: monoqronikc.
unity: mon da, monadia o  tautotik  oudtero stoiqe o (tou pollaplasiasmo).
unity method: mjodoc thc mon dac.
ring with unity: daktlioc me monadia o ( tautotik) stoiqe o, 1-daktlioc.

univariate: miac metablhtc, monometablhtc.

universality: kajolikthta.
universal: pagksmioc, kajolikc.

universal algebra: kajolik lgebra.

universal constant: pagksmia stajer .
universal covering: kajolik k luyh.
universal law of gravitation: nmoc thc pagksmiac lxhc.
universal quantication: kajolik posondeixh.
universal quantier: kajolikc posode kthc.
universal set: basik snolo  basikc qroc.
universal Taylor series: kajolikc seirc Taylor.

universally: kajolik .
universe: smpan, plhjusmc, olthta.

universe of discourse: basik snolo  basikc qroc, (sun. domain of quantication).

free universe: elejero smpan.

unknown: gnwstoc.

unknown constant: gnwsth stajer .

unknown function: gnwsth sun rthsh.
nodal unknown: kombikc gnwstoc.

unlabeled: mh seshmasmnoc, qwr c epigraf, qwr c etiktta.

unlike: anmoioc, diaforetikc, nisoc.
unlike powers:

nisec dun meic.

unlikelyhood: apijanof neia.

unlikelyhood ratio: lgoc apijanofanein.

unmarked: ashme wtoc, ashm deutoc.

unperturbed: mh diataragmnoc.
unpolarized: mh polwmnoc.
unpredictable: aprbleptoc.
unrestricted: qwr c periorismoc.

unrestricted grammar: grammatik qwr c periorismoc.

unsatisability: mh ikanopoihsimthta.

unsatisability: nmoc mh ikanopoihsimthtac.


unsatisable: mh ikanopoisimoc.

unsatisable formula: mh ikanopoisimoc tpoc.

unsaturated: akrestoc.
unsolvability: mh epilusimthta.
unsolvable: mh epilsimoc.

unsolvable problem: mh epilsimo prblhma.

unstable: astajc.

unstable algorithm: astajc algrijmoc.

unstable equilibrium: astajc isorrop a.
unstable oscillations: astaje c talantseic.
unstable solution: astajc lsh.
unstable system: astajc ssthma.
globally unstable: kajolik astajc.
locally unstable: topik astajc.

unsteady: mh mnimoc, metabatikc, mh stajerc, mh st simoc.

unsteady ow:

mh mnimh ro  metabatik ro.

unstructured: mh domhmnoc.

unstructured algorithm: mh domhmnoc algrijmoc.

unstructured method: mh domhmnh mjodoc.

unsymmetric: mh summetrikc, asmmetroc.

up: nw, p nw.
update: enhmernw, ananenw.
update operation:

pr xh ananwshc.

upper: nw, anteroc.

upper bound: nw fr gma  nw prac.

upper condence limit: antero rio empistosnhc.
upper limit: antero rio.
upper tolerance limit: antero rio anoqc.
upper-triangular matrix: nw trigwnikc p nakac.
essential upper bound: ousidec nw fr gma.
least upper bound: el qisto nw fr gma  supremum.

upstream: an nth.
upward: anodikc.

upward Lovenheim-Skolem theorem: anodik jerhma twn Lovenheim-Skolem.

upwards: proc ta p nw.

upwind: .
upwind algorithm: .


upwinding: .
urelement: tomo, stoiqe o pou den e nai snolo (logik).
Urysohn, Paul (1898-1924)
Urysohn lemma: lmma tou Urysohn.
Urysohn theorem: jerhma tou Urysohn.

use: qrsh, qrhsimopoi.

vs. (Lat. versus): enant on, wc proc.
vacuous: kenc.
vacuousness: kenthta.
vacuously: kenc, me ken trpo.

vacuously true statement: prtash alhjc me ken trpo, adi fora alhjc prtash.

vacuum: ken.
valid: isqw, isqwn, gkuroc.

valid formula: gkuroc tpoc.

valid results: gkura apotelsmata.

validate: epikurnw.
validation: epikrwsh.
validity: isqc, kroc.
valuation: ekt mhsh.
value: tim, ax a.

absolute value: apluth tim.

boundary value: sunoriak tim.
boundary value problem: prblhma sunoriakn timn.
Cauchy principal value: prwteousa tim tou Cauchy.
characteristic value: qarakthristik tim, idiotim (bl. eigenvalue).
complex valued: migadikc.
complex-valued function: migadik sun rthsh.
critical value: kr simh tim.
dividing value: diaqwristik tim.
expected value: anamenmenh  prosdokmenh  prosdokhtc  msh tim  majhmatik elp da.
extreme value: akrtath tim.
initial boundary value problem: prblhma arqikn sunoriakn timn.
initial value: arqik tim.
initial value problem: prblhma arqikn timn.

integral mean value theorem: jerhma mshc timc gia oloklhrmata.

intermediate value: endi mesh tim.
intermediate value theorem: jerhma endi meshc timc.
latent value: idiotim (bl. eigenvalue).
many-valued: pleiontimoc.
many-valued function: pleitimh sun rthsh.
matrix-valued function: pinakosun rthsh.
mean value: msh tim.
mean value theorem: jerhma mshc timc.
measure-valued function: metrosun rthsh.
multi-valued function: pleitimh sun rthsh.
multiple-valued function: pleitimh sun rthsh.
numerical value: arijmhtik tim.
present value: parosa  trqousa tim.
principal value: prwteousa tim.
probable value: pijan tim.
proper value: idiotim (bl. eigenvalue).
single-valued: montimoc.
single-valued function: montimh sun rthsh.
starting value: arqik tim, tim narxhc.
truth value: tim aljeiac, alh0otim.
vector-valued function: dianusmatik sun rthsh.

Vandermonde, Theophile (1735-1796)

Vandermonde determinant:

or zousa tou


van Dyck, Walter (1856-1934)

vanish: mhden zw.
vanishing: mhdenizmenoc.

vanishing term: mhdenizmenoc roc.

variability: metablhtthta.
variable: metablht, metablhtc.

variable limits of integration: metablht ria oloklrwshc.

variable step size integration: oloklrwsh metablhto bmatoc.
variable step size method: mjodoc metablhto bmatoc.
action variables: metablhtc dr shc.
canonical variable: kanonik metablht.
cause variable: aitiometablht.
chance variable: tuqa a metablht.
change of variable: allag metablhtc.
complex variable: migadik metablht.
dependent variable: exarthmnh metablht.
discrete variable: diakrit  aparijmht metablht.
dummy variable: boub metablht.
xed-point variable: metablht ak nhthc upodiastolc.
oating-point variable: metablht kinhtc upodiastolc.
free variable: elejerh metablht.

independent variable: anex rthth metablht.

nodal variable: kombik metablht.
normal random variable: kanonik tuqa a metablht.
predetermined variable: prokajorismnh metablht.
primitive variable: arqik  arqgonh metablht.
random variable: tuqa a metablht.
real variable: pragmatik metablht.
response variable: metablht apkrishc.
scalar variable: bajmwt metablht.
separation of variables: qwrismc twn metablhtn.
separation of variables method: mjodoc qwrismo twn metablhtn.
standardized random variable: tupik  tupopoihmnh tuqa a metablht.
stochastic variable: stoqastik  tuqa a metablht (random variable).
tensorial variable: tanustik metablht.
vectorial variable: dianusmatik metablht.

variance: diaspor  diakmansh  metablhtthta.

analysis of variance: an lush diaspor c.
intraclass variance: endodiaspor .
external variance: exwterik diaspor .
minimum variance: el qisth diaspor .
sample variance: deigmatik diaspor .

variant: parallag.
variate: metablht, tuqa a metablht.
variation: metabol. Se bibl a statistikc, qrhsimopoie tai enallaktik o roc kmansh.
bounded variation: fragmnh metabol.
calculus of variations: logismc twn metaboln.
explained variation: palindromik  paragontik metabol.
rst variation: prth metabol.
method of variation of parameters: mjodoc thc metabolc twn stajerw'n.
quartile variation: tetarthmoriak metabol.
superposed variation: upertejeimnh metabol.
systematic variation: susthmatik metabol.
total variation: olik kmansh (Stat.).
total variation distance: apstash olikc kmanshc (Stat.).
unexplained variation: uploiph metabol.

variational: metabolikc.

variational form: metabolik morf.

variational principle: metabolik arq.

variety: 1. e doc  pollaplthta (Alg.). 2. poikil a.

abelian variety: abelian e doc  abelian pollaplthta.

algebraic variety: algebrik e doc  algebrik pollaplthta.
ag variety: e doc  pollaplthta shma ac.
toric variety: torik e doc  torik pollaplthta.

various: di foroc, poik loc.

vary: poik lw, diafrw, metab llomai, all ssw, kuma nomai.
varying: metaballmenoc.
varying acceleration: metaballmenh epit qunsh.
slowly varying: bradwc metaballmenoc.

vector: di nusma, nusma.

vector addition: prsjesh dianusm twn.

vector algebra: dianusmatik lgebra, lgebra dianusm twn.
vector analysis: dianusmatik an lush.
vector bundle: dianusmatik dsmh, dsmh dianusm twn.
vector eld: dianusmatik ped o.
vector function: dianusmatik sun rthsh.
vector interpretation: dianusmatik ermhne a.
vector notation: dianusmatikc sumbolismc.
vector product: dianusmatik  exwterik ginmeno (sun. cross  outer product).
vector potential: dianusmatik dunamik.
vector (or linear) space: dianusmatikc ( grammikc ) qroc.
vector representation: par stash me diansmata.
vector triple product: disexwterik ginmeno  dianusmatik tripl ginmeno.
acceleration vector: di nusma (thc) epit qunshc.
base vector: di nusma b shc.
basis vector: di nsuma b shc.
bound vector: prosarmosmno di nusma.
characteristic vector: qarakthristik di nusma, idiodi nusma (eigenvector).
collinear vectors: sugrramik diansmata.
complete vector eld: plrec dianusmatik ped o.
coplanar vectors: sunep peda diansmata.
components of a vector: sunistsec diansmatoc.
curvature vector: di nusma kampulthtac.
equal vectors: sa diansmata.
free vector: elejero di nusma.
load vector: di nusma fort ou.
magnitude of a vector: mtro  mkoc diansmatoc.
normal vector: k jeto di nusma.
normalized vector: kanonikopoihmno di nusma.
null vector: mhdenik di nusma.
opposite vectors: ant jeta diansmata.
orthogonal vectors: orjognia  k jeta diansmata.
orthonormal vectors: orjokanonik diansmata.
parallel vectors: par llhla diansmata.
perpendicular vectors: k jeta diansmata.
polygon of vectors: polgwno dianusm twn.
position vector: di nusma jsewc  epibatik akt na.
resultant of vectors: sunistamnh dianusm twn.
semicomplete vector eld: hmiplrec dianusmatik ped o.
sliding vector: olisja non di nusma.
solenoidal vector eld: swlhnoeidc dianusmatik ped o.
tangent vector: efaptmeno di nusma.

terminal point of a vector: prac diansmatoc.

unit vector: monadia o  kanonik di nusma.
zero vector: mhdenik di nusma.

vectorial: dianusmatikc.

vectorial variable: dianusmatik metablht.

vector-valued: dianusmatikc.

vector-valued function: dianusmatik sun rthsh.

velocity: taqthta.

velocity eld: ped o taqthtac.

velocity potential: dunamik (thc) taqthtac.
angular velocity: gwniak taqthta.
apparent velocity: fainmenh taqthta.
approach velocity: taqthta prosggishc.
axial velocity: axonik taqthta.
azimuthal velocity: gwniak taqthta.
complex velocity: migadik taqthta.
escape velocity: taqthta diafugc.
instantaneous velocity: stigmia a taqthta.
limiting velocity: oriak taqthta.
phase velocity: taqthta f sewc.
radial velocity: aktinik taqthta.
relative velocity: sqetik taqthta.
terminal velocity: termatik taqthta.

verication: epibeba wsh, epaljeush.

verify: epibebainw, epalhjew.
versatile: euliktoc.
versatility: euelix a.
versiera: enallaktik noma thc m gissac tou Agnessi (bl. witch of Agnessi).
version: ekdoq.
electronic version: hlektronik ekdoq  morf.
stronger version: isqurterh ekdoq.

versus: enant on, wc proc ( vs., lat.).

vertex: koruf.

vertex of a parabola: koruf parabolc.

vertex of a polygon: koruf polugnou.
vertex of a polyhedron: koruf poludrou.

vertical: katakrufoc.

vertical asymptote: katakrufh asmptwth.

via: msw, di msou.

vibrating: pallmenoc, donomenoc, talantomenoc.
vibrating membrane: pallmenh membr nh.


vibrating spring: pallmeno elatrio.

vibrating string: pallmenh qord.

vibration: tal ntwsh, dnhsh, plwsh (optik), kmansh.

forced vibration: exanagkasmnh tal ntwsh (sun. forced oscillation).

longitudinal vibration: diamkhc tal ntwsh.
mode of vibration: trpoc tal ntwshc.
normal modes of vibration: kanoniko trpoi tal ntwshc.
plane of vibration: ep pedo polsewc (optik).
transverse vibration: egk rsia tal ntwsh.

vicenary: eikosadikc.
vicinity: geitoni .
vice versa: kai ant strofa (lat.).
videlicet: dhlad ( viz., lat.).
view: yh.
isometric view: isometrik yh.
oblique view: pl gia yh.

vigesimal: eikosadikc.
vigesimal system:

eikosadik ssthma.

violate: parabi zw.

violation: parab ash.
virtual: eikonikc, kat' ous a  apotlesma, dunatc, fantastikc.
virtual displacement: dunat metatpish.
virtual reality: eikonik pragmatikthta.
virtual work: dunat rgo.
principle of virtual work: arq tou dunato rgou.

viscoelastic: ixwdoelastikc.

viscoelastic ow: ixwdoelastik ro.

viscoelastic uid: ixwdoelastik reust.
viscoelastic model: ixwdoelastik montlo.

viscoelasticity: ixwdoelastikthta.

linear viscoelasticity: grammik ixwdoelastikthta.

viscometric: ixwdometrikc.

viscometric ow: ixwdometrik ro.

viscoplastic: ixwdoplastikc.

viscoplastic ow: ixwdoplastik ro.

viscoplastic uid: ixwdoplastik reust.


viscosity: ixdec.

articial viscosity: teqnht ixdec.

dilatational viscosity: diastaltik ixdec.
eddy viscosity: ixdec d nhc.
extensional viscosity: ektatik ixdec.
shear viscosity: diatmhtik ixdec.

viscous: ixdhc.

viscous ow: ixdhc ro.

viscous uid: ixdec reust.

visibility: oratthta, safneia.

visible: oratc.
visible horizon:

oratc or zontac.

vision: rash, enrash.

viz.: dhlad (videlicet, lat.).
volatile: pthtikc.
volatility: pthtikthta.
volt: bolt.
electron volt:

hlektronik bolt.

volume: gkoc, tou gkou, qwrikc.

volume element: stoiqeidhc gkoc.

volume integral: qwrik  tripl oloklrwma, oloklrwma gkou.
volume of revolution: gkoc ek peristrofc.
control volume: gkoc elgqou.
nite volume: peperasmnoc gkoc.
nite volume method: mjodoc peperasmnwn gkwn elgqou.
mixed volume: miktc gkoc.
specic volume: eidikc gkoc.

volumetric: ogkometrikc.
vortex (pl. vortices): strbiloc, d nh.
vortical: strobildhc, strobilc.
vortices: bl. vortex.
vorticity: strobildec, strobilthta, strobilismc (sun. chirality).


wcg (weakly-compactly generated): asjenc-sumpagc paragmenoc (gia snola).

wlog (without loss of generality): qwr c apleia ( bl bh) thc genikthtac.
wrt (with respect to): wc proc, en sqsei proc, se sqsh me.
wait: anamnw.
waiting: anamon.
waiting time: qrnoc anamonc.



Wallis' product:

ginmeno tou


walk: per patoc, bhmatismc.

random walk: tuqa oc per patoc  bhmatismc.

Warring, E. (1734-1798)
wave: kma, kumatikc.

wave equation: kumatik ex swsh, ex swsh kmatoc.

wave function: kumatosun rthsh  kumatik sun rthsh.
wave mechanics: kumatomhqanik.
wave number: kumatarijmc.
wave operator: kumatikc telestc.
wave propagation: di dosh kmatoc.
acoustical wave: akoustik  hqhtik kma.
carrier wave: fron kma.
electromagnetic wave: hlektromagnhtik kma.
gravitational wave: barutik kma.
half rectied sine wave function: hmianorjwmnh hmitonoeidc kumatosun rthsh.
helical wave: elikoeidc kma.
long waves: makr kmata.
one-way wave: monokateujuntik kma.
permanent wave: mnimo kma.
plane wave: ep pedo kma.
progressive wave: diadidmeno kma.
radio-frequency waves: radiokmata. refracted wave: diajlmeno kma.
saw tooth wave function: prionoeidc kumatosun rthsh.
shallow wave: rhq kma.
short waves: braqa kmata.
sine wave function: hmitonoeidc kumatosun rthsh.
solitary wave: monrec kma.
sound wave: akoustik  hqhtik kma.
spherical wave: sfairik kma.
spiral wave: speiroeidc kma.
square wave: tetragwnik kma.
square wave function: tetragwnik kumatosun rthsh.
standing wave: st simo kma.
stationary wave: st simo kma.
Stokesian wave: kma Stokes.
surface wave: epifaneiak kma.
thermal wave: jermik kma.

transverse wave: egk rsio kma.

traveling wave: odeon kma.
triangular wave: trigwnik kma.
triangular wave function: trigwnik kumatosun rthsh.

waveform: kumatomorf.
wavefront: mtwpo kmatoc.
waveguide: kumatodhgc.
wavelength: mkoc kmatoc.
wavelet: .
wavy: kumatoeidc, kumatdhc.
way: drmoc, trpoc.

one-way: miac katejunshc, monokateujuntikc, mondromoc. Bl. one-way.

two-way: do kateujnsewn, amf dromoc. Bl. two-way.

weak: asjenc, adnatoc.

weak convergence: asjenc sgklish.

weak coupling: asjenc szeuxh.
weak form: asjenc morf.
weak law: asjenc nmoc.
weak law of large numbers: asjenc nmoc twn meg lwn arijmn.
weak match: asjenc sunarmog, asjenc ta riasma.
weak precedence grammar: grammatik asjenn proteraiottwn.
weak problem: asjenc prblhma.
weak solvability: asjenc epilusimthta.
weak topology: asjenc topolog a.

weak*: asjenc*.

weak* convergence:

asjenc* sgklish.

weaken: exasjen zw.

weakly: asjenc.

weakly-compactly generated (wcg): asjenc-sumpagc paragmenoc (gia snola).

weakly coupled problems: asjenc suzeugmna problmata.
weakly representable set: asjenc perigr yimo snolo (sun. numerated set).

web: istc, plgma.

Weber, (-)

Weber's function: sun rthsh tou Weber.

wedge: sfna, sfhnoeidc, aiqm, to smbolo ^.

wedge product:

exwterik ginmeno (exterior product)  sfhnoeidc ginmeno (ap to smbolo

Qrhsimopoie tai se exwterikc lgebrec (exterior algebras).
wedge-shaped: sfhnoeidc, aiqmhrc.
wedge-shaped domain: sfhnoeidc  aiqmhr qwr o.
wedge-shaped region: sfhnoeidc  aiqmhrc tpoc, sfhnoeidc  aiqmhr qwr o.



wedge sum: sfhnoeidc jroisma (Topol.).



Weierstrass M test: kritrio tou Weierstrass.

Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem: jerhma twn Bolzano-Weierstrass.

weighing: epib runsh.

weight: b roc.

weight function: sun rthsh b rouc.

Gauss weights: suntelestc b rouc Gauss, b rh Gauss.
specic weight: eidik b roc.

weighted: stajmismnoc.

weighted average: stajmikc msoc.

Galerkin weighted residuals: stajmismna uploipa Galerkin.

weighting: st jmish.
weighting factor:

par gontac st jmishc, par gontac b rouc.

Weingarten equations: exisseic tou Weingarten.

well: kalc.

well conditioned: kalc kat stashc.

well dened: kalc orismnoc.
well-ordered set: kalc diatetagmno snolo.
well ordering principle: arq thc kalc di taxhc.
well posed problem: kalc topojethmno prblhma.
well-posedness: to kalc topojethmno (problmatoc).
well-solvable problem: kalc epilsimo prblhma.

wheel: troqc.
spur wheel:

odontwtc troqc.

white: leukc.
white noise:

leukc jruboc.

whitening: lekansh.
wide: eurc.

wide angle: eure a gwn a.

wide sense: eure a nnoia.

width: pl toc, eroc, noigma.

angular width: gwniak noigma.

wind: nemoc.

wind-driven circulation: anemogenc kuklofor a.


wing: ptruga.
witch: m gissa.

witch of Agnessi:

m gissa tou


with: me.
withdrawal: apoqrhsh, apsursh.
without: qwr c.

without loss of generality (wlog): qwr c apleia ( bl bh) thc genikthtac.

word: lxh.

word problem: prblhma lxhc.

work: rgo.

principle of virtual work: arq tou dunato rgou.

virtual work: dunat rgo.

working: leitourgikc.

working hypothesis: upjesh ergas ac.

working mean: leitourgikc msoc.

write: gr fw, eggr fw.

write statement:

entol eggrafc (plhroforik).

writing: graf, eggraf.

Wronskian: tou Wronski.

Wronskian: or zousa tou Wronski.

x-axis: xonac twn .


yd: u rda (yard).

yr. (pl. yrs.): toc (year).
y-axis: xonac twn .
yard: u rda.
year: toc.
yield: par gw, upoqwr.
yield stress:

t sh roc  diarroc.

z-axis: xonac twn z.
z-chart: z-q rthc.
z-test: legqoc z.
z-transformation: metasqhmatismc z .
zero: mhdn, r za (ex swshc).

zero-dimensional: mhdenodi statoc, mhdenikc di stashc.

zero function: mhdenik sun rthsh.
zero ideal: mhdenik idedec.
zero matrix: mhdenikc p nakac.
zero mapping: mhdenik apeiknish  metasqhmatismc (transformation).
zero measure: mhdenik mtro.
zero morphism: mhdenikc morfismc.
zero object: mhdenik antike meno.
zero of a polynomial: r za poluwnmou.
zero sum: mhdenik jroisma.
zero sum game: paiqn di mhdeniko ajro smatoc.
zero transformation: mhdenikc metasqhmatismc  apeiknish (mapping).
zero vector: mhdenik di nusma.
absolute zero: apluto mhdn.
distinct zeros: diakekrimnec r zec.
extremal zeros: r zec akrot twn.
simple zero: apl r za.

zeroth: mhdenikc.

zeroth order approximation: prosggish mhdenikc t xhc.

zeta: zta.

zeta distribution: katanom zta.

zeta function: sun rthsh zta.

zodiac: zwdiakc.
zonal: zwnikc, kat znec.

zonal polynomial: polunumo kat znec, zwnik polunumo.

zonal sampling: deigmatolhy a kat znec.

zone: znh.

zone of indierence: znh isoprot mhshc.

zone of preference: znh prot mhshc.
equiaxed zone: isoaxonik znh.


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