Qa Practice Reflection Worksheet

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Practice Reflection worksheet

Use this worksheet to reflect on your practice; you can use more than one if you need to.
You do not have to submit this worksheet to the College if you are selected for Practice Assessment.

Describe an experience, event or change in your practice or practice

setting that was significant to you.

My pre - grad placement is at a walking clinic where patients are seen at a very fast paste, a
different experience from my previous placement settings.
My role as a nurse is to call patients in, triage them and write down the information for the
doctor to see.

What happened?
What was your role?

Based on what you described above, what were your strengths and
what were your areas for improvement?
I feel very comfortable communicating with the patients and triaging them.

My difficulties are related to the time management, the time I dedicate to the patients during
triage is longer than expected by the facility. This is an issue that I am working on and
progressing at.

Areas for improvement

will inform your learning

What input have you received from your peers about your practice?

Even though the length of time I dedicate to my patients might please them, it is not
compatible with the clinics interest and paste of work.
My preceptors feedback made me realize that I need to work more on cutting the triage
time to what would be acceptable for the doctors to continue working at a normal paste.

Consider asking:
Can you give me an
example of what my
learning needs might be?
Consider any feedback
you have received from

Based on your own reflection and the input you received, what are
your learning needs?

1- Learn on focusing more on the immediate need of the patient without expending the
conversation to other health problems.
2- Learn how to avoid answering to many questions that can very well be avoided by
advising them to talk to the doctor.
Based on CNOs Practice Standards, nurses ensure competency by reflecting on and
continuously improving knowledge, skill and judgment in relation to practice.

What do you need to learn

to improve your practice?

Which elements relate to your learning needs?

Advances in technology

Entry-to-practice competencies

Changes in the practice environment

Interprofessional care

Jan 2014

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