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STANDARD TESTING Date of Next Revision : 30-04-2015 ‘SOP No. : VEL/ STP/006-00 ‘Date of Implementation: 01-05-2013 {| a LA eats EROCEDUEE Page :lof3 t TITLE: COLLECTION AND MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF COMPRESSED AIRY 1 BREATHING AIR/ NITROGEN GAS | 1, PURPOSE: | ‘To provide the test procedure for Collection and Microbiological analysis of Compressed air! | Breathing Air/ Nitrogen gas. | I. SCOPE: (UNCONTROLLED COPY 4 ‘This procedure is applicable to all the Microbiological Analysis of Compressed air/ Breathing } Ain/Nitrogen gas samples in Vijaya Enviro Labs. | TL RESPONSIBILITY = | Itis the responsibility of the microbiologist of the Quality Control Department to follow this procedure | while collecting the sample and Microbiological analysis ofthe Compressed Ai / Nitrogen gas for | microbiological content. | Iv. REFERENCE RECORD: i 1. Microbiology Observation Book. | Vv. PROCEDURE: ' 1. EQUIPMENTS FOR COLLECTION OF (COMPRESSED AIR / BREATHING | AIR/NITROGEN GAS: | i, Surface Air Sampler Petri Plates carrier iii, Rota meter iv. Sterilized nylon threaded pipes for sample collection. ——— | 2, SAMPLE COLLECTION: 4 2.1 Prepare Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Agar media for Viable Count as per the instructions | given on the label, follow SOP VEL/WU/SOP/015. | 2.2 Wrap it in the aluminium foil and transport to the site at 4°C. | 23. Flush the Rotameter with Compressed Ait / Nitrogen Gas for $ min atthe flow | rate of 100 ltr /minute | | Prepared By | __ Reviewed By ‘Approved By { | [Name C. Madhuri N. Ramesh Kumar K, Sathish Kumar 4 | [Designation Sr. Analyst — Se. Executive aoe Executive i { Sepa [NAO Be Foutrnt - oh. _ i SOP No. : VEL/ STP/006-00 Date of Implementation: 01-05-2013 STANDARD TESTING Date of Next Revision :30-04-2015 EROCEDURE Page :20f3 TITLE: COLLECTION AND MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF COMPRESSED AIR/ BREATHING AIR/ NITROGEN GAS 3. Connect the nylon threaded pipe to outlet of the Rotameter, NCON TRO LLED co 4. Wipe hands with 70% IPA, wear hand gloves and take “= UNCONTROLLED COPY, bottom of the plate with Date, Time , Test site Address, Plate Code etc., remove the lid and * immediately place on to the Plate Holder, fix it and cover with the sampler cap. 5. Connect the hose pipe from sample point of Compressed air/Nitrogen gas/Breathing air user point to the SAS system inlet through the Rota meter for absorbing 1m” sample. 6. Air is aspirated at a fixed volume of 1m’ through the cap which has been machined with a series of small holes of a special design. 7. The resulting air flow is directed on to the agar surface of a contact plate containing medium consistent with the microbiological examination to be made. 8, When the sampling cycle is completed, the plate is removed from the sampling equipment, replace the lid immediately, seal it with tape and store under 4°C till plates are incubated in the laboratory. 9. Carry one unsampled plate as blank from lab using same means of transport. 10. EXAMINING THE PLATE: 10.1. Incubate the plates for bacterial growth at 37+ 2°C for 3 days. 10.2 Report counts as estimated colony forming units (CFU). 10.3 Report Results as CFU/m’. i. PRECAUTIONS: 11.1. Sterilize the nylon tubes, sample bottles with diluents by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 min before sampling. 11.2 Autoclave all the glassware and media used for this test. 11,3. Wipe the inside of the sampler with a disinfectant between each sampling. OO Prepared By Reviewed By ‘Approved By Name C. Madhuri N. Ramesh Kumar K. Sathish Kumar Designation Sr. Analyst Sr. Executive ; aaitet Executive | Signature pepe A. wi) ne Sone NOT oy | Prune ow Lo | MASTER COPY} [MASTER GUPY | re | SOP No. : VEL/ STP/006-00 } Date of Implementation: 01-05-2013 | [ Date of Implementation: 01-05-2015 _| STANDARD TESTING Date of Next Revision : 30-04-2015 YWJAYA ENVIRO LABS gulity often eeocEa Ee Page 23083 FITLE: COLLECTION AND MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF COMPRESSED AIR/ BREATHING AIR/ NITROGEN GAS. { 4 m\Gy | i muuee © N | 12, CALCULATION OF TOTAL BACTERIAL COUNT! yNcohinye: “ | Volume of air sampled: 1000 litres (1 m°) at the rate TOD ines pers Titres per minute i No of minutes sampled: 10 minutes ‘ 1m’ = 1000 litres | otal Bacterial count (CFU/m®) = No. of colonies on Agar Plate } **CFU: Colony Forming Unit. | 13, DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 18:8873-7 4 | 14, CHANGE HISTORY: | } [SNo. | Existing Doe. No. | Revised Doc. No. ‘Change made | SIP is introduced for Collection and 4 Microbiological Analysis of t |; VEuoERenEe ~ Compressed Ai Breathing Ait/ | Nitrogen. } ‘STP revised with below changes. } 1. STP numbering system changed. } , 2. STP Template changed. t 02 VEL/STP/006 VEL/STP/006-00 3 STP Title modified. i 4, Reference Record included. } 5. Change history included. | 4 { | | Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By | [Name cS pints N. Ramesh Kumar K. Sathish Kumar | Designation Sr, Executive Chief Executive | | Signature Yh J } us ot hes am j Leda Fae\? t ra MASTER CO

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